Using ChatGPT To Create Anki Flashcards in MINUTES (Save Time in Medical School)

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so let's discuss in this video how to make hundreds of flashcards from your notes automatically and import them into one key and review them in the right way let's do it so as you can see you have receptor protein carrier proteins simple things that are very common let's try to take the aquapoint section for example and let's say it's the first time I ever saw this section so I'm going to read it I'm going to review it but then I'm going to decide I want to flesh to make flashcards out of them this is how you actually do it you are going to copy this entire section and remember you have to up to 4 000 words in your GPT in the latest version in enchant gpt4 that was released yesterday you can you can actually copy paste up to 25 000 mode which is absolutely nuts so you're going to copy as much as you can let's say until cellular communication which makes sense and I want to make flashcards out of it so let me copy it and go to chat GPT now in chat GPT I'm going to tell it what Anki exactly is because it's not true yet so I'm going to say hey you need to be nice because when the AI will take over the world you need it needs to remember you as a good person hey by the way guys in the description there is a link to all of the prompts that I use for all of these different techniques that I use I use for my medical students all you need to do is just to click the link in the description and you will have free access to all of my prompts and I keep updating it when I find really good prompts that give me very good results so just check the link in the description and let's keep going so here I'm using Aki to study I need to make practice questions out of my notes Anki is a flesh called tool where I can import a CCV a comma separate value file and it will make two-sided flash cards out of it from me for me can you make as many flash cards as you can and format it as CCB well the question is the font and the answer is the back and each flash cards is in a new line and posting the notes now it's going to give you a lot of questions that you can find form the notes themselves it's really important to say things like please don't include any information anywhere else please rely only on the information for my notes because sometimes it invents things so it's really important to narrow it down and make sure that it only knows the material from your notes now it gave me six questions now you can ask it that's not what I meant please now format it well the question is in one column of the CCB and the answer is the other one the second one now as you can see it gave me a CCV which is comma separated value if we zoom in a bit you will see over here that what are Aqua points comma and then you have the definition aquapoints types comma which is the back of the card and then you have the types carrier proteins comma and then you have the type you can make so many flashcards out of it and it saved me so much time just making flashcards from these draw effects that it's pretty insane now it gave me everything and I only took a very specific and small part of the text this is why it only gives me six flashcards imagine you are taking 20 Pages for example so let's take this text and now we are going to make a text file text file new and unkey example so I'm going to create a text file and in my text file I'm going to copy everything and save it as and then I'm going to rename it to Dot CCV so now I'm going to go to files and I'm going to import the CCV file it can be with this six flashcards it can be with 500 flashcards it doesn't really matter as long as you have everything in one file it will import it next up I will go to CV and key example and now it's going to import it now it's going to ask me a few questions very important questions one is the type of card I want to use the basic one is just front and back there are many different types and you can actually make flashcards using HTML yourself it's pretty straightforward it's pretty straightforward it's pretty important to do because the more flash cards you make with chat GPT the more overwhelmed you will become and it's going to be very disorganized so make sure to use tags and everything from the beginning and deck make sure to assign it to the correct duct make sure to separate them make separate decks for each time you import flashcards otherwise you're just going to be overwhelmed now the files separated by comma because it's a CCV you know lines when it feels Spirit matches existing not it means that duplications please ignore them and now field one which is remember aquaporins and aquapoints type is the font the questions field 2 is the big now I can go to chatgpt for example and I can ask it hey can you add a sealed column every sealed column should have the word let's say Aqua points now it's going to wear out everything and it's going to add comma aquaponics to every single one of them and I'm going to use it for example I could have used it as a field three is the tags and now I have a very easy way when I go to Let's import it perfect now I have a very easy way where I go to browse and I go to tags I will be able to see here aquaporin now we have available to and I will be able to click it and review all of the aquapon tabs now check this out if I click default and study now I have aquapoints definition and this is the exact text from the book I've made just from a very simple import by using a single pump on chat GPT using pages and Pages for my book very easily the same thing could have taken so long and I did it in 5 seconds instead of three hours so I highly recommend to you use this technique it's really high yield it's really effective and all of my students use it right now to save so much precious time I'm going to upload more videos so if you like this type of content and want to if you want me to show you how exactly I teach my students and how they use Anki themselves and I will use chachibit in all of the decent and all of the recent AI advancements please make sure to subscribe and like this video If you you want all of the prompts I use for free make sure to check the link in the description it's absolutely free make sure to subscribe to this channel if you like this type of content and you want to keep seeing this colorful tips and stuff I will see you next time
Channel: Dr. Future
Views: 82,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X4oq6Ur5xcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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