Using Wall Hacks in Fortnite Battle Royale

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up dudes welcome back to fortnite listen me and the sweat Nico we're playing at Duo squads first of all second of all as you can tell by the title Nico found a hack we are not hacking this is all fair games this is a hack and a cheat fortnite remove this immediately we'll show you what this does it's pretty stupid you're going to want to stick around till the end to see if we get a Duo squads dub also uh Nico uh why are we both W get weos well what do we W get weos when to G wa us so where you want to land if you want to do this Strat you want to land right here on the map right on this mountain grab these guns like Nico's doing and then you see his little tent down here you see this little dude right here walking around his name is jimothy hi jimothy so you want me to hire real name Che this out dude pay him 250 gold he is now my friend look he holds a sniper but that's not all you'll see soon this is pretty broken um you'll see right now you got to come down here you got come down here oh yeah Al say this is this is the next part of this little area it's pretty broken uh watch this you see I have zero Shields right walk in here look at this somebody's here oh no that's our guy never mind our okay so watch what he does wait we should probably go to do you want to go to Grand Glacier and get that uh thingy let's do it let's get Medallion let's get all the medallions all right let's get all the medallions and we'll give them to your mom so she loves us I don't know why I I'm sorry are you mad I didn't mean that are you mad me only a little bit I mean I know this is an old gun that was vaulted but the old gun had ammo this dude does not oh I forgot this is also Duo Squad so we got to fight five people four that's true okay where's your guy he's on his way do it do it do it he did it he pings everything if there are any players here we'll see their little Diamond above their head we can see all the chests and everything hold on let now get out get out loser your mom doesn't love you okay I I killed the boss you got him okay on boy let me kill this guy got him oh give me the shotgun uh give me that no I don't want that give me that give me give me that okay so the dude pings we see where all of the loot oh somebody shoot at you ping ping here there's whole team hold team oh these are Bots these aren't real people wait that might be a real person is it no it's not it's not a real person oh what is the look you see how they give them little diamonds that's how you know they're real players there's there's more over here oh why why are we playing Bots dude I don't I don't want to play against bots I want to play real people these are not Bots these are Gamers they're Gamers wait hey hey guy jimothy ping the dude hey ping him stop hey are you going to do something with your life do something wait are you shooting someone I'm just killing these down guys hold I'm going to go get the Vault go get the Vault I'm going to get the vault is there somebody up there okay no we would have saw him on the Ping all right da oh and also if you guys ever play this game people like to hide up there so uh if you ever get this vault here at Glacier don't people hide up there oh he pinged he got pinged he got P oh there's a guy let me get the kill so I can pad my stats watch these skills he's a real gamer though I can tell oh my gosh dudy look at him he's in his natural environment we found the bats oh please no more Bots game okay I need to get a sniper n let me get a sniper please I I want to hit some quick scop only if you hit your shots kid obviously my middle name is shots no really I don't know what that means oh let me get this gold cuz I bought the guy don't be stealing my gold WR I have full gold dude don't be silly wait how do you got full gold are you cheating you hacking you're a hacker I found the hacks yeah then down here again I'm I'm explaining all this for the new guys right uh down here you get snipers you get dabs you get uh that uh and then you can also customize your gun check this out so I what I do for the sniper I get the four time scope all right since we're doing Duo squads I'm going to get the drum magazine to get five bullets instead of three and we also get the angle four grip so you get reduced time ads and this one really doesn't matter the barrel cuz uh it's doooo you're dooo got I can't believe that you steal my go what the what the heck only a little bit I'll drop you some no I don't want it wait you can't all right we got to go we got to go we got to go oh yeah the dud can die to the storm should we wait yeah we should hold on let's check the map they're all taken wait that means it's not a bot lobby dude we're going to oh okay we're we're we're going we're going to dub you ready to dub I'm dubbing is your middle name dub I don't know what I'm saying sorry do you want my car or your car uh let's J let's judge the cars you you show us your car and I'll show my car look at the house though you can see where every single chest is there's so many chests should we loot it I don't want to okay so that's Nico's car right right wait we're going to leave the guy oh he teleports never mind he teleports dude he's so this is n's car right can you turn off the radio what the heck is wrong with you I thought you like that song I don't that Medallion is there and that Medallion is there two of the medallions are gone which mean oh that Medallion was just dropped Peta Peter was just dropped so yeah in front of us where was that a that's that's a bot wait where is he that's a bot oh they're all pinging they're all pinging okay Wait no that's a real person is it no I can't tell the boss is right here what are you doing over here boss did the Bots pull the boss out all right well um Nico please tell me we're not going to get bots all day this is my oh oh are get the middle get the midle did you think that was players or some yeah I got scared move down wait that's a ro player I got lit I don't know ping this guy needs the ping yeah this guy needs the Ping so he pings every like 45 seconds he ping oh I found him I found I found look he's in the bush back here back here dude it's broken it's actually broken I hit him oh no I don't have any bullets oh I knocked them okay these are real people Nico these are real people I need to get in the bush I need to get in the bush get in the bush I'm healing um Reviving my ammo Reviving my ammo here you go this is for when you're full health thank you after your medallion all right mister we need you to Ping where's the last guy can you ping sir ping Jim I'll pay you all my go ping gim oh he just ping look he's right here the guy's right there I'm going to snipe him watch this oh he's found it I sniped him we hit those wait where'd he go he's right there right here oh no are you literally what hello she used a Grappler on me dude I don't know how I feel about that do you want the grappler kind of can I bet okay all right should we just leave this guy oh there's more shs down there shs down there shs down there oh we got two gra okay all right Timothy Timothy you got to keep up list you need to keep this is what we're talking about this is look at this it's literally a hack this shouldn't be a thing on me on me oh this guy wait I missed I'm really bad wait that's a real person I think that's a gamer knocked him NB down n down that okay all right he hit shots wait wait are these they weren't real were they please don't be a lot of bots I want to get a good win I want to impress my friends guys are you my friends are your friends impressed guys are you my friends you grabb the gold gun do you want me to do you want to go upgrade it yeah I'll go upgrade it just to make you happy so you don't cry cuz you cry so often oh another guy oh no dud I'm going to hit this shot oh he moved I think that's a real gamer I'm going to get him I've I've almost knocked out his shield did you we hit this kill a bobzilla he's dead okay that's bobzilla okay uh let me change that out change that out so it Scopes faster get the drum and four time that should be good like I was saying if you guys use this Strat right don't use it too often cuz they will remove it without a doubt oh we ping we should probably we should probably get a vehicle remember we're also doing Duo Squad so that's true wait I thought I saw somebody somebody right in front of us I did oh gosh that's not a real person I'm going to hit these wait I'm going to hit these I'm going to hold on I'm going to hit these I missed these all right well but it's not a real person it's is that a real person no manwell 65 all right this is the most bot lobby I've ever seen in my life what is happening Nico cuz they don't want us to cheat against Real players I guess not oh there's a bot over there I sniped him all right he's dead you can always tell when Bots die they just like instantly fall over yeah he's dead they just like instantly fall over it's weird how they get knocked I don't know this game is weird I mean I understand like the whole bot thing but like you know let me know if you know P soon oh right there right in front where just go did you just get S out of the car I got head shot out of the car there's absolutely no way he has a riot shield see that oh it hurts just break it knocked one oh I just got hit by a lot I hit one I'm stepping away knocked oh no okay we're good we're good we're good chill chill chill chill chill I got him almost dead all dead boys okay we got to heal we got to heal we got to we're we're going to get 10th part oh a Grappler all right n this is it this is how we dub we dub it we flub it and we nub it sir I'm going to need to ask you to Ping hit him for 32 oh it's not a real person it is a real person is it there Squad there Squad there Squad shooting at us Mister we need a ping from you he pinged but I don't know where he's at that was weird okay we're fine he's they're kind of far okay don't get head shot remember playing squads the dude's dancing he's literally you are useless why are you here I knocked one I knocked one oh man why was the dude having a rave party you just ran over them you can't do that ni you can't just run over people okay so we're two which means they're seven so it's a four and a three Squad oh my in front of us how is it is that fork spoon knife get back in here that dude's name is Fork spoon knife keep that in mind we're in a terrible spot like I agree can you ping ping ping do something with your need you we need a good ping from you right now oh that's a bot that's a bot that's a bot he's on me okay it doesn't save me s in com i l one oh I'm getting lit I'm getting lit Nico I'm down Nico they're pushing Nico nice you got this they're right above you I'm trying no ni I know way getting up there oh he's up there he's going up I cracked him I cracked him I cracked him I'm going up I'm going up I'm going to go kill this guy I'm following he launched he launch padded what the heck dude he's got 30 30 Health oh get out of my house your mom loves me going to the Montage yeah look at my car remember that what do you think my car or Nico's car who's better I think mine is better my car no my car what oh people shooting to the right left let's go to the shooting I'm down they're in the water they really they're not real are they real no way these people are real right no dou duel they're not real oh gosh how did that Miss head shot head shot sorry where's the last bot dude be nice the heck I need I thanks for the Ping Bro think I can head shot him no it wasn't head shot you no scope them oh I did dude I'm going pro I see footsteps ping he ping that was nice of him I'm reloading my shotgun give me 75 years we have to kill we have to kill these guys or else they'll kill our bot and that's her Che noob's down all right can I have a medallion too there you go oh no oh no knock one oh look at this thing dude that is are we pushing it wait they're behind us they're behind us did they they took the the vent thing what they're oh I'm getting sniped at dude this oh I got did you see head shot from some random person I got headshotted while I was falling I deserved to die there get him closer so we can ping how much time does he have in the Ping 10 seconds you just put a repeating timer you put a repeating timer didn't you you're so weird guy right there oh they're fight the guy's over here oh now that was a shot brother there's a guy head shot okay that was nice I was shooting yeah but I killed him so more people more people more people yeah guy over here knocked him are these real people I can't tell I don't know I don't want to find out yeah I don't either I'm scared I'm so scared I'm pooping is that weird he pinged look for the diamonds what a bot I shot him I don't think there are any diamonds left are they I don't see any Diamonds oh down there that's a real person I'm pretty sure I got this oh dead dude the sniper goes hard they're killing our boat oh no we got to get to the Zone we're dead all right we need to get our dude out of the Zone come on taking Zone damage he's dying yes no he's right here that was close Peter Griffin's still there so is lavish lir do you want to go to Peter wait we have wait we have almost all the medallions fencing Fields nobody's gotten that one you want let's go to fencing field to right to right to right okay okay see you later alligator where where did he go straight ahead where oh I see him I'm going to pad my stats hit him okay padding currently padding currently padding we need a ping 7 seconds I think maybe seven did you ruin your timer told you guys over here oh there's two guys they are not real they are definitely not real if I can hit a shot though shooting from behind us too knocked him guys over here guys over here my way are they real they real they real it's about to Ping it's about to Ping I got this dude the sniper is so fun there's another teammate where we should go get this uh Medallion wait no that person insta died ping ping I knew it right there where oh they behind the car no they're behind the mountain dude the pain the X-ray is insane these are B this is so easy oh my God another guy okay GG played by GG guys over here guys over here guys over here I see shooting all right this is a bot lobby what is this and I can't hit a shot I I literally did they change the sniper do you want to get closer yeah kind of I'm going to shock wave I got to be careful doing that all right I sniped him and you ran over him I hear more shooting I need a sniper bullets though I dropped you some this is I I have a bun this is not a real Lobby what is this ni is this a real Lobby yeah it seems like it they said no chance long how long I'm ping how long I'm pinging how long I'm ping I don't know did you lose your timer I have to restart it it's too much math now should be soon though these are these are real people no I don't think they are actually no these are not real people that guy is that guy is I'm pretty sure no it wasn't a real he was why are we getting L why are we get Nico what's happening can you tell me what's happening in this Lobby I actually can't he pinged you timer it I timered it we have a timer going for the thing we have 45 seconds to find enemies okay let's go let's go go okay there's 11 other people left I know oh right there in there where in in the in the tunnel you think they're how long on the Ping oh right there all right all right one's down I missed let me head shot him I missed okay let me reload these are Bots these aren't even real people why why I warm up the car I'm just I don't what are we did we Jo what is this Nico please I War up the car for us I the car for us epic epic what I can't even get in your guys in your guys in your guys in Epic oh my go listen the Bots are good I get it but like this entire Lobby is bods 10 seconds I'm going we got to find people we need four more kills for the 30 bomb she P up he's going to shoot as soon as he's done dancing and he shot me all right NB down all right he's almost more difficult than the Bots I know there's 10 people left we got to go right here this person right here this way is he real he's zipline oh hitting zip I think that is a real guy let's go together let's go together let's get a car let's go together we just got to get this dub right in front of us oh yeah oh that's a real guy steady I'm keeping it steady that's a real guy that's not a real guy that's don't make me run over him don't make me run over him ran over he's knocked I think that was an actual real guy though oh we're getting shot at oh if I would hit that all I went to sleep just take this guy is not real you just hit him all right well he's sitting on the oh I don't like where we are I'm getting out I'm getting out I'm getting out I'm getting out I don't know if these guys are real or not we' ped everybody on the map we knocked one oh there's another guy here this is not a real guy this is not a real guy I'm just this is liter what is this Nico don't blame me what I'm literally walking up to this person I'm walking up to this person I no scoped that person all right one more over here I'm just staring at him I'm just I'm just this all right another guy over here you know what that's the last guy let's let our bot kill him let the bot let the bot kill him the other guy is dead over here let the bot kill him should we take that guy out of his suffering no I'm going to I'm going to play with him we killed 34 non-real players okay we haven't killed that many yet well no no we killed one Real Player ow he shot me don't you do that again hey bot can you shoot at you got to get him in a spot where he sees line of sight let them see line of sight our bot versus their bot yeah that's what I'm talking about if our bot dies we have to lose ow sh shoot him stop moving you got to stop moving you got to stand still he's aiming hurt he missed he missed he missed again he missed again he missed pun at least thanks for the Ping would you shoot your shot please if he hit oh oh that was sad game hit the like button hit the Subscribe button that hurt me we did it though we x-rayed yay
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,358,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fJgH_9LycXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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