Using a car for cover: part two, Tactics.

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I were filming on location today in beautiful downtown Lincoln City and today is using cars as cover part 2 now in part 1 we covered mainly what kind of projectiles the car could stop and which parts of the car were better to hide behind and people brought up a couple of things such as bullets ricocheting under a car and hitting you and that's a good point I'd like to demonstrate that but I can't find any place with a paved road where it's okay to shoot another point I want to bring up is if you have a fairly low car to hide behind like my 77 Firebird and you're standing on a sidewalk the height of the curve and the lowness of the car will almost completely eliminate the chance of any bullets ricocheting under that car and hitting you another thing we want to cover today is although a car can adequate cover it's not necessarily the best especially if you have other choices and you look at where I am right now on the sidewalk I do have some other choices like this really big tree another thing is the angle of this Bank if the shooting we're about to start I might very well just jump down here and this hillside creates it definitely that will be excellent cover not only that I could work my way down that hill and get myself completely out of the situation and that's a really good idea the one thing you don't want to do when you have choices is stand here in wonderful car Tree Hill and spend a lot of time making up your mind let me tell you an anecdote a while ago I was hunting from a blind and looking out the gun ports in the front line well this blind did not have any windows in the back of it that's okay I was assured the deer would never come up behind the blind well these particular deer must not read the rulebook because they came up behind us and blind and there they are so I tell Nick hey well he can't get on his tiptoes and shoot over that so he just steps out the door the blind to take the shot well as soon as he steps out the door two of these deer instantly bolted the third deer looked up hey why are you guys running pal and it was all over sometimes you got to make your decision really fast now what we also want to talk about today is some of the tactics of shooting from behind a car so let's drive out to the field and fire a few shots [Music] now that might look cool on this door does not do much to stop Bullock and in a way that might work a little better [Music] now this way I've got the engine compartment between me and what I'm shooting at but there's a downside to this too let me show you [Music] and remember we are filming in the field today so please put up with all the litter and all kinds of noise in the background now when you're using the car as cover and you're trying to shoot back at an adversary there's some things I want to point out as we saw in part 1 using the trunk as cover is barely better than nothing using the doors is better however this is probably not something you want to do and getting behind the engine compartment is the best way to go and I also have to point out that here in the United States most cars have the engine in front but not all of them now some viewers pointed out that in addition to being behind the engine it's a good idea to stay behind the wheels if you can and that is a very good idea they will provide more cover so if you're in this position and you're shooting at a target that's this direction there's many techniques to use and I want to show you two of them one is coming up into a kneeling position using the hood as a stabilization platform it has the advantage of really increasing accuracy but it's got some disadvantages one being getting in this position might take some time another is that it's not all that maneuverable a big disadvantage is if bullets hit this hood and ricochet they will probably ricochet at a fairly shallow angle which might ricochet them right into me so another technique is to get back a few feet still staying behind the wheel if you can and shoot from a crouched position this has the advantage of it's not perfect but it will increase the chances that those ricochets will go over your head it can also be faster to get into and more maneuverable the big disadvantage is that accuracy can suffer a great deal shooting from such an unstable platform I've got a target set out here at 10 yards let's try both techniques and see how we do and now let's draw a Crouch technique let's take a look at the target now while using the hood as a rest I shot the target on the right and this is actually two hits so accuracy is not bad from the crouched position this is three hits accuracy suffered quite a bit now let's try those same two techniques with a slight action shotgun when you're using the hood as a rest this can cause you some problems because you're trying to use your rest arm as your arm to work the slides it saw my partner had some problems trying to use the door as a rest it also brings up the question if you're using a shotgun with buckshot why do you need to shoot from a bench rest the problem we get trying to shoot from the squatting is that you're trying to shoot a heavy recoil shotgun from an unstable position well let's try both of these and see how they work and now let's try the squat so the recoil not too bad them now I've faced it up the shot holes in the targets and move them out to 20 yards and let's try those same two techniques with a rifle rifles come with their own list of concerns the biggest one being that on AR platform rifles and many others the sights are fairly high off [Music] remember the idea is to shoot at your adversary not shoot the movers are ok but let's try both techniques [Applause] and the squat position let's take a look at the target using the hood as a stabilization platform I fired four shots and there they are not bad shooting from the squatting I fired three shots two of them hit the target and one was below accuracy suffered a little better also the damage to our target frame occurred because with this field expedient target frame part of what keeps it stable or I put a couple of rocks in there I hit one of them and that's the damage that resulted but there's one more very important thing I want to show you about shooting this type of rifle in association with a car now we've talked about shooting over the club what about shooting under the car well if it's some kind of truck or SUV that has good ground clearance you gets down and prone try to stay behind the wheel if you can and just shoot but a conventional car like this one there isn't all that much space and so with a rifle like this it's going to end up being candid at 90 degrees one way or the other I've got my target out there at 20 yards and I put up new target centers and pasted the shot holes let's shoot this rifle at a 90 degree angle and see what that does to our point of impact now let's can it the other direction and shoot left him now let's take a look at the target now this target was fired with rifle candid 90 degrees to port the other target with a candid 90 degrees to starboard and in both cases for me it hit low the difference in group size is because I can shoot right-handed better than I can left-handed but these are the results that I got with my arrival the direction and degree of deviation from the point of aim is going to be determined by the shooter the rifle the type of sights and the distance being fired and the only way you're going to know what results you're going to get is that you have to take your rifle to the range shoot it canted one way than the other and see what results you get so what's to take away from all of this well this is a topic I could have gone on about ad astra but I just wanted to hit a few of the high points and I'm using my 1972 roadrunner today because it's the lowest sitting car that I own so it really makes a good platform with which to do that 90 degree angle demonstrations but there's two main things I want you to take away from this first cars can be good cover but not necessarily the best but what you don't want to do is spend very much time at all vacillating over which cover you should get behind the second thing is don't shoot your hood off so as always don't try this at home on what's called professional and thanks for watching the using cars as cover part 2 video [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 205,597
Rating: 4.9780712 out of 5
Id: Q2a-3JDX8Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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