U.S. Senator Joe Manchin leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent

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West Virginia's most prominent Democrat changed his registration to Independent today as eyewitness news reporter Bob Aron tells us this move is Making Waves from Charleston to to Washington it's no party for West Virginia Democrats with their Senator Joe Mansion registering as an independent in Charleston Friday US senator Joe Mansion changed his registration to no party here at the Secretary of State's office he says he has to be an independent to represent America's sensible majority we had a very while he has frequently criticized toxic partisan politics he gave no warning to many in the state party who saw the news release and social media post when the media the American brand is the brand that I carry proudest and I will always do that I'm able to do that more by being a registered no party affiliate independent than having a d or an R by name timing of the registration change could still allow Mansion to run for governor or the Senate as an independent but a caught off guard by the announcement state democratic party chair said he did not expect that to happen regardless of the uh uh political affiliation or non- affiliation of any politician no matter how big or small the West Virginia Democratic party is going to going to continue to fight for the core values that that we believe in and we hold dear Mansion is frequently at odds with the party and the president over over energy and climate issues Huntington mayor Steve Williams the Democratic winner and the primary for governor did get advanced warning from mansion and feels confident Mansion will support his bid for governor I have every reason to believe that he's supporting me and he's given me that assurance and there's no reason for me to doubt that Mansion says he has seen both the Democrat and Republican parties leave West Virginia and our country behind for partisan extremism while jeopardizing our democracy in Charles Bob Aaron eyewitness news thank you Bob and the US Senate's other three Independents Christen Cinema Bernie Sanders and Angus Kang all caucus with Democrats Mansion is expected to do the same thanks so much for watching here's another video from iwitness news just click right here to subscribe to our Channel and make sure you hit that Bell notification to get the very latest
Channel: WCHS Eyewitness News
Views: 106,258
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Keywords: news, west virginia news, wchs fox 11, wchs abc8, wchs eyewitness news, joe manchin, us, senate, west virginia, democrat, democratic, party, independent, charleston, kanawha county, capitol, election, relection, governor, joe biden, lawmaker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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