The game mocks my profession...

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there is a game about engineering that has been going viral on Tick Tock millions of views showing the world how great and intelligent us Engineers are the games made by two actual Engineers as well a civil yay and a structural and I thought this is going to help make engineering great again as some guy had tarnished the name by going around making knob jokes at every opportunity and now I have a chance to play the game so hello fellow engineers and welcome to the engineer wait wait what why is the spelling like that oh maybe maybe it's just because we're like we're like numbers guys rather than words guys wait why is this guy the face of engineering why is this beard been replaced with a butt where's his Hive his jacket why is this hard hat made out of hair why are his eyes like wait wait that's fine he's he's probably just better at multitasking look at two things at once anyway let's get into this and see what my career is like in the eyes of the gaming world all right well let's get into a new game and see what this is all about there I am the engineer right let's start in save slot three just to annoy some people right so here we are we're in the first level and basically we have loads of missions that we have to complete we get money for doing those now in this game it's not all about building some of them pretty easy like this one all I gotta do is just walk to the end now you might think well Matt that's pretty that's pretty simple but look these other controls oh my goodness so yeah you can literally control like every arm individually like if I want to I can I was gonna say I can easily climb over this all right there we go here we go I'm getting over now I'm getting over now it's sort of like human fall flat oh like right I'm over I have my yes in your face engineering I mean what so you can see bomb left there is a timer so we're trying to do this as fast as possible so uh maybe maybe I should have just run for it d-minus oh dear I wonder can I can I just like speed run this way come on get over get over it's just Out Of Reach come on anyway there's also emissions like this one where we've gotta take this Barrel over this way into the green thing nice another D minus brilliant my actual engineering degree was easier than this there's also like climbing missions where we gotta try and scale walls to get to the green box as well another D minus so yeah just like in real school the physical stuff I'm not too good at however where we are gonna succeed in this game are the building challenges all right so in this one we need to keep a box in this area for eight seconds otherwise the level will fail so we've got to build something underneath a structure to hold it in place now we've got these materials at the bottom quite a few different things so we got logs we got beams we got bracing sheets as well as blocks and like other stuff like rotating things propellers ropes I'm very excited for I love games that do ropes it's worth noting all of these objects you can change the connection type so you can either have like three objects or fixed ones so basically you have three objects like if I were just to put that up there like that would probably fall over whereas if I used a fixed one can you see like the bottom of it it's actually fixed to the floor so what we probably want to do is shove these like under each Corner then you can see oh yeah that's pretty high that's pretty taut so you can then shove a sheet on top of that so we can do that then we can slide it up like that oh that's looking tasty I've made a platform from the timber borders uh we probably then want to nail this in so if I grab a nail I can go straight down like that so that's pretty cool but you can also depending on the angle you can like put in 45 degree ones so these these just go like 45 degrees from like however you're looking at so like that does work but if I were to like if I were to look like that angle and then 45 degree yeah look at that that's way better yeah actually like if you look at this one can you see it's not it's not overlapping I can't put like a nail straight down but if I come over here and go like boosh that honestly looks like a DIY project I've done myself at home like if I were to ever build Furniture this is probably what it would look like it's taking me back to like my design technology lessons anyway I'm not sure it depends on the weight of this but I'm not sure whether this will like fall over or whether it needs bracing like if the crate's just straight down it might be okay let's press build so you can see it's it's getting built now and we'll see whether this is gonna work or not so there it is and it's holding no cross bracing required icon hey I told you I'd be better at building than like physical stuff really to be fair like in my head I am actually fairly or reasonably athletic just uh not in video game terms maybe perhaps I don't know I got an A okay so this this is what we're all about we're building a bridge and not only are we building a bridge we've then got to get our engineer across it so it's got to be reasonably strong reasonably easy for us to navigate now we got 40 beams 40 bits of bracing and 20 sheets as well as 80 nails so the question oh man the question is is 40 planks enough for us to build a build here because I can't have my first bridge in this game like not be a bill that stands for bridge I'd like to fabricate by the way okay right I guess first off let's just grab a beam we'll make sure it's fixed then I think you can scale these can't you so if I hold caps lock and then use my my scroll wheel I can go from that oh boy oh boy so that long so that will get me some like value out of each piece so yeah we'll shove one there I'll shove another one that side oh then I think I'll do the same over here as well so boost boost and then we are nearly touching tips that oh yeah so I think from there I'll just go like the length I need just to get the distance you've got man I'm lit I'm playing poorly bridge in 3D this is awesome yeah I'm actually intrigued to see if I press build like how how will these work because I have if you look like I have used a fixed joint there you can see the nails so if I press build to build those builds those does that stay up okay that stays up I did not think they would have the strength hang on let me just let me just try something if I were to grab a sheet so I want to go from there down this way to there I then want to offset this oh can I scale this as well oh scale makes it wider okay got it but yeah I can offset over like that boost then do another one and another one right okay I assume that that's not gonna that's gonna be too much weight right we'll press build and we'll see what happens I'm hoping this will be like too much weight and it will what the f what was that oh it's actually it's holding surely I cannot walk across this if I slowly walk on I just breaking my leg it seems to be holding I'll fix joints overpowered we've made it I've got another a I've got another a however I do want to refine my design I think I can do better because not gonna like this I mean it's a bit of a sort of a product of architecture like I'm pretty sure I can do better let's just put it that wait so worth remembering I do have the bracing so the beams should probably be for like the sort of vertical pieces and then to go from like left to right to keep it in place I'll use the bracing for that so let's grab a beam I think we want to start from down here ish then roots oh you can rotate oh that's good that is good I wish it could go a little bit a little bit higher that's as high as we can go but still add those to both sides and then from this end I think I probably want to reduce the scale do I yeah let's make it a bit shorter and we can add that to all the sides and another one like there then I need these to meet in the middle so I may need to scale that a little bit longer all right okay we have our Arch we can now add some bracing in although to be honest I probably wanna yeah if I add pieces like that and then just rotate that into there ish can't even down here making a bridge for this guy look at his face okay I've only got 10 planks left so this might be my last like structural piece it will just extend that down to here like that boost one there boost another one there this one it just got over rotate 180 degrees and yeah building in this it's not too bad because I feel like trying to build like a 3D sort of structural game like this cannot be easy but like I've just built this like fairly quickly and it's my first time ever building in this game as well so fair play I think they've done a good job because remember this game's only made by two people yeah right now I want to use the bracing uh to try and add like the sort of cross beams like from there to there that should help stabilize this thing quite significantly and I reckon as well I could probably if I Wang some Nails into this that should help hold everything together as well all right nice we've done that I just need to I just need to finish off the trusses in the middle I did run out of uh I did run out of beams right okay it looks quite rickety I'm not gonna lie I'm intrigued to see if it's gonna hold because I have used the fixed beams but I know that not everything is like fixed together I can see that isn't connected to this so if I like come up here and do my 45 degree nail like that boost might be worth doing that sort of thing everywhere just to ensure everything is stitched together yeah I'll just go through add a load more Nails we wouldn't want our Engineers to get hurt now would we and oh yeah look at the size of my neck it's really really long I'm not used to like such a long one that's what she said if I shove it down there I can make that go through like can you see how long it is I can make it go through like all those bits of wood to make sure we're definitely connected yeah if I oh man if I do it on this side look how many pieces we go through here just added a load of nails everywhere like to be honest I should probably do the same on top because up here these sheets they're just resting that is no good for anyone so if I just go through and sort of nail all these boards down just try and make sure we're connected to every single piece boost boost one at the end one at that end right surely that is not going anywhere let's press build and see if this thing holds together I love that you can actually see it get built look at it the man does appear I thought I was like seeing something earlier yeah he does appear from the Mist to actually help build this thing but I'll tell you what look at that for my first ever bridge in this game I'm quite impressed although actually there was there was a bit of movement but yeah I'm gonna say this needs a bridge review a huge wooden truss Arch one of the first 3D Bridges Matt has ever designed in a video game it is wide enough for our engineer to safely walk across surely and we know that it structurally sound although technically this stuff underneath is it just there for looks either way it is structurally sound because it's been cross braced an abundance of nails have been used so overall I think it looks good to me so let's see if our engineer can get across without anything happening call course he can of course he's even done it backwards no you can't walk backwards in this game oh maybe you can you can I gotta see and I think a c works out as a 7.0 out of 10. so overall I give this bridge a 7.0 out of 10 Bridge review right so yeah I can see myself having a lot of fun in this game I sort of want to push it to the extreme now but uh we'll just complete this Mission I got a B because I went faster nine seconds and then we'll go on to the next one it's a two-star difficulty build and climb a tower all right so this next one we've got to build quite a tall tower and then we need to get our little man up there and for this there is there are like building tools so there's these construction lines so you can use these to sort of line up a bit easier so if I were to like put that through that corner another one through that corner another one through that corner then when we come to build we can see like on the floor exactly like where the edges are so if this one I'm gonna use I'm to use a log I'm going to make my log longer and oh wow oh my goodness log everything in this game can get so light I feel like I've been lied to my whole life I'm not used to such length but anyway let's shove that like sort of there another one there there and there so that is four logs we can then go up and shove our sheet on top so can I can I not build directly on logs tell you what then if I shove everything down both these sides can I then do a sheet between those is it because if I press build that's actually going to appear yes okay so if there's like a light blue thing that's already a platform that's going to appear but look I've made I've made a tool platform we've just got to get you up there now so question how the hell are we gonna achieve that I reckon if we take a sheet from there oh no not over to there hang on I'm debrising between them yeah and then a sheet oh sheets okay sheets ODI go flat I think okay I don't know why I'm adding curves to this but if I'm just gonna try and add like yeah I don't know why I'm building it I think I'm building a spiral staircase so if I were to take a sheet from there oh I can sleep down so that okay that's cool so you can go down to that one except we can't because it's clashing because it's going a circle but what I can do I can offset so it goes over there okay I'm now making a cantilevered spiral staircase so if we just keep doing these we sh we should have some sort of platform that we can maybe walk up now the question is do these need bracing because to be honest I haven't really seen much physics in this game so far so let's just press play and then aha okay I've just realized none of those were connected so if I just grab some Nails then just give this the old boost into there then hopefully all of this will be nailed together and then we can see how cantilevered stuff work oh it does actually hold no way so the question is if I try and walk up this will it still have the strength to hold me oh no I just remembered how hard it is to actually walk in this game oh no I see a lot of movement as well can we get up this I struggling he's he's struggling got me come on okay it's looking good it's actually it's actually not looking too bad let me just turn the guide on and let me try and there we go oh there we go you just gotta walk properly manually right guide off I don't need the guide anymore that's it for oh careful careful it's a bit slippy oh yes look at this look at this oh no no no no no no no no it's just slightly move my right foot to oh no oh I didn't have the strip I landed in the splits that's the worst way to land so there are structural requirements okay that's actually reassuring I was a little bit worried it was going to be a bit too easy and we wouldn't want that would we alright so I reckon it's time to get the bracing out so I think what I want to do I want to brace from there sort of yeah down to that so the thing with bracing you've got to go from an edge like that actually overlaps so it's actually quite hard to brace these if I can do that I'm I'm hoping this will make it stronger yeah I sort of need to go from like this topic I can't go from underneath really if I go from that top Edge there usually is an angle that works particularly as they can just I could do a I can do a brace to a brace reception right so that looks pretty well braced I might try and like if I add like a beam off like that edge oh no beams have a max length which are not very long I mean I could actually yeah I could just go from like these I basically I just want to fill in the gaps if I just shove bracing on top like that that should stop us falling through like with our leg and breaking it this thing looks so bad although does it I mean actually from a distance if you squint a bit it does look sort of legit I mean to be fair it hasn't fallen down yet oh I've just I was holding on to a pole I don't know why but right let's get up this thing it should be a bit easier now there's no holes in this so oh oh dear oh dear come on come on oh no no no no oh that leg strength this man does not Skip Leg date although my foot is actually trapped my right foot is trapped look at it oh it's out it's out it's out I'll tell you what that is good oh leg placement is it ow I've done the splits again right we're up we're out we're down starting to think maybe I should have made this a bit shallower rather than so Steep and maybe added like safety railings I'm sort of forgetting to realize why we have safety railings in the world it's for safety oh it just he doesn't have the grip in his boots are you even wearing boots they look like socks get your work boots on man you need some tread tell you what maybe that is what this design needs a bit of tread okay so I went through I added a bit of grip since I don't have a grip on my shoes I thought let's add grips of the structure oh man I hope I don't fall over so let's see how this works one foot out up now the other foot that's right through it ow ow are you still slipping I still fell off you silly boy all right I know I know what I need now in the name of Clarkson I need power just Sprint just Sprint come on come on you got this you got this you you come on I am so close I've just got to get my left foot sort of like my right foot that's stuck on the thing that ain't going anywhere look at it but my left foot I need it to find somewhere grippy oh no all right I did a jump I did a jump did it work no I better idea we we pull ourselves up yes that is it that is it oh just lie on the nails oh that one is right through his hand that's not nice but yes I've just gotta drag myself up say left hand no no don't fall off don't fall off don't fall off oh no how have I ended up in this predicament I need more Nails up here I need more Nails up here I'll tell you what I am actually I'm actually making this yes come on just Slug it up there Slug It Up yes we're on we're officially on I made it I got a D that's all I deserve for that I think anyway we've now completed all the missions in this world which means we can go into the next World the farm so here is the farm there's like farmy stuff crops a farmhouse first job of the day is go inspect this thing so literally just go over here is it I only got a B hang on let's go go go go leg it legit legit legit that's better we got an A we got five coins I don't know what coins for oh there's a builder's Merchant where I can get extra building materials for end game Island that sounds like my kind of Island so yeah that's why we're getting coins okay got it anyway our next mission is to build a fence so that no one can like come into our farm and eat our crops okay so we need we need a fence to stop people getting through here so we'll start with a beam I'm gonna do a trump as well we're gonna build a very very tall wall or at least we're gonna tell people we are all right so then that goes there you can then do another one on top like we do really need to keep our crops safe oh is that too tall okay that's that seems to be as high as we can go but we do need to we need to deter people from trying to get in because like flat wall like that you could easily easily climb it so let's add some bracing behind yeah we've added a bit of deterrent to the front edge okay that's good we've got our fence done looks good oh no what the oh there's our two cats attacking oh no I was not expecting that yeah something I didn't realize as well I I forgot to I forgot to hammer my sheets on so let me just grab a couple of these nails we don't need all of them it was a bit excessive I had no idea we're actually gonna get attacked by cats that's so cool and they were in opposite corners should be enough right if I just do that corner and then top left corner all right that should be good so that's getting built and then the cats are gonna attack where do they actually come from like oh my God they just come flying out of nowhere no they've broken through they've broken through they're not going to get through are they no mission complete we're good we're good okay continue that is a perfect whoa I can't believe cat's actually attacked okay we've then gotta pick for oh no we've got to pick that fruit thankfully we just learned we are pretty good at climbing so we can easily get up here here we go on to the front ow okay this is going better this is actually going better I think I I'm not gonna lie I'm very very strong like I'm like a gymnast on the Rings holding myself out with like one arm okay now I'm climbing backwards that wasn't actually intended but yeah backstroke is actually the most efficient stroke in water so I figured it's probably the most efficient one to climb a tree with oh we're actually we're actually gonna get this fruit come on nearly there nearly there yes yes we got it d-minus took me 140 seconds I will take it right then we have build a water tower so we need to build something strong that can support this but if you want to see that you're gonna have to wait till next time because I'm going to leave it there for today peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,114,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, enjenir, tik tok, the enjiner, the enjenir, the engineer, engineer game, enginer game
Id: v-Qg1YMJr0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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