Urban Survival skills challenge - self reliance, homeless survival skills

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so hey there fellow youtubers Frank wish you're good so this weekend I plan on doing something a little bit different I'm gonna do an urban survival challenge or a homeless challenge if you will some people call it but yeah doing a urban survival settings you know more of trying to utilize these resources within a city environment I am gonna have a couple items with me I'm gonna be fairly thin on it though of I'll have a toque I'll have some gloves have a small little dollar store backpack I picked up a little paracord bracelet I've managed to grab for the dollar store I've got some solid-fuel tabs I got from the same dollar store the just in case I have a hard time with fuel I just wanted to make sure that I was gonna be able to cook off food and boil water one way or the other I'll try not to rely on this resource to try to harvest just off of the you know urban environment but that's really there's a safety morganatic and then I've got the normal little kit that I would carry on my hip you know on my belts at all times this is a little fire kit slash pocket knife so I've got a little Swiss Army knife in here a Ferro rod and I believe there's a Mylar mergency blanket in there little four foot by six foot one or whatever you know a little ones you get the dollar store but it's gonna make a fine glass in there as well I doubt I'll be using that today it's been raining so I don't think I'll see too much Sun I mean we'll see how the day goes but but yeah this is the heart of the kit that I'm gonna be bringing with me and hopefully harvested containers and covering those types of things when I'm out in the fields but it's about eight o'clock in the morning where I'm at I plan on leaving momentarily and I'm aiming to be home tomorrow mid-day ish so hopefully we'll get a video together I'll bring the GoPro with me to connect get some good footage of things and see if I can get anything interesting worth watching but there's my basic hits and well flip over the next scenes you'll see me on the field just out in the world now I figured I'd kinda leave when I left the house swing up into this location this area generally speaking there's a large park over here baseball diamond kids park and not kind of and there's tennis courts on the other side I'm here and no public bathroom an excess over in this area so I'm gonna kind of scare about this area see if I can find anything of any use primarily I'm looking for you know containers the potentially steel containers would be preferable but you know some sort of waterproof container I'm looking for some cordage I'm looking for some tarps and cover of some kind you know any type of sharp objects metal objects are always good fine so I'm gonna just kind of do a peruse through this area hopefully even find a bit of food maybe off some of the trees in the environment so that'll be the mission at this point in time it's really just gathering resources now one of the main things I think I need at this point in time is to find myself some sort of you know steel coffee pot or something along that lines that would be an ideal thing make myself a Billy can for later on but so that's that's my plan because I'm just gonna kind of as you can see this is what I have there's no tricks up my sleeve there's a little bag I was talking about earlier there's no definitely no tricks up my sleeve just my wool jacket you know that kind of stuff so as we go we'll just kind of take different snapshots of how we progressed through the day so one of the first resources I kind of stumbled upon was you know I got these doggy bags for in the park I guess you know how people pick up their dog poo or whatever but the city gives out bags and there seems to be a half decent set of them in there so and take a handful of those for later use they're giving them away for free I'll take them must be hung on 1020 bags there but either way good acquisition so you always want to kind of keep your eye out we keen-eyed for any type of resources you can find you really in gather mode at this point in time and there's a good one over there yeah steel cup that's here a little bit of rust on it not too bad either a gives me a steel container I can start to work with take a peek over in the other side see if there's any other resources anywhere in this area and you always kind of get lucky sometimes here we got here Donald's cup you don't really need that some sort of foam has been destroyed ever will somebody left a nasty pillow I don't know if I'd need that at this point in time but might just keep this case for a little flat surface I don't know exactly what I'd use it for but we'll keep that there's a beer can uh that's right and looks good two more either way hey got a little flat surface if I need it to cut on there's something when I chop at this point yeah give that a good scrub out potentially get a couple containers now to start so now that I found a couple things a little backpack bag I got you just gonna pull that out and start to utilize it I don't want to be seen carrying around big piles of stuff it's always better to have things concealed so people don't know what you're carrying but the steel cuff other copies all have to be cleaned up obviously little flat surface I potentially could use as a mini cutting board if people normally if I was in a more desperate situation I would take that pill I would see that as a resource for the cloth I'm sorry even if I didn't want to use it as a pillow but for this specific situation somebody's gonna leave D further and say people just kind of get the going on the day here it's Saturday so no let's do a little peek and see if we can find any other resources kids can handle looks a little too small to be of any real use Oh anyway we have here let's get it back oh there's a good score a 2-liter pong ball we have a way to hold water that's critical bid what is this some sort of bent n pay anything else some sort of ball you know what you still have for that but well that's a good score either way I have to wash out this container but I've got a container that can hold a lot of days where the water is always good saves half the battle right there don't know exactly what I'll do with this tent peg but see if I can straighten it out it'll serve purpose either way taking little bits of metal like this is always handy it's hard to come across that kind of stuff in nature then you can't make it yourself so I'll throw both of these things into the backpack I don't think I'll need this ball don't think it's gonna help me any but either way I'll take these two good scores I feel like I've been pretty lucky so far this morning justify myself a little container to cook in nana containers store water and gathering up containers is always a good thing to do I could use definitely a bigger pot but it's a good start they say a little backpack a little gp3 on my back here over in that area it's between the camera right there's a kids back here you know obviously nobody here at this point in time but I see a bunch of kids toy sitting over in the sandbox over there I'm gonna go explore that and see if there's any good containers worth having in that environment or if there's anything that you know a family might left behind or something ranked either way like you say it's all about gathering resources you want to start to gather together the things that are gonna increase your comfort level in any type of survival situation whether it be an urban or rural survival you know you're out in the woods and you're gonna need basic things you need some way to keep the rain off you be able to tie things together and have cordage to you know whip things off you always need a knife that's a given need a good way to make a fire you know yeah you just need these basic elements of things the good steel container is always good to cook in I mean there's other ways to go about it but steel is king when it comes to convenience and ease of excess when you're in the urban environments but just take a peek around this little sandbox area I know it's weird yeah kind of looking at kids toys and that type of thing and then potentially if I was born to ask for it that would be a half-decent container except it's got a hole in it so I don't seem to see too many other things at this park though seems fairly limited in that regard not too many left finds a few things left over here but looks like just some McDonald's bags and stuff nothing worth out it's all soaking wet if it was dried taking it standard but given that it's not when it comes to these types of environments quite often you'll find all sorts of little things that you wouldn't even imagine why they'd be here but kids and families they bring things and they leave things and they do things that go beyond the imagination but either way we'll just take a peek over at this garbage can here see if there's any you know containers or anything don't really want to be doing too much dumpster diving I'm not not really at that point if that's yeah doesn't look like there's too much to offer in that point that's okay though I normally tried to stay away from just digging stuff out of garbage is I mean I will if I have to when it comes to a desperate situation but I'm more interest at this point in time of these oak trees that are in the area you know the time of year rain they should have been dropping acorns so maybe I'll try to harvest together a little handful acorns and see if I can get something for a meal later on give me a bit of you know proteins and fats I kind of think we will be doing a lot of food gathering as I moved through time but I'll just take a peek of this tree as I move out of this area as I can see we've kind of taken a peek around the park there wasn't a huge amount I mean we did grab those containers is always a bonus I'd like to find some sort of cover if I could it's always a gain to have I do have that emergency mylar you know one sitting in my little pocket there but let's see here yeah that's what I'm talking eight cords there's lots of them around here so maybe I'll cut and gather up a handful of these they could give me some proteins and fats later just got to cook them out to leach out the tannins but I'll take a handful of these maybe I'll grab a little bit more I'll cut the camera here won't cut back a little later okay so I managed to gather up probably a pound or two of acorns from this tree it's in a matter of minutes yeah as I was walking I thought I just cannot point out of so this is a little plantain and these are edible plants and normally I would harvest those if I was out in a natural environment but given that we're in a field like this now 10 to 1 there's gonna be a lot of sprays and pesticides whatever so even though you might see multiple you know edible plants like these little plantains here could easily help add to be a meal I don't think I'll harvest from here because it looks like too well groomed of an area and I'd be concerned about toxins potentially within pesticides and that type of thing getting into my food so they even if you see them it doesn't mean they're always good scores like you say there's lots of plantain that are popping up all over this area but I'll tend to stay away from these and see if I can find better resources elsewhere so here's another prime example I'm only a few feet further and just came across this little button mushroom you know if this was out in a wilderness environment I probably harvest this I do some definitely you know inspecting of it to make sure it was more edible than poisonous heavy well but you know from everything I'm seeing here this looks like it's one of the edible mushrooms but either a still even though that's you know a nice little handful of food I still wouldn't harvest this just because the location that I'm pulling it from so one of the things I've stumbled upon here is a pear tree so I see some pears have fallen from the tree just sitting on the ground you know they look like some of them look like they're in pretty rough state but see if this pear tree has any still on it potentially I'll grab a few of those if I could there's nothing like Evans and sugars into the mix but I see one there try to harvest that potentially let's see if there's any other pears that I could reach but yeah this seems like you get a little score I know it's a little late in the year when it comes to grabbing pears in my location and there's a couple more up further up into the tree I don't know if the camera is picking it up for justice but I'm gonna see if I can harvest a couple of these and see what they can do you still haven't fully left the park aeri yeah and I've been finding pretty good resources in the zone so I just kind of have been gathering as I go I did pick up probably four or five different pairs there that all look like they were in really good state I might have to cut a piece or two out but either way they're all gonna be cooked off so I don't trust eating anything when I'm out in the field without it being cooked so and I can see there's another Powerade bottle potentially sitting on the other side of this fence I might just grab having containers is always good scrap pervert you know one man's garbage is another man's true is your kind of thing right but either way I see these wood resources that are here and there seems to be some rubber hosing and if I was doing a longer term survival I grabbed that rubber hose and I definitely set these aside to be in a dry area to harvest then a wood in the city can be sometimes difficult to come by then this looks like half decent amount enough to kind of cook off a few meals if you will but the primary focus at this point in time is really just getting my so one of the fantastic things about parks like these so now they have bathrooms so I can get tap above water here a bottle of water if you will have I'll definitely have to clean out the containers but either way I'm good to seem to work with so it's a good start I'm gonna no say somebody's throwing a few things away few things in this Pocho topeka feast can I wait to repurpose as well so I'll take that container they're sick it's got a few things might be able to use it or maybe not Lizzy either way I'll just take the container I'll toss that stuff a little bit so all right container bins be stuff like say I'm gonna clean up these containers at least the water what I need to get water supply happenin I'm already getting thirsty son okay so it's early cleaned out my containers managed to get to know two liter of the potable water and you know the Powerade convenient full water so my water supplies been done with for the day given that I've in this public wash when I found this little kit I think it really is sitting in the garbage so I grabbed that used a roll if you will take some paper while I'm here you gotta be quick just started visiting this area well I think it's almost time to leave the park the mornings starting to get on now definitely more traffic starting to come in they say start it off from the name tea bag and start getting half full it's good to see we've got the food and water under control grab some toiletries just to make sure that's always good to have for tender and those types of things when you're in urban environments coming across free wood is sometimes difficult to give him that year you know there's only a limited amount of trees and they're normally groomed so I think I say when I came to the wood that was sitting over in the location in behind me there and I know if the cameras getting it but I might come back and harvest that later on and then once it dries out a bit and the eager early-morning people are done at the park but I think I'm gonna kind of move on to other locations at this point and still want to harvest more food you know you got to get up to 2,000 calories day so it's it's you got to get out there and start doing it right if I was in more desperate situations somebody's planted a whole pile it's made up the camera gets a good but it was definitely tomato there for days I'd come and harvest that if I was desperate enough but that's not the intended a nicely there's a handful of nice ones also it's a little wild edibles as you move along right now I'm just looking for some cordage material and I can make some quick broke with this dumpster seems to be full of a pile of cardboard so if I needed to make some bedding material later on I know where I could come back to fair enough that might be my heading for later we'll see yeah well I'm coming up to a major intersection within the city but this is the type of plant I'm looking for I think a large yucca plant so I'm gonna harvest a few of these leaves and try to cut them in as close to the base that can't and this will become some cordage for me later on so I'll take two or three of these now and then we'll move on and get outta they find a heavy core urban environment and push more into words neighborhoods and that kind of stuff so let me hurry system and I'll get back to you here we go I find schools to be a half-decent area it's one of the paper balls once I stopped here for me to take a break either way the metal bodied ones might as well just do a little recap of kind of where I've gotten to so far so they had harvested a couple of these yucca leaves whatever think I'm gonna split those and kind of bang him out a bit turn them into some improv cordage so I've got a bit of rope Oh can I do that once I actually stop in a location I'd really just talk here for a minute just to take a breather I'm walking all over so I'm in yet another school field but needless to say things have been going along pretty well then I've got some toiletries and this little bag that we managed to score get the two-liter pop little drinking container the other water cup fyo Food Inc a cook food at little flat surface I could potentially cut things on if I needed to and this little tent bag this is the acorns that I managed to harvest like I said there was piles of them there but I just harvested not to make a meal at Google and here's the pears there's definitely I think I got four good pears in there so there's definitely enough within those two to constitute being some succulent meal I do plan on harvesting more food but you know as it goes for the first three or four hours of the day you kind of think of a it seems to be going along pretty well one of the things I wanted to kind of mention when you're doing urban survival you know almost type stuff you always want to have that kind of gray man mentality try to blend in try not to stand out try not to draw attention to yourself really your primary objective is gonna be getting food water shelter fire you know the basic things you need to survive the more you draw attention to yourself the more difficult that can be sometimes so you know as you're kind of moving through these environments just try to be low-key try not to draw notice if you see that potentially there's a situation where you would draw notice to yourself try to avoid those as much as you can't you know heroes your objective is to really kind of get the job done if you will I just wanted gonna throw out that side note about no beat agreement it makes things much easier that way oh is one of the joys defined in any type of situations no blackberry versus we're getting close to the end of September here and you can see those little clusters of them that are red so whether you're in an urban environment or a rural environment know in the woods are you know in the big city Kennedy either way blackberry zero is a good fight so I'm gonna see if I can deliberate a few handfuls of these and just have them as a snack and then I'll move on another scores hitting by bust off so a bunch of those hips just a nice little cluster of oh yeah these are fantastic they're high in calorie high in vitamin C high in vitamin A they three of these that size has the equivalent of the vitamin C that's within a large orange so to give you an idea how healthy these little things are you gotta pop them off the base split them open in half just see if we can get this on camera inside these there's these seeds can I get those seeds out don't want those in the equation they got fur on them and if you swallow them they can get me rotate or throw over stuff so you want to get that out that right there is the edible part quite tasty it's almost got like a fruit flavor it's quite good I'm gonna harvest a bunch of these because they're here and it's worth it so I had the privilege earlier of having access to that City Park where I was able to acquire water and that kind of thing but if you don't have that kind of luxury you're gonna have to find yourself local water sources this is one of the few creeks that exists within my area if I had to I'd harvest the water from here that was my original plan and then I just end up over by the park so my original plan was to come here harvest the water filter it off boil it off that type of thing but as you can see it's not really the cleanest Creek in the world but you know when it comes to urban environments you should be fully aware of where your water supplies are I mean that should be given within any environment if you're in any type of survival situation be very cognizant of exactly where your water sources are and if you know that you're gonna be a distance from them for a period of time try to stock up whenever you can the water is a critical thing you know you need two liters a day they say but I find when you're out in survival situations or you know your your any type of 24-hour challenges or however you want to look at it you're gonna burn through a lot more than two litres of water a day and as soon as you start doing work as soon as you start getting physically active and moving around and you know putting you know miles behind the feet in walking you're gonna burn through the water so like I said I was just fortunate enough that I was able to get potable water without having to process it myself but when it comes to your situations you know if you're not close to potable water definitely be aware of where there's water sources and be aware of how you process them normally I would have to filter this water because it is a little bit on the murky side and I would have to boil it to make sure I got rid of any of the pathogens now that would be a standard practice I would do whether I was in the woods or whether I'm in a city so I always find it's handy if you find little green areas that you can kind of arresting potentially there is wood supplies you know of some of the trees have already passed had some kind of dead wood hanging on it that you could easily break and take but these are great little arias or you can just kind of rest to be out of mindful I of people and you know take it easy for a few minutes gather your thoughts about what your next course of action are when it comes to any type of survival situation it's always about calories out in calories in and how well rested you are how well hydrated you are you know when those types of things so they always be mindful and take those into account of do I have enough calories to maintain the energy level which I'm putting out you know yeah I turned around an eighty couple cups of blackberries earlier but you know that's good for a little tiny sugar rush but it's definitely not enough for long-term sustained 'men you've got to find calories you've got to make that your mission it's one of the most difficult things when you're in any type of survival situation is ensuring that you get those two 3,000 calories a day now when I say 3,000 mostly you know most people would say to but when you're out in the wilderness and you're doing stuff you're gonna burn through water you're gonna burn through calories far more than you would expect that you're going to and unless you're very very cognizant of the fact of how much energy you're burning you're gonna burn through lots of it so try to take your time be at ease don't feel like you know you're overwhelmed because all sudden you're into this kind of situation you just have to assess what your needs are and how you're gonna meet them as efficiently as possible so I came across this Hawthorne it's just teeming with berries normally they say trees with red berries you stay away from that kind of thing author know the acceptance to the rule so you can tell it's Hawthorne by the shape of the leaves get an unusual shape to them and if you taste the leaves you have a bit of a Napoli taste to them the leaves are fully edible I actually think they're the prefered part of the plant um as it lives up to its name it's got these wicked thorns that exist on them and they're quite sharp you know you got to be careful mindful of how you go about approaching these you know you don't want to give yourself tetanus or anything like that those spiky elements will be quick to do those types of things so when it comes to the actual berries themselves they are edible large and just try to do this on the camera they have a large stone or seed that exists in the center of them just a single and that really you just get rid of the flesh is the edible bit they say I actually prefer the leaves over the berries berries I find to be fairly bland they don't really have a strong flavor to them but as you can see this bush is just teeming with them if you could easily harvest yourself enough to be a meal within these types of things it's a bit of work to process the leaves are definitely easier but authoring is a top tier Survival Plan to my perspective just because we're late in the season we're now into the fall now and as you can see there's ample production going on within this Hawthorn tree and leaves our legacy to me the better part of it of I actually prefer them by far love so I'll gather up a bunch of these leaves and a couple of the berries and they'll be part of the stew pot for later trickeries a fantastic plant it's one of the best survival plants you can come across when you're out whether it be urban or rural and of every part of this plant is edible it's a hardy plant the root if you extract the root out of the ground you can roast it and turn it into a coffee substitute absolutely top top shelf when it comes to survival foods and I'm not going to harvest this entire plant but I will take some pieces of it so of course we've got our classic dandelion well harvest a few of the heads maybe take a bit of leaf on the leaf look shotty found another fruit-bearing tree an apple tree late in the season I'm surprised there's still apples on the tree but there's some monster apples up there I don't know if I can get my hands on two or three of those that definitely help the cause and safe doesn't seem to be a shortage of food really all right well this is only a small sampling but this is a fantastic plant when it comes to you know harvesting for edibles this is fennel it has a very licorice e taste so you know the tastes almost identical to black licorice I like harvesting that the greens but you know some people are more partial to the stalks and use them in soups to just kind of throw into add flavor but I'll just harvest a few of these that'll give me a little bit of a licorice hint to the meal that I'm about to make they notice - there's some thistle over here and if I get motivated I might just harvest the root off of that you know the top half of the plant is spiky and you don't want to touch it too much but that's not the part you're after that if you can dig the root out it's a substantial size root and it definitely adds some carbohydrates and starches to your meal sweet this is the kind of thing you look for stainless steel container that you could cook boil water that is an a.1 will take that okey know the girl does saris weird people leave things like that lying around all the time well I guess there's so much of it everywhere is pretty the reckon I'll see does he get game I'll take it see what I'm doing bushcraft videos I always do these little scenic shots but this is what you get a scenic when it comes to urban environments I don't know what to say to it like what is joy built either way you normally give thirty seconds of just alert came out and I found this bench in the park I can stop and kind of regroup after finding the steel container I'm just kind of game changer so now I'm gonna get rid of these plastic containers you know that kind of garbage that I had from earlier just desperate to have any type of container I'll keep the water bottles but now I've got two steel containers that I can boil water in that's a real game changer that steps things up it gives you a solid container which is one of the five Cs you've got redundancy within containers which is is great for survivability having the ability to hold and take long large amounts of water for my trip is fantastic as well I'm glad to see that that's kind of come I would like to see that nest inside the other but you know fate and circumstance either way I've gathered up a half decent amount of food when it comes to the things I've gathered moving here they got acorns pears and apples and other greeneries chicory and dandelion and though there's lots of stuff in there there'll be a lot in the pot today the rose hips and those types of things so either way it's a substantial amount of food that I gathered up here it'll be a little bit awkward to have to do off the acorns first and boil them for 20 minutes drain the water off and then we boil them with the food but you know you do what you do right it's I want the proteins and fats that are in that meal but as you can see starting off with an empty bag first thing this morning in just a pocket knife in my hand I've already stepped up to a good container system I've got a cutting tool that sits on my hip I've got a combustion that sits on my hip as well plus I have a lighter in my pocket I'm missing the cover element and I have the ability to make cordage and reproduce it even though I've got some cordage that I brought with me I've got now localized resources that give me the ability to make cordage as well jack is fantastic and making courts even if you just use it without doing all the wrappings even if you just use it as a simple basic lash because you only need it for a day or so jack is a great great plant for that so I'm gonna carry on in my video I just stop like say a bit of sunshine and wanted to kind of take a break and there you know relook at everything that I have and what I need is I move forward you know I always want to have steel containers I want to have cutting tools I want to have cordage I want to have cover and I want to have some way doing combustion those five things are critical elements you must be doing them every single day so the more I can strengthen this you know improv get to be that the easier survivability would be the next day so when it comes to you know urban survival scenarios as you can see the food doesn't seem to be really that big of a deal I mean we're in we're in you know late September now then I'm able to gather these resources readily I could have gathered ten times these and just didn't didn't because you know you want to balance what you take from the land right but as every day goes on in the survival scenario and you strengthen up your five seas and you get those to a comfortable level where they're producing you know the stability for you when your days you move on to other things but and it makes the next day that much easier the main thing really is ensuring that you're gathering in the calories that you're going through in a day you don't want to slowly burn yourself out over the days you must make food one of the biggest priorities in any type of survival scenario yeah there's guys out there they'll start out for three or four days they lose a lot of calories and a lot of energy you have to make your primary focus to try to find 2,000 calories a day every day if you're gonna sustain yourself over time which is a very difficult thing because you're burning calories as you're hunting for food you know like I said in this scenario I believe I've probably gathered up a thousand twelve hundred calories at least here if not more this could potentially turn into two meals for me easily and I could easily gather more as the day went on but you know you're doing YouTube videos you just want to kind of give a showing a tutorial if you will so along the way I found three stones so I'll use them for part of my cooking so and this is one of the Holy Grails if you will of urban survival when you find a community garden this garden has enough food for days quite different food ripening at different seasons so I'm just at one of the local high schools bleachers and I thought this might be a half-decent place to cook lunch just want to start processing down some of these pick up the flesh [Music] but as you can see there's half of a single a coordinate that's a not bad little chunk of protein of that do that to a bunch of them and I'm gonna break it down into little pieces so that they can be boiled off you get the tannins added them to begin with I haven't even gone through all the acorns filters can about two-thirds of the way a person but I didn't bother doing an entire fall camp thought that might be overkill given that I have the other vegetables this is gonna be so I could have carried off crossing these down now the fuel tabs going I'll just use those threes just use those to kind of lift the can up a little bit and and they'll get the fuel tab in underneath it so as far as I understand it to be I should be able to bring this to a boil and have it be at a boil for quite a few minutes I'm just kind of gonna camp out here now and see if I can get some of these tannins out of these II corns well the unfortunate reality is found these fuel tabs that I have are just absolute garbage didn't bring the water up to a boil made it warm but so it's gonna be a lot more work getting the tannins out of there I'm a little bit concerned in that regard I think I'm gonna eat some of the Apple in Para got earlier though got to get some food into me enough but I'm gonna have to figure out an alternative to this whole getting a fire thing going I wanted to in least the tab lasted about seven or eight minutes didn't burn nearly as hard enough to even bring that to a boil so neither way if we're gonna have to adjust the plans now we've got to move forward but one way or the other and just get on with it again I managed to score it's not the hugest thing in the world but either way well get this into me at least and just wait for those rocks to cool down after they kind of pack up move to a different location it's getting busy in this one again so that's uh yes one of those things I'm definitely gonna have to do a quick wander here if I'm gonna move forward with this we'll get in this may corns cooked off I think we're gonna have to go with paper and wood one way or the other back to being mobile yet they say definitely a setback not being able to use those fuel tabs to do the boil off of the water just harvest a couple tomatoes that they go growing out here the Camino Garden legacy I'm not gonna rely on this thing too much I could easily just grab all the food I needed but I do want to kind of push onward and try to figure out how to get to a little wood fire going so I can get my dinner happening here seeing others tarp there there's cover I've seen them all over I know obviously I'm not gonna go and start stealing something off somebody but when it comes to in urban environments trying to find things like cover and cordage and those types of things you know if a citizen that I am I would have already acquired these types of things you know just be mindful and this is more to be a tutorial than anything else if those resources are available if need to be right you know it's obviously you don't want to turn around and liberate anything unnecessarily so I won't but I just wanted to kind of put it in people's minds of you know if you're in a if it hits the shann kind of scenario and and you know you need things to kind of get by you take what you need you know unfortunately that's just how it is but with the shelter concept that I'm thinking of for later on for me I think it's gonna be very elementary very rudimentary of there's there's not really much to it so I don't think I'll need to cover I've decided to head back to the park I stab did that earlier today I think what I'm gonna do is you know the can that I'm using that has the acorns in it I think I'm gonna end up making modifications with my knife to that can to turn it into like a little stove and I just picked up a bit of wood on the way a little bit of paper I'll have to kind of put those in a spot and go grab more so I don't know if I'm gonna be able to cook off my dinner until the sun goes down there's less able to easily see things but either way I've got an agenda worked out for exactly what I'm gonna be doing now so I'm heading back to the park that I was at it's a couple kilometers away from you know where I've traveled a fair bit over the day so you know when I get back to the park I'll look at making this stove and seeing if those wood resources are still there yeah if they are all the better I'll start to process some of those down and compare them for later on so that when the Sun does go down I'm fully ready to just make a fire and cook my dinner okay well this is location we were in earlier today back out by the bathrooms and that kind of thing I've already restocked my water and given the acorns a few flushes of water off in this location but the wood that was sitting here I'm not taking it all but I did kind of get a little pile enough to probably do a cook-off in a few minutes so I'll take this wood as a resource and bring it over to where I want to kind of make my base camp for later on and we'll start to kind of gather resources into that location and that way I'm prepared for later where so we're back at the location where I found the steel can earlier today I think that this might actually be a half-decent place to hole up overnight I know that this area stays dry that's the machine underneath this bench so the wood that I come down by the washrooms just kind of broken process and set some of that in there hopefully that's enough to get a boil off later on I think you said I do plan on turning that one can into a stove either way I'm just gonna leave the wood here at this point in time I'd have to gather up some cardboard like we saw earlier today when I was out scouting around few other things but there's a lot of people in this area right now so I'm not in a big rush for this looks like they have decent amount of cardboard and use that for some bedding so I got back to the location looked at the wood stuff here and the acorns are still in the container in that over there please they grabbed some cardboard just to use to give some insulation to get up off the ground the breeze has definitely picked up in this location but what can you do at this point in time but this this shelter setup helps me avoid not having any cover because it's a solid roof for that to be that's you know it's not an ideal situation but at the same point in time you're dealing with no urban survival / homeless you know survival it's not always ideal but I think think when it came to the food scores that today things have gone really well I'm going to probably start to put the food into the container get that ready start to process there's lots of people but then I know my camera battery life is already starting to get pretty shoddy so I won't keep with really long scenes but hopefully I'll be able to kind of finish this entire video [Music] acorns hit the roof all right well so I ended up with the boat I don't know if you can see that very well but ended up with about a third to half a pot of greens everything from dandelion chicory there's fennel there's all sorts of stuff into it just anything you can imagine then I've got these pears they were a pretty good score I think that'll give some volume to the meal couple tomatoes all right gourds so the thinking really is the acorns will have to be trucked off for 20 minutes in boiling water drain the water off then bring up all the greens to Avoyelles and add the acorns to them let them cook for another 20 minutes or so right before everything's kind of finished in that regard chop up these tomatoes and throw them in there so they just get the you know light blanching almost if you will then the pears are just there to give me a sugar so hold all I think that's a half-decent score so I have one thing I did forget that I even gathered earlier these are really quite a tasty version ellipse I've had many different types of rose hips some of them are sweet some of them aren't that sweet at all and this is one of the sweeter ones it tastes almost like fruit it's really quite tasty I could easily see making this into a jam if a bit of sugar so it's unfortunate I didn't manage to get more yucky in there the video I was hoping to do more with the court agenda blinks but given that my cover was very skinny this time I just couldn't really find much to use as cover that I could have used some garbage nation something I'm not that desperate and the location I am God now should give me enough cover for to sleep through the night without it being an issue so but I'll just show you when it comes to the yucca you know just as a lash so I took those pieces of yucca harvested earlier and then made them into about eight inch strips and you can see extremely strapped well it takes a massive amount of energy to break those I mean that's just for basic lashing and haven't even turned it into rope or anything else to strengthen it so you know I was planning on making some cordage out of this and that kind of thing but with nothing to have to tie down and tie off or any of that business like I would a tarp out in the field it really just seems on this theory at this point in time I do think it's terrible shame that I harvested three pieces of the yucca plant and didn't use it I hate doing that but you know if you're gonna harvest something you should utilize the resource and I might just take it home and turn it into some cordage just at a principle you know but either way as you can see yucca is definitely a a quick lashing that you can use in an urban environment you'll find this plant all over the world ok sorry committed I've got to get my wood stove ready and so I had to take my acorns out and just let them dry and sit there for a bit while I form this can into the stove get ready to cook things so well you can see but put the can therefore kind of context reference of my handy would give you an idea how much food that really is and that's high-calorie food there so you know I'll add that into the stew and definitely boost the meal up might not be the tastiest thing in the world but acorns aren't too bad so you can see I don't get complicated with my stoves I just cut a square out of the side of the can't bend it inwards so it has a bit of slope lifts the wood up a bit and gives it a bit of air underneath the pile I'll end up poking a bunch of holes into the top of it and then just feed the wood in through here oh yeah two more minutes has passed and as you can see that's the stove put a bunch of balls into the top to flip flames to come through along the bottom adding in some additional air bolts of the van sir just enough to make it work you say foot interest lambs come out the done depart on top of that you're off to the races I used to doing videos and urban whatever it's a little bit different working with different types of things but it's very cool I could see having fun doing these such things I do another one to these types of videos into the future we'll see I think say I know it's unfortunate that I'm not showing the cooking of the slop on video I just know what the city's like I know I was as you can see this is very elementary I'm still fairly exposed not like you got a fireplace or anything else I potentially would roll over at my other side and just tuck into the wall and then put my toucan gloves on then just roll into a ball into the wall and just call it break so I'm almost 100% certain you're not gonna catch any of this on the camera but that's okay I figured I'd give a little slop review if you will you can see that at all mold Meccano so out of the things that I threw in there today you know cooked off I would say that the only regret I had for throwing in the pot would be the chicory I think that really any of that stem at all of the chicory in any way should only be baked and used as a coffee substitute you know it just gets two is two cellulose you know they say you can eat all parts of the plant but I think good luck with that it's you know I let it cook as far as I could and and it burns rue whatever I needed to burn through and still found that the hardness of the chicory just wouldn't soften off like everything else the acorns after you know washing him five or ten times and then I did a double change of water on the acorn so I ended up switching everything around and cooking the acorns off first and double water didn't it was a whole little process that went on there but needless to say the acorns turned out okay they they started to mild right off fairly quickly after about a twenty minutes of a boil or so and maybe half an hour that they added to the meal for sure when it came to the tomato I made the mistake had just kind of cutting it up and throwing it in at the end but it just softened off too much I think the flavors would have been better I thought it was going to add to the flavor of the pot of stew if you will but that didn't really and it would have been better to just eat that straight off as it was but like you say the chicory is lesson learned you know I don't mind the dandelion style leaves with the chicory thrown in or maybe the flowers but any part of the stem or whatever needs to be roasted and just treated as a coffee substitute I wouldn't want to use it for anything else really but yeah it kind of gives you my two cents you know I wouldn't say it was the the best food in the world it's not meant to be when you're dealing with urban survival situations you're really primarily want any gay calories into your body you know as it goes for a meal I wouldn't say it's the worst so you know a survival meal I've ever eaten because I've had some nasty things my days but it's also wasn't the best either you know of the the one good part about it was given the diversity of the plants that went into the making of it the nutrition level within that makes was very very high so you know you kind of choke it down knowing that it's good for you not necessarily that it tastes like McDonald's right but I think you say thanks for tuning it I'll probably be doing a more bushcraft oriented one the next time I do one but this was kind of fun it was something different you know I'm not used to just kind of walking about in a city and being like alright well how am I gonna pull this off I think so you know it's tough stuff you kind of think about but you haven't you don't normally get out and do but I thought it was really fun hopefully I get out and do this again Watto slob hit the rose hips out eat them as a treat after just so tasty you didn't want to make some it put the actual meal turning you to nutritionally get you know who's gonna be up early there wasn't ladies like to walk the dog super early in the morning you can see her over there she had to come early that's alright though it's part of the deal that he go through well welcome to my world must be ha ha 636 637 oXXO around there but you can see on the cam there's already multiple footprints and people that have swung by where I've been so it definitely wasn't the quietest place in the world but either way we're here now to start another day right of course you definitely don't want to start the day on an empty stomachs couple pairs will help get the day started you know it's really uh it's a humbling experience coming out and doing things like this that's a need to see how the people live and I've been there before but you could see how people live that are you know in unfortunate situations it's easy enough for people to walk by and you know judge the homeless person and that type of thing but you never have any idea what's going on in their lives I recommend to anybody to get out and try to do this at least once in their life you know maybe two or three times and really see how difficult it is for people to live like this you know it's like I said it's really easy to judge the homeless but you come out and spend a couple days like this and and see how they live and I think you have a whole different perspective on how how these people are you know who these people are and how they're liveth you know it's it's very humbling experience when I was younger I spent years of my life living out in the woods and you know I feel like as you get older you kind of lose touch with what it is to connect with people like that to me it was important to get out and do this type of thing it was important to feel like you know I humble yourself so when it comes to interacting with these peoples you know that are out there in the world you take a humble gentle approach it's the right thing to do so like I said anybody that's even thinking about doing something like this go and do it it'll make you a better person it's good for you you know people might laughed I might think whatever they want to thank but for your soul and your your spiritual development it's a good thing to do I hope you enjoyed the show thanks for watching Cheers
Channel: Frank Bush
Views: 36,524
Rating: 4.7849464 out of 5
Keywords: survival, self reliance, primitive skills, survival camp, urban survival, homeless challenge, city survival, urban foraging, homeless skills, hobo living, tin can stove, yucca cordage, cardboard bedding, acorn processing, plant foraging, water gathering
Id: AwxrnhIQLug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 51sec (3651 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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