Americans listen to Islam for the FIRST time - Get INSPIRED - 2020

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miss me learn your manual read respected guests me the peace and blessings of God Almighty be upon all of you by a surface and president of Islamic society of central Wisconsin welcome you on behalf of Muslim community as a Muslim tradition before we start or presentation we'll begin with Quranic recitation and translation so I will invite brother amar from Chicago to recite from Quran it will be chapter 49 verse 39 shape on Rajee bismillahirrahmanirrahim yeah Johanna zoo in Naha wanna come the canyons the canyon watch your neck a mobile editor of economical my the LA he at Arkham in Omaha Iman hobby o mankind we have created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another verily the most honorable of you with Allah are those who are well mannered verily Allah is all-knowing well-acquainted with all things today we thank God Almighty who enabled us to organize this wonderful evening and a seminar alhamdulillah all praise to God Almighty would like to introduce our respected speaker that was the V Lima the some of you already know him from last year his director of gain peace which is an outreach program of Islamic circle of North America he has given presentations on topic of Islam in comparative religion some of his recent talks they include Islam and freedom of speech Sri Allah myths versus facts Islam and science in Jesus in Islam he lived in Chicago with his family I start in the name of God the most beneficent the most merciful and welcome and greet each single one of you with the Islamic greeting which is a Salam o aleikum and which means peace be upon you who knows the response for that not you you know that come on yes sir walaikum A'Salam give him a big a there's the right answer [Applause] walaikum A'Salam which means peace of god be upon you too my name is Sabine Ahmed so I'm here from Chicago and we drove about what four and a half hours came coming over here it was an exciting ride coming with like 15 people to families right just imagine from three-year-old all the way to like you know 12 year old fourteen-years-old as soon as they heard that we were going to Wisconsin this is what they said you know dad can we stop at Wisconsin Dells you know this is that's more exciting to them right coming over here I guess I said maybe on the way back or maybe tomorrow we'll see insha'Allah God willing I have three kids two of them are mine alright so with that they give about an hour I will do justice to that hour to cramp in as many topics as possible but I will try to make it as interactive as possible making sure that nobody sleeps is that good all right wonderful so it is my tradition that before I start a presentation I want to check your Islamic IQ are you ready for a training all right wonderful I have about three to four questions over here and this is the very first question the very first question is which prophet is mentioned the most in the Quran by name so we would like to give the guest the first chance to to respond to the question but the raise of hands ma'am go ahead Abraham or is that your final answer she's saying yes no lifeline yeah all right actually so now we are down to one two three four five we're down to five all right ma'am Muhammad peace be upon him right close enough but that is not the right answer it are two for yes sir Jesus peace be upon him right now we are down to three are we going one by one each come on sir ma'am yes Moses that is the right answer giver it began yes regarding all of those prophets are mentioned in the Quran with admiration respect and honor but of all the prophets mentioned in the Quran there are close to 25 of them mentioned in the Quran prophet Moses peace be upon him he's mentioned 136 times Jesus is mentioned 25 times Abraham is mentioned the second most number of times 69 times and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he's mentioned 5 times by name so we have to respect honor and admire and love all the prophets and the messengers of God who is the only lady mentioned by name in the Quran let us give somebody else a you want to try again let's give our hand yes Mary that's the right answer give her a big hand wonderful so you'll be amazed to find out that Mary the mother of Jesus peace be upon them of all of the ladies of Islam she's the only one mentioned by name not the wife not the daughters not even the mother of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so that shows that Muhammad peace be upon him is not the author of the Quran if he where you know if someone of you were authors of a great book you would like to include your family member perhaps the influence and the impact that they may have had in your lives but Muhammad peace be upon him he was receiving the revelation from God and according to the revelation of the Quran Mary is the only lady mentioned by admiration and love to such a degree that she'll be amazed to find out that the whole chapter chapter number 19 is mentioned after her name the surah maryam the chapter of mary in chapter number 3 of the quran verse number 42 it says so God sent an angel to marry and that angel is saying to Mary that all Mary God has chosen you God has purified you and God has chosen you among the women of all times so that is the respect and honor that Muslims give to Mary the mother of Jesus who do you think Muslims worship Wow I love you good give give enough of yourself a beginning yes wonderful I asked the same question to a colleague of mine in the hospital you know Joe who do you think we worship and of all the answers the answer that he gave us see Buddha I said come on young man you should know better we don't worship a human we don't worship Buddha we don't even worship Muhammad peace be upon him we worship the Creator who in Arabic we call him as Allah now this is the last and the final question who do you think is the founder of Islam now all of them are cautious now right raise of hands are yes sir Abraham we're down to three all right sir ma'am god yes god yes so we don't have a human founder we say that Islam as a way of life as a guidance was given by God to the very first human Adam and that same Islam the same way of life the same truth was given to different prophets and the messengers including Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and we will come also more to that aspect God willing right inshallah Muslims around the world which country do you think is the most populous Muslim country in the world that means they have more Muslims than any other country Indonesia correct yes India actually has the second most number of Muslims then comes Pakistan in some other countries right so Indonesia has a 200 million plus Muslims India has about what close 280 million around that number then compactus tan with hundred and sixty million and so on and so forth the reason I have that slide up there is because there is a misconception out there thanks to Hollywood right that Muslims and Arabs and the Muslims are synonymous there are more Muslims in India Pakistan Bangladesh and Indonesia combined than the rest of the population of the Muslims so there are more Muslims in the Far East our East then in the Middle East so out of the 1.7 billion Muslims around the world only 19% are from the Arab background it's very important so as you could see from the map here Islam is a universal faith in the Europe there are close to 25 million Muslims in the USA close to about 7 to 10 million Muslims so here are some of the faces of Islam a Muslim can be a Muslim from the Caucasian background Chinese Filipino South American Australian European so they're not restricted to any nationality and erase any culture so you'll be amazed to find out that in this country each single year close to about 25,000 of our fellow Americans all of their own choice to embrace Islam based upon some of the comments some people who are running for to be the president they have made these statements which are quite disheartening saying that Muslims are the others Muslims are to be feared Muslims are the foreigners but they fail to realize that Muslims have been living here for many many centuries to such an extent it is the responsibility of all Americans of every faith to reject discrimination it is our responsibility to reject religious tests on who we admit into this country it's our responsibility to reject proposals that muslim-americans should somehow be treated differently because when we travel down that road we lose I also know that Islam has always been a part of America's story the first nation to recognize my country was Morocco in signing the Treaty of Tripoli in 1796 our second president John Adams wrote the United States has in itself no character of enmity against the laws religion or tranquility of Muslims and when the first Muslim American was recently elected to Congress he took the oath to defend our Constitution using the same Holy Quran that one of our founding fathers Thomas Jefferson kept in his personal library the Holy Quran teaches that whoever kills an innocent is as it is as if he has killed all mankind Muslim Americans are our friends and our neighbors our co-workers our sports heroes and yes they are our men and women in uniform who are willing to die in defense of our country we have to remember that so it's very important for us to not just to know this but to correct the landscape which is out there who are instilling this fear discrimination and hatred of Islam and Muslims so now let's come to a second important topic what exactly is Islam if I have like a show of hands how many of you have read the copy of the Quran in English or maybe scanned a few pages a few okay some of you right have you read any book about Islam anyone of you okay many more of you okay wonderful okay how many of you have word heard the word Allah before so when we Muslims when we say that what Allah we don't mean a different God we don't meet a God of the Muslims only when we say the word Allah we mean the universal God who created each single one of us just so in Arabic language language his call as Allah you know just like there are different words in different languages for God like Elohim Yahweh Dios GERD Allah all of these are words in different languages but in the Arabic language for the Creator is Allah so Allah is not a tribal God Allah is not an Arab God or the God of the Arabs Allah is the same Universal God who created all of us just so in Arabic language he's called as Allah and you'll be surprised to find out that the Arabs who are from the Jewish and the Christian background when there have their Arabic translation of the Bible wherever the word God occurs the word along occurs just to signify that when they pray in the churches the Arab Christians and the Jewish people they use the word Allah to pray to God now here are some of the attributes of God so Muslims we believe that there is only one God we don't believe in Trinity we don't believe in multiple guard hurts we don't believe in the idols we say that God is only one in one we say that God is eternal that means God always existed that means God does not have parents and we also say that there are no children those sons and daughters of God that he's the only creator he's the one who's sustaining us you know very short shortly we are going to have for lunch right or dinner or early dinner we get hungry we get thirsty we get tired but God is above and beyond all of these things he sustains the creation but he himself does not need sustenance and we say that God is forgiving and he's a merciful God that means the concept of salvation in Islam is not that go to any priest pastor Imam for our forgiveness of sins we don't believe that someone has to die for our sins we say that if we commit any sin we directly approach God without any mediator and we seek God's forgiveness with sincerity and the Quran says in Chapter number four one one six that God is willing to forgive all the sins but only one thing that God is not going to forgive and that sin is associating partners with God means worshiping the creation instead of the Creator and dying committing their sin so there is the only unpardonable sin in Islam so God is forgiving and just as long as the person or the people comes to God directly without any mediator for for the repentance of the sins but one important attribute of God my dear friends is that God in Islam is called as alwa dude in the Quran if I could have the Quran here so many many places it says that God is a loving God you know the air that we breathe I don't think any one of you have to buy air from Kmart and Walmart and Sears and those places right God by His love he has given to us the air the resources and others such important benefits for us so that's one of the names of God in Islam that he's loved so Islam says that when God created Adam and Eve God did not left Adam and Eve alone in their all human shortcomings and in the and in their own fallible nature so when God created Adam it says in the Quran that God gave a very important commandment to Adam that worship only one God do not worship the creation and do good deeds and that's the way for salvation as humanity was expanding to the rest of the nations guarded appointed prophets and messengers the all the nations of the past and all the people of the past to remind them back again that who is the creator he alone should be worship he alone should be admired and obeyed so that concept my dear friends of absolute submission to one God alone worshiping the Creator and not the creation for if you translate the concept into the language of Arabic it becomes the word Islam so Islam means that you're worshiping you're submitting to the one creator trying your utmost to follow his guidance so that is what Islam means so in the Quran many many places it says that the same Islam the same ideology given to you Muhammad peace be upon him is the one given to Prophet Noah Prophet Abraham prophet Moses and prophet Jesus and also the rest of the prophets so that is mentioned in chapter 42 verse number 13 of the Quran the Quran says in in chapter number 3 verse number 67 that Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian but he was a Hanif and he was a Muslim means he is to submit to one God when it comes to prophet Jesus about Jesus it says in the Quran chapter number 3 verse number 51 in law Jarabe were a book on fabu do her as a rata Mustafina the translation is so Jesus is saying that God or Allah is my Lord and he's your Lord worship Him alone and that is the right path and then Muhammad peace be upon him was given the same concept the same ideology of monotheism so we say that yes Islam has been there from the time of Adam all the way to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the same ideology of worshiping one God the second point would be that anyone who practices Islam is called as a wat the person who believes in Islam is called as a Muslim right so we say that all of these people mentioned over here all the prophets and the messengers we say that they are Muslims they came to call people to Islam to worship one God to do good deeds and that's the way for salvation so this is the new concept for some of you perhaps right so you'll be amazed to find out that we take Jesus as Muslim and we take Moses as Muslim and we take Abraham as Muslim you know some of the some of our children we named them after these prophets and the messengers so I have a three-year-old who was not there in the picture he was running around somewhere so his name is use of Joseph my seven-year-old who was there in the picture his name is Ibrahim Abraham right so we admire respect all the prophets and the messengers and in the Quran which is the Word of God 25 of the prophets and the messengers are mentioned their miracles their people some of the challenges that they have met and especially the message of the absolute oneness of God what do you think happened in the year 610 in the history in the context of Islam obviously right just to make it easy for you right what do you think happens who said yes ma'am close enough close enough wonderful so Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him he was born in the year five seven zero five seven TCE about close to 600 years after prophet muhammad jesus right peace be upon him so from the year he was born all the way up until 610 when he was 60 years of age he was just an ordinary person of Arabia about 40 what did I say 16 no 40 years right 572 610 yeah I think I may be hungry 40 years he was an ordinary person but he was extraordinary in the sense that he was being labeled as the most trustworthy and the most honest person of all of Arabia you know like nowadays the youth you know we have two youth and some other youth of their when we have to introduce somebody new one of our friends to someone who doesn't know one of our friends we say that you know this is my friend his name is Abdullah and he's good in basketball or this is my friend Joseph and and he's good in Minecraft right you know that's the popular game now it is when there used to introduce Muhammad peace be upon him there used to say that this is our friend this is our citizen of Arabia he is asada and al-amin he is the most truthful and he's the most honest amongst us that was the caliber that he used to have even before he was made a prophet by God so in the year 610 angel Gabriel was sent by God to Muhammad peace be upon him who was meditating in the cave and that's when the initial revelations of the Quran were given to Muhammad peace be upon him so that's the day that he was made as a prophet from that point on up until the year 633 when he passed away he conveyed the message of Islam to his people you know during time people used to worship idols and he conveyed to them that you know idols they cannot benefit you they cannot help you they cannot speak they cannot do anything do not worship idols but worship the one Creator who created the whole universe at that time people used to abuse women they used to treat them as property but he uplifted the status of women equal to man in the eyes of God to such a degree that one of his statements was men and women you are like twins that you're equal spiritually you're equal in the eyes of God people used to discriminate people based upon tribes based upon culture based upon race he United the tribes the races the cultures by making a statement and becoming an example also so the statement that he made was an Arab is no superior than an an Arab and a non Arab is no superior to an Arab a white person is no superior to a black person a black person is no superior to a white person so not only he mentioned this statement his friends the believers they were from different countries and different tribes and different races he brought them all together they used to do rituals together they they used to stand shoulder-to-shoulder and they used to pray together so not just by words but by action he brought people together as one united nation worshiping the one creator so what we'll do right now is we'll take a short commercial break for 30 seconds it showed who is this man he stood up for women's rights and equality of all races condemned terrorism and killing of the innocent Michael a chart labeled him as the most influential man in history Gandhi called him the best of life who is this man he is Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him the game peace organization would like to offer you a free book about Prophet Samet call us at 1-866-931-6190 to speak a go and in different places you know people were asking me you know Sabeel how did you put that commercial on Fox Muse and I said money talks so we are making more commercials just to make sure that people are educated what Islam is and what Islam is not all right so Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him we don't take him as God we don't worship Him now and we also don't approach God through Muhammad peace be upon him means he's not the mediator we say that he was a human being he was flesh and blood just like you and us but he was a very good human being he was made a prophet just like Abraham and Moses and Jesus or prophet before him he was elevated by God and made into a prophet right so we don't worship Him we see him as the last messenger that God appointed for Humanity so it says in the Quran chapter number 33 verse number 40 that Muhammad peace be upon him he is the seal of the prophets that means he is the last prophet there's no other prophet to come there is no other messenger to come so one question that some of you may be asking is you know Sabeel humanity needs more prophets because of the current crisis the current challenges the current problems that we have don't you think we need new books and new prophets so the response that Muslims give and the response that the Quran gives our Islam gives would be this that the challenges that you are facing may that be the racial challenges or the gangs or terrorism or breakdown of the family structure or the challenges of immorality any challenges which are out there now we are facing all people are going to face who are going to come after Quran has provided the solutions for those challenges in the Quran and in the example of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him any solution that we need for the Society's problems and the problems of individuals and families their solutions in the Quran in Islam about how society when they implement those how the society would be enhanced and maybe in the Q&A session you could ask maybe some of the solutions that the Quran has or Islam has and inshallah God willing I will do my best to expand on those these are some of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him a powerful is not he who knocks the other person down like Hulk Hogan right but indeed the powerful is he who controls himself or herself in a fit of anger you know I always say that if husband and wife listens to this advice we could save so many marriages if nations listen to this advice we could save so many frictions and so many Wars if friends listen to this advice we could save so many friendships it's a very powerful advice the second one is also very important the most harmful container a person may fill is a stomach when you have to eat eat like small portions small bites if they have to eat more than eat one third the second third for drink and the third third just leave it empty for ease of breathing so according to according to the Islamic diet if a person wants to eat if the person's like suppose if three slices of pizza makes you full eat one slice that's it right eat one slice if all of us follow that for example I think Jenny Craig will go out of business the adults certain will go out of business and the New Age fairs will go out of business right a society would be more healthier financially would be more affluent we could use that money and give it to the education sponsoring and eradicating poverty there's the Islamic solution that God's guidance is the best guidance that will help us to be spiritually healthy and also physically healthy so there are many many different sayings and the example of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him looking at all of those one historian by the name of la martini he says if greatness of purpose smallness of means and the outstanding results are the three criteria of the human genius who would dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad peace be upon him so I think we have free biographies of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him right so before I forget you know all this wonderful arrangement over here and the food that you're going to eat and the educational literature those are done under the leadership from my very great friend dr. Asif and the wonderful volunteers so let's acknowledge all of them by giving them a big hand yes [Applause] I'm going to end with this parting words but this message initially is for the Muslims all right the Muslims over here so pay close attention God has given us a wonderful faith and God has given us certain obligations and those obligations my dear Muslims are not just to go in the mosque and pray five times a day it's not just an obligation for us just to be in our own circles but God has given us in the Quran the obligation in Chapter number three one one zero chapter number three one zero four and many many places the guard says that Muslims are supposed to go out in the society and engage with the society proactively positively and peacefully to make the society better but for the message for my wonderful guests over here is that yes all of us all of us we have to work together you know so when we come together on the common platform we could help build societies and fight for the rights of the people who's whose rights are taken away fighting against racism and against poverty and against gangs and against immorality and last but not the least based on the current environment that we are going through the message of mine and hopefully from all the Muslims is that there are 2.2 billion Christians around the world 1.7 billion Muslims around the world the one that 900 million Hindus around the world that 1.1 billion atheists and agnostics around the world and then there is only one Donald Trump right thank you when we work together then we work together we are more of us good-hearted and good minded people when we join of our resources join our potential and join our wonderful ways we could make societies which are based upon morality justice equality and peace for all we are the ones to make America great again thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: Sabeel Ahmed
Views: 484,473
Rating: 4.8995271 out of 5
Keywords: convert conversion, new Muslims, reverted, converted, what is islam, dr sabeel ahmed, mosque open house, masjid, day, boys, convert, black, african american, dr. sabeel ahmed,, new, americans convert, latinos converting, why i converted, quran, shariah, christ, who are the muslims?, women in islam, christianity, embraced, ICNA GAINPEACE.COM, american, reading quran, story, stories, interview, girl, little, peace, white, latina, christian, tour, snl, christmas, catholic, black lives matter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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