Migration to SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams in Microsoft 365, free and easy

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my name is Hany Loza I'm a principal PA manager in the SharePoint and onedrive team our team is responsible for the migration engineering investments both from tooling and infrastructure capabilities the Neyman airborne key I was one of the founders of mover today I helped lead all things related to migration for office 365 thank you Eric our team's goal is to help you with the tools and the capabilities that would make your migration to Microsoft 365 easy during this session you will learn about the capabilities that are available for you that Annie can use today including the SharePoint migration tool to help you migrate your content from on-premises to the cloud you will have a first-hand experience with mover to learn about how you can migrate your content from other cloud solutions to Microsoft 365 finally we'll introduce you to the new capability with Microsoft migration manager that is built into the SharePoint admin experience but before we start migrating content the first thing you would do is to understand and discover the content that you're about to migrate the assessment phase is the most important phase in understanding the content and decide which content is right to migrate what content is no longer being used and you're ready to leave it behind and what content needs to mitigation before you start migrating with that to help you with this face we have our first party tool with built-in scanning capabilities that gives you an easy to read in comprehensive reports so both the SharePoint migration tool and mover have built-in scanning capabilities and if you're migrating from SharePoint on-premises environment you can leverage the SharePoint migration assessment tool to get an in-depth assessment of your on-premise environment finally as the on-prem content tends to grow organically without little governance you can leverage the azure information protection scanning tool to help classify and add label to your content before migrate so now that you have a good assessment plan a good migration plan now we're ready to start migrating your content the SharePoint migration tool helps you migrate content from file shares and SharePoint on-premises now we support SharePoint 2010 2013 and newly added sharepoint 2016 you can let you can use the SharePoint migration tool to migrate your content to teams SharePoint and onedrive since we launched the SharePoint migration tool we've had tremendous adoption more than 33 petabytes of content has been migrated using the SharePoint migration tool and it's been used by more than 80,000 tenants let me show you how easy it is to migrate or on-premises content to SharePoint and onedrive so here I'm in my SharePoint 2016 farm again this could be 2010 2013 or 2016 site this is a traditional team site as you can see I have my document library I have different libraries in my site I also have a page that it has a web part and multiple libraries as well this site also has sub sites drone games and electronics and I want to migrate this site to SharePoint and onedrive so the first thing is I'm going to go to my SharePoint migration tool and I'm going to start my first migration as you can see the latest version of the tool now supports SharePoint 2016 in addition to migrating from file share as well as for both migration I can bulk upload a file CSV or JSON that has multiple of these sites already defined I'm going to click on the SharePoint Server and I need to put the URL to the site I want to migrate from before you used to have the perfect URL right now you can just simply go to the browser copy your URL and paste it in the tool is smart enough to figure out the right URL and trims all the access entries you don't need a PhD in SharePoint to select the site the site that you want to migrate notice it now trims everything in the URL I have the site URL I can decide what I want to include my sub-site and if I want to migrate everything in there if I click on a specific library so in this case I want just migrate my document library again I'm gonna copy the URL go back to my tool and the tool is going to again parse through and figure out that this is a specific document library notice that at that point I don't have the option to include all sub sites it defaults a document library that I selected and I'm ready to go in this case I'm ready to migrate this content to teams when I try to the next step - to select the source oh the destination I have very easy picker to decide what destination I were migrated to I can choose to migrate to team's SharePoint team site or onedrive for this demo I'm going to migrate to Microsoft teams and here I get to choose which team do I want to migrate to I only see in the team Packer the themes that I remember of I can simply search and the filter will show me the teams the Fed particular filter I'm going to select your sales the tools can make sure that I have the proper access to migrate content to this team's once that is validated I can select which channel within this team I can migrate to I can also I can select the channel or if I want I can select a specific folder within their channel or even create a new folder for this demo I select a specific channel which is sales west and then click Next and now the this particular task moving the document library from North West sales to the US sales teams has been registered notice that now that you have those icons they can they can help me understand where I'm coming from and where migrating to I'm going to add another source in this case I want to migrate my fault SharePoint site to a SharePoint site in the cloud okay I'm gonna click into my SharePoint source I'm gonna go back to my browser go to my home page of the site copy the URL paste that in and again I'm going to to select that I want to include all sub sites for the migration and want to migrate all my lists and libraries on my points okay like next and again I'm going to decide where to migrated to because of migrating the full team site I can either migrate it to a team site that's already connected to Microsoft teams or to a SharePoint team site notice that the onedrive is no longer an option because I can only migrate content to onedrive so in this case I'm going to select the SharePoint as a destination and in this case I can use the default path or I can add a new site thing if the site already exists I get confirmation that the content will be copied to the particular site if I decide to give a different name the tool will check whether this site exists or not and this site does not exist so the tool will create a modern team site form clicking next now this particular task migrating the entire on-prem team site to SharePoint Online is now available I'll do one more task format it this time I'm going to migrate my file share to my onedrive I'm going to put the path where my content is stored clicking next I'll Peck that I want to move the content that I have in my file share to my onedrive notice that I don't need to put the URL to my word driver anymore because I signed in with this user that user email is populated and it figures out the location of my onedrive very simple just through my email clicking next again it creates a new task to migrate my content from file share to my onedrive and again I get to pick what I want to migrate it to the route document library or a specific folder within my wardrobe in this case I'm going to select a folder that's called from file share and we act right next in this screen I can review all the tests I've created the first one from a documents library to Microsoft themes in this one I'm migrating all items in my site to SharePoint Online finally I'm taking my content from my file share into my onedrive and when I click Next and here I'm presented with simple settings that I can choose whether I want to perform scanning only or if I want to preserve permissions or version history I also have more options to select different settings including the ability to scope my migration to files that are created after a certain date or modified after a certain date I also have the capability to exclude certain file extensions in order to decide exactly how I want to run this migration I'm happy with all these settings so I'm gay again get ready to collect my grades I'm going to let this run I'm gonna show you kind of an end result so in here this site that I migrated earlier notice that I end up in a modern team site that I can later decide to group by which is associated to an office 365 group or even team afire associated with Microsoft teams all my documents are migrated with the matter all the sub-sites my pages my libraries everything migrated intact if I go to my onedrive all my content that I migrated from file share were migrated correctly way into my folder from file share finally if we take a look at teams I migrated content to your Saints if I go to sales West look under files and I should see all my content that are migrated directly from on-premises to teams how easy was that what you've seen is a very simple way to migrate your content with high fidelity from on-premises to the cloud you've seen that the SharePoint migration tool can help you ease the migration complexity by creating the site structure for you the SharePoint migration tool will create a modern SharePoint team site if the site didn't exist and now you can do that for SharePoint migration as well as file share migration the tool will also create your libraries you list your webparts and would preserve your navigation as well we have a much easier integration and tighter integration with teams so you can simply use the the tool that will guide you into figuring out the destination you'll have a simple themes picker to select the teams that you want migrate to and you can target specific channels so migrate your content finally we've added the capability to introduce user feedback so with one click you can report issues or provide feedback in order to give us that information now I want them to do this Eric to talk about uber cheers Danny mover was purpose-built as a self-serve tool for administrators small and large over the years we worked so closely with Microsoft that last fall we decided to officially join forces with mover you can create migrations from a wide variety of sources such as box draw box and Google Drive and the best part is that you can manage those migrations without leaving your browser now without further ado I'm going to show you a live demo of how a mover works so the first thing you'll notice when we get into the mover web app is that we have this concept of a source and a destination I've gone to the liberty of already logging in and skipping the steps for authenticating our accounts so what I'm going to do is just connect to an already authenticated box account and then on the destination side I'm going to connect to my demo office 365 tenant and you can see here that mover has automatically discovered that this box account has a few users and it also has discovered some SharePoint sites and users on the office 365 site we're pretty smart so we try and warn you in advance that there might be some problems with things like long paths and we will scan for that and make sure that you know about this before you actually migrate any data so we'll continue the migration setup and you're dumped into what we call our migration manager now it has a lot of powerful information in it but it's empty right now so the first thing we need to do is add some users so I'll click add users and the side panel for adding users to this migration opens up there's two ways to do it you can automatically ask mover to discover some users in box or you can give us a large CSV file with all your custom source and destination path configurations for now I'm going to autodiscover we reach out to box and to office 365 and pull a user list and in a few seconds here we should see that mover has automatically added a lot of users that we have determined can automatically map between office 365 and box each one of these we treat like a path and we take the liberty of automatically creating the destination destination folder during the migration so that your data doesn't get mixed up if you're already using office 365 in this case these are onedrive for business accounts the first thing we want to do is figure out exactly what you're migrating so we check all the users off and we go up here and say let's scan it all of these users are pushed into an azure queue or move it runs and this scan process starts for our product we reach out to box we'd go over every single folder and file for these users and we find out what you actually have so that you're prepared for your migration now while those are scanning and you can see some data has already started to just show up here we're gonna go and make sure that our migration is ready to run we have a lot of different options including customizing the interface looking at different migration reports but importantly we have what we call a permission map now our permission map is similar to the list of users except it's not what is migrating it is what that data is being shared with so when you transfer a file or a folder you want to make sure that all the collaborators come across during a migration similarly to the adding users you can auto discover or manually upload a CSV here I've chosen to auto discover and we can see that mover has decided that the domain name mover do during the migration looks like it should line up to the domain name mover dot mover ioad on Microsoft comm this is good for corporations who are changing domain names during the migration users that don't necessarily automatically map we still discover and we can also work with groups in this case I don't have any groups set up in office sixty-five but we make sure that we preserve their hoster in your migration now that that permission map is set up we can go and we can see that one of these users has already completed their scan Adele here only had a thousand files so the next step is to literally just start migrating them we make sure that you know that your parachute is packed before you jump so we tell you exactly what is going to happen we say this source is going into this destination folder and when it's going to happen in this case right away I'm going to hit start and that goes back into the queue to do process for migration while adele is running we can actually go and inspect all the details about that transfer including log files when we open up the transfer summary for this user we see a lot of metadata and useful information for administrators to help troubleshoot or just glean information from their transfers and then we also see log files we track every instance of a transfer whether it's copying data or not so for example here if I open this log file we you can see that we track every single operation that happens and provide to you any information you might need to troubleshoot your transfers that's the gist of it this is how you use mover to move one or a hundred thousand users into Office 365 now to wrap up a few things have changed since we joined Microsoft first of all we are now free and free worldwide all you need to do is log in with your Microsoft account and you're good to go secondly we've also introduced migrating box notes into the OneNote format and lastly we're already on a tear we've already migrated over 8 petabytes of content for thousands of customers you should visit mover Daioh today to give us a try back to you Haney thank you Eric so the SharePoint migration tool helping you to migrate your content from on premises and mover to migrate content from cloud you've got easy solutions to kickstart your your migration project but to even make it simpler for you you can leverage the migration manager to migrate your content and centrally manage large migrations right from the SharePoint admin experience migration manager offers a simple and unified experience right from the SharePoint admin currently it supports file share migration and you can simply manage your large migration by load-balancing all your migration tasks across multiple clients let me show you how easy it is to manage a large migration so I'm right here in the SharePoint admin center notice that there is a migration group click on that I can go into migration manager or I can simply download the SharePoint migration tool if I want to do a SharePoint migration or a link that points me to mover in order to migrate my cloud contents I'm gonna click on migration manager to start my file share migration in this first run experience I get a simple guide to help me step-by-step on what I need to do to start my first migration the first thing is because I'm migrating contact from on-premises file share I need to install an agent on my own Prem environment that can connect to the file share to migrate the content second I need to create a migration tasks to start by creating my content so I'm going to simply download the agent once I run that all I need to do is log in with my office 365 accounts and provide an on-prem account that has access to my files here so I log in with my admin account and once I log in now this agent is going to be connected to this talent specifically and then the next thing is I need to specify the domain account that has access to my file share once that count is validated that's all I need to do and my agent will be set up and ready to start the migration tasks that was pretty simple and from this point on I do not need to touch that agent anymore all the interaction from now on is going to be through the office 365 experience you next I can create my first task I'll come in and can decide whether I want to migrate a single folder or I want to do a bulk migration in order to do a single folder I will choose that I'll provide the path where my content is stored on the file share you and I can decide which destination in this case I'll choose this document library and again I can't decide which document try me I want to migrate to and if I want to migrate to a specific folder I'm happy with this document library that's where I want to be and notice that I get the same interface I have with the SharePoint migration tool I can specify a task name in and I can decide whether I want to perform a scan or apply any of the other settings very similar to what we've seen before with the SharePoint migration tool I'm happy with the settings I have and I'm ready to my grades now I have very simple task that is currently queued is basically waiting for an agent to be ready to migrate so now switching to an environment that's already set up for a scale migration you notice here that I've created multiple agents because I'm ready to do a larger migration and I wanted to distribute the tasks across multiple machines so these machines were set up earlier I can go in and I can provide an friendly name for this agent and I can decide whether I want to keep this agent enabled or if I want to take it out of the rotation I can mark it as disabled I can come in to tasks and they can decide to do my large migration I'm going to click on bulk migration browse to select my CSV file that has multiple tasks already identified again I can give that a friendly name and once I run these tasks migration manager is going to parse through the CSV enumerate the individual tasks and then Hulme up for execution I've ran this task earlier I can come in and get the detail for that particular task I can get a status and understand their completion state how many files were migrated if I have scan information know how many files were scanned if there's any issues with the scan which agent executed this migration and so forth I can always come back in applying different settings before I rerun this task finally I can decide if I want to really run this task delete it or if I have multiple tasks I can generate summary report to aggregate all the reports across multiple tasks so just to recap with the SharePoint migration tool with mover and migration manager you have plenty of capabilities to manage your own migration but if you need additional help I want reduce you to the fast track migration benefits the fast track migration benefit helps you migrate content from file share box Google Drive and now they support migrating from Dropbox to SharePoint and onedrive the fast track benefit is available for office 365 customers with 500 seats or more and for all other migration needs we have a great ecosystem of third-party ISPs that can help you with all the migration projects so just to summarize all the options we have first party tools that you can leverage to self serve your own migration between the SharePoint migration tool mover and now having the migration manager as a unified experience currently supporting file share and eventually will keep adding additional support FastTrack can help you with file share and sell the cloud scenarios and ice fees and partners will help you with other sources as well so that I want to end with a quick call of action you can use the SharePoint migration tool to migrate your content from on-premises to the cloud migration manager will help you migrate your file share contents finally mover can help you migrate all the content from third-party cloud providers to SharePoint and onedrive thank you
Channel: Microsoft 365 Community
Views: 19,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, Development, PnP, Dev, community, open-source, Microsoft, Microsoft365, teamwork, productivity, remote work, migration, OneDrive, files, Microsoft Teams, Teams
Id: Tf3Yp2megmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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