Using Dunst with BSPWM // 25 Days of Linux

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hey everybody what's going on welcome back to the 25 days of linux we are back on bsbwm for one final video because i forgot to do something kind of important and that is notifications like i said a million times bsbwm is super minimal actually it's probably the most minimal window manager i've ever used doesn't come with a bar doesn't come with a way to handle keyboard shortcuts anything like that and actually that's pretty freaking awesome but uh of course the one thing i did notice that i just mentioned was there's no notifications that's sort of important not as important as you would think i don't mind not having anything notify me but probably a good idea to set it up so let's go ahead and do that a couple of different ways you could do that probably the only one that i know of is an app called dunst so that's what we're gonna use uh and just to be clear this isn't like a super in-depth video about duns that's probably obvious if you're used to my channel at all um there's a lot you can do with this app you can pull in your own icons and that kind of thing i'm not really gonna do much of that if you're looking for a really really good video about dunst my boy on youtube the linux cast has i believe a pretty good video uh about that look at that that done past me and the sub counts i don't know if i want to share his channel anymore no it's cool it's a great video uh this one right here how to theme dunce notifications uh i haven't watched it yet but i know this guy's channel probably great so i'll go ahead and link it in the old uh description or in a card uh probably right here and you can watch that if you want something like really in-depth but we're gonna go ahead and try to get this set up uh i'm sure it's in pac-man so we'll try to do let's do pacman dash ss and search for dunst uh yeah there it is right there so sudo pacman dash s and install dunst to die why do i keep typing dunsty i do not know uh you know what probably need to go ahead and update the old system here i forget to do that and sometimes that breaks things okay and now sudo pacman dash ass dunst hit the wrong button there there we go uh and i don't really know what's happening here i think maybe if we just run dunst it might bring up a sample notification uh or maybe it needs to be running in the background that's probably true we'll go ahead and just uh kill dunst over here start it up again over here uh what you would probably need to do actually is come into your config for i'm assuming vspwm but for whatever window manager you're using and like add dunst as an auto start application so like run dunst and and that would have it just like auto start with the window manager and always be running but let's uh go into the config and see if it created dunst config it doesn't look like it did so we probably need to make one so let's hop over to the github page real quick let's get a config that's probably always a good place to start and they probably have a config in here so there we go dunstar c that's probably what we're looking for and there it is right there we'll just uh view the raw then what we could do is maybe cd into config make a directory called dunst cd into that new directory make a new file dunst rc drop all that in dd exit and then and i don't know let's uh maybe try to send a notification i'll open up spotify i know that sends notifications and if i play a song damn it hey look at that we do have notifications they are quite small but that's okay we'll just use that to sort of sample the notifications let's go ahead and open up that dunstar c and uh try and make some changes so let's see right here at the top it's asking us what monitor to display on but there's also this thing that says follow and it looks like we can have it follow the keyboard or the mouse which i suppose i would want it to follow the mouse that would make the most sense i somehow managed to break my entire microphone or a webcam uh i don't think that's a linux issue to be clear i think that is uh just a consequence of buying the cheapest freaking webcam that was available at walmart hunk of freaking garbage there we go get out of there uh if anyone's interested i am now selling a lightly used webcam on ebay like new condition anyways we've got the phone recording now which is probably fine because it looks way better anyways i don't know why i wasn't using that to begin with but the follow mouse thing is working and now down here in this geometry section it looks like we could set the position really easily if we wanted to if we wanted to say throw it into the bottom right i mean i'm sure it's kind of the setting that you would kind of expect but if we go ahead and give it a shot look at that notifications down there what i really want to do is just actually make the text size a bit bigger maybe let's search for font and it's set to mono space eight i think we could do a little better than that so let's do maybe product sans and we'll set it to 25 and they come over here kill dunst restart it and send ourselves another notification okay cool so things are working the text is much bigger let's see if we can maybe make that image that spotify sends a bit bigger as well too icon is maybe what it would be sent as min icon size 0 uh scale small icons up to the size set 0 to disable help let's try minimum icon size 10 or something i don't know okay let's try 50. it has not changed size at all so clearly that icon size isn't what we were looking for an icon size 0 max icon size so we'll set the max icon size to 64. maybe that would change it actually oh okay cool so it did so let's try how about we'll do 164 which arguably might end up being too big but go ahead and kill run it again max width was set to 200 but a max icon says set to 164 too large to use setting max icon size 150 okay so 150 try that again oh by the way this over here i wasn't sure if it was super obvious i don't know if i made the phone big enough or not but i'm literally just killing and re-running dunst here rather than starting with bsbwm because i thought that would make it slightly easier this is giving me little messages every once in a while like hey you screwed something up and that's very handy that's one of the reasons to do that is because it'll print like debugging messages straight into the console but we go and skip now we've got a pretty good little deal here i'm just going to want to make the width a bit bigger so we could try maybe set it to 600 instead give that a shot and hey look at that that's a good looking notification pretty solid i'm just going to want to do a few more things here maybe let's find the border oh it's not giving me a border option uh maybe let's just scroll through here and see the options we can set first of all i'm going to throw it back into the top right i don't know what scale factor is would it have been way easier to just like set scale factor to 2 and then do this since i'm using a high res monitor it would have definitely been way easier to do that yep that's helpful so what i could do is set all of the fonts back to a sort of normal size and set the icon uh back to a normal size as well let's say maybe um 80 that sounds normal and then since i have the scale factor set to 2 it'll just sort of literally adjust it for high dpi monitors it looks like is what's happening so now if i do that i have a pretty normal looking notification i'll just need to change the width back to 300 and uh for some reason it did not scale up the font so i might set that back to like 20 or something but now that looks pretty good that's nice a lot of uh linux apps don't play very well with high dpi stuff 4k monitors and whatnot so that's pretty nice uh one other thing that i might want to do is reposition it a little bit just because it was sort of encroaching on polybar territory up there which i can't abide by so we can offset so i think what's going on if we look here is it's offsetting this is like the x and the y it's offsetting 10 pixels down and 50 pixels across so we can maybe try 50 and 50 and that would probably knock it off of the old poly bars territory it did not actually we need to go down a little bit further so maybe we could try 80. nope i did it backwards so we would want to set this to about 80 and then we could set that to like maybe 30 or something wow we actually even need to move it down a slight bit further let's just go the uh the full 100 okay perfect that's a nice notification it almost even sort of lines up with the gaps i could fiddle with it a bit more to get it to do that but i don't really care as much so let's see what else so we can set transparency so that's pretty cool maybe we'll just try and set it to like 50 opacity or something just as a test see if that does its thing hey look at that that is actually pretty transparent it's actually probably pretty stupid to have it transparent too but do what you want padding between text and separator that's probably if you send through like two notifications i'm pretty sure there's a way to like could do like notify send and send myself a notification that just says nine or something yeah you can see here it's just sort of stacking the notifications and that separator is uh i guess what the padding and this is changing so that's cool for some reason it did change the background color here so we might look into changing that i don't really care too much oh here we go frame color frame width zero that's what i wanted send me a notification no border cool i don't know there's a whole lot we could change here i'm gonna see if there's like a background color you see all the other places where it shows colors it looks like what it's doing is it has different colors for different sort of urgency levels so like low urgency stuff which is what the spotify stuff was being printed with this like dark color uh what i could go ahead and do is maybe just set that to like 1-1-1 super dark and then we can set the foreground to i don't know what the hell is my foreground color in polybar fbf1c7 which is just an off-white i mean in theory we could just sort of copy these over to everything maybe it could be kind of cool to have different colored notifications but i don't know what sort of critical notification it's going to be sending me it's weird enough just to see a notification on my screen i have almost all notifications turned off so we'll set the foreground and the background color the same for all of these quit out of that close that and then what we can go ahead and run is maybe we'll just permanently kill dunst here and then let's go into the config for bspwm and we'll go ahead and have dunst run on startup it's super alt r to reload bsbwm and it went ahead and reset the wallpaper for us very inconsiderate i'm just kidding that's how i have it set up to run and what the heck i'll save myself some time and editing here and just go ahead and zoom in let's see here send myself a notification look at that one looks good looks good looks good uh maybe we could uh go ahead and open up a terminal here and i'll do the uh notify notify send send myself a message it says i'm lazy fix it fix it skip a song get a spotify notification got another notification how about another one it says sub to the linux cast yeah there we go now we're getting notifications like i said uh if you want a more detailed video about dunst i need to resize my screen recording and then i can show you where to find it it's also a card this right here how to theme dunce notifications from the linux cast great youtube channel i'm sure it's a great video i will watch it right after this and if it's terrible i won't link it but i know it'll be good uh congrats on six and a half thousand subscribers man great work and i'll see you all in the next video thanks for watching everybody [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: MAKC
Views: 425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makc, mack, Mackenzie, Criswell, cinegenie, motion mile, rendaa studios, tutorials, motion graphics, books, tech, rocket stock, arch, linux, unix, command line
Id: d--UH9XlWKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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