How to make Basic Jbeam for Mater

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all right I I was going to show you all how to make a a body that can deform for this car because right now it uses the etk 800 body which basically is that shape Let's uh go to our desktop people have asked how to help them make mods and stuff I tried every time I make a mod to make a video but they don't always go well so I'm recording this and um I'm just making a folder here on the desktop I'm going to copy a material file into it um a blank J beam and an info file so using notepad plus plus I'll open the info file and call this uh the name of the mod save it and um just blank jbeam here I'll rename to the name of the mod now this is gonna spell this is going to be um where your mod name goes to and the rest of this is pretty much blank I mean it's got stuff pre-filled out but it's not what makes the mod I mean it is what makes the mod but it's not all that you need so I'm going to go ahead now and move this folder into the user folder and the vehicles so this is where I'm gonna move the folder to uh say move folder because it is so easy to save and Export and what not to the wrong place wonder why it does not work when you load the mod and realize oh I was saving to the desktop folder now this is established this folder all we need to do now is just export to Dae which is the visible model that you see so this thing here has also got two textures Mater I made her body I'm going to kind of cheat and copy the materials file from that particular folder just to save time have already made this once uh uh no no I'm not I don't even know what I was doing with that one so let's see what textures do we need we need Mater eye Mater body you know what I'm gonna put a number two after that I don't know that they're more conflict with something so anyway let's make this the first one Mater I2 and the other one will be hold on a minute I'm going to remove this because I'll let the game add this right and uh this will be the other texture made her body too I don't need those get rid of them so this is the maybe just making sure okay save now we need to save the blender file now save as and where do we move that to there it is so this is where we'll save the blender file this is also where the J beam will export to okay so now we ex now we saved our blender file let's export this Dae which is also going to be known as the flex body this is going to go in that folder too there it is that no matter what you call the Dae all that matters is the name of the uh mesh here that's what it's going to look for not the name of the Dae because you have multiple things in one Dae uh but anyway this is going to be selection only because we only need to send that part um actually you know what I'm going to delete all this other no not no no I'll just do it like I'm just gonna do it export collider now okay I think about jbeam for this thing simplest thing to do is to make a box simple box Maybe uh let's just do the most basic of the basic basic with a little deforming we'll go into edit mode now we will put a loop cut here actually now what I'm gonna do is pick the face in the front and extrude it extrude region and do the same thing back here they got all just extrude debt like that now probably could have a few more slices going through it here and there right let's just try that now if I hide the body and I'm just looking at the cube I've got an x-ray mode we're going to see inside of it we'll do now so we'll reinforce it think about like you're you don't want the walls to collapse so you got to brace them with something so I like to pick a vertices here and say here and hit F on the keyboard it'll make a beam which is your supports now this is very crude um it is not going to be a beautiful deforming J beam but you'll get an idea what you have to do if you want to make one and this is only making one solid shape like this the right way to do it would be to cut the car into Parts well it'd probably be near impossible to do the car would need to be made as individual parts and the individual Parts need to be connected and uh have great groups and other things assigned to it so that it deforms correctly so that if a piece breaks and say other pieces that were attached are supposed to break too than they do correctly and whatnot I have not even got into anything like that yet well I have done a little bit of that but nothing on the scale of a complete car that's just so time consuming it takes a long time well for me anyway you probably wouldn't take as long if I knew more about uh what works and don't work a lot of a lot of what I do I test it many many many times find out what works and what doesn't work or someone who's a seasoned modder would already have a good idea what the weight should be the damping should be the beam spring and all the other things I am just guessing for the most part there's probably too many reinforcements actually uh what it will somewhat work now I'm going to hit a to select all face triangulate faces because I didn't quite connect all of them everywhere that would make a triangulated face so and also if you don't you'll probably get an error exporting it saying uh I mean to move that one what the hell am I thinking object set origin 3D cursor object oh I'm sorry apply all transforms save our file again and the over here in this green tab with this what will be the J beam um you see this prefix I'm just going to put a and this Cube here I'm going to rename that to cube 2 just so it's different so I think there's already maybe another Cube I exported all right so now we go to file export jbeam and this will go to the folder that we moved a minute ago and the JB mix for it see since the blender file will save there that's where the exported file goes so that's Q2 we will drag to this View and the um blank J beam that is here we'll put that over here now we will select these nodes and move them to the nodes right right here under where this group a is what is group a oh I didn't tell you this was where the flex body goes which is not this it's this is the flex body so that's what we're putting in there and the group we're assigning that mesh to is group a so that all these nodes all these beams and triangles will all be associated with group a so the game knows where these go you move this mesh basically what it does oh now we put the beams and then the triangles save and cross your fingers and load it and see what happens foreign yes we did why did we fall through the world you may ask well in this note section here Collision is false which is the ground so if that's false you go through the ground self-collision means it can collide with its own self so let's just control R to reset and hit the home key let's hit F so there it is let's hit F7 let's do let's just see what we get this is our GB box yeah if we hit Ctrl T we can see the triangles that make that J beam up same box we were making in blender and you will see that it does in fact move the car like jello but it will also deform maybe not the best deforming but now you know it is better than not deforming at all now do you want to permanently deform or do you want it to Spring back into shape once it is you know this is where the beam spring deform here let's close this this basically is the largest number basically invincible and strength Invincible but don't let the string uh confuse you this is related to beams breaking this is related to if they've been say the beam spring it takes this much uh whatever the hell it uses to measure it takes this much say Newton forces or whatever to hell I don't know if you put something like 5 000 then once it breaches this number and obviously 5000 happens before this it will permanently deform so if we go back and control I was going to say shift these almost sound like I don't say that's not what I was gonna say let's reset it now you see not like what I did just dropping it from a little distance it already took some stress yeah drop it from even high uh that's what that beam deform sets up for you I usually when I work like this I'll usually move this to this View uh well this is Windows 11 it has this little feature that you can easily I wouldn't say easily uh damn I hit f11 I need to do that I meant to hit f11 but with the game running let's see where's our car damn yeah that thing that flat there hmm there ain't much left of it I reckon and see this is what if you're at the FLT Max or just a larger number in general more than that it would stand more before permanently deforming oh not sure where it went we will make it on up here let's drop a couple of them from different heights well no no no no as I'll say now if I forgot I'd have to reset every damn one after I make a change let's do it like this we'll put it in a little slower motion and we'll see how it does with stronger deform I mean it is possible to deform it but it would take much more effort see that Force there I'm not sure if that's the same if that's the number that's being measured over there probably not you see that deformed permanently and it didn't even exceed a hundred thousand or it would appear to form permanently yeah so that's kind of what that does damping I don't really know how to explain that it well think of a spring if it ain't got any damping it's not going to have any sicilation or whatever you call it it's just going to be like a thud like metal or like a rock hitting a rock no no vibrations that's how I uh I imagine that would be but now I'm not right I'm not wrong enough I did save the file I did reload it it's just not I don't know how to explain it because I'm not quite 100 sure how to explain it okay well I can see a difference there with 10 000 damping now remember the damping too has to do it works in conjunction with the weight the node weight's 52 if the node weight was 2 for example and it had that much damping and that much beam spring would explode but before I reload it I'll show you like what that higher damping did and I can tell you it'll explode with that much beam spring but I'll do it anyway now we're hitting control r and home why is it upside down I don't know unpause and you see it just immediately pauses again it's an unstable and super super slow motion you could really probably tell this what's actually happening so yeah it's too much beam spring for that little weight and or too much damping all right putting this down to a more realistic number not that I'm an expert in numbers I'm definitely not I I like I said I'm one that tries things many times before I figure out what works best she should not explode now did I save that sometimes I don't remember yeah it's still exploding so let's let's even less spring oh oh it's in slow motion deal that will have an effect on it let's call it turn it around like it's upside down I think I need to put the reference nodes let's do that real quick so reference nodes I think the reference node for this like they say to pick a reference node you'd pick whatever's closest to the object's Center so hitting Ctrl n in this mode not edit mode you'll see the nodes so if we were to say well a looks like l I can't tell I thought they'd patched this I thought they made this where we could see these better I could swore I could seem these better earlier like when they first updated the game now I don't damn see I can barely I can't make out what the hell that is looks like hell a it looks like a13 but I can't be damn sure l a one eight maybe let's let's go with a18 so up here in the reference notes a18 will be the reference node and what's to the left of a18 well that would be a l15 what is to the back of a motives to the back of that well the back would be uh A40 and what is above the reference node C there's a one yeah it is a18 I can see it now a18 what's above a18 well that would be uh closest thing a19 this has to do with the camera spawning where this camera spawns if you don't have your reference nodes camera it'll look it'll basically be very chaotic when it spawns I'm not sure what what's going on with this uh let me reload it okay that's what I wanted that's that's right uh oh yeah I guess you probably wonder where the texture is at I never did finish that part of it I said I'd let the game fill that out so I'll go to the material now only because every time I try to do it it just for whatever reason it doesn't like where I tell it the texture is I don't know I think it's uh I just figured this works better I just let it do its thing even though like what it'll put be exactly what I would put it just for some reason doesn't like it sometimes it causes lots of problems with the textures meter all right so that's I'm going to copy this to my clipboard because I don't want to navigate to that again so this is the car body and then the other one is the eyes don't forget to save your materials when you're done uh if you wanted to put like a little shine on the car so it kind of reflects not really get too much into this uh I'm just going to reuse the body of the car body for also the specular map which that's normally a black and white but this will be fine I'm just taking shortcuts so it has to have something to contrast the reflection of so if you just turned on the reflection without a map it would just 100 percent reflect everything around it so that is kind of cool but that ain't what we want so we have to add something like another texture to contrast it again so that you can adjust the reflectivity like that let's see now if you get up close you can see it kind of reflects a little bit which really rusted metal like that wouldn't be reflecting anything but you get the idea you can kind of do little things like this uh you can also do a generic normal map not to spend a lot of time making different textures for it but it doesn't take long to load that map into here and do a generic normal let's go navigate to it here it is bring it into here and since I'm working with a DDS format I uh I don't load the MIP Maps or automatic I don't I turn those off and then oh that's a filters generic normal map I'll do a slight blur filters gauze and blur sometimes you get some really bad aliasing if it's not got a slight blur and then I'll export it to DDS I'll call this I'll put it like an underscore in and it'll be compression type bc5 for normal Maps and generate MIP Maps I guess while I'm here I can also do a high pass filter which will be the detail map so you can go to enhance High Pass don't worry photoshop's got high pass but we'll do one standard deviation and contrast we'll Crank that up about 1.5 which I know this doesn't look like much but it makes a difference basically this is like emphasizes all these lines with these edges here so that it's more defined export this I'll just put a little underscore D I don't know that means for detail and this will be bc1 compression type and if you really wanted to try to mess around with you know the textures and stuff you could fool around with telling the mode to be grayscale Maybe purposely uh adjusting the contrast so that it's more and until this to be like the part that's the uh well you could make this like metallic if you're making PBR I guess or you could be the roughness map which you know these filters are nothing as good as compared to like if you were to bake the maps and blender this is just kind of quick stuff here I'm no expert at these I'll just call this uh s for specular metal whatever it's also bc1 everything you export is DDS is going to be bc1 if it's transparency is involved it's going to be bc3 and if it's the normals map this is bc5 so now we got our new maps we can play around with the detail map here load it in you see it made it a little sharper you may not can tell on your screen we'll load the other this is the actual specular you can see it makes a little difference reflectivity and let's see let's go to detail normals put the normals in there and in the normals here so now it's got a little more depth to it the textures do look a little more a little better anyway if you don't want too much normals I emailed at the second detail on there uh let's see here lighting all right this is the roughness so this is where the specularity comes in based on what specular map you put in there depends on what is actually catching the shine I guess you could say I'll put the other map in there and see the difference I mean this is pretty much as generic of a specular map you could make it's not by any means greed or anything it's very plain um I'm not gonna try to do PBR but if you did want to you could let's see switch it over just remember it PBR is like naturally darker materials they just the way they work and be an occlusion so you can put that in there yeah it's too dark damn that does look good that metallic the normals are too I don't know is well the fact is it's very low resolution not very low it's 248 by 2048 it's not super high either me I figure that Maps uh the entire car body instead of just like a small area just to give you an idea if you had a uh more higher resolution you can see how the normals affect it you know depending on how much higher the resolution you can see how much more detailed the 3D look is now I know this does not match this because I'm basically using this uh here but you could like make you some normals of metal rusted metal and use them but yeah this is kind of crummy looking I do like that metallic though it does kind of give it a little more dimension oh don't forget save your material well what happens if you run into it with a car boy let's get a car and see now keep in mind this is not a very good this is not a very good J beam it's just something quick I don't get my controller foreign why isn't the camera not working oh look at that that's why all right you probably should have been more than that and that's why you test you test it unless you have made many things and you guys already know are you where you're going with it all right you got to go back up here my friend where you were earlier in the road you two back home where you go foreign stupid fumbly fingers said the wrong stuff again ah let's see [Music] foreign looks like it might have maybe not so this is where this comes in it's uh I think this will be fine now it'll take significant damage I would guess before I tell you because I don't know nothing I mean maybe it wasn't going fast enough maybe that is realistic don't do oh way to know get that dang bus in here to go real fast you know the one here that moves quickly why does that keep them ah [Music] foreign and like I said it's a generic J beam it's just something basic um I guess I'll just and I'll eventually put this on the car that's got the wheels but for now I'll just upload this so you can mess around with this
Channel: BeamNG - TerryMartinART
Views: 4,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yP7hf3kolOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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