Adventist Youth | Prayer Day | Sabbath, October 02, 2021

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or they kept us from the beginning of this week actually from 2021 from the first day of 2021 on to this blessed moment and this about so far has been a blessing and i want to give you thanks i want to thank thank you lord for sunshine and rain i want to thank you for food i want to thank you for the basic necessities of life or prayers that you have answered i want to thank you for all the participants on the this zoom platform i want to thank you lord as a church there is so much room for the personal development the bible class just handed lord and we know your words have studied to show thyself a proven to god a word man that needed not write the divine in the word of truth i want to give you thanks for what we what was this cost indeed life is a journey but the christian life is the greatest journey of all i want to give you thanks for all those who participated in the bible class i pray now that you'll be with us as we go to our ay program and this first service to close the sabbath i pray dear god as we indeed be blessed similarly as we receive the blessings from the other programs of the day i pray god that you will be with the youths as they lead out i ask you lord to help us to have the connectivity i created devices will work i pray that we'll join hearts together as we participate in this ay program thank you for hearing and answering my prayer jesus precious name i pray amen amen now we have our song serviced by sister key sister d keys see jesus what a wonder you are you are brighter than the morning [Music] you are fairer much better than the lady that grows by the way who are precious more precious than gold i live for jesus day after day i live for jesus and go my way the holy spirit i will obey i live for jesus day after day won't it be a time when we get over yonder won't it be a time when we get over young won't it be a time when we [Music] [Music] [Music] a little more oil [Music] keep it burning keep it burning to the [Music] [Music] to the [Music] the key amen amen [Music] you may continue with the emblems dania the ay emblems the aim the advent message to all the world in my generation the matter for the love of christ compels us pledge of in the lord jesus i promise to take an active part in the youth ministry of the church doing what i can to help others and finish the work of the gospel in all the world the law the a y law is for me to keep the morning watch do my honest part care for my body keep a level i be courteous and obedient walk softly in the sanctuary keep us on in my heart pour on god's aerons the song adventist youth are we from every land and sea together we pray and work and play in happy harmony we have a faith to share with others everywhere a mess of love from god above to show the world we care adventist [Music] amen amen welcome to our welcome to our adventist youth program to all our visitors thank you for gracing us with your presence you have added flavor to our well to our worship please enjoy your stay with us to our regular members i see welcome welcome welcome please enjoy your worship experience with us this afternoon okay thank you dania and brittany we we are all on a journey with heaven as our destination this evening's program will depict the life of a sister who started to serve the lord at a young age along the way she has had many life-changing experiences through these experiences she has learned that prayer is a very important part of her journey she was exposed to the word of god quite early in her life at about age 10 she was baptized let's take a walk down memory lane with sister elizabeth i really like being a christian i enjoy studying my quarterly and sharing with others what i have learned i sometimes read out in some service with my peers but most of all i have learned that prayer is an important part of our spiritual life will you join me in her let us pray dear lord thank you for today as we go on in a while let us enjoy ourselves help us to remember what we're supposed to do in jesus name i created okay amen sister elizabeth continued with much enthusiasm her faith was seemingly steadfast and unwavering this young devoted christian had an unyielding desire to walk with god and to grow old in him she understood that there is a great joy in serving jesus as there is no greater companion to embark on life's spiritual journey brothers and sisters the word of god is an integral part of our christian's life the more i read and study the closer i feel to jesus i invite you to read with me philippians 4 6 to 7. i'll read in your hearing therefore my breathing there the beloved and wrong force my joy and coroner so stand fast in the lord my dearly beloved i beseech you and this edge seem charged that they be of the same mind in the lord and i intrigue these also trio fellow help those who may wish labor with me in the gospel with comment also and with other my fellow rivers whose names are in the book of life rejoice in the lord always and again i see the jews that are moderation being known unto all men the lord is hand be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and suffocation with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto god and the peace of god which passes out all understanding sister elizabeth she was actively involved in a singing miniature at her church she had come to learn that singing was another way of communicating with god every opportunity that she got she would sing go ahead philly hurry i really enjoy serving the lord i am so happy that i chose to i have met many friends at church and together we are learning more and more about the savior each day we enjoy sharing the word of god with others but most of all i love to see i find that singing really makes me happy i am able to talk to god using songs i will share one of my favorite songs of you [Music] the book that jesus shed for me [Music] that gives me strength is [Music] to the highest mountains and it flows one day lose its power [Music] it soothes my [Music] all my tears [Music] [Music] it's power and it flows [Music] that gives me strength [Music] it reaches [Music] [Music] that gives me strength [Music] if [Music] amen the blood will never lose its spore as she grow as she grew older sister elizabeth realized that there were challenges that she would have to face as a christian she will tell you of some of these challenges and how she overcame them she has also invited others to share their experiences with us as well our first testimony sister campbell sister shani campbell hi um good evening everyone um wow like this all right um i remember some months ago i think it was in june um mommy and i were asked to give a testimony and we had spoken about a crisis that i was actually going through as it relates to um we're supposed to go in university so at that time i just completed a year at university and i was faced with the decision of continuing with that degree so going to the advanced level because the first year was an introductory year so i i could continue to second year within that faculty or transfer to another faculty and i had i had applied for a transfer to go to the faculty that i initially wanted to but there were some things going going on at that time um that really they were discouraging and i didn't think i would have been able to transfer because i didn't think i had the the um i didn't think i had the right things to transfer basically as it relates to funding grades and all of that because first year it was a bit challenging the fact that we are in a pandemic and it was very new um transitioning from high school sixth form to university the transition wasn't smooth enough um because the time that we would have gotten so you know usually you'd have gotten an entire summer from about june to august to really condition itself and get ready for the university space but we didn't get that because we had to do exams in july fast forward we're at june um i was there as contemplating if i'd really get the opportunity to to transform i had put in everything submitted all that i was submitting and said you know what i'm just going to leave it in god's hands about two or three weeks after that's that testimony that ay i remember i was i was uh sending an email it was one of my friend's birthday and i was sending her an email with a video that i had made i was going through just checking to see what was new and i saw an email from the university with the title official entry yeah so i kind of i had a pause because one it was 2 a.m in the morning so i was only in the first reading right and 2 00 in the morning like we done that don't move yes it was 2 a.m and that's kind of puzzled because i'm saying wow this looks unusual but i opened it regardless and i saw congratulations um shanique you know you got in and everything and usually when persons get accepted especially into that faculty you know they'd be probably running up and down screaming uh and all of that i was shocked not because of lack of faith or anything it was just so surreal um to see that there are so many things that seem to have been going wrong but this was it was as if um god was renewing my faith or building my faith or something because i my faith was waiting and i realized that happens to us a lot along this journey we're talking about a journey but god was showing me that listen you should stop noting me because i'm still in control right and i as happy i told mommy and daddy but then another another um obstacle came it's still there but the fact that i saw that god gave me this opportunity actually start this new degree i'm in first year again by the way so so um he gave me this opportunity to start this new degree i know that he will continue to carry me throughout the duration of this degree i just want to encourage you all many times when we feel as if everything is going against us because in me i thought everything was going against me i haven't told one of my friends that i guess i'm not going to transfer again because this doesn't look like it's going to be happening so even when we think things are open against us once it is god's will for us to do it because i remember in bible class we were talking about asking according to god's will once it is in his will for us to get such a thing he will give it to us because the year before i got rejected from the same faculty for some other reasons though because i'd only submitted some of the documents and i didn't submit one which is basically the most important one i got rejected and i had to stay in the faculty of science and technology for a year but when i look at it i say to everyone that this was a blessing in disguise because god knew that if i had gone into this faculty from last year i'm i probably wouldn't be doing um very well because that transition that i needed to get into university i would not have done it society was basically a trial run for me to see how i should really uh be in university how i should my study pattern and all that for me to think about all of that before i take on this such a technical and weighty degree say yes um brothers and sisters when we ask according to god's will once it is in his will for us to get it he will give it to us in his time see it was in his will for me to get into this faculty but it wasn't in his way for me to get him last year this is when he wanted me to get him and that is exactly how he will do sometimes his will is no because he knows that it's not something good for you sometimes it is weight because you're just not ready for it yet and sometimes he will answer in no and he'll say yes no because he knows that you're ready for it no so that that is my testimony amen make it short this time is limited well i am truly thanking god for his grace and for his mercy i have so much to say so and since the time is limited as you have reminded me all i will have to say is just to reinforce the fact that when god is in charge of our lives when god has our backs we have nothing to worry about you know um just one little thing i remember way back when i was to be baptized at the age of 14 my mother who was a bachelor 70 adventists at that time she usually took me to the market and i would have to help to carry the and copa those things that she said because she had a shop and she also cooked and and and and had the things for sale so she couldn't go during the week so she would use saturday mornings and i wanted to go to church and so when they came for me to be baptized when they came to speak to her she said if it's not seventh-day adventist church i can't baptize that was a tent but anyway i was still worried because i was thinking how the marketing was going to go and you know brethren going at the bottom of the road there was a big open land because of um violence in the coronation market those persons who came from rock hall and um rock hall and slagoville videos those people instead of going to the carnation market all of them used a big open lot to start a market and until that today until this day the market is still there at the bottom already zero there and i was able to purchase the stuff that you would need on the friday because that year from thursday evening so we could purchase the things from friday and our shop would be stuck and i was able to go to church on salvador so god has our back and when he has our back he makes no mistake thank you for hearing now happy sabbath everyone god is good all the time all the time god is good let me tell you man you see we serve a living god sometimes i wonder why people serve they're created and i'm not the creator how can i worship the creator i'm not the creator my testimony is once is one of thanksgiving you know god has been right god has got us done so so many things in my life through especially this week has been a real trying week i'm telling you because you see when the devil sees that he cannot touch you he touched others around you so this week has been a trying week which has put me at knee city more time than i would normally go and i have been on my knees this week more time in our day that i have ever been on my knees in the bible reading the word of the lord i share one instance with you just a short one since we are laughs for time sister murray i'm sorry i saw your message you know um yesterday yesterday and that was just the the or the last part of the week for me ended yesterday my husband in the morning about one two o'clock my niece called me and she said that she she's pregnant and she said that she had been calling her father but she was getting him so if we can come and bring her to the hospital about after one and i put her on speaker cause my sister called because i have attendance to turn off my phone in the night but my husband phone will always be on and she called my husband phone and i put her and speak and she said i'm in pain um i call in my father and he's not coming so he can come for me and before she even say can't come for me my husband jump up and he started putting him close with him say yes let us go i would reach and we brought her down to the hospital and then we had to wait and then them send our home send our home back saying that the pain is not intense you know while on our way home about after four them time there my husband said to me that um when you know that i need to go over to the tax office i want this one if i got no i would get a number and i said i said no you think they're giving a number no after four and they said all right i'll do it later today and i tell you in the morning indian people sleeping just come home we'll get some breakfast and put on him clothes and in people was the first yes the first of october but and then adam lee voting and he said you know what happened he's saying well police took over the car and i said leave me for a second he said police took away the car i'm going to tell her that i need to go to tax office yes um as because he was on his way to tax office before he went to work when he said it to me no i i didn't i would i just said oh jesus but at the same time he's calming spirit just came over me and i was praying i said god let's take it over lord jesus cause i was in my class and i couldn't what else could i do it happened already and i prayed right there i said just just everything worked at him said no i'm just going to jump in a bus and i'm going to run to taxes with money because i don't want them to keep the car over today it's friday and he runs tax office and the good thing about it is that one of his co-workers a girlfriend worked at po work at a phone so he was in contact with her to say that whole the road that he would go to get by the car the same day and let me tell you within a couple hours couple hours going to the tax office um i don't know where where he went but within a couple of hours he got back the car and the thing about it is that while he was on the road because he drove every single one he was having in bangkok because he just got paid then we just draw him entirely and i said to him come from a car but he said i already have money i said no come from a card just in case they need more and he said to me honey you know if bootsinger gave me the card you know because where i went they didn't take cash so i had to go in with stand up in a line forgot about pay my stuff we got paid that base i'm good thing i came for the car because one of his friends i'm loaning his car to just go do business just to get the team and i'll tell you that was just the end of the week for what has been happening throughout that week i'ma tell you for that entire time you know i've been just praying it has you know as i said when satan's you can't touch you you touch others around you but even when i'm saying do things and it's not even shaking you're moving and do something else but you know as the bible say touch not the lord's anointing you know and i i read the bible and i see where god give us power and our power is in prayer and under the word of the lord he was strength and that is where my sprint came from for this week and i standing right here sitting right here in my right mind and be able i didn't know i was going supposed to be giving a testimony until sister mark called me earlier in the week i didn't know what i was going to say but i tell you i get it i had to go through the test for me to come and give the testimony and i'm saying family of god sometimes we're going through a situation the first thing that we should say are the first thing that we should do when we get a bad news that we are something happen because that morning while we use the car to bring my daughter my my niece to the hospital i didn't know that at the end of the day the car would be imported i didn't know at the end of the day the car would be taken away you know but god worked it out that even though it was taken away we got it back in quick quick time so even the bad news came i wasn't shaken all i did i said god take it over and leave it in your hands dear lord jesus and in our faith as christians that is where we are to be and i as i end my testimony i just pray for me and my family pray for my niece right now because she's in the hospital and she still hasn't um she had to go back the same the same day and she still haven't had our baby as yet because she she's just not dilating so i'm asking you to just pray for her that you don't have to do any c-section pray for her that you may have a safe delivery and pray for me that god will continue to strengthen me during my journey during my journey and also i will pray for you as you go through your church amen amen amen amen why sister sharon and with that said you know there is power in prayer and as my testimony said i have proven this and we will now go in a season of prayer three persons will pray and then i will do the final prayer we will start with sister thomas then sister keith then sister p campbell and i will do the final part merciful and compassionate father as we come in your presence today lord as we have started from mourning until now lord you have brought us thus far lord that we can come and praise your most adorable name lord lord at this time we put before you lord especially those that are sick and mourning no lord and as sister jody said lord rep before her our knees lord that lord she may have a safe delivery lord and everything may go as according to your will lord lord i put before you on this platform all those are in this platform lord and those of the family of god you seek of churches lord you know those who are going through trials and tribulation lord you know all their problems you know all your cares lord and they all take it to you lord only you alone can solve them give us your divine mercy lord give us your strength to give us our poor and your courage lord we also put before your lord the children they need your divine mercy i need your strength lord you know the devil is roman lord but give them your divine mercy give them your strength show them the right way lord that has their goal lord they may go in poorer courage and they may trust in you and know that lord whatever problem they have they can look to you lord give us your divine mercy and give us your strength and help us that whatsoever we do or say we may done it in your name on a glory as we go and say thanks in your name we pray amen [Music] our heavenly father our creator our friend [Music] you all know everything about us we come to you once more and we continue in prayer today we do not really know how to pray to you but we can just talk to you simply and we come to you in this manner thank you heavenly father that you're a god who cares thank you that every aspect of our lives you're concerned with all of us here on zoom and all those who are on youtube or whatever else platform you know about us you know about them you know everything so we do not even have to name everything to you because you are aware of everything you are omniscient you are only present you are on this present time before [Music] [Music] thinking what you want to always have you foremost in our hearts so that we can always talk to you we can communicate with you prayer is the only way that we pour out everything to you sometimes we do not even have to express ourselves in words but you know our thoughts and you are concerned and you answer even before we ask so now we just want to leave all the petitions into your hands you know all the concerns all the areas that we think about and you know whatever we are worried about although you say we are not to worry about anything but to cast all our cares upon you because you care for us you will supply all our needs on this life journey to heaven there are many things that will distract us but help us just to keep focus knowing that we are nearing home the journey gets rough gets rough at times but help us just to hold on just to hold on and not be shaken take full control of our families you know every individual in each family so we just pray that you will have your own way and attend to all the needs according to your will you know the right remedy for each situation so right now we leave all of that into your hands in a special way we put children and young people the youth especially those who are going to school and the challenges the online challenges because many of the children are not learning as they should many of them are distracted when they should be in class they are doing something else big children and the little ones there are many of them are distracted so just pray that you will help them to realize that the teachers really want them to learn the educators really want them to learn but most of all help them to put themselves in a position where they can learn from you the master teacher take full control of the parents also i would pray that you'll give the parents help the parents to support the children in every way and provide the the necessary devices and all the necessary things for them to learn we pray for our church family in a special way there are many who are sick there are some were shut in and some were breathing we just put everyone into your hands at this time some are even concerned that their life is not in order and you will be coming soon so we just pray that you will fix all the areas necessary take full control and we just pray for the leadership of the church be with our pastors in a special way and all our elders and all the divisional leaders and all who participate in our programs take full control be with the visitors on the on the platforms we pray that each may be surrendered to you in a special way have your own way when we go to sleep tonight help us to sleep peacefully and help us to make you the last thing or the last one be on our mind before we fall asleep and help us to wake up with you on our minds help us not to give up again we ask in your name we leave everything into your hands and tell you thanks and wait for you to answer according to your will in jesus name amen amen um sister sharon you may go ahead and close with your prayers do your closing prayer sister let us pray their most righteous and compassionate father as i come before you this evening dear lord i act that you may cleanse me from anything unlikely that you may touch me and wash me in your blood lord i come before you this afternoon not because oh father thank you jesus thank you for your love for god thank you jesus lord we are weak and you are strong lord jesus at this time o god we need you now more than ever we need you now more than we ever need you before as we're coming to the the end of this world dear lord jesus i ask that you may give us strength that we may hold on dear lord that we may hold on and that we may never ever let go or give up on you dear lord jesus because without you o god we are nothing we are nothing without you o father and with you in our life dear lord jesus we can smile at the storm because you are in the vessel of our hearts dear lord lord you know everybody that's on this platform you know what you're going through you know their journey you know their situation dear lord lord please help them not to let go not to give up but to hold on even stronger than they have ever held on before lord jesus i ask that at this time as christians that you will make our light shine before men that they may see your good work that they may draw then they may want to be closer to you by our living by our life by our examples dear lord thank you for your love and your mercy thank you for today dear lord jesus thank you for the ministry of this platform of this church lord we place the pastors before you o god continue to strengthen them touch them from the crown of their head to the soul of their feet fill them with your holy spirit dear lord jesus oh god we we pray for the youth as well dear lord strength to them let them know that you call upon them because they are strong oh god and they are the future and they too need to know you for themselves then two need to make your word a lump unto their feet and a light onto their part and they may hide your word in their hearts that they may not sin against you or god cover them under your blood dear lord jesus be with the elders dear lord jesus let them know that they are the teachers of the church help them to see that they need to lead and do so by your will and your power oh god be with the sick among us their father let them not give up but let them know that they serve a position with the physician of all physicians your father and you're still in the healing business you're still in the miracle business dear god let them not to give up oh jesus but hold on because one touch of the garment dear lord jesus and our entire body can heal oh god you cry out and say who touched me your father let us hold on dear lord jesus as we travel on this journey oh god let us hold on oh god and lift up each other in prayer because prayer is our power dear lord jesus let our hearts not be weak oh god but our hearts be strong oh jesus when you hear the bad news coming in left right and center we go down on our knees dear lord jesus until father fight the battle for us oh god fight the battle for us oh lord jesus because tell us though lord jesus that those shall tread upon the lion and the other the young lion and the dragon shallow trampled under our feet oh jesus oh god oh jesus thank you for everything that you have done for us let us not give up this is not the time for giving up but this is the time to hold on and be strong in the mighty name of jesus christ lord we place everybody on this platform before you jesus you know their needs and their wants oh lord let them lift you up in prayer this time oh god let them never ever lose their praise and their faith but whatever the situation is oh god that they may continuously praise you in the good times and in the bad times let us be our brother's keeper dear lord jesus let us be our brother's keeper no it's not time for being selfish no is the time for us to come together as a family and band together in love and unity and pray on the word of god oh jesus we lift up each other as one get weak the other one should lift up the other o lord thank you for your mercy thank you for your mercies thank you for your grace thank you for your love oh god no it's not the time to look on what we don't have but look to look on what we have and give all the praise and thanks to you heavenly father bless us keep us oh god strengthen us as we pray for ourselves and pray for others in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth who died on calvary cross oh lord for our sins amen amen amen amen okay as time progressed sister elizabeth remained very active in church she tried never to miss bible class she had learned about the three angels message and wanted to know more so she asked an elder to explain it to her ella simmons will now give us a just a synopsis of the three angels message the message to three angels mrs of revelation 14 says us the first angel said in revelation 14 6 and i saw an angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel please unto them that dwell on the earth unto every nation and kindred and tongue and people this is a symbol of god's last day people spreading the gospel to the entire world saying with the lord voice fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worshipping that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of water this involves a work of investigation a work of judgment and it immediately precedes the coming of christ in the clothes of heaven with power and great glory but when he comes every case has been decided says jesus my reward is with me to give every man according as his word shall be revelation 22 verse 12 and worship him that made everyone on earth and the sea and the fountains of waters in revelation 14 men are called upon to worship the creator and the prophecy brings to you a class that as a result of the threefold message are keeping the commandments of god one of these commandments points directly to god as a creator which is the full commandment we say remember the sabbath day to keep it all six days shall go live and do all that and the sabbath of the lord thy god for the lord is the creator of the heaven and the earth and all that is in them and god rested on the seventh day wherefore the lord blessed us the second angel said babylon is falling followed by another angel said babylon has fallen as fallen that creates it because she made all nations drink of the wine of the rock of her fornication the term babylon is derived from babel and signifies confusion this form in scripture to designate the various forms of paul's our apostate religion in revelation 17 babylon is represented as a woman a figure which is used in the bible the symbol of a church a virtuous woman represented a pure church and a vile oman represents a apostate church but a great sin that's charged against babylon is that she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath after fornication this cup of intoxication she presents to the world represents the first actions that she has accepted as a result of her un lawful connection with the great ones of the earth so friendship with the world corrupts her faith and in her turn she exerts a corrupting influence upon the world by teaching doctrines which are opposed to the plainly statements of the bible and the last message which is the third angel said in revelation 49 and 10 and the third angel followed them saying with hello advice if anyone worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god which is poured out with all mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb this is god's judgment without mercy this message of revelation 14 is god's final call to the inhabitants of the world the three angels are urgent in their summons for the time is short and the faith of the beast worshipers is to harbor to contemplate we are the watchmen on the walls of zion and we are there not to be delinquent or indolent in our responsibilities of spreading these crucial message to a dying world the passage speaks directly to our day alerting us to the significance of our times in god's eternal plan as such it calls us to wake up out of our descent luquon to open our eyes and to see ourselves in light of eternity to be ready to meet our great god and our eternal father when he comes thank you very much amen the book of revelation is the ultimate love story and revelation 14 opens up the last three letters of love and mercy from the heavenly bridegroom to a dying world sister bennett will now continue sister bennett on please okay i'll go ahead sister elizabeth says she she continued to pray earnestly because her aim and determination is to make heaven is to make it to heaven she said that after all that she has been through she is looking forward to walking on the streets of gold can you imagine what joy will be that will be in heaven i am dreaming of a city jerusalem at this time we listen to the song i am dreaming of a city [Music] far beyond the sky when the suffering's over get my wings and fly when jesus says it's over oh what joy that will be when it's no more dreaming i'll be home at last i've [Music] to jerusalem [Music] sometimes i lose directions [Music] but jesus stands to remind me that i'm a passing through [Music] i must look to the deck where it's normal [Music] in the sky [Music] to jerusalem [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll be all over this [Music] my oh in [Music] a little while [Music] my [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'll be home [Music] amen amen amen amen [Music] okay amen brethren and friends let us purpose in our hearts to make it in on our own we can't make it but as the song writer says with jesus i'll make it we will now petition the throne of grace with of grace with our final season of prayers beginning with sis with sister guests you may go ahead sister guest let us pray baptize us anew with power from on high with love or refresh us dear savior draw nigh we humbly beseech you lord jesus we pray with love and the spirit baptize us today so this evening will come lord for a baptism of your holy spirit it is through your holy spirit that we are reproved of sin and is through your holy spirit that we can ask forgiveness for our sin repent of our sin and find grace with you father on the spiritual journey our feet are well nice sleep but with your holy spirit by our side dear lord jesus we can get up and go again and so father our hearts are not always at the right place our hearts have turned away from you many times like the children of israel wandering through the wilderness but every father we know who we can come to you know we have a friend in jesus you say we are to carry all our sins and our griefs that we are bearing and you will take it and you will make our burdens life so this evening lord we have that you will take from us anything that is weighing us down any sin that is in the deep recesses of our hearts some of them we cherish so much that we will not let them go but father we pray that this evening it would cause us to let go of the things that so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us knowing that you are with with us all the way and lord as we continue on this christian journey i pray that we will keep our focus on you so that each step will take us higher and closer to you until you are eventually home thank you for hearing us lord thank you for the sabbath that you have given us today to rest a while with you and to refresh our souls oh lord as we face this new week i'm begging you that the journey continues and that you will continue with us with your holy spirit by our side to comfort and protect us i put ourselves i put myself into your hand and i ask that all those who are desirous are falling after you you will put it in their hearts lord jesus to come a little closer have your own way with us and give us your peace in jesus name i pray amen amen amen father in heaven after the prayers i'm sister camber after all the prayers father in heaven we pause just a little longer and we just want to dig you up some more you are wonderful now our request is that we will get back to the bible and study your word once people used to look at some of the adventists and say we are people of the word because we used to study your word no we don't even some of us don't even have a bible at hand so we just pray that you will help us to want to know you more it is only by studying your word that we know what is required it is by studying your word where we will be guided on this life journey so help us that give all of us the appetite to want to read your word because the more we read your word the more we will know about you and help us that when we study we do not just take up the bible and read help us to study line up online and precept upon precept even if we study one verse at a time because sometimes we try to read a whole chapter and we really don't understand what it is saying but we pray that before we enter into the reading of your word we will ask your holy spirit for guidance and we we will open our minds to accept what you are revealing to us and help us to share what we study so that we can know more we just tell you thanks and we claim the victory and we give you more praise for what you will do in jesus name amen amen amen amen as we continue to pray lord jesus we just give you thanks we give you a glory we give your honor and we give you praise we thank you for this moment in time god because you're such a wonderful god we have taken our different challenges to you today lord we have members of our family who have not yet given their lives over to you and so we place them in your hands today and beg off to you lord jesus that you visit them that you take them over that you speak to their minds and help them that they will come to you lord jesus we also put in your hands the ones who have once walked with you and they have left jesus we ask that you will stir their minds even now and help them that they will see you as they will remember their first love and they will return to you mighty god there are many of us on this platform we have all different requests some might have placed theirs in the chat whether on zoom or on youtube you know them jesus and so i just ask that you will take them over some of us have not put them anywhere but you can read the mind and so therefore jesus we just ask you to take them over to intervene in our different situations and we know lord that whatever you have done will be well done because everything must be done to your will and your way and when it is done it is the best way thank you jesus for the answering for answering our prayers we trust you and we believe you and we leave everything into your capable hands now in your mighty and precious name we pray amen amen amen amen assistant is she on okay let us pray your kind and compassionate savior how loving you are lord eve when we are not what we're supposed to even we have sinned you still love us and we thank you gracious lord for loving us for dying for our sins lord we are being called to worship lord god we ask that you help us to do what is right help us lord to give you all the honor and glory that you truly deserve we pray o lord jesus evening that our worship would not have been in vain but we would have received the blessings that the sabbath day comes with as we have done on all lord jesus and glorifying you we thank you gracious father for the opportunity to come together and to worship at your feet thank you for this platform remember we are able o lord to worship you we pray a lot as we go through the untried week that you will be with us help us to put you first always and in everything lord we must give thanks thank you again almighty god in jesus name we pray amen amen all who for the lamb in heaven must first follow him on earth not faithfully or capriciously but in trustful loving willing obedience as the flock follows the shepherd and that is taken from acts of the apostles page 591 let's pause and review the three angels message briefly the first message begins in revelation 14 verse 6 and i saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth and to every nation and kindred and tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of water may we all have that zeal to follow jesus to the end thank you so much for being with us for spending your time with us this evening at this time we'll ask sister camera to pray to play a song to close the sky's shed [Music] the stars shared [Music] of praise [Music] shall enhance those [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we shall be [Music] shall [Music] [Applause] be all dreams [Music] [Applause] face to face [Music] we shall be is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is coming [Music] there's slumbering [Applause] and those who dreaming we shall be changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we shall be we share these [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] we shall be [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] hey man hey amen beautiful singing praise the lord hallelujah what a wonderful message in some we shall be holy and now hand over to sister clark i can't say happy sabbath because we are way into sunday already and i know that um you know we had a good time in the lord today we are on the journey together and i will just close off with a single uh thought here for this evening and i am at the jeremiah chapter 18 well-known chapter and it said the word which came to jeremiah from the lord saying arise and go down to the potter's house and there i will cause thee to hear my words then i went down to the potter's house and behold the wrought of work on the wheels and the vessel which he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter so he made it again another vessel as seemed good to the potter to make it then the word of the lord came to me saying oh house of israel can i cannot i do with you as a potter saith the lord behold as the clay is in the potted hand so are in my hand o house of israel so are we as we go on the journey together we are in the hand of the master potter and so we don't have to worry as we go on the journey all we need to remember is that jesus is with us on the journey and we will come to the end of the journey praise in god as long as we stay with him on the journey remember we are together so we are holding hands with our brothers and sisters we are helping them up sister joanne if they fall down and hurt the knee that she popped their knees we are there on the journey together and so therefore we will help each other we are on the journey together so when good things happen we are jumping and praising with each other so god be the glory we have people with us on the journey and we are determined to hold out to the end we are determined that we are going to make it in so in a little while we are going home and i'm just going to ask sister guests just to sing that song for us in a little while as we close off this evening we are going home i think it's 6 26 in a little while we can just sing two verses as we close what was the number 626 yes sister let us sing a song that will cherish by the way in a little while we're going home for the night we'll end in that everlasting day in a little while we're going home in a little while in a little while we shall cross the below we shall meet at last when the stormy winds are passed in a little a rest beyond there's relief from every care in a little while we're going home and no tears shall fall in that city bright and fair in a little while we're going home in a little while in a little while we shall cross the below's home we shall meet at last when that stormy wins our past [Music] amen praise the lord the way leads home home to heaven with jesus let us bow our heads heavenly god we give you thanks for today thank you for all the participants thank you and that's all of us jesus whether we just say praise the lord thank you jesus whether we gave testimonies where the lord jesus we prayed whether we just lift our hands and say nothing from no sound come from came from our mouths but we were praising you today jesus we give you thanks we thank you that we know that on the journey you are still with us and we will make it in lord be with each person here tonight and may our lives be one with you this week in your precious and holy name we pray amen let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight we pray in your holy
Channel: Family of God SDA Church, Jamaica
Views: 101
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: KTWQbiaOkhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 20sec (5060 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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