Using New Jbeam Editor for Blender - Resize Bollards - BeamNG

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all right recently beam mg released a beam jbeam editor for blender that you can Import and Export J beams and edit them and it makes it a lot easier to work with than the old jbeam editor um so what you'll do is go to this link and you'll download the blender jbeam editor and then once you load blender and I recommend you get the latest blender which is three well it's not the version I got it is hold on I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll tell you which one I got 3.62 the latest is 3.64 um anyway now if you got the old BL lender exporter installed already and the preference is just undo it you don't want it now you don't want to use it because it conflicts apparently I don't even see it in there but you'll know it if you got it installed you'll see it in there it's said import export jbeam IO mesh whatever I don't even see it now but anyway all right install the the new one install go to the downloads folder and click on that zip file that you download install add-on and then once you do that you'll see yeah that's the old one right there you'll see development blender JB meditor just put a checkbox there and that's all you got to do now this don't do all the work for you just like the other jbam editor it only exports the nodes beams and triangles but if you do what I do and you use an existing jbeam it makes it a lot easier just to recycle old ones even in here now the question I got was about resizing ballards now the ballards that I just recently posted the two ballards that move U together together um we'll use that for an example so we're going to import jbeam and jbeam exported baller two all right there it is baller 2. jbeam uh select a part import all parts well there's only one part so import it in so this is the jbeam for the ballards now we'll Import in the model the Dae the part that you see so this is the part that you see and there's actually two meshes um so as you can see like this is the little let me hide the thing thing main thing here so this is the part that the shaft you know the part that goes up and down so we got the Dae which is just a physical model that you see and we got it jbam um now looking up very close you see it's a little complicated because it's is using slide rails and slide rail is uh so you can slide up and down on a on a go a particular direction without coming out kind of like a sleeve so that's what that basically is so if you're going to want to scale this I would say hide the shaft first and then if you want to make the whole I would tell you what to do you know would be my honest opinion instead of trying to tweak it and all that stuff just select everything all of it scale it all at the same time right now select the pole well actually select everything apply all transforms select the poll in the main here those are the daes export Dae overwrite the Dae that's in there with this one but says selection only because we're not sending the J beam right there as a as an object so off they go now we will go to files save I'm sorry export jbam I got it selected right the jbam it's G to tell us to save the blender file first so there we save it now what what we name it here um whatever you want to name it it don't matter because we're just overriding the J beam that's already here with this one the one that we just edited scaled it export J beam and we're gonna overwrite that one just like that now if I load the game The Game's already loaded it's locked up from my earlier video yeah that one ain't getting posted either U if I load this baller now it should be bigger and it's probably will be the easiest way to explain how to do this now can you do this with an entire car hell no I doubt it uh but this is a simple jbeam um it should work fine yeah that's definitely a lot bigger than the other one now that's going to be expected because you're making something bigger the damn thing uses real physics so if something's bigger you know you got other things to consider like the damping and all that other stuff you know but I'm not getting into all that you just want to know how to make the damn thing bigger so that's the easiest way all that other stuff you can figure out um later but this this is just GNA focus on just that
Channel: BeamNG - TerryMartinART
Views: 776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JrohnGjqK4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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