Using New Jbeam Editor for Blender - Resize a Can - BeamNG

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all right all right let's do another let's scale something else so we're going to clear all that out and we're going to open Import in a jbam this one is a can it's a beer can so blank J beam this is it import it in select a part well there's only one part it's the can now that's the J beam now we have to import in the model the Dae the part that you actually see so in there also is the can now so you got the can you got the J beam so can you scale this J beam yes you can but select both the J beam and the can when you do that apply all transforms now export the can well wait a minute before I get ahead of myself save the jbeam file I mean save the blender save the blender file save as in that same folder with this can save the blender file that way it knows where to export the jbeam to so the J Beam for the can export jbeam overwrite that one don't worry that it's called blank jbeam that's just what I used to name them all and you see where it's at it's in the vehicle's folder where the can is at over write it now select the can itself now that should not have an o1 it's only because the J beam is named the same thing so we're just doing that that can't have an o1 on it good thing you saw that because you'd be irritated all right now we're only exporting the da of that scaled up can but we're going to say selection only because we only want to send that we're going to override that one with that one now we're going to load the game and we have a big can a bigger can and it wasn't too much work but that's a simple object too yep yep right right make it bigger all right fine pick the can and it it's j Beam scale it up even larger apply all transforms export the J beam overwrite the J Beam with this J beam now what'll happen if you export the jbeam without also exporting the larger can I'll show you you see the jbeam here is larger but the mesh of the can is still small oh you got to export the can also as a Dae but we're not sending the can and the J beam just the can override it then voila you got your can a big can and of course the physics you got to figure something folks now when you make something bigger it's going to have to it going to have to have different settings it going to have to have different different spring settings and different you know things like that because it does use like real physics so you know what used to be like 0.05 weight should now be a lot more more than that but I'm not getting into all that I'm just showing you how to scale stuff this is actually a pretty cool program it actually is I'm impressed with it
Channel: BeamNG - TerryMartinART
Views: 899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4kNrcF0bkTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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