Crafting Level 7,846,392 Armor in Minecraft

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today this secret crafting table lets us craft OP armor can I craft my armor to over level 7 million to become unkillable while also stopping everyone else from becoming too strong all right so the first thing that I want to do with my armor I choose a weapon attachment arm Rockets or slime cannons fires Rockets I'm doing arm rockets and my second upgrade to my armor uh reinforced plating or Shield core creates a damage reducing Shield I'll get reinforced plating so I take less damage permanently there we go o I can get speed skates or a jetpack oh speed skates makes me faster and I can dodge I'm going to go jetpack I'm going jetpack boys this is going to be four rounds hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we got okay look at my armor oh dude this is sick you losers are going down you're all going to lose I don't like any of you I'm upgrading my stuff why you smell so bad uh okay so let me upgrade my Jetpack okay so how this works right I can increase the thrust power of my Jetpack did you see this down here the seven this needs to be 10 by the time I'm done at adjusting things yeah let's just put everything in recharge oh and the reinforced plating I got damage reduction up to 10 I'm just not going to take damage okay and then arm Rockets so I can add more Rockets I'm going to add two rockets right and I'm going to increase the rocket damage by two the rocket damage is going to be seven confirm let's do this all right you losers let's do it round one wait you got skates you got skates oh look at your little skate I got a oh God did you just Dash oh yeah baby okay okay hold okay so we're in a battle right we all have two lives the top left our armor level is 23 right so the more we upgrade the more armor we get by the end we're going to have like 100 billion million billion 100 billion look here's Diamond so if I do this and I use my shield I got a diamond why are you saying things out [Music] loud I got gold oh no got to go jet pack why you talking like that emeralds Emerald okay I'm getting lots of gold get over here get over here no I got to get this diamond give me the get nothing you oh skeleton what does that what do that mean uh that drops a lot of stuff can I have I see him I see him I see him where is oh I see him and he's scary looking me you oh weit those I fell I fell oh you lost the light wait where's the I literally fell off the edge of the map definitely not to the right side of the map missiles how many missiles are you shooting sigils oh three at a time don't worry where did the skeleton go there he is I slamed no move him away from the zud get out of here Z get out don't kill me I have no lives I will Slime I have two hearts leave me alone I'm good bye ow ow I'm on half a heart why am I dying leave me alone get the SK stop it I don't want to die I have okay no no no get over here oh that hurts I slow you I don't like that slime Cannon come here I have more slime I got to dash I got to jump I got to jump I got jum jet pack what is that what do you mean it's a j so you guys didn't see the skeleton died right it did wait oh shoot I was dead betrayed me I just got so many resources and I got metal bones don't know what that does but I got it stop it B you have one life left I don't know what you off for me who's shooting at okay so I upgraded my arm Rock to I can shoot two times how many can you shoot sigil oh three oh great wait what how give me the gold yeah good I like it when you're not happy actually same sorry surpr how do you know where I'm at I can see you B I upgraded my Jetpack so I can fly forever ah Rockets they're red glaring what what what about the if I just R if I run from you you can get me I can get you bi I can get you okay I'm where did you go Biffle no I'm dead I'm dead forever I'll never be in this video oh there's more gold I killed sigil is he SL is broken the Slime is broken wait is the Slime broken why did I get the rocket this is the first round by the fourth round uh whoever has the most points literally literally you know that's a lot of literally take that why no no no bye stop it stop doing what you oh I dropped my plate the plate SL stop it by stop dashing I don't like that dude this is so oh has two lives get them oh I pressed the wrong buttonit those I'm back oh my moveability is moving yeah well I'm moving to where you goes at I win the first round boys we got to go upgrade we got to go buy stuff all right so we can go here uh okay so what do I want to upgrade uh Shield core do I want Shield core uh arm Rockets I already got that uh jetp pack I already got jetp pack speed skate o I could get speed skate got some of the oh I can buy some of this oh speed oh okay so speed skates Dash distance passive move speed and Dodge chance so I can dodge damage let me check the uh oh I teleported buing arm Rockets stop it no go away nobody likes you you can't stop me okay what a chest shotgun pellet damage what if I make the shotgun one shot someone but I have to be in their mouth is that weird should I not say that um let me try this cool down what does this do oh okay that's fun um hold on let me do chest shotgun and we'll lower that to there but increase the damage so let's say I like fly up and I land on one of them and then shot him in the face and one shot them that'll be sick toxic Dart fires a dart that applies multiple debuffs I can put 10 points into rapid poison or I can give them a debuff to where they take extra damage I'm going to do the poison oh wait hold on what should I do I could hit him with shred so they take more damage and then hit him with the shotgun and one shot them or I could just do poison and kill him with the poison we'll try poison and I'll change it up next round maybe we'll see let me see what else I can buy what the heck is an armored slime a guided rocket oh gosh um okay let's also get the Slime Cannon since I have metal bones let's do that wait I can slow strength the Slime Cannon so then I can hit him with the poison and then I can shock it him in the face this will be fun all you guys ready for the next fight uh I got some good stuff oh cool thing you got your chest there oh your armor actually upgrades with the stuff that you buy oh that is sick I a little armor thingy I shoot shotguns how about you ready up loser huh oh go you will D die why do you have a shield stop it are you I got an idea if I do this here we go the heck go poison darted hey I'll have that kill thank you what how much damage that poison are do to you oh like half oh great great hey b hey no you wouldn't want to do that cuz I you're slowed you're slow arm Rockets you're poison Rockets Got Run oh my Dodge damage armor an armor slime an armor slime armor slime you killed me an armor slime did he just die yeah he died you killed me so quickly oh my god did you see how much damage I just did not that much okay fly up where is that SL up where are you fire I missed kill Sund don't kill me I'm trying don't kill me don't kill me powerful I am not powerful oh I dodg that D okay the boots are insane Sunny have some Rockets stop it stop it he's taking my some dead oh gosh he's chasing me help hello I don't like it no I have half a heart I where are you where are you where are you on the Eastern sidee stop got him why are you like this your mom doesn't love you your dad I leave alone no I don't think I will D oh I'm just going to pick up this stuff don't mind me if you guys need me I'm going to team he is going to win no he's not oh give me all this stuff give me all this stuff heyy I don't appreciate you doing any of the things that you're doing right now wait how many lives you have uh just enough Z how many do you have oh we're getting the upgrades we're getting the upgrades I got the armored slime balls there's another one oh oh I got to go with me I don't want to be here I don't want to be little slimes oh you don't want this you don't want this shotgun your point why am I oh okay dude you hurt why do you hurt so much twoes that a and we should have teamed on him oh oh you're poison oh oh did that hit oh the Dodge the Dodge you dodged it you're a bad version got to go no I slow you're slow you're slowed you're boy okay the poison T is broken dude yeah what the poison may be broken a little bit I don't know what do you guys think a little bit huh give me all that give me all that give me all that get him hit him with that hit him with that stop hitting me wait it's just me and you did Biff die dead at the very beginning oh go you murdered me twice sorry B me he's not sorry I know him personally you don't even like me nice instead you were my Bo I dodged take no you didn't I I saw the hit can I apply oh wait did I hit you I dodged that damage okay the boots are broken hi oh no stop it stop it f up dash dash dash dude we got for days dude with the fade away dude hit him with the nipple gun oh this is stressful this is stressful no no no no no no no I died dude the poison hits you one time you're dead I may or may not have put 10 points of damage in Poison so uh Co yeah well G I wonder what I'm doing this turn wait no you didn't get enough uh stuff so H weird H I got a lot buddy oh I got I got armored I got armored okay what am I getting next I need something next I need something but butter more butter I need a health capacitor extra regen and life steel does that work with the poison 10% per I have 100% life steal with that poison damage there's no way right what is oil chamber shoots ignitable slippery sticky oil uh slow speed amplifier fire height oil AOE what is that hold on what is this this then what okay no that's fun no I like that no that's cool I like that one you know what I want to upgrade my speed skates too I don't care about the movement speed buff because I have the jetpack I'm just going to increase my Dodge chance I'm never going to get hit now look at my armor changing every time I buy something I have 5,000 armor look at the top left all right okay we have Century visor reveals damaged and low Health players oh okay that'll be fun okay cool what else can we get guided rocket fires a homing rocket what if I just you know homing accuracy to two rocket duration to two and the rest in damage let's see what this does so if I do this huh I liked that that was fun did you guys have fun I don't no I'm good no I had fun what if I increase the AOE of the Slime Cannon and decrease the slow strength but I can still hit them right because it's like a bigger radius now oh okay that'll be good all right boys round three remember after the next round we're going to tap up our scor to see who wins how much armor value do you guys have a lot don't worry do you want do you want to know digit do you want to know my number no no I already have your an armor V has appeared already why are the two two I don't like I got to go the arm is shooting at me and I don't like that I don't like it hold on I want to see your armor value oh Z you're at an armor value of 20,000 cute cute cute that's better than yours why you up there chill what do you mean what does this Vex do uh it has quite the range on it buddy taking I see somebody shooting Rockets B stop shooting rockets at Pooky I'm not dying this time hey be look forward St saying py looking I'm looking for who poison me want a poison back I got a poison back what's up what you missed you missed Rockets you're poisoned Rockets does that poison what stop it homing missiles SOS no I have a homing missile too homie here you go I dodged it I do oh that hurt and I almost jum I jumped off no no I jumped off the map I jumped off the map ID I still have two lives though I still have two yeah yeah yeah oh wait falling off the map doesn't kill you I did you have you have three lives now because we're getting later game what's wrong with you hey can the vexes leave me alone thanks what if I just poison this Vex poison it I have no urge to fight you urge to fight you either I have an urge to fight my I see someone fighting down there I would be unfortunate if I go for the Vex hi Sunday no I missed no the loots on the ground the loots on the ground give the give me the back give me the oh Z you messed up what's up bud who put me in no who put me in SL what's happening stop it back up you're lucky I missed my poison dark bipple okay I need to see something does my poison heal me because I have uh I'm not going to be I just wait I just dodged all that damage who's H me in the back no you turn gold whenever you have like a stop stop I'll hit you with my nipple guns stop it Lo what I'm dead stop it why am I I have so much regen that I don't even take damage from Poison oh oh oh oh oh I agree I'm on your team oh you're about to die you're about to die Z you're I'm not I'm literally I'm what be fine missile I'm what be fine I promise stop hitting meing missile stop what is wrong with you I shotgun you I don't understand we all just on Sunday he doesn't need to win dude on no don't team on me I only have 84,000 armor his not me stop I'm trying out out it who poisoned me no I'm poison no the poison is too [Music] op to do wait do I heal if I hit oh I healed oh I got what I thought that was and I'm dead I thought that was Sun I'm really 10 damage in the shotgun it does numbies numes I got numbies right here come here I lit thought that dude we got to poison them or do something please I'm trying I'm trying I'm Focus you know why you have 80,000 health no I don't no I don't no I don't no I don't not anymore five got to go got to go Dodge Dodge Sunny we hit those we hit those oh that shotgun suay I'm not losing this I might lose this oh son you don't lose these you I think I do he has so much armor on me you I literally hired you and you failed hey how did you all die the shotgun no the shotgun the shotgun is mildly broken dist broken all right time to buy things time to buy things time to buy things I'm buying things I'm buying things what do I need I have the laser gun and Electro belt damages players to reduce cooldowns so if I hit somebody with this hold on let me try this let's say I shoot my shotgun right look at the Red Bar underneath it it's on cool down but if I hit them with this look at the cool down of the shotgun okay that's fun yep that'll be fun then we have laser gun this just does a laser attack with length hold on what does it do I can shoot other bullets while I use the [Music] laser okay I think I'm going to give myself some regeneration yeah yeah let's do that so not only do I life steal I also regenerate and we still have all this damage all right this is going to be good wait I can actually afford the shield core okay look at my armor value 8 million what happens if I buy this one sound Cannon um I have 38 million look at the laser on my head this is fun I like this I don't know what those twirly things are on my abdomen three times points this round bringing it back comeb back time hey guys uh question what in the top left of your screen what's your armor value I'm just curious 7 million 7 million oh oh my my number starts with a three dang it oh you idiot million 38 though 38 million so we're all teaming on Sunday right guys no that's cheating no how is that cheating I'm going to call my mommy I dodg damage your mommy did you just dodge my guided rocket that to guide to you yeah okay I'm want me send another one at you have more hi Sund you s one at me oh I regen so fast now oh no please please please please I have a family that doesn't really like me oh gosh yeah we know we know oh okay well then take Rockets Sunday I hit with one poison dart we stop it no you can't rocket stop it got go laser gun oh I forgot I had a laser gun what does the laser gun do no wait what how did I die what okay please leave me alone please sorry I will never get over here oh you're lucky I missed I missed he's leaking please come here ow I got to go oh get off me oh you're poison bful I away and all my cool Downs who else is poison no I'm healing it though I'm healing it though sorry I I just killed both of you I'm heing it I didn't die how I don't know how how did you not die how am I die I don't know what I I didn't mean to uh yeah you did okay I got to go I'm going to the middle I'm going to the middle I like this mountain anymore yeah oh yeah know I'm the middle okay so my little my my new ability whenever I use it it resets all my cool Downs if I hit someone so that's fun poison I DOD pois did you try to poison dart me no did you try to poison dart me team on I'm healing it I'm out healing it I'm healing it I'm out healing it I'm out healing running just run and then he will die no I won't no I won't no I won't no I won't I won't full health with my shotgun he just two shotted me dude all we have to do is run I was running run good wait how did I die Mur no how did I die I figured out the meta boys what you do oh now you figure out the meta I got to run where you going how do you fly so far I put myx and dead no laser gun does that do damage laser gun I'm dying why are you not dying F cuz I heal zud you got to do this you're I might I might have just poisoned B sorry he heal the damage he killed you I poisoned him run no run from him run from him he'll die he'll die he'll die I got heal no bye I heal I'm wi healing from what what are you healing what are you healing from so instead of using 100% life steal I did 50% regen just to counteract that yes I need get in the house oh it's poison I'm it's literally just up to you oh has been wait is sigil dead yeah dude Z murdered me come on out come on out come on out run and now he's poisoned he poison he got poisoned he's just dead why you where is he where is he from something you're actively dying bi how are you guys this bad me you killed me I no I had fun okay hold on let's see what the scores are who won let's see what the scores are really don't re the win I wonder who yeah wow wait oh look at the score top Center I 33 weird kind of cringe oh the like button subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,348,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tLoybW9kGUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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