Upgrading SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

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hello and thank you for watching our video demonstration of upgrading Microsoft SharePoint 2010 with news Gator social sites into Microsoft SharePoint 2013 my name is John Chapman and I am a developer for news Gator in Denver some companies really worry about SharePoint upgrades but Microsoft has put a lot of effort into the upgrade process for SharePoint 2013 and social sites was designed to work consistently between SharePoint 2013 and 2010 with the same architecture data and features social sites can even run it across a mixture of SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 farms if your upgrade path involves running a configuration like this to show you just how simple an upgrade is we put together this step-by-step video during the course of this presentation we will cover a database attached upgrade from SharePoint 2010 to 2013 wit news Gator social sites this will include preparing and backing up a SharePoint 2010 environment migrating service applications and web applications to SharePoint 2013 running site collections in a SharePoint 2010 compatibility level and upgrading site collections to a SharePoint 2013 compatibility level for those watching who are not yet familiar with news Gator social sites we provide the premier enterprise social platform for the Microsoft SharePoint ecosystem by integrating tightly with the SharePoint architecture we are able to provide a robust social experience unlike any other news Gator social sites uses the same software for SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 making the upgrade process simple Microsoft has provided detailed documentation on TechNet and how to put plan and perform each step of the SharePoint 2010 to 2013 upgrade process we will be covering a typical database attached upgrade outlined in the technic documentation to begin let's take a look at our SharePoint 2010 environment with news Gator social sites our environment has a few communities including the Human Resources community in addition we have a fairly basic home page before upgrading it is a great time to do some cleanup of unused sites and content in addition we need to remove any sites that cannot be upgraded to SharePoint 2013 the two out-of-the-box SharePoint 2010 sites that can not be upgraded or the PowerPoint broadcast and fast search center sites to remove them we will use PowerShell on a side note since we are making changes to the SharePoint 2010 environment prior to the upgrade is recommended to ensure we have a full backup of your SharePoint 2010 environment in case you need to undo the changes we are about to make first we will remove the PowerPoint broadcast sites by selecting all of the site collections with the PowerPoint broadcast site template and using the remove SP site command let to remove them for those not familiar with PowerShell we can use a pipe character to change separate commands into one line this takes the output of the first command and runs the second command against it in addition though our STS ADM command still exists it has been deprecated in favor of using PowerShell to complete the administrative tasks for SharePoint now we will do the same for the fast search Center sites if any of our content in SharePoint 2010 was upgraded from SharePoint 2007 we need to ensure that the visual experience for each site collection has been upgraded to the SharePoint 2010 experience level we can use PowerShell to upgrade the experience level for the site collections lastly before we upgrade to SharePoint 2013 it is important to note that news Gator social sites should be running the same version in SharePoint 2010 that we are using for SharePoint 2013 for instance if your news Gator social sites installation on SharePoint 2010 is running version 3.0 and you plan to run version 4.0 in SharePoint 2013 you will need to upgrade news Gator social sites on SharePoint 2010 to 4.0 prior to upgrading to SharePoint 2013 now that we have prepared our SharePoint 2010 environment we can start making backups of our databases we will restore these backups in our SharePoint 2013 environment to perform the migration later on in the process for the service applications that come with SharePoint 2010 Microsoft supports upgrading the business data connectivity managed metadata performance point Search Administration secure store and user profile service applications when upgrading SharePoint 2010 with social sites to SharePoint 2013 the user profile and news Gator service applications are the only service applications required to upgrade however we recommend upgrading the managed metadata service application to other service applications may be upgraded or created new in the SharePoint 2013 environment depending upon your circumstances in this demonstration we will only cover upgrading the user profile and news Gator service applications to ensure no data loss occurs we will set the databases to be read only prior to backing them up using the sequel server management studio [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we have set all of our databases to be read-only we will take backups of each database [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the last piece of information we need to back up is the encryption keys for the User Profile Service we will use the Miis kmu utility to do this [Music] [Music] we now have all of the data from our SharePoint 2010 environment we need to perform our upgrade to SharePoint 2013 here in our new 2013 environment we have installed SharePoint 2013 but have not yet created any service applications or web applications we will first restore each of the databases to our SharePoint 2013 environment on a sidenote news Gator social sites does not support downgrading sequel editions for instance if your SharePoint 2010 environment was using the Enterprise Edition of sequel the standard edition of sequel can not be used in the SharePoint 2013 environment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we will set all of our databases to be read right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we've restored our social sites databases we need to update the farm ID manually to match the new farm idea of the SharePoint 2013 environment to do this we will get the farm ID using PowerShell and then use a sequel query to update the farm ID in the social group and farm configuration tables [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with their databases restored we will now create our user profile service application using the restored databases first we need to get the application pool that we will use for the User Profile service application using the get espy service application pool command line we can also create a new application pool if desired however for this demonstration we will use the SharePoint web services system application pool for simplicity [Music] when creating our user profile service application with the new SP profile service application command line we are specifying the name the application pool and each of the database names that we restored it is important to ensure the spelling is correct if we misspell any of the database names we will end up creating a new database rather than using the existing one we migrated over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with our user profile service application created we need to create a proxy for it so that our web applications can communicate with it [Music] [Music] [Music] next we will start the user profile service services on the server so that the service is usable by the web applications [Music] [Music] lastly to complete our upgrade of the User Profile service we will import the encryption keys using the Miis kmu utility that we use to export them on the 2010 farm when importing the encryption keys we need to use the gooood provided by Microsoft that is standard for all imports [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] next we will recreate our SharePoint web applications it is important to note that we do not create our news Gator service applications until after we restore the content databases later in the upgrade process in addition we need to ensure that all of the mapped paths that were mapped in 2010 are also mapped in 2013 so that our site collections mapped to them will continue to work if your SharePoint 2010 web applications were not using claims authentication you will need to create the web applications in classic authentication mode using PowerShell and then convert the web application to claims authentication after the content databases have been restored since our SharePoint 2010 web applications were using claims authentication we can create the web applications in central administration [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now that we have our web applications created we can install news Gator social sites to the farm in addition any other third-party SharePoint solutions should now be deployed we will not be able to upgrade our content databases unless all third-party solutions that we had in our SharePoint 2010 environment are added to SharePoint 2013 as we install social sites it is important to note that we are not provisioning the service applications we will do this later in the upgrade process using the social sites install utility is only one way you can add the news Gator social sites product to the SharePoint 2013 farm if you prefer you can also manually add and deploy the social sites solutions [Music] now that news Gators social sites and any third-party solutions have been installed to the SharePoint 2013 farm we can attach the content databases in PowerShell we will use the amount SP content database command --let providing the name of the database in the web application URL to mount the database to the web application [Music] next we will remove the anti content database that SharePoint added when we created the web application using the remove SP content database command [Music] [Music] with our content databases attached we can now create the news Gator service application using our restored databases if you have any of our shirt social sites modules that include a separate service application you can create them now using the restored databases [Music] [Music] during the upgrade process if art the URL to our web application changed we need to update the lookout URL in order to ensure all the links to lookout work properly we will do this in the news gators service application [Music] with our new skater service application created our SharePoint sites are now available for use running in the SharePoint 2010 compatibility level many organizations choose to run in the SharePoint 2010 compatibility level and gradually update site collections over time news Gator social sites fully supports this and you can run in the 2010 compatibility level as long as you need to once you are ready to upgrade the site collection compatibility level to SharePoint 2013 we can run the upgrade wizard when upgrading the compatibility level of a site collection SharePoint will first check to ensure there are no incompatible sites are missing customizations if we forget to remove the PowerPoint broadcast or fast search Center sites they will display in this report during the site upgrade process portions of the site will remain accessible to end-users in addition it is common for errors or glitches to display while the upgrade is taking place [Music] [Music] with our site collection upgrades complete our upgrade is now complete we have our my site our communities and our homepage all upgraded to the SharePoint 2013 compatibility level in this demonstration we have covered a database attach upgrade of a typical SharePoint environment for large SharePoint implementations it is not uncommon to have a very complex SharePoint architecture that requires additional planning and tasks to perform if you have any questions or need any guidance feel free to reach out to us on our engage community or through your news gaiter account representative for customers who would like assistance our services team helps them assess plan and perform their upgrades hopefully watching this video has not only helped you to understand the steps involved in an upgrade but also given you some comfort that an upgrade to SharePoint 2013 with news Gators social sites is a straightforward process for both SharePoint administrators and end-users social sites is the most tightly integrated social offering for SharePoint and makes the most of all the social features in SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013 we're really happy that we can make it easy for customers to move to new versions of SharePoint whenever they are ready thank you for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: News Gator
Views: 40,476
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft SharePoint (Software), NewsGator Technologies (Business Operation), Technology, Social, sharepoint upgrade, sharepoint 2010, sharepoint 2013, upgrade sharepoint, sharepoint migration, newsgator social sites, newsgator, social business, social sharepoint, technical sharepoint, sharepoint help, migrate sharepoint
Id: V5sPIMFazpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2013
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