Updates on 365 vids in a year, Vlogmas and Zoom Course Creation

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so hello everyone how are you all doing today great to see you all here some familiar faces in the live stream and uh good to see a couple of new ones as well so uh hi jeff great to see you here from the uk uh victor obviously i know uh i know you very well it's uh just great to see you here on the the stream and uh christian great to see you here as well and uh oh look who's just uh snuck in the door as well it's michael hi michael how are you all doing um yes it's been uh it's been a another good week this week not least because my my parents arrived yesterday from from the uk to visit for for two months here in thailand and it was basically uh sort of always a question of whether they'd actually be able to come in the end because we never know what's going to happen these days do we with rule changes new variants and all this sort of stuff of covid but in any case they are here so that is just a huge relief and they'll be here for the next two months over christmas uh or maybe indefinitely if the rules change and they can't get back but it's better that they're here than in the uk from our perspective at least anyway they may have second thoughts after they've spent uh two months with uh my three kids all running around and screaming and i think they're exhausted already to be honest even after less than 24 hours in the house all of the kids are just uh vying for their attention so uh yeah it's all it's it's all good though and uh hey paul how are you doing i love the new avatar by the way oh which reminds me i've still got uh i've still got a bit of editing of another image to do for you haven't i and i uh completely slipped my mind i'll uh let me write that right down so before i forget uh there we go uh i should have done that is it two months ago now i can't remember anyway i'll i'll sort that out um so let's get straight on into my uh my update of my channel progress which is uh one of the sort of features of these live streams if you can call it that and this is obviously working towards my 365 videos in a year challenge and uh so we're on week 30 day 212. so far 172 videos uh 41 shorts uh 885 lovely people i still this still boggles my mind that people click the subscribe button and are interested in what i'm waffling on about uh 885 subscribers uh 5 600 watch hours and 57 000 views so uh yeah really yeah really pleased to see the channel just sort of creeping up like that and uh it's interesting actually the the watch hours how that is you know obviously the the the target for uh monetization i know it's not a huge thing but it is just one of those uh youtube targets that people aim for isn't it is a thousand subscribers and four thousand watch hours and uh you know a lot of people say that those two sort of come hand in hand but uh obviously the watch hours is quite uh quite significantly more than the 4000 at the moment but still working towards that thousand subs but we'll see will i get there by the end of the year so this uh this last week it's gone up by 45 so maybe maybe might get there by new year who knows we'll have to uh we'll have to see it's all down to me really isn't it being consistent because there is a distinct link between posting consistently and the numbers going up it is that simple and so i've been posting a little bit more consistently everyone who is regular here will know that i've been a little bit inconsistent for the past uh two months really try inconsistent in aiming for a video a day i mean uh i suppose by other standards it might be seem like i'm posting a lot but yeah there was a lack of sort of consistency and certainly from the back side of it the uh the inside of it rather whichever way you look at it there was a lack of like a sort of clear flow from my uh my uh uh my side you know i knew that i wasn't into the flow of the routine even though it might have appeared that stuff was coming out regularly so that's what i'm aiming to get back into with vlogmas having said that i have actually missed the past two days of vlogmas so there you go draw your own conclusions uh just been a um uh a great um uh a great week for other stuff but not such a great week for youtube so yeah just with my parents arriving there was things to sort out for that and then with some of my other work stuff which if you've watched some of my uh my other vlogmas videos where i've been i seem to have been doing a a video resume which is not the intent i'm not looking for work uh i've got more than enough um but uh but yeah so i've sort of explained about some of the other stuff i do and so the last one that i talked about which was the algorithmic trading stuff that's been particularly busy uh this uh this last last week so uh just lots of different things to sort out with that so hence these are my excuses for basically missing my uh my uh my last couple of vlogmas videos but i'll try and catch up in any case and we'll make it back up i also did say i seem to recall let me just call myself out here i seem to recall at the beginning of vlogmas when i said what i was going to do for vlogmas i was going to do my regular vlogmas videos plus my usual uh tutorial videos as well and my shorts and i haven't many of the tutorial videos i only did one of those yesterday which was to answer a question that uh that rich had asked so uh so yeah i've got to get back on top of those the other thing that i've been doing though which has been a little bit of a distraction is my uh course creation so creating my um uh i almost forgot the name of the application then it's uh it's been one of those mornings i at my zoom master class so i suppose i should put that up as well shouldn't i so this will be launching on the 1st of december my zoom master class where i'll be teaching all about uh basically not just how to use the zoom app but then also how to be more effective on zoom how to increase your audio video quality and stuff like that i know most of the people in the chat will know a lot of these things because you're uh obviously all into the the the world of live streaming and things like that but uh the the the core of the courses or the whole of the course is really aimed specifically at um people who are not really you know in the live streaming uh in the live streaming world and so uh if you've been in any zoom classes or any zoom calls then uh you'll notice that most of the people have not paid any attention or put any thought whatsoever into their image quality and audio they're just literally coming through the uh the the webcam on their on their laptop often pointing up their nose and no real thought to audio or background treatment or anything like that uh so that's the uh the core audience who it is aimed for um but it is also uh going to be helpful to people who are in the live streaming world who maybe aren't as of a with using zoom or and then it's also going to be looking at techniques that you can use to uh to use ecamm with zoom to be more effective uh using those two together so just for those who aren't aware that is what the course is although i think everyone in this chat is though because most of you are all in doc's group and we're on office hours of course hello miss eileen great to see you here as always um so uh so yeah so what have i done this week well i've not really got a lot to actually show you this week so uh last week we did go into uh some of the uh the details of stuff that i'd done uh whereas this week it's been a bit of a light week but it's also been a lot of the sort of back end work as well so um i will just say right now uh i'm quite light on content for today so if anybody's got any questions related to anything that we did in office hours last week which was basically going over sales funnels and stuff like that and how it relates to the course if you've got any questions related to content creation or anything like that uh for course content creation that is or anything else for that matter let's let's let's just be clear it's not like i've got people uh queuing up with a whole list of questions so if you've got any questions at all feel free to ask um but so what have i done this week in terms of the uh the course creation well i have been building out some of the funnels but they're not quite ready for me to show yet so what i want to do is probably next week i'll go through and actually show how i've set up all the funnels all the different uh i've just seen victor's comment not a pleasant experience for the support tk so yes um after this this week i've been setting up the the sales funnels the back end uh the structure basically of the both the website funnels and then also the email follow-up funnel so somebody asked the question which which parts do i like to do first or what's the order uh and the answer is basically i'd like to do the things that are uh not necessarily the hardest but i suppose the hardest but also the things where there could be issues so setting up anything with the the website the flow this stuff like that all the automation all the triggers i like to just get that stuff all out of the way because i feel a lot more confident certainly now than i would have done maybe a year ago with actually creating the video content so that was part of the reason for me starting this channel was to basically practice the uh the process of sitting down and making videos pretty much on the fly and and specifically for things like training purposes and so on like you know creating course content and so on so for me the actual recording the content is not the uh the bit that's likely to be the stumbling block so i'm trying to get all of the the more tricky stuff out of the way in advance and one of those is as i say the the sales funnels themselves so that's what i've been doing this week is setting up those things the other thing that i've been playing around with my mind's been a little bit uh bouncing around between different things rather than entirely focused on one thing sometimes i'm just in the mood for uh sort of technical side of stuff where i'm you know creating the back-end processes the systems the uh the workflows the stuff like that all the sorry the funnel flows but then other time i'm other times i'm just in a more sort of creative mode or something like that where i want to do something that's more graphically based or something like that so another thing i've been doing is putting some more thought into uh the actual look of the videos themselves so i'm not going to be doing it with my regular background i'm going to or not regular channel background at least it's going to be something a little bit more business orientated so i've been putting some thought into that and the uh the graphics that i'm going to be using with that as well hey rob great to see you here and also mr richard great to see you too uh i always liked the uh the sunglasses emoji uh so um so yeah that is basically what i've been uh what i've been doing this week in terms of the uh the course um i i don't know if i mentioned last week but i've got a few um a few people on board in terms of you know being able to offer discounts on different things so um so yeah there'll be discounts on different software packages and stuff like that i'm still waiting on a couple of different hardware items that i may be able to offer a discount on as well so when people sign up basically that they'll they'll get that discount um uh i'll also just mention something i mentioned this in office hours so the early bird discount is 50 off but i am also when i actually launch on day one and for the month of january i'm also going to give 20 off to anyone who signs up in the first first month and so the way i'm going to do this is that anyone who signs up to the early bird basically when they put their offer code in it's going to discount on the the discounted price if you see what i mean that way nobody who signs up to the early bird can think oh well hang on a minute you gave me 50 off but now you're giving some other people 20 off who didn't uh didn't sign up early well i'm going to use the 50 off the discounted price and then hopefully we'll see that everyone should be more than happy about that but we'll we'll find out when we get there so um so that is what i've done with the um the zoom master class uh this week so what i'm gonna do is let me just stick up my link but i've got something else to tell you about first which was quite exciting actually for me i'm easily excited and that was that my uh my merch store is finally ready i know what about that let me just bring it up hang on a minute now having said this i should have got this website a little bit more organized here we go so here we go for those of you who identify with the recovering perfectionist uh label that i have given myself um then you can now get it branded all over a t-shirt or a hat from the merch store which is uh take one tech dot io merch and i will stick a link up for that in just a moment uh but there you go we've got the full range of the rainbow of colors from white all the way through to black and a red one as well uh other colors may be available in the future but uh there we go um and then we've got the the hat and then we've also got this the rp logo as well just for those who are really in the know so as i say you can head over to uh the uh the merch store which is take one tech dot io merch i've got to just say at this point let me just pop up this because i'm open to anybody who wants to pop on and have a chat about anything i'll talk about vlogmas a little bit more in a moment but um so when you click on that link take one tech dot io slash merge it will take you through basically to the present so website which is who i'm using for my merch and i know everyone in here is uh more than familiar with andrew and sylvia nixon but for the benefit of those who may be watching on the replay who maybe aren't so aware andrew and sylvia get talked about a lot in certain circles the the let's get live circles and the ecam live circle they're who make by the way all of the merch for ecom live as well and everyone talks about like oh they're great they're great they're great and so you have sort of high expectations when you go and have a chat with them about what you want because everyone says about how great they are i've got to say that when i had my first meeting with them on zoom um and having high expectations they still managed to blow me away i was really really just pleased and impressed with uh just their whole mo basically and their offering and what they the service that they they provide uh and then it did take a while for me to get my backside into gear and actually get them all the details in terms of i'd already done they can do all the design work if you want but i'd already got my little uh logo for what it is there my recovering perfectionist graphic so that's what i was using and i'd already created that so i got that to them but they can take care of the whole um design aspect as well i probably should have let them have a go at it to be honest i'll do that for some future merch because uh they come up with some really amazing designs and they could probably do a bit of a better job than me and by a bit i mean a lot um and um and so yeah it took a while for me to get the all the details to them but once i did uh they were just like straight on it and uh yeah really really good service then they set up all of the the page and everything so let me just quickly show you that so on their their site so if you follow my link it's basically just going through if i just show you the address bar it's basically look at that it's going through to present so dot com slash take one tech so uh you can go use that link if you want as well i just kept with the take one text a little bit easier for everyone to remember um but once you go through to here this page this page is basically hosted on on their their site um and then the other great thing about doing something like this with them is if you go to the shop at the top so you will obviously come in through my page but here what you can see is it's also got all the other creators merch in there as well and what that means is if you've got your merch hosted uh over here you can obviously host it all on your own uh oh look at that 10 off if you were if you sign up there we go that's a that's a good offer isn't it a little tip um but you can um uh you can obviously have all these items on your own site and link them back to to there um but what it means is that when your merch is on there like here you can see mine's all the sort of most recent that's been added uh i do like the hoodies by the way it's getting there it's getting a little bit chilly here uh in the mornings so uh so yeah the hoodies are definitely going to come in handy um but the good thing about it is as i was saying as i distracted myself there um you also see all the other creators and there's loads of great creators from uh from the um from the group so podcasters that's steve worthes we've got uh i'm not sure who that one is uh more of the podcasters we've got lots of great people james hicks obviously doc rock um uh diana gladney all of the uh all of the far bigger names in the world of live streaming than me certainly um but you get to see all of theirs as well so what this means is if somebody's going to the present so website and then they're looking through some of these other ones uh they might just come across your things and think oh that looks interesting maybe i'll have one of those as well and so there's lots of sort of um uh not sure exactly what the uh the i was gonna say cross pollination that's not at all relevant to this um but basically yeah it means that you can uh people will see your stuff alongside all of the other creators as well and if you just go straight to the press and so website um then you'll see there's the lovely andrew and sylvia nixon and then these are all the different creators that are that are on there oh semi superstar don't forget him as well uh dr elo lots and lots of people there alicia way of course and uh there we go so your uh your brand and your uh merch will basically be featured uh alongside lots of uh lots of other creators as well and so people will be able to go in oh there's carly look chocolate twist yoga and uh and yeah you'll be able to go they'll be able to go in and see your stuff so it's a really good way of promoting because you'll get your stuff promoted alongside all the others but they've done an amazing job i'll tell you one thing that was a a little bit of a not necessarily concern but one thing you have to think about when you are a creator depending on exactly what it is you're doing and you know when you're starting to set up these sorts of things you might think there's going to be like a huge upfront cost where there often is with if people are you know producing merch then you're going to think like all right well i'm going to need to order a certain run of t-shirts in advance or a certain run of hoodies or things like that and you know you can imagine that there might be some quite hefty costs up front and for every different style of t-shirt things like that there's going to be some huge cost no there is not they have developed such an amazing business model basically where you don't really have massive upfront costs there is a little bit of upfront cost in terms of the setup because they've obviously got to do some work in setting up the page and things like that but really i couldn't couldn't be more happy with the actual setup cost so if you in the back of your mind have got something that is uh maybe holding you back a little bit maybe thinking oh i'm not sure i'm quite ready yet there's going to be some massive cost associated with it uh definitely reach out to present so in fact let's just come back to uh their website shall we uh i'll just leave a direct link in here because uh i think paul's also already led left a link actually but this is presenso.com so if you're interested in merch then definitely head over there uh because yeah they're just absolutely wonderful people and a pleasure to work with as well so uh so yeah that is that is all i've got to say about that uh my unfortunately my merch hasn't arrived yet because uh i'm obviously living on the other side of the world so it takes a little time for the uh uh the santa's little elves to deliver them to me but uh yeah anyway so uh and they do deliver internationally by the way as well so just in case you are interested then there is that that's my little sales pitch out of the way they are indeed aren't they they are totally fantastic and uh yeah they just got such a great um uh such a great way about them great uh business model as well and yeah i'm just uh absolutely delighted with uh with how everything has gone with them and uh it's the fact that to be honest with you just to keep going on about them for a little moment so after i sent them all of my stuff and they'd give me a list of like this is what we need so they were very clear about exactly what they needed from me i gave them everything that they'd asked for uh and then that was kind of it and then a short while later it was like right check out this page on our thing i was like is that it it's done it was a real a real delight i like to be delighted and surprised by uh any any sort of product or service and they sort of hit tick all the boxes in there in that context as well uh oh hello sorry i think i've missed you just popping in nice to see you here great to see you geraldine and let's have a look have i missed anything uh don't i think i think i've missed anybody popping in a few naughty little people thank you paul for uh deleting those uh those comments um uh oh what's your channel victor let's drop your channel name uh i don't think i've got your channel name up so uh yeah i was gonna say drop it in the chat but obviously you might not be able to at the moment because not everyone can drop links in the chat that's the thing uh let me know what it's called though and i'll find a link for it um so yeah with vlogmas so it's been um uh as i say i've missed a couple i've got to catch up i was uh i did have it all planned out before and then i was kind of thrown uh through uh a couple of different things that popped up that stopped me from doing it i actually as well i'm technically doing two vlogmases although i don't really count the one in the let's get live group that's just a silly little thing of uh posting an audio clip a day but i've missed that but fortunately that is done in an advent calendar style so i don't know if you were like me when you were little and i always used to love having my advent calendar eating my little treats or whatever it was behind the little windows and some days i might forget or be distracted and that meant that the next day there was just a treat because i got two to open so it's going to be a bit the same with my little let's get live audio clips as well i'll have a few little doors to open today i did actually record one and then didn't post it so i don't know quite what happened there but i did have one for uh uh was it day eight or day nine i can't remember um but then uh then i came to it and realized i hadn't even posted it i must have got distracted by the kids i've been recording those actually later in the day so i've been recording them more like afternoon after finish work as opposed to my regular videos always tend to be recorded at this time so at the moment for me it's half past five in the morning so all of my regular content is usually recorded this time but for some reason with the vlogmas stuff i've been doing it in the evening i don't know where this goes uh whether it is because i have got that uh fake fireplace background behind me and it feels more like a a cold winter's evening in the background that i've just been uh getting into the the mental mindset of that and recording them in the evening but in any case that's what i have been doing so so yeah but i have got some others to uh to catch up on now i've got to stress i'm a bit light on content today so if you've got any questions about anything related to the um uh the uh uh anna i wonder if your comments not popped up victor [Music] i'm not sure that your link is popped up if you just tell me the name i'll i'll i'll find it for you um yeah see not everyone is is able to post links i think um but um i've just distracted myself oh yeah so if you've got any questions about sales funnels or about the course creation about anything else uh that is related to my channel then stick them in the comments otherwise we're gonna have an extremely short live stream today not that that's necessarily a bad idea uh let me have a look oh it's my friend mr greg hang on one second let me sort this out uh ah so i need to whoops daisy wrong guess there we go hey greg how are you doing i'm good how are you i'm very good thank you very good my audio keeps doing this it's just playing out of the wrong place right you know what that happened to me when i started the stream i i started it i could see all the levels going but i couldn't hear it and i'd been there i've been playing around with another mic and headphones a week a couple of days ago and i hadn't changed it so uh how's the adventure going you said your family was in town no yeah yeah just arrived yesterday yeah yeah so finally i mean that's a relief to be honest for them to get here it's quite a trek for them to get here in any case but then just with all the stuff with uh covid and the uk changing their rules for entry and exit and thailand being the way that they are with that it's just good that they're finally here and yeah we don't care what happens now yeah i think the uh the default trip is now like two weeks right it has to be because like you have to quarantine on both ends and do all this the thing that's happened in the uk is they've started saying that there was people who went away and then because of this new variant the uk have said right well now when you come back in this mandatory quarantine for two weeks you have to pay for and it's like 2 500 pounds so imagine people who have gone away or you have to like stay in a hotel now they have to stay in a hotel yeah but since this is this new variant so that means that people have gone away on holiday when they're coming back they're now faced with this this totally unexpected cost extra holiday yeah yeah but you know people just can't afford it who can you know who goes yeah holiday yeah thinking oh i'm just to go away for a week it's been two years of hell let's get away for two weeks and that is per person yeah so you get a family going away it's just it's just a nightmare and then there's been like bad reports of you know the quality of food in this like quarantine locations and stuff like that you can only fit such good quality food through the little slot in the door so that's it yeah but in any case my parents are here now so in the worst case they'll be staying for longer than two months i don't mean it's worse for us i mean like if they can't get back because of you know they have their change restrictions right so we're much happier that they're that they're here and uh yeah it's it's just it's just great the kids are absolutely over the moon so excited oh yeah well it's it's wonderful for uh for the littles right yeah yeah so how's stuff going with you ah you know just busy man just been uh i've been keeping up with my videos um i'm gonna i'm gonna record two more today because the weekend is harder to do them on so yeah um i've gotten one a day in though so it's been you know at least i'm i'm happy that part's happening yeah yeah i've got to catch up with the i've got to catch up with about four days of everybody's vlogmas videos but oh man i can't imagine yeah i've got to say though i just thought that what you're doing for vlogmas is just so it's just beautiful man it's amazing uh i mean i'm there just making some little stupid sound effects in the lgl group at some degree you know i i feel bad because like for me it's like a pretty serious project and i feel like everyone's having a lot of fun and i feel like i'm dumping like this like heavy crap on everybody who's trying to no the point the point of vlogmas is to get into the the habit of just creating content and being consistent about it and doing it and you're doing it with like you know something really uh i'm not gonna say it's hard to do but you know what i mean it's like a really it's a really intense thing that you're doing it's like yeah yeah yeah i've got a total it is um the first one i definitely it was kind of it was kind of sad like my wife started watching it in the car while we were going and then i started crying in the car hearing myself talk about the thing exactly oh it's just yeah i mean you've got me too we're the first ones only the first one the other ones are easier because like they're just like they're not as tied into like something so big but yeah yeah let me just uh quickly get this off a minute it's yeah it's just uh it's just awesome honestly i i enjoy doing the the the video letters though because um they're they feel more real like obviously you know like when you write you polish and you edit and and you do things right but yeah i do these like super off the cuff like uh so they're like only like two minutes or three minutes long so hopefully like they're easy to listen to for him later you know yeah so i'm just going to drop a link to your uh your channel oh thanks yeah we're at 11 subs so [Laughter] yeah for for a brand new channel well and there's also because i know paul is always like i put the hashtag and i'm like yeah i'm not really in a rush to brand this you know for e-cam right yeah um not that i i don't want it to be part of the collective effort but um but i'm like yeah this has like a higher purpose for me so i'm not like yeah i'm not like big of a rush to um to sort of uh you know bastardize it in some way yeah yeah yeah well they're just great life lessons in any case do you know what i mean it's uh yeah i you know and i was on twitter and uh this investor guy like announced that he was having a kid and he did like this tweet storm and he had like 20 lessons to his kid right and then another guy replied he's like oh yeah i started writing letters to my kid and he's like i have 900 already i was like wow um so i'm just always happy to hear dad's doing this because you know traditionally like you know dads i guess are can be more standoffish or arms length kind of like with their kids and the emotional side of stuff and you know just sharing things so i'm just i was just i'm always excited when i hear more more dads are getting into sort of the activity yeah yeah well i'm definitely uh watching and taking note and we'll be uh doing something similar because it's just such a what a wonderful gift and you it's like for different generations as well you know there's so much that i never asked my my grandparents who aren't alright around and like all the uh all the sort of the wisdom that does get lost and that is uh yeah you know it's why we have our youth is when we should use it right yeah true yes because i know i've i've wasted uh way too many brain cells on other activities [Laughter] i'm glad you told me that now before i've actually grown up as well so i've still got still got a few years to actually grow up how is stuff going with them uh the you know the the fundraising and the the project fundraising is it's it's promising i'm crossing fingers um you know i think we may be wrapping up next week um for the first you know bit of it um which is exciting obviously uh but um we made a change in direction i would say also maybe not like um entirely but yeah um but it's moved towards i know you and i were talking about sort of this like this crypto and sort of investment side so yeah um we're kind of applying what we were making at zealous more to that web three part of the world right so right right decentralized orgs and nft projects and stuff like that because um yeah it was interesting you know live streamers know they could use our thing but you know convincing people they need to build a community is not it's not an easy task and it's just not one i want to right start with yeah so we're we just ended up finding that the web3 part of the world is like very engaged and they're like yes like i'm ready you know we need it we need a tool right now so we're building something kind of like um like a like a discord style product almost like with all of our streaming capabilities in it oh cool cool right right yeah so yeah it's good good times you know but uh getting to the end of the year as well so we'll see how you know everything falls out yeah yeah we've got still got lots to actually end for the year for our uh thing that we're uh it's seed funding that we're looking to to raise so um yeah we'll see that's the similar sort of uh position how have you found it you know it's interesting right like end of year sometimes it seems like it's a really hard time but other times it's like a really good time i don't you know like it could be hit or miss yeah well we've sort of just come at the for us it's like the product's just about ready now so whereas before we were doing stuff a lot of you know getting people's interest but didn't actually have the thing to show whereas uh we've literally just finished the last round of development with uh so we've got a team of developers uh actually based in pakistan so we're doing a load of work with them and we've just wrapped up the the development side of it for this this phase there's still loads more to do on it on uh sort of the back end the data processing and stuff like that uh it's it's all working but it's just the next iteration of it we're sort of thinking that's that few steps ahead so uh between now and the end of the year we'll have done a load of other stuff to then ramp up doing some more uh development on it as well but in the meantime we've got the thing ready to show to people so we've got loads of people who are interested uh in uh in getting involved in it it's just that we've testified or is it is it a web app it's a web app yeah it's a web app yeah okay so so the the the uh what the user sees is basically they log into a website and then they see it's basically giving it's an educational platform that gives trade recommendations so that you can chart what happens with them over over time uh but if people want to trade it then that's uh that's up to them all right so can they it's like uh like a virtual trading but you can make it real trading it's um entirely real data and all the data is real time there are just some things around uh we're making it an educational platform because we want to tie this in with people get you know basically what it does is it gives people trade uh recommendations and then also with sort of entry points exit points on what the position should be and then they can save those trades or they can monitor those trades as they sort of progress but we're providing all of the education around it so there'll be a whole series of videos and stuff like that educational content around it but we're positioning it as a an educational platform although it's all real live data because there are differences in how uh things are treated from a regulatory point of view if we're doing it as a an educational platform compared to if we're just selling it purely as a service that's giving trade ideas because then you're basically into different classifications so right yeah yeah you know when i when i was like in high school i was there was like i think my economics class we did like this experiment or like this project where like everyone got like 100 or something in virtual money so someone was the stock broker and then you would make investments you know like with that person and like we competed for a month to see who like made the most money right yeah um i won i won that year but yeah i love that idea because uh you hear about like for example robin hood is making you know investment like very accessible but then people are like also killing themselves because they don't they understand that like option calls and things like that and they end up doing really bad things yeah or they hear like game stop last year i don't know if you've just heard anything but yeah so many robin hood people got uh got um burnt for one of a better word by that because they saw this this stock that was just rocketing up and it was uh it was all fueled by uh wall street bets the um uh the the the twitter page and then also they've got the the discord and that so there's this thing all about it but yeah lots of people just jumped in because it was going ridiculous you know like 100 a day 100 a day and then guess what it all came tumbling down and the people that were left with positions were uh yeah robin hood uh folk and um and then robin hood because there was just so much activity about it they closed trading on it so that meant there were people that were stuck in it and couldn't get out of it so yeah a lot of misinformation and lack of education and people making foolish mistakes and i can i can bet this would be a safe bet the majority of the people who put money into that particular trade with robin hood probably put like 50 of their entire trading pot minimum into it if not like all in on it because they thought this is this is going to make the big time sort of thing uh and that's that's when people make mistakes you know so what we teach in the or what we will be teaching on the platform and in the the training that we provide is basically correct position sizing so uh and and how you allocate funds based on your entire portfolio and stuff like that so you're never really overexposed to anything and what is a reasonable amount of risk and uh yeah all that's that side of stuff but yeah it's really yeah exciting time getting people on board with it yeah i could imagine i can imagine it's a good time though because i think there's more people in getting engaged in this kind of activity also right so yeah yeah um in different things like sometimes with crypto sometimes with real things but either way there there's markets kind of moving and there's some fundamentals to learn here right yes yeah yeah we're just talking with uh somebody last week as well about um uh so they already do a lot of stuff in uh stocks and options but they're in a different geographic market so we're focused on the u.s uh markets uh but actually the the back end system that we've built you could basically just drop any data set into it and it would do all of the uh and then your you know your strategy thesis and the entry points exit point stuff like that and then it would just um calculate all of the uh the system rating so we rate all of these different trading systems uh so basically we could just drop in any data set and you know replicate this for any market in any any region of the world and the the the architecture that we've built will work for that so we were just talking with somebody who does a lot of trading in the actually indian markets so um uh we're potentially going to be looking to add some other other geographic regions and uh and data in there at some point uh also it could work with uh or it would work with with crypto as well so that's another area that we might uh might look at although the strategies would be very different to what we're doing in the u.s market right so it consumes like streaming data or um or do you have to like give it a flat set um so what we've got at the moment is basically end of day data so it's end of day stock and options data um but the the limitation is basically uh server capacity so one of the things with the the raise is for um is basically upgrading the server significantly to uh not just in terms of storage but in terms of processing power so the thing that takes the the power is the back testing so when you've come up with an idea and say oh i want to test this out so this would be the entry point this would be the exit point and this would be you know the position to put on and then click the button how long it takes to go and back test against you know 20 years of data and then it tests it in all different markets more different market types and different sectors and so on and then it would just give you a range of uh of system rating so this is our ip basically it's our system rating mechanism let me tell you this is the all the probability statistics the forward testing as well um and so to do all of that the computational power required is quite well the the higher the power the quicker it can be done and then just storing the data so when you get down to uh either live data or minute data so at the minute level right yeah it's quite uh quite uh considerable amounts of data that are coming in every every every day so yeah i mean i guess there's like licensing too right there is licensing yeah with so there's there is an increased cost with the uh if you want minute data as opposed to end of date data so we get our options data from cboe chicago board of options exchange and then for our stock data we get from refinitive so refinitive and bloomberg they're two big ones we go down the bloomberg originally actually but we've switched to refinitive because they've got some slightly better offerings in some cases wow that's cool yeah seems like a neat project yeah super interesting to to see more innovation happening well i'll show you once it's once it's all presentable yeah i'd love to see it um someday um big uh you know big big fan of all entrepreneurship i just love i love the creation process that's the thing with anything really i love the uh conceptualizing an idea and then building it yeah yeah my favorite year in a new company is the first year yes yeah yeah even though it's brought with all kinds of you know roller coaster moments um [Laughter] you know it's like seeing something come together is definitely more interesting and you know just fulfilling right no go ahead i was gonna completely pivot to something completely different i was gonna say what are you doing in terms of fitness what's your new fitness goal after you've finished oh you know i've been off the wagon to be honest i've um uh my diet's gone the garbage and um well you know we had a thanksgiving here so we were gone for that week yeah yep and then um i had a week kind of you know vacation with my wife for our anniversary so i was got out for another week and then this week my wife was out of town so i ended up um uh not being able to get to the gym because i was like we have a new puppy and so i can't really leave i couldn't leave him in the morning because he would start barking with her rep in the house yeah um so yeah so that so it's been like kind of three weeks uh where i've you know done very minimal sort of fitness work and yeah and whatnot so yeah i don't know um you know i think in my head i kind of said i january first i'll start again um but we have we did ski like six days already this year so that's uh that's a good start it's a good start to the season i guess relatively speaking yeah yeah we're winter time so now um now we move to skiing and you know just weight lifting and things internally indoors we did get snow today for snow yeah oh cool it's late honestly like we we usually have more snow than than what we've had so far but um it was kind of fun today because the first day that the puppy saw snow so put him outside and he was just like he's like trying to eat it he's like what is that he's like but then he kept doing it over and over again so yeah it's pretty funny yeah yeah it must be it must be quite an odd sensation to just suddenly think what's happened to the outside it's completely changed yeah like he could see and he's like what is that you know you know like poking around it and then of course like you can see all the places he ran in the backyard because it was all covered and it's just like tracks everywhere because he just like ran all over the place because he was so excited yeah yeah oh cool stuff uh i'll just say quick hello to chris chris just uh snuck in it's getting quite late for you chris in the uk uh great to see you though uh chris let me just oh dean has just quickly asked uh i missed the beginning where i talked about my zoom master class i'll just do a very quick recap i didn't make a huge amount of progress on actually creating it but i will just stick this up quickly so uh the zoom master class is where i will launch it on the 1st of january but there is an early bird offer 50 off at zoommasterclass.com and i'll be teaching all about not just how to use zoom there's lots of features that people aren't aware of and uh how to use it in a professional context but also the course is actually aimed at people who are uh you know sort of business folk not necessarily youtubers or people into content creation and you may have been on meetings before where people just look uh absolutely terrible not personally but in terms of picture quality and audio and things like that so it will be teaching how to get the the most out of zoom in that aspect or that context but then also how to do that with ecam live as well so i'll be talking about how to use ecam live to really sort of transform your zoom presence and presentation uh and so on so that you do appear as the the most learned person in the room there is something really weird about being on zoom calls that if people have got a good picture in image quality they do sort of get more respect from the people in the group somehow they you have a presence before you've even started speaking that you are somebody to be listened to uh which uh you've obviously got to follow that up with something interesting to say uh but it does sort of start you off at a particular point and it's as well about not being a distraction so you get people who've got i don't understand people who use the virtual backgrounds on zoom where they've got maybe the northern lights or something video going behind them uh the keying of the background you know you can sort of see little ghostly figures coming in and out of view because they've not got a green screen they're just keying out whatever the real background is uh and uh it it just becomes a total distraction from what they're actually trying to say and the same when you've got audio issues or not a good flow to meetings as well so people will be there fumbling around trying to do their screen share and they'll say oh now where is the screen i'm trying to share and it's all distracts from the flow you know if you're trying to do certainly if you're trying to sell stuff with clients um or have teach stuff in classes then you don't really want the technology to get in the way of the message that you're trying to deliver whether it's a sales message whether it's a you know teaching learning moment or whether it's just you know a meeting to do with progress updates or whatever it happens to be in business uh you don't want really the technology to get in the way and i feel like so many times on meetings that i've been in there is uh yeah these these sort of tech issues and things like that just actually get in the way of what the purpose of the meeting is supposed to be but if it's done right you can actually find that i think that you can almost be more effective than certain in-person meetings not going to ever completely replace those but you can certainly uh certainly match that and in terms of delivering content and things like that yeah you can do a lot better so uh yeah it is zoom masterclass dot com is where to find out more about that i've just got to finish it yeah it does make a difference i definitely get called out usually when i show up on a call and you know have my set up you'll be amazed by the way that just having a microphone in view somehow regardless of what the picture looks like yeah somehow people just prescribe some like other dubious or sort of like elevated sort of thing to it yes this guy is a professional speaker so i need to listen because he's got a microphone exactly yeah yeah i do get that a lot often actually um yeah to be to be sure um um yeah so what one is um that you said that um are you gonna is it gonna be a pure thing you buy that course once and then yeah yeah yeah so it's a it's like a recorded course and uh yeah it's uh uh that's it yes so is it a one time thing i'm not doing a um i'm not doing like an academy style where there's a group and everything like that just because in this context it's going to be such a diverse range of people from all different all different areas of the world but also also all different businesses and it's not so much like e-cam where everyone's sort of learning it for the first time where they're going to be going through a process so like you have the ecam academy which makes perfect sense because everyone's on that sort of journey together whereas with zoom there's going to be people are going to take different things from it so uh i decided to just do it as a stand-alone course basically um although there'll be lots of uh like there's going to be a discount code for speedify for camo for obviously e-cam as well and stuff like that so there will be lots of different things that as part of the course and discount codes and stuff like that um and uh yeah so there'll be that but yes this is a standalone course so it'll be uh in english and your second native tie that's right yes yes yes translated into uh chinese mind you chinese because that's what we're doing with we're doing that with the trading training stuff having uh it's in mandarin as well um but um yeah i'm not sure what the chinese not so hot on zoom are they the chinese government what are they used there's uh there's a few um a few different things but um uh they they did have a stage where they weren't even allowing people to use zoom in in china at some point i think they've lifted that now but um yeah interesting yeah did not know that uh yeah they're they they can be uh they can be quite strict on certain technologies and things like that mind you it's in thailand they can do that as well so uh the one of the newspapers in the uk i don't particularly read in newspapers and not this particular publication but the daily mail uh is one of the uh publications in the in the uk and they thailand banned the daily mail website because they reported on something and thailand didn't like the reporting so they uh just banned the newspaper so that stuff goes on [Music] yeah it's okay apparently but uh yeah you always have to be a little bit wary you know things like that that's not fun yeah it doesn't happen often but it's just like every so often you get those things that pop up when you just think like okay then right right i know i know what's going down here careful uh so higher education says alex is 100 right teaching in classes yeah zoom can work really well and um it can be a really great delivery method actually of uh of stuff because you can do something that's better than just slides as well you know if you if you're presenting content have it better than just sort of you know a traditional sort of presentation and there's ways that you can make it more interactive and interesting so uh yeah definitely great for for education so i'll be covering some of that in the zoom course um i've yeah i've still got um just coming back to uh what uh dina asked actually was um so what i'm doing between now and the end of the year because it's launching on the first of january is actually sort of sharing all of the um the process really of creating the course and then also setting up all the sales funnels and things like that and the back end process as well so i probably did a much bigger recap on my uh my live stream last week where i went into some of the stuff that i'd set up whereas this week there wasn't a huge update just because i haven't got stuff that's ready to kind of show with it so uh what i have been doing this week is just setting up the uh uh the architecture of the website sales funnels the email funnels and stuff like that but i'll probably have a bit of a better update for next week on it the uh the the the studio build by the way which is something else that i was hoping to have done way before now uh sort of got put on the back burner with this this course starting up and thinking i'm not sure i'm gonna have time to uh be working on the studio and then it seems that uh santa took over my studio to use it as a storage facility with uh this has become the the thailand depot it seems because it's the one one room in the house that the kids don't go into [Laughter] how much how much the course would be by the way uh do you know what i haven't actually announced the court the the price yet and there's a couple of reasons for that um first of all i'm still figuring out a few things in terms of what bonuses i'm going to add and the contents and stuff like that so i will announce it in there in due course um but um uh yeah so that's that's that's basically why it hasn't been announced yet because i haven't entirely fixed it yet but that's also why i'm offering a 50 um early bird discount it's giving people the option of that there's no commitment by the way so for that discount all you need to do is register your interest on the website uh and then on the first of january i'll send out a link to the uh uh the the page where i'll have the video that sort of outlines everything that's going to be involved within the cost and everything like that and so that that is the reason for the large discount is just to uh reward people tim says one million dollars uh yeah it's not gonna be that much um and so yeah that's that's part of the incentive to um uh you know to give that large discount it's just to i mean total to be totally open is to gauge interest and things like that in it as well so that when it does launch on on day one then i've got some people who have expressed an interest uh not that i'm expecting everyone to want to sign up necessarily but then then yes i'll send the thing out on the 1st of january uh and there will be by the way no spam it's not one of these things sign up for this course and then you're going to get hammered every day between now and then and every day afterwards i've uh there is a i talked about this in office hours last week we did a last weekend we did a whole session on sales funnels and if you want to look at like the uh the way to get the maximum return on your uh sales funnels then yes you should be sending out once you get people interested in the um you know put registering their interest you want to keep sending them an email every couple of days if they don't sign up you want to keep reminding them every two days or every day and stuff like that but personally that is that technically that is the way to get the most you know return on your investment or most return on your email list uh but i think there's a balance between you know not taking any action with your email list and so you know you haven't done anything with it or becoming really spammy and i to i actually just zone out with anybody where i start getting these regular things that's just one after another telling me about the same thing or i i find that i just uh yeah i zone out with it so my approach is really i'm gonna tell you what you need to know when you need to know it and i'm not about totally squeezing every last drop out of the email list at the expense of uh integrity basically so uh yeah anyone who does anyone who just signs up you can expect that the next email that you will get will be on the 1st of january with details of the you know the sign up process and the offer and all that sort of stuff uh and then after that the the offer will be open for the whole of january so it's not like you've got to get out of bed on the 1st of january and think oh i've got to come and sign up for my zoom master class the 50 discount will be for the whole month of january uh you will get a reminder before the end of january about it just so that you don't miss it if you missed it on the first but yeah i'm not i'm not uh yeah definitely not um email heavy yeah some some people just go work go far too far people too much i mean i get these people like these drips from you know marketers or sales people and they're overly like every two three days it's just constant follow-up right yeah you do switch off to it don't you you see yeah oh it's another one from these it's another one and then anything that's like an actual good message that you may want to hear just gets completely lost then in this sea of uh yeah rubbish yeah so chris um what i'm thinking of doing actually funnily enough i did a whole session in office hours last week doc's office hours i um i basically did a whole uh it was probably about an hour and a half something like that where i went through talking about sales funnels because there's some other people in the group who are looking at doing launching courses and stuff like that so i have done a few different things on that uh this the video that i did my last live stream last week i was talking about sales funnels as well and actually carly came on and we did she had quite a few great questions because she's launching her course so i did cover it a bit in there but i am going to put together a um a probably like a video series i'm not quite sure how to do it or how to release it but uh yeah about all about sales funnels basically and incidentally i'm using uh clickfunnels there is um another one which so many people have mentioned this to me in the past couple of weeks that i'm going to have to check it out it's kajabi uh so that one you can use to build out your website and sales funnels and everything like that it can do a lot of the stuff that um you can do in click funnels uh i use click funnels that's what we use in one of the videos that i haven't made for my vlogmas it's about one of the things i do and it's a social media advertising and marketing company and we use click funnels in that for like you know clients that we we work with um but kajabi also looks uh great for uh for the same sort of stuff and i think from a um uh like a uh not a layman but a you know if you if you're somebody who's just thinking about doing something like this i actually think kajabi would be a better fit that for somebody uh clickfunnels is great and you can do lots of stuff in it um but kajabi is also good for building out websites nate natively is not a uh not a great uh not a great word but uh i think kajabi for somebody who's just thinking i want to set up a website and host a course or something like that kajabi would be great so i need to actually go and do it to um go and use it to uh to actually figure it out but from what i've seen it looks looks great uh and yeah i did mention this last week as well chris i'm going to do a course course masterclass how to actually create the course and uh that's sort of the point of these live streams although i've not done that much this this week but uh to sort of have a chart or a a flow of these are all the different steps uh and like a couple of weeks ago i did one where it was it was basically all the setup so people you know you create the course content but then it's all the all the things you have to set up on the back back end like uh so for my bulk email i'm using mail gun to deal with all the automated emails but so i've got to link that to my dns settings for my uh for my website then you know setting up payment gateways and all these other sorts of things so i am definitely planning a course course which is about how to you know create a course basically so i'll do that after i've finished this one so uh oh adrian uses kajabi as well does he yeah well this is the thing so many people carly's using kajabi i spoke with um two other people just the day before my last live stream and um i'm looking to do some partnership with them so uh one of them does say a course specifically on presentations and how to do good presentations and then that translates over into uh to zoom but he hasn't done the zoom part so uh maybe partnering with him where we've uh you know i can promote the zoom thing to his audience and he can promote the uh the presentation side to mine um or at least have a time with us you know as part of the uh uh the um uh as part of the course you would also get access to these other things but he's using kajabi and yet i've just said so many good things about it and went on to the website and started looking uh and it looks from a uh i i like click funnels it's quite it's very good at what it does but i can see how kajabi being objective it would be a great one for anybody to start with uh oh i've gotta just quickly say hello to mr christmas uh to todd uh i hope you're feeling better because todd had uh had covid last week so i do hope you are feeling a lot uh a lot better um yeah uh and i i saw your news by the way i haven't responded yet in um uh in my mind's gone blank heather and uh tom's group heather and tom buck's group that uh is it pbs want to interview you i don't remember who he said but uh somebody's gonna be very good for his uh channel uh and uh oh chris is so chris is going to use kajabi himself i highly recommend it i'm going to uh i did actually when i did actually think of making my zoom course in kajabi just as a way to sort of try it out but i figured kajal is pretty good yeah it's just a figure i've got that much on my plate this uh this month that uh the last thing i need is to be taking on i can whereas with click funnels i'll just know how to you know i can build it all out in no time uh whereas with kajabi i would obviously have to have add-on the slight learning curve so i figured maybe i'll do my next course in kajabi so yeah is a huge business now um that's good todd's feeling better i'm very pleased to hear that last thing you want is to be ill over christmas especially when you are mr christmas himself and uh oh chris says cat cat milford uses uh kajabi as well so all good recommendations there then cat's using it adrian jews in it carly's using it yeah yeah i don't think you can go wrong with uh good job um there are other tools um like i know there's another company called circle which is kind of more of a community yeah yeah and or teachable is another one um yeah and i think in that in that realm as well let me just uh kajabi has got a little think where it tells you um uh i wish you could remember carly's uh affiliate code just off hand because i could post that in the chat and then i won't go to help carly but uh let me just quickly pop over to this one uh there we go this is the kajabi website they've got a little thing on here i think where is it down at the bottom where they talk about uh the features and they sort of compare it to all the different platforms it's not entirely uh accurate this isn't because sort of pricing uh i can't see you know uh when i look before they seemed as though they had like a sort of feature uh set where it showed you um all the different features and like the the different um in fact it might have been they might have replaced it with this it did show you sort of like where you know clickfunnels does this this one does that mailchimp does this and so on uh so they did have all of that and they made it look like all of those things do all distinct different things and so now they've combined this all into one but a little bit disingenuous to be honest the way they laid it out because they would have like click funnels doing one little part whereas actually it could probably do most of the other things as well so uh although obviously melbourne you know how those you know how those marketing pages go yeah i know yeah it was a it was a little bit uh you know when you look at it you think i'm not quite sure about that but it certainly does look really good and the interface and everything like that looks very user-friendly so uh yeah it's a big community for sure yeah um of people who've created courses on yeah so yeah i'll definitely yeah i'll definitely give that one a good a good look and uh hey gretchen great to see you here as well and so have you go if you've got any course content at all that you you've done before with all the things you've done have you ever done anything i do workshops here and there um but mostly corporate i've never thought about doing like a whole course right actually i did i did play around with sort of doing mostly the tests using zealous for this use case like a cohort based kind of class thing yeah yeah um kind of on like uh you know my background is mostly like his product work i think so i thought about sort of like a product market fit kind of workshop and just sort of helping i you know i have like a framework i use to help people figure out how to gather data how to identify personas so i you know i could do i think i could do like 12 hours pretty readily on on that yeah um and then um i have a like innovation framework that i use with corporate clients that i've thought about as a course also but um yeah i i don't know i never uh i never like there's two kinds of things there's um there's courses and there's like accountability groups yes and i i almost feel like the accountability groups are um like they go hand in hand right so it's almost like sure take a course but then do it right and so how do we force you to make how do we like guarantee you're doing the thing also right yeah which i think i think is pretty important so i think that's why like adrian's academy works so well because it is with e-cam and it's like getting to learn it and people who are learning it are generally you know they're getting into content creation and stuff like that and it seemed like doc's group as well it's kind of that accountability yeah definitely is uh is a huge part so many people just do courses and then don't actually take action on it betsy doc went on a a fairly feisty rant the other day about uh folks not getting active yeah yeah yeah he's he's very passionate about it which i do love because he's uh very genuine i will tell you now i i have never ever had any fear of going live um and i i don't understand i mean and i'm a fairly like people don't believe me but i'm i tend to be fairly introverted relatively speaking because like i forced i forced myself as an entrepreneur to like have to be out there to talk to people if you leave me alone i'll sit on the couch and be by myself yeah yeah and so i do think here's the thing if you go live and you don't have any and it's your first time don't worry no one's going to be there anyway [Laughter] so there isn't really a reason to worry and if you need inspiration go look at the first video that you know anyone you think is famous did right and you'll see it's not like you're a natural at anything and you know the first time you do i mean it's very rare you're a natural at anything right the first time you do something but i do i do get it though i mean like the first time i went live the first video on this channel uh was to uh one subscriber which was actually me on another device just so that i could see that it was coming through and nobody was listening so it was a bit uh a bit weird um but the the first time i actually went live on anything was a live to uh my facebook page years ago uh when i was doing stuff in the real investment real estate investment uh space uh and so you know i've got something like i know five thousand four thousand five hundred or something followers on facebook uh that i was i was going live to them and i do remember it being quite a nerve-wracking experience like then i've done a load of um public speaking since then and so we're you know speaking on stages and stuff like that but um but the first time that i actually held the phone up to go live i was just like if i screw it up what if i if i say something wrong what if it's you know i just i did have all these things going through my head and it's weird right back that it did take me time to actually build up to actually you know it wasn't a case of okay i'm gonna i knew what i was gonna do as well i knew what i was gonna say kind of you know what i had something to talk about but still i was like shall i do it oh i'm not sure oh shall i do it it's weird to sort of think back at that now but i never forget the feeling of it that it was it was nerve-wracking for me to do the first time right right so yeah i mean i get it can happen but you know you just gotta you know you just gotta do these things it's that thing of it's it's um it's fear of failure but fear of failure is actually fear of embarrassment so it's like you're actually worried about what people are to think about you and then that fear of embarrassment is you're thinking about the worst possible thing that they may think about you and so then it's a case of well actually most people don't really think about those most people don't think the worst things that you think about yourself or i think about myself you know i would i would come up with the worst possible thing that somebody could think about me whereas in actual fact most people don't think that and if you screw up most people are just there to help and catch you if you fall sort of thing so it's a sort of shift in mindset and once i got that you know to to understand that so what if i screw up first of all people don't care and second of all what they're more likely to do is want to support you and help you then you know feel like ah you messed it up right right so yeah but it did take a little bit uh a bit of time to get over that my powers just dropped off there we go i can imagine it uh justin was in my y combinator batch uh i'm just just looking around because my my power's just gone off i'm glad i've got a ups on my look at that finally a real use for ups yeah but my lights are plugged into it as well so uh the only thing that went off was the air con's gone off uh but my uh router router upstairs is still going and uh the lights are all still on so that's that's good and now the air con's coming back on so definitely get a ups guys if you haven't got one already uh you'll survive it you'll survive it uh oh hey rich great to see you always always great to see you uh krusty antiques what are you selling i'm not really selling anything i suppose i'm selling a zoom course zoom masterclass.com but i'm not really uh and what's your name by the way so that i don't should i call you krusty or mr antiques or mrs antiques uh used to go live on justin tv yes i remember just in tv yeah uh i know justin uh can we speak more about your property investment stuff i have a property portfolio in the uk as well and so i wanted to see what you're up to with it i'm not really doing anything in uk property anymore what i was doing was um converting looking at converting offices into residential so in the uk uh they've got a um a sort of incentive for developers to convert disused offices into residential because there are a load of disused offices in town centres and things like that um and there are also there is also a housing shortage in the uk because they're not building houses as fast as uh the population is building more children so we've got a shortage of housing so um there's a thing called permitted development and it's permitted development of uh office to residential so basically you don't need to go through all the planning loopholes and things like that that not loopholes planning uh rigmarole that you have to normally go through um and so what i was doing there was basically looking for offices that could be developed into residential and then raising finance to do the development and then selling the the units afterwards to pay back the investors and give them a healthy return and so that's the sort of the model of it but it was through doing all of that real estate investment stuff and that's when i was i was flying back to the uk every month so i'll be there for two weeks here for two weeks there for two weeks here for two weeks and uh yeah it didn't do a lot for my sleep patterns um but it was um uh yeah a really interesting thing but it was it was actually through that that i got into the uh the stock trading so uh someone that i met through the property investment uh uh world is actually someone who was based here in the in thailand but from the uk as well and then we've become great friends but also business partners in a number of different things and one of those things was in raising finance we were speaking with lots of uh banks uh fund managers hedge fund managers people like that and uh so we got into the world of trading actually through the world of property and um and then realized that there's still a lot of headaches that come with property development and uh you know that's one of the things that i was doing in in thailand as well was actually building houses although that was building other people's assets uh but you always have problems with construction there is never a project that i've done that hasn't had at least one hiccup but usually more uh it's just one of those industries and you're relying on so many different people as well uh and so then sort of factor the fact in that this was all going on in the uk and at my you know my family was over here there's lots of issues that you can have with uh doing projects remotely whereas the thing about stock trading that i really love is the fact that uh you can do it from anywhere and the uh you don't have to actually be on site and the other thing is you're only really reliant on yourself and your own uh command of your own um uh discipline really once you get to that that point it can still go right and wrong obviously there's still risks associated with it but it's not quite the same as um as i found in the uh the world of construction so uh we'll still have some like longer term investments in the uk but yet not really actively doing anything there at the moment in that space though chris uh uh across the antiques i want to get into trading how can we make a billion dollars um well that's a question isn't it uh come up with an idea and then act on it and uh find an idea that is a billion dollar idea uh although i will say the power of compounding i wish i had understood that a little bit more uh if you look at warren buffett's um uh net worth from the age of 16 which is when he started trading and maybe you would you know well there you go there you go yeah yeah as it is he's uh he's going to know how to win friends and influence people there you go um so chris says you can make a billion zimbabwe dollars in 10 minutes uh yeah it is it is all relevant yeah but the thing about um yeah if you look at warren buffett's net worth that that sort of that curve that you get the power of compounding is uh is really quite uh quite astonishing the way stuff sort of rapidly accelerates it's it's quite quite amazing uh and he's just been consistent at what he does as well and the other thing about in terms of trading one thing that warren buffett said as well is about um one lesson that he teaches is about not feeling like you have to trade some people think that they're traders and so then they want to be trading all of the time and then every day what am i going to trade today whereas warren buffett's killer move is basically he can go months without buying anything if there is nothing that is worth uh worth investing in so it's waiting for exactly the right moment to get in and not feeling the pressure to say that like i haven't i haven't made an investment or haven't traded anything so uh yeah i'm not really answering your question if i knew the the way to make a billion dollars i would uh i would i would be busy working away right now i wouldn't be here right now talking with all due respect abby's so long suckers i've got work to do coming back to the zimbabwe dollars i had a friend in uh in the uk who was actually in property circles as well and he had i can't remember the exact uh exact number but it was like a 50 million dollar note or something like that because with the uh they went into hyperinflation and then uh yeah they had they had notes that were like a 50 50 million dollar note and things like that it's quite quite astounding not funny but it's funny to see the note the financial situation wasn't funny but that was kind of like um how um uh italy had gotten at one point also oh yeah they did uh they did go um uh a bit crazy didn't they mm-hmm uh just having a look at the uh this is this note because it does look quite funny oh here you go let me get this it's actually uh 100 trillion that's quite different than what i was thinking hang on a minute let me go uh i can't trigger off the website for some reason never mind okay this way instead there you go there is a uh one trillion dollar a trillion dollar note wow 100 trillion dollars yeah it's quite uh quite my days isn't it pretty pretty amazing oh i've let christy antiques down they thought i had the answer i'm so sorry uh he has it he's just not sharing it with us you've got to come on my one a half a billion dollar course to find out the yeah [Laughter] ah that's hilarious i'd be so worthless i had a billion dollars it could be it could be the downfall of many a person no there's definitely diminishing returns on uh so what was your secret to making ten million dollars well i just took one my one million dollar inheritance and then i yeah exactly exactly yeah uh yeah gretchen thinks i think rich should find a positive twist to it as well i think there'd be a lot of comedy ensuing if you had uh a billion dollars at your disposal rich your comedy talents i just hate to think the pranks that you could pull with a billion dollars actually now i come to think about it you could pull off some pretty amazing pranks so what's your what's your plan over christmas uh greg uh you know we're home you know we did uh the you know all the travel kind of before the christmas break this time so you know i just think we're going to be you know hanging out with the family here my in-laws live with me also so we always have like grandparents here yeah so so can't complain but yeah you know uh we're probably gonna end up having to work a bunch anyway just with all the stuff that's going on so yeah yeah i've uh i've got to i've got a zoom course to record so i'm [Music] that is for sure [Laughter] so what was that what i was thinking of doing as well was actually recording a full ecam course as well uh because i was doing a lot of become first part of it so then um so then the the idea being that for the uh the the people completely new to zoom uh or the people completely new to ecam because i'm gonna be recommending people use econ with zoom obviously because you know super fun i am a vcam so one of the things would be then you get like access to the full ecam course as well i'll obviously be talking about ecamp in the course but uh i thought about um yeah doing a separate complete uh ecam course which uh i might be just taking on too much i even thought about maybe i should do that one in kajabi and uh but anyway we'll we'll find out i'll see what i'll get that's why i'm really yeah announced that one yet because uh i think an ecamm course would be good though yeah yeah as a yeah as a sort of standalone thing but uh that's it jackass five across the antiques what's your name by the way don't keep i don't want to keep calling you krusty and pulp fiction too didn't they make it oh no i'm getting confused with another movie pulp fiction would be i would love to see your pulp fiction do personally yeah uh yeah it will buy you a loaf of bread he could probably buy you almost all of the flour in the world i almost had a pulp fiction as one of my posters behind me yeah what have you got back there i can't just make it out actually uh so let me see if i can uh it might be easier if i give you a different camera but there are movie posters basically um they're kind of like renditions but let's see if you can guess uh where is this can i change my camera in here what's this i should be able to change your camera i'm really crap with movie trivia by the way though my wife's exactly the same and we will watch a movie uh and then at some point later on maybe a couple of years later or something we'll say hey this movie looks good let's watch it and we can both watch almost all the way through there was one of these these movies and there was like a crucial point in the movie that came like an hour and a half into it and we both sat there and said we've watched this before haven't we but we didn't right right um you know i've heard that before so don't feel bad uh i i'm not that bad i think my wife and i like we both are big fans of movies so right right um so that that was always a thing that we we could do but so there's four movies i chose them because i wanted like one two three four yeah like sort of characters in them but you might be able to guess one of them but the one with the one person is probably the easiest one uh i can't just see that i can't just make out the person it's all of it a little bit blurry i can't i can't even change my camera so like i don't know why usually oh wait here there's settings here duh all right here we switch to the face cam all right now oops oh it's uh uh you see now this is the other thing i have not been able to remember it's um i could picture it i just can't remember the name of the movie same maker as port fiction though yeah tarantino yeah yeah um uh i just can't remember what it's called yeah the one with it william william is in the name kill bill there we go yes i could visualize that movie all right so the one the other one the one next to it is uh a famous duo of people this one's a lot harder to see uh yeah not sure it's one of my favorite movies of all time uh it has brad pitt in it and ed norton i'm forgetting the name see this is this is me with movies you see my achilles heel the audience has a chance the audience has a chance come on who's it okay let's see most of the people are probably screaming at the right screen but uh well all right it's fight club oh fight club of course yeah it's hard to see because you need to be not in court yes there you go all right number three is probably a hard one to make out but i will tell you that those are little red beanie caps he's over to the audience [Laughter] this one is very hard i've probably seen it i just can't remember this one is um a little bit harder i honestly it's not one of my favorite movies but i want it was the only one that had three characters so um uh this is life aquatic all right and and then the fourth one is an old movie actually so there's a there's a higher chance some of us will yeah life aquatic rich um the fourth one is uh old movie but you could tell from the color maybe you could guess uh the color is in the title the color is in the title yeah it's a very old famous book so it's over to the audience once again has to do with time has to do with time clockwork orange [Laughter] that was your your chance to try yeah uh we can't talk about that chris by the way yeah there you go chris you got it you got it um this is the thing i i do find i do enjoy watching movies but none of them stick it's good though because i do get my money's worth out of them because i can watch the same one multiple times i think about getting more movie posters too though because um right so i found another artist that does like these mid-century modern style renditions of things right right so um so i think i'm gonna do like a sci-fi wall of like all the sci-fi movies i like so yeah i love that idea though like they're all movie references but you've kept to like one stylistic style of them rather than just having the movie you know yeah i found i didn't you know but there's so many like um etsy and plays like that have tons of these like interesting um like versions of this and so yeah orange so i'll tell you a little fact about the clockwork orange it was uh it was filmed at brunel university or a lot of the scenes were filmed at bruno university which is the university that i went to so uh let me just see if i can get a picture of the i think i think it was the computer center thanks chris [Laughter] yeah this is my weird wall over here which i haven't finished yet i i have like many walls left to finish i think i want to make another set in here or kind of like the other half somehow yeah yeah but i haven't figured all that out because it took me long enough to get this side done so let me just show you this picture because this is um so this is uh this picture here is from oops where's it going i've got it in the wrong place in a minute this uh uh oh that's not the one from the filming on a minute let me just get the actual picture from the film drag the wrong image in so that picture uh that is brunel university lecture theater that is where i had all of my university lectures in that building it was uh yeah brutalist architecture is the the style and all of the um all of the uh uh architecture in and around brunel there's lots of universes so brunel is named after a famous english engineer by the way isn't barred kingdom brunel what a brilliant name that is um but yeah so it was it was filmed there they tried to uh spruce it up let's have a little look they tried to spruce it up a bit and bring it into the modern age by adding a splash of colour which i think has actually ruined the uh the architecture of it the whole point is terrible yeah don't just don't just paint some little colour on the stairwells and think that oh it's it's suddenly modern it's a classic bit of brutalist architecture yeah that is that is truly horrible yeah um yeah rich i i like that idea i've thought about doing some sound panels because you can order them print like they can basically print onto the script the panel like they can make you custom panels that have actually like heart on them yeah that's a cool idea uh yeah the uh you mean the acoustic panels acoustic panels yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a that's a great idea i'm going to i'm going to build some of those for my studio actually and i was thinking of just they would just be plain but uh you might have given me an idea you can because you can order the like print on canvas kind of thing and then just wrap it around whatever you know um yeah thing that you put together for the sound deadening right yeah yeah uh oh that was another good one 2001 space odyssey uh speaking of you were saying about having a different area in your um your studio did you see um abroad in uh in japan where he built uh have you know that channel it's a guy in um uh who basically just likes like a a youtube channel all about this guy his name is his surname is broad so it's abroad in japan uh in japan but he built a full-on uh ramen shop in his apartment as a set let me just get this up because it's just amazing uh so he's gonna use it for like you know little sections and stuff like that in his videos but he got he went went and added like a proper um uh set builder basically design him a whole set let me have a little look at this that's cool uh i'll find the the video actually because yeah it's uh this is the uh the thumbnail from his video but that that that he's standing out there but he made it like a really old school like 80s uh so that's a fake fake thing that is just in his in his condo i love it amazing um but yeah and then he got so it was like the the ramen shop but then there was this little alleyway sort of thing that just looked like a really uh uh really sort of dirty little back street alley with you know steam coming out of things it's just uh it was just uh brilliant all right yeah by the way it's time to take away rich's wrench he just he just realized he can post the links uh let me just get this up one second uh yeah it's interesting channel guys i only started watching it recently i mean he's been doing it for for years but it was just somebody else mentioned this video and uh so i had a little look at it i'll just pause the sound a minute one second get up here let's try and make that a little bit bigger so this is in his apartment it's just crazy like a little uh little sweet shop it's just uh his apartment like so he had someone come into his apartment and like basically remake it like this yeah he had a professional let me find a bit where he sort of goes from the apartment into the actual thing itself because it's just part it's just it's like a set it's a total film set let me just find the bit here we go so this is like he's introducing it so this is part of his apartment as well uh and then you go around the corner and then you're now into this little ramen shop with a little uh little alleyway it's just it's it's a pretty big apartment no it is it is yeah it's a you know it's a a one or two bedroom condo something like that um but it's just uh just mental let me just get this little thing that um it feels like very blade runnery like yeah i'll just drop the link in because it's it's a pretty hilarious watch to be honest so uh so yeah it just sort of gives you look at that look at the difference there you got the the apartment building there or is it his living room and then yeah straight into this they did an amazing job i don't know what his uh his budget for it was but um yeah it's pretty uh pretty spectacular really let me just drop a link to that video there we go uh yes it would be good good to be build out a full-on uh full-on movie sets at some point just for just right yeah i guess the question is like is it all usable or is it like the uh you know the the um yeah is it flimsy like actually like you know like a real counter you could sit at you know yeah it is it's it's a proper like everything in it is authentic and you could yeah it's uh it's usable in that context but all the stuff were like um uh you know the signage and stuff like that was original signage from you know that they bought secondhand in antique shops and stuff like that because it's supposed to be kind of more like a an 80s ramen shop i wouldn't know the difference personally but uh it's uh yeah they've got like little sweet shops and stuff like that in there as well so but using all 80s uh paraphernalia memorabilia yeah that makes sense that's pretty cool i i mean it's still pretty amazing yeah yeah chris has got to go to sleep it's bedtime in the uk so thanks for stopping yeah i probably need to head out too but it's always fun charging it is always fun chatting with you as well and uh just quickly see uh they're talking about wrenches in here and uh yes yeah and that crusty antiques are saying yeah we've got got to make a bit more money before certainly i can justify spending that much money on a set for my silly little tech channel right yeah yeah of course and he's obviously all about the japanese stuff so having the uh the japanese theme makes total sense i suppose mine should be the uh uh the back to the future barn really that's always going about being in the future i love back to the future yeah it's another good one uh actually technically you know one thing i've not mentioned is do you know they have a different date system in the in thailand as well so the date the the year in thailand is actually 2564. so that's the year that that's in when you write down dates in thailand it's 2564. uh because it's not a christian con country uh so it's predominantly buddhist uh so that's it's related to the uh the buddhist calendar so this is still the same months that they they go by but tied dates you know if you look on people's birth certificates and things like that it's got the uh the other the date system so we're i am definitely in the future i'm at least sort of 540 years in the future if i take the tie date you're on uh star trek time that's it yeah that's right all right well alex always a pleasure my friend yeah thank you for stopping by and i'll uh i'll see you again soon we'll talk soon after an awesome christmas well everybody alrighty see you catch you later greg and uh oh we're pretty close across the antiques i'm uh i'm 1978. so uh uh bertha is not current here [Laughter] um but yeah what let me just check what the date is it is uh i i do i do forget the uh the date in thailand so it's um uh 2560 it says 16. i think it's 64 actually why is it 65. i lose track because i don't actually use it that often and i used to use it a lot more when i was um uh running the business over here uh then i would run into these sorts of things um but uh yeah i just i do lose track of it because obviously it's not forefront of mind it's 2021 to me as opposed to 25 64. but uh in that context i am also in the future so uh i am i am i just i just moisturize regularly 76 cool and yeah so i am going to i'm gonna wrap it up here as well thanks to greg for stopping by next week i should have more of an update on the course creation process and be able to answer any questions you've got on that as well and uh i do need to today record a few more vlogmas videos i've got to catch up uh yeah it is still they still use the same calendar uh there is a different calendar but yeah for for business they still use a regular calendar still the same months still the same days and everything like that it's just that the actual year date is not measured from the uh uh reason we use our 2000. so the birth of christ doesn't necessarily mean a lot for uh people in um in a country that follows a completely different uh religion so as i say it's predominantly buddhist in in thailand um and so they they use a different uh starting date from their point of reference um so so yeah there is that obviously for from most things they still obviously do recognize the 2021 it's just that for all government documents and stuff like that they use the the tie date so there we go right i am going to go and uh it's probably time that i go and start getting a few things from my uh parents i'm guessing they might be a bit late getting up because they probably will be a little bit jet-lagged having just arrived yesterday but is it very nice to uh to have them here we've been two years in the waiting for it to come and then once even we knew that thailand was waking uh opening up uh we weren't really sure if they were actually going to be able to uh to make it or not so i'm just glad they're here in any case that's enough about my yeah my private life i'm glad you could all make it and great to
Channel: Take One Tech
Views: 100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Tm4zvhEqp1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 27sec (6147 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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