Use These 11 Manifesting Techniques To Become A Conscious Millionaire | Regan Hillyer

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becoming a millionaire a conscious millionaire a new millionaire a different type of millionaire having a different relationship with money that starts from the inside out this starts from surrendering into this wave of Light which is taking place right now activating the conscious Marina within year is not something that's chosen for some people and not for others it's a choice that you get to make deeply within yourself activating the conscious millionaire within you is about being bold enough and brave enough to stand up and take a stand and say you know what I'm here for a reason a big reason and I'm going to choose to do things differently even if no one in my family has walked that path even if everyone around me thinks I'm crazy I'm here for more [Music] so I'm going to pull up some pieces on the slides today and warning they may look like affirmations but they're not because affirmations are great but if you just walk around affirming things and saying things over and over and over again you can only get so far these are not affirmations that we're going to go through today these are portals into your own Consciousness these are gateways into unlocking pieces that are deep within you these are portals that I wish someone gave me when I was starting out and even when I was pretty far along in my journey with money my relationship with money so let's start diving into these pieces I choose to be a conscious millionaire when I first generated that first million dollars and I was 24 years old the way I did it coming into the online space where I knew nothing about online business and I went and started this company online and I scaled it from Full startup zero to over a million dollars in less than eight months and that generated some attention and I was on different media you know podcasts and interviews and people would always ask me you know Regan what did that feel like you must be so happy you must be so proud you must be so excited what was that feeling and it was interesting because I had really had to unpack this in my own Consciousness because when I go back into that place I realized that that day that moment where my team texted me and would hit those numbers I realized it felt quite normal and then I thought well I can't tell the media that I mean oh you know it felt normal even though it wasn't normal it was a huge jump in my reality a huge Quantum shift and I unpacked in and I thought why did that feel normal and then I realized that I'd spent so many hours consciously choosing that reality of uh and over and over and over again even when my current circumstances looked nothing like the reality that I was choosing even when I was over six figures in personal debt I was choosing that reality I was getting into the feeling of it the vibration I was being with it I was allowing it to code through me and come out into the world so that when it actually happened in the 3D physical reality in my life it was almost like oh yeah this is what I prayed for this is what I've aligned to this is what I've been going deeper into this is the feeling that I've cultivated from the inside out for so many years so many years that when it showed up it was like ah of course and there was gratitude and there was excitement but I chose that over and over and over again too many of you if you're not where you're where you want to be with money right now it's because you haven't precisely chosen where you want to be so this is your invitation to ground into this to get clear and specific with this to get precise with this to get into a place where you're choosing this every minute every breath if you need to noticing the moments where you pulled out of that and you're not choosing it and then you come back and go oh yeah okay coming back to the center coming back to this place of conscious choice you will consciously co-creating with money and money doesn't know how to show up for you unless you choose it yes yeah so the next layer to this I choose to raise my level of Tolerance there are two men out there and they're exactly the same and they have exactly the same business and some sort of financial crisis hits both of their businesses and overnight they both lose everything and one man ends up homeless on the street addicted to drugs and alcohol and the other man doesn't and he gets back up and he rebuilds his reality learns from it and actually creates something even more powerful than what he had before what's the difference the difference is these two men even though they looked exactly the same on the outside had different minimum standards unconsciously you see we don't always get in life what we dream about but we do get what we tolerate we are living into our minimum standard right now and if you're not sure what your minimum standard is with money just take a look at your money it's very simple look at your bank account look at your savings account look at your Revenue cash in cash out all of it that is your minimum standard so yes we need a vision we need a dream we need precise goals we need to choose that and what if you focused on simply raising up your minimum what if you focused instead on going okay I'm happy I'm grateful for my relationship and my results with money in this way and no longer tolerate that and you don't have to be down and out to shift your level of Tolerance I work with clients where they're like okay I'm grateful but I'm done with 10 million dollars a year I'm raising this up I'm here for more I'm here to serve more I'm here to be the vessel to allocate more resources in the world and we're shifting and raising that minimum standard again it's a choice and get curious with these pieces get curious around what this looks like and just know that if you're connecting to your bigger Vision your dream your ideal reality with money in whatever way that looks like for you please know that that's a whisper from your soul that's a whisper from your soul because if it hadn't already happened at some point out in your future you wouldn't want it you wouldn't desire it you wouldn't be excited by it you wouldn't write it down in your Journal as a goal someone else would tell you that goal and you go it's not for me I'm not inspired by that and I'm sure you have people where they tell you their goals and you go well good for you but that's that's not for me if there's a goal with money that's alive for you that's lit up for you that you're excited about it's simply because it's happened in your future your job is to become The Alchemist and shift your inner reality in order to bend time and space and pull that future reality Into the Now and from that place magic starts to happen but you've got to remember these desires these dreams these Visions they're your soul whispering to you the question is are you listening are you listening are you allowing yourself to spend time with your soul spend time with your dreams and intentions and goals around money in order to listen to those innate Whispers that are coming up we can only hold what we have the capacity to energetically hold in our field we can only hold what we're willing to receive consciously and unconsciously money needs containers in your life I'm yet to meet a person who's become a millionaire or multi-millionaire who said oh yeah you know I don't really know how that happened and I don't know why and I don't have any reason for that money it just just sits there and yet to meet that person the conscious millionaires that I know they're clear they're specific they're precise they allow themselves to dream big and play big they allows themselves to be utilized for a bigger purpose a bigger mission and they Define those containers so it's not enough just to say okay yeah I would love to generate a million dollars why for what purpose if you had that tomorrow where would that be allocated where would that go what would those containers look like invite you to really play with this and have fun with this design those containers and by the way all of these pieces these portals into your own Consciousness work with any layer of money small or greater than a million dollars but play with them break it down and go okay if I really was to generate a million dollars and I had that in cash available to me what would I do where would it go I'd put this amount here and this amount here and this amount here no more let's adjust it play with it and all of a sudden in our energetic field we start creating the space to actually hold the energy because money is energy that is looking to come through our system some people don't have the containers or they have holes in the containers because they haven't clearly defined them now it says this little formula in here and this formula means self-worth plus millionaire Consciousness equals accelerated receiving because as you're doing this and as you're defining these containers you truly have to recalibrate your system to know deep down that you're deserving and worthy of those containers I see people unbalanced with this they're either really good on the self-love piece and they feel they're really awesome and they're working on their self-worth but they disconnect and they're not focused on their millionaire Consciousness and all the other pieces we're talking about today and then there's people vice versa have a look at this formula for you right now and look at where are the pieces to activate is it that you get to go deeper into recalibrating your belief system I choose to believe that I am a conscious millionaire I choose to believe that I'm worthy deserving and responsible enough in order to receive the resources to allocate them in a grand way on this planet to really make a difference to fulfill my purpose and you craft this from the inside out and when you first write this down I remember when I first started doing this I'd write it and it was all pretty in my journal and I'd be like yeah I don't really believe any of that I choose to believe I choose to believe doesn't feel true but I kept going I kept going I kept recalibrating it I would do it every single day until you get to a place where you write it out and there's a deep knowingness that's activated until you get to a place where you no longer write it out because it's just who you are because you've defined it and created it and allowed it to come through you from the inside out you don't sit there and write I choose to believe the sky is blue I choose to believe you're like the sky is blue I wouldn't even write that down you get to that point with money you'll get to that point with dropping deeply into your connection where you believe you're so deserving and worthy that no other option is even available to you yes yes yeah I clear and release anything that is stopping me if you have a dream a desire a goal a vision with money and it hasn't shown up right now there are simply some pieces within your own Consciousness that are stopping it blocking it or slowing it down your job is to go in and have an inner exploration an inner inquiry around what this really looks like around what are these pieces so you can journal on this you can meditate on this you can ask yourself what is currently stopping me blocking me or slowing me down when it comes to tapping into the full and complete materialization manifestation of the abundance and you can do this with a very specific money amount as well now as you go deeper into this you're going to be aware of fears self-doubt self-sabotage patterns allowing yourself to see also where you've been in a vibration of control which is a vibration of contraction because you can be in contraction or you can be an expansion but you can be in both so you have to make a choice around that and it's seeing these micro moments where your system contracts where you think oh no there's not enough I can't do that oh no and you notice who's had these by the way right these little pieces of money whereas you feel your system what would abundance do what would abundance do what would abundance choose what would abundance know last time I checked abundance would know that there are infinite resources available at all times but if your system is contracted you can't receive them in your field you also in this inquiry through this portal want to take stock of your family systems what stories were you told specifically around money I know for me I was told that money doesn't grow on trees my dad always said you know oh yeah you can have five dollars but there's never any money in my wallet I always had this programming that I had to really look at and undo which brought up a lot for me because who am I to be the person in the family that breaks that generational curse with money it's a big one and many of you because I know there's Mine Valley tribes so well many of you have this written in your life plan already to be the one in your family that's bold enough and brave enough and willing enough to actually go in and be the version of you that steps up and says you know what no more you know what I'm going to be the one that recalibrates this for my past generation Seven Generations back and all the future Generations by the way Seven Generations down let me be the one that actually shifts and recalibrates this and creates this new relationship with money I might grab the questions at the end if that's all right because there's a lot to go through but we're going to do a q a with both of us thank you all right feeling good on this piece guys going deeper into this you also on here want to find your own Alchemy to shift this and clear this this is not about not having any self-doubts anymore this is not about having any not having any fears with money this is not about being some robot that it just has this perfect relationship with money no this is about being human with it this is about seeing it even through your own conscious awareness and noticing these patterns noticing these programs noticing these vibrations holding you back that's 95 of the game if you can take these pieces in your Consciousness and bring them to the light and say huh now I see you I choose to release that no more it's as simple as letting that go and then of course you can find your Alchemy your Quantum flow your breath your meditation your journaling whatever you like to support you in that process but it gets to be simple and it gets to be easy we've been told that making money is hard we've been told that making over a million dollars is hard it gets to be easy it also gets to be fun yeah yeah I am a conscious millionaire now I'm remembering a moment where I woke up and into a very lucid dream and I was walking through this Forest and seemingly out of nowhere because I thought I was alone in the dream there was this huge golden being of light that appeared in front of me and it startled me firstly in the dream and then I connected with this golden being of light and I noticed that it felt somewhat familiar almost like a friend that I'd met before that I hadn't seen in a long time but I couldn't quite remember who it was and so as I started connecting with this being I asked them who are you and this being of light said Regan I'm you I'm the version of you from your future that's come back to right now in order to support you with allocating these resources through you so that you can do bigger things in the world so that you can do more good in the world I said okay well you suddenly don't look like me but you feel familiar and as I went into a deeper exploration and conversation I realized that I had in front of me a vision of me that had simply already walked my path that had already gone through all the challenges and unlocked all the pieces this vision of me was literally coded with all of the information desired and required in order for me to embody that version of me or the belief systems the programs the frequency allocation in the body all of these pieces were within this golden being of light and it's interesting because there was a transmission in the dream and I woke up back into this reality and I remember feeling different and I remember also thinking interesting this higher version of me the highest version that had showed up in that moment I remember thinking do I need to have another lucid dream in order to have this information show up and the answer was no this version of you is available to you at any given time this version of you is one thought away just as we talked about earlier your soul speaking to you to your dreams through your Visions through your desires it's the same your highest self that's already walked your path is available to you right now so as you portal into this and you remember that I am a conscious Millionaire right now well that version of you that's already living into that reality what's that version of you like and you start connecting and again you can do this through journaling or meditation in any way you like you start connecting and and you start downloading the pieces of information how does this version of you talk how does this version of you walk the version of you that already has the resources and is a conscious millionaire out there on the planet right now what's different about them versus you right now how does this version of you show up what kind of environments are they in what does this version of you say yes to what does this version of you boldly say no to what is this version of you take a stand for in your family and your life and your relationships how does this version of you move your body what do you eat how do you play how do you serve have fun with it think of it almost like an interview and you can connect right now with your highest version of you and simply create this dialogue simply allow this dialogue to code through you and this is beyond the mind this is not your mind trying to create and creates something to put it in a box no this is an energetic conversation where if you start opening this portal you will literally be coded at a cellular level with the information that you need in a way where it's not logical and you won't notice it most likely until you look back and go oh wow I felt using my intuition to go to that event and then I met that person and then this happened oh wow I felt there was a clear yes oh wow I showed up kind of differently oh wow I walked or dressed or talked kind of differently and you notice that in that embodiment of that you have that version of yourself coding through you right now but this takes work this isn't something where it's like okay good now your old conscious million is perfect tick next mind belly talk this is an invitation into the work this is an invitation to truly go deeper and allow yourself to surrender into these parts of you that are available to you right here right now and while we're on lucid dreams I'm remembering another another dream that I woke up into once again and this one was a little bit different I wasn't in a forest I was definitely somewhere in a city it felt a little bit like New York and I was walking up to the the restaurant that I knew I had to go into and the guy outside the restaurant greeted me he said hi Regan welcome I said hi he said your dates inside I said so and I noticed that in the dream I was unaware that I was on a date so okay I said who is it and he goes the the one you've been dating a lot you come here often I said oh okay and so I walked inside and I sat down at the table and within about 30 seconds this huge Golden Ball appeared in the seat in front of me and I was like well could have been a human date that it might have been a little bit more fun but hi and I start connecting with this huge Golden Ball and the first thing that this Golden Ball says is I feel so let down by you I said um hi sorry I mean excuse me what and before I could finish the Golden Ball said I'm really sick of how you're ignoring me like that I said no I'm not I'm not ignoring you I'm fully present I'm here I'm listening I came to the date and the Golden Ball says yeah but you're either ignoring me or you're putting all these demands on me you want me to show up at this time and be this way and only come into your life in this way and I said I said well hang on hang on I said I'm a little lost here who are you and the golden ball looked back at me and said I'm money and I said what sorry your money I'm dating money and and the Golden Ball came back and said yeah we're all in a relationship with money in fact we're in a very intimate relationship together and I don't like how you're showing up so this dream continued on and on and as I came out of that dream I realized that money is in a relationship with all of us right now unless you live in some sort of cave and you've like totally exited out of any sort of financial system and you can swap the word money out for crypto or anything you like you're in a relationship with universal abundance and if you're in an intimate relationship with universal abundance um how's that going for you if money was a human how would they feel right now with how you're showing up because I know for me I got to take a good hard look at myself and I got to see the demands that I was putting on money I only wanted to show up in this way if I do these things and if money didn't show up I was angry and I was frustrated and I was demanding things were different and I realized that hang on if I'm in this intimate relationship with money I mean I'm not really spending any time with money I mean sometimes there could be weeks that go by where I don't even see money say hi to money acknowledge money money when you tap into the Core Essence of it and I don't mean the distorted version of the financial systems The Core Essence is universal abundance the most loving giving nurturing powerful energy you ever tap into that just wants to show up for you they just want your dreams to come true that just wants to help you that just wants to support you in facilitating your purpose but it's a co-creation and you get to now as you leave this room start dating money and have fun with that what does that get to look like in your day if you go on an intentional date with money maybe just 10 minutes in the morning what would it look like if you created some sort of ritual of playing with money exploring with money getting up close and personal and comfy with money who's going to start doing a money date from now on yeah and again play with this have fun with this when I started doing this this changed everything because money is one of the biggest reflectors back to you for you to see what's actually going on in your unconsciousness and if you don't like what's happening in the 3D with money well then there's some things to look at within yourself in order to recalibrate and upgrade to a higher frequency I use environment as an intentional tool to accelerate my wealth you guys probably know that overall you're the fan the son the sum of the five people that you spend the most time with and I believe that's true in all fronts with your health with your energy your vibration all of it but it's also true financially I remember when I was living in New Zealand and I had a partner at the time and this was a place where I was in my 3D I had basically zero results with money I was massively in debt but I was going into it so deeply I was starting to date money in the mornings I was recalibrating my reality I was getting up close and personal I was doing a lot of different courses and working with people to help really ReDiscover my relationship with money from the inside out and he used to tease me a lot he would come in and literally say things like oh how's it going babe are you a millionaire yet and I remember how hard it was to thrive in that environment with someone constantly pushing my light down making fun of that light why because it was bringing up insecurities for him right and so even though these conversations around environment can be uncomfortable sometimes they're the people that are closest to you that you get to have a really hard good look at this is everything so the first step on this is to take stock of your environment have a look at what's actually going on is your environment powerful supportive amazing do all of the people believe in you and your dreams do they want you to succeed do they want you to fly and be that conscious millionaire or multi-millionaire and if the answer is no that's okay but it's time for a clean out it's time to take back your Sovereign nature with your environment and go okay I no longer tolerate that I'm not available to that I'm not going to hang out with that person every weekend and if this is a family member maybe it's being around them but energetically protecting yourself so you're not influenced by what they say constantly I remember looking at this and going so deep on my environment and almost every single person I had around me in the beginning didn't believe in me didn't think I was ever going to manifest any of my dreams or visions and so I started the clean out at an involved moving country to really reset my environment and I didn't move very far I just went to Australia it's like three hours away but it was still a reset I didn't know anybody and I remember sitting there after I cleaned out this environment and there was just me left and then all the stories started coming it's Lonely at the Top no one else is ever going to understand you and I started catching these pieces in which case I drew a line in the sand and said no I'm not available for this and that's when I realized it wasn't just about taking stock and cleaning out your environment it's then about consciously intentionally creating those environments doing things like you're doing right now and coming to events like this surrounding yourself with people that celebrate your light that get it they want you to fly right and so make sure you go home and do this and look at this and go okay where's my environment at specifically through the frame of money what gets to clean out and clear and then how do I get to consciously call in the environments that support me and that nourish me I am an energetic match for multiple Millions if you haven't got this by now generating millions of dollars or multiple millions of dollars it's a state it's a Vibe it's a frequency your Vibe attracts your try but also attracts your money right and what's interesting is that if you can become an energetic match for the money that you're looking to call in with ease and Grace then you become a match with the morphogenic field of people who have done it before because I can probably guarantee that any money goal you have right now there's someone else who's done it currently you can tap into that across time and space and one of the ways I love to do this is I set an alarm a manifestation alarm and have this alarm go off as often as you can ideally once every hour obviously if you have calls or things don't set it during that but whenever you can and make it on lysolone by the way not like like a good alarm happy alarm Okay and when that alarm goes off all I want you to do is to stop Stop close your eyes and tap into the feeling of already having received that money the alarm goes off you stop you tap into the feeling of having already received that money and you keep going and you keep doing this the alarm goes off a week later and you stop you close your eyes and you tap into the frequency the feeling the state vibration of already receiving that money and then something interesting starts to happen you start getting into a place where that alarm goes off and you start blurring the lines between your dreams and your reality and it kind of feels like it's already happened but you're not sure if it has and you have a blip of your Consciousness because the the the time and space is merging the time fields are dropping away and your system's recalibrating into that frequency so what do you do you keep going the alarm goes off you stop you close your eyes you feel what it feels like to have already received that money until you get to a place where that alarm goes off and you stop and you smile because you realize that it's already there it's already shown up it's already in your reality right now and then you set a new alarm and you keep going and there's another layer but you play with this you have fun with this but this is one of the easiest ways that I've helped people and myself recalibrate into receiving money with bliss doing it from a place of ease and Grace and flow instead of this old Paradigm of hustle and having to work more and and pushing from some place outside of you this allows yourself to recalibrate From the Inside Out tapping into a different state my three brains are integrated in alignment and are always supporting me you might be like what do you mean three brains we all have three brains within our system and this is one of my big pieces when it comes to working with high level people like in my Mastermind around money many of them just have their one brain recalibrated not the other two so we have a mind brain you're all fairly familiar with this this is the brain that processes the logic yes I think I would like to manifest a million dollars it's coming through the mind brain and then we have the heart brain right this is your alignment to Source this is where the information is filtered through your alignment to Source God the universe whatever label you'd like to use this is filtering through here and then we have our gut brain your inner wisdom your intuition like what was talking about your connection to your soul and if you don't have all three of those lined up and working together we've got a problem because your mind's like yes I want to make this money and your heart's like I don't know I have some concerns around that and your your gut brain is like well what if this happens and your system is not recalibrated your system is not in alignment so this is very simple spend time with this ask yourself and check into each of these brains and it's as simple of this mind brain how are you doing when we talk about this amount of money what concerns do you have and allow your mind brain to speak to you and my brain might be super happy my brain might be really concerned about this check in with your heart brain hot brain how are you doing how does that feel this amount of money what comes up for you you're going to be surprised with the the detail of the answers that start coming up gut brain how you doing how's this amount of money for you what concerns do you have and there's a much deeper process to this but for now if you just get into inquiry instead asking those questions and resolving each of these pieces your system starts recalibrating into alignment I choose to upgrade into a stabilized field of impact embodying a balanced give and receive cycle all right so there are many different layers of impact as you can see up here on the screen and one of the big pieces where I've seen people desire to manifest large amounts of money and then they get stuck and it doesn't flow and it doesn't happen is because they haven't balanced out these different layers of Consciousness so let's talk about them quickly firstly we have survival survival is where your relationship with money is a survival frequency and by the way there's no good or bad on these we're going to talk about how to integrate them in a minute survival is where you're focused on paying your bills making sure that you you don't run over with your debt you're in a survival place of can I buy food can I support myself the family we're in that Vibe okay the next layer is freedom of self where you've moved past survival and you have a little bit of abundance and you have the freedom to do what you desire in your life you can do the things you want to do live the lifestyle you want to live you are operating in a freedom of self-frequency the next layer contribution to Inner community this is where you start realizing okay there's not just me here and I actually want to contribute in some way I want to serve I want to do good in the world and you start utilizing your resources to help your inner Community this could look like your family this could look like your friends the people closest to you right and then we have your outer Community think of this like your wider Community bigger tribes even mind Valley everyone here is a part of your family and you're trying but that's you that's your wider your outer community and then the last piece of this is your Global Community this is where you're at a frequency and a layer of your own Consciousness where you want to serve the world where you really want to have a global impact where you desire to lay down a legacy that ripples far beyond just yourself just your family just your wider Community your clients and and you really want to change this world now I don't even have to ask because I know it's mind Valley there's so many people in this room who desire to be in the global impact the global Community layer and from what I've seen you can't be at those places until you've integrated every single other layer every single other layer when it comes to money how many people do you know where they have this huge dream this big Vision they want to change the world they're really excited about it but they're still in survival they haven't sorted out their own relationship with money they haven't sorted out the pieces that have them go okay good I don't need to survive anymore so I really got to look at this deeply 12 nearly 13 years ago when I was lying on my friend's couch in Melbourne Australia completely broke and broken I had lost everything I had 8.70 in my bank account and I got a really nice mirror in the face looking at my relationship with money and I realized I had a choice I had a choice to either go into the Doom and Gloom but I connected with something greater than me and as I did that I remember connecting to this frequency of global impact of global community of global Consciousness thinking yeah this is me I know my soul knows this I know I'm here to do something big but I had to get roaring real with myself because I was in survival mode I was borrowing money from a friend to pay for my food so I couldn't even be thinking about playing at these layers until I'd gone into that next layer of integrating every single piece so take this home and look at it get really raw and real with yourself and start going okay where am I at where am I 100 serving in this way and which are the layers that get to be looked at get to be explored get to be upgraded I embody the frequency of consciously manifesting Millions it's a state it's a Vibe it's a frequency it's not something you learn in your mind it's an embodiment of full and complete embodiment of the truth of Who You Are wamp has said it so beautifully you listen you trust and you act let's not forget about the ACT part it's really important to take action it's really important to ask yourself okay if I'm an embodied conscious Millionaire right now then what do I do what do I say yes to how do I choose to show up in this world what does that actually look like success is created in the micro moments micro moments are you acting from a place of control and scarcity and not enoughness or are you choosing to act from this new paradigm of knowing that abundance is infinite and it's available to you at all times if you choose it from the inside out listen trust and take action okay guys well you have my cold portals into your Consciousness and it's really up to you right now what you do with this but I know for me this is really these are the pieces that I wish someone had handed to me and said go play explore go deeper you could spend months and months and months just on one of these getting into precise refinement of what this looks like because activating the conscious millionaire within you is an inner game it's about being bold enough and brave enough to really surrender into a state of knowing that you're here for more activating the conscious millionaire within you is about being one of the souls on the planet right now that puts their hand up and says yes I'm here I'm open I'm available please use me please guide me please have me be coated with the money and the resources that I desire to truly change this planet because what I know for sure guys is that we really need you we really need you if you look at everything which is going out and going on on the planet right now we need people like you we need the Mind Valley tribe to actually be brave enough to stand up and say yeah I'm here I'm available I'm willing capable and available to do this work to say yes to go deeper into this to surrender to actually living from my soul to surrender to truly operating from a new frequency of abundance letting go of the past and the old stories realizing that has nothing to do with where I'm actually going the world really needs you and I'm super excited to celebrate all of you as you step even deeper into this journey bless you all in your big beautiful lives I love you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 717,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mindvalley, Personal Growth, conscious millionaire, millionaire mindset, financial abundance, wealth manifestation, prosperity secrets, mindset shifts, conscious wealth, money mindset, align with abundance, cosmic shift, financial success, law of attraction, millionaire paradigm, co-creation, manifesting wealth, financial potential, soul desires, financial transformation, unlocking wealth, abundant living, money energy, millionaire reality
Id: bQeoFmAoDKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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