UX Design vs UI Design - What's The Difference? (2021)

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Hey in this video we're going to look at exactly  what the differences are between UX and UI design   by the end of this video you'll see exactly which  kind of tasks and activities a UX designer and a   UI designer actually undertake and you'll be able  to decide which one might be best suited to you My name is Dee and i've been a UX and UI designer  for over 12 years i've worked all around the world   in tons of different industries for big and small  companies and i'd like to share some insights with   you about what the real differences are between  UX and UI design because these two roles are   often confused because they sound very similar but  there are huge differences before we get started   let me know in the comments which career paths you  might prefer UX or UI and why now let's dive in so first it's important to define these two  terms UX design or user experience design is   about designing the whole experience and ui design  or user interface design is about the aesthetic   experience to give this a tangible example  think about a mobile app that you use every day   a UX designer has helped decide what features what  things would be in that product and how they work   and how you feel while you're using them a ui  designer would have also taken part in designing   that mobile app but they would have thinking  about how things look as you're using them   how much space there is between things how they're  laid out how much information is on each screen   and where to put things so it's easy for you to  click on so it still sounds a little complicated   right both UX and UI designers are designing what  we're using but let's try and break this down to   make it a little bit clearer user experience  and user interface and experience involves   a lot of different things how you feel where you  are what your motivations are in the moment you're   doing them what happens when you do something what  is the reaction there's a lot of things involved   in how you experience anything now let's look at  the word interface an interface is a particular   thing that you make one or more interactions with  think of a remote control with buttons on it think   of the microwave where you have to turn the dial  or press the button to do something that is one   thing that you are interfacing with to achieve  something so this is the real difference between   user experience and user interface and experience  is it has involved so many things and experience   involves the environment how you feel what you  want and all the different ways you can do it   and an interface is that one tangible thing that  you interact with to get something particular done   let's get a bit more tangible with hopefully a  product that most people use every day Spotify   if you use Spotify as a music service you'll be  able to picture exactly what i'm talking about   if Spotify was just getting started today and  they wanted to hire people they would want to hire   UX designers to help understand new ways for  people to listen to music and they would hire   UI designers to visually represent those new  ways of listening in a way that was easy for   people to use so the difference between the UX  designers and UI designers that might work at   Spotify you can imagine they work really  closely together but the UX designers are   understanding people's behavior understanding  music listening needs coming up with concepts for   new ways of addressing those needs and giving them  new ways to make their music listening experience   easier they're designing the experience of  listening to music with Spotify and the UI   designers are still taking all of that information  and this is where there's some overlap but they're   purely focused on the visual representation of  those features those new tools those news ideas   laying them out and visually representing them  so that people can see how to use what they've created. So let's look a little bit more about  the exact tasks that a UX and a UI designer does   where they're really different and where they  overlap so a UX designer starts with research   understanding people understanding customers does  some concepting, workshopping to try different   ideas come up with different concepts to try and  solve the user problems to try and find ways to   improve the user's experience the UI designer  takes on from there and creates the clear visual   representation of all of these things all of  these concepts and these ideas that need to be   visually laid out so a user can see what they need  to do so let's take a look at a real example to   more clearly illustrate what we're talking about  if we look back at Spotify as the example and we   think about hmm what parts would the UX designer  have done and what parts would the UI designer   have done when working on the Spotify app we take  a look at the screen where we've got a playlist   of songs playing and the UX designer would have  been part of deciding how playlists work and what   people want out of playlists how many songs should  be in a playlist how do we get more music into the   playlist the UI designer's responsibility would  be to take all of that and make it very obvious   exactly what those how those things work so  for example on this view we're looking at here   we can see very clearly that this song is the one  that's playing because the UI designer has decided   to highlight the name of the song in green and put  it at the top of the playlist and also see at the   bottom in small writing you've got the play bar  where you can see that the pause button is showing   and that tells us that it's currently playing  because we can hit the pause button to pause it   so these are the kinds of things where the UI  designer needs to know how to clearly visually   represent to the user what is happening and  what they can do and what they can do next   so UX and UI designers often work on the same  projects and often at the same time but they're   really responsible for very different things UX  designer responsible for the overall experience   understanding the users and helping give concepts  and ways of improving the experience for users   and the UI designer is responsible for visually  representing all of these concepts and ideas in a   way the user knows exactly how to use them so the  places where we see the work of the UX designer   and the UI designer really overlapping is where  there's the connection between the conceptual   and the visual work so a UI designer sometimes in  some jobs might do a bit of conceptual wireframing   before they get into the really concrete visual  work and a UX designer in some jobs in some   companies might be given the task of taking their  concepts and and wireframes and mock-ups into a   more finished visual state and that's why there is  this confusion with jobs uh often jobs are called   UX / UI designer because some companies want you  to do bits of both but to clearly understand the   difference so that you can choose the profession  and the career direction that's right for you   it's really important to understand that  there are very different responsibilities   within these two roles so you might do bits of  both but you can really decide which one fits   you best so you can decide the career path that  you'll be happier on so looking at this example   from Spotify now we can really clearly list the  kinds of things that a UI designer actually does   it's the typography the lettering the colors the  general style and branding the space in between   items the boldness and strength of of some items  over others to give them importance and hierarchy   the number of things that we decide to put on  the screen to make it easier to understand what's   there it's the icons the and the images that are  carefully placed to give meaning to what the user   is doing all of these things are the job of the UI  designer and what about you how can you tell which   career path would be right for you and it comes  down to a lot more than what i've just described   it's about personal interest personality the  way you like to work the way you like to think   and i've got a few other tips that might help  you decide which career path is best for you comparing and contrasting UX and UI  design there are some real differences in   the ways that you will work the  ways that you will spend your time   as a UX designer you'll definitely work with  people a lot you'll work with users and colleagues   and run workshops and participate in collaborative  activities but in UI design you'll have more tasks   that are just your responsibility and you'll get  to sit and think and work on your own a bit more   in UX design you look a lot more at the big  picture the big insights the overall view   and you really get to unravel the mysteries and  the beginning of problems and you in your eye   design you really get to see things through to  the end and put the final finishing touches on   everything with UX design there's a lot of  listening and observation and patience which   can be really rewarding and with UI design there's  a lot more deep focus on the detailed visual work   so i hope you found that useful and you have  some clearer direction over whether UX design or   UI design is right for you please let me know in  the comments below which career path you think is   right for you and if you have any questions about  any of the topics we've talked about please let us   know and we will answer you as soon as we can if  you enjoyed this video please give it a like and   subscribe to the career foundry channel for more  UX and UI videos just like this every week and if   you hit the bell you'll be notified every time  a new video is released if you're interested in   either of these professions career foundry have  two great free short courses in each of these   areas and you can use the links below to sign up  thank you so much for watching see you next time   what the colors are how the buttons feel  to look at how the buttons feel to look at   disconnecting the conceptual to  the visual oh that was a good one   write it down write it down right hearts  in between this fly just went like that can you see it the blinks to  below can't you just like fix it
Channel: CareerFoundry
Views: 54,560
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Keywords: UX vs UI, UX / UI, UX, UI, UXUI, difference between ux and ui design, ux and ui design what's the difference, UX or UI Design, user experience design, user interface design, what is UI design?, What is UX design?, what is UI?, What is UX?, what is user interface design?, what is user experience design?, what's the difference between ux and ui design?, ux and ui design, ux ui, ux/ui, ux designer, ux design, careerfoundry, ux ui design
Id: 5CxXhyhT6Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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