I exploited natural resources for HUGE PROFIT in Foundry!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Foundry now this is a factory Builder I've had my eyes on for some time now so when Paradox interactive reached out and asked if I wanted to do a sponsor video my answer was of course yes so if you want to check out Foundry when it releases on the 2nd of may be sure to boo Link in my description anyway let's head straight into single player we'll do a new game we get to pick a map seed nice and then we start falling from the skies onto this alien planet and basically we've landed down our aim is to mine the planet for metal and oh my goodness look at the tree look at the girth of that tree damn boy but yeah what we're after are metals like these so we're going to have to collect them we're going to have to smelt them down uh first off let's have a look at our map so this is where we are this is our Landing location you can see there's some ores dotted about um the map by the way it's an infinite voxal World so that just keeps going forever presumably anyway in our inventory if we just grab our or scanner let's shove it down in two and then when we press two we can we can do a scan you can see on there we've got some more so the one straight ahead is this one EXO farite or and if I scan again there's another one over this we the techn noore so in the top rate our task is to get a 100 of each so let's whip out my little friend the drill I don't know what it is I love drills that look like this like something about a big yellow shiny drill just gets me gets me excited yeah so we can mine all of this as we mine these large pieces we're getting like quite a lot of art you can also just mine like the ground and that gives you like a very small amount each and but pretty sure these are like unlimited so that's good to note anyway that's 100 of the blue or we'll go get 100 of the other or but we'll also have a little Lookout we can drill just the ground so we can do that we can do that we can do that you'll see as these have been drilled they will just like fall away so yeah as first suspected we have a very efficient drill going on here anyway after a bit of mining these we now have all the ore we need and we can come back to our drop pod cuz over here we've got built-in smelters so if we insert that that will turn the or we've got into plates uh there's another one over this side so we can insort the techum as well and that will give us rods so that is burning away polluting the atmosphere nicely just what we like to do in these sorts of games all right so we got 10 plates so we'll take those we've also got 10 rods now and with those we can head into the crafting menu and so we're going to build some of these building blocks these are essentially foundations let me grab a few few more of these rods and plates all right and then we can just start building the foundation you can do click and drag which is always good so with our foundation here we can then build on this a drone Miner now that's going to take a little drone that's going to drill this so we've got some automation going on so in the craft menu in order to build a drone Miner we need 10 of the plate which we do have but then we need eight Machinery parts and six electronic parts so if we head into components they're the Machinery Parts which we create out of the the plates so we needed eight of those and then for these electronic parts you can see that needs rods as well as wire coil now you can just make the wire coil by itself using the rods or you can click this and if you look in the bottom left can you see it actually makes the makes the coil first and you can see in the top left that's what it's doing that's actually quite handy it means you don't have to like make stuff before you can make stuff right and it means now we have a drone Miner so if we shove this on there b so that is that in however there's no power so I'm going to to craft a biomass burner and the reason I've put all of these on a foundation is because buildings on a foundation they all share power it's not just concrete under here there's loads of wires and plugs and all sorts so for a biomass burner we need plates we need electronic components and we need rods I've got all of those so let's grab one of them you can then build that I'm going to shove it in that corner and then you can see here we're missing fuel so we've got to chop down some girthy trees so I'll pull out my drill and we will get drill drilling into this Bo see a tree but it's not just trees you can drill you can drill like these little planty things these weird mushroomy things and presumably these ginormous trees so let's give this a drill I love a game where I can DeForest stuff all right so with a load of biomass let's head back and I quite like the noise like my running makes I really sound like a robot I mean I guess that's cuz that's what I am really all right so anyway that's all my fueling you can see that is now burning away nicely um which means we have we have these little drones and they're collecting us loads of or oh there's loads of them let's look there's four of them but sweet next up I want I want to smel it cuz I want to smel all this stuff without having to take it back to my drop ship so in the crafting menu we've got the smelter there which we can afford already so let's Wang this next to that so we now have this smelter ready to go next to it however it's waiting for an item it's it can't just take stuff from here next to it we've got to build conveyors and that's what these on the front allow us to do so we got normal conveyors we got sloped conveyors we've also got these loaders now in order to build those we do actually need the plates initially so I'm going to I'm going to take all of those thank you guys and then going to shove my ore into this smelter and then that is now smelting away and it's worth noting this is way more efficient than this guy behind me so that is good the skies are darkening already oh look there's our spaceship up there I think that's where we came from so I think they're just like chilling up there waiting for us to do all the hard work they're a bit like I'm up there editors down here doing the editing doing the hard work um and by the way unfortunately this game does have night cycles fortunately though we do have a flashlight although it's a bit dim I was expecting that to be brighter not going to lie anyway let's take those plates out and then yes we can craft some conveyors we can't do a loader yet I think that's because we need more rods so let's head over to this we'll do a bit more manual mining of this I reckon if we just get rid of all these shards I think the drones like they more Focus like on the ground so now we've completely flattened that we can head back to here insert all of that and then we can take rods as they're made which means we can now craft some loaders and basically these go on the on the door panel to basically allow us to take things from there and then shove them into that so with the conveyors we crafted we can then go from there over to there and look now the ore comes out of this machine into this one where it gets smelted into plates all right so now we've just got to expand our oper so I'm going to have two smelters over this side and then I'm going to build exactly the same thing over here as well so if we build like that we can then shove another smelter there we can then have a loader there a loader there then we can conveyor like that into there and then where we're collecting all that ore that's now split into that output and this output and then we got two smelters on the goat making us twice the plate decent right now I've just got to head over to where this Ro is and I'm going to build hang on I think I need my scanner where is it it's there I think cuz I got rid of all the shards on the surface it was hard to see anyway Foundation goes in we'll weang the Drone miners the biomass burner we'll do some deforestation all right and then we've got some more on the goat all right and then just like that we have two smelters on the go making us some rods nice so next up in the science tab we need to build one of these a research server so if I just go and grab all the rods and pl that I've made so far we can then build this thing now it's a 3X3 grid and it requires power so I think what I'm going to do I'm just going to shove it like just sort of out the back there so that's that building in but in order to in order to use it we need to create some of these science packs so they just require machiney parts and rods so we can make three of those again you can see in the bottom left it creates all the little components it needs to make them before making the actual pack itself but with all three of those done we can then shove them into this so can do some research so if we say shove in the research packs and then research interface oh boy we got a tech treat oh it's not actually like it's like an inverted Tech Tree it's like a tech Iceberg a tech Berg anyway first thing we can research is an emergency Beacon start but then after that we can move on to other things assembler that requires five science packs we can add inventory slots better drills oh man 50 science packs okay we may need to try and automate the science packs now I imagine we'll do that with the assembler that we're going have to build by hand to start with anyway we can now craft an emergency Beacon and apparently this is where people will come and like help us so we probably want a fairly flat open space so I'm going to yeah I'm just going to mine some of this stuff out the way get out the way rocks get out the way trees all right so I think that's a fairly nice open flat space so if we craft that there we've then got this button around the back of it where we can send an emergency signal so oh my goodness oh my my goodness oh my goodness all right so apparently a huge bot just dropped down oh yeah there he is there he is oh look at this guy so yeah he just dropped down from space uh so if we dismantle this with that Bo we can then place this down which is what we just dismantled and then we've got our B all right so this little thing has just come down he's told us where's our spaceship he's basically said there was like a huge explosion I think you can see like bits of the spaceship like all floating about the place uh so we're going to attempt to send some supplies back up there so hopefully they can rebuild it looks in a really bad State though really bad all right so as suspected we got to research the assembler why is this thing turned off are we out of power we're out of power thankfully I do have a load of biomass stored from where I did some deforestation earlier so we keep that going but yeah we got to craft some science packs did we need three or five yeah we needed five so they will they will be crafted I think whilst they're crafting I'll just do a little bit more deforestation being a Brit I am just destroying the natives which is what I've always done apparently so this comes pretty naturally to me B oh wow I'm also slightly intreg like can you just drill down I mean I have played Minecraft I know you're not really meant to do this but I want to know oh how deep it goes we into a stone layer I turned my flashlight on cuz it got quite dark ooh this cannot be mined yet you need to research a higher mining Force Level okay oh no look how deep I am hello Mr Robot man can you pull me out out good job that was really useful I really like your tail by the way you remind me of Patty like walking around that is classic Patty with a stick all right anyway let's shove our research things in there we can then research the assembler start research all right look there's the mining Force One there's also a mining Force 2 like all the way down here that's really at the bottom of the iceberg we're literally only at the tip so I don't think we'll we'll ever find out what's at the very bottom of the map but for now you right mate you've fallen into the left nut there haven't you right anyway let's have a look at this assembler then so assembler we can oh we can build 34 of them okay let's just build one for now and then right okay this is quite a big boy it's another 3x3 yet and presumably this is going to need the the actual ores from the smelters so I think let's build a load of foundation pieces all right then we can build this thing oh I build I built right up to my my Landing location that I think that be fine though so that is in so we can configure the assembler oh this can make whatever we want so worst it would be cool to like build all of these stuff I think the sort of most sensible thing to build are probably these science packs so we can do more research so they need rods as well as Machinery parts now this over here this does create oh this creates the plates not the rods and then Machinery Parts they take the plates okay so I think we need an assembler to make the plates and another assembler to make the the science pack so if we Wang a load can I shovel loader next to this I hope my conveyors don't join and then we can bring plates out there and then conveyor them up I think I just got to press this button on top to make that an output yes and then the plates are coming out they go into here and then I just got to configure this to make those Machinery Parts Boos so now that is making Machinery parts then I'm going to want them to come out of here into another assembler like that and then just toggle that so that's an output so you can see the Machinery Parts go into this assembler now and this is going to be the one that makes the science pack so this just needs rods now so if we shove a loader up there as an input then just make some sloped conveyors as well as normal ones what I'm hoping is from this oh we've run out of power B from this where the rods are made you going just shove a bit of foundation down there have a loader there then hopefully we can go like that actually can I just oh I can keep that in the air I don't need the slopes oh decent okay we can come all the way up to that point then bring this over to there rotate it that way and then we will need a sloped conveyor to go up like that and then finally a conveyor there that's an intake I think I just got to go set this one as an outtake an outtake output why is it did it say outtake no intake yeah intake why is it not input it's intake take output English language man it always gets me but yeah now we've got loads of rods coming along here which means this assembler should start making some science packs now the question is can I automate yes I think I can take the science packs into here we're going to get a bit of conveyor spaghetti going on I think if I just build a few loaders build a few more conveyors and we can have that come out onto a conveyor that goes down then we'll just take these around here and shove it on there then that can go to an intake then I guess we just got to set up the research so that it it automatically does stuff so what do we have there we've got character Improvement I can make myself funnier or we can go build some basic infrastructure I feel like oh that's just more inventory slots okay I don't actually care about inventory slots let's do the basic infrastructure so start research and then this should oh no oh no I've made a massive mistake I've made a massive mistake that's meant to be output and there's no meant to be any items oh yeah I didn't realize that's how this worked so where I've got the conveyor there oh no I'm an idiot basically where this assembler comes out because the conveyors are all joined in a row the the Machinery Parts they literally just come all the way through so I've got to delete that conveyor I got to delete that ramp and probably these two as well then hopefully if I do a conveyor that way yeah then they're separated you can see in there are the the things that I need so if I just set this ramp to a down ramp Wang it there shove a c corner there yeah then we have the science packs however this is all clogged with those so let me just pick them all up all right there we go science packs are coming now oh I can't believe I did that still now this is researching the basic infrastructure and it's doing it all automatically lovely jly oh by the way look you can see the drones they do actually mine the ground like they actually they get rid of it after a while oh so this will run out oh I was hoping the ground was like infinite so yeah we will have to move some stuff around oh we also can I automate power somehow I don't think I can can I not yet anyway maybe there's another is there like a some sort of power or a burner generator I don't think that would be infinite I probably need something like solar or oh man there's so much stuff to this there's like piping there's pumps oh biomass farming that could be what we want to do oh I can get a jetpack I want a jetp pack what the hell there cargo ships underground M there's so much stuff in this all right anyway our research is done we have oh we've have the basic infrastructure done which means we've unlocked all of these things ooh conveyor balancing Splitters oh second lane of load oh this is cool and some architecture stuff like railings and stairs okay maybe the burner generator next that's 20 science packs oh I actually need I need to unlock all these things oh I didn't realize that well I want to head to the burner generator so yeah let's do the or scanner for the ignant so I think that will just allow us to scan a new material by the way science packs are backing up that is good news are you right Lord me you got something to say of you right the robot just said my mat is bad and I need to do eight smelters for each metal or in order to fill up the conveyors yeah cuz otherwise this thing's just full the whole time man eight smelters is a lot though also it means completely surrounding these these like exits I think and yeah I'm realizing I haven't built this in the most sensible place I think I need to move that one and let's delete that that and that I need to move that in lit to there so that it doesn't mess with the one with the door next to it so now that goes straight in there and I can access this door here the trouble is I'm not going to be able to conveyor that out without blocking this door I don't think so I need to move this back if I want to move that back I got to move this back I did not plan this through yeah my main concern is when I build the oh they can no they can't float in the air oh they can float in the air oh so they can just mine underneath it okay that's good I didn't want to block like all the stuff underneath so from these I can just convey about out yeah so hopefully little drones you can still mine under these conveyors I hope so anyway anyway the scanner's done I'm tempted by the loader second lane thing does that allow me to like loader with a two block pickup and drop off range interesting anyway for now bur a generator so yeah look it's advised to automate the process by using igni ore so if we now scan we should be able to find iium somewhere yeah that one over there IGN or so I think we can use this ore instead of biomass so we can stop cutting down the trees oh is it under the ground it's under the ground oh that's cool so we got to mine down to it I love foxal physics not going to lie yeah I'm hoping to see under here yes is that it yes IGN more decent all right I'm just going to uncover all of this then picking up a lot of dirt by the way yeah nice I think we've uncovered this side pretty much we'll just do a little bit more drilling right so that's the IGN I'm covered so if I just drill some stairs to get out this is where I'm going to put my next drone area actually I might I might drill them down here and have this sort of under the ground so that as I walk around it should be like sort of flush so yeah first things first foundations so shove those in so then we want our drones to go like I guess there they don't have power yet I may need a biomass burner just like start it off until the burner generators like up and running or maybe I can just put the burner generator down and then fill it with this ignas stuff but yeah we' got to wait for it to be researched so I'm going to do a bit more drilling just to make us a bit more space all right I'm also just digging a trench as well you'll see why in a second right so here's that burn oh man it's massive it's massive why is it so big so I need to do a bit more drilling just to make room for it but yeah then it fits there nicely so then if I just do a conveyor out of there and into there do conveyor see they're all linked like that and then if I just jump start this with a bit of the IGN that I drilled and hopefully this has power which will power the Bots they should drill their own out then that should head into here where we have infinite power for as long as this lasts yeah you can see that's now going on the conveyor that now is fully fueled up so that is getting us power but I can now take that power back to our base if I just go into my foundations remember these carry all the all the electricity along it so I can literally build this in my trench that I did and my trench goes all the way to our base if we just fill this all up so we end up here do that then I think everything is linked and this is now powered by that over there if I want to power this up I might just build another trench I might just shove it under this conveyor so I'm now drilling under the conveyor belt I probably should have just removed the conveyor belt this is a stupid way of doing it but then that will link to this foundation so if I just build back like this then Bo I think everything is linked up so I no longer need my biomass burners that is the theory anyway yeah this produces 1.8 megaw banging right anyway looking at the time I've played this for far too long already if you want to check out more be sure to boost the like button and leave a comment below otherwise check out the game yourself remember this is a sponsored video so there's a link in my description if you want to go buy it on the second or may thanks once again to the dev for sponsoring and I will say peace love and oh I didn't build a bridge bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 251,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer
Id: w_KX0IBpizg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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