Stuck In TIME FREEZE In Minecraft!

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today in Minecraft time froze forever dude this is so crazy everything is frozen help goes like And subscribe to help unfreeze time thank you what's that quandale I got the job yes your new job is to be my security guard you have to watch this room and make sure my journal's safe this is the easy easiest job in the world all I've gotta do is sit around all day kill Sony potentially and guard these journals oh I get to pick any of these armors whoa yes Yeti armor sounds Opie yo I'm overpowered and I kind of look cute and cuddly day one complete I'm clocking out for the day handing over the keys to quandale Yo quandale another day of successfully Defending Your journals well it's the first day but we're gonna say another one yo Sonny yo Sonny what's up melon whoa where'd you get that armor bro you're not gonna believe it I got a new gig working for kwandale as security it's so awesome ow I'm not a quandial shop right now I'm not a suspect I'm not a burglar you don't have to use your security uniform against me chill out wait chill out I think you need to you chilled me right out of the server thanks see you sonny melon you need to relax yeah I'm gonna go to sleep tired of carrying around all these emeralds cause I'm rich now here you can have a few charity blocks oh give me these give me these yo how much is quandale paying you and do you think he's got a job for me I'm a qualified worker I could probably guard some stuff too uh Sunny that's classified information but I can tell you there's no chance you'd give a loser like you a job like this bro I'm getting paid a stack of emerald blocks a day I thought I was actually pretty reliable responsible smart Savvy I thought I'd be a perfect employee dang it okay guys it's the next morning I'm gonna see if quandale will hire me I don't care what melon says he thinks I'm unqualified we'll see about that quandale open up I've come I know you've plenty of knows why else would you hire melon unless you were desperate you're incredibly irresponsible Sonny I can't hire you you're kidding you think melon can handle the gig but I can ow what why melon equals responsible never I could never dream of it this must be opposite day something's not right yo what's up sonny just clocking in for the day give you a good old pat on the back as I go into my shift this doesn't make any sense cuandial called me responsible and says you're way more relaxed viable respectful person than me Sonny I am and if you cross these steps I'm gonna have to kill you it's in the job details I'm sorry so could you please just back off a little bit Yeah okay like one two three steps perfect is that good uh don't really feel comfortable with you this close sorry I'm gonna kill you I'm gonna kill you you leave me no choice this is epic this is awesome die melon why you gave me no choice Sonny it's part of my job hey melon please I'm begging you I just want to have a look at quandale stash one time no sonny you're not allowed in here stay out what I'll pay you emeralds I've got four of them sunny I get paid a stack of emerald blocks every day I don't need your handouts yeah but my emeralds are special they have the power of watermelon in them what does that mean they've been infused with Melanie and other watermelons from the patch kill a watermelon for your emeralds no no that's a misunderstanding no no no melon I didn't I didn't melon melon please hey Sonny get over no no no I didn't hurt watermelons dude you killed melons how could you kill me that's it guys I'm so annoyed with melon I've got some blocks of dirt and I'm gonna see what he's up to in his job today I'm just gonna build up and spy on him I really am curious what quandale has and why would he hire melon to guard it and not me just gap on him he's in there just gotta Come a Little Closer start to build yeah look at him he's just staring at all of these books what the heck is in this place is that an Enderman that he's captured it is and he's got a computer and really cool armor sets bro okay guys what do I want to buy today one Emerald I could get some terracotta some skeletons girls mine what for a small measly a emeralds I could get a spoon egg hold on hold on Yo guys it looks like melon's getting a little distracted on the job he's playing video games or something oh Diamond horse armor bottle of enchanting firework rocket I wonder what this book is silk touch that's not too shabby is he shopping I think he's doing online shopping uh wait he's not on there anymore I gotta hide I gotta hide oh that was close guys I wonder what this phone egg is I'm too curious I gotta know I've gotta know what is he doing now guys I don't understand what this egg is gonna do maybe it can hatch the most awesome dragon of all time ew that's disgusting it was a stink bow guys Melody just stink bombed the place and now he's ran outside of his guard duty this is my chance this is my chance just gotta grab my pickaxe and mine out these blocks he shouldn't notice me back here and let's see qandale's journals let's go Journal number one deer Journal today I wish to share my latest experiment the Enderman what is the source of his power how does he teleport I don't really care about the Enderman that's not that interesting I bet you booked two is more on the Enderman I wonder what book three is dear Journal I find myself reflecting on the decision to entrust melon with the duty of guarding my journals will melon prove reliable yeah quandale's questioning if he should have hired melon I told him it was a bad idea yet time passed I witnessed melon's unwavering dedication what through the long hours melon stood tall protecting my journals from threats Sonny I guess he wasn't quite so wrong I am stealing them now but the only reason I'm even stealing them is because quandale said they were off limits so now I wanted to read them myself okay Journal four ooh Dr longbottoms dear Journal Dr Longbottom's lab is a place of caution and danger there are time clocks and crystals and much more it's a realm where curiosity and risk intertwine whoa this is starting to get good oh that stink bomb was disgusting it flushed everything out of my system yo guys man let's get it close I gotta take this next turtle and dip give me this give me this I'm out of here wait why'd the chest just open up and why is there a hole in the back guys I just barely made the Escape let's read the next Journal coordinates this is perfect I could go find Dr Longbottom's lab and find something useful to destroy melon yours and digital Discovery Quantum bro he is so cringe quandale ugh wait actually I needed those coordinates uh Sunny what are you doing here uh Hey melon how are you what what is that book what book I I don't have book of a pickaxe wait a second no don't tell me come on deals Turtles sonny get back here guys I've gotta go Dr long bottoms laboratory here I come you won't get away with this sunny okay guys I've been journeying far and wide to make it to these coordinates and it's led me to this puddle of water in the middle of a jungle there's only one thing this could be a secret entrance come on come on I gotta remove some gravel are you serious It's gotta be down here somewhere yo this must be the place Dr longbottoms always builds with iron blocks time to break in yes I found it oh turns out there was another secret way in through some jungle leaves whatever I'll take the watery Cavern any day and we just gotta scale down the ladders and whoa look at this place he's got oh I don't want to step here that's an Ender portal he's got a research and development facility working on new end crystals I wonder what modifications he's done probably something nefarious like they explode the entire Overworld or they can enslave Villages ah who knows what's over here oh time clock that's perfect I could use this device to freeze time and get my revenge on melon oh this is good this is good you just gotta break my way back into the jungle yep ah there we go there we go guys maybe quandale won't notice if just a few of his journals are missing like it's not that big of a deal right hey melon I'm back bro how's your job going today sunny you're a dead man give me back the turtles yeah this journal you want this journal freeze time he can't even move oh this is good let me just go all the way back here yeah and grab myself some fresh armor from quandale's Lab oh this looks pretty cool fiery armor yeah let's use this and now I'm more powerful than melon oh the fiery sword that's pretty sweet too oh you know it'd be so funny if I took this lava bucket and poured it on melon let's go reverse time reverse time oh let's not mess that up again maybe I should just slap him around a little bit Yeah die oh this is awesome this is so awesome there's nothing he could do about it yo now the melon's burning I'm gonna make time go in slow motion what the heck happened I have one heart and while my so slow I'll kill you sonny what did you do and freeze time hey quandale I know you can't hear me properly right now why would you keep this time clock from me huh why would you Call Me Irresponsible and how dare you say the big man melon would be a better worker than me die actually wait I don't really want to kill you quandale I just want to give you a little bit of punishment thank you and uh yeah let's go ahead and just unfreeze time Sunny what did you do bro what did you do uh not much oh quandale might burn to death let me fix that really quick hey why is Corndale on fire I got him don't worry I'll save him Sonny in the name of quandale and the Dingle of the berry I shall destroy you die melon just stop give it up wait what's that quandil you're worried about the time clock what could possibly go wrong Sonny you you can break the space-time Continuum with that thing something just went horribly wrong uh cuando hello quandale quandale oh no I think time just glitched I think it's permanently Frozen Sonny did you feel that what's happening wait melon you can move and can you hear me yeah dude I can hear you loud and clear why do you think I'm talking to you right now oh I just wanted to make sure oh by the way could you feel this yeah can you feel this huh Can You Feel this not very nice okay fine bro we could both see move and feel everything but I think the timeline is broken I must have used this clock too much and have now glitched the timeline wait what do you mean what what clock what what is that Sony uh I got it from Dr Longbottom's laboratory and I was using it to prank you before but now quandale's Frozen lava won't flow water won't move I don't think this is supposed to happen Sonny I'm gonna kill you after we fix this because you probably got me fired oh yeah it's all about you huh the entire world and Universe At Large is at risk and all you care about is your stupid job you're the one that started this sunny you're the reason the universe might collapse actually it's your fault because you wouldn't put in a good word for me with quandale are you serious right all right Sonny I'm sorry I didn't put in a word with you for quandale and we didn't get the job together okay do you accept my apology yeah I do and I'm sorry I disrupted the timeline and probably caused a catastrophe that'll destroy the universe yeah yeah we we're totally on the same page now Sonny what do we need to do to I have no idea but I am pretty hungry so let's start with a snack yeah I'm pretty hungry can't save the world on an empty stomach uh Sunny wait you telling me doors don't work because time is Frozen dude how does that make any sense how does that make any sense whatever bro what what is this Sonny break the bottom door please no I'ma break the top block oh look it's floating wait I can't even pick it up what the heck hold on let me use my hand you're right we can't grab any items dude this is so weird uh whatever I just want my pork chop sunny or my steak or any kind of meat me too bro I'm hungry what do we have in the kitchen Sonny we've got two freshly prepared pork chops I'm ready to Feast oh I just realized I have 18 steaks on me this whole time we've got a lot oh no melon what did you do can you grab those this is not good sunny but I have an idea put the steak on the plate okay it's on the plate uh I got that one yo we could give each other food through the plate yo plate steak you gotta plate it up like a fancy restaurant eat good melon eat good this must be the time plate yes it's beautiful yes there's always one object per Dimension that can disrupt the flow of time and it just so happens to be this ceramic plate oh so beautiful but Sunny we've only got this amount of food s that we can eat so we've gotta hurry up what did you do why would you why would you do that Sonny it was too risky what if the plates were causing more problems in the timeline I don't want to risk it bruh all right well now we definitely can't get any more food so Sunny this is all we have I got six steaks and one pork chop if we don't save the world before I run out of food all hope is lost yeah well if you starve it's not a total loss cause I'll still be here well well Sunny how much food do you have I have 10 steaks and a whole Army of cows over there I could light on fire yeah yeah Sonny how are you gonna pick up the food idiot I'll figure it out all right I'm an interdimensional being I'm the one with the time clock not you okay okay relax relax relax we gotta work together here yeah and first things first we gotta break into quandal's journals there's gotta be a clue here somewhere Journal number six yep that's where I left off dear Journal today I Ponder on the Allure of time freeze a power both powerful and dangerous well yeah it's powers of course powerful well done quanda disturbing the natural flow of Minecraft could have unpredictable consequences unsettling the very fabric of the world yours wearily quandel Dingle I don't care about that journal no help there uh wait maybe there's like a code in there but now we'll never know thanks thanks a lot nope nope nope uh I just skipped ahead I found a book with some coordinates and the last time there was coordinates in one of his journals I found Dr longbottoms his Labs so this has got to be something important okay so here melon you read it sunny you are so stupid you better hope there was nothing important in there oh there was it was the coordinates and there was some mention of a wizard guy but don't worry I memorized it so I know it's over here somewhere oh my God Sonny you better have the right coordinates Sonny just admit it we're lost are you kidding me bro we're almost there trust me Sonny we're the middle of a desert do you mean trust you bro when have I ever let us astray um here how about that one time we went to kill the ender dragon that one time we got stuck on one block 2D to 5D realism that other time you stopped time and also mess things up ah okay I get it I make some mistakes but not this time I'm almost there the Skelly wizard is Gonna Save Us see I told you I knew where I was going I don't understand how that actually worked okay sunny I'll never doubt you again yep you can call me the goat if you'd like well I wouldn't like okay where is this wizard is he up here Sonny do you know what floor he said he's on he's on like the fifth or sixth floor seventh floor like third floor I don't keep track of the Skelly wizard I've never talked to him in my life all I know was he was in quandal's journal so he's gotta be around here somewhere yeah you're right all wizards are at the top oh there he is hello yo he's actually real and he looks insane hello Travelers what is it that you seek is it about the time freeze oh that's great I'm so glad you could hear us we found you in quandale's journal do you think you can help us fix the timeline yes I can you'll have to restore the beacon of time by finding blocks to complete it that sounds so cool where can we find these blocks I keep the time blocks around my tower somewhere I have a bad memory these days so you two boys need to go and find them yourselves remember you need Hoppers to pick them up since they won't drop after breaking because time is Frozen oh that makes sense that's perfect so if we put an item Hopper underneath the blocks after we mine them they should get sucked up and then we can grab them oh that's genius Sonny I wasn't listening so you're gonna have to do that stuff oh no problem I got it under control let's just grab some of these Hoppers there's 32 for you I'll take the diamond pickaxe you can have the other tools yes I'm so powerful and then melon all we have to do is place the blocks in this pattern and create the time Beacon I'm so excited Sunny let's do this thing melon I found the first block you have the ax right can you chop out this wood oh yeah I got you bro no problem but what do we need to do this for and then I put the hopper and then I break the block it worked give me that we've got one block eight more to go yo I Believe in Us Sunny you want to grab this diamond block in the center it's so beautiful and we place this and then we break this you could snag that melon yo give me this diamond block or block of diamond okay can you start to clear out the rest of these blocks yeah I got you bro no problem there you go there you go wait show me I have 58 blocks of emeralds won't those work they're not the special Skelly wizard blocks melon they have to be imbued with his magical energy otherwise it'll make a normal Beacon and we need a Time Beacon you're right these are useless I'm putting them in the dropper uh Sunny I'm now broke yeah you're dumb okay dang it that's four blocks Sonny and I have one so we've got five blocks total not bad we just need to keep finding the rest of the them do you think it's this redstone block no Sunny it needs to be emerald diamond iron or gold those are the only blocks that will do okay let's keep exploring his castle there's gotta be more yes break that melon I got you sonny but uh you're gonna need to do the rest yeah I've got the center control just casually dismantling the Skelly Wizards Tower and got it beautiful beautiful sunny melon I found another one get up here quick wait get I don't know where you are yo you're going quick Sonny fine I have to do everything around here don't worry I got that wood for you don't even worry appreciate it mine the Gold and scoop yo how many more blocks do we need Sunny two more just two more we'll be able to complete the beacon melon these are getting kind of easy to find they're just in all of the doorways bro this is easy light and then I put down that Hopper and scoop the Diamonds oh we're gonna be so rich uh sunny I will try and locate the final block don't know where it is though I don't see it in this room Sony can you help me please yeah yeah yeah okay yeah it's right beneath your feet what do you mean it's oh yeah absolute Nimrod I'm sorry I'm sorry here you go thank you place the hopper break the block and that's it all nine have been collected let's get back to the top floor yeah we're running out of time Sunny oh I'm starving I think I'm down to my last pork chop don't worry there's carrots and watermelon Sonny what is wrong with you but look at them oh they're so sweet and floating and dead Sonny just just get out of the farm room I don't want you to be in here anymore and now melon we just have to replace these blocks oh but Sunny you have the beacon uh no uh what are we gonna do about that that was a problem I thought you were gonna solve uh let's just consult the uh wizard guy yo yo Mr Skelly wizard we're uh just trying to figure out where we actually collect the beacon from we've gathered all the time blocks but we're missing the key component there's a secret room under the tower you'll have to go there good luck sorry follow me there's not a lot of time okay I'm right behind you melon to the secret room Sunny should be right about here whoa is it safe yeah Sonny it's safe but uh we have a problem uh how are we supposed to jump that far yeah I don't know what we're gonna do and I can't even place blocks down because time is Frozen Wait melon do you feel that I think the Skelly wizard just activated his time Powers this is weird Sonny what the heck is going on everything is so am I gonna make it am I gonna make it ow ow uh Sunny you can make it to the end because of your fiery armor it's all up to you maybe this hurts though a little more and I've gotta eat I've got wait maybe I can make the jump I believe I can fly I believe I can touch this guy please let me fly all he wanted was a chicken wing Sunny this is not good this is this is bad this is real bad Sunny I'm getting out of here I'm getting out of here but instead he's fried melon Sonny I believe in you I'm the chosen one uh make it make it no way I was one block it's okay sonny your fiery armor you yes I'm doing it melon for all of Minecraft I'll save us why do you think the Skelly wizard put all this stuff in his secret room this would have been a lot easier if he just gave us the beacon yeah I don't know why he made this so difficult it's pretty annoying I can almost reach it I could practically touch it come on on climb yes the beacon the time Beacon half a heart half heart I barely survived it melon uh Sunny how are you gonna get back congratulations I knew you two were the chosen ones I'll remove the lava right now bro what the heck he had us go through that trial just to find out if we were worthy bro that's actually really annoying man we were just trying to save Minecraft uh Sonny how are we supposed to get up melon I have no idea oh my bad let me well I guess I guess solution if only he just did this in the first place yeah if only he just gave us all the blocks and like didn't make us run stupid chores for him like he could do this stuff too you know I have a feeling you're right he probably just wanted us to clean up his place a bit well kind of destroyed it but that's Karma I just wish all we needed to do was flick a lever or push a button or something yeah man that would be really convenient would have saved us this whole trauma almost starving to death you killing a watermelon so many bad things could have not happened so all that's left to do is remove this block and place the time Beacon please work melon I think it worked I think so too Sonny wait hold on hold on can I pick up this block I can't it actually work Sonny what's wrong with you stop yeah lava spreads it works we saved all of time now I just gotta see if I still have my job so uh quandale do I still have my job as a security guard you're fired melon also why didn't you two just simply read my eighth Journal wait what do you mean I'm fired this is all I have I'm gonna go check that extra Journal that quandale left there's probably something really cool in there hey condo please please the pay was so good I'll do it for one emerald block come on come on you know Sonny you you saw the security cameras right Sonny was sabotaging me and stuff the eighth Journal let's see what quandal's got here I hope it's how to unlock super powers dear Journal oh yeah I just remembered to fix the timeline glitch pull Emerald lever from the goat cuandale wait what are you kidding this are you kidding me are you kidding me
Channel: Sunny
Views: 757,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MKAqapjXsGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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