Urgency of the Emergency Series|| Pastor D. Pink|| September 15, 2021

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[Music] is [Music] right now god we declare your majesty this place we declare your glory we declare that there is none light not to be god we enthrone you with all praises we lift our voices and we say hallelujah for you are god you are lord and you reign forever and ever you you inhabit the praises of your people we give you unreserved praise we say you are lord you are lord yes you are [Music] [Music] good evening everyone welcome to our thing good evening everyone good evening we praise god today because he has kept us praise the lord and he has enabled us to come together to share in this wonderful worship experience we expect a blessing a blessing awaits us this evening we are happy that we have been encouraged and engaged in this very special evangelistic effort and i would like to call it the theme of it urgency of the emergency series this is our third night our third presentation from the man of god and i know the lord has been using him so far and we know that tonight will not be an exception we have our special feature that is our quiz and we also have our season of prayer and while i talk about this season of prayer i will invite you at this time to put in your prayer requests on the chat so that your prayers can be your request can be made um known to the to the creator by our prayer ministry team i also want to welcome in a very special way this evening my family from the cayman islands who will be sharing in this worship experience this evening carly and my niece and her husband joshua and the little son the preacher son special welcome to you i know the lord has been has been using you over there and came on and i'm sure that you'd be blessed tonight by worshiping and sharing in our worship experience let me implore all of you at this time if you have not yet invited your friends to do so invite them to come on share the link that they can all come so that we can all get the blessing that the lord has in store for us say a prayer for the man of god tonight that the holy spirit will use him as never before so that this message can find root in our lives at this time i'm going to ask elder lawrence to open with prayer and then lead us in some service after the song service auntie julie will do our welcome so we'll move right into our worship service at this time thank you very much sister nolan i invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege it is to carry everything to god in prayer great god of the universe we your children we bow with our hearts lower than our knees tonight we come with a gratitude of praise to magnify your name to give you all the honor and the praise which you rightly deserved god we place ourselves into your hand we place this platform in into your hand now we ask that you will fly the traps of the enemy clear every channel so that whatever will take place on this platform tonight will go forth with power and with clarity we lift up your children who are on this platform lord all of us are on this platform in need of a blessing we ask that you will show us tonight with your sweet holy spirit bless your people here on this platform tonight then god we place into your your hands your man's servant who you have handpicked for a time like this to proclaim the word god we ask that you will anoint him one more time with your holy spirit dear god touch him touch his lips with a life call from the altar so that when he speak men and women will be drawn closer to you we commit we commend ourselves into your hand we ask that you will hasten those who are about to join and when they shall join lord we ask that we will bless them immensely we pray in jesus name amen and amen amen amen amen it is now our praise and worship time i don't know if you remember this song watch he saints with eyelids waking low the powers of heaven are shaking you can sing along with us because we know that you know that song [Music] watch he says ready for the lord's return lord god lord jesus christ [Music] jesus come to reign of your savior heart and seed and purchase paper blood washed road and crowns of glory is [Music] lord jesus comes [Music] he comes we know that he is coming and that is why he is even at the door [Music] the coming king is he comes forever [Music] [Music] is [Music] nearby [Music] [Music] oh [Music] he [Music] praise the lord he's even at the door and that is why we want to see the king when he comes so we'll be singing i shall see the king that's 426 from our hindu our last prison worship song i shall see the king where the angels sing i shall see the king someday [Music] glory i shall see the king and forever and let's praise his seed towards unconsortie jesus died for me i shall see the [Music] the night glory i shall see the king and forever endless prison calvary jesus died for me glory i shall see the king act forever unless praise the sing was uncovered for me jesus died for me i just amen mr julie the common king is at the door amen thank you family of the lawrences you can always listen out for your beautiful singing to just bring our program together brethren i was given this task of welcoming you people this is a task a great past of mine to just say welcome family of god welcome those who have visited us from near from far from a living room from a kitchen a bedroom a warranty from your work place on the job welcome you the family of god welcome you to the urgency of the emergency can you imagine look at what's happening around us and this is such an urgent call to hear from the man of god pastor pink i don't know if he loves pink i see him he's it and anything there is a pink shirt but he's always in some pink clothes but i just want to thank the man of god god has put you at a position sir to continue to put the word out at this time it is the sixth night of this urgency in my seventh night everything save god's perfect number and so i just want to welcome you from near and far and the lawrence's has just come in with such beautiful secrets of the erupting attention and wrecking my head and just loving the singing continue to just abide in god it's not time it's not it's not it's not long from now that we'll be singing not looking in the book and not wondering if anybody knows the song but it will be already embedded and when jesus called him ready for him this is not just one of those ordinary series is one that god has ordained for a time as this as we sit in our comfort space don't get too comfortable listen to the man of god and continue to be blessed we welcome you from the family of culture the pastors and the elders and all the members of the church in the three churches winters acres irishmen and family church continue to be blessed as we continue to listen to the man of god the lawrence's will continue to give us a special song at this time we are waiting on the lawrences for this special song [Music] while we wait on them please remember to put your prayer requests in the chat i hear the sound of my teeth brushing me and it's closer now than it's ever been i can almost hear the trumpet [Music] as gabriel sounds the call [Music] at the midnight cry [Music] we'll be going home when jesus steps [Music] shall rise to meet him in the air and then [Music] remain shall be recreated we'll be going [Music] i looked around me i see prophecies for feelings they appearing everywhere [Music] i can almost hear the father as he said son go get my children [Music] at the midnight cry the bride of christ will rise when jesus steps out [Music] on the clouds to call his children the dead in christ shall to meet him [Music] shall be quickly [Music] at the changed crowd when jesus comes a day and then those that remain shall be quickly changed [Music] when jesus comes again have a midnight cry [Music] when jesus comes again when jesus comes again hallelujah praise god amen amen at this time we are going to have our can you guess what it is what time is it waste time it is quiz time [Music] amen amen amen thank you so much elder nolan i'm gonna invite sister finn there this time to share her screen with us as we are getting ready to do our quiz for those who are online and you want to do the quiz it's www.kahoot.it that is k-a-h-o-o-t kahoot dot i t as we get ready this evening and when you get on to www.kahoot.it you are going to be putting in the pin that comes with it this evening so it's www dot it and then so our pin for this evening is 179 9903 that's 179 9903 we already have two persons who have joined the meeting who have not the meeting who have joined the the the the kahoot game so we have four persons joining this evening i i want for more persons to join with us this evening we are all now up to five can we have at least two more persons joining so it's www dot k a h o o t kahoot dot i t as we do our quiz this evening as we do our quiz [Music] yes i think we can give them 30 more seconds as we with another so come on yes we're giving them 30 more seconds thank you so much pastor scott we'll be giving them 30 more seconds to join with us as we get ourselves ready we have six persons who are already online with us this evening so that is www.kahoot.com as we play our game this evening so your 30 seconds we now have at least 10 seconds to go 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 two one we are going to begin our game this evening with the six persons that we have who are ready to do our quiz we have we are ready now so let's move on to question number one we were made in the image of jesus was shaping in the likeness of our parents we were made in the image of jesus but shamed in the likeness of our parents and that is false then now we move to our second question our second question is according to the preacher some of us need to drop our bad habits in order to be saved some of us need to drop our bad dash to be saved i i i made i made a mistake there just no but all of us didn't get that one all of us didn't get it we need to drop our bad habits question number three according to the preacher for every plan the devil has god has a counter plan and a master plan for every plan that the devil has and and that is actually true so we we we will see who is in the lead as we move on let's see who is in the lead now we have d and takes and truly then we have general who is coming there then marvel we move on to question number four true or false god put the seventh day aside and blessed it from creation god put the seventh day aside and blessed it from creation is that true or false the answer to that is actually true pastor scott everybody got that one right then we move on to question number five question number five true or false according to the preacher we are at our modern red sea according to the preacher we are at our modern red sea yes the preacher did say that to us earlier this week and then now we move on to our very final question before we go there d then general then turkeys we move on to our very final question which says it's a true or false the question was asked about our idols and we were told to break away from them we were told to break away from our idols let us see our podium standing for tonight takis is in third place general is in second place and in first place we have this evening the person by the name of d i don't know who d is i don't know who general is but all i can say to you is that pastor scott has a gift for you so d reach out to pastor scott in the chat uh general reach out to pastor scott and of course sister turkeys will reach out to pastor scott we look forward to you joining with us on friday evening as we share again in our quiz for the urgency of the emergency evangelistic series god bless you thank you pastor we went we know um have a season of prayer we're going to ask more singers to sing into my heart just one verse into my heart come into my heart lord jesus as we get ready for prayer i'm just reminding you to place your prayer requests in the chat [Music] [Music] lord jesus [Music] coming to stay calm me pray come here to my heart lord jesus sister percy then and [Music] four sides good night everyone this is our time for poor and i'm gonna ask each individual on the zoom on the youtube platform because i hear my voice at this moment to just bow your heads as we parade us pray for yourself four minutes as then sister jonas will pray for one minute then i'll pray let's pray for yourself i pray for the evangelist for a minute sister jonas will pray for a minute then i will pray [Music] father we thank you for this another powerful night for a beautiful night that you give us to praise and worship you jesus lord we have so many things going on it is so many that we don't even know we need to begin with god you know what is going on and you know what our heart is saying the other day we are asking you to to touch down especially on the sick and the belief that he sent jesus lord we know that you were not broken just to leave us now is jesus but but you take us all the way because of your your capital upon us so jesus we are asking you lord to take us in the hollow of your hand and warm us dear jesus from all these calamities jesus in a mighty name let's continue to pray let's continue to pray oh great god in heaven our creator and soon coming king it is a privilege of mine and be of your people to come before your church of grace tonight lord i have you to forgive me of my sins and my weaknesses even as i petition my throne of grace nothing in my hands i bring lord but simply to your cross i cling there jesus in times like these lord we cannot live without you your word said we should pray without ceasing i come tonight lord i want to present everyone on the zoom platform and on the youtube those who are tuning into this evangelistic series i pray that you'll be with all viewers god you know the different situations people's situations financial challenges the sicknesses in the family those who are grieving the loss of loved ones you know the different situations that beset us lord but i pray god that we will learn to cast all our burns on you god because your word said casted all your cares on him for he cared for you the lord is nigh to all that call upon him to all that call upon him in truth he will hear our pers and save us lord indeed you you hear our prayers and in due time lord you will answer all our requests according to your will i pray god that those who are sick you will heal and you will deliver your comfort lord you know many are challenged emotionally mentally for different reasons i pray that you'll touch your people tonight or church winter's day because i've been going through trying times as i sees enough grief the loss of love one's love from the beginning of 2021 but i pray god you will comfort every member of the church dear god because sometimes when we we lose our virginities like it's like our biological family because as an asbring we are so close and lord it pains it is painful we know that is an enemy dear god i pray for all the family members online and offline who have lost loved ones since the beginning of this year i want to pray for everyone i pray for those who are sick and those who have various challenges dear god lord then also students and teachers online are having challenges with connectivity and with devices you know you know all these situations i present them to you tonight i present the elders and the seniors and the chattings tonight those who are lonely and those who are at times depressed i pray that you will be with all of these persons tonight in a special way i want to present the evangelist to you who will will break the bread of life lord i pray that you will anoint him from the corner of his head to the sole of his feet and i pray you will bestow your holy spirit dear god tonight and i pray that god hearts will be blessed heart will be touched lord help us to look inwardly help us to examine our lives each day because indeed your coming is near and no one knows when it's their time to go i pray god we'll make a call in an election sure we will make up our jewish lord we will seek to have a closer relationship with you and we will send all our sins up to you and ask for forgiveness in a special way lord touch the evangelist again tonight and i pray as you touch him lord the words that come from his mouth will not be his words but your words bless us again tonight and bless the pastors online lord you know the work that they have to do be with all of us lord and even the visitors who are tuning in i pray they too will receive a blessing from the messages that will comfort in jesus precious name i pray amen and the first day the sovereign god and our father we continue in prayer we praise you we adore you we exalt your name oh god we want to thank you lord for the way you have been leading your people even throughout a pandemic lord we come tonight on the background of your words you said in your word lord if your people would humble themselves and seek your god and call upon your name and repent oh god and you will hear from heaven he will forgive our sins and you will heal our lands and so lord tonight we come we ask for your forgiveness we pray god that you are creating us a clean heart and renewing us our right spirit lord we live in a time that is so challenging that is so difficult and there are many of us oh god were caught up with what is happening around us there are many things we have no control over there are some of us lord who have created even division amongst ourselves would it be your families whether it be our church would it be a workplace we'll be a community lord because of this covet 19 pandemic there are some of us with different arguments and views about the vaccine but lord tonight we pray for forgiveness where we have gone wrong we actually are cleansing divine god and we pray even now for your intervention in our lives lord you know in this time there are many who have lost their jobs there are many lord who are having their difficult moments at this time even with grief because they're those who would have lost loved ones and they would have not gotten an opportunity to have some closure their father because the funeral service are not the way that they are accustomed to but i pray god that with your healing hands you will reach down and you will touch your people at this time oh god you see the many the many lord who are seeking your intervention in their situation and they're those who would have written their prayer requests they're those lord we're going to view even this presentation tonight at some later time and dare to lord even a very time when they'll be viewing it they would have their problems and their challenges and dare to be seeking your intervention i pray god that you will answer even a prayer of your son jesus who would have prayed for us to be united he prayed not only for the disciples but then but he prayed for those of us who would have come and we are here now little father in these last days if your god that you'll enable us to arise to awake and that will truly look to you with still the order and the finish of your fate lord visit those who are sick at this time visit those lord who are not able to finance their their daily living i pray god even for those who are troubled between two opinion at this time because lord i would have hear your voice and there would no law that you wanted to make a decision to follow you even now those who have been listening to the words of your preacher the topic lord urgency the urgency at this time i pray god that you will intervene for your people lord whatever we feel of acts indeed even now because time would have not permitted us i pray god that you will do for us far more abundantly than we could ever ask of you but lord even now may you grant us your peace which pass it all understanding help us to remain calm even though there's a star because you are still god you are still in control help us lord to be still and to see the salvation of your god until then lord keep us faithful and keep us true in a special way tonight lord speak to your man's servant like never before we pray that you will anoint him from the crown of his head to the soul of his feet and when he should have speak your word o god hiding behind your cross may your hearts be troubled but may our soul be closer drawn to thee this is our prayer with thanksgiving through christ our lord let the people of god say amen and amen amen all right it's now time for us to hear from the man of god it's no stranger to many of us anymore for those of you who are joining for the first time our speaker is pastor daniel pink ministerial secretary of the central jamaica conference he is an evangelist he has a passion for souls and he is willing to share god's message very clearly with confidence so that all of us can have a chance to do what we have to do to make it right to our god but before he comes we'll have the theme song after which you'll hear from pastor pink the lord of [Music] [Music] touch me [Music] he touched me that floods my soul [Music] something is [Music] since [Music] [Laughter] to praise [Music] [Music] he touched me oh mom he touched me and lonely that [Music] um [Laughter] something wonderful [Music] he touched me amen thanks very much for the beautiful singing good night everybody all those who are viewing those who are watching we say goodnight to you all wonderful singers the beautiful sister nolan thumbs for your kind introduction beautiful singers would have made our hearts glad tonight we so much we appreciate you beautiful singing was the scott mr wint we say how much we are grateful cory and i to be invited into your district into the various homes and wherever you are worshiping from we are grateful to be with you and we take it create humility we recognize that a lot of our brothers and sisters are really hurting we thank you for the lovely prayers of the prayers that are being ascended people are praying interceding and that never time we need to is now bring your greetings from the conference that you know that we pray for you every morning no devotion the conference is very very devoted to prayer foster johnson strong believer and prayer on the team so we are very conscious of what is going on another conference we are very devoted to prayer because prayer is one of the tools that changes things and god loves and appreciates this prayers of the saints so central jamaica conference under the leadership of sister rude walcott who is her prior leader here she has been doing a tremendous work in prior very devoted woman you are very happy for sister root world court on the team those of you who are and different platforms you welcome you wholeheartedly we want to let you know that we appreciate you appreciate your joining us you want your youtube or facebook or zoom platform whichever we are happy for you we appreciate your joining us and viewing and we pray that tonight you will and you will have a great night as you sit at the feet of jesus those of you on the chat feel free to put in your make your comment feel free meeting is an expression expressing yourself somebody should stop you from expressing yourselves or you feel about worship or you feel about your god and your relationship but we are going through difficult times and we are going to pray now father we thank you for life we thank you for the spoken word but while we are praying many of our brothers and sisters in particular are suffering right here in jamaica we pray them all pray lord that you will visit them now you great healer you you love and you cheer for your children that is why you came and you died as a demonstration of your master's love for humanity and tonight we embrace your love lord reach out and touch your people as you touch the woman with the issue of blood just touch your children give them a sense of hope and belonging those they are in the hospital we pray them up them a special touch doctors and nurses we pray for them they're on the front line doing a terrific job but very very delicate job we pray for them not only in jamaica but across the globe this is a pandemic and people are hurting and every front lord we cry out on behalf of self-inhumanity the grieving ones who have been grieving because of loss of dear loved ones a father mother daughter husband wife i almost never communicate no family are connected family their families are hurting and while families are hurting their others who are laughing others are there laughing because they are senseless they are of suffer satanic nature but lord we pray that you will visit them and you will reward them as they deserve bless the leadership of our church right across the board from the general conference right down to the local congregation we pray for the leader or some of them lead in some places that very very adverse and difficult to pray for them awful some countries are very awful well our people have to be risking their lives to preach and to witness we pray for them lord our pastors who are not well we are we pray for them pastor brian we have to remember him wonderful man of god pastor acosta pastor harris still under mending some of the cover like pastor gutry across the brown foster hines and the rest pastor shilling for all of them they have been hit but thank god you are standing and lord would know that you are there embracing them and hugging them and letting them know that you are the great paracletus the holy spirit bending over to give them hope and embrace them oh god we long and we are longing for home and we have no doubt but it is minute you know minutes to midnight minutes to midnight you're about to say it is finished and we need to be very careful very careful how we treat our christian pilgrimage as we move towards your kingdom help us to be very careful for christ's if we pray amen amen okay good night again everybody you know prayer is the sweet thing you know we must pray the saints must pray and you're in the chat man you know express yourself in each other i love to see you expressing yourselves in the chat tonight we preach under the caption minutes to midnight and it's a very interesting caption but in children in fact the preachers in today's world 70 adventist preachers can't help but join their sermons though siri and daniel and revelation we have to delve a lot in those books steer we find rich food rich food for the time and the preachers of righteousness must preach according to the time a spiritual country time where you must be and they cutting edge you must stay on the cutting edge of what is happening a lot of things are happening around us you know i must not lose sight of it at all and when you look back in history and in prophecy the prophet amos said that the lord will do nothing but he will reveal it himself servant the prophet and what a prophet should have been speaking about predicting for years they are fulfilling before our own eyes now and some of us we are being shocked we are being so frightened but 70 adventist christians across the globe these are moments when the virgin should be happy should be rejoicing should we should be glory even in tribulation this is the time when he said with the adventist church mercy it's the most people with wobbling feet like bill says that no we must give god tongues even in tribulation because we should have anticipated it it is happening before our very eyes you our own time and we must not sway we must not sway by but we must pray to the lord to give us strength and the courage to withstand the answer heart of the enemy the enemy is an earthquake the enemy is intruding but god is the winner mine and i say praise the lord i say praise the lord when you go to the book of daniel chapter 3 19-25 we some startling revelation interpretation of dreams you know nebuchadnezzar had dreams but he could not interpret it is one thing to dream what is another to interpret but daniel and his companions they were great interpreters of dreams they were gifted men pull up from their homeland by nebuchadnezzar on his wicked team and they will pull away from judea and jerusalem deprived guys young men strong and brilliant like daniel misha shadow connor bendigo these guys were pulling others too but god would have it that his these servants were special shadrach meshach and abednego they were special they were young strong christian gentlemen men who knew god and although they would have been in a strange land they recognized and they knew that they were serving the god of heaven you know sometimes when some of us move into strange lands we we put god aside we abandon our god and we love taking on other gods especially god of materialism but let me tell you folks these young men did not do that amidst pressure and hardship they stuck with their god and the lord gave them some fabulous revelations fabulous revelations you look at this prophecy the lord revealed unto them nebuchadnezzar felt so elated when they told him not no man your kingdom the kingdom of gold number one and he felt good set up a statue golden statue and pressure them to worship they should worship that statue you believe that his kingdom will last forever what a man what a man but god's children would never bow to bear will never bow their knees to bear you were challenged you were victimized individuals would have carried news on them to the king that they would not be bowing because they turned their focus to jerusalem and they were praying to the true unliving god god who will give them strength the god that they knew who would have promised that he would never leave them now for sake then they knew that jehovah god was with them so they stuck it out the king signed degree i sign his degree man sign it not anyone who failed to vote they will be under pressure tonight you have a lot of world leaders who are signing sounds familiar with the signing of decree it's not coming they're not taught in today's from way back and way back read and i listen and i watch united states president mr president of president biden signing and he seems to be just signing and signing allah the church has to be praying in these last days we have leaders of these men who love justice sometimes they don't even know what they're signing they become there's a sign and you realized that they treated the hebrew boys they were in problem he organized it himself because he felt sorry because he loved his boys but they were caught and the law could not reverse but after he would have told his men the evil satanic men to heat up the fire seven times hotter can you imagine seven times up seven times after minister midnight for them minutes to midnight they're right there minutes to midnight but they were praying and they were holding on to their god an inspiration tells us folks don't forget that seven is a powerful number god revels in the number seven creation seven days after seven days six days seven days the holy sabbath when you visit the book of religious revelation oh a lot seven trumpets seven churches oh yeah seven churches oh yes seven strong in revelation god's prime number is seven is a perfect number that's why he told neymar that he should what did not 16 but seven times before we'd ever receive real healing real baptism seven days to lehman to dip seven times a lot of us listening and watching on the various platforms you need a lot of bits lord is calling you into a relationship between he says tonight if you hear my voice heart not your heart he said come apart let us reason together christ wants to reason with you he wants a reason with you but you see the important thing about this prophecy those who would have heated the fire seven times hotter they were destroyed by the very flame by the very heat and the outside and they got this the three people boy shut up michelangelo go inside the king could not sleep maybe i could not sleep it was unbearable for him early he came and he visited the fire he visited the fire and when he looked carefully he looked inside he said look here we have played three men inside but i saw a full man and that fourth one look like the son of god son of man jesus negotia let me say tonight it doesn't matter what you're going through you're red sea of suffering of difficulties the fourth man will show up for you christ did not send gabriel or one of the seraphims he he christ christ appeared himself as he appeared to jacob he appeared himself he took on the assignment himself and he was the fourth man beside him and nebuchadnezzar sorry food man the helicopter and i have no doubt that that hit him that hit that leader and from one who would have harassed god's people from one who was a tyrant thank god he was transformed nebuchadnezzar was transformed you see when god's children stand up stand up to the taste of time it will send rippling effects upon those who are around them those who are watching them those who expect god's children to fold up to be self-discharged to be destroyed and everything god would have shown up and i say praise the lord this golden kingdom was stopped we look in the same series of prophecy media pressure took over then greece then we look at the fourth kingdom of iron and mary clay and so on and out of that fourth kingdom so some marvelous revelations we ought of that non-descript bees are terribly beasts with ten horns and amidst the ten horns another look on sprung up saying speech in song shops thing blasphemous for a challenging god intelligent i have intelligence the mud look around roughly go on saying those things and is that the garden about pagan and paper room we're going to touch it a little dangerous there's a horn that one must never lose sight of it rome in its pagan form roaming its people for has rome ever lost its part a leopard-like beast are they uh leopards have never lost their spots below me let me tell you something rome is still alive rome is still alive unwell and while you are sleeping room is active oh is that sleeping home is not sleeping you go to the book of acts acts 12 you see you peter was locked away punished beat up and punished and locked up in jail but while he was there acts 12 the church was entire meeting when the saints pray great things happen and amidst this pandemic the church of the living god god's remnant people must pray stop the complaining stop the murmuring talk about biting and a divisive argument i'm praying that's what god would want us to do to pray so many videos who who who would like to see the seventh-day adventist church god dream and church go into fragmentation that is the the that is the aim of the devil a few days ago two of our leaders have diverted different views the adventist church of democratic church people express themselves free to express themselves but do so with decency and integrity nobody got mercy on the adventist church there are people who come to us and find fault with us sometimes and go back we'll join at the church don't go back into the world we don't hold people hostage you come to us based on choice and if you want to leave you'll leave on choice to you that is that freedom in the administration the seventh day adventist church is a democratic church and the other day when you have two of our leaders with different views and even the media talking about division among top leaders we don't have any division in our church our leaders love and respect each other different views not about division so we have to be very careful but there are some devilish people who want to plunge seventh-day adventist church into division working hard to divide god's remnant church and we as a church must be very careful show me your company and i tell you who you are be careful of your company your teeth watch your company by your fruit you shall know them and individuals will hug up and laugh up and drink or put you on each other with you some of them do these things to destroy you and you have to be very careful and you have to be mindful of the time you better watch the time the time is very serious and the devil is warring against god's remnant church i can tell you that the devil hates the church they love long peter him in feathers the beatman they were preparing to kill the man of god for the church pray prison doors chains loose off his hands angels move in and move out the man of god and when the church realized that peter was released some of them even thought it was a ghost you can't be praying for the man of god to be released and when he's released a talking about ghost have to be careful what you pray for because god hears and answers prayer what god did for peter he can do it for you and he will do it for me what you say come on in the chat and say amen say hallelujah say praise the lord wherever you are amen if you are sick in your hospital if you are behind bars on wherever you are in your circumstances you are watching this sermon on the platform it doesn't matter how far you are going into sin and trespasses there's hope for you there's hope for you great hope for you hope for you friday we're going to climax this series with a great water baptism but you must not stay under periphery and just so you enjoy ceremony yes you might say that we must do something you must step out and accept christ that is far more important than saying oh sermon nicely enjoying sermon christ wants you to accept him christ wants you to reach out and make a mark on christianity that's what christ is all about and that's what the mission is all about that's what this preaching is all about the spiritual is not about people getting up liking some university lecturing nice sounding words oh it's more than that this series is about soul winning trying to reach somebody with the word of god and if you are honest it doesn't matter how far you have gone offline the lord of heaven can bring you back online and that's the beauty about christ let me say when they were negotiating you read daniel chapter 3 very very profound passage there and when they were negotiating with these young men they say look here to the king don't even go there don't even try they were negotiating wanted them to recount wanted them to back off of your stance back away from the devotion look here if you're going to be saving god's kingdom you have to be committed you have to be devoted and you have to be convicted when people are convinced of the truth you believe you're going to bow your knees to bed they say don't even think about it daniel 3 16 100 don't even think about it because the god that we serve is what able to deliver us from any fiery furnace and who appeared christ appeared with his servants christ appeared to his men you might be going through kobe might be consuming hard times losing jobs and can't even buy your food as you used to be but you must never give up never give in that's what the devil wants out of this same pandemic many million years have been transformed into billion years and a lot of individuals used to live high there are no lining up baking bread in line waiting for our food many of them have lost their jobs can't send their children to school can't be a lot of confusion yes the credit is at the gate this pandemic has plunged his world into serious chaos and there are a lot of questions out there what i can tell you some of them will come out with some answers some of them are pseudo answers but thank god the one tonight who has the answer to earth's demise on the earth cry at this time is jesus christ and he will never fail you he will never abandon you he says in his whole words that your bread and your water will be sure when you look at the succession of kingdoms in daniel 3 succession of kingdom will babylon gave way to media persia media persia gave way to greece and greece to rome and so on but i can tell you there's a fifth kingdom there and that's where we have our hope the fifth kingdom the kingdom cut out of the mountain like a rock without hands and crush all the other kingdoms that is the kingdom of righteousness that is god's kingdom that is the kingdom that we must zero in on now because that kingdom we have no succession all the other kingdoms would have been succeeded in my weaker kingdoms babylon by me the persian weaker kingdom a weaker kingdom but this kingdom the kingdom of god cut out of the mountain without hands symbolic of the new jerusalem it will have no succession that is the kingdom that the prophet is inviting you to to accept that is the kingdom crisis are going to prepare a place for your fight god will come again that is the kingdom that kingdom is being prepared the harassment of god's servants why a lot of harassment going on even though as we speak i can tell you when when you go when you go to acts 16 paul and silas are preaching it a few nights ago they were caught into their midnight experience and at midnight god choked with a mighty earthquake that shook the entire prison house shook the it was forest was deep in his sleep but the vibration the earthquake shook that prison doors and windows everything open but paul and silas were rejoicing that's why christ says are two most rejoice in tribulation people sometimes say things about you trying to malign you and sometimes some of you get so upset want to walk out of church hate people and modest you you people you most humble yourselves christ had gone to a lot christ suffered he was sparked upon christ was killed buried by wicked evil men but even those enemies christ says love your enemies that is the difference between christ and the dragon satan is about hate and destruction of life christ about saving of human souls about saving a few months and irrespective of what you might have done to christ he says little children see not but keep your senior up an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous you know when christ look at his friend peter he said satan is desirous to to seat you like we to destroy you but i pray that your faith will what faith not but when you are what converted you you know what the church needs tonight converted men and women not just church goers not just people getting baptized we want people who are converted like these three people boys and irrespective of what comes after you which stand the taste of time evil with your own life willing to die a martyr for christ are you are you ready and willing to die like martyrs for christ i tell you folks things are happening things are happening you hear the prime minister this even talk about some new differences of the lockdown have to listen carefully you have to listen carefully this coming weekend some changes on the sabbath sunday total that long but let me tell you folks let me tell you something you can't have two sabbats you know you need to go into the chat and demonstrate your your willingness to die you can't have two sabbats christ our creation established the holy sabbath for his children and that has been with us forever since and that will be celebrated in a new world by creation sixth day shall do labor and do all their work for the seventh day and a lot of individuals all over the years talking about sovereignty for jews somewhat for jews mankind keeps sabbath i can tell you this sabbath the sabbath is one of the real crucial identifying marks of god's remnant people god's holy sabbath it must not be taken lightly when christ came here scribes and the pharisees might have blown some things out of lying here they become some of them became extremists but christ kept this up it was his custom you go to the book of luke 16 4. it was it's custom to celebrate isabel because he will never break his father's rule like the hebrew boys here the purpose in their heart don't ever think about recounting we are devoted toward god christ would have been devoted to the god of heaven and his father and he kept those commandments including the seventh day sabbath after his departure the the disciples kept it amidst a lot of pressure on persecution they they would have kept it and tonight i can tell god's remnant people the persecution is coming on you can feel it it is in the air it is in the air and you cannot escape it unless you are going to compromise it those of us who are willing and devoted and understand salvation and a prophecy outline we cannot back away now and we will not back away all right so i challenge those of you who are trumping upon god seven days sabbath to take your big feet off them and respect those holy hours because god is no respecter of persons god established a sabbath for mankind not for jews for mankind and he wrote these those commandments with his own fingers and who dare you to want to divert who dare dear you to want to change you talk about you these guys talk about the global reset and so on they want to twist their own god's creation playing around with god but let me tell you folks if your spit in the sky shall fall in your face god is not ma whatsoever man saw it shall he also reap and if you sow to the wind you shall surely reap the whirlwind don't play with jehovah god god is serious about his commandments and his sabbath has never been established as a burden the sabbath is a delight don't don't don't look what those among those pharisees used to do fold that lay and decide but do not want those eggs wherever they walk on the sabbath will catch them they will worship all that sort of foolishness i've heard people even modern times i had to drop one of the dropping elder years ago when he came into my cyber school and he was saying to the virgin highlighting that that they should not bid on the sabbath you still have that sort of a concept he was telling the church that did the virgin to the bed on the sabbath i i had to draw him up decently but decisively said no you don't do that to the church do you dare to tell ladies especially that they should not be than this happen when they should get their best but having their best meals and so on we have to be very careful this sabbat is a delight it's the day that we we always look forward towards christian from one song from sunset to sunset we look forward to this about with great anticipation friday is preparation day that is why we don't try to upon guides about going and selling and walking up and down in confusion god expects his children to be organized on friday's preparation day and he demonstrated that in the wilderness as he led the children of the dictionary of israel when he when he fell mano to feed them he demands cheated that you know you know he demonstrated that you read exodus 16 now you pick it up here very performed every day it's a goat and get full gather quail but when it comes to friday now fry friday friday preparation day if they had gone over like like thursday and they would have picked up in abundance it would spoil but friday you would want them to pick up in abundance because no manner would fall on the sabbath but they would have enough to suffice them preparation special day friday friday is a powerful day for god's remnant people making preparation some some seven they have been disassociated about this about that somewhat stops they start to prepare again because they want to make sure that they protect and they guard the edges of the sabbath nothing is wrong with that that doesn't make you a legalist that doesn't make your legalist must protect the edges of this habit it's about exclusion however some people might say yes about can't save us in under itself we understand that but if you are disobedient then you shall suffer the plagues of hell those who are obedient to god's words will experience and enjoy the food of the land you don't worry the sabbath is key minutes to midnight don't allow anybody to tell you to divide diverters this sabbath cannot be kept somebody's done away with no these guys are all in their machine you see them filing their machinery trying to implement a sabbath in sunday that's what they're trying to do watch what they're doing on the blue law you're you're getting you're not you're taking these guys airplane they will just implement it overnight and they sign in the sign and sign it come coming two months time signing again expo francis they know what they're doing and i have heard mr k john kerry say look here this is a prayer man to lead the world so we're rushing no towards one one world religion oh yes one word currency i have no doubt about that one on one day of worship and you know what that will be for the man i've seen hey let me tell you 70 adventures you those are in the church joking if you don't take this thing seriously you're going to be shaking out i don't even you might not even know when you're out it is hard to climb a tree you know those of you who climb it is harder to go here but it's very easy to calm down some of you will chug your way into the church via circumstances which if you are not grounded down rooted in the faith you are going to be shaking out of israel it's not about your position it's not about your money it's not about your offices and so on these things will he says it will not ground you in the faith it is your relationship with christ that matters you better get that one right your relationship with christ that matters paul beat not dragged before roman authority paul was one of those who was up against the romans and folks let me tell you about me here in the olden time we talk about pagan rome pagan rumi is pure politics for this one under paper room that is where state and church coming together very fast you have to watch that one anytime you see the state and the church the state pulling the church pulling state and they're coming this way together church and state a sign for danger it's a dangerous sign it's a dangerous sign dangerous sign its state is about legislate i just legislated and a lot of these countries across the world are using the pandemic to telling effects where they are reducing people's human rights you don't see that you are reducing your human rights right in your very eyes you can't even walk no you can't even talk you can't even go to shop if you're not tearful have you under pressure world is under pressure you lock down days locked on this lot wound up but the world is free i must preach the word i challenge my fellow colleagues some of you might be listening online are watching me well let me say this you are called to preach the pure unadulterated gospel preach the word you are called to preach the third angels message in revelation chapter 14 6-12 you must not mix it just preach it fear god and give glory to him for the hour of judgment has come fear god and let me say this the real test that we are going that will be going through and going to know is about worship it's about worshipping the real litmus test is about worship who you worship when you worship how you worship when you name it it's all about worship man sinful man is begging you and will force you to worship him that's all satanic that's what satan it is when christ came on his seat he was rejected a lot of those men like me who professed to be the churchman and so when they rejected him kill him mush him down christ so what about you what about me we are going to suffer we are going to suffer and some of you in different countries you you you are suffering you are going through hard times your brothers and sisters in haiti been in africa going through difficult times many are some of these communist blacks they can't worship the god in peace going through difficult times always watching one of the bachelor's programs and individuals in some communist blocks they would like to get the water baptism but when they watch the mood you know they can't do the baptism so when dog bachelor they were doing the baptism they were going through the motion of baptism they were just going to the mood of it in jamaica we have a lot of freedom a lot of freedom we have freedom to do this freedom to do that you better buy up that freedom and don't waste it because tomorrow might be a different different kettle of fish different kettle of fish different kettle of fish a lot of things are steering us down the barrel just tearing us you you i i bring you to rome to talk to ox acts chapter 26 it's a very profound text acts chapter 26 and verse 27 when paul was brought before festus to answer some serious questions about his fate and when paul defended his fate you know this is a persecutor is a man who harassed the infant church helped to kill he was there participating in the murder enough stephen that's what actually both of us tells you but he was a transformed man a changed man one who once used to persecute you love to see blood ruin but he but but christ met him under the muscle stories and transformed him lick him down you know are you going to wait for christ to hit you down off you don't care whatever i said get down off your pumps and pride and humble yourself but when god wants a man he will get that man he changed our own part paul got baptized and what a man he had to change the world upside down it wasn't a palace apollos was a silver tongue evangelist but the man who changed the world upside down was paul and paul was brought before festus and when he spoke up for god when he spoke upon he defended the purity of your gospel i can tell you folks a marvelous passage here in book of acts paul before these big guys and paul defended the gospel and in defense of the gospel king agrippa said i read verse 27 of chapter 2 27 of chapter 26 king of ripper do you believe the prophets i know that you do believe then agrippa said to paul you almost persuade me to become a christian this is powerful you almost persuade me to become a christian strong argument today you have a lot of argument about this and about god and there are a lot of you you are so fixed to your church following tradition and different cultures and whims of fantasy of men and women there are some of you you know you know that god sabbath is to be kept and there are many preachers who are going to be under a lot of pressure from god because they know that the sabbath is to be kept they they they don't they don't jump upon the sabbath they stay home they will tell you and people prepare all their sermons and then sunday morning they go out and preach you cannot celebrate two sermons it's about worship it's about all allegiance who do you place your allegiance in when you decide to celebrate the first every week as the sovereign you are not placing your allegiance in the hands of man weak frail man who is pulling you to worship him and if you go on that trend you are going to be in trouble christ says six days shall do labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the suffering of the lord thy god it is god's holy sabbath he has called us into worship into relationship and when you celebrate god's holy sabbath you are demonstration you're demonstrating your allegiance to the god of heaven who is the creator of the heavens and the earth that's what you are doing allegiance your loyalty your commitment your devotion to whom do you really demonstrate your worship whom to whom do you worship and whatever or whomever you place before jehovah god that's that's your god that's your god so it was don't do not do you do it even more around the day because it's to in whom you place your allegiance and if your allegiance is in christ then the sabbath becomes natural and automatic because it's god and lord of the sabbath that's interesting and remember as isaiah points out from one new moon to the other and from one sabbath to them we shall worship god in the new world so that you'll be celebrated in a new world i said to you a few nights ago that god's servant guide servant car by god anointed by god she says that the journey to heaven will be at least it will be one week because everybody that steps into paradise you have to keep at least one sabbath is sabbath is serious revelation 22 and you can read it christ says blessed are they that what keep his commandments right to the tree of life and may enter into the gate to the into the into the city so entrance into god's kingdom this habit is a requirement somebody's a requirement are we going to be challenged as far as habit is concerned yes we are going to be challenged you can sense that you know that that you know that the remnant church is going to be challenged because god expects us to warn the world that babylon has fallen and babylon is falling and he says come out of her my people come out of the babylonian practices come out of her god has his people in i believe in every religious organization even rapid rastafarian don't write off anybody god's people are all over god's people pack up in the catholic church talk a bit pack up in the baptistery that's people all over that is why are 70 adventist preachers you must call the people out come out of my people god's people are there and we as a church we must not find ourselves in division in confusion we are not confused our god is not confused god has given us a powerful message a message of hope to this dying world we must not disappoint the god of heaven amidst the permits that we might go through like daniel and his friends daniel was placed in nigeria flying because his food is grown minister midnight for him but he stood his ground and the hungry lion could not devour him because god shot them shut your mouth but look here when the evil men were placed in for their reach to those lie and your home glands devour them god stands by his promises god protects his people he knows how to protect his own we serve our recent savior we serve a real god he's in charge of this planet you don't believe in mr pandemic that god has been not like an absentee landlord no god is with his church fever and defective the church might appear to be god places of supreme god upon his church the church is the apple of god's eyes come on those of you who are married and you love your wife you don't go out and harass and abuse your wife you protect your wife the church is light into a woman beautiful bride god searches light into a woman beautiful bride and you want to know christ christ the husband of the church the church married to christ husband relationship you believe that christ is going to turn his back on his church no he says your bread and your water will be sure come on that's what he says he says seek me first but to know that when you seek me i'm going to protect you i'm going to be with you always even until end of the gospel age christ sticks by his words christ stick by his promises he has demonstrated that mr midnight this planet minutes to midnight beloved minister midnight serious times challenging times we are you those of you who have not yet accepted christ are you going to say like king agrippa almost persuaded almost persuaded it is not persuasion you cannot be half pregnant is either the delayed is pregnant or not pregnant you cannot be a half christian almost persuaded it's not persuasion is that you're fully persuaded are you not persuaded at all a gripper would have been in trouble there's no half-hearted lame walk into the kingdom of god you have to make a complete surrender tonight if you hear his voice heart not your heart tonight if you hear his voice just acknowledge your sins acknowledge your sins you know what you have been involved in you know what you are engaging you know your shard coming just acknowledge them and reach out and ask god for pardoning he will pardon you he will pardon you i told you a few nights ago about the chief on the cross you are not in a chief on any cross you're not anti-fun on the cross come friday you can get baptized arrange yourself get into the chat get into the trap the posters they do the prior warriors are there they will get you going they will link you they will contact you they will engage you get going repent and be baptized confronted the water will be chuckled no luck going on friday baptism we're going to have baptism are we going to follow the protocols baptism will be going on people are signed up for baptism you see while others are engaged otherwise they are individuals who are smart they realize that it is full time for them to step out of babylon move from out of darkness into god's marvelous light of salvation the time is right the time is right for it and if you turn your back on this free beautiful salvation you'll be lost it doesn't matter who you are it doesn't matter who you are don't watch the bill gates of this world don't watch the great announcement until the fortune these men they know what they are doing they know what they are engaging but god will visit them and if they fail to repent the lord and leash upon them fire and brimstone you can abide you can avoid the judgment of god you can avoid god's wrath and tonight he says if you hear his voice heart not your heart what are you so preoccupied with but are you so engaging like agrippa that you cannot be fully persuaded what is distracting you salvation is available salvation is at your fingertips and he says behold i knock christ is not going to kick off doors he's not going to force your rehearsal he says i stand at your door and knock that's what that's how all god approaches salvation from a perspective of love respect and integrity and he says if you hear his voice hard not your heart come on you're in the chat come on you're oh dear youtube come on you are out there and you zoom come on facebook whatever you know yourselves young middle age maybe you're a backslider get back to your first love turn back christ is willing like the prodigal son he is willing to throw his best role over you and to reward you with eternal life let go tonight i say let go and let god let us pray lord minister midnight the world is bankrupt men run into and throw ideas many what solution few but thank god you have this solution to earth's crying right now you have the solution and as god's remnant people we know that you're going to deliver we know that you will and you must show up because you stick by your promises lord bless your children across the globe bless your children and i pray lord that those that need to step out of babylonian captivity captured by seen captured by a roanoke station captured by furious and spurious teaching they need to flee and leave babylon alone leave babylon step away from the antichrist and free themselves so they can worship the god of heaven worship down here's god worship shadrach's god worship worship the true god of heaven pray your lord that you will give your children who are inside of your remnant church the resolve the stamina the gods and that's that sense of purpose to stand for the right though the heavens fought amidst persecution amidst hard times amid rough times but your church will stand and we will demonstrate our love for you and for your kingdom and for your world bless us give grant us a good night's rest and bring us back your friday evening when you shall wrap up this series with a beautiful baptism thanks for hearing us thanks for being with us and lord may when you conquer the ship of zoya may all of us have the happy privilege of going home to spend his caesar's asia about eternity with you there shall be no more suffering no more covet no more pandemic because sin itself will die amen and amen god bless you pastor scott take it [Music] so let the church [Music] [Applause] his word says [Music] amen [Music] just want to say thanks to all our participants tonight thanks to those who joined us on line two thanks to our pastor for giving us another serious message that we will have to ponder our soul is at stake at this time we need to think about heaven and adjust our lifestyle i just want to say a special thanks to my family in cayman and lawrence family for really um joining us and singing and sharing in our worship experience thank you very much um carlene and joshua and little preacher thanks so much i want i won't call you again for this year maybe next year god bless you as you minister in your part of the world amen a wonderful wonderful um session this evening nolan and i just want to join with you and thanking the lawrence family beautiful seeing um for helping and being a part of our service to the el paso pink for another powerful message but i just want to underscore sister nolan just to remind everybody that we meet this friday coming this friday coming we start at seven um we're looking for for the support of everyone as we have our friday session and also to let everybody know that we will have be having a baptism sabbath coming we'll be having a baptism sabbath coming and we're inviting persons who have not yet given their hearts to jesus you're on youtube you are on zoom and you're ready to give your heart to jesus do not hesitate to contact myself or pass the wind i'll just give my number on this platform eight nine zero four seven zero four there are persons that have already signed up for for baptism and we want for you to be a part of this program it's a great joy to have you on we look forward to seeing you as we hear another word of god from god's manservant let us all be ready for the soon coming of jesus christ god bless you everybody thank you so much sister nolan wonderful as ever as always excellent excellent and you can contact as well as at 855 1792 let us come together and get right with god god bless you everyone have a wonderful dress of evening open this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevailly say that upon this rock i'm gonna build my church and the gates and gates of hell shall not prevail oh no hey [Music] whenever i'm tempted to do wrongs i get on my knees and i start to give him thanks he showed me the path to righteousness and he promised me on solid ground i'll stand he said that up on this rock i'm gonna build my church and the gates of hell
Channel: Family of God SDA Church, Jamaica
Views: 201
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: q9KfGCuKyzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 41sec (6401 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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