Content database upgrade from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016

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hello my name is Shane Young with bold zebras those guys and today we're going to talk about upgrading a SharePoint 2013 content database to SharePoint 2016 how much fun could that be right the good news is is that this is very similar to doing it from 2010 to 2013 so if you're familiar with that process this should look about 99.999% identical that's also good and this is just going to be a quick video that's going to go over kind of how to do the content databases instead of doing you know talk about all the requirements and all the pieces and intricacies of it this is really just focused on going from the content database in 2013 to 2016 and the reason for that is this is actually going to be a complement to the session that Todd Clinton Jason Hammel Steen fellow SharePoint MVPs are delivering it at night they talk too much so they not going to be able to demo in the session so I'm really just doing the demo that they're going to point you guys to to watch later down the road somewhere I will do a longer session that kind of covers all the pieces of it but for today let's just talk about upgrading content database cool let's get started all right let's zoom out to my desktop here and so you can see that I've got my little handy dandy timer glance right you're going to start this guy and so the idea that's it's going to kind of give us an idea of real time how long this takes because I'm pretty good about editing out all of the fun things that you don't want to wait and see so just gives you a running total here so let's start over with my SharePoint 2013 VM so on this VM I've actually built this environment out and so there is a link right over here to the recording of how I've built out this farm but you know I went through all the proper steps it's a good running form it's got a separate domain controller sequel server SharePoint Server and you know it's a happy farm if we go to manage web applications we'll see I've got three and so obviously portal contoso com was my main ones we're going look at that one so with an application management and view all site collections and so here you can see I've just got some various site collections I just kinda made a bunch of fake content to kind of give us some substance upgrade all right if we look at the homepage of that environment you can see I've added some colors a logo some really important documents down here you know key things for you I'm also out here I've got a site collection which is it was a 2010 site collection it's been upgraded to 2013 UI remember that's important because if it was still in the 2010 site collection it would not allow us to upgrade it to 2016 so we get errors down the road so make sure that if you have any 2010 site collections in your 2013 farm that you get those upgraded also back over here in Central Admin under application management manage web applications if you click on portal here and then click on manage paths you'll see that I do have another wildcard path projects and this is important because if you have that in your environment then you need to pre create this so we'll make sure pre create this in the 2016 farm before we do the upgrade so one of those little gotcha is to watch out for okay so this contents all good and ready so let's minimize this and we'll switch over to my sequel 2013 VM and so there's my content database WSS underscore content underscore portal so we're going to right click on that database and we're going to say task and then we're going to back it up and so when you back it up I need to choose a name so it looks like I might have used that one before so we'll remove and we'll do ad again right the ellipsis and so then I just created a folder called backup so there we go so backups and then for filename out we'll use 2013 work last time so we'll say 2013 and okay oh and actually we'll make that a 2013 dot bak not you don't have to it worked the same either way I just seal consistency so click OK so that I'll get anything backed up we'll say okay and it'll execute here boom backed up successfully we'll click OK and now if we jump over to my folder structure see backups so there's my backup file you got to get that now to the 2016 sequel server right so I'm going to right-click and do a copy and I'm just going to use a clipboard to move it from one to the other depending on how big years was right you're going to have to figure out how to solve that problem for you whether it's a local file copy or if it's a you know ft peeing out to the cloud whatever it might be so all right so let's minimize that and so now I need to switch over to the sequel 2016 server this guy right here I know very exciting stuff I'm going to open up the folder over here so see and there should be a restore folder and so we're going to right click and do a paste and just in case you're wondering one of these farms is actually a hyper-v local farm and one of these is in Azure and also one of these farms is using the contoso domain and the other one is using a Shane's Cal's domain the only reason I point this out is when you do upgrades and things like this we really could encourage you to test and it's important to know that you can test from your production domain or you can go get your production backup from last night and then go and restore that to a new VM that you build out an azure today and test it no problem right there's not any inconsistencies there and so there really is no reason not to go through this process a whole bunch before you ever have to do it in production ideally you'd have it all documented you'd say ok so Friday at 5:00 we're going to put the farm and read-only you know from 5:00 until 5:00 47 the backups going to run etc etcetera because you can test the entire process without affecting production and have it all ready to go okay but I'm rambling so we will continue all right so there's my file it's been restored so then now on my sequel server here Rises the sequel for 2016 we're going to go databases we're going to right click and we're going to say restore database and so then now we want to quick Devices and then click the little ellipsis file and add and just laugh at the sequel folks I don't know why they use this you know Windows 3.1 looking interface for choosing folders but they do either way there's no restore folder and there's a 2013 backup file that we did ok so it's good now you can see that it automatically pulled the database name and such from the backup file I don't want to use that database name have used it before it causes you know collisions with some of the old stuff I've done so you name whatever you wants really call this WSS underscore content 2013 video yay boom now if you are trying to avoid conflicts though then you also want to go over here to files because it's going to use those set file names by default so if you have a database with those same file names you'll have conflicts as well someone click the ellipsis and I'm gonna stay right here in the same folder but now I'm just gonna give it the name to match the the file name to match the name I just gave it's 2013 video dot MDF for the data file click OK and then click on these ellipses and so then here we're going to do 2013 underscore log LDF and so then that way the MDF analogy apps they're the way they're expected to be and we're not having inconsistency where the database is named one thing and the files is named another okay so now let's click OK and so that's going to run the restore process thankfully we're using small databases hopefully your environment goes just as fast but you're probably going gigs or terabytes and I'm just doing you know 50 Meg's so be jealous all right click okay so now the database is restored all right we'll see WSS underscore content 2013 video and now before we leave the sequel server though we also need to give permissions to this database to the account we're running SharePoint more specifically the account that we're running the SharePoint powershell for our right especially my scenario where I'm jumping domain so none of the permissions that came to the database we're going to travel so what I'm gonna do is here is go to security and then logins and so we're going to go log into the SharePoint 2016 server as espy underscore install so I need to give that account access so to do that I'm gonna double click on it then we're going to user mappings and then we're going to scroll down here and we're going to go to WS s content 2013 video right we expand out see that's the name boom and then you need to give DB owner or DB DB owner access to that database unfortunately I can't do it with lesser permissions a lot of times in SharePoint SP data access work so you don't have to give dbo but for this particular command it will not so you need to be database owner alright so we'll say okay so that will update the database okay so sequel server is happy yay sequel server I'm going to minimize that and now we're going to jump over to our SharePoint 2016 farm so before we start doing the upgrade take an inventory of what we've got so all the everything has been provisioned so there is a video right here that shows you everything I did to build out this form this farm was built proper way with you know no weird database names no goods in my database center that all the service applications are up and running and it's even patched to the September 2016 Cu because that's the latest patch not that I recommend it right go see my CU videos for that guidance alright so I created a portal web application so one of the things we know we need to do is we need to go over here to manage paths remember earlier I said note the one we did in the 2013 farm so since we noted it right you wrote it down in your little piece of paper over here probably not we're going to type in projects and then add path so if you don't do this step what will happen is for every managed path that you were using in the 2013 database they would be created as explicit inclusions in the 2016 farm and you just don't want to have that right you shouldn't have more than one or two three or four you know managed paths I think microsoft recommends up to 20 I think that's even too many and if all of a sudden you had a hundred databases or sorry 100 site collections that were all in the projects wild card and you upgrade them in 2016 you would then have a hundred items listed here it's going to cause you farm performance issues so just be smart about that all right the other news is you can go back and fix this after the fact but then it's like when do I stop this one and add this one it becomes a real complicated mess so do it early and often hike voting click ok all right so there's that and if we go to application management and view all site collections here you'll see that all of there's already a bunch of site collections created and so these would actually conflict with the site collections for my 2013 farm and so what I did was when I created the 2016 web application I won the head instead of DNS you know the accounts I created some continent to make sure that web application worked and so that was kind of my testing there so it did work yay so what I'm going to do though is because I don't want the conflicts the easiest way to get rid of all that is go to application management and manage content databases and so then there's WSS content portal with the five site collections I'm going to click on that and we'll scroll down here and say remove content database oh you sure you really want to do that I do click OK and then I know my face is covering up I'm gonna click ok over here as well and so then now there's no content databases associated my web application and then application management view all site collections there's no site collections the reason that I did all that is what I found is it's real easy to create a web app and then just start adding databases to upgrade and then be like oh nothing's working what's wrong what did I do wrong what did I where did I break with the upgrade why isn't my content work and reality is your web application just didn't work right you didn't set up DNS correctly or something of that nature and it just causes a bunch on note unneeded headaches so take the extra 15 minutes to create content in your new web app make sure it all works and then you can go and delete it and then upgrade to a blank web app ok so now we have the blank web app and we should be ready to go so we're going to do is reopen the management shell so let's say start I'm going to start typing in power and then we're going to right-click on the SharePoint 2016 management shell right very important people skip this all time you've got to run it as administrator click yes all right we're logins SP install that's the account we gave access to the database that was important earlier also and so the first thing what you do is I want you to do a test SP content database - name WSS underscore Content underscore 2013 video - web application and then we're going to attach it to portal can portal dot Shane's Cal's almost made that mistake again it's one of those problems right the other environment is contoso the 2013 environment is contoso my 2016 environment is Shane's cals which is good demonstration for you guys but it causes me some confusion okay so test SP content database if you're not familiar with the command essentially what it did was it asset database what are all the pieces of the thing pieces of content that you need to render so what features and solutions and templates and things like that and then it went and asked that web application portal chains Cal's com do you have all those things fortunately the answer was yes so that means everything is happy I will be honest with you though even if it comes back with a whole bunch of errors I still try and always power through it I'll go look at the errors after the fact but in reality one of the tricks to testing upgrades is to just power through and test it see what happens before you get too hung up on all the issues and such so I'm gonna hit up and then I hit home I'm going to change the word test to the word mount just like that so same exact command just one extra character and hit Enter and so then now is going to start a upgrade process here the great news about that is you can track it down to the one hundredth of a percent so eight hundredths of a percent right now done but it gives you a kind of running total of what's going on so actually we're just going to pause the video while this runs the timers down there so we all see how long it took but I'll see you in a second okay so little more than three minutes and it's finished up here you can see that it got seven site collections in the process so if we switch over to central admin and we do refresh on the site collection lists yay so you can see that all the different site collections have shown up and so then if we go over here and create a new tab and we go to HTTP portal chains cowls I can't spell my own cows cows comm oh now we get a login prompt so Shane's cows and SP install and my super-secret password I will point out I think it took almost as long for the web app the cash as it did the database to upgrade its entirety but you know we won't make fun of sharepoint for that today and if you are if you're thinking about database upgrade times and things like that just remember mine only took three minutes because it was 50 Meg's right if there's this 50 gigs it's going to be a different story the good news though is the upgrade times are pretty consistent so if in your testing it takes four hours to upgrade you know it should take four hours nope great every time you know in the old days we used to have it would take four hours on Tuesdays and five hours on Wednesdays that's not a problem anymore so it'll help you back when you get back to that idea of creating a script of how long your upgrade is going to take okay so you see I got an error sorry this site hasn't been shared with you and that goes back to this whole idea that I went from the contoso domain to the Shane's cals domain so one of two ways to fix it is either you could go in here to application management and then change site collection administrators and make your account one of those again right because to deal with it but reality I get seven site collections I'm just here testing what I'm going to do is I'm going to manage web applications go to portal click on user policy add a user say next and so I'm going to do my good friend SP install C count we're logged in as doing all my work as we're just can give him full control here so say finish boom he now has full control now don't go over here and hit refresh in this page because you'll be refreshing the eridan or access denied page and that'll be really frustrating instead type in the URL again I wonder why I got my error message just close this and open it again portal dot Shane's cows there you go just well those cases where the error message was cached or the SharePoint was cached I didn't have access very rude but now we get the handy dandy little message that we are working on it I want Santa's elves finished working on this one let's go over here and look at a couple other things I want to show you hopefully that will finish working on it before we get done I'll click over to upgrade migration you can go here to check upgrade status and so here you'll see all the upgrade logs that have ever happened so in this environment it looks like you know I've done three today so you can tell I did a couple trial runs before we did this but then this will tell you now so it did it took three minutes and 55 seconds if we move the timer over a little bit for a second it'll also give you the location directly to the log file so if you go over here to the log files so C and then Program Files common files Microsoft shared web server extensions 16 often say that for so long and logs and right here you'll see that we get to upgrade for oils so this is the everything that happened during the upgrade it's very verbose very verbose usually don't like three that one um but if you have the second one here the - errors and double click on it it is just the errors that happen in the warnings so if we scroll over we'll see that you know I had a warning around attempted to set the schema version of 4432 a thousand which was a thousand three which was later so it's a hey everything's great so it was kind of like a fake warning if you will but if you had actual error messages they would all just be in this file in a nice neat order for you to read through so anytime trying to troubleshoot upgrading this is where I go very rare die go and open the really long file it's just too much to read alright so close that we'll wonder why our timer disappeared let's minimize again there's our timer all right now he's there and so then also you can see that Santa's Alex finished the internet is here everything's good yay looks like Todd still smells funny and then if you go to slash projects and then was 2010 so this was my site collection that was originally 2010 got upgraded to 2013 overall the 2013 phone is very important and then it was in the database so we attached it and the 2016 farm it went from 2013 to 2016 nonetheless these crazy people were back tired of them they've been around for six or seven years now but everything worked so there you go there's an overview of how to upgrade a Content databasing see you know took about 20 minutes of real time because at a tiny database but it's great for you guys to practice first with the tiny databases and then just grab your backups from production and don't want to test for mountain as you're on a VM on your machine wherever you want because you just have to meet all the requirements you can reset all the permissions as we just showed you along the way so that you can actually access it and just confirm that things work and you kind of have a feel for how the process goes right no reason not to taste no reason not to taste or test apparently maybe taste test Island anyway I think that's our cue that we are done here so hey thanks for watching if you liked the video you know hit like or hit subscribe and big fan of subscribers you want to see something different you have questions leave me comments I'm always a fan of answering college you'll see every comment I've ever gotten I respond to so send me a note or if you're on Twitter at Shane's cows and finally if you need any help with your upgrade process hit me up through bold zeroes and I can come and do your upgrade with you right I promise not to do any tasting of your environment will only do testing though all right thanks guys have a great day
Channel: Shane Young
Views: 19,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, sharepoint 2013, sharepoint upgrade, sharepoint database upgrade, sharepoint content database upgrade, sharepoint 2016, sharepoint upgrade 2103 to 2016, sharepoint server upgrade, upgrade, microsoft sharepoint (software), sharepoint server 2016, sharepoint server 2013, mount-spcontentdatabase, test-spcontentdatabase, sharepoint site upgrade, sharepoint migration, sharepoint version upgrade, upgrade sharepoint 2013 to sharepoint 2016, upgrade sharepoint 2016
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2016
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