Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf RA

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Hey [Music] we will talk about another mountain of the mountains of the companions may allah be pleased with them we will talk about one of those whom the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam gave them the glad tidings that they are in paradise we'll talk about at the right man a mouth may Allah be pleased with him he was said that his name was abdomen and some say it's a beehive and others say that it was Abdel Kaaba and the Prophet Allah saw some change his name into Abdul Rahman Abdul Rahman even though it took on Islam and accepted Deen of Allah subhanAllah and a time that the Muslims will propagate in Islam secretly due to the persecution and the tortures of the disbelievers in allah subhanaw taala i wonder person i should propagate this Dera that i support people to Islam secretly was I'm Rebecca acid give me a blobby please at him I would back her had to recognize people that had good reputation and they had good characters and ethics and morals and wonder people that recognize these characteristics in was abdul rahim and even our and indeed when i would record went to him and he presented to him the message of islam duties good characters ethics and morals and reputation abdul rahman even now accepted islam immediately and it's so happy with the dean of a lot of her litter and he wanted to go to publish allah allah send them to announce in this land in front of the prophet sallallaahu iris on them when he was young he was not so wealthy he accepted Islam at a very early age in fact it is reported that he was ten years younger than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam he was from amongst the top eight - except his lamb rakhmaninov he accepted Islam prior to the Muslims going into the house of a lark honorable outcome he was one of those who struggled at the hands of the kuffar of Quraysh the disbelievers had harmed those who had accepted Islam initially and from amongst them was this particular man Abdul Rahman a blue house this companion of the prophet sallallaahu is on them he stayed and kept company with a parcel of love - under learning Islam migrating to Ethiopia for the sake of a loss of Hannah - Hannah when the church who became too much the persecution was too much however even though they escaped from torture persecution Abdul Rahman ignorant may Allah be pleased them could not take to be away from the Prophet SAW Allah is on them so he came back a gay to Mecca in order to be with the prophet sallallaahu is Allah when the revelation came to the parcel Allah who are you send them to emigrate to Medina Abdul Rahman even Alf was one of the ones that decided to emigrate with the permission of Allah send them to Medina but his emigration migrated to Medina was a unique migration in the sense that Abdul Rahim and live in a house in prior to Islam and in Islam was a serious businessman when he decided to make great to Medina the kuffar choristers ok Abdul Rahman bin out in front Avenger Muhammad and Muslims in Medina you could go but you're not going to take the economy of Mecca with you to Medina that's how rituals is well to change the economy of a whole country if you want to go go but leave your work behind a Makkah remember now off all this world which is man amassed and worked hard for he had a choice either to stay in Makkah who is wealth or to emigrate to the a lot of hello - I know process Allah and the Muslims in Medina so he decided every single penny left all is well Amica to go to the prophet sallallaahu and Salim and Muslims in Medina a premature Medina the prophet sallallaahu I will have seen the state of Abdul Rahman being off and a state of those were called mahadji those who migrated so I'm dry map in the house arrived in Medina penniless destitute and he said about himself that prophet sallallaahu are you send them to monitor and saw the people of Medina to be my brother he formed a bond of brotherhood between me and another sahabi horde Rabia this companion it looked Abdul Rahman be now and he looked at a situation a destitute person and he said to him the people of Medina know that I am the most wealthiest person among them and that is my wealth and my money half of it is yours and they also know that I have two wives look at them and choose the one you like most and I'll divorce her and once she is out of her waiting period you can marry her and this is definitely something from out of this world one would say that this is not human this shows how a great believer sat in there a beer was may Allah be pleased with him after a man on the other end was not a person to take the chance Abdul Rahman was an honourable companion was a man of honor he valued this offer and he cherished his brother and Islam he said may Allah bless your wealth and bless your wives but show me where the market is it went to the marketplace wherever could find whatever we could find some wood some rope he went to the marketplace immediately because I married out he never gave up hope it took these things he went to the market and the prophet sallallaahu I understand is not seen for a while and once it's on him after a while he saw some marks on his face some type of makeup that the men used to wear when to get married so the process of some action what is this Abdul Rahman he said you are so Allah massive a lot got married subhanAllah this surpassed arrived at the destiny a marriage it cost in those days he had to pay the dowry and everything so the prophets of Allah I said a Moxon what did you give her as dowry Abdul Rahman he said he gave her a certain amount of gold at least the prophet sallallaahu I sent him smart and he said to him follow the Sunnah of doing Halima Abdul Rahman bin off it took the advice of Salalah horizon and he had a feast for his wedding muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam needed to ask for Abdul Rahman in my house may Allah grant you blessings barakah in your wealth and in your family because he got married in the correct way he was married when he did not really own much Abdul Rahman if he says that dua upon the occasion of my marriage that muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam had gave me was so powerful so powerful that wallah heat the world came to my feet and he says if I move the stone I would find underneath it gold or silver this was Abdul Rahman in mouth he took part in the Battle of Badr and he did well he took part in the Battle of course and he did very well but as for his wealth he earned so much he became so wealthy that he was one of those whom when the caravans were seen far away from Medina they immediately knew this is the caravan of Abdul Rahman applause he was one of those who competed with his man apnoea fan of the allah and he had so much of wealth even a smile of Nia fan once saw the caravan of Abdul Rahman applause when he was returning from his own journey he looked at it and he said that is a man whom Allah has blessed with a lot of wealth yet when he made he drop he had absolutely nothing when he got married he had very little the first amount that he ever earned he got married with but when he was not in his heart when he was in his hands and that is why he was generous it was reported that in one single day he freed 30 slaves of his for the sake of Allah he did not wear fancy clothes or write fancy right he was a normal Muslim he had the honour of the prophet alayhi salatu salam praying behind him the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was once in one of the battles or he was once trying to reconcile between two disputing factions or two disputing tribes and he was late and it was time for prayer and it was said that it was budget prayer so it was almost sunrise and they were waiting for the Prophet but he did not show up Salah law is seldom soap Bilal the mud calling for the Adan said ok what do you want us to do so a big man said call for prayer and he led the prayer he prayed one raka and then came the prophet alaihi Salam and he joined the congregation and he prayed one raka with a drachma and then completed his prayer so this is an honor that was only to be given to Abraham now may Allah be pleased with him and to Abu Bakr before that may Allah be pleased with them all only these two companions whom the Prophet Alyce awesome had prayed behind them Abdul Rahman they've been off may Allah be pleased with him was also one of the knowledgable companions of the Prophet area salat WA Salam it was reported that when I was a pup may Allah be pleased with him went in one of his travels to the north of Arabia to a sham this area was struck by plague so they did not know what to do and in comes after a man hit me now may Allah be pleased with him and he said what's the issue he wasn't there he was somewhere else and when they told him he said in this case I will tell you what I've heard from our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam our prophet sallallaahu es el have said that if you here of the plague in a city in an area do not go into it and if the plague strikes in an area where you are inhabiting where you are living then you must not go out of it so this in short is the quarantine that the Prophet rsrm had set to protect the people they won the greatest battles which supports Allahu Allah Sunland needed a lot of donations that this donation that was received by the promise of lava and asylum was so amazing subhanAllah that oh my lord Allah and Allah be pleased with him said about these donations that on this particular day that the nation from myself was so large I thought I'll do Abu Bakr we know Omar gave for donation it gave half of his wealth half of everything earned I will back on my Lobby please it gave every single thing I owned for the sake of a lots of Hamilton Anna but yet the donation was not enough so now they needed more donation then came forth Abdul Rahman D now it came forward with a bag full of so much gold it put it on the lap of the prophet sallallaahu I said no Omar he said even though people be donating half of their wealth everything the end he said this donation of the human life was so great that I thought is of Abdul Rahman off at committee so kind of thing one takes some expiation but it was not that it was a person he gave for the sake of Allah subhana Allah he had a piece of land that he sold for forty thousand dinars a dinar as a gold coin and when he received the amount he went out looking for the family of the mother of mohammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam Amina binti Wahab he was from the same clan as well and he went to the her relatives and he gave them a healthy amount each and he went to each one of the wives of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and gave them a gift and amount each and he went looking for the poor the poor did not have to ask Abdul Rahman in the house he knew who they were had a relationship with them he went out to them and he always considered it an honor to be spending upon the poor then there is the famous story similar to that of Rothman agnya fan and Pal hide nor obey the lamb allows peace and blessings be upon them all and us to where 700 camels had entered Medina full of stock full of wealth full of merchandise food and so many other things and I shall ideale one ha asked why are the people of Medina so excited so she was told that that is Abdul Rahman above his caravan of seven hundred camels has just entered Medina so she made it to our she said may Allah grant him Baraka in whatever he has got in this world but what he is going to get in the hereafter is far greater and far better so when he heard this dua he was so touched by it he rushed to Aisha of the allahu and her and he said Oh Aisha o my beloved mother I make you bare witness that all these seven hundred camels and whatever they hold are given for the benefit of the Muslims of madina munawwara anyone who is needy please come and help yourselves he decided I am the one who's going to look after the wives of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so he travelled with them wherever they went he ensured that he had the best of camels for them and he made sure that they rode on those beautiful camels where he had put great mats and mattresses and he had the coverings of those camels in the most beautiful way so that they would be protected from the Sun and he ensured that he was at their service wherever they went whenever they went wherever they went may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant in goodness the wives of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam had so much respect for this man they trusted him so much they knew that this Abdul Rahman even has been truthful to his promise to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he has spent on them so much so that we will come to learn what he did in his will who he bequeathed his wealth for subhanAllah let's listen to what happened close to his death he started freeing his slaves one by one and what happened he wrote all those who took part in the Battle of Badr and they have remained they are alive each one of them who should get 400 gold coins and they were 100 of them which means forty thousand gold coins were given at the time that abominable house died distributed to those who were the remainder of the people who took part in the Battle of Badr then they found that he had left a large amount of wealth for each one of the remainders of the wives of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and on top of that subhanAllah he left wealth for so many other for so many other good causes and then they looked at what he left for his family 1000 camels they found 100 stallions this was after they had given whatever was already between three thousand sheep and then he had four wives they had to share one ate them which means they were getting approximately three and a half percent of his wealth when they counted three and a half percent of his wealth to give each one of those four women they each got 80 thousand gold coins subhanAllah subhanAllah which makes it approximately 2.4 million gold coins that he had left at the rachmaninov what a man what a man and yet subhanAllah this was the dua simplicity of marriage and that is the occasion upon which Muhammad sallallahu alayhe wassallam aided to our it is reported that once he was seated and he began to cry because it was the time of breaking his fast and there was so much food in front of him they asked him about Muhammad you crying he said well llahi I'm thinking of Moosa bit more male we buried him and there was nothing to cover him properly and I'm thinking of muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam being the best of creation and the nabi of allah the prophet of allah he never had food like this that is in front of me and I fear that perhaps Allah might be giving me this in my life I hope he gives me something in paradise as well and he called the people and he let them share from his food because he could not eat alone he was a simple man at his deathbed he said I fear that perhaps I will be delayed in joining the rest of the companions because I've had so much wealth I need to give account for everything that I have so I shadow the Allah on her made him the main offer the offer which was the cherry on the cake form the Rahman applause she said Oh ad Rahman I offer you to be buried next to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and my father and rahmatullahi table I offer you to be buried in my own home he turned down the offer he did not want to be known as a person of that rank he knew that the simplicity would grant him Jenna may Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala bless him and may he grant us all at least a little bit of Baraka in our wealth he died may Allah be pleased with him on the thirty second year of Al Hegira one of his greatest achievement was to choose a rich man to be the ruler of the believers and he could have asked for it for himself but he didn't he gave it to earth man and after earth man came Ali and all of them were among the companions of the prophet alayhi salatu salam may allah be pleased with them all assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh you you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 241,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the companions, ashara mubasharah, the ten promised paradise
Id: fPICwnXjgyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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