Uptown Downstairs Abbey Part One | Red Nose Day - BBC

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Oh my gosh it has Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley! I love it!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/luckyratfoot 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

This had me laughing! Thanks for the share!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/skidmore101 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/okolebot 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
step into uptown downstairs Eddie and little library drawing room dining room back passage lobby and the gift shop the story of a house divided our stems like a graceful swan on the water above the waterline everything is very stately and serene while downstairs the feet are paddling a little smarter whilst at the same time real historical events are happening the morning papers milady milord freshly I am little less starts tomorrow please Carter yes the Titanic is sunk can it possibly be true I never imagined such a thing in these period drama times around the time of the Titanic the heir to Uptown downstairs Leonardo DiCaprio was on that damn boat and is almost inevitably drowned right at the end from an oscar-winning writer of something similar I don't know really how I came to write this so brilliantly apparently Oscar Oscar the new heir to the throne that Roberts new head that the hair on Roberts flew what is it the new heir is Roberts third cousin you think it's very complicated he's a lawyer or a doctor or an architect or something yeah how common I felt Lady Mary Zia girls aren't in Herod's stupid try me bow in his scripting to the likes of Johnny nobody from knowing on Thames not on your Nelly Oh Charlie remind you to remember who Riya but a good servant retains a sense of Pride and Prejudice at all times Oh Nellie I'll ask you good to keep your tone take my shot in the future before you go sounding off about Johnny's you've not even met on my honor so I will is that lipstick you're wearing mrs danvers just a little gloss her leadership doesn't fine oh I'm so evil didn't you care about upstairs dance yes sir town of stand up stand top ranking robbers of course I care but who will inherit this house and my sex in the city millions we should be able to pass it on to our oldest daughter Mary I love you Mary hard as it is for an Englishman to say those words in this era but there's nothing to be done it's just a bit of silliness some posh isn't there I hate the word servants downstairs friends and then somehow it just happens as if by magic one big poor Fionn there it is on my telly jolly clever allow me to introduce Carter the butler but mrs danvers' the housekeeper ma'am yes it is a challenge to play the housekeeper and actually I was quite surprised to be cast in this role you see with this face I mean I think it's just difficult for the viewers to see Miss housekeeper lady of the house yes housekeeper O'Brien yeah Thomas the evil footman oh hello gorgeous house maid under made over made teas made milk made lovely homemade yes it's me then if you character made in China she's not here at the moment obviously and finally mermaid oh and now my man Bates don't know you from Blockbuster cream chest hi mom same character I've a little bit of a limp this time and finally my family my wife lady Grantham and my dear daughters my word there's a lot of you how'd you keep up there's a precis at the beginning of each episode four idiots my daughter Mary daughter number two well thanks a lot and my youngest prettiest political daughter I really cool to meet you and last but by no means least my mother or should we call each other well why don't we start with Dame Maggie Smith you won't change me speak now the music has started yeah there's the scene yet you'll soon get used to our ways mr. crawler one of the great things about this piece is that so much of it is done with looks not only is it marvelous to be able to really play the subtext of the piece but also it means us poor actors don't have to learn so many bloody lines okay everyone done all their looks yes well let's go through them bah Lovelace I didn't know how I'd do it at a time when the whole world was changing tragedy strikes in the kitchen what is it Carter there's a scratch on this spoon we must get to the bottom of it you
Channel: BBC
Views: 3,362,515
Rating: 4.8617449 out of 5
Keywords: Uptown Downstairs Abbey, Upstairs Downstairs, Downton Abbey, Jennifer Saunders, Joanna Lumley, Harry Enfield, Victoria Wood, Olivia Coleman, Dale Winton, Kim Cattrall, Simon Callow, Red Nose Day, 2011, BBC, Comic Relief Night, funny, sketch, spoof, parody, iPlayer, comedy sketch, BBC Comedy, funny videos, United Kingdom, British TV, British TV Shows, British Charity
Id: r5dMlXentLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2011
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