The Among Us "Movie" 3

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[Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] okay what was that who killed poop did anyone see there's no way someone could have vented while we were all there it had to have been one of us who was in that room i think everyone was there um which room was this admin well i wasn't there so it couldn't have been me can anyone confirm that i think he's telling the truth i'm pretty sure mr pepperoni man wasn't there yeah i was in reactor okay well then who killed poop i don't know i'm pretty sure snowball was the closest one to the body right i guess so but i didn't do it i think snowball's telling the truth too plus why would he kill poop if he was right next to him i'm just so confused on how this imposter managed to kill in broad daylight i mean what a ballsy move we were all right there you're right this impostor has at least ten thousand iq yeah i agree well sounds like we have no clue so let's skip agreed wait did you guys hear that hear what i thought i heard someone oh you're probably just imagining things oh how could you and why would you do it in front of me what i i didn't do it i saw the knife but but it wasn't me oh sure it wasn't i'm serious it really wasn't me tell that to the space rocks just killed sandy right in front of me i did not oh my god snowball how could you that's not what happened okay then what did happen um well see he can't even make up a story sounds to me like snowball is the killer i swear it's not me look you might not believe me but the knife just appeared out of thin air and it started floating around as if a ghost was controlling it that's not funny snowball it's the truth how pathetic come on guys let's vote him out sounds good to me yeah let's vote him out here to explain yourself jeff i don't understand it really looked like it was him let's get him yeah i don't get it how is it neither of them maybe what they said was true maybe there is a ghost on board this [Music] ship come on guys let's do our tasks mr pepperoni man how can you be so calm there's a ghost on this ship well we have no choice we have to do our tasks even if there is a ghost oh mr pepperoni man you're so brave oh shucks it's nothing fine let's just get this over with what [Music] i saw chester vent what wow i saw him that i saw him vent i didn't then yes you did no i didn't i don't know who to believe this is so crazy okay who do you think we should vote for banana don't pin this on me i have no idea vote for chester he did it he vented it opened right beside him i didn't vent i'm not the imposter liar all right i'm gonna vote for chester i feel like he's lying too thank you all right i'll follow you mr pepperoni man what not again ah any last words your mom but it's not me sure it isn't oh my god how can we get this wrong four times in a row and why are all these people wrongly accusing each other i know right it doesn't make any sense unless unless what unless it's true what if there really are ghosts on board [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] hmm thank god you called a meeting i was starting to get so scared on my own oh banana are you okay yeah you look like you've seen a ghost [Laughter] guys you won't believe what i just saw what mr pepperoni man can turn invisible and he's the imposter that's the funniest lie i've ever heard um well yeah that is kind of hard to believe mrs potato it's the truth he has this kind of belt or something he could make him invisible somehow it sounds ludicrous when i say it out loud but trust me i'm 100 telling the truth are you sure it explains everything that's why the others were accusing each other that's why snowball said the knife floated that's why poop died in the first round with a room full of people it wasn't a ghost it was an invisible imposter sure thing oh yeah well let me prove it to you [Music] [Applause] oh my god mrs potato you were right oh thank god i thought there were real ghosts on this ship turns out it was just mr pepperoni man this whole time i told you guys i was telling the truth let's it doesn't matter if you know my secret you can't catch me even if you tried [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so that was an intense game yeah yeah mr pepperoni man i'm disappointed in you for cheating i know i know it was a close game though thanks i just have one question though why did you write my name in blood in the med bay room huh yeah don't you remember banana i never did that wait really i swear on my life i never did that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign um chester are you okay hey banana what's up with him what's up with him let's get out of here hey banana what's up um the chester huh what's that the chasing it's chester i can't believe come on spit it out there's our zombie onboard our ship sure thing banana it's the truth is this some big brain play by the imposter it's not banana is telling the truth guys me and your mom both saw it we did wait really yes i don't believe you i swear i'm telling the truth i walked into electrical and chester was there acting all weird then all of a sudden he turns around and he's a zombie he starts chasing after me he chased us too oh my god i think i think there's some sort of virus on the ship i think i heard about it oh i've heard of this i think one of the other ships reported about some sort of virus on bollis that must be it so it's true the virus is on this ship i'm afraid so i don't believe you i'm pretty sure banana is the imposter and he's just doing this to mess with us poop both me and your mom can confirm that banana is telling the truth there aren't three impostors so it must be true can't you see that i don't believe you that's it i'm voting for banana poop why would you [Music] [Applause] what wow run [Applause] [Music] ugh um i look it's okay this is a zombie apocalypse we have to work together if we want to survive just just promise not to kill me okay we're in this together yeah okay thanks snowball [Applause] [Music] if we want to survive we have to find some weapons i have my knife i'll need a weapon too i'll shut the door oh um thanks [Applause] uh [Music] what was that ah guys you're alive sandy snowball oh thank the heavens you're alive i thought you were goners we nearly were but we made it through together both pink and green have been turned into zombies we spotted them over by navigation just a few seconds ago this is serious if we don't get rid of them soon the whole ship could become infected you're right but it's so hard to kill them i think the only way might be to chop their heads off even if you chop off an arm they just keep coming at you i think if we [Music] [Applause] this way can the impostors close the door or something please we're gonna die sandy you gotta close the door they'll know i'm the imposter we'll die if you don't [Music] you're the imposter mr grits it's okay i'm not gonna hurt relax sandy won't hurt you she's on our side it's us versus the zombies now you knew we're gonna die here no we're not we will survive even if you're the imposter we both have to work together snowball's right me and mrs potato are both imposters it's fine mrs potato we'll work together to end this fine this virus has plagued our lives but if we are strong and work as a united people we will defeat the zombies i know it'll be tough i know we may get hurt but wouldn't you rather die trying and give up like a coward we have to avenge our fallen comrades we must survive now who's with me we are let's get them [Music] we did it we actually did it i knew we could i knew it i'm so glad the imposters and crewmates work together we never could have defeated the zombies on our own i agree i think this is a joint win nice work [Music] we did it together why mrs potato why snowball it'll be okay it'll be okay oh god oh god we won [Music] shhh you can do this there's nothing to worry about it's just a date a date with sandy oh my god i'm not ready for this [Applause] hello snowball my man are you ready for your big date no i'm freaking out look snowball there's nothing to worry about jeff you don't understand i've been wanting to go on a date with sandy since forever but now that it's actually happening i just can't take the nerves relax man it's all good just make sure you calm down and enjoy the date i need some advice of course man listen the most important thing to do is oh uh sorry snowball i have to go somebody's about to walk in on this body see ya no wait you got this you're cool you're funny you've got a ton of jokes why don't eggs tell jokes they'd crack each other up no no that's not good what do you call cheese that isn't yours nacho cheese nacho cheese not joe cheese no that sucks too oh man i'm not funny at all i thought you were too busy to give advice jeff um snowball this is sandy sandy oh god i'm so sorry i did not mean to shout it's fine don't worry so you're looking for advice huh is it about our date no no snowball there's no need to worry just think of this as a hangout nothing to worry about yeah you're right thanks see you soon yeah see ya [Music] you got this [Music] hey hey you look beautiful uh um thank you you too i mean handsome thanks we should probably do our tasks yeah i should maybe let's let's do them together i'd like that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow [Music] listen sandy can i tell you something what is it i i really like you oh i really like you too you do of course why else would i go on this date with you [Music] ah [Music] [Music] wow oh my god how did this happen i guess we were just too focused on each other yeah i guess we were um what was that huh you just let the impostors win look i get that you're on a date and all but that doesn't mean you can just throw the game like that jeff i'm sorry we just we lost focus snowball that's no excuse you should oh uh oh uh um hi sandy um i jeff it's fine you're absolutely right that was our fault we'll make sure to pay more attention next time yeah don't worry jeff we'll play serious now oh well okay thanks guys i appreciate it god why did it have to be me [Music] oh um hi snowball hi sandy ready for our um second date yeah let's go to our tasks how am i going to get a kill when snowball is right beside me the whole time if i say i want to go on my own he'll know i'm the imposter cause i wouldn't flunk out on a date like that oh no what am i going to do hey i have some tasks in here um let's go to communication but let's go [Music] [Music] oh no a body how did that get here me and sandy found this body outside of coms sandy is like 100 innocent by the way yep that's me 100 innocent okay so snowball and sandy are cleared i met base scanned poop and jeff so we're all clear i can confirm that banana and jeff were scanned me and mr pepperoni man were together the whole time too we're both innocent great so that just leaves chester what me but i'm a crewmate are you sure cause everyone else is clear no no way someone is misvouching personally i think snowball is just vouching for sandy because he wants to be nice what how dare you sandy is the most innocent player here i would bet my life on it oh really because i'm pretty sure i saw sandy fake a task in the admin room earlier on that's not true right sandy um look she's not even defending herself that's it i'm hard accusing you sandy you're the imposter i know it look back off chester there's no need to be so harsh stop defending her just cause you're on a date [Music] that's it i'm voting you out yeah sorry chester i'm gonna have to vote for you too well sounds like we're voting for chester no guys you're you're making a huge mistake it all adds up you're the only one not accounted for no this can't be ah someone is lying sorry man [Music] hey ready to go to the next task uh yep sandy you're the imposter i'm sorry snowball i'm sorry i feel so bad for lying [Music] i i have to report you here you know i understand [Music] it it was sandy wait really yes so chester was telling the truth wait snowball i thought you said sandy was 100 clear i guess i was wrong well goodbye sandy [Music] [Music] hello snowball my man how did the dead go um not so good wait really yeah oh god how did i let it end up like this was it really that bad well well well what an unexpected turn in the love story of sandy and snowball will they make up is this the end of the sandy and snowball ship get this video up to 20 000 likes and we'll post part three of this among us love story [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] all right boys let's get this thing going uh a sure thing boss you can count on us you got it boss don't you worry about them bodies i'll deal with them for you we gotta make sure we snag these lousy crewmates yes a boss gotcha chester we gotta protect the dawn of course i'll lay down on my laugh for the dawn [Laughter] i know i can count on you two but if anything happens to me i'm counting on you my mafioso to carry on my legacy as the godfather me you don't want to come down to that boss willa beat him i'm assured of it but if it does you promise me you'll deal with it won't you yes don banana good boy all right boys let's get this thing rolling [Applause] [Music] i i didn't hear anything please let me go i won't tell anyone sorry there snowball but you leave us no choice let's ice them [Music] the cost is a clear don banana [Music] good job boys in and out quick and easy that's the best way to go about it oh you're right there boss that was close though if we hadn't seen him he would have snitched no worries your mom ain't nobody gonna mess with the don boyce it's uh time we split up someone might start to get suspicious of us oh can't i stay with you boss you know i'm a good for you the family's got a sticker together you heard me we split up let's go [Music] hey guys [Music] oh hi there your mom hey what have you guys been doing oh you know tasks how about you yeah same thing tasks you know who i haven't seen in a while snowball oh yeah you're right i haven't seen snowball in ages oh no you don't think he's been killed do you oh no i'm sure he's fine he's probably stuck doing some long task and navigation or something well let's go check then do [Music] hey why'd you stop oh no reason let's go to nav and see if snowball is there snowball's not here oh yeah we should call the emergency button [Music] aha just as we expected snowball is dead oh poor snowball there are three mafias among us we have to make sure we figure out who they are are you sure you're not hiding the body by calling this meeting mr pepperoni man no it's not me jeff can vouch for me we were together the whole time that's true mr pepperoni man is innocent but i have a suspicion on who it is who banana me oh you wanna pick on a banana then you gotta answer to me oh um i i mean i don't think it's banana hmm and why not jester because because i i just don't wow okay hear that guys banana is cleared for the rest of the round but it's true enough this is getting us nowhere who last saw snowball sounds to me like this is a skip vote hmm i've got my eye on you banana [Music] [Music] oh um hey guys jeff it's nice to see you wait banana what happened to your accent so you think don banana is a member of the mafia do you wait your mom you too and nobody accuses the dawn and gets away with it good job you two you cannot count on us boss all right clean up this mess ah [Music] i just saw a banana vent we saw him too [Music] all right banana you're outta here we all saw you vent didn't we guys yep we sure did yeah totally very well [Applause] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] good luck donchester i know you can do it hmm oh [Music] i saw your mom sweep up a body oh my god what no you didn't yes i did i believe you mr pepperoni man let's vote your mom out i agree she's gotta go [Music] [Music] [Applause] here's what's going to happen i'm going to report this body and we're going to have a meeting and you're not going to say a word and if you want to keep that tongue of yours i'm going gonna win this you got that [Music] oh my god he just killed right in front of me it's mr gritz mr grits is that true mr grits hello see he can't even defend himself i'm telling you it's him well all right if you can't put up a defense then it must be him i'm so proud of you dawn thinks of us [Music] you
Channel: STA Studios
Views: 8,576,891
Rating: 4.8037696 out of 5
Id: gpOUY7ygj-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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