How I became a UI/UX Designer in 3 months | No degree, no experience, self-taught

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[Music] you're not good enough your dreams are too big you need a degree you don't deserve any of this i don't even know why you're here hey i'm rachel i'm a senior product designer working in malaysia and this is how i got started in uiux design in high school i always thought i had my life planned down i studied really hard to secure a scholarship but i failed to do so i even took a part-time law degree while working to fund my college fees but i dropped out eventually because it just wasn't my gem i self-studied a diploma in accounting because i thought i needed a cert to prove my worth so i decided to not pursue a degree as i didn't know what i wanted to do since 2013 i worked in different roles a call center for hotels a sales promoter for body lotion a direct sales agent a real estate agent an account executive in the ad agency and a digital marketing manager these jobs have shaped my personality they have built my soft skills they have trained my resilience and without them i wouldn't be who i am today but these jobs have one thing in common it's just something that i do not enjoy i hate waking up to and i just feel like it's not me and then i wonder is this how my life is going to turn out to be am i going to wake up to a job i hate for the rest of my life so i began searching for what i'm passionate about by paying attention to the things that i enjoy the most and i realize no matter what job i'm in i get caught up in the visual design process it was something i see myself doing every day so i thought to myself that's it that's the one i don't know how i'm gonna get there but i'm gonna try i've been told that my lack of qualification will not get me anywhere and someone even told me that you know you should be happy that you even have a job at our company on 4th of march 2019 i quit my job as a digital marketing manager and i told myself that i will prove these people wrong and that's how my self-learning journey began [Music] so i gave myself a three-month deadline to have a job because i couldn't afford to have no income and that's how i get started i started learning ux with the free resources available online and google is my best friend i also learned how to code on the site with free codecan because i feel like learning coding will help me become a better designer and that i also have a passion for coding my learning process was messy i learned adobe xd and started playing with the tool i needed something to showcase in my portfolio and i took a google interview question and turn it into a case study so i wrote a case study in the form of a medium article and at the same time i started preparing my cv i read up a lot of job descriptions online to make sure that i am well prepared for the job i was well aware that my lack of qualification will put me in a tough spot because competition is really high and i'm very aware that i need to prove myself that i am able to take on the designer role even though i have no experience and no degree so i did whatever i can with the free resources online to brush up my skills i studied day and night of design and code during the three month period i stumbled upon a hackathon i offered design help and front-end code help despite having zero idea of how am i gonna do that to be honest i was really grateful because we got top 10 in the hackathon team i got offered an interview with the bank shortly after i had a few job interviews but i failed all of it because they wanted someone who could do both graphic design and ux design and one of the recruiters told me that i am too ambitious that's why they don't want to hire me i applied to a few startups in malaysia that i see myself working with who has great culture and a mature design team and then something wonderful happened faith called me up and offered me an interview knowing that my chances are really slim i told my boyfriend that how about i just give up on this opportunity don't continue with it and just go with the offer that the bank has given me but i'm glad i listened to him and i went for the interview straight away so this is how my assignment looked like before the interview i practiced my presentation in front of my computer at least five times to make sure that i nailed the interview to my surprise i got the job and here i am i'm sharing my story with all of you because i wanted to remind you one thing you have everything you need to start and you will never feel like you're ready anyway so you might as well just start people will doubt you but don't you doubt yourself oh and by the way if you haven't subscribed here you go bye you
Channel: Rachel How
Views: 742,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: figma, get started in product design, get started in ui/ux, get started in ux design, product design, product designer, productdesign, productdesigner, rachel how, ui design, ui ux, ui ux design, ui ux design tutorial for beginners, ui/ux design, uidesign, user experience, user experience design, ux, ux design, ux design malaysia, ux design tutorial for beginners, ux designer career, ux designer day in the life, ux ui, uxdesign
Id: 7OhauLZpJoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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