Using HDRIs in Blender 2.8 - Instant Realistic Lighting

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I guess Hana Morton front-flip normals here in this video we even look into HD rise in blender now if you already know what an HDR is and where to get them just skip to the timestamp and we're gonna show you how to actually set up if you don't know what nature is and how to get them let's just talk quickly about that NHGRI is an image map which emulates illumination from the environment that's what we have set up here and you can see we get this really nice and natural-looking renders we have really just we just have the lighting from the Ammar environment around it just like you capture a snapshot of that point in time and that's the lighting that's then applied to the scene yeah like the way I like to think about it like a stupid way is like you have it's like when you sitting in front of a really bright television and there's like a green car in front of on the tele television now you're gonna become green as well it's kind of the same thing here just just on a bigger scale yeah and the way these are made is typically you will have a guy with a really expensive camera and a wide-angle lens go into a field and take a bunch of pictures and stitch them together and that way you create this sort of 360 environment which has all the dynamic range of the light and then you can sort of stitch that together Photoshop or some other software and then you create an HDR eye yeah the cool thing about this is that you don't only get the lighting information you also get you know all the bounce lights you can see how the shadows are kind of blue here because the sky is blue so anything that's not in direct sunlight gets this bounce light automatically yeah when we worked in a film basically everything was shot which was done for any kind of movie is lit with an HDR on if they're integrating like let's say this phone here was being integrated into the Avengers now you would go on set you would shoot an h2 right off the set and then you would use that H star to light this scene advantage of h2 right is you get these insanely awesome renders right away like there's basically no setup required will of course show you how to actually do that as well and they just look awesome you get natural reflections right away and this is a very easy way to do light disadvantages you can't really control it that well like let's say you want to make this the lighting here but soft true or you want to change the color of like the the bounce slide here at the environment light you know it's not that easy just to do that you would have to go in and manipulate what's going on here but if you're going for realism it's a really good idea just get started with this the nice thing is you can go in and add other lights to this for example so imagine the HDRI as your you know you're physically in that scene and then like a camera crew on a film set or in a photo studio you could just add an area light or a point light or something like that to sort of enhance whatever lighting is there so it's very much like how you would work with lighting in in the real world yeah you're not limited to it it is like a starting point but it means that is you can't really just you can't change the primary like yeah you can't take that stuff away you can only add to it really so how do you get HDR eyes well this used to be very hard and today it's not very hard you go to a site called HDR Haven we have no affiliation with these guys at all we just know they would do absolutely awesome stuff now we're like massive sellouts for this site that only provides free content so here you can go to you can go to HDR ice and you can do see two different kinds they have and you can see you you should you should get something which is close to what you want you want your scene to feel like if you want something like more diffuse you should go with this if you want something like more crazy and with direct sunlight you should go for something like this then you can simply download the h2 rise here you have different resolutions I tend to only use them for and for lighting and not so much for actual or and not so much for like the background I use it for reflections as well so I don't necessarily need a really high resolution map so something like one or two K is enough for a lot of different cases if you're a crazy person 16 K but that's the more if you want to actually yeah I feel for lighting information the 1 1 K is usually fine I never really need more than that and this is a 1 K map and you can see it is blurry in the background but reflections are sharp and it's is not a problem at all so now we talked about how to actually get it let's talk about how we can set up our own HD rise in blender now the first thing we need to do is we need to go to edit preferences add-ons and we need to search I don't call node Wrangler this is this is in blender by default so you you all have this it's a really really nice note which just makes you're everything to do in a shader editor so much easier so let's delete the setup we have for now nice red light so if we were to go to our shader editor we set up little customs and workspace here but it's not very hard to get this set up you used have to go to the shader editor or make a new area and have the shader editor here so the first thing we need to do is we need to change this to world in object this is where you can you can actually change the shaders in world that story change the world shader so here we have a single background node if we were to increase the strength of this you can see that everything becomes brighter or for take this down you everything becomes darker this is also how you remove all the ambience by default in blender there's always some ambience so if you if you're wondering where does this little bit of light come from this comes from this node and if you're lighting something you don't really need or want that ambience there because if something that you don't really it's just something that affects your light yeah it's it's lighting which is unaccounted unaccounted for you want to control everything in a sudden you have like 20% ambience and everything so the way we add an h2 ryan blender now is incredibly easy we just select the background with control T this is a feature which exists only with the node Wrangler and now you can see that we have a bunch of different things connected up here what these are specifically doesn't matter that much at least not if you want to connect it up what matters is just we have these three nodes now and it's very easy to plug in your HR I we do this from the environment texture node and we just click open then we go to where we saved out our h2 rice and then we simply just load it in double click it and now you can see that we have this beautiful hgri illuminating our scene if you want to change this around we will go to the mapping node and just change the rotation on the set and I can see what happens you see that now it actually rotates and you can start to to plan your lighting if you want this the Sun to be from behind here you can do that so this is an incredibly powerful way of of lighting your scene there are really only two two things I change in here that is the rotation on Anzhi and then I keep changing what map I have so if I if I change the map you just click on the open image and you can just very easy just change this to something else did you start working around yeah it makes it pretty quick especially if you download a lot of maps for Easter I have and it makes it really quick to just prototype different lighting settings so what if we now want to get rid of the h2 right in the background here for two ways of doing this a lot of times you really don't want your your background here to be visible you can see it's super low res and it serves absolutely no purpose so the first way we can do and we can go to our render settings tab right here then we can go to the film tab and here we have a setting called transparent transparent just makes it completely transparent and if you were to render this now we can save out the Alpha Channel this is a really good way of doing it a second way is that we can set up a different background here a background node to have the color and it's not going to influence the actual illumination the way we can do this is we can set up a new background by hitting shift D just to duplicate it then we can add a mixed node a mix shader' node it shift a now we can do this and we can type mix we need mix shader' and now we simply connect these two up into the shader outputs inputs now we have to take the output and connect this into a surface and not a whole it really happened what's doing now is blending between these two what we want though is we don't want to blend between wooden opacity slot we want to blend between using a light path node this just means that we can now set one of them to to only be affected or only affect camera race so let's show what this means if he had shift a again to go into the add mode then we can take it light path I can't spell at all light path there we go and here we can set the camera rays into your passes I'll turn to the FAQs lot to distract from camera in here and now you can see that the opacity is now being blended with this light path node so if you now want to change the color of the background we can easily do this if we go to the background we can click on the color it's hard to see because it's actually the same color as the rest of the nodes well now we can just start to add a color to this and the cool thing is it doesn't actually affect our lighting so you can use this if like you should have a custom setup you could even change this to be an image different from the HDR I so it's a pretty powerful setup it also is affected by transparent the transparent setting so if you were to enable this now this color disappears so yeah there you have it nice and easy setup for each dries in blender is incredibly easy to setup once you know how to and setting up the next shadow here is necessary it's just a nice little trick for you so again just to repeat we we just select our M we just select our image and then we just change this on the set access to rotate our lighting around so if you want to see more content list in the future make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and also click the notification well as well and let us know what kind of blender con you want to see if you have any questions about this as well let us know in the comments you
Channel: FlippedNormals
Views: 122,656
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Keywords: 3d, sculpting, zbrush, concept, maya, tutorial, autodesk, vfx, animation, flippednormals, henning sanden, morten jaeger, creature, character, texturing, substance painter, substance designer, foundry, pixologic, art, fundamentals, art fundamentals, art school, art tutorials, blender, 3d tutorial, learning 3d, learning ZBrush, 3ds max, cube brush, marvelous designer, photoshop, mari, blender guru, cgi, blender 2.8, blender 3d, b3d, Blender tutorial, blender tutorials, learning blender, hdri
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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