Upgrading to SharePoint 2013 (Tutorial)

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hello everyone we are ready to get fired up here with let's play with upgrading from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 I hope you are all excited a couple logistical things here before we get going too far first off the most important I think is you can definitely ask questions during the webinar so you are all muted so it won't be any yelling or cell phones over me but there is a questions box in the GoToWebinar tool so you all have access to post questions there I will try and keep my left eye on those as we go through the presentation so if you have any questions or you want to tell me that hey I'm you know talking too loud or anything crazy like that you can definitely provide that feedback in the question section and I will respond to those kind of as we go throughout the webinar also this webinar will be recorded I did remember hit the record button good job Shane so with the recording that will be available within 24 hours of this webinar and so what will happen is once the webinar finishes I will take the recording a hit process on it and then I will upload it to the web you will be able to access that recording through the same link that you got into this webinar with today so if you go back to that same registration link you put in your email address and it or know that you already registered and then from there it will give you access to see the recording once I've uploaded it but that will be you know like I said give me 24 hours to get it up out there before I do that so cool all right well that was all my logistical stuff so let's dive in here real quick just as a reminder my name is Shane Young I am as part of the SharePoint 9-1-1 team I chose the owner of the SharePoint 9-1-1 team back before we were acquired by Rackspace so now we are all officially rockers and so you know we kind of bought data services and meaning capabilities we had to an already spectacular hosting arm that Rackspace had for SharePoint kind of have a nice all upload group so that's us I am a SharePoint Server MVP I have been one of those for I think I just had my eighth renewal so that really just you know it doesn't mean I'm smart coincidentally I am good-looking but what it really means is that I'm a very vocal voice out in the community I do a lot of things like book writing speaking at conferences and that type of stuff there's my email address if you want to get a hold of me or you can always Twitter tweet me if you want those people that likes to waste time on Twitter like the rest of us do so all of that fun stuff is available and there's a link to my blog all right so that's me no one cares so we're going to hop into a upgrade and actually there's a question out there already but that question I'm going to hold that until we get to that section but yes I will answer that one so we're going to happen here to upgrade so some things we need to know in general we're going to do here is we can kind of go through we're going to talk through some slides here and then once we get through the slides the second half will all be demo of me actually doing an upgrade for you and kind of walking you through how that works with gistic alee so all right so things you need to understand about your 2013 or 2010 to 2013 upgrade first off is that 2010 to 2013 cannot be installed on the same server so in the previous editions we could do in-place upgrades or even way back in time we could do a gradual or side-by-side upgrade that is not the case anymore in SharePoint 2013 you will have to do a fresh install of SharePoint 2013 on some new hardware and then once you've done that then we're going to take the databases or content databases from our 2010 farm and we're going to attach those to 2013 farm if you're unfamiliar with how to install or configure a 2013 SharePoint farm then I actually did a webinar on that yesterday that was recorded and if you look out either at the list of webinars pay it's on Rackspace or if you look at my blog you'll see a link to that along those supporting documentation so you could build out your own farm yeah me pulling double duty this week doing two webinars your SharePoint 2010 content has to be at Artie emulator the reason I put that is because it to go from 2007 to 2010 you had to be at service pack 2 or later so this time around as long as you're in service at RT M you'll be able to upgrade now truth be told you know that being a good admin that I am I would not fail our mention to you that you should be applying the service packs or you should be at least at Service Pack 1 for your SharePoint 2010 farm today right there's no reason not to be at Service Pack 1 there's a bunch of cumulative updates after that you know I can make arguments for and against those as I consider optional but getting this latest and greatest service pack is always very important also as you start to look out there that new topology if you used office web applications in your 2010 farm those office web applications in 2013 are now on their own farm so Office Web Apps and SharePoint cannot be installed on the same server so you might have to plan for some additional hardware generally speaking when I think about upgrade I think that most most farms will probably end up with one additional server after the upgrade is done you know whether it's you need a new server to account for Office Web Apps or you're taking advantage of you know new feature X or Y I can just see that most SharePoint farms I think will probably grow by one server now let's not let's say if you today have everything on one box and it's running fine you know you might be fine again with one box because you've got plenty of excess or excess cap capacity there but you know my people they've got three and four and five server farms that have spread out the roles they like to be able to scale and you know kind of have some isolation I think you're going to see adding at least another server to your farm add manage paths manually before attaching databases so in 2010 by default you get the site's manage path right so you create site collections either the root of the web app or an underscore site or sorry or either at the forward slash site /url space that sites is called a managed path that is obviously over in SharePoint 2013 but if you are the type of company that created additional manage path so you have a managed path name for departments or customers or projects or who knows what crazy managed path you did maybe for your favorite Star Wars character if that's the case then you'll need to pre create those manage paths in SharePoint 2013 by hand before you are upgrading your databases if you don't the upgrade won't fail it's more the case that the upgrade will do really weird things with your URLs so set those up ahead of time when you're looking at your web app and you're like hey I've got a hundred different site collections here across ten different databases where do I start you always upgrade the database with a root site collection first right so the root site collection once represented by the forward slash that site collection should be in the first content database that you do is a base attached for the reason for that is SharePoint always references that root site collection no matter where you're at in the web app for some controls and things like that so SharePoint will not behave correctly unless there's a root site collection in place and in the last little point they are try to use the same URLs if in 2010 you're using portal contoso column in 2013 you really want to try and stick with portal contoso com technically speaking you can attach a Content database to an entirely new URL and it will work the problem becomes as things like alerts the URLs for alert to wrong and you know all the things you hard-coded in navigation or wrong and oh it looks like you had this document with hard coded files those are all wrong and you just end up these cascading errors most of the time when I find people are changing their URL they don't have a good reason I go well the last one was intranet so we're gonna call this intranet - why I don't know it's the second internet that is not worth the pain and suffering of changing URLs you know if you've got to make the change we can accommodate it we can deal with it no problem but if you avoid it use the same URL question here go ahead and take that I think it fits now do custom solutions like a custom web part made for SharePoint 2010 upgrade without any errors to SharePoint 2013 so Lisa your answer your question there is usually yes what you'll see is that you know most features and solutions that were created for SharePoint 2010 will just continue to work in SharePoint 2013 now there are some caveats to that right and a lot of times as caveats are because you you know we're using some type of functionality that either integrated and a little too deeply so for example a custom master page from 2010 could have been part of your solution if that's the case the branding aspects of SharePoint 2013 are completely different so that is not going to work right because the whole the whole difference in the the branding and UI model if you just made a web part that says Shane is awesome and you know because they thought that was appropriate for the home page of your internet then absolutely that'll work so no problems there so it depends but you're saying that yours is a custom slideshow web part I would guess I I mean obviously I know nothing about it it's called the custom slideshow web part I I would say that you've probably got a good chance of it working the nice thing is is once you know if you use the webinar from yesterday to build a test farm and then use the webinar from today it's pretty easy for you to test it out ahead of time and see what happens so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you max asks a question can you consume Office Web Apps 2013 with your SharePoint 2010 farm max unfortunately the answer is no so Office Web Apps in 2013 are a separate farm and so that separate forum allows them integrate with SharePoint 2013 Exchange 2013 or Lync 2013 and it's all exposed through a new API called the wah P or W OPI interface one of the caveats of the Office Web Apps for SharePoint though is that your SharePoint 2013 web app has to be using claims authentication for Office Web Apps to work so I know that 2010 could do claims authentication but unfortunately the Office Web Apps herbs completely different this time around so SharePoint 2010 cannot consume your 2013 Office Web Apps sorry about that alright so great questions so far definitely guys as you we go through this webinar feel free to put questions out there it's you know a lot more interesting when I answer the question you want instead of you just listen near the things I want to talk about so alright next slide when it comes for upgrades there's really only one valid method the database attached right back in 2007 we had three methods gradual in place and database attached in 2010 we had two methods upgrade and database attached 2013 we just have database attached so like it says makes for an easy slide because there is only one way to do upgrades this time around so here are the different supported databases now when I think about a database attached upgrade I'm gonna be real honest I'm really thinking about content right if you ever heard like one of my backup talks when I think about backups it's the same thing always thinking about content because contents the thing that decides whether or not I get fired right well they get the CEO spreadsheet back or this vacation photos back from is my site I'm not going to get too much trouble so I do upgrade I kind of have the same philosophy long as all my user data really works you know things like I have to go manually set the secure store backup you know that's work for me to do but no one's going to be mad at me while I do that we're except maybe my wife who's like one or two at home eating dinner so anyway I generally think a database attached for just content databases but you can absolutely do your business data a catalog database your managed metadata your performance point your secure store your User Profile database your search if you've got projects early new project server databases right we can attach all of these different ones the thing I would tell you is that if your managed metadata term store is empty in 2010 why we database attached upgrading it at 2013 that's what I thought no good reason so you'll notice for a secure store you will need the passphrase again hopefully you wrote that guy down or have a way to get it back or you don't have a way to set it again the user profile database there's three databases there's the sink the profile and the social the profile the social database will upgrade the sink database does not but that's okay because there's no user data in the sink database that's just kind of like the logs or the processing and stuff that happens holders there so a new sink database will get created when you do that and then for search your index not gonna get upgrade your property databases are going to get updated you can upgrade that the admin content database for Search Search is a radically different tool in SharePoint 2013 the topology is different the infrastructure is different you know it's that whole idea that the fast and SharePoint got together and had a search baby so you know I think it was search I'm I'm going to encourage people to start over right because there's a lot of uh new bells and whistles there I don't want them bring it over a bunch of old ways of doing things without thinking I'm doing a new platform so but it will upgrade just my opinion you know don't do it unless you got a really good reason so quick question on that so you lose all manage properties during upgrade um I don't know I saw under my honest right full disclosure here I have not upgraded search anything at this point it's all my list of to do's and kind of heads down writing at the 2013 uh 800 page SharePoint admin book at the moment and I do not have the search chapters I've not done that um but I I would think that all you manage properties are in the admin database I don't know max don't don't hold me any of this but I think that that's part of what's in the admin database so you might be able to get it but then again if I think about it more as part of the index or the property store which probably means you wouldn't get them so I I'm not positive um how about a fast upgrade same type of thing we we knew we had let's see what I have I think I ended up with three customers who actually deployed faster production and none of them have actually said anything about upgrade yet so I've not looked at how you would upgrade fast I would be shocked if you can take any of the pieces of fast and do the upgrade I'm going to bet that you're you know just goes back to search is so radically different this time that I don't know how they accounted for people who had fast in the last version so sorry I'm not more help there I just don't know the answer neither of those questions so sorry this is usually the part where Todd would jump in and mock me for getting not knowing the answers to questions I'm glad he's not here today alright so over here on the slides for authentication um claims is dominant so that is another big change for us we have to kind of consider when we go start looking at upgrade is in SharePoint 2010 I'd say eighty or ninety percent of people used classic mode authentication which was just good all ntlm you know the same authentication we've been using since SharePoint 2003 um but with that said in SharePoint 2010 sorry SharePoint 2013 now the real version of authentication that we need to be using is aimes authentication so that will become the new default and standard if you look in the UI it's the only option in the UI you have to use PowerShell to create a web app that doesn't do claims authentication so when we start um uh when you start doing the claim stuff you when you do your database attach your database will still be classic mode and so there will be a mismatch there so when you do the database attach you're going to have to either create your uh you're going to have to migrate everything to claims so there's still a lot of debate we haven't made our minds up yet whether it's better to migrate your 2010 web app from classic to claims or if it's better to migrate your or to do the upgrade and then once it's upgraded so do the upgrade is classic mode and then once it's upgraded in 2013 go from classic to claims with both are acceptable methods we I can give you pros and cons of each I just don't know which one's going to be the norm but I think a lot of people are going to have to go through that me personally I'm currently leaning towards doing the upgrade from 2010 to 2013 is classic and then once I've done the upgrade using the 2013 tools to switch from classic to claims because I don't want to go and mess with my 2010 farm is my thought process there so um quick question apologies so you mentioned that the previously had a blog post on the farm install what's the URL it's just on the home page of my blog so it's MSM VPS comm slash HTTP MSM VPS comm slash Shane and then right there view my install SharePoint 2013 webinar and so here's a link to the presentation and here's a link to the PowerPoint deck so alright so continuing along our upgrade story no more pre upgrade checks so Oh n'stuff you know used to be in 2007 we could run a tool STS ATM - Oh pre upgrade check that did a good job of telling us you know whether our 2007 form was healthy or not and so it could do an upgrade I can tell you that I love that tool like it was my own sibling when 2010 didn't have it out of the box I was a little sad but I thought they would reintroduce it later before we tried to upgrade to 2013 they have decided that they will not so instead the only option you have is this lovely little command called test SP content database - name your content database and then - web app so that command that we used and I'll show you I'll run that for you here in just a second when we start the demo that command works in - on your 2010 or your 2013 forum and it gives you an idea of missing features and dependencies and things like that but I just don't get the same warm and fuzzy from it because it's not digging in there and really looking at you know how much data do I have how is it structured where my large list and that type of stuff so that's kind of sad anyway features and solutions so as we mentioned earlier for Lisa right 2010 stuff mostly just works in a perfect world you did everything as a WSP a solution package you should be able to take that same solution package grab it in your 2010 form and go dump it in your 2013 farm bam oh bam oh all that same functionality available so I do have a handy dandy blog post there that will show you how to run a PowerShell script that will dump your all the solutions out of your farm into a folder and another command that will take a look at that folder and then force all those solutions into your 2013 farm so if you're interested in that so another question here upgrading SharePoint 2007 to 2010 files that were still checked out calls the document library they were in not to upgrade is that an issue as well one for 2010 to 2013 um I have never seen that issue I mean I remember hearing about it in the real early days the upgrade I think one of the way patches fix that so that you know upgrade to survive that and not fail on it so I would be very surprised if that problem is still present but to be honest I haven't tested against it so I don't know good question though you can tell you've got some upgrade scars all right so upgrading a database so there are the two commands we're going to use if you listen to one of my webinars from upgrading 2007 2010 this is the same exact commands those are the same exact is the same slide I just copy the slide from the old deck so nothing has changed about it so we're going to dive into that here in just a moment and actually look and do one of those let's see yeah you know what I think this slide sorry for the flipping ahead there I think that's a good point let's jump over here let's go play with upgrade so real quick lay of the land on my farm is a SharePoint 2013 farm obviously you can see it's in the contoso domain and I actually have a four server farm so I have a dedicated domain controller dedicated sequel server dedicate sharepoint server and then a dedicated Office Web Apps server because it's required and then I have a separate windows 8 client here to kind of torment all the environment as I play with things ok so the first step I'm actually going to do we jump over to the sequel server and on my sequel server I have this claims for Todd back file so that is a backup file that I created in my 2010 a farm that had no relation to this farm whatsoever so we're going to grab that we're actually going to upgrade it to SharePoint 2013 so the first step is to restore it over here in sequel so I am using Windows Server 2012 so that UI is probable different than I used to I have a I have decided to embrace that and deal with that particular pain and suffering so the sooner you do it the sooner you're better off you're going to because it is weird working with Windows Server in this capacity so I'm going to do start and then start menu I've got the sequel server management studio we are using sequel server 2012 we connect the database engine and then under databases here I'm going to right click and look at that nice built form with no good names yay am i right click here and I'm going to say I want to restore database for I'm going here and click the devices and then I'm going to click file and add here hope you know what and I need to get that file off my desktop I can never get it off my desktop hang on sorry cut that put my C Drive install paste it right here by the venture works there we go sorry about that ok so right click databases restore database from device click the little ellipse file and add and then we're going to scroll up and find our install folder and our install folder we've got the claims for top back file click OK click OK and so then here it's like hey I was originally named WSS content or square claims you want to keep that name I do not we're going to do Santa Claus I don't know why just because it's the holiday season so check the box everything looks good so we'll click OK boom the database has been restored successfully so there it is so the next thing we'll do is over here on SharePoint I'm logged in a SharePoint install so that's the account I need to run my PowerShell ass so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go down here to security and then logins and then find my buddy SharePoint install and the under user mapping I'm going to make sure that he has DB owner of the Santa Claus database I if not I'll get a bunch of weird upgrade error or not 9 weird errors just errors of access denied so either the account you're going to run the power show we're about to do out these be essay for sequel or you need to do this step so excuse me so there's that okay so now the database is over here in sequel server so now we'll go over here to SharePoint from it now in SharePoint before the webinar this afternoon I created a portal web app so or not sorry not portal an upgrade web app upgrade contoso com just using regular claims authentication in ntlm and then if we go into application management and we click on manage content databases change our web app to our friend upgrade you'll see that there is one database associated with it there's currently no site collections in there that's because when I created the web app I had to give it a database so I always named it delete so I know so I'm going to click on that I must say remove this content database click OK so now my web app is empty and to be a good little citizen I'm gonna go over to my sequel server I'm going to find that delete database I'm going to right click on it and say delete and then say ok here didn't have to do that but I figured the the DBA would appreciate me not leaving a bunch of Kroft laying around looks like my delete is going to fail sometimes that happens after if you attach one or detach one and then try and jump straight over here they're still connections and stuff that need to do their thing so there they still have some holding pieces hold held open I don't care close existing connections let's hide the force delete option yay no more bad database ok switching back over to SharePoint and so under SharePoint on the SharePoint Server itself I'm actually going to run the SharePoint 2013 management shell so I've added it down here to my taskbar and I've configured it so it always one's an administrator would recommend such things for you as well so this will run on it pops open a couple of changes I always make to my power show windows just FYI I'm gonna go to properties here I'm gonna make sure that quick edit mode is set so that way I can do marking copying and pasting pretty quick and easy on the font front I'm always going to change it to 10 by 18 because that's the biggest and let's face it we're all getting a little older or eyesight smells good so bigger fonts doesn't hurt and then finally for color I'm gonna set the screen text to this neon green because I'm a dork and it makes me feel cool true story alright the next thing I want you to know is that there's this awesome PowerShell command called start - transcript start - transcript is going to take the entire output of this session everything I type in everything gets put on the screen and write it to a text file makes for a nice log if you forget what you do if you're in here troubleshooting and you're you know it's just a good thing to always have on so this example it can be very helpful so I always start that when I fire up a PowerShell window okay so now we're going to do the command test espy content database I hit tab complete there and then I'm going to do - name and this would be what Santa Claus so this is the database we want to upgrade and - web application this is the web application that we're looking to upgrade to so the idea here is that this command is going to interrogate that content database and say hey what is everything that you need to render successfully and it's going to get a nice list back of things and then it's going to ask that upgrade web app hey do you have all these things now in an unexpected twist here it actually looks like it has everything at once I was expecting it to come back with errors makes me a little nervous that something's not right but we're going to be brave and soldier on or undo mount espy content database - name and then say 'no calls again and then - web application HTTP upgrade contoso comm and so the this is going to this should invoke the upgrade process and we should see it start to count up just like in SharePoint 2010 down to the one hundredth of a percent so there you go it's off to the races just like SharePoint 2010 if you have two databases you want to do them both at the same time no problem you could have two SharePoint 2013 management shells running side-by-side on the same server and I could mount a second database over here now my VMs that would bring everything to a grinding halt but if your production Hardware beefy enough and strong enough play with that see if upgrading two at a time is faster for you than doing one after another he'll see if for a time is faster than doing one after another doesn't hurt to test right so let's take that we'll close this one no down someone just chimed in will the upgrade list be available yes so this the recording for this will be available within 24 hours through the same link that you use to get in the webinar today so yeah don't feel like you have to take to copious the notes because you have my voice recorded for years to come and I know that that's the gift that keeps on giving right all right so the other thing I want you to see real quick is if we go to upgrade migration and we do check upgrade status you could also watch the upgrade process here if you'd wanted so I meant together here Wyant was still running so you have said in process but I was too slow so this is pretty exciting our database upgraded it took a minute there were zero errors and zero warnings like I said highly improbable I'm kind of nervous about this there's usually always an error no errors makes me scared but we're going to be brave so what we're going to do we're going to type in HTTP upgrade up and help my spell upgrade correctly upgrade my contoso comm this will start to bring up our web app obviously you know it's got to go and load everything up we thing on a cache so one that does a couple things will notice over here on the C Drive c program files common files microsoft shared web server extensions 15 - logs in here we're going to see that there is an upgrade log file so for every upgrade that you do so every time you you know do a mount and it calls it an upgrade to happen there'll be an instance of the log file for that if there had been any warnings or errors with the hall of the the upgrade then there would be a separate file for those errors right here beside it so um just being truthful with you 99% I'm I never look at the actual upgrade wall I only look at the error one because it has the full fidelity errors I've got to really be trying to dig into something deep or just looking for something to put me asleep I'm going to go read the successful portion upgrade log whoa whoa access denied all right so we know how to fix that right you got good application management and we will say change site collection administrators and then we'll change the site collection to our buddy upgrade I clicked it I think we wait patiently for a moment there we go so we'll take the you can see that there's two site collections in that database this sites office viewing service cached that was part of having the Office Web Apps in the SharePoint 2010 these site collections you just need to delete them post upgrade they have no value they're not reused in 2013 so just a little cleanup work you can do all right so quick okay here you can see that it's like I don't you don't have access give me so I want to log in as sp install so we'll give him access yay we'll try this again the other thing you can do if you're going to be doing a lot of upgrades you know you can always take advantage of under manage web apps I could want to use your policy here and then I could add a policy for SP install full control or my personal account that have that then gives a account full control of all the collections in the web app so if you're going to be doing lots of onesie twosie stuff that might be easier than you know adding yourself to every site collection manual if you don't already have access alright we're over here you can see the little spinning wheel still processing while this runs I'll show you something else because that would be better than sitting here listening to me breathe under application management if you click on create site collection I want you guys to notice something else that is new in SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013 whatever version of SharePoint we're looking at that is we have the Select experienced version so this is different so in upgrading 2007 2010 we would often look at what we called visual upgrade right the idea of visual upgrade was that you know you could have the GUI either appear in 20 2007 looking for you or 2010 looking feel well that was fab fabulous at all but it was a total hack it was all one time you know fork in the road type of stuff and yeah was it was it in love with it so this time around that is not the case what you're going to see is that right now we have a SharePoint 2010 database that we upgrade to SharePoint 2013 so the schema of that content database name Santa Claus is SharePoint 2013 but the site collections inside of our database right now our SharePoint 2010 so if we go back over here you can see this is still a SharePoint 2010 site collection site actions is still over here if I was to go to something like site settings this is still SharePoint 2010 it's not it's not band-aid stuff it is a 2010 site collection so that's a different mentality that we need to take going forward here and that's proven by the fact that over here in central I mean when I create a site collection I can do it as 2010 or 2013 okay so I'll create one right now but that's just to help us solidify that point out so here I am my site collections an upgrade to 2010 um you can see them the top experience all the sharepoint 15 has to offer start now or remind me later well if we were to click on start now you would see that there's a couple of different ways prepare for takeoff they're so funny with their words this time ah start a few preflight checks really who you pick who gets paid to write this stuff I want their job but so this is a big button that I could upgrade this site collection I don't want to do that right now the better option is kind of secretly over here on the right before you take the leap try a demo upgrade to see how it will turn out we can set it up in one to two days so women you can do here is if you click try a demo upgrade this was going to create as a separate site collection called a upgrade evaluation site collection so the idea is that they're going to take the site collection that we're in right now they're going to make a copy of it and then they're going to take that copy of it and upgrade it from a SharePoint 2010 site collection to SharePoint 2013 site collection and then give us access so you can go and poke around and try it out so right because that goes back to this whole idea that is there's no lipstick on the pig this time it's real so we have to make a real copy to 2010 and you have to take that 2010 and do a real upgrade to 2013 to it and that's what we're going to use to do evaluations or testing so I'm going to click this button creative upgrade evaluation site collections as a you've requested it within a day or two we're going to do it what for the longest time I just assumed this functionality was broken turns out no it really does just take a day or two so the request has gotten sent off to a queue it says hey you know process the site collection next time you do it and make it make them their eval site collection well I don't know about you but I do not have the patience to wait a day or two so what did I do I went off to Central Admin to figure out how to make this thing happen now so and you know those of you the Adhan asleep this is probably the most helpful thing I can tell you the whole time uh uh if you go here back to central admin and then go to monitoring and then go to review job definitions there is a timer job called create upgrade evaluation site collection so here you can see for upgrade there's one per web app someone click on the one for upgrade and by default it runs at 1 a.m. well I'm not waiting until 1 a.m. IBM won't even be on it 1 a.m. so it's like it ran but look at that beautiful button mwah run now so if I click on that button and say 1 now I can now sit over here and win this again we plus refresh a whole bunch but we're actually going to see that a job is going to run here in a moment there it is and that job just created a copy of that site collection so if we were to go to upgrade let's see slash site slash oh I forget what it's called there it is there's a link to it root slash eval you can see that it just made the same one well that's not very helpful so what will happen now is that it took this site collection that it just made the copy the copies done now it is queued up this copy site collection to be processed to be upgraded to 2013 and that job runs once a minute so at 441 ish so here in the next few seconds we're going to see how the 441 jobs kick off deviously hitting f5 doo-doo-doo-doo what I want to happen is you just see that the job is actually going to vote you know if I me eriell upgrade site collection job is now firing off so now if we go back over here you're going to see that this site collections gonna be a little weirded out for a minute it's like a wait a minute I'm actually so even while it's being actively upgraded I can be clicking around in it I usually can get it to show us some wampie little screen with a bunch of messed up icons and stuff because for a couple minutes here it is pretty confused on what's going on now of course it'll just depend as it decide to refresh before the actual job over here finishes the world may never know so it's still running he's still waiting we're still being patient maybe I should sing like a Christmas carol or something to you guys jingle but now I would not do that to you it is funny that my three year old is taken to singing songs okay so that says it's done you need to try again oh come on SharePoint thanks for not singing you're very welcome there you go so now you can see that it's been upgraded very important message at the top don't do work here this is an evaluation copy of your site that will be deleted on 118 213 at 4:40 p.m. right don't come over here this is an eval site question yes it's live yes you can edit it you can try it out the idea is for you to figure out if 2013 works or not what you cannot do is you cannot come over here and make a bunch of changes and be like oh okay I got this all perfect it works the way I want now I'm going to take this and get medicinal production site collection that is not the point of this this is so that you can test things out and kick the tires only okay so make sure we're very clear about that but now you can see you know site actions over here little gear thing you know site settings you got to learn to read a v8 2013 it's all there so that's how you're going to do your eval stuff if we go back over to our friend SharePoint the real site collection my user still doing stuff it's still 2010 it hasn't been affected the reminding me later is going to remind us again in 30 days by default you can change that through some PowerShell commands if you wanted you can add additional links and stuff we're not going to get on all that but it's possible um so then we want to go over here to site actions site settings let's take a look at some other things so one is you're going to see that there is still a link for visual upgrade it doesn't work it'll always be grayed out because there is no visual upgrade in 2013 but since it was present in 2010 they made it complete site collection health checks so this is good for you these are going to allow me to run five different rules that are going to process and tell me whether or not my site collection is good to be upgraded or not and you can see that there's some library that it confused on it's now the Box feature it's not really confused no big deal site settings and then of course site collection upgrade is how we actually upgrade the site collection so the idea here is that administrators hope we don't have to do all these upgrades hopefully we're going to teach our users how to do their own site collection upgrades and they're ready right because then create their own eval site collection they can test it out when they're ready thank you over here and say upgrade this site collection right now you get the thing hey I'm ready or let's hold off keep in mind if they do this this is forever there is no undo there is no magic going back so they need to be smart about that so I say I'm ready upgrades in progress they get the little thing hey please bear with us we're if you experiencing a temporary glitches or delays and if you sit here and refresh enough times like I said I've gotten it to just show me some spectacularly bad screens before it all just depends there we go I feel better when I show you really bad screen but the good news is is that it should be done any moment it's still working but it got through those errors and now the link is gone because it is done if you want to see the log site oh that is the wrong link in our site settings we go to site collection upgrade again and review site collection upgrade status and then here is the log file if you wanted to dig in and actually read line by line what all happened all right I'll close that so say a couple questions over here I can develop a deploy upgrade WSP is the eval site collection yes they absolutely may right the idea is that's high collection you can do anything you want that site collection just know that it's the date set at the top it's going to be deleted in 30 days by default all so hopefully your developers writing there's their upgrade solutions so they can run the same in 2010 or 2013 using some of those upgrade tags so potentially they can even up deploy that solution to the the production site collection ahead of time as well um there's another question is there a way to prevent site collection administrators from creating eval sites Oh I honestly think there is alright this is covers phone he asked a hard question so let's do this let's do get SP web application HTTP upgrade dot contoso comm and then we're going to do get - member right we're not teaching PowerShell today but that is essentially going to show us all the properties and methods for that particular web app and I believe so here you can see things like the upgrade evaluation site retention days if you want to add an upgrade maintenance laying for minor delay I feel like that I saw in here a way to block those but I'm not seeing it's not what I thought maybe not okay well I guess it's not in here um I don't know so if Trevor I would dig in here and look around that seems like something they would have provided us the capability of doing um but I clearly am not finding at the moment if it is possible so I guess I don't have to go onto the the bucket of questions I don't know the answer to and that seems like something you wanna be I do I'll look at that allow self-service upgrade evaluation right when I was about to give up it's right there so I bet if we read this is where my quick edit comes in handy some will highlight that right-click on it and then we will say select and then right-click again to do a paste and so right now it's set to true so in theory you'll be able to set that to false and then someone would not be able to do the upgrade great question I get another question um is the upgrade process as smooth as from 2007-2010 have you tried it with a bigger DB like 200 gigs I personally have not tried it with a larger DB I can tell you though that I know the guy who owns all the upgrade stuff he owned it from 2007 to 2010 yep owns it from 2010 to 2013 he's a guy spoke at tech ed Shaun Livingston or not tech headed sharepoint conference a couple months no and that is all he tried to do this make upgrade more robust smarter easier to use less chance of error better recoverability so i anytime you ask me a question about is it going to be better this time around I always go with yes I I'd be shocked if it's not smoother bigger better like if you think about the infrastructure that he has to upgrade the you know that he's gonna get the most pressure to get upgraded correctly it's their internal stuff and I mean they've got you know databases that are way bigger than 200 gigs so you know they understand that they have to solve scale issues so I I would be very surprised if you don't find it all goes much better this time around all right now we're getting pretty close to the end here let's jump over my slides again take a look see if anything else key I missed look at my cute little penguins on current slides we did that one we talked about where the upgrade logs were we talked about the fact that the upgrade affects just the database schema that there is no more visual upgrade that really everything has been pushed to the site collection admins they're really trying to make it so this whole upgrade thing can be self-service unless you're like our one friend who's like hey I think it's Trevor who's like hey how do I make it so they can't do any of their own testing um so then here you know this is walking you through the site the eval site collection process the URL remember it is expensive by expensive we mean it takes a lot of resources that's why by default it happens at 1:00 a.m. but luckily I showed you for testing purposes how you could force it to run and so this is the reminder of how to do all that so we know we learned that you could also use upgrade sp site to upgrade a site collection using PowerShell so if you wanted to script upgrading all site collections in your farm that's not the scenario that Microsoft wants that's not what they're promoting it's not what they're encouraging but it is possible I showed you the health rules show you where the logs were small site collections are processed by the app pool so when you click upgrade SharePoint decides and there's a bunch of rules and how it decides whether the timer job does it so a separate timer job spins off to do it or if it's just done in the context of your app pool so you could see you know during your upgrade windows a lot more of your app pools running a lot more stuff than you would expect so using more RAM and CPU that's because people are doing upgrades and stuff so upgrade does come with a whole list of throttling things that happen so there's a lot of different things like you know an output can only do five site collections at a time site collections with less than ten magazines had well down the out pools although there's my timer jobs there's a lot of that stuff and that is all set in PowerShell through the site upgrade throttle settings and they can current slight upgrade session limits so another question over here Shane what about blobs any news how the blobbing with a point such upgrades of 2013 so I think you're referring to like RBS so having remote blob storage we have the blobs not stored in the database but instead stored in the file system you have a third-party provider like a half point or storage point kind of play middleman there um those scenarios have been accounted for but the thing I always remind people to ask me those questions is you paid a lot of money to app coin or storage pointer who remember for that functionality they need to give you their official supported story on how they're going to upgrade those instead of you know me giving you a generic story they should have a process and a procedure because you're going to have to figure out when you deploy the new RBS provider you know what's the right way for hooking all that back up there's a lot more to that question but yes those have all been addressed I'm just not the guy to answer those so I get a I kind of don't know that one haha very welcome I um so these are the different PowerShell command which you might care about we looked at the test and the mount upgrade site to upgrade a site collection if you don't want to use the GUI and request upgrade SP upgrade evaluation site as you can probably guess creates the upgrade site collection there's a bunch of other ones use the upgrade command and star upgrade star have fun dig in good times to be had there's some additional resources out there that wraps that up so just a couple reminders here one of them remember there's my 2013 on how to install webinar also if you're looking to kick the tires on SharePoint 2013 at Rackspace comm saw SharePoint there's a link for a 45 day free trial that is a SharePoint 2013 enterprise site collection with Office Web Apps workflow the whole nine yards there so if you really want to get in and play with some of the functionality without having to build it yourself that is possible also be sure to check out all the other webinars this week so there's probably five more to go this week they will all be recorded as well available for you so good times they're mine the recording for mine will be available within 24 hours through the same link that you use to register so um I think that sums up the upgrade stuff um so very cool thank you for attending looks like we have one more question over here that all answer real quick but that concludes the upgrade stuff so off topic question so in 2010 we were all told not to create too many distinct security groups by breaking inherent in 2013 you're not letting any user break permission inheritance whether they share this functionality as something shared underneath the hood to make this all possible no generally speaking the reason at least the reason I told people not to do a lot of breaking inheritance you know not to have to me different user principles and things like that the main reason I would sell that story um was because it was a pain in my butt to manage right over the years I have managed file shares and stuff there were everyone used item-level permission yeah it was great for the person who set it up but it sucked for everyone that tried to do it it really stumped for me when I had to do audits and stuff from the data so that's the reason I was pitching that in the previous version I assume that's the reasoning behind that so um yep then max reminds me also another reason that we would talk about that in 2007 and 2010 was if the AC l got to be too large so the access control list for a particular object because you have too many item level Commission's if that got to be a bug 64k what would happen with search would puke all over that it couldn't index the item anymore it just there was nothing you should do about it that limitation is supposedly all gone now that we've moved to a claims driven world so that would be another reason that yes you could definitely go in that that story alright another question Oh someone saying thank you you're welcome can you download the video you can't download it you have to watch it online there is no download option I don't believe so sorry about that oh you're welcome merry Christmas to you as well Lisa cool bunch of thanks is and yes so thank you everyone have a happy holidays and I will hopefully talk to you all soon thanks
Channel: SharePoint at Rackspace
Views: 24,442
Rating: 4.9436622 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft SharePoint (Software), Shane Young, Tutorial, Upgrade, Todd Klindt, Administration, Help
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 47sec (3467 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2014
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