Using TIME TRAVEL To Help My Friends In Minecraft!

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this one this one's mine oh yeah no no pink it's mine oh my gosh but it's so big please let me have it I know oh my yeah whatever Lily oh there's another big one and it's in red and it's all mine oh yeah thank you no no it's red don't you see so what that it's red Roxy could I have this area yeah take it cool see Lily Roxy said I could have it oh yeah no you can't Roxy he definitely can't have it no Lily he could have it yeah see Roxy said I could have it it's all mine no yours is right over there wait what right over there oh my no are you serious Lily how am I supposed to build anything in this tiny little square it's blue which means it's yours so just building it oh my God is gonna be way better than yours wait why your time machine how am I gonna build a time machine here Roxy are you hearing this yeah it's so unfair what do I do she's already making a time machine oh my yo now wow you can work with me if you are wait really oh my oh that would be awesome yes let's do it I'm gonna go on your side and let's build a wall so she doesn't see us let's do it all right boom there's a wall and let's get started but I'm Roxy how the how do we build a time machine no idea oh gosh oh gosh let's think about this in steps what do we build first we need to build a laboratory oh my Joe that's genius because every time machine is inside a laboratory great thinking so what blocks should a laboratory be made out of how about some iron blocks and let's grab a magical ax to place it so we're gonna put the first corner of the lab over here and then the second one all the way down here and now let's set the first position then set that a second possession up like that perfecta and then boom set the iron blocks and yes the outside is complete now all we have to do is hollow the inside out so we can have an actual room just like this and God boom it's now all Air so we now have a room on the inside oh yeah let's go this is ginormous so oh we need a door yeah you're totally right and I have the perfect idea for a door we're gonna use our keypad door so it only works if you know the code but what should we make the code let's make something hard all right how about one two three four five that is super hard right um that's so easy no it's not only a genius can guess one two three four and five oh yeah it works so well let's go we can now enter the lab all right we're in now well we have to disguise our time machine we don't want it to be in the front because we don't want any criminals to use it so let's fake decorate this room okay okay what do we do for first we have to make it look like a normal lab so let's just grab some normal lab stuff like love well first of course we're gonna need a brewing stand a cauldron a bunch of different type of potions some item frames to display everything maybe an elytra as a science experiment some sticky pistons and of course Redstone how did I not think of that and we can even add some Redstone torches and finally some Redstone repeaters now let's get to work so the first thing we have to do is get some light blue counters and put it all down just like this hey what about red oh my yo I knew you would ask okay okay I'm getting red counters oh my yo so let's grab some red and I know Lily's gonna complain too so let me get some pink and I'll put the pink over here then let's grab the red and put it all the way on the other side just like this perfect and now it's time to add all the science stuff so first let's add three Brewing stands like that and fill them up with a bunch of potions just like this so we could see them oh yeah let's do the same on each one just like that and the last one over here Perfecto that looks so thank you next let's add a cauldron over here for mixing and we could use some water so this is a great decoy so people actually think we're working in here even though this is all an extraction yeah this is great next let's put some item frames over here because we're working on some flying Electro wings and then let's grab a sticky piston and some Redstone and put it all on the side over here and we can pretend like we're making a redstone circuit so let's put a redstone repeater here then another one here with two Redstone Dust like this and let's make a redstone clock and oh I know isn't that so cool yeah that looks awesome awesome I know right and now let's put a repeater into the sticky piston and boom we have magic oh my yo this is science that's so that's so cool I know right but wait it's a little laggy so let me turn that off for now and what else should we add right over here add some goggles oh yeah you're totally right a safe lap needs goggles so let's put three item frames right here all with goggles for each of us then let's grab some wool in each of our colors pink light blue and of course red and but the wool All Above each one of the goggles just like that perfect now we could choose is whose pink is Lily's blue is ohms and red is Roxy that is awesome I know right behum the lab seems really really empty it's gonna be so obvious that it's not a real lab right what if we make an iron golem oh my yo that is the best experiment in the game Super Duper smart we could build one right over here so first let's put electric fences all around so we can't just escape and attack us just like this perfect and we're gonna use some reinforest glass so we can't just break out and let's place the glass all around just like this perfect and then do it up over here like that Kaboom and make it so it covers all of it just like this until it reaches the roof and boom perfect we're done but how are we gonna get inside oh wait you're totally right we need a door and I know just how we could build a little piston door right over here so let's place two Pistons down and let's grab some Redstone torches some Redstone repeaters and of course redstone dust and go to the back and let's place two blocks in the back a redstone torch and a block on top of it so it activates both then let's put a repeater behind the torch like that and then some Redstone back over here to a staircase like this and then let's cover up all the evidence and grab a lever so now whenever we activate the lever it pulls it back and wait what these items can't get pulled back on my way we have to replace them let's just use two normal fences instead because those are movable blocks I think let's test it out and yes they are now we have a way to get in and out perfect now let's place the Iron Golem oh my yo it's time so I think you ought to step out for this because I'm gonna run out once I spot him in so first let's place two iron blocks like this that one on each side like that then we have to get a car pumpkin and put it on top and run run run oh my you'll close the door and boom we now have our test subject uh that's his name oh my yo that's super smart let me grab a sign and we'll put it right over here and we'll name him test subject number 14 and boom he's now complete whoa that's so cool I know right it's amazing well what do we gonna do with this empty space over here oh my yo you're so right it's so obvious this isn't a real lab home what should we put what if we put some zombies oh my yo that sounds awesome yes so let's grab some zombies some zombie heads and then let's get a display case so we could put it inside and we're gonna do the same thing that we did last time so let's fill up the outside with a bunch of reinforced glass so they can't break out just like this and make it go all the way to the ceiling cup boom perfecta and let's put it all over just like that over here as well and got boom it's now all filled up with glass now let's grab some electrical fences and put them all on the bottom and can we reach oh my yeah we can't but now we can and let's put it all around just like this perfect and put the glass over here again then let's put two zombies in just like that perfect close it out before they attack us and let's put a display case over here here with a zombie at it and the code is gonna be one two three four so now when we type it in we can open it up and then put a zombie head in here oh my L isn't that awesome yeah yeah now let's go grab a sign and make it say subject number seven and then we could grab another side and put it right here and make it say subject number eight and boom there now both subjects and our lab is completely filled this is great right yeah this is awesome but we still have to make the relapse yeah and since this is completely filled up it's time to make it and we're gonna make the real lab all the way in this corner over here how are we gonna do that super easy it's just gonna take some Redstone magic so let's clear up my inventory then let's grab some sticky pistons some Redstone torches a redstone repeater and redstone dust and now let's break all of this side over here just like that so we have some room and let's place two sticky pistons over here just like that then let's go behind that and put two Redstone torches just like that and now let's connect our Redstone repeaters behind it like this and then some Redstone Dust like that and then let's make the Redstone go all around just like this into here and make it go underneath this block just like this so now we can put a button over here and when we flick this button it pulls it back so if we add some blocks like this flick the button it pulls back and yes oh my yo this is awesome you can't even tell there's anything until you hit the button right yeah that's so cool but um wait a minute Roxy we have a really big problem if we go outside over here we could literally see all the Redstone and it makes it so obvious how we gonna cover all of this super duper easy I think first what we could do is just break all of this Redstone then place it down over here like this so that we could literally just put the blocks on top like that boom then let's grab some ghost blocks for blocks like over here because if we put a normal block it would cut off the Redstone just like that but if we use a ghost block the Redstone table to go through perfect oh my yo now let's cover it all up just like that cover this here and now what do we do about all of this over here we could add some more ghost blocks like that but there's still the problem of right over here what do we do Roxy just use slabs oh yes slabs would work but it is a little bit obvious something's over here but hopefully Lily doesn't notice so let's just do it like that and then for right here I guess we literally only have the option of doing this and oh my yo that looks crazy obvious but hopefully she doesn't notice and now let's go inside and let's work on our time machine Maybe so let's go over here hit the button and jump in and now let's start breaking down how deep go around to magical one and let's clear out all this area over here so let's get the second position down just like that perfecta and let's make it all into air baby oh yeah now we have our secret laboratory room where our time machine's gonna be Mom let's see what blocks can we use for a laboratory what about Sports oh quartz is a perfect block so let's make this first wall over here all out of chords boom then let's do the same on the second wall just like that then the third wall all made of quartz then the fourth one over here Kaboom finally the floor just like this and wait don't forget the ceiling let's quickly do the ceiling just like that Kaboom and boom everything is fully made of cords this looks so oh good I know right and it's now time to build the portal but we don't want to make it too easy to get to because we don't want Lily using our time machine right yeah we really really don't so we're gonna make it super duper hard to get to so first when you land in here you're gonna land on these two blocks and now let's grab some super duper dangerous fake water and we're gonna break all around here just like this and put the fake water all around and Lily's gonna think this is just normal water but say Lily's this cow and she jumps in the water's gonna kill her instantly whoa this is dangerous I know right and we're gonna make the entire floor out of this so let's grab our magic wand and replace all of this with some air do the same on this side just like that and then fill it up all with fake water oh yeah this is great Lily's gonna stand no chance against this so what is she gonna have to do she's gonna have to do some bark or above this at the exit is gonna be all the way over here and only after she does all this can she enter the time of cheetah let's do it all righty at home what should the first jump speed they shouldn't be too easy how about some Minecart jumps oh my yo that sounds genius so let's grab some rails some diamond blocks for the platforms and of course some Minecarts and this is everything we need and now we're gonna make the first jump all the way over here with our rail there and then another block next to it with a mine car yeah Roxy try this out Run and Jump in oh my yo that was awesome then we'll make the second jump super duper high up over here just like this and Roxy test out if this is possible okay okay oh nice and then we'll make the third jump all the way up over here just like that now Roxy check if that one's possible okay oh nice and now you're all the way up there now we can make the next one really really hard all the way across over here now test that out gonna make it here and oh my yo that looks so cool Roxy high five that was sick I know I am the best at parkour sure you are oxy because I'm about to make this a whole lot harder we're gonna add some ladder jobs so the next jump is you gonna have to go down to that ladder try it out okay here oh nice at all you slipped it ah I knew it was hard but then after that you're gonna have to jump up one block over there okay boo nice job then we're gonna make it a three block ladder jump just like that and no way you make this yes and whoa that was so close I think I didn't slipped oh my yo I knew this was hard and then we're gonna make it go up one block again then up another to over here and then we're gonna grab some fences this is super easy oh my yellow shirt is Roxy but you won't be able to do the fence parkour try that out okay and oh my oh wait you hit your head we gotta make the ceiling a little bit higher so let's grab the magical one go up like three blocks should be good and then make it all Air just like that and oh my um rock so we have a problem um the water's overflowing oh my yo it's messing everything up oh gosh oh gosh let's fill up this wall with some quartz quickly and boom it's now filled and the water is disappearing and let's do the same for all the sides just like that Kaboom and now they are all filled up with chords good job thank you but we have to fix all the mine cards because these ones got messed up so let's grab a rail put it up over here with a minecart on top of each of them just like that perfecta and now let's continue with that that's parkour so you did the first jump but then the second jump is going to go over here and one up just like that try that out okay boom Oh super easy and then the next one is gonna go this way and then again it's gonna go up one just like that try that this looks like it and and oh my god oh that was so awesome let me try let me try so if I go all the way back and then run and whoa that was super close but it is possible so we won't be making it too hard okay good and then the next job is going to be right over here so jump all the way to this at that over here and then one last jump up over here and oh my God I hit my head again Lower it oh yeah you're right if I just lower it like this now we could make the jump and wait what do I still hit my head are you serious no way do I I think you do oh my yo you're totally right oh we have to make the ceiling even higher so let's get rid of this entire layer just like that and boom now I think we should be able to do it so let me try it and yes I made it what's next next it's going to be even harder we're gonna make some super duper hard piston jumps whoa how do we do that first let's grab some pistons and some buttons and then we're gonna put one right over here with a button so you have to hit that button to jump onto it okay Bill and wow oh you just barely missed let me try so I hit the button jump and boom yes and I'm gonna make it to the next block which is going to be right over here hello wait let me use some of the blue diamonds my favorite block just like that now test it out and oh so close Roxy let me try so I stand over here hit the button jump and yes I made it oh my yo now let's add another one just like that over here perfect and we're gonna make this one extra hard we're gonna make two of those jumps so you have to hit it twice and then land over here on the diamond now try that out Roxy I know but you can do it go go go okay okay oh you miss Roxy let me try if I hit the button run then hit the button again and no that was so close oh gosh you go again let's see if you can do it okay boom Oh that was extra close let me try one more time I think I got the hang of it so what we have to do is stand all the way to the back right and hit the button mid-air then oh no oh my God I totally know how to do this right let me try it again I want to try oh wow all right you try Roxy let's see okay okay ah that was a close one but I know how to do it now that's so hard so hard do that I don't know oh my yeah wait wait so I hit the button right then hit the button and oh my yo I activated it wait wait I'm getting too close I have to do this before we continue on at oh my yo this is gonna be so bad I was so close oh boy y'all hit the button hit the button and yeah yes I did it let's go [Applause] eat yourself all right now right now we can continue on oh my yo I would have cried if I didn't get that my way dead ass let's make let's make it go to the end that's a really good idea so we're gonna end up over here so let's make it walk all across like this perfecta and now let's grab some glass and we're gonna make a glass cage to the exit so let's build a little cage just like this so the only way to enter it is if you get inside it just like that and then let's build it from over here so let's build a cage just like this cup boom build the sides like that oh my God this looks kind of crazy right here yeah do you have to jump there no we're not gonna make it so you have the job we're gonna make it so you have to walk there so let's build the case like this then make a little staircase down all the way just like that Kaboom and wait a minute oh I know it didn't work we have to make a little drop just like that and then do the same on this side add that little drop and then build the glass around it just like this and then let's break this over here and make it go this way and now build the floor and let's build the outside casing so you can't just cheat and jump in from somewhere else just like that perfect it is all set on this side now let's go on this side and build the casing the same way just like that and then make it go all around the outside without interfering with the parkour oh gosh it's a little bit difficult but we're managing quite well I think and wait a minute we are not because these fences are in the way so we have to break this like that and then just move the parkour one block forward just like that and then build up like this and boom now it's all gonna work so now we can finish up the casing and make it so that you can only enter when you complete everything so let's build up like that build a top over here like this and then build this side over here just like that and now it is all complete check that out Roxy isn't that awesome it's awesome yeah this awesome sauce so let's go to the side and then only when we make it we can enter in the glass casing and boo we can make it to where the Portal's gonna be um don't you think you feel easy ah maybe you're right that parkour was a little bit easy we did it kind of quick how about we make something super duper deadly in between the time machine and here we can add a super duper deadly dangerous zombie room where we have to fight zombies that would be so cool so let me grab the magical one and let's make a giant room over here so let's fly up here put the first position then let's go back down break all the way to this side and then let's break down a bunch of blocks over here just like that and so we're super deep in and this should be good now let's put the second position and then make it all into air just like this and oh my God this room is huge right yeah this is awesome now let's set the floor and since this is gonna be the Zombie room let's make it all out of emerald blocks that would be so I know right Attica boom Oh My yo that is awesome so let's set the walls to be out of emeralds and oh my L there's so many games in here we have to cover this up as soon as possible then let's do the back wall over here just like that perfect and let's do this side over here come boom and finally let's do the ceiling just like that and now boom everything is all made out of emerald blocks this looks so cool and I have a really good idea we can make it so that there's two choices one of them is gonna spawn in a bunch of zombies and the other one is gonna give you super good loot yeah let's let's do it all right perfect so we're gonna make two boots one which is our right answer which is gonna be in light blue and one that's the wrong answer which is gonna be in pink so let's make it right when you enter you have the two options so we're gonna make a blue path over here and then a pink path over here perfect and then let's fill up the sides like this so you can't just cheat and walk across so let's put that thing like that and then the blue over here just like this perfect it's all filled up and now in between we have to put another wall so you can't just peek over to the other side just like that and come boom it's now all set the walls are done but which side is gonna have the zombies of course it's gonna be the pink side because pink is not the right answer so first let's put a door so you can peek through and on the pink side we're gonna put a picture and on the blue side of blue door just like that Kaboom and we're gonna make it so once you open this door it's gonna activate a bunch of this answers with zombies I know right so let's continue making this area just like this by putting a pick wall all around so you can't escape and so it's all the way to the end over here now we have to find a way to spotted the zombies any ideas on what if we use dispensers oh my yo Roxy you are a genius that is so smart so let's grab some dispensers and let's put them all around this place just like that so so many zombie spot that has to be like 20. and now let's grab some zombie spawn eggs and put a stack of spot exit each dispenser all right okay oh my yo this is literally gonna be crazy it's gonna be like a thousand zombies in here Lily's gonna have no chance but wow we're gonna destroy her right yeah this is hard I know but do you think it's a little bit unfair that she's gonna have to fight all of these guys without any weapons yeah let's give her a weapon all right great idea let's do that but first we have to attach the Redstone so all the zombies can activate and we're gonna do that by adding a pressure plate and putting it right over here so what she steps on it it's gonna activate some Redstone this way and now we have the Mind behind the dispensers just like this all the way until we reached the very end perfect and grab some repeaters like that and put it all along the sides and boom done now we have to break again to the other side here all the way until we reach the side of the dispenser is just like that perfect and now let's grab some Redstone and put it all behind the repeaters like this boom and connected to the pressure plate over here so let's make it go down and then into it nicer and now let's test it out if we step on it wait what the zombie spot but it didn't reach all the way oh I see why the Redstone dies so we have to make it go around this way and then go around again like that and let's break this one I think no no we break this one and now let's test it out so if we hit on the pressure plate do all of them spawn and yes they all spotted perfect oh man wait let's make it peaceful before they attack us and now let's cover up all the Redstone with some Emerald blocks just like this and boom the system works isn't that awesome Roxy yeah that's awesome but um wait a minute Lily still doesn't have any weapons so let's grab a chest and let's give her a decent weapon we don't want her to get anything too crazy right yeah let's give her a diamond enchanted sword oh okay that's nothing crazy it's not like netherrite the best item in the game but it's not like netherite which is super good it's just good enough but what enchantment should we give the sword how about sharpness three all right that sounds like a good idea yeah so let's get sharpness three and we're gonna need an anvil to make it so let's put the Anvil down first and the diamond sword and sharpness three in it and we'll name the sword Lily's sword oh yeah that is awesome now let's put it inside the chest over here and should we give her any armor what do you think how about some leather armor all right yeah that's the worst armor and since you chose the wrong door we can't give her anything and since she chose the wrong door we can't just give her anything so let's put uh Armor All Around The Sword like that and how about we grab or some enchanted golden apples and we'll go for one right over here and boom that's it that should be enough aha it is perfect but I'm wait a minute Roxy what if she just opens the door and runs out of here that would not be good oh my yo we need to make a way to lock the door when she enters any ideas yeah what the block spawns behind the door oh my yo that is super smart and super easy to do all we have to do is mine down over here grab a sticky piston place it down just like that and then we just need to connect it to that pressure plate so that's mine underneath over here then let's grab a redstone repeater put it into the piston and then let's grab some redstone dust and put it underneath the pressure plate and now I think that should work is it really that easy let's test it out so when we open the door and walk out yes the block is locked so she can't just run out oh my God that is awesome and it only activates when she gets there yes yes yes this is I know right and we can make it so when she reaches the other side this is where the Portal's gonna be yeah the pick side is done but now it's time to do the better side which is the blue and instead of making it a super hard challenge we're gonna make it some great gifts sorry sorry oh my yo it's silly um we're doing really good Lily we're not working on a super deadly dangerous trap for you huh what ah nothing Lily I did not say anything about a dangerous trap but uh what's up how you doing pal I'm almost done oh you're almost done oh gosh Roxy we're not almost done we have to hurry up all right all right all right uh yeah so are we Lily we're totally almost done you don't sound like it oh my God Lily I promise you we are oh gosh Roxy we have to be quick oh gosh oh gosh we have to stop are right now all right let's do it well mine are gonna be way better oh my God whatever Lily oh I can't believe we're buying it for a prize but I guess we should so let's put a double chest over here and we're gonna get her some super awesome stuff for picking blue what should we give her give her sandwich because she's a cat and she loves fish oh my God you're totally right so let's grab some raw salmon and what else does Lily like she also really really likes the color pink so let's grab ours on pink wool and oh my oh these are some awesome gifts so let's put a bunch of fish in here and then let's put a bunch of wool in here and um what else should we give her how about we give her some nether right armor oh Mario that is a genius idea this is the best armor in the game so let's get her a full set and put it all on the bottom just like that perfect oh my yo she's gonna love it right yeah this looks so cool and perfect now let's make the exit over here and we're gonna make them both lead to the same area so no matter what you choose you still get to the same place but one is just a lot harder hopefully she picks the right side ah because if he doesn't it's gonna be bad but here is where our time machine is gonna be so first let's build all the way up over here to get that first position to make all this area yeah clear then let's go over here onto this side and break all the way down just like this and now hit the second position and set it all with some air just like that and oh my God wait let's do it again so all the gravel gets destroyed just like that and boom what should we make this out of Tom says this is the final area let's make it all out of super duper expensive diamond blocks my favorite blocks so let's set it all down just like that and do the same to all the walls just like this the first wall is set now let's do the second back wall over here Kaboom and finally let's do this wall right over here and bow don't forget the ceiling oh my God I can't believe I forgot that you're totally right so let's set it all just like that and boom the final lap is now complete and this is where our portal is gonna be uh but we have to decorate it first oh my God you're totally right well the Portal's gonna be right over here so let's mark this area so we can't build next to it perfect but everything else is gonna be empty so we do need to decorate it what are we gonna decorate it with come we already made a normal lab outside so we don't need to do that again what if oh my God this is awesome what if we write words with blocks on the walls wait like our names aha so let's grab some red wolf first and let's write your name Roxy and it starts with an R so let's make an R like that and wait uh does that look like an r that looks like an a oh my yeah wait um how do we do this and wait I just did I just did it that's an R oh yeah that's so much better next let's do the next letter in your name which is an eye right no it's definitely not an eye oh well let me try and sound out your name ah what letter is a oh it's not a c what it's not a z then what letter is oh let me think you really don't know wait why I just said it Zia oh yeah raw oh my yeah I can't believe it that's so obvious so let's make the o just like that and now we have the X sound Hub Roxy what letter does X make um oh I know it's G so let's make a g no it's not g wait why it's not g then what letter is x um I don't know Roxy let's give up no ohms no oh my yo this is too hard Roxy I don't know what to do oh yeah and it sounded out so rock oh I know it's a c uh oh yeah I totally do that I was gonna do that Roxy don't be silly so let's make an X over here just like that perfect that X looks so silly all right all right it's adorable but now we have the last letter which is a y wait what you got it right yeah oh my yeah let's go so let's make the Y over here and we're gonna have to make it go a little bit on this wall and boom we have Roxy super cool next let's do Lily and I already know this one super easy first it's an owl just like that then it's an eye like this then an l and wait what's the last letter Lily why oh yeah it is a y so let's make a y just like this and boo we have Roxy on one side and Lily on the other and now oh wait um where should we put almost both side of the walls are filled and this is where the Portal's gonna be how about the ceiling oh my yo that is a Genus idea yes let's do Oh's on the ceiling at ohms I know this for a fact starts with an O so let's put an O over here and next is an eye and I really Roxy it is nine I it makes a m sound it's oh what makes an um sound Roxy it's not that hard oh you got it it's an M no I said it end and now Roxy it's not an N it's an N how do you really not know that oh my y'all you are so silly but let's make that M over here and M's are so hard to make on my L but I think this looks kind of good yes it looks great nice now let's do the final letter which is a z so let's make it just like that that make the bottom part like this Erica pal we have OBS on the top Roxy on the left and literally on the right now it's time to build our time machine how are we gonna do that super duper easy so let's go all the way to the end and let's literally grab some End Portals oh I see what we're doing and now let's grab some eye Of Enders and place three portals this way the three this way the three over here like that and finally three that way now let's put the Eyes in all like this down ah that thing Lily we're not doing anything again oh my yo there it is the portal for our time machine isn't that so cool yeah yeah but are we going right now aha let's do it in three two one jumping and oh my God we made it to the end and I have a really good idea we can make it our goal to defeat the Ender Dragon together okay let's I met with Lily so first let's make a staircase up this way that we could go up with Lily just like that all the way up over here perfect now let's grab some chests and put it just like that put three on it just like this and then let's get some super duper powerful weapons all we have to do is type out this special command and boom we gotta start with sharpness 1000 and this is easily gonna be able to take out the dragon so let's put one of each in the chest just like that perfecta and now let's go back to Lily because we're done let's go oh hey guys hey Lily we're done are you yeah I'm done no we didn't work together what do we say Roxy what do we say yeah of course Roxy totally the truth he totally has a crush on her yeah fine we did Lily uh you guys too oh my God Lily whatever we did what are you gonna do about it that's cheating but whatever all right let's see your base and whoa It's So pink uh I love the color pink and wait are these security doors over here yeah try to open them all right and I know the password is easy like one two three four and wait what it's not what about one two three four five and wait wow what's the password Lily it's nine one nine one really Lily how was I ever supposed to guess that well I don't want you breaking into my base oh Mario okay and whoa you have a cool TV some chairs and what's over here oh this is the hallway to the bathroom oh all right nice there's some couches some nice paintings and here's the bathroom cool and wait the bathroom has two bathrooms no three wait three bathrooms so we could all poop together yeah this was yours this one's Roxy and that one's mine oh my God that is super duper awesome but up Lily did you build a lava yeah I did gloomy oh okay it doesn't look like she did but oh wait there's a secret room oh my yo Lily's a genius and whoa it's all made of obsidian that way there's beds in the lab oh all right cool you have a trampoline over here in all of our colors at some couches that is sick stuck oh wait why how'd you get stuck in the couch oh we got Lily the ceiling is not high enough for us even got on the trampoline oh my yeah we literally have to break it and yes now about the trampoline oh yeah sorry about that oh my oh that's so silly but um Lily this doesn't even have a time machine does it oh so you're saying that this is like the time machine Roxy This Isn't that cool is it I kind of like it because Lily made it oh my yeah of course you do Roxy but oh is that it Lily uh no there's a parkour oh my yo parkour but that's not what we were supposed to make oh my gosh let me check out this parkour and whoa It's actually dangerous but I am a pro so I can speed run through it just like this and then go up here and then boom and then we go and oh my God are you serious I failed on the last jump I can do it oh my yo let's see how do you feel too high but is that it Lily yeah that's it uh I'm gonna be honest I'm gonna have to give this a two sorry uh yeah and I have to combine it with Roxy's core Roxy what do you give this build I give it 1 000 out of ten wait what you just can't do that Roxy I love it much oh my gosh voting with Roxy is so hard all right your final score is like a thousand whatever Lily let's go to our side which is the better side you'll never been oh my God yeah yeah yeah we'll see about that as you can see we also use some keypad doors but the code is one two three four and five um that's so easy yeah it's supposed to be easy and now Welcome to our lab and as you can see on this side we have test subject seven and eight which are both zombies whoa cool and we have a display case with a zombie head inside that you can only access with the code Isn't that cool oh I know right then we have test subject number 14 which is an iron golem and we can actually access him with this lever over here super cool right yeah that's really cool but when I get out of there you might be dangerous get out get out get out and then we have a bunch of lab stuff over here some Redstone going on just like that and guess what none of this is real it's all a distraction a distraction but why over here you'll see if we hit this button our secret room is activated and you landed here whoa what is this this is a parkour so Roxy show how to do it okay okay oh nice and he's doing all the mine car parkour just like that and then we do the ladder parkour which I wanted to check this out and then we go all around like this then we have to jump onto the fences over here all the way until we get up at Ohio I feel this is so hard but once we get up over here what do you do you hit this button at two parkour that you have to do a double jump like this and yes I made it and then it leads you into the glass hallway the glass hallway this is where we go down and then into here and I'm gonna have to put you into survival for this okay what what because you have to choose between the big door and the blue door which one do you choose The Pink Door of course all right girl and see what happens you enter into a pressure plan now you have to get the chance to get the chance to leave the Jazz go by oh Lily's about to die oh gosh oh gosh Lily what are you doing oh my yeah Lily that was terrible um all right fine I'm teleporting you back but go attack eat your golden apple Lily armor the armor what are you doing oh my yo this is crazy sad here take the golden apple eat the golden apple it's in your inventory eat it eat the golden apple all right good you should survive at Ohio you know what let me help you out let me grab some TNT and a piece of flint and steel and Lily run away now run away run away oh gosh oh gosh this is bad and God boom I killed like half of them Lily killed the rest who got this I'm doing oh my gosh Lily stop dying stop being a noob you're back and you did it I didn't help Oh Maya whatever but Lily Dad you can move on to the final area over here which is the final lab and as you can see we have our real-time machine ah on each side of the lab has all of our names and this is the portal so hop on it okay and boom we're now in the end and let's climb up the staircase and Lily there's a chest up here for all of us and there's a diamond sword with sharpness 1000. well that's it and now let's kill the dragon Mr Dragon come here you're so dead and hey wait I can't reach out oh gosh Roxy we have to kill it oh my God stop running away yeah okay no I am whoever kills the dragon wins I need to get it come on and yeah oh my gosh good job and now we can go to the portal to make it back to our home let's do it guys so cool let's hop inside and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join our next one click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 1,319,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cash, cash and nico, nico and cash, jj and mikey minecraft, cash and nico and zoey and shady, zoey, cash tv, niko and cash, shady, zoey tv, kory and omziscool, cash and nico and zoey and shady minecraft, cash and nico minecraft, shady tv, omziscool and koryin, cash roblox, cash and nico and zoey and shady and mia minecraft, cash face reveal, shadytv, omziscool face reveal, koryin and omziscool, corey and ohms, ohms and corey, omz, nico, NOOB VS HACKER: CASH & ZOEY Build Challenge
Id: KdbpFSL1v5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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