Bjarke Ingels Group, deconstructed. Architecture studio tour

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look at this room full of maquettes inside of  biggest New York Studio it's an array of what   seems like an infinite amount of design  proposals ideas projects intentions and   a scaled down version some projects you can  recognize and others you've never even heard   of now look at these maquettes in another part  of their Studio A scaled version of the final   design proposals of different projects around  the world everywhere you look it's a collection   of design iterations presentation boards renders  projects from days past and others just taking   flight this isn't just an office it's an  evolving canvas of architectural innovation   now is this normal in all architecture  Studios what is it about this studio   their process and their people that makes their  work connect so much with everyone in general so let me just back up a moment to give  you some context so let's rewind a couple   of weeks ago Oliver and I found ourselves in  New York City our journey paved with culinary   Delights and a unique chance to get an  up close look at Big's New York Studio   for most Architects, Bjarke Ingels and the big studio  is probably one of the most successful groups   of Architects in the world they have achieved  astronomical recognition in a very short period   of time and it seems that their projects and  proposals are everywhere some attribute to the   founder and Lead architect Bjarke Ingels with his  Charisma in way of telling stories through his   projects it's actually sort of invented from the  mind to the hands to the paper the way we start   looking for what could be the connectivity between  but others attributed to their crazy design ideas   and Innovation a big doesn't shy away from pushing  boundaries like designing a ski slope atop a waste   plant the reinvention of the New York skyscraper  conceptualizing Life on Mars Etc these are more   than just buildings there are thought experiments  Made Concrete now although these ideas seem to   come from Insider dreams of someone like Bjarke Ingels   the real process is not quite like this at all let   me explain it doesn't really matter who comes up  with a good idea it's really about just making   sure everyone but I feel comfortable contributing  so this is Daniel Sundlin architect and partner   at Big offices in New York he has been at Big  since 2008 and has worked on the office's most   prominent projects we had the chance to talk to  him and ask him some questions about big working   at the office and some Curious topics as well and  I will say we're not kind of not napkin Architects   we love to involve people we involve our clients  we share everything sometimes too much from the   start of his career the studio has constantly  shown diagrams process images and design   iterations as part of their presentation they have  been so interested in the process and showing it   in their final stages of design that we can even  recognize a big diagram from afar a series of   diagrams that show the operations constraints and  processes that occur throughout the project and   then the kind of middle third if you will is about  iterating and basically exhaust opportunities   thank you essentially trying out every single  way of doing a certain project so we iterate a   lot and all the physical models that you see in  the background is a product of that iteration   process for a product we can do after you know we  can almost do like 100 different design iterations   and we discussed these different iterations in  that process it's so important that you have a   kind of a variety of people contributing to  that that conversation 100 design iterations   100 maquette's 100 ideas to just get one right  when we were walking through their office space   we really felt that these 100 design iterations  are taken very seriously it's like walking inside   the head of a group of creative people and  seeing their thought process however there   is a problem with this process at least from the  perspective of traditional architecture offices   you see many traditional architectural offices are  structured in a way where everything is done by   clearly defined teams that work on specific parts  of a project meaning that an individual visual or   team creates an idea then passes it on to another  team that develops it and that team then passes it   on to another team that ensures its construction  obviously this is a very simplified version of   it but you get the idea now this doesn't mean that  other offices don't create iterations or different   versions of the design what it does mean is that  the people involved in the initial stages are not   always the people that are overlooking the final  stages of the design and while this process may   appear systematic and sensible it poses a key  issue for architects involved in the project   architects who remain confined into a single  role in the design process risk overlooking other   stages and as a result May struggle to comprehend  them and that is where big is rather different   usually we like to see people follow through and  I think that's how you really learn how to become   a better architect kind of understanding their  Journey from design to construction I mean I   used to talk about big as a platform rather than  kind of a we don't have Studios For example we   don't have like certain departments and a lot of  people move around between different roles here   in the office and understanding how the ideas  or kind of decisions that you make early on   in the process affect the actual construction  of the buildings and I do think like nowadays   the architecture industry is so like there's  so many different roles that you can have as   an architect often you have some you know you're  discovering a lot of things that you're interested   in throughout your career and we're always trying  to help people to kind of navigate them to to the   role that they want to have in the career that  they want to have now there is another crucial   factor to consider regarding this issue which  extends beyond the number of design iterations   or the team responsible for each project it is  equally important to consider where the design   is conceived the cultural and physical environment  is a significant determinant in achieving the best   possible outcome for each building project as you  can see the office is very open we share a lot so   a lot of people kind of find ways to to hang  out in different uh in different ways and we   always encourage people to bring their ideas to  the table if there is a metaphor or analogy for   the notion that your workspace reflects your  work then this is where it fits perfectly the   space where the team generates their ideas  feels creative Innovative and unique just   like their buildings big is for sure one of the  most important architecture offices at the moment   and has built some projects that will maybe be  object of study in many architecture schools in   the future or at the moment perhaps some of  the keys to their constant success is their   design approach how they iterate for each design  exhaust each possibility until they are sure that   the design is the right one for their client also  the team structure in which each individual can   see themselves following through the process  from start to finish therefore comprehending   the entirety of the architectural process and  finally the office space the Space full of ideas   the spaces to collaborate see past projects  getting fired and create new buildings now   I'm sure you have a lot of unanswered questions  like what programs this big use what is their   take on AI how do they Implement new software  well all these answers you will find here in   Oliver's video just upstairs let me know what  you thought of this experience and if you would   like to see more office tours also comment down  below we would love to visit maybe your office   and record The Experience thank you guys all for  watching and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Show It Better
Views: 121,353
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Keywords: show it better, architecture tutorials, photoshop for architects, architecture videos, tutoriales de arquitectura
Id: hYuDtxFJW1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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