The Airplane That Looked Fake, But Was 100% Real: XB-70 Valkyrie

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When you jam-pack 6 monstrous jet engines  into one aircraft, and give it a sleek and   futuristic design, you get something that  looks fast, even when it’s standing still.  What set the XB-70 Valkyrie apart, wasn’t  that it could fly at supersonic speeds.   Supersonic aircraft had already been around  for over a decade. But this one not only could   generate shockwaves, it could also ride  those shockwaves, allowing it to fly more   efficiently at over 3 times the speed of sound.  But it wasn’t all fun and games for the XB-70. It leaked fuel to the extent that they would  use funnels to collect the fuel in buckets.   It flew so fast that even the paint would chip  off its body. It had various issues with its   hydraulics and landing gear, causing multiple  accidents. Worst of all, out of the only two   prototypes made, one was lost for the most  unnecessary flight that you can imagine. The   other prototype ended up in a museum, never having  become operational. Of course due to its size,   they had to take down traffic lights when they  moved the aircraft to its final resting place. But why the XB-70 did not have a flat nose, even  though a flat and smooth profile is absolutely   necessary for a supersonic airplane, why it was  designed to have a tiny little wheel on its main   landing gear, how the Soviet Union contributed to  the manufacturing of this airplane at the height   of the Cold War, and the reason why a fighter  aircraft like the F-15 benefited from this   strategic bomber, even though the XB-70 program  was canceled at inception, is Not What You Think! By 1955, the US Air Force had a  bomber fleet consisting primarily   of the behemoth B-52 Stratofortress, the sleek  B-47 Stratojet, and the speedy B-58 Hustler.   The B-52, while having the largest capacity of any  bomber ever built at the time, was too slow for a   first-strike mission, and though the B-47 and B-58  were faster, they did not have the operational   range needed to strike the Soviets, and could not  outrun the rapidly advancing Soviet air defenses.  So the Air Force issued a contract known as the  General Operation Requirement No. 38, for a new   bomber that could fly as far and carry as much  as the B-52 with a minimum top speed of Mach 2.   Only two aircraft companies at the time were brave  enough to approach the challenge: The first was   Boeing, which had become the standard for bomber  designs in the aviation industry thanks to their   B-29, B-47, and B-52 designs, and the second  was the venerable North American Aviation,   which historically had a primary focus on  high-speed fighter designs like the P-51 and F-86. Knowing they were the underdog, North American  Aviation came to the proposal stage swinging.   Their design concept incorporated  highly experimental and theoretical   features for their time, such as  canards, variable wing geometry,   and a combined high-pressure inlet system for  the six massive engines powering the aircraft. But one design detail above the rest secured  the contract for North American Aviation.   The XB-70 Valkyrie could tilt down its  wingtips to take advantage of a newly   discovered phenomenon called compression  lift. But what is compression lift exactly?  As a boat with a planing hull speeds up, it can  surf on the bow wave that it generates itself.   This reduces drag and allows the boat to  move faster. Similarly, an aircraft that   is moving at supersonic speeds can generate  shockwaves. If the shockwaves’ high pressure   could be captured underneath the wing of the  aircraft, it could generate additional lift.   These shockwaves are generated off  of sharp points on the aircraft.   In the XB-70 design, that sharp point was the  leading edge of the engine intake splitter.   In order to trap those shockwaves, Valkyrie  had wing tips that could fold down.   If you are wondering why they didn't just design  the wings to be folded downward permanently,   as opposed to them being adjustable,  there were multiple reasons for this.   One was that the airplane couldn’t have been able  to get off the ground with its wing tips folded   down, because of its aerodynamics at low speeds.  You have to remember, these wingtips were not   small. Each one was over 500 ft2 in area, which is  bigger than the first apartment that I lived in.   The folding wing tips of the XB-70 were in fact   the largest flight surfaces to have  ever been moved during any flight. Another reason was that the angle of the  shockwaves varied greatly with speed.   So to effectively capture them, the downward angle  of the wingtips had to be adjusted depending on   how fast the airplane was moving. At its top  speed, the wingtips would be tilted all the   way down to 65 degrees. Compression lift could  increase the lift in the XB-70 by as much as 30%. Another interesting thing was the windshield  design. Supersonic aircraft require a smooth   nose and body to streamline airflow. But as you  can see, there was clearly an angle between the   nose of the aircraft and the windshield. This  was done in order to improve the pilot's view   during nose-high low-speed flight and when  the aircraft was taxiing on the ground.   But during high speed flights, the forebody  could be streamlined by raising a ramp which   raised the outer windshield. A similar design  was implemented on other supersonic airplanes,   like the Concorde, giving it the ability to  adjust its aerodynamic properties as needed. With such stunning design characteristics,   Valkyrie handily beat out Boeing’s submission  and secured funding for its prototyping phase,   but it would soon become obvious to the  engineers that all of the promises they   made might be just as mythical as the namesake  of their airplane. The sheer design complexity   and size of the XB-70 meant that nearly  anything that could go wrong did go wrong.  One overly complicated system in the Valkyrie  was its hydraulics. Aside from moving the   control surfaces, the hydraulics system  is what kept the aircraft from melting!   Flying at such high speeds meant that the air  friction would cause the plane’s external aluminum   shell to soften from the heat, so engineers found  two cost-effective solutions to this problem.   First, the aircraft would use a steel  honeycomb between the aluminum panels   to re-distribute the heat. Second, fuel  would be hydraulically pumped through heat   converters in the fuselage and wings, acting  as a cooling fluid throughout the aircraft.   But this was risky, because the  JP-6 fuel could auto-ignite. To reduce the likelihood of auto-ignition,  nitrogen was injected into the JP-6 during   refueling. The fuel pressurization and  inerting system vaporized 700 lbs of   liquid nitrogen to fill the fuel tank  vent space and maintain tank pressure. The hydraulics system was  also utilized in rotating,   folding and unfolding the landing gear in  order to maneuver it in and out of stowage.   By the way, see that little fifth wheel? What  problem do you think this tiny wheel solved?   Just skidding! Seriously, just skidding  during landing. To accomplish this,   the fifth wheel measured the true ground speed  of the aircraft with no slippage. One of the main   wheels also had a speed sensor. These two data  points were sent to a braking computer, which   would predict the slip point and relieve the brake  pressure to prevent the aircraft from skidding. The landing gear tires were also special. Not  only were they painted with a special compound   to reflect heat, the tires were infused all  throughout the body with that heat-resistant   compound. This is how they could withstand  temperatures up to 360F during landing.   To detect possible leaks, the tires were  pressurized to 500 psi for 24 hours.   If no leaks appeared, the  tire pressure was released,   and was then pumped to 100 psi with nitrogen  gas to prevent deterioration during storage.   With that said, these tires had a devastating  fate on the very first landing ever of the XB-70. September 21st, 1964 was the big day for  this big boy. Two chase planes accompanied   the aircraft as it took off, and soon  they saw a problem they had to report.   The main landing gear had rotated in  preparation for stowage, but then had got stuck.   Landing this massive airplane in that condition  would have jeopardized the life of its crew.   Or if they ejected, it meant the XB-70  would have been lost on its maiden flight.   The decision was made to short-circuit the landing  gear retraction system, But there were no tools   onboard. The co-pilot was lucky to be carrying  a paper clip in his briefcase that day, which   he used to short-circuit the breaker and that  moved the landing gear back in proper position.   But that wasn’t the end of it. Upon landing, two of the rear tires   on the port side blew up and burst  into flames due to a locked brake.   As they taxied down the runway, the pilot and  co-pilot had no idea about the tire issue,   until the control tower told them  what was going on: It was not ideal,   but hey, at least the airplane was  back on the ground in one piece! Three weeks later, on its third test flight,  the XB-70 became supersonic, reaching Mach 1.1.   Did you ever think an airplane could fly so fast  that paint would chip off of its fuselage? Well,   that’s what happened. Although this was more  due to how hot the outer skin of the aircraft   would get at high speeds. Apparently the paint  was too thick, so it got brittle and fell off. In the year that followed, dozens  of test flights were performed,   in which different aspects of the design  were progressively tested, and of course   that came hand in hand with more tires on fire,  and even damage to the engines and the fuselage.   But during all this, a second  prototype was being built,   XB-70 No. 2, which had dealt with almost all the  deficiencies discovered on the first prototype.  A crowd of 6,500 people showed up for  the unveiling of the second prototype.   Those were the good old days when you could  touch a brand new X-plane with your fingers! On October 14th, 1965, the first vehicle  reached the speed of Mach 3, which was one   of the goals of the program. Coincidentally,  exactly 18 years earlier on that same day,   Chuck Yeager had become the first person to  break the sound barrier in level flight.. Even though this was all happening during  the Cold War, the Soviets had helped the   Americans with the XB-70 program quite a  bit. Well, the Soviets didn’t know that,   but high drag areas of the airplane, such as the  nose cone and inlet had to be made of titanium.   The United States had no titanium. So they had  used third-parties and shell companies to procure   titanium from the Soviet Union, which was used  in high tech aircraft like XB-70 and SR-71. But   despite all the success with the two prototypes,  just around the corner, tragedy was lurking. On June 8th, 1966, XB-70 No. 2 was flying in close  formation with an F-4, F-5, T-38, and an F-104.   All 5 aircraft had one thing in common. Their  engines had been manufactured by General Electric.   In fact, this was a photo op that the  advertising and marketing agency of   General Electric had put consistent  pressure on to get approval for.   After the photoshoot, for reasons that are  not exactly known, the F-104 drifted into   the XB-70's right wingtip, flipped and rolled  inverted over the top of Valkyrie. The F-104 then   exploded killing its pilot, destroying Valkyrie's  vertical stabilizers and damaging its left wing.   Within seconds, the XB-70 lost control and shortly  after plummeted onto the California desert..  Al White, who was piloting the XB-70 ejected  and survived, although he was severely injured,   including his arm being crushed by the  closing clamshell-like escape crew capsule.   The cushion underneath his capsule also  failed to inflate, making for a harsh landing.   Carl Cross, who was co-piloting the aircraft,   never ejected. He had likely lost consciousness  during the accident. Mike Bell has made an   excellent video on the details of this  accident. Make sure to check it out. It’s a pity, how a multi-billion dollar  cutting edge airplane and the lives of   two pilots were lost, for a marketing photoshoot.   But let me tell you what actually crashed  the XB-70 program in the first place. On May 1st, 1960, the Soviets shot  down Gary Powers and his U-2 spy plane.   At the time, the XB-70 program was at its infancy,  and its construction hadn’t even yet begun.   The downing of the U-2 plane was one of the  first things to put a dent in the XB-70 program.   Up until that point, the Pentagon believed  that no Soviet anti-air systems could   reach an airplane flying at 70,000 feet, the  altitudes that the U-2 spy plane operated at.   Guess what? The XB-70 was also  designed to operate at that altitude.   Around the same time, nuclear first-strike  capability was shifting from bomber airplanes   to ICBMs, making the concept of a nuclear bomber  obsolete. The XB-70 program was dead at inception.  So it made sense for President  Eisenhower to cancel the program, right?   Well, John F. Kennedy, who was at the time  campaigning for the presidency, used Eisenhower   and the Republicans’ decision to cancel the XB-70  as an example of their weak policy on defense.   Kennedy ended up winning the presidency, and only  3 months after taking office, he canceled the   XB-70 program because it ”stood little chance  of penetrating enemy defenses successfully".   $800 million dollars had already been spent on  the project. So the work on XB-70 continued, but   only as a program to investigate Mach 3 flight,  not as a supersonic bomber for nuclear strikes.   Ironically, it was the XB-70 program  that gave the US military the F-15. The initial reports that the United States was  working on the XB-70 had scared the Soviets. In   response, they started designing the MiG-25 Foxbat  specifically to counter the XB-70. Ironically,   the news that Soviets were working on an airplane  to intercept Valkyrie scared the Americans.   So they designed the F-15 Eagle to counter  the Soviets’ counter! You’re welcome, America. On February 4th, 1969, the only remaining XB-70  took its final flight to Wright-Patterson Air   Force Base. The airplane was then moved to  the National Museum of the United States   Air Force in Dayton, Ohio, where it tells  the tale of a true engineering masterpiece,   leaving a trail of awe in its supersonic wake.
Channel: Not What You Think
Views: 551,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: not what you think, XB-70, Valkyrie, compression lift, supersonic flight, Mach flight, chuck yeager, Al white, Alvin White, general electric, North American Aviation, B-52, B-57, cold war, titanium, canards, elevons, folding wingtips, concord, auto-ignition, anti-skidding, xplanes, x-plane, JFK, Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, mig-25
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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