Upgrading World’s BIGGEST BEE

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so today we start out as a little kitty and the mission is to consume everything in my sight that's at least smaller than me if I touch this little cockroach here I believe I die oh no I just can't eat it so I have to stick to eating all these small things each time I eat I get a little bit bigger so as you can see I'm almost as big as the Cockroach I'm of just bowling him around hey get out of my way idiot and then whatever this thing is here that's a croissant So eventually I'll be big enough to eat that oh it has my size in the top left corner so when I eat this it will increase there it goes oh these are peas okay so now I am oh that's a rat watch out so now I'm big enough to eat whatever that is a cockroach so I'm now two ctim inside will he actually eat oh okay he does attack me and my health is in the top right corner and each time I eat my health is going up okay so we're just going to get really big and hopefully consume the entire universe because we've been bad to the planet us humans don't deserve to live let's let the kitties take over sounds like a good plan I agree these cockroaches are getting smaller and smaller or rather I'm just getting bigger and bigger get in my belly thank you oh man I'm almost as big as the the mouse ow I'm sorry my health is up to almost 1,600 so the mouse really doesn't do that much damage let's see if he'll still hurt me okay so he still hurts me it's really rude of him also why as a cat am I starting out smaller than a cockroach that doesn't really make a lot of sense and why am I clicking I can just hold down the mouse and then my fingers won't break oh I just ate the mouse I thought it was going to do damage to me but I'm now big enough to eat mice come here get in my belly okay I oh so we just got a nice zoom out who okay watch out for the knife all right so the world is now changing we have zoomed out as you can see and eventually I'm hoping these mice will be humans and I can eat them I'm not a nice kitty can I eat the croissants yet I really want to eat it hey stop hiding there stupid Mouse all right let me eat the croissant come on 9.7 m I bet I have to be about 10 cm and then I can eat it nope but I'm much bigger than the mice now ow okay don't hit the knife what about the bottle the bottles don't hurt me but the knives are sharp wait it says I can eat the knife okay yep just put that knife in my body ooh I can eat the croissant as well perfect and we are just cleaning up this kitchen oh I can also eat glass that's good to know I'm now uh 16 cm dude I'm just eating everything now oh my gosh okay oh that's a human okay good I hope I can eat that waiter soon come here out of my way I can now eat the bagette okay so we're getting to the point in the game where I can I'm starting to consume everything give me a couple of minutes here and I'll soon be eating these waiters and cooks and stuff like that and then hopefully the entire city come here okay no I can bully around the waiters I just can't eat them yet you're in my way oh look it's a guest or a patron here can I eat you please I'm going to bite off her ankles oh I just ate the waiter okay I I wasn't expecting that that early I don't know how I'm able to consume the weiter like okay well I feel like I'm a lot smaller than humans I'm only 37 CM that's I don't know I don't even think that's that big I'm not European freaking Euros anyway let's just get back to eating waiters I can't eat the guest that's dumb let me eat the guest please all right well I think we're almost done with the level the orange bar is filling up and I'm just murdering humans oh I can eat the chair okay so uh can I eat the person sitting in the chair why yes I can goodbye thank you make sure you tell your friends about my lovely restaurant and my beautiful kitty okay and last chair and we win so why did I only get one star how do I get these other two stars I wish I knew but let's head on to uh level two leave the streets okay so we left the restaurant after murdering everyone we're just going to eat a poodle thank you and another poodle and okay this human just kicked me watch yo stop kicking me bro I can't wait till I'm big enough to eat him also these guys on bikes will be eaten for now I have to settle with stupid poodles and that's okay because poodles are a very annoying animal oh I can eat the humans now yeah come here yep you're dead I can't wait until I can eat the buildings I will consume the actual restaurant that I started in I'm going to eat the entire building all the concrete the steel the copper wiring the oven that's really hot I don't care I'm going to eat it oh these people in green shirts are they're tourists yeah thanks for coming to my city hey cyclist get out of the way yeah freaking cyclist are so annoying think you own the streets look at he's riding in the middle of the street yeah get out of here you're not allowed to ride in my city we're an anti-bike City okay take your stupid bike somewhere else go back to Europe with it imagine being a European oh I can eat trees now well this is awesome oh I'm sorry they're they're bushes and we're about done with the level and we're just going to finish off with some tourist perfect okay two stars please oh we almost got three stars excellent waiter there's a giant cat in My Soup that's the name of level three oh we're back in the restaurant and we start out as at only 12.5 CM that's a scam okay let's quickly uh eat all these croissants I don't know why I'm back here I thought I was getting big enough to take over the world and eventually eat planet Earth and put an end to all of this suffering so what I'm going to do is just run around quickly consume everything that's on the ground and then it'll be big enough to eat all of the waiters there's actually a lot of them in this restaurant okay I can finally eat the waiters and we're not even halfway through the level so I feel like we're going to be big enough to eat the oven and then maybe the whole building okay these humans are really filling me up get in there and you're dead you're never going home to your mother cat's actually getting huge okay what can I eat now we're about halfway through the there we go we're going through the whole Kitchen come here get in my belly I move really fast in this game okay we can also eat the chairs oh we have the patrons okay let's make sure we eat all of them maybe you get Stars based on how fast you beat the levels I don't know but eating all these chairs is going to take a really long time unless you do it like that that's called speedr Running eating Society I'm now 1 M long so I'm really not that big I'm only like 3 ft wide come here please thank you meters is one of those weird like European forms of measure freaking Europeans I'm glad this game takes place in Europe because I can't wait to eat all of Europe oh good I can eat the ovens now and everything in the kitchen okay we're about 2 m so this is perfect just going to run around the side here eat everything over here make sure we eat the uh ovens in the middle and we should uh beat the level okay there we go did I get three stars that's not it there is a Time bonus though I saw it okay level four somewhere beyond the streets okay this is what I'm talking about okay we just run out of the restaurant we immediately eat cyclist just kidding we eat the Paris the pon okay good we're in Paris no wonder well this is now my favorite game ever we get to destroy France and after it all of Europe and everybody's going to be happy because Europe is cringe come here okay I just ate the Street Lamp I just thought I'd point that out I'm big enough for Street lamps now even though I'm only 92 CM I think that means I'm 3 m oh I can eat bushes good and the stupid cyclist get off of my streets am I big enough for the cars I don't think so and I I don't want to get hit by them yet they probably do a lot of damage okay I think I'm almost big enough for a car there we go okay we're not big enough for the car but we are going to eat all the bushes because it's really fun oh we got more street over here so I'm definitely going to be able to eat the entire building I can't wait this level just gets bigger and bigger okay we're big enough to bump the stupid cars out way yeah get out of here stupid Pon is that how you say it I don't know anyway I just got to eat these Street lamps I need to get big enough to eat the cars that's my next very important Mission we're not even halfway done on this level okay we're not going to get a good time bonus here what am I missing little kitty I think there's stuff over here okay we got Street lamps on this side that I need to eat almost big enough for a car oh look I'm finally big enough for the car yep just killed a family of four nobody is sad because there's nobody to report the crime oh I can eat the outside of the buildings as well that's a good sign I'm also 4 and 1/2 m long definitely a big kitty I can eat the trees and I just grew again okay yes this is great we're eating the streets of Paris I want to eat the Eiffel Tower where is it let me consume that disgusting Tower it's so ugly but first I got to destroy nature take out all the oh good okay literally like a thousand people just died all right y okay we just destroyed this the the beginning of the city so this is really good we got a decent time bonus not great CI bomon whatever that means the chocolate macarons are poisoned eat them to save the day what okay uh we have to eat chocolate ones okay so avoid the colorful ones wait what is this level I was really excited to destroy Paris that level was really stupid we're Back Where I Belong out in the city wait I think this car just okay the cars are running over the citizens they don't know what to do they see this okay well everyone's just murdering now the entire City's in a state of panic people just don't know what to do so they're running over their own citizens actually they're not citizens they're tourists so actually that makes sense because the French don't like Outsiders so they're just running over all the tourists I big enough for cars yet come on finally I can eat the cars all right all right I don't care about the uh little tourist running around anymore cuz cars usually contain more than one human sometimes especially if it's a minivan then it might be an entire family I get to eat them all right destroy nature because it's always really fun get the tree in the middle it's really yeah get it out of here stupid ugly tree and we beat the level tour day bagette okay good is this wait what we're on the tour to France okay so we get the ruin their little cycling race it's a silly thing the the French do every year I don't know why they do it but not to worry I am here to ruin it just got to eat all these cant and then eventually I can eat the baguette okay I can now eat the baguettes can't wait till I can eat these cyclist that's my favorite thing in the world excuse me I am here to ruin your race oh good I'm big enough to eat the cyclist now yeah get out of here stop do not race I will consume you okay one more cyclist and we should win come here yes oh no it's the flicks what what does that mean oh look I'm already bigger than a human perfect but I'm not at the Eiffel Tower yet and that makes me kind of sad so let's quickly get through this level consume all of the bushes all of the humans of course these are like miniature humans okay okay I think I got all the humans on this side am I big enough for the vehicles oh wait we got to eat all the humans over here remove them from the Jean Pool it's always nice to do saving the world the less humans the better all right I think I can finally eat cars oh yeah come here that was a police officer oh yeah I should get bonus points for that easy three stars baby Fast Food Cafe a foreign restaurant is buying all the okay we got to eat all the red ones hey stop buying up oh if I eat a car I I get in trouble oh sorry I'm not really sorry I mean I want to eat all the humans why am I being punished okay these bonus levels are really cringe just let me eat people there's a zombie outbreak oh okay so apparently I have to let the humans live yeah see if I get in trouble for eating this stupid human man that's slim I want to eat the people hey stop eating the people that stupid cop he was shooting them no I want to eat them let me eat I can't let the police take my glory I hear a cop what's dude cop stop freaking eating my humans who shooting my zombies stop it okay they keep spawning I don't care if I take damage I do not want Cops shooting the zombies they're for me to shoot or eat and there we go we'll always have Paris okay hopefully I get to eat the entire city this time why do I start out small well the good news is I'm blowing up really quickly this is the last level for the mouse feel like it's going to take a while because this orange bar has barely moved so I'm hoping we get to get so big that we eat the entire city that's what I'm hoping I know that's what you've been waiting for don't worry oh I'm big enough to eat the mouse good and now we grow okay we're at this yeah so we're pretty much going to do uh the entire city I believe that's awesome and I'm finally big enough for the butcher knives and croissants all right come on let me grow again do a zoom out let me consume the waiters there we go not big enough for the waiters yet but we're going to get there in a few seconds just hold tight folks just got to eat a few more empty wine bottles that the patrons are throwing on the ground it's really rude okay there we go we can finally eat the waiters canot eat the guests yet they're a little bit fatter but this human that's running away he'll fatten me up pretty quickly okay good we can eat the chairs and dude how can I not eat the guest come on one eater there we go that makes me happy I like how the Cat purs every once in a while he's just having so much fun here at eating everything in sight I can't say I blame him it is really fun I can't oh oh we just broke out okay time to go into the streets of Paris and eat everything once again including the uh the cyclist right there that always makes me happy puts a big smile on my face you should see it right now we're not even halfway through the level I'm so excited to see how big we're going to get we can now eat the trees we can eat the uh the little umbrellas here almost big enough for the cars and that's when the fun really begins look at this we're just oh yeah zoom out baby keep zooming out take me to the edge of the city I need to eat Eiffel Tower that is the mission once I consume the Eiffel Tower the little kitty will go to bed he'll be happy and then he'll wake up tomorrow and do it again with another city probably Rome because that city is a hot smelly mess I can Now consume vehicles and awnings as well and we're not even halfway done I can't wait to zoom out again and see how big I get it's going to be so much fun oh there we go yes okay we're going to be eating a apartment building soon I'm talking so fast because I get really excited oh my gosh we're just huge okay come on let me I got to break in got to break in oh yeah come on oh yeah baby eat all those trees oh yeah let me eat the building place I can feel it I'm so close and come on oh yes finally an entire block of citizens consumed oh yeah oh yeah baby this one I'm time we are really zooming out now all these classic communities hundreds of years old now being absolutely obliterated by a cat that's right folks a kitten did all of this don't judge the little kitty he's just hungry and they weren't feeding him when he asked to be fed so he took matters into his own hands oh yep another zoom out good okay there's the wall we just ate a there's give me Cel Tower put in my mouth come on I need to eat it don't worry folks I will get bigger let me eat the bridge good can I cross the water I cannot cross the water yet all right it says I can eat the Eiffel Tower hold on I just want to murder the entire population first so let me get through this level wait how do I cross I need to cross the water I don't think I can cross okay we just zoomed out again okay can I cross the okay good now I can cross the water and all right Eiffel Tower it's time for you to get eaten bam yeah yeah we got the Eiffel Tower I'm so happy you suck Paris just going to eat your entire C there's going to be nothing left oh yeah zoom out again that's what I'm talking about oh yeah I can't wait to eat all of Europe okay well we cause so much damage the meter is actually full but okay there we go yep Paris has just been absolutely obliterated the entire world is Happy nobody's angry and I can now unlock the octopus level yay but you know what there's bonus levels oh I need more stars I only have 22 so this means I have to I think beat the levels a little bit faster then I get more stars and I can unlock a bonus level I'm playing through the first level I'm going to speedrun through this first level and let's see if I can get three stars ow how did I do yay but still not enough to unlock the bonus level and I just realized that if I get three stars on every single level I will only have 34 Stars which isn't even enough to unlock the first one so that means I got to play the octopus levels so let's Jump On In just got whacked in the head by a can that's so mean okay we so we start off really small on the bottom of the ocean we're just eating little what do they call those pop tabs on soda cans not really sure but are there any families swimming to consume no oh that's a big fish I just want to be big enough to eat a scuba diver and then I'll be Satisfied for today so come on let's pick up all cigarette butts down here who knew that they would make me bigger can I eat that that's not it oh I can eat the bottle caps at the top so let's eat all of these and now I can eat the bottle caps that have sunk to the bottom the metal ones can I eat the plast dude come on oh the the ble caps respawn oh I can also hop out of the water wee look at this guy oh I can eat the trash just floating around this is actually really good for the environment which doesn't make me happy I'm trying to destroy the environment that's my mission in life what even are these little balls I mean oh good we zoomed out okay so now I can eat plastic straws and more metal balls on the bottom of the sea and then we got a Starbucks cup that's cringe it was probably left there by a middle-aged Karen she ordered a Cinnamon Dolce Latte and then just threw it into the ocean ow it's got prickly Pines or what whatever they're called stop trying to pinch me okay this little like okay that guy he's actually eating the fish as well he's making my job harder I'm kind of upset about it I can't wait till I'm big enough to eat them I will find your sea family I will destroy your sea family okay I can finally eat the the soda cans that are on the bottom of the sea okay bro stop eating my fish you're making me frustrated oh good I can finally eat the Starbucks cups and the glass bottles on the bottom and that soda thing I don't know what those are called but they're very bad for the ocean birds get stuck in them makes me really sad but we did zoom out there's a toilet and is that a beanie okay I want to eat the beanie hey get away I'm going to be big enough really soon and that's a seagull I want to eat it come on let me eat this okay good finally eat these stupid P yeah get out of here how do you like that how you're eating my fish and now I'm eating you so take that oh great we have a bigger fish go away please but I will soon be big enough to eat you I can eat the seagull oh okay come here come here he's just okay there we go a redf footed booby you said What Now what's red footed I have to get a little bit of like jumping where I have to go down and then up and then I get a lot of air so it's a skillful move look yeah and then good into my belly oh good I can eat the plastic bag and I also just ate the beanie I want to eat the toilet I bet it's the last thing I'm able to consume but there's also a barrel oh I can eat you okay good a pair of fish oh I can eat the tire good can I eat the red Barrel no it's really big but I'm now a massive octopus much bigger than the seagulls or I'm sorry the red footed booby oh I was about to eat the toilet no how was my time okay that was just a terrible run and so you know what we're going to end the video there next time I hope to consume a scuba diver
Channel: VitaminDelicious
Views: 58,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DpGBje7qP_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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