Ak 47 vs M16 Power

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here we are again m16 platform versus ak-47 platform this subject has been done to death but people seemed never tire of it so we're going to beat the dead horse a little more however to really do a good comparison and in-depth exposé of these two rifles we would be here all day maybe even a couple of days so today I want to focus on just one topic power which of these is more powerful well you measure power basically by velocity or energy foot-pounds energy foot-pounds being the real bottom line the thing is I don't like to stand here and quote the numbers because ballistics charts don't always agree with each other and there are so many variables bullet weight brand of ammunition barrel length but whatever results I can sit here and say you might get something quite a bit different but big picture wise five five six NATO or if you use 223 ammo will give you a velocity that's five six seven sometimes eight hundred feet per second more than a seven six two by thirty nine will but on the other side of that to 7.62 by 39 with it's much heavier bullet can give you energy foot-pounds it's one two three hundred pounds more so there's a trade-off with both the problem really with quoting the numbers on the page is that that's all they are as numbers on a page and sometimes that doesn't mean much my favorite example is mathematically on paper a bumblebee is not aerodynamically sound it can't fly except in reality we all know they can so the ballistics chart doesn't always give you the whole story I'm not saying it's completely irrelevant but it's not the whole story so how am i today going to demonstrate which one of these is more powerful let's just shoot these at some various targets side by side head to head and you can judge the results for yourself as I said a moment ago your ballistics can vary quite a bit because your ammunition can vary quite a bit so in the interest of consistency we're going to keep unless otherwise specified the same type of ammo throughout now for our m16 we've got federal X M 193 and this is true 556 NATO ammunition and it is a 55 grain jacketed spear point bullet for our 76 2 by 39 this is something I figure is pretty typical its Wolff 7 6 2 by 39 and it is a 123 grain spear point jacketed bullet so unless otherwise specified this is what we're going to use on everything we do today okay let's start with something pretty simple you may have seen this before this is our log cabin wall and like I said before I'm not going to build an entire log cabin just to shoot it these are six inch Peter polls let me show you a close-up of what they look like okay if you've seen our Old West guns versus Old West building materials video you may have heard this speech before so bear with me these are six inch Peter polls and on a real log cabin there'd be mud or some other kind of chinking in here and we're not going to do that we're just going to try to keep our shots on the thickest part of the log being logs they're wrought with inconsistency some of them have big cracks and there's knots in here so we're going to try to spread out several shots and titrate out those results and behind the wall we'll have our shoot and see target so we're going to go back there 25 yards and we're going to shoot and see okay let's start with our m16 well how did we do all six of them went through and you can see that this shoot and see target is just peppered with secondary projectiles that's all wood splinters coming out of that you can also see that just about every bullet hole here is absolutely sideways so these bullets are tumbling when they come through there however they all came through there now let's repeat that with RAK arrival well how'd we do six shots all six through there notice none of these tumbled and also notice virtually no secondary projectiles it didn't chew up the wood nearly as bad so does that make it more powerful and less powerful I think it means that it would penetrate more in this type of medium but six inch logs both of them went through and you'd have been in trouble if you're on the other side of it which one is better you be the judge now if you saw our Old West guns versus Old West building materials video you heard me say that when someone upgrades from muzzleloading to cartridge guns you should upgrade from a log cabin to lumber well it looks like when someone upgrades to an assault rifle you should upgrade to cinder blocks preferably several thicknesses of them what we've got here is ten cinder blocks arranged like bowling pins we're going to go back 25 yards we're going to shoot at them and we're just going to count how many rounds it takes until we start perforating our soda bottles we're going to start with our m16 platform and I'm going to shoot from the prone so I can make sure that the bullets travel horizontally through the target medium I may end up continuing to fire after I hit the soda jugs just goes from this angle I may not be able to see it well how'd we do it took a lot of rounds to chew up these cinder blocks by my account it was the 31st shot that hit the first job and the 41st shot to hit the second one now let's reset this up and repeat that with the a K alright now let's repeat that with the a K well how did we do well the first thing I have to point out is that it never actually poked any holes in these soda bottles they were knocked over by the cinder blocks falling down but that having been said the first one went down with the 19th round in the second one with the 26th round by my count significantly less rounds than it took the m16 to do it and just by looking at the results on camera it sure seemed like a seven 62 by 39 round chews up cinder blocks more so than a five five six will okay now let's say we were going to go hunting with these rifles you're going to shoot a jackrabbit a coyote a deer what have you hydrostatic shock becomes a factor so let's shoot a target that will give us some feedback on hydrostatic shock now remember I said unless otherwise specified I'm otherwise specifying we're going to switch to some soft point ammunition which is something you might want to use in a hunting scenario now for our 76 tuba 39 we've got silver bear brand and this is 125 grain pointed soft point and for our m16 platform we're going to use 223 ammunition now this is Remington 223 Remington with a 55 grain pointed soft point it's the same bullet weight as the 556 NATO ammunition and it will deliver very similar ballistics that's why sometimes you'll hear me say they're the same thing because they deliver virtually identical ballistics even though technically they're not the same thing so let's take these out shoot some water jugs see how we do okay let's start with our m16 platform and we got four one gallon water jug set up going to shoot them from fifty yards now let's repeat that using the soft point ammo out of the a K well how did we do in the front row were the one shot with the m16 platforms back over the one shot with the a K is there really a difference well as you can see both of them did pretty well did one really do more damage than the other well the one shot the m16 this one was blown almost in half this one's blowing completely in half and you don't see that on the others with some of them you can see pretty similar results from where I'm standing it looked like the m16 variant did a little more damage do primarily do with having tremendously more velocity and making more hydrostatic shock but which one is really better or was there enough difference to really declare a clear winner you be the judge in any test of power of these two rifles you pretty much have to shoot a car so here we are the thing with shooting a car is that most of the time when you see this demo done someone shoots from the side and they'll shoot one rifle in one front door and out the other and the other rifle through the rear doors and then they measure the result by going around and seeing how many bullets went clear through fair enough that tells you what it tells you however there's a few problems with doing it that way one of those is the extraneous variables of secondary targets inside the car what I mean is that the bullet may hit stuff before it goes out the other side usually the seats the other problem is that the front and rear doors of most vehicles are not the same there's different things in front door than there is in the rear there may be things present here that there aren't and so it isn't necessarily a fair test so we're going to try to account for some of those variables and see if we can get a pretty good result okay so here's what we've done we've propped open the front and rear doors and they're held in place by these bungees that accounts for the variable of secondary targets because now there's nothing but error between the front and rear door it also accounts for the fairness of front versus rear doors because we're going to shoot a front and a rear door and then repeat that with the other rifle on the other side and hopefully have at least a more fair test now behind the rear door what up god is three thicknesses of three-quarter inch plywood each an inch and a half apart and that'll give us at least some feedback on how much power the bullet has after it's gone through both doors and then I've got this big piece of plastic here in case we break a window and we're going to shoot the door we're going to try not to break window but we'll see what happens all that having been said there's another thing about shooting a car door that you got to be aware of a car door is not a homogeneous medium there's a lot of stuff in there like I said before reinforcing bars that can vary greatly on size shape and location depending on what kind of car you have some cars at power windows so you got a big electric motor in now that this has conventional crank windows so we're going to try to account for that by shooting a high number of rounds 15 and we're going to spread them out enough that we can hopefully titrate out some of those variables so all that yakking aside let's shoot this and see how we do okay let's start with our air 15 yes I'm going to wear safety glasses despite how silly they look and yes I do wear earplugs on every single shot that question has come up quite a bit lately yes I wear earplugs with every shot I take so without any further delay let's shoot this thing well we didn't break any windows that's a plus they saw the bullets go in the front door look at this rear door how there's so many elongated bullet holes and they're spread out all over the place you see little bits and pieces those are bullet fragments and sometimes secondary projectiles so your m16 bullets will tumble a lot after going through anything halfway solid and you still see a lot of impacts in here but all semblance of order and straight on bullet holes kind of went to pieces on us let's check the plywood here's our plywood now 15 bullets went in the front door eight impact holes in our plywood so roughly half the interesting thing is though when I looked on the other side there are seven exit holes on the third sheet that means the bullets that did go through still had enough to go through three 3/4 inch sheets of plywood but the bottom line is 15 in seven out the back okay now let's try RAK and see what kind of results we get with that so how'd we do well 15 shots in the front this car door just like the other one all kinds of bullet holes long gated bullet holes secondary fragments one of them deflected enough that it broke this window there's even an impact hole right here now that's not where it missed that's just where a piece deflected enough to break that out good thing we had our plastic sheet in the way but the real thing is let's take a look at our plywood how did we do well I count 9 impact holes there and there's six out the back that's not entirely fair because something deflected and went through that window and at least one went into the body of the car what the bottom line is with the ar-15 we got 15 through the front door eight in this seven out the back of this barricade with the a.k we got 15 through the front door nine in this six out the back really I don't think I could call the clear winner either way you be the judge bottom line those really two things one this has a lot more to do with the variables of car doors than it does which rifle or which round is better and two one thing you can absolutely draw from this is that a car does not make really good cover if somebody's shooting at you with either of these rifles well how did we do well the first thing I want to tell you is we're on the range today is a bear with gunfire in the background secondly we shot four different things we shut our log cabin our cinder blocks our water jugs and our car in shooting the log cabin both rifles went through the seven 62 by thirty-nine definitely seemed to go through more decisively the bullets didn't tumble seemed like that did better but remember both went through shooting the cinder blocks although the 762 never got the point where it perfect perforated the soda bottle unfortunately they got knocked over by the collapsing under block but still to get to that point took 19 and 26 rounds not 31 and 41 and that's a decisive difference and just looking at the film it sure seemed to be chewing up the cinder blocks a lot better than the m16 was but when shooting one gallon water jugs the much greater velocity of the 5 5 6 or in this case 223 seem to blow up the jugs more effectively seem to have more hydrostatic shock and that that's pretty well consistent with the experience I've had hunting animals with these two rivals and then shooting the car there wasn't enough difference there to talk about which is actually kind of surprising so what does this all come down to well there's a few things you can say absolutely for sure out of that one is that no matter what conclusion I draw somebody's going to want to debate it the other is today's demonstration absolutely is not going to put an end to the argument over which one of these two rifles is more powerful so the only thing I'd tell you is you saw the results of anything you judge for yourself the other thing I'd say is remember that the scope of today's demonstration was only one thing power accuracy user friendliness all that other kind of stuff that's a debate for another time so all that having been said don't try this at home I'm what you call a professional and thanks for watching the m16 vs. ak-47 which one is more powerful video
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 963,143
Rating: 4.9175258 out of 5
Id: am5avCq64oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2015
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