The UX Design Process For Beginners! (The 5 Key Stages)

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Hey are you looking to gain a better  understanding of the UX process   in this video we're going to go through the  five key stages of the UX design process   and give you some tangible examples along  the way as you're watching this video if   any questions come up about the steps or  processes that i'm talking about please let   us know in the comments underneath the video  and we'll get back to you as soon as possible   firstly let's look at the fundamental steps of  the UX design process there's understand analyze   ideate validate and iterate and we'll look  at these in a little bit more detail now let's start looking at understand in this stage we  really want to understand what our customers and   users really want and need and where  their challenges and problems really are   so that we can build and create things  that actually solve those problems it's   really common to miss this step when companies  aren't following a UX design process very well   and the kinds of mistakes that companies will  make is to come up with their own ideas internally   or an idea that comes down from management or  leadership and they spend months building and   creating these things lots of time and money  and then they launched something that actually   their customers never really wanted so the  understand phase in the UX design process is   very very important the kinds of things you'll see  companies who do UX well in that understand stage   are things like interviewing their users creating  surveys to ask their users questions about where   their challenges are what they want improved  reaching out to their customers and really   trying to find out what they need and also things  like observing the data that they already have   if they have a product or service  that their customers are already using   they'll pay attention to how they're already using  it and use that information to understand before   they try and come up with the best solutions let's  look at a real example to illustrate this if you   think about the difference between Uber and on  the street taxis something that Uber did really   differently right at the beginning was to really  understand and observe the behavior and the pain   points of their customers their users people who  wanted to quickly get from a to b by calling a car   the two things that they really identified through  a series of really deep observational and research   and interviews and understanding what people  really wanted and really needed and valued   with this service they identified two big pain  points one was actually ordering that car and   knowing whether it was really going to be coming  and how long it would take to arrive and get there   and the other was at the other end of the journey  getting out of the taxi having to fumble with your   wallet finding cash not having cash could you use  a credit card and needing to get out and get to   your appointment on time and that's where the two  big pain points were ordering the car and getting   out of the car and because they did that research  and understood where those big pain points are   with how people already used car services they  were able to completely change the way those   things were done by making that flow seamless  but they could only do that and really solve that   those big user pain points because they knew  that those were the pain points from doing   that research and that's where the understanding  phase is so valuable for the UX design process   okay so let's look at stage two analyze here is  where we take all of the research and learnings   that we got from understanding our customers and  users and try and make sense of that information   where does it lead us what should we do with that  information are there a few things that we should   really focus on that will have a big impact for  our users this is a really important step in the   process because managers and leaders will really  know where to invest their time and money and   what their team should really work on to have the  biggest impact for their customers the work in the   analyze stage can be done in many different ways  you could be analyzing lots of data from a big   survey that you put out to all of your customers  so that can mean looking at your laptop through   spreadsheets and other data systems to really see  where that data is pointing you it could also mean   a large group of people coming together to  workshop and collaboratively break down lots   and lots of information and insights into a clear  focus and making decisions together as a big group   the analyze stage is my favorite stage in the UX  design process because it's where lots and lots   of cloudy uncertain pieces of information come  together to provide a good direction for the team   to go in and we start to get the picture of how we  might really solve the problems put in front of us   if you think back at that Uber example and  how they identified those two big pain points   that identification of what the two most  important pain points came from analyzing   lots and lots of research and data so that's  where maybe lots of little frustrations and   other pains and lots of different things going on  in that the journey of traveling ordering booking   paying for a car service got narrowed down to the  two biggest most impactful things that Uber could   do to really change the experience of people using  car services that came from analyzing the research   stage three ideate ideation means to come up  with ideas so now that we've done understanding   where the problems are and frustrations are  analyzing those and finding what's the most   important to solve and work on now we come up  with ideas for how we could solve those problems   ideation is all about taking what we know and  coming up with multiple ways to potentially solve   it it's all about ideating not necessarily  picking yet that one that we know will work   this is also a really fun stage that  can be done in lots of different ways   digitally in person live with workshops  and sketching or even just brainstorming   and coming up with really really quick ideas  and the point is to really bring a multitude   of options for how we're going to solve  the problem that we've got in front of us   so once we have that mass of potential ideas we  go right into the next stage which is validation   and the reason why we want to have a few  potential good ideas to solve the challenges   is because we're not sure yet if they're  going to work and it's a very important   step to test and validate those ideas so  as a UX designer you may find yourself   coming up with multiple versions or options  of the same thing or different ways to solve   the same problem and then going into  this stage where we validate quickly   before we spend time really building out and  creating the whole thing so in this validation   stage you might find yourself doing things like  making quick mock-ups quick sketches of concepts   even creating more tangible prototypes that  are actually not quite the real thing but   they look real and doing these things where we're  really creating the concept that we have in mind   but before we actually build them testing them  with real people to check if it's actually solving   the problem so you might also find yourself  putting your prototypes or mock-ups or sketches   back in front of those customers and users and  people who might really use your product and   getting their feedback and getting their reactions  to those things so if we look back at the first   stage of understanding that's where we really  learned what our customers needs and problems were   then the next stage of analyzing them to really  identify which things do we need to solve which   things are coming up a lot what's the most  important and where can we have the most impact   helps us focus then the next stage of coming  up with ideas to really solve those problems   that have will have the most impact that really  need our focus we come up with lots of different   versions different ideas to try and solve those  and then in this fourth stage of validation we   really check okay we've come up with a few  ideas which ones could work which ones could   work better than others how are we really solving  our customers pain points and needs and problems   and that's where the cycle really kind of comes  to fruition where we say great we've found the   best way forward now because we've understood  figured out where we need to go came up with ideas   and then validated that they're definitely  going to work so we can set our team off   building something that we know will be successful  and useful for our customers so that four-step   validation is really important to the process to  really check that the ideas that we've come up   with really match the pains and frustrations  and needs that we saw in the beginning in   the understanding stage with researching  and finding out what our customers need that's right there are five stages so the fifth  stage is iteration and the reason that this is a   little bit off to the side from the others is that  iteration happens all the way through the process   not only in each small step that you're  going through but also in the bigger cycle   once you're finished with one idea you've  validated you've started building something   you know will be successful you can't forget  to stop and check sometimes and go back to   researching with your customers to to check  if their needs have changed you can't think   everything will be fine for the next 10 years now  because the world changes the market changes you   might need to test and validate some new ideas you  might need to come up with new different ideas you   might need to go back and research and understand  your customers again and that cycle of iteration   is something that should never be left out of  the UX process if you're going to do it well   so those are the five stages of the UX design  process and if you follow those you'll be   guaranteed to do UX well if you have any questions  about any of these stages please let us know in   the comments and we'll get back to you as soon as  we can so i hope this video has given you a better   understanding of the UX process and exactly  what's involved if you're thinking UX design   might be right for you and you're thinking about a  career change check out career foundry's free six   day course the link is in the description below  you'll get six daily lessons that take around   15 minutes each to complete if you've enjoyed  this video please give it a like and subscribe   to the career foundry channel we've got more  videos coming out every week about UX design UI   design and all of the processes that are involved  don't forget to hit the bell so you never miss a   new release thanks so much for watching i hope you  enjoyed it and i'll see you next time like ask ask the processes and steps and the processes it's just like what word will come out of  my mouth next that's when you can really   make big mistakes and then i kind of  lost my train of thought but that one
Channel: CareerFoundry
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Keywords: The UX Design Process, UX Design Stages, UX Design Processes, The Stages Of UX design, what is ux design, What is UX Design?, What is UX?, what is ux, What is User Experience, UX, ux design, user experience, ux design for beginners, What Is User Experience Design, User Experience Design, user experience designer, ux for beginners, what is user experience, User Experience Process, Learn UX, Learn UX Design, ux, UXUI, UX Design Process, UX Designer, UX/UI, uxd, CareerFoundry
Id: XhPQbUsD9c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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