US Air Force Crazy Process to Start $2 Billion Stealth Plane

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hello everyone and welcome back to the fluctus channel stealth aircraft never announced their presence with thunderous Roars or blazing afterburners they glide through the air like elusive Phantoms harnessing the power of technology to remain hidden from enemy ice thank you the F-117 Nighthawk developed by Lockheed Skunk Works division in the late 70s was the first operational stealth aircraft [Music] distinctive faceted design composed primarily of flat surfaces absorbed or redirected radar waves to reduce its radar signature significantly it was also revolutionary in its employment of flyby wire or fbw flight controls instead of direct mechanical connections between the Pilot's control inputs and the aircraft's control surfaces fbw systems rely on electronic signals to transmit and interpret commands of course control alone wasn't enough an innovation was required to become invisible to radar truly an ingenious coding that absorbed and Scattered incoming radio waves foreign this coating composed of specialized materials disrupts the radar signals and renders stealth aircraft virtually invisible to enemy defenses [Music] the culmination of Decades of research and development came in the form of the B2 spirit thank you foreign [Music] the B-2 spirit's insane design Sleek sweeping lines and composite materials renders it invisible to the radar the maintenance of the B2 Spirit stealth bomber is vital to sustaining its stealth capabilities they were preparing the plane for operations that took place during the bomber task force Europe deployment protect these men use step stools and ladders to check out every part of the plane they go even on top of the aircraft to look for any cracks or chips in its black coating also known as radar absorbent material or Ram foreign coating is designed to absorb and Scatter radar waves reducing the radar cross section of the aircraft the Integrity of the coating is essential any damage degradation or wear to it can compromise its Effectiveness potentially increasing the radar signature of the bomber and diminishing its stealth capabilities [Music] carefully checking on and replacing any wear and tear on the aircraft ensures that the coating remains intact and that the B2 can continue penetrating enemy defenses undetected but not in Flight the B2 is guarded in a hangar hanger guarding ensures the security of this powerful aircraft not only to keep the plane away from weather and the elements but also to keep its top secret technology under wraps from prying eyes The Hanger is typically equipped with robust security systems and guards only authorized Personnel are granted entry in this case a Munitions team from the Whitman Air Force Base in Missouri they are loading Weaponry onto the stealth bomber for a team competition the B2 has an internal weapons Bay where its payloads are concealed but still readily accessible to be launched during the mission [Music] when loading the weapons the Airmen must ensure that the munition's weight is distributed equally throughout the bay to not tamper with the B2 stability in flight [Music] once the weapons are secured and the pre-flight checklist completed the B2 is ready to take the skies as the aircraft begins to taxi its movement is both graceful and purposeful [Music] once positioned at the end of the runway anticipation builds the engines reach full power unleashing an incredible thrust that propels the aircraft forward foreign as the critical moment arrives the b2's wings Flex ever so slightly adapting to the changing aerodynamic forces [Music] foreign it's a seamless display of Automation and Engineering mastering once in the air the B2 Spirit has an impressive maneuverability despite its large size and unique shape [Music] the b2's distinctive flying wing design with its absence of a traditional tail contributes significantly to its flexibility [Music] thank you the Blended Wing body design ensures a smooth and seamless airflow over the aircraft minimizing drag and improving overall maneuvering performance the absence of a tail reduces the aircraft's radar signature while enhancing stability and control the aircraft also makes use of surface controls [Music] funny names elevons and split rudders [Music] when combined they create a distinct control surface known as a Rudder Vader [Music] we must acknowledge the bomber in the B2 Spirit bombers name flying at high altitudes and with its stealth profile it can approach its Target area while remaining undetected by enemy radar [Music] thank you as the B2 nears its place of attack radar and infrared systems come into play sensors help identify and verify the location of the target foreign once acquired the internal weapons Bay opens to reveal a selection of precision guided munitions [Music] each is equipped with a guidance system enabling the B2 to deliver accurate strikes while minimizing collateral damage [Music] following the successful delivery of the payload the B2 swiftly exits the target area capitalizing on its stealth capabilities to avoid enemy defenses [Applause] aerial refueling is a crucial capability for the B2 Spirit bomber allowing it to extend its range and remain Airborne for extended periods of time during aerial refueling a tanker aircraft such as a kc-135 or kc-10 flies in close proximity to the B2 [Applause] B2 pilot then Maneuvers the aircraft into position to establish a stable connection for the refill the tanker aircraft extends a rigid boom connected to the b2's receptacle if you want 10K and switch the B2 has the ability to receive fuel in flight from tanker aircraft enabling it to travel long distances and conduct missions that would otherwise be limited by its fuel capacity disconnect back now with its distinctive shape and stealth capabilities the B2 Spirit bomber has become an iconic sight during Stadium flyovers [Music] these flyovers serve as a testament to the b-2s enduring Legacy and its role in representing the strength and capabilities of the United States Air Force [Music] looking to the Future the B-2 successor the B-21 Raider holds great promise [Applause] [Music] 6 B-21 Raiders are in various stages of final assembly and testing at Northrop grumman's plant in Palmdale California stealth technology has and will continue to play a crucial role in the United States Air Force as it significantly enhances the nation's ability to protect and defend itself any country that employs advanced stealth capabilities in aircraft and other military assets gains a significant tactical advantage in combat situations as we look to the Future stealth technology will ensure the United States maintains a dominant strategic Edge in the evolving landscape of Modern Warfare that's the end of this video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to subscribe to this channel so you don't miss any of our new content see you next time
Channel: Fluctus
Views: 403,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jack Northrop, YB-49, Flying wing, stealth technology, RAM coating, radar-absorbent material, radar evasion, enemy radar, B-2 Spirit, 509th Bomb Wing, 131st Bomb Wing, Bomber Task Force Europe, composite materials, U.S. Air Force, hangar guarding, Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, KC-135, KC-10, aerial refueling, B-21 Raider, modern warfare, computer-controlled systems
Id: s_JXJM8Nu08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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