Why You Should Modify Your Nodes! (automation🔧BeamNG)

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there is one advantage to openwheelers that most people from automation don't really exploit to its fullest and that's the fact that the closer you are to the center of mass the quicker you'll rotate so here's a bit of a video i took that shows that if i'm spread out with my arms and legs that i'm rotating at a certain speed but when i pull in i go faster and that rotational centrifugal force is applicable to cars too so if you export an open wheeler say like this one you'll notice that the mesh and this is actually where the weight is does not really stick to the inside of the car unless you go around and do it to a car like this and make it nice and tight now you may say well i can't give a whole lot of advantage let me show you this so here i am at my top speed of 250 251 kilometers now then hard right and it stays under control because i designed this car basically from automation to have good handling characteristics but what happens if we do that exact same thing except now we're up the body a bit well this is what happens 250 are top speed hard right yep immediately there is attraction difference so let's uh explore this a little bit by creating a new car from scratch not this lotus 47 knockoff type thing that i'm doing here and have a bit of fun with it see just how berserk it can get ignore these we'll deal with them later now to be honest i did that experiment a long time ago the other reason why i'm bringing it up now is because it really got pointed out to me when i saw twin turbos trying to actually compare an automation car to a beam ng mod formula one car and that got me thinking maybe i should show my workings so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna choose a really long and narrow car and i think to find that we're gonna have to go all the way down here so the reason why i went along a narrow car which uh spreads out that center of mass is so then i don't go spinning off in long corners so here we go we've got a 3.02 meter long car with a 1.4 track width so it's not the narrowest car but it's a narrow longer and that's what we want today i don't know is this long enough and narrow enough it might be narrow enough we'll see we're gonna go with carbon fiber monocoque carbon fiber we're gonna keep this really light that's on the front engine well that's a problem i could go with a mod body i think i might oh this new body is exceptionally narrow and quite long might go with that now the question is what sort of engine do we go with here do we go with the new you know what yeah we're gonna try to actually compete with twin turbo bros's car so we're gonna go with a v6 i think the v6 is a 1.3 liter or something like that a 1.6 and we're aiming for about 870 that's a lot oh boy well let's give it a try oh we're not going to have any variable battle so we're going to go with a five valve engine and a 1.6 there we go we got it down to exactly a 1.6 spill at lightweight titanium forged this is gonna have to have just quality spams everywhere but it is a formula one car so i don't feel quite so guilty we're gonna give it a patterned yellow race color lots of wrinkles you know like an old man we're 291kw we need 649 so well we're a little bit away well the synthetic can only get up to 419 kilowatts which is not as great as i'd like so let's give our new formula one engine a bit of a listen eh doesn't sound that great actually if i'm honest quality spam literally there's not a whole lot to be done here just lower the roof line reduce the overhangs the rest does not matter rear wheel drive is sequential or dual clutch i don't know what they run i'm going to go for the lightest sequential bar wow this thing it reckons i doubt it could go 904 kilometers now so we're gonna bring that back down but jesus christ what what have i done to make it think that it like oh boy electronic lsd quality spare radials semi-slicks thick buoys carbon fibrin quality spam carpet ceramics one pistons carbon ceramics one piston quality spam i think you get the idea it reckons in its current stable to 434 kilometers now which it won't do i'm just getting uh my suspension set up we also have a good speed here it'll be about probably 87 before downforce will have to kick in now let's start with the body painted invisible make the rest invisible here is our canvas now time for the master to go to work and by master i mean i'm actually really bad at this hello it seems like i'm back well that took about two hours of my life away so yeah here's the car done i wish that i had brought the nose to a tighter point but really have the 3d fixtures exactly that i want to be able to do that and then also the rear end i don't what does the rear end of a formula one car look like oh do they have a single exhaust now uh no no those are the exhausts there then what's the one in the middle no idea now remember why i did this piece i did this piece to make this all joined together better oh dear so what i should really do is go and do a thing where you uh make the front wheel smaller i'm not going to bother with that today what i'm going to do is i'm going to go in and i'm first of all going to edit the model and this is going to take some time actually what is what is a test track working we can do in just beam ng itself in automation itself at 147 i was kind of hoping for a little bit more than that but i can tell you right now the issues we're gonna have this is going to touch the ground this may or may not these are just going to be uh aero dams i just wanted them to look like uh actual formula one modular wing sections and this isn't going to create much downforce at all or they've stuffed up how the wing works and it goes all the way across the entire body in fact we actually might do another lecture a little bit there we go we now have a multi-element wing on the rear and that'll also probably just work as an air dam with the way in which exporting over to bmng works now i know it doesn't look exactly like a formula one car but that's what we're going with because that's pretty much all i can figure out how to do without like i don't know like just using somebody else's model well here we go i told you i told you that it would have wing problems let's have a look ctrl t look at that yet that's the real that entire rear wing is propping up the car all right let's uh now start editing so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to fix up these wings now we're going to go over here to the debug which is a option you can turn on menus go to node text and turn on names and we're going to use this a lot i know it's a mess but this is required so we're looking for wing 51 and to find this we're going to open up the main cars jd so this one right here the baby formula one car control f wing 51 there we go okay again this is your width this is how far forward it is and this is the height so we need to fix the height issue there we go we've now got it tucked up quite a bit now i can't actually tell where it is i think it's a little too high now let's change that oh wait hold on this goes into the negatives oh frick that means my math was wrong so i should also mention that i'm looking for the ones here that are the same so this one is my forward leading edge this one's my forward leading edge this one matches that so that's also my forward leading edge and that's my forward leading edge so these are the ones i'm changing let's break out a calculator there we go now it's where we could see it so we still wanted to go a bit higher there we go and now just lines up with the actual thing itself okay and then we got a problem here with this dropping off i don't know why it's dropping off or how to fix it though okay i went in and i changed a whole bunch of details specifically just the brake group so a whole bunch of wings which were in that area so hopefully that is now no longer an issue and let's give it a bit of a try oh this car looks like a mess but we're going to see how this car handles to do a before and after seems that there is a downforce issue because it did pull to one side more than the other so hard right at about 200 is fine hard left because we don't know that downfalls i think that's causing an issue so it'll it'll spin going one way but not the other this car is going to probably spin a whole lot then let's uh give it a little bit more of a try around and we're only going to turn right for now we're going to do something about that wing turning right it's fairly good oh and turning left is an issue oh it's an issue and it won't stop and around it goes well this car is going to spin a lot for now we're actually going to go in and we're going to start making this car a whole lot narrower and this is my process so because the car is fairly symmetrized we're gonna go through and we're gonna find these locations so we're gonna start with 856 for simplicity it's right there i can see it easily fine a 56 the first mention of it should be its location so here we have our location we're not going to take the minus symbol we're going to take the all of the number except for that and then that will go control c on that we'll put that here we're going to go in here and we're going to just make it a little bit narrower the width is the first number we're going to change this to say a 5. and that changes both of them when i click this button there we go ctrl s control r and now you can see that it's moved a56 inwards a bit and it's done to the other side as well but we can go much further than that by the looks of it probably almost go double that so we just copy the one that we put there and put that there and then change this to say three there we go that seems to line up where we want it to now we're going to do the same to a88 and then we're going to hit ctrl r and now a8 is also moved and it's very in line with a56 here now we're going to do is just basically do that to the entire car we're also going to drop these down a little bit by the looks of it because they are very high a lower center of gravity is a happy center of gravity [Music] so what you see here is these two crossed upon each other i hope that my audio is a little bit better now so what we did is we changed the negatives from this one and this one whatever so now refresh and you can see now that it creates a nice square as opposed to being crossed over itself this is something you will need to do if you're doing what i'm doing so here we've gone over most of it we've done a fairly decent job you can actually make it a little bit narrower at the front but you can see now that it fits a lot better to the actual body shape and i should probably actually narrow in the rear as well but now we'll give it a bit of a test so this should spin out a lot easier now considering that the weight is a lot more inbound so yeah that goes turning right now remember that left was a bit problematic oh god this thing is a bit of a drift based oh god it doesn't want to stop going sideways oh that's actually a problem it doesn't want to stop going sideways at first i thought that was cool then i realized that you just the extent to how much it doesn't like to and it just wants to spin there you go and around it goes it just so here is where we now started getting into the open wheeler territory we have our width set correctly but what we don't have said correctly now is our traction traction aids all that sort of stuff i have also seemingly somehow stuffed up bmng so i'm gonna have to quickly restart it there it goes now we've got the wing on the other side fuller off so we're gonna have to change all of that to break group one so that looks so neat and tight in there it looks so good let's go ahead and find these wings we're looking for wing 91 there we go they're no longer colliding with each other let's give it a bit of a test drive now hopefully with the evened out downfalls this thing won't spin quite so much seems i was a lit oh god it spins so easily now so before it spun easier but now it's spinning a lot easier oh yeah this is not fantastic if i'm honest let's uh hold left yep still turns and at least i can control the drift oh god this thing is it handles so weird when it like it snaps too and then like there's a jolt in the middle which is a real problem oh god ah all right let's let's ease on the power this time and [Applause] hard right that's yeah all right let's try saving this drift bring it back oh okay yep oh boy oh oh no so here comes the next part and that is the variable wings now if you're paying close attention when i was designing the car i put in some invisible wings because i knew this sort of thing would be an issue so we're going to move this swing and this wing with our wing angle modifier check out this video link in the description for how to do that we're just going to gloss over this [Music] all right it seems a little bit better now we could just go around and tweak this a little bit so here we go we have it on the automation test track and we are going to give this thing a bit of a shakedown and we're going to tweak the rear to front downforce and see where it wants to be so currently i think we want a lot more on the rear because it just come on so i already knew that the car was going to oversteer that was actually something that uh automation told me at about 86 if you remember so now we're just going to have to finish a little bit the rear downforce set it up 0.5 and see what that does 0.5 is quite drastic though by the way that is quite a lot of extra downforce and a lot of extra drag but already we're seeing more traction oh god oh we've gone [Music] that's not fantastic oh god stop it stop it stop all right let's let's try that again shall we and see if we can get a little bit of a nicer result oh i also see that my wings are flailing a little bit that could be due to oh oh oh no i think we need a lot more front downforce and a little that's right a lot more rear downfalls and a little less front down force being nice to me yes good braking is good turning is for oh and oh oh oh oh oh dear i think we need a little less front down force is this actually doing anything it's not doing anything why is nothing happening oh the front and rear are connected god damn it i'm such a numpty see that's why it's always good to debunk things properly so then you don't end up derping like i do there we go we have very little front down force uh sorry front angle on that compared to the reaction you know we're gonna bring the rear down quite a bit as well that's really quite extreme okay let's try that out okay a lot of understeer but is it helping us with our snap oversteer uh not really we still have snap oversteer which is an issue oh i drift i might be able to control this with a steering wheel if i'm honest but we're not ready to plug that up because there is a lot of debugging still to do in this car and we'll deal with that a bit later [Music] god damn it it's so hard to control i think we need need more rear downforce scheisenhower now i know that also formula ones run complete slicks but we don't really have that option okay coming down here breaking getting into the corner easing onto that acceleration we're not scaring the car quite a lot and much better now we have not done anything that actually breaks the spirit of automations exporting of cars right now so i feel pretty good all we've done is added a little bit of adjustability to the wing so we don't have to keep going back and forth between automation in here changing that one slider all the time constantly back and forth and instead we just have a bit of a slider in beam and g that we change and we make the collision mesh [Music] which is also the drag mesh and the weight mesh ah make that line up properly we are going to do something now which is very different and that is to change the properties of the underwing now this wing will have the same drag effectiveness as these wings but really it shouldn't it should actually be considerably less drag there because it's an underside diffuser let's go ahead turn these names on so we know which one it is this is wing s3 or is that 53 that's wing 53 okay wing 53 which is wing five and we go down to the last mention of it and here we have all of its extra details so has a drag coefficient has a lift coefficient and a stall angle what we want to do here is reduce the drag coefficient of this particular wing and we're probably going to because it does the strikes underneath do create a little bit of drag we're not going to make it zero because that's not really realistic we're going to take it down to about 55 you know actually we could probably go down to 45 that'll do go back to here ctrl r spawn back at home got our wings setting still i really do like how this like conforms to this body it looks so good when done right which that isn't done right those should actually be lower than this point so that that may be a project for a future thing you can also see that i snuckly deleted the strut here that's because realistically a formula one car doesn't actually have springs here and now i don't want to go with push rod because i don't know how to model that correctly right what what it actually has is it has inside here a lever which goes into a torsion beam spring which is something that's only ever available on the rear of cars which is unfortunate but not a whole lot you can do about that for now we're just going to give this a little bit more of a drive the cockpit feels so good but we're actually going to we are gonna change the cockpit view we're now nice and snug within the cockpit area let's give it a bit of a drive we're gonna use the controller to drive it first and then we're gonna soon switch over to the steering wheel and see if we can control this absolute monstrosity of a vehicle it doesn't have a ginormous amount of power by the way it's only 400 and something kilowatts so it is problematic i think we might just turn the downfalls up quite a bit we might actually do better to drop the front wing down as well so we're looking for wing 150 and we're gonna go to the height and drop that down a little bit now if i bring this wing down into the tire does it collide not too far ah way too far okay so it doesn't actually collide with the ties that's fine it's a little bit cheaty but we're okay with that should have about the same amount of downforce as we had before oh boy oh boy we're still getting snap oversteer something which i think can be fixed but i think i want to see if i can control it with my steering wheel setup and if we have to come back and try to fix this another day so for now we're going to switch over alright let's give it a try [Music] oh god this thing it feels fast as well it's just a little hard to control oh oh i think i need to turn force feed back up for this car this one is problematic oh dear i think we might also restart the game because the control doesn't seem to be working quite right now i don't remember what settings i had so we're just going to have minus 0.25 on the front and plant plus 0.25 on the rear see if that works all right oh okay apparently we're just cheating now that's a thing oh oh okay around we go i think i need to turn the audio off as well force feedback feels a lot better now but i think i need to turn it up force feedback feels a whole lot better now much better except i think i may even turn the full speed back up even further because this is not great okay hmm okay i think i am ready to do a proper lap around here now i'm gonna be pushing this thing a little bit harder than what i like to because it makes me look a bit of a fall but just know that i can do a good lap it's just i want to see how far i can push this thing on every single corner i am a fool and this is going to take forever i am sorry but let's go oh god out of practice oh i made it over whoa all right you know what just ignore all of this none of this ever happened i'm getting warmed up i have not actually properly seriously raced on this for a long time but i finally did put down a very decent lap here so i found that getting off the line was actually the trickiest thing especially when changing gears so i just floored the thing dropping down two black lines down the start straight just to get it down there quite well but getting on to the trot shot here i always managed to dip onto the dirt for some reason i don't know why and that made me have to actually break into brian's bend which meant that going into this corner i was going a whole lot slower but heading over here to what's technically called coswolds carousel i just call it the cotswolds it starts to really come into its own because exiting out of there was quite good at high speeds all the way down to the slingshot and we're going to find that top gear was actually kind of useless here so we stayed in fifth gear at about 300 is kilometers an hour i did a few times try to go up into the upper gear but it just hurt way too much going into here into bavarian bend was just a little bit tricky but i did actually get it really good this time around but getting out of here meant that i had so much speed though with only weighing about i think it was 700 kilos i only had to break at the 100 meter mark which is pretty good with this amount of downforce and the fact that i was going there so fast now heading around to here adam's apex was always a little bit tricky so you see here that i'm aiming it straight as i come out of that previous bend called uh palms pickle or something like that like it's it's really tricky but then i always got caught in so you're gonna see me like kind of nurse it through here because cossacks is a real pain in the dick for this car lamps hope quite easy i did get a little bit messed up and you can see that i get messed up all the way down there but at least i didn't hit the rumble strips and then we cross nice 148 that is a car that makes me happy i like it so much i do want to return to this car one day but for now i think we should just go ahead and uh face the fact that this thing is not going to get a good fill score considering that it doesn't actually have a what do you call it headlights and such so it's not really going to be a street legal car which is unfortunate but i don't think i'm actually going to give it a full score because that yeah that does make it a bit unfair i love this car this car is good there will be a link to it in the description and if you found this helpful uh once again i would like to ask you guys to please subscribe uh i'm so close to a thousand now soon i'll be able to get monetized and then earn the pittance that youtube thinks that my views are worth because yeah youtube's not great at uh paying its people anymore but i want to find out for myself and make more than what i think i have four dollars 60 or 4.28 or something like that that saved up previously so i want to see how much better i'm doing now but as this is the end of my video i will instead say thank you very much and goodbye
Channel: fillman86
Views: 7,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: play, fun, funny, gameplay, automation, car company tycoon game, beamng, create, drive, test drive, beamMP, challenge, mod, mods, fillman86, beamng drive, node, editing, modification, jbeam, formula 1, twinturbros
Id: cmoROMpMm9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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