The Vlogmas Kick-off Stream... Plus Update On My Course Creation Progress

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you michael thank you michael everyone's saying sound sound sound uh thanks michael great to see you and uh great to you also michael uh we've got the uk michael and the us michael and uh there we go and hi rich to you as well uh yeah i just uh foolishly rebooted my mac and uh i didn't have my automation to turn on audio hijack so naughty boy i should really watch my own videos and uh follow my own checklists shouldn't i but sometimes i just uh skip over it uh so there we go it's uh yeah it's all my fault usually it's my fault speaking of things being my fault by the way last week i had a bit of a uh stream emergency stream disaster at the beginning where i was streaming to facebook but not to youtube and i started blaming restream i said oh something's happened with the restream it's not streaming out yeah that was human error as well so what had happened was i um i set restream as the destination and but then i didn't actually select the event so what it did was it just started streaming through restream to my default event and it was only afterwards when i went and looked and realized that uh yeah it was it was streaming out but not to the event that was scheduled so yeah hey uh hey jeff good to see you here and uh yes michelle sorry you will have just missed that i said yes that did indeed make me laugh um so i am going to basically go over um obviously my regular update on my uh uh 365 videos progress uh also it'd be rude not to mention vlogmas as well and then also talk about the uh the course creation process and where i'm up to with that and what i've done uh so far um yeah all that all my fault rocky move indeed uh speaking of rookie moves there was a uh um who was it now it was um oh this is terrible this is my i'm gonna have another little uh senior moment here jp high tech was asking on uh in the uh the group about how his guest was having some strange uh echo or actually slap back issue um but it wasn't coming through on the the recording and and jp couldn't figure out exactly why this was so i said well tell your guests to check that they haven't got the browser open because when i was on jp high tech show that's exactly what i did i had the the browser open to check the uh the chat before the the show actually started um and then i opened the interview window browser up and i was getting this sort of slap back all the way through but he was he didn't have any issue and he couldn't hear anything and it was obvious that uh it wasn't going out um and so i couldn't figure out what was going on and i was getting this slap back all the way through the interview and then when i came to the end to close down the uh the interview browser window uh there was the actual stream window sitting right behind i thought what an idiot alec there is usually a uh a human error cause with all of the issues that i encounter i eat my human error anyway uh hey that's a great idea isn't it there's a guy that does demos every friday i should probably get along to some of those and try and learn a few things so in any case let's have a little quick look shall we at the uh the stats as they stand for what they're worth so day uh day 204 166 videos 40 shorts and uh 840 uh subs so those have gone up so about 30 36 or something since last week uh 5 300 watch hours and uh 54 000 views these numbers still boggle my mind i'm not surprised that even any one person watches but there you go uh no offense to all of you lovely people who are watching i'm not suggesting you've got any mental issues by watching me but there you go um so the the stats let's have a quick look because i didn't do this last week but i do like to look at these once a week um i don't really pay a huge amount of uh i don't really sleep over them but i do like to just have a look at them so this is my uh my views so it's been pretty erratic really for anybody who's watched regularly we'll know that i've not been too happy with my consistency over the past uh six to eight weeks and that is this six to eight weeks that's sort of signified by uh by this this choppy part of the chart although it did get off to a good start where i had this sudden jump up in my my views um then i had this like few weeks where it was just very hit and miss i wasn't posting an average of a video a day by any means and so it was kind of up some weeks and down some weeks um but now with vlogmas and posting the shorts uh regularly then it seems to have sort of picked up again and obviously the more videos you put out technically i suppose it's not doesn't necessarily always follow that you'd get more views but that is how it has gone in this case so the number of views have sort of ramped up again in fact i had probably that the highest number of views in any one day just uh yesterday which was 779 or first of december but i suppose first day of vlogmas people were watching those videos i guess uh in terms of the the watch time uh that's uh that's pretty stable really because i suppose a lot of my videos that i've been putting out over the last week have been short so um they have obviously been only a minute long rather than the longer form stuff um i'm aiming to average a uh obviously i'll be doing a vlogmas video every day and those are about five or ten minutes uh i'm going to be putting out a short every day and so um so yeah those those will uh be coming out those are all going to be zoom related because i am sort of in the the run-up to launching my course i'm not doing a whole series of zoom short tips and uh oh by the way rich i got the the message yes i had uh i was doing a i did a short with a demo on all about the the mute button for what that's worth on uh on zoom and uh yeah the placement of it was not ideal because it was getting covered up by uh some element of the youtube interface so uh obviously didn't think about that one too much today i'll bear that one in mind in future i think on i think on tick tock because i post them to tick tock as well uh and tick tock just tend to have a load of stuff right at the bottom of the screen so i need to be careful about using that part of the the screen so thanks for the uh the heads up on that uh rich um so then and then the the subscribers have sort of uh been inching up again as well and you can see where where they were sort of a higher number of daily uh new subscribers that was around the time when i was posting and then this last few weeks where i just wasn't really putting out as much content then it sort of went down so i guess it sort of makes sense really doesn't it so uh that is the uh the stats for uh for what they're worth and um yeah 800 and what we up to now so 840 i think it was wasn't it um and so it's pretty close to the the thousand and uh obviously not like i'm expecting any big things from uh being monetized on youtube but still nevertheless it is a nice little milestone to hit so we'll see if i hit that before uh new year technically i think i should do at the rate that i'm increasing my uh subscribers if it's about 30 or 40 a uh a week then probably it'll be just in time for the new year but we'll we'll see uh uh jeff what's jeff saying let's have a quick look at this red lines on viewed postings every one of these two hour q a sessions does not get redlined this is consistent usually viewed in two steps two hours live plus the rest perhaps on the ipad uh let me i've gotta process that the thing is it's too early in the morning for me i've gotta take some time to actually process the whole uh uh the process the whole sentence i'm not sure what you mean by red line then uh anyway maybe i'll i'll try and think about that on and come back to it uh you know she is you know she is rich um so let's have a little talk shall we about the uh the zoo master class and i suppose i should really put this up again just for those who aren't aware of it uh it is my ultimate zoom master class launching on the the first of january and i'm running a uh an early bird offer 50 off uh if you just go and register your interest by going over to um i had a i had an email actually about this because um if in fact if i come to what i've done this this week in terms of the course one of the things i did was i sent out an email to my mailing list from the channel uh so i've got um around about 120 people who have either downloaded something from my website the take one tech website or they've bought something from the take one tech store and opted in to receive uh potentially promotional emails in the future and so for all of those people i sent out an email about the the master class i also sent out an email to all of the people who had uh supported me in any way on buy me a coffee either as a monthly supporter a one-off or had booked a call with me through buy me a coffee so i did send out a mail shot and i did get some feedback that um i'd sent out an email that was basically asking people to go to sign up for something where they don't know the price of it i'm telling people there's a 50 off but i haven't announced the price yet and there's a very good reason for that in my mind which is i haven't actually totally fixed the price yet i'm still working on a few things which i'll come to in terms of what i'm going to include with it so obviously there is obviously going to be all the zoom material i've got the the main content sort of ironed out uh but it's in terms of some like bonuses and special offers and things like that that i'm going to include with it so i'm just sort of trying to fix the price point i've basically got it more or less fixed in my mind but i just want to do a little bit more research and i'm also looking at things like conversion rates and things like that in facebook for facebook advertising to just sort of get an overall picture of it so that is the reason why i haven't actually announced the price yet um it's not intended to be sort of like um uh uh what's the word uh it's the way it's not even really false scarcity which is a sort of technique that some people use it's not not really about that but the reason is to uh to have the early bird offer is also just to gain a bit of understanding about um you know the the sort of the interest in it and so to offer a 50 discount even though technically people don't know the price yet it's a kind of um well if you do just go and show your interest then when it does launch uh there's potentially a large saving there so that was the the reason that i had the the 50 offer and wanted people to express interest early on just to gauge the the interest in it really um so i will be announcing the price a little bit closer to the date but it will be um it's not one of these things where it's 50 off uh and then the price never increases this is a sort of genuine 50 offer for the people who express interest early on um and then you know when the uh and the 50 offer by the way although i launch on the first of january uh you don't have to go and sign up then it's valid for the whole of january um but then after that the uh the price will go to the the regular price so it's not one of these uh you get some people who have these courses and they have sales funnels and things like that and it's a some special one-off price never to be repeated um but it just stays the same forever and there's no other actual price so anytime i mention a discount is a genuine discount let's just put it like that so um in terms of what i've done this week so that was one of the things that i've done with the course was actually you know send out a mail shot to my my existing database i'm not sending out a uh email to my other database which i've got which i probably will be doing a little bit closer to the time actually um because it's um yeah i've got i suppose a database of people that this would be quite suited to as well so i've just kept it with the tape one tech people for now uh but i will be uh emailing the other database at some point in the in the future before launch probably so i just wanted to do something special just for all my loyal uh people who have been so good and supported me on the the channel so that's that's who this special offers for um all of you lovely people in fact uh so what else did i do i um uh added it to my website which was a good little thing to do i suppose since i hadn't done that last week it was one of the things that slipped off my list so if you go to take one tech then the offers are up there at the top of there as well um and so yeah i'm i'm sharing all of this because i'm hoping that this sort of might spur some ideas if people are launching their own course or anything like that of a little checklist i suppose after i've finished all of this by the way after i've made this course i'm going to package this all up i suppose as a a master class master class or a course course a a course launch masterclass something like that to just go through all the steps because there is quite a lot to sort of think about and if i have it all planned out in terms of like last week i talked about setting up the domain uh setting up all the dns settings for linking in with with email with the the website platform that i'm using so i'm using click funnels um i'm definitely going to be looking at kajabi though because we had a whole uh we had a whole session about kajabi in uh office hours last week uh by the way that is look at this i i talk about this every week so i've actually created an overlay for it uh buy me a doc rock which is uh where i am every every sunday morning for me uh saturday afternoon evening uh us time and uh yeah i know that everyone in the chat right now is also in there but this is this is for the benefit of those who maybe don't know about it it's a great family of like-minded people all looking to help one another and we were talking in there last week about uh kajabi and which is another hosting platform uh a platform that can uh you can build your website in you can build your sales funnels in you can build all of your email automation and things like that it's similar to click funnels in in that respect and uh yeah everyone's been really uh everyone that's using it has been talking about how great it is so i figured i should i should give it a go and i i kind of thought about maybe instead of doing this course on clickfunnels which is something that i know and used um you know pretty uh pretty regularly really a day in day out uh but i thought maybe i should do something on kajabi just to uh just to try that out but i thought in the end with uh with vlogmas with having to create all of the course content as well the last thing i need is to actually be learning a whole new platform right now in the middle of all of that so i think i'll just uh do that for next time however i spoke to uh two other people who had booked a call through my buy me a coffee yesterday uh two other people who were also using kajabi for their uh businesses and their online courses uh so um so yeah it's just uh it's just sort of tick that little box for me that i definitely need to definitely need to check it out and one of the things that they both mentioned was about the fact that kajabi's just added in the ability to have like coaching that you can book through kajabi so you can add that in as a sort of a feature of your course and things like that so i'll um yeah i'll definitely be i'll definitely be checking out kajabi um so uh but yeah duck rock buy me a coffee dot com doc rock uh to oh incidentally by the way tomorrow or not tomorrow yeah tomorrow i'll be um i'll be doing a whole session in doc rock's office hours about uh sales funnels and uh setting up sales funnels and things like that uh website funnels email funnels and so on um so if that is something that you're interested in then also head of dubaicoffee.comrock and join the officehours group um and uh yeah we'll i'll be going into more depth of stuff ins of about sales funnels there i will also be talking about them on this channel as well so when i get to the point of having made the main sales funnel i'll be talking through how i did that and these steps that are in it and so on um so in any case that is the uh that's that's what i've done this week i also started building out the affiliate area as well so i am going to be offering an affiliate an affiliate program for the course so i'll be giving 30 for any referrals that come through the affiliate program so i've just been building out the sort of back end architecture of that and all this sort of graphics and things like that that go into it so that when you uh when you sign up as an affiliate then you can go in and get your link and then you'll be able to see how many referrals you've had and all this sort of stuff it's pretty automated really in terms of the how to make it in uh in click funnels i believe that they have the same in kajabi as well and so i'm sure it's pretty modular there it's just in case if you set up all the different uh different links and things like that i've been also thinking about where to where to host this so i've i've sort of built it out but i'm uh thinking of obviously it is at the moment going to be an affiliate program for the zoom master class but there's other courses that i've already done and there are i suppose could be considered as somewhat related and then i will also be building out some other courses in the future as well so i thought about making actually one central location for all of the uh all of uh these uh affiliate programs so that basically you could have one affiliate login and then be able to uh create links for the zoom master class uh the productivity master class uh the ecam1 and various other different ones that i've still got to make so i've got five different courses that i'm going to be uh going to be making that are related to the stuff that i do on my channel so i thought it's probably better to have one central location where you can basically go and get offer codes for these different things to share them if uh if you wish so i haven't still figured that out it's still uh something that's going around in my mind at the moment so it probably won't be actually hosted on the uh zoom master class website itself although i'll obviously link to it from there so um but in any case i've built out the architecture of it at least i've just got to figure out where to actually route it too in terms of the uh the dns settings and so on so that is the uh the affiliate area what else did i do also did some stuff that was kind of uh you know creating some graphical elements and stuff like that that i'm going to be using in the in the course and with some of the downloads and things like that so that was another thing to get done uh i'll as i say i will i will share the the full checklist of everything all the different steps that i've taken probably at the end of this when i've got it all straightened out and in a reasonable order because sometimes my mind tends to hop around a little around a little bit so i don't always necessarily do things in like a you know a to b or a to z order i tend to jump around a little bit um so uh so yeah i'll i will share that when i've done it uh just let me get rid of this comment there we go um and so um so yeah i will share that when i've done it what else have i been doing this week i've also been looking at i mentioned uh earlier about the the bonuses that i want to add into it so i am going to be offering uh like offer codes discount codes and things like that for different products and services that are related to the zoom course so um i've been contacting different companies about that and uh just sort of trying to get a few of those queued up so i've got a few a few companies confirmed so i'll be giving a speedify discount a camo discount things like that that you can use obviously camo is great for using with zoom because um if you are i know that most of you lovely people are all uh youtubers live streamers content creators and so you've generally got pretty good camera and mic setups but bearing in mind that the the target audience for this zoom course as well as teaching zoom it is going to be about the uh you know the equipment that you can have to upgrade your zoom skills uh if you are somebody who is uh you know coming not from the world of live streaming and uh and content creation but just for business people generally who are often usually using the built-in camera on their laptop their laptops on the desk it's pointing up their nose and they're not getting the best picture out of that are they so that's really the target market for this uh zoom course um and then but like i say it will also have all of the uh the other ways that you can use zoom and the ways that you can use ecam with zoom and all this sort of stuff as well so i will be um uh yeah i will be uh i will be talking about how you can upgrade your camera skills and camera image and one of the easiest ways is actually just to use camo and use your phone so that is the the first port of call because everyone's got a phone these days something with a good camera um and so yeah and that's great i still use camo as well if i'm if i'm mobile although i'm not really mobile that often um but having the laptop and then just having the the phone plugged in uh it means that you can sort of position it better to get a better uh shot of uh you know for a better a better image positioning when you are on your zoom calls on your laptop when you're out of the uh the office or away from your desk or whatever so um so yeah we'll be offering a discount code for that um there's also going to be a discount code for speedify because obviously we need good internet connection when we are working with uh when we were working with zoom or anything online and then uh yeah also uh ecam so new users for ecamm i'll have a uh a a couple of three months of e-count for people who sign up and uh yeah that's that's what i've been working on i'm also talking with a couple of hardware manufacturers as well to to look to be able to give discounts to people who attend on uh i think you can probably guess the the hardware that i'm talking about one of my favorite devices that i use all the time with with zoom and things like that uh so i'll uh i'll update you once i know more about that and then there's a couple of other people as well that i've been in talks with as well to just be able to give um like uh they call it the value stack basically so when you are selling a product or a course as well as the course then you've obviously going to be able to offer all of these different things and so when you add it all up in terms of what the value of those things are that you're giving away as sort of bonuses uh then it sort of it puts the the price of the course into context so um uh in office hours tomorrow i'll be talking about the value stack uh specifically and how to sort of work that into a um the when you're doing a video sales uh a sales video rather um the order that you do things in and then also all of that that offer stack that you add in at the end to just sort of as i say frame the the pricing of the the course um so so that is something else that i've done and then i've also been looking at um sort of ways to promote the course as well so i've had a chat with a few people about uh being sort of cross-promotion of of this course with uh with their uh databases of of uh email database of contacts um and then also you know vice versa me cross promoting their things where there is some synergy so there's a couple of people in the presentation space and meetings and things like that so there's various different times that we can have where once somebody's done the zoom master class then there is a logical next step for different other aspects of their their meetings and their presentations that they can work on so as i say i've got a couple of people who i'll be looking to promote to to their courses after uh the zoom course but similarly they'll be able to cross-promote to my course that is again adjacent to what they're doing in sort of uh in alignment uh i just quickly say hi carly talking about course creation again today and uh so yeah so that's what else i've been doing and that's probably actually about it i haven't done a great deal of the actual content creation this week um i've got my map all laid out in terms of what i'm doing and when i'm doing it um whoops wrong button but then also i did go down a bit of a rabbit hole this week and i'm quite excited about it and i can't take my mind off it but i'm not going to be doing anything about it i don't think properly until uh it i don't think it'll even make it into the zoom master class it'll probably have to come after that because it's a it's a bit of a a bit of a web of a rabbit hole if there is such a thing i don't think you get webs of rabbit holes to you but you know what i mean it's one of those ones that's just really taken my attention off and that is i've figured out a way in ecamm live and zoom obviously we all know you can use interview mode and by the way let me just stick up this link if anybody would fancy jumping on a little bit later to talk about vlogmas or anything like that um in interview mode you can obviously bring interview mode into zoom so i do do that i have guests on in ecamp and then through interview mode then that goes into zoom and people on zoom can see all of the the interviewees so it's great if you're doing something like you want to bring somebody in to do a presentation and stream that into the zoom call or into a webinar or something like that then you can do that and they can be presenting on their computer and you can bring in their slides separately as a separate overlay and you can just have it as if you're it's just a nice little video production really where you've got their presentation and them on screen and you're on screen and so on so that's all possible within ecam live but i've figured out a way i've gotta work out the audio side of this now i figured out a way to basically grab the isos of uh all the sorry the video feed of anybody in in zoom and bring that in as an ndi feed into ecamm for anyone up to 100 people and what this means is i've got a i'm going to basically get another mac mini to to try this all out on which is i'm going to have one mac mini that's running a zoom instance and then it's going to be it'll be able to pull out all of the people from the zoom the zoom call and basically just present those as i say as a full hd feed that i can then feed in on the other computer over ndi into ecam live and then that one can feed into another zoom call so two zoom calls going on uh two instances of ecam live and ndi to sort of link it all together and what this means is uh at the moment with interview mode when people come in and they're in the the waiting room then you've got you can see them as a using ecom live you can see who's in the interview mode uh interview window you've got the interview chat as well so they can chat back and forth um but there is no sort of uh speaking between the people who are in the uh the interview mode basically so the only way that they can communicate apart from the chat is when they are in the actual uh call with you so what this would enable me to do would be that i could have a speaker's zoom where everyone would come in they'd be able to chat with each other and then i could even create breakout rooms and things like that to if they want to have like separate waiting areas and things like that but then i could just have scenes set up in ecamm where i could pull in any one of those people literally just with a drop down and choose the name of the person and have that coming into ecam over ndi and then what that would mean is that you've got as i say you basically i mean think of it like a virtual conference and you've got all of your attendees on your main zoom and then you've got your speaker zoom which is kind of like the the actual green room but where they can talk and things like that they can go to different breakout rooms you can have somebody that's managing all of this so that they could have speakers that they come in they go directly into a breakout room talking about the order and things like that or whatever it is that you need to talk about and then basically just bringing them up on stage but they're all still speaking with each other uh all done with a zoom now the issue that i've got at the moment is i've got to figure out the uh the audio routing it's not quite as simple as a um not quite as simple as a a loopback thing which is where basically lootback if you think about that thinking about the um like a pipe if you will that is taking all of the sound from your ecam and piping it into zoom and all the sound from zoom and piping it back into ecam what i need to do here is i've got to be able to isolate the individual audio of the individual speakers so in theory you could still have this zoom room open with uh or zoom instance open not a zoom room that is a specific thing a zoom meeting open um but be able to just extract the audio from just one person in that meeting but uh i think i should be able to nail that as well and that that could then make actually ecam and zoom two instances of zoom basically a um a total virtual conference platform um so i'm quite excited about it but uh yeah it's making my head hurt a little bit rich to be honest as i say it was quite a rabbit hole that i went down uh but i've got the i've got the i've got the um uh i've got the images nailed in fact it can go up to more than uh 1920 it can go up to uh uh what's the other one two not not not full 4k but uh the in between one can't remember the resolution now 2000 something um but in any case yes so uh yeah so that is brother phil it's not two instances on the same computer i've got to get another computer to actually run this on so i need one zoom on one computer one zoom on another i'm going to be extracting the individual zoom video feeds from each participant up to 100 in theory i could make an ecam production with 100 people on it all bought in individually and placed them wherever i wanted on the screen so yeah it's quite quite exciting um so uh so yeah who do i want to send it to i don't want to send anything thank you very much siri what are you talking about she's uh just getting involved sorry about that uh i don't want to send anything to anybody thank you um so um so yeah if anybody fancy's jumping on by the way and having a chat about uh anything related to course creation or to their vlogmas so far i should have put the link up but i forgot to take this one off hang on a minute i've uh covered it up that was a little bit foolish wasn't it there you go so yeah yeah feel free to jump on um it's one of those things though that once it's all set up uh uh brother phil it is um it's really easy and uh i just can't wait to try it out to be honest because like i say it is uh it's gonna be uh really useful for um obviously we can have up to four people on interview mode but i know that people do ask for more people i think there might be something in the works to maybe add in the ability to have more people but just being able to do it through zoom as well which is um uh yeah it means that people aren't using uh doing things through the browser and so on uh right which which they do on interview mode so then they've got all of the sort of zoom controls from their point of view that they would normally have and uh yeah it's pretty [Laughter] sorry yes everything everything is easy everything is easy so one of the things that i i've i've done in thailand since um well past uh how long is it now getting on for 12 12 or 13 years so we i say we have we had an architectural design and construction company we don't do any construction anymore because i've just been focusing on other things and the construction was just taking too much of my uh my energy and the place where we uh we build houses in thailand was basically all over the northeast so i used to be in the in the car for you know hours a day traveling between sites to go and check on them and yes you could hire people to go and do that but i did have some bad experiences doing that where you are giving guarantees about quality levels and so on and assurances and then somebody's checking that isn't quite as uh eagle-eyed or paying as much attention to detail as you are as i was um so yeah so it was uh it was quite a quite a lot of travelling was involved in that uh why am i talking about that oh yeah so the point was it's very much like building a house was the analogy i was going to use because if you look at a house and you think how could it have possibly been built you know it's uh there's quite a lot that goes into it and it seems quite a complex thing but when you break it down into small little pieces it's only just sort of one step after the next and it's just all about having that that sort of flow so when i say that this thing that i'm looking at with zoom is uh is easy it's one of those things that's uh a few logical little steps and it would be it would be an easy thing to make a tutorial about let me just put it like that it would be an easy thing to go through and say oh well then you need to do this you need to install this you need to do this this and this that's what i mean by easy nothing's uh nothing's easy when you don't know how to do it but it is once you've been shown so um uh so yeah but that was that was that was a good uh a good few hours of a of a rat hole that was that i went down um so speaking of vlogmas though that is obviously something else i've been doing uh this uh this last three days today's day four and um i've been doing two little vlogmases my little silly uh vlogmas advent calendar into the let's get live group for the family in there and then also my official vlog was on my youtube channel and i'd got some ideas of what i was going to do for this and i got even all of the uh the um uh the videos planned out um but part of what i was going to do was actually do some editing on my my ipad and i haven't still got around to doing that yet because a few other things have got in the way so i've got to reshuffle my yet my videos a little bit and i bought the ones about sort of things that i've done in the past past jobs and things like that i've sort of shuffled those all forward and uh yeah the the other ones of me being out and about and editing have yet to emerge so we'll see how that goes the other thing that i was intending to do actually as part of vlogmas was chart the progress of my studio build so that was something that was intending to get done by the end of the year to get out of the out of the basement out of the green screen and have a proper studio space um but my my studio space has been co-opted by santa and his elves they've sent set up a uh a uh i suppose it's really a thailand distribution depot um so um yeah because it's the one place that's uh that's hidden from the kids or rather that they just don't go into so for the moment it's uh it's getting slowly full of stuff and it'll be a uh a packaging department as of uh the next few days so uh it looks like i'm not gonna get to do much on um uh not gonna get much not going to get a chance to do much on that certainly before christmas and then i'm guessing over the few days of christmas uh i'm not going to be in the the right frame of mind to do it either so it might well be that the the studio build is a new year thing we'll see we'll see if i get time uh and also i'm guessing that there'll be a lot of things to do last minute for the zoom course that i've that i've not thought about because there usually is yeah i like to think that i'm very organized and plan everything out but there's always other things that crop up in every project project so uh so yeah i'll probably end up doing my studio building january now uh so um talking which how do you set up the facebook destination for vlogmas um ah so for my my one what what i'm doing is i'm actually recording them and then posting them into the let's get live group um but in ecamm you can actually just select the um the destination and you can select the group that you want to go into so in in ecam you just go to the destination instead of being record or youtube just set it to facebook and then in the destination there you just have it set to go to whichever group that you are a member of if you're using restream you can only stream to groups that you are an admin of uh so you wouldn't be able to set it up to go to youtube for example and also the ecom facebook group or the lgl facebook facebook group through uh restream you could only do it directly into that and i suppose for obvious reasons really restream don't want you to just uh add in a whole load of groups and then be streaming to absolutely all of these groups that you're not an admin of and then they'd get into a bit of trouble for that i'm guessing so but with ecam you can just stream into any specific group individual group that you are a member of so that is that is how you would do that uh it's been great to see uh see everyone's vlog i say everyone's i've still got a lot to get through but it's been great to see people's vlogmas videos in uh obviously the lgl family and the ecom group as well uh people have really been getting into it so i think it was it was a nice thing for ecam to do to sort of get on board with it and encourage people because uh yeah there's probably going to have been quite a lot of new people signed up to ecamp over the black friday weekend with the deal that they had on that um and then um yeah it's been it's been great to see people sort of getting in and using it now mr paul duncan if they are live you can stream them into the group if they're recorded we ask you to post them in the weekly post through it yeah to be honest with you is a weekly post thread is it i was looking out for one every day because i've been uh i've been a very naughty moderator then because i've posted mine directly into the group thinking that they just not put the post up but i'll have to go back and adjust that won't i um i've also not put the hashtag in the one in the lgl group so in the ecam group i've used the hashtag ecam vlogmas but in the lgl group i've just posted them in there because i didn't tag them ecamp because they're they're more for the lgl family those are with my yeah my range of sound effects behind my little advent calendar my streambent calendar all on a common theme um that the the list of groups does not seem to include the ecam group all right is that in um is that in your even an ecamp as well when you're going to look at facebook it was there for me i'm pretty sure i can't look at it now can i because i'm i'm already streaming um it should it should be there though i think i think in when you click on the the facebook drop down it should be there if you are a member of the uh that group so um oh hey hey gretchen nice to see you here um yeah i'm not sure why that would not be uh not me showing up uh so uh yeah just double i'm for sure you are already joined the group but yeah technically ecom should just show you a full list of every group that you are a member of whereas restream will be the ones that you are uh an admin on so that's the the difference on that um so what else have i been doing last week and coming up for the next week i've just lost my train of thought now as you can tell so what am i doing in terms of the course for this next week coming up um i am going to start making some of the actual content because uh there's still a lot of it to do in terms of all of it so i'll be doing that that this week and then creating some of the downloads and things like that as well and then just finishing off some of the architecture i also want to get the actual funnel built for the um for the main funnel so i've obviously got the if you go to the website then i've got the initial funnel where it's capturing email addresses and things like that and uh people can sign up for that uh that early bird offer um so i've got that all set up but i want to just build out the main uh funnels as well uh and then also all of the email follow-up uh mechanisms and things like that so that people get you know enrolled in the course and all this sort of stuff if they do sign up so i like to get all of that architecture all out of the way because there's no point having all the course material ready for launch and then not having the platform all set up to launch it on and it's it's the the video recording i don't envisage there being any uh major issues that are going to crop up that um that are unexpected um but with setting up all of the back end stuff and all the automations and things like that there's definitely room for a lot more room for human error there at least in any case so yeah i'm gonna try and get that all set up this week and uh hopefully by the end of the following week everything should be all set up and ready to go uh including all of the uh the facebook ads as well so i am gonna be running ads for this uh to different uh geographic locations different target demographics and so on uh and so uh oh thank you gretchen uh so i'll be um uh i'll be getting that all all set up in the next couple of weeks as well and uh what i also need to do that's just reminded me i need to also um update my little overlay for my stream elements uh notification when somebody subscribes because it's still that basic one that comes with that you get with stream elements um so that's what i'm going to be doing with the course over the next week so next week i should hopefully be sharing with you uh progress and there should have been some progress in terms of creating the content and the the funnels once i've got the funnel set up by the way i will do a whole uh session on that on my live stream so i'll explain about the different steps of the funnels that i'm using uh but for something more general then i'll just mention it again dot rock dot com slash office hours and uh yeah you'll be able to uh follow tomorrow with the sort of all the different kinds of funnels that you have not necessarily just the ones that i'm going to be talking about and uh where is the weekly post ah thank you paul because yeah i had sort of uh i'd sort of missed that uh that one as well let me just head over there um yeah i was i got it into my head that it was going to be a uh a daily post for the daily things as opposed to a weekly one so that just goes to show how much i had not followed the uh followed the instructions or listened just having a little look at that uh thank you paul they're pinned in the feature section great stuff um yeah but there's been some really great things i'll tell you who did one that just it really made me laugh uh dj rob dj right on beat he posted one of his uh um i think it was day one in fact uh where it was done all in ecamp but one thing that just really tickled me was he had made this uh this gondola a cable car that was scrolling across the top of the screen uh and at first i thought because he said all this has been done in e-cam i thought well how has he done that but it was obviously just the uh the little gondola emoji and then he'd put a straight line and then he'd set it to be a scrolling ticket i thought that was genius it looked it looked really cool so um yeah ah right i see that's what that's where my confusion came from it was uh it was daily threads last year in the lgl group got it the group is there using econ directly was trying via my facebook access um oh i see so um so you were oh no i don't see you what you were streaming you were trying to stream directly through facebook and stream into that group was it or or what um still not quite clear um the group is there using ecomm directly he was trying via my facebook access um so what were you streaming with then if you were trying to stream in like that what just as a live camera because you can do that as well if you go into if you just go into the group like if you were doing it on your mobile or something uh then you could go into the the facebook group and then there's a button there that you can just start screaming screaming streaming but the um uh the i think that you've got to have a am i right in saying this that it needs to have a title and a description for you to be able to stream into the group so that could be uh that could be part of the the issue uh i know that you do need to have a uh yeah do you need to have a title and a description uh so that's that could be the the issue there um uh yeah not uh not too short other than that uh obviously ecam yes he came up and blocked from streaming into the econ group from ecam uh let me have a little look where we're up to sorry i've just got a few things that i've popped up here that are distracting me taking over my screen a little bit i haven't gone through my regular checklist today you see so uh there's a few things that i should have switched off that i haven't i was just trying to set it up there appeared to be some registration process according to adrian's instructions um i'm not sure about that to be honest registration registration for what but what's that to do um uh as far as i'm aware in the ecam group you can just if you go into it directly in facebook you can just um stream directly into it so from as i say from your phone or something but like i say in ecamm uh if once you've uh clicked on facebook and linked it to your facebook account then it should just show in there so i'm not not quite sure i yeah uh uh yeah i'm following with what asian was talking about uh that just means that i'm not uh i'm not in the loop on it doesn't mean that uh what he's saying is wrong by any stretch uh as i say it's usually human error with me uh and i'm sometimes a bit slow on the uptake um yeah so um where oh hang on one second so who's that popping in interview mode i'm getting some i'm getting it saying that somebody's coming through here but they're not showing up in my interview menu i was to do with linking accounts now i've just got a little belt ah there we go it's eyes my friend carly here we go one second hey carly hi how are you doing great to see you i'm doing well how is it in the future oh it's brilliant it's wonderful here can't wait for you to get here how's your vlogmas going you know this is day three right it is going well i so far so good you know my i don't know why i'm seeing my hair i'm hearing myself twice so it's kind of confusing me a little bit oh is your browser still open yes yeah if you immediately yeah you get on that should fix it there we go okay i'm back and i only hear one of me and one of you because my mind can't take all of that you know that's exactly what i did though when i was on jp's show jp high tech and i had my my other browser window behind the interview browser uh and then i went through the whole show like that and it was totally throwing me but he couldn't hear it and then it was only when i when i closed the thing down closed the window down that it was there right behind it and i was like oh what an idiot alec but you know what to your first question about how my vlogmas is going this is these are like some of the small little things that i've been learning and this is only day three yeah doing this vlogmas because something like that happened the other day and it was a small thing but it was like an annoyance and you know what i mean and i know what it was it was i was going through epidemic sound i was looking for non-yoga yoga music for my streams and i didn't realize that i had the volume up so high and i couldn't hear it through my earphones but everyone else could hear it in the ecam group right and so i could have easily just thought oh that's no big thing i just pick some music put it as a sound effect it's good to go but rich was like no no no no don't go any further we got to get your sound together and so that was something that i could have easily just been like no big deal i just need to know how to set up you know an overlay and that be it but you saying this thing right now oh you have a browser open small little thing that makes a world of difference so my vlogmas is going well because i'm learning these small things that hopefully won't trip me up later on you know yeah sure sure how is your vlogmas going with your advent calendar yeah yeah just a bit of vert silliness that one is for the lgl family i love i think i think that all of us many of us can relate to the advent calendar right and so i was like wow that's a brilliant idea how come i didn't think of that and we all need the uh the doc clips in our life don't we yes and there's there's no end of them as well so i think it was probably about eighty percent of the clips that i've got for the next you know however many days uh are all from basically one live stream that he did because he just come out with them it's it's quite quite a resource it is it is so great to relive them through your advent calendar you know especially we're at the end of this year and it's just it's so it's a great retrospective it's a good chuckle a good key key as i like to say so i'm glad that you're doing that and it's also very nostalgic you know nostalgic in a number of number of ways is being a child and then also just you know retrospective of the year too so it's pretty cool that you're doing that what time is it there by the way i can't help but ask it's five two six in the morning it's wet it's five minutes to six eight eight five five minutes six am okay cool so what time do you wake up uh three o'clock usually uh so i'll get up at three have my morning meditation journaling and stuff like that and then four to six is usually my youtube time apart from saturday when i say yeah you got that kobe bryant schedule thing going on right yeah it's it's brilliant get a day's work done before anyone wakes up yeah yeah do you want to share or do you mind if i share one of us share about the the kobe bryant thing that we had talked about before yeah sure there was a yeah so you know i'm from los angeles like i am like truly from los angeles i don't know if you all can see that los angeles i'm like this might say like los angeles girls club or whatever like so in los angeles kobe bryant is basically like a demigod right and there was one thing that can't be denied whether you loved him or hated him or indifferent is that he had an incredible work ethic right and so i've been gathering these pieces of information about how great people do what they do and i started doing this when my children are really small and i came across a book called cradles of eminence and it's basically a book that looks at all of these great people throughout history and it looked for a thread that was in all of their lives now all these people came from various parts of the world different backgrounds different beginnings but there was like this consistent thread right so so since reading that book i have been like interested in how great people do great things and one of the things about kobe bryant was that he had this incredible work ethic where he talked about like every day gets up at three just like alec and then he goes to practice from four to six he comes home eats breakfast goes back to like nine and eleven comes home again probably spends time with his daughters or whatever goes back again you know two to four comes back another another set of practice so we're talking about four practices a day every single day and so one of the things that he said is that you think about like you do that over time and then everybody else is coming back after the season ends they come back to begin their season like in the summer he says and i keep doing this year after year he says no matter how much they practice during the summer they're never going to be able to catch up because i've been doing this the whole year over years of time so i'm exponentially more practiced than they are right and so that just like was like fantastic right and so the great author tony morrison says i actually was going to talk about this on one of my uh vlogmas editions toni morrison says i saw her in an interview once and she just kind of in past and said i'm a genius before the sun rises i love that yeah and i'm like oh my god i totally can relate to that and so i was sharing with you i believe and some other folks about the ambrosia hours and the yoga practice we talk about there's that magic those few magic hours right before the sun comes up and it's supposed to be a time of devotion time of personal practice meditation journaling yoga practice things of those type of self-development exercises and practices and we call them the ambrosia hours particularly common you hear that phrase in the kundalini uh tradition but i've been observing that since hearing that kobe thing it was like i was reminded right so i was like i don't quite get up at three but i make sure that i'm doing something by four o'clock right and so doing a little stretching a little meditation and then like get to work right and so on the days that i run i run two days two days a week early in the morning so that means i have to be done by 5 15 in order to get to the meet up at 5 30 but anyway just doing those things and that is part of what i'm thinking about can this is this is part of what i'm enjoying about this vlogmas because it's really giving all of us a running start into the new year like bringing all of this work in and hopefully that we are establishing some really important patterns and practices so that by the time january comes it's not like this is this is major reshift but it's a continuation of the practices that we've been doing and hopefully over this month's time of consistently doing the thing we've been able to kind of figure out like what works and what doesn't and continue those things that are working so these are some of the things i'm thinking about these are actually the things that i'm in so much admiration for you because i'm like looking at you and i'm like he's doing it look to alex like you're like my north star well it's funny though because like i mentioned in the office hours last week or the week before about one of the things that i want to get nailed before the end of the year is consistency and everyone laughed but really for me the october and november i i had lost the consistency that i had since may when i was posting more or less a video a day at least on average but then in october and november i had a load of other stuff come up with work and so i couldn't make time for youtube stuff in these morning hours i was having to do some other stuff so uh the vlogmas for me is is actually getting back into that routine of literally a video every day so uh i do feel that i wasn't consistent for the past couple of months and so it's for me it's exactly the same thing building up that momentum again to uh just be doing at least you know a video every day and uh and get back into it right right and so if you think about like momentum like just to compare it to something that we're all familiar with like miles per hour right so whether you're talking about like running or cycling or driving a car whatever it's like miles per hour so like when someone like you loses momentum maybe they kick it down to like 80 miles per hour right but when when the rest of us lose momentum we struggling at like 10 15 maybe 20 miles per hour right so that's the beautiful thing about like when you've been putting the work over time when you do kind of lose your momentum yeah relatively speaking it's quite different than for folks who like are really inconsistent and really not producing content on any regular basis at all yeah sure sure i get that yeah yeah and you know it's actually and i think it was you saying that is what really prompted me to send you that clip about kobe bryant because what it reassured me is that people would always say that kobe bryant is oh he's talented he's a genius he's gifted that type of thing but when i when i watched that clip it made me understand that kobe bryant wasn't talented at all or maybe you needed much much more smaller than we think much smaller than we think what it was was that he just really was committed he was really dedicated yeah yeah you know he really put the work in and so that was actually encouraging for me and so i heard that and then i heard you say oh i got to get back on being consistent i was like whoa whoa whoa whoa i see some consistency here between you two yeah it's the same with anything though it's putting the work in and then like my official vlogmas yesterday was about one of my previous roles that i had and about rocket science and it's used as this thing of like something when when people want to say that something isn't that difficult they'll say oh well it's not rocket science well the fact is that rocket science is not difficult if you know how to do it as well and everything's the same a rocket science a rocket scientist might well not be able to plaster a wall in a house or you know do something that other somebody else might seem as you know a skill that they've got it's all just totally relative um and uh so yeah it's just all about putting in the work and learning learn and do as diana would say right and then just so simply and elegantly put is learn and do learn and do learn and do i was looking at one of mr cameron jung his most recent videos i've been like really looking at that video over and over again because i'm like okay this vlogmas i'm going to sharpen my axe on learning ecamm and so i said something to him about yeah i would love to create one of those overlays camera overlays and ecam where it looks like it's like a lava lamp you know that's how i called it like a lava lamp look behind basically an animated loopable overlays he created a video on it and i watched the video a couple times and watched the next morning went for a run came back and i and i did it and then i did it again today and i was like wow this is something that i you know continuing to do like that's really important because i think of it even when i teach yoga i tell people like the yoga practice is very much in a way it's like banking sand and you live in thai i don't know are you are you seaside in thailand no actually north northeast so uh northeast okay yeah i came for the seaside on a diving holiday and loved diving but then yeah settle down had a family and moved as far away from the sea as i could get for some reason so hoping to move back there though next year to phuket or something like that so we'll see oh phuket i've not been to thailand in many years probably more than 20 years but beautiful place amazing food the culture is so vibrant and beautiful and just i love the the whole vibe of thailand yeah yeah i was anyway i was saying that in many ways like the yoga practice i say that it's like banking sand like you can bank sand for so long and then every time you know the the the waves are going to come in and just kind of wash it wash it away right they'll just come in wash it away wash it in so you just keep banking you keep banking and you know at some point it's going to stay a little bit longer but you have to keep sharpening your axe you have to continue to practice whether it's practicing a musical instrument whether it's practicing yoga whether it's the physical practice of yoga or the cycle spiritual teachings all those things it has to be practice it's the whole learn and do it's not just like oh i learned it is over right it's like talking about making these things a part of your day-to-day life you're living your lifestyle right and then seeing how those things pick up momentum and then exponentially exponentially pay rewards can't believe i got that word out yeah it's definitely true keeping on on top of things and like say say sharpening the ax is uh is a thing isn't it yeah totally totally so i i didn't i didn't catch all of your your i didn't catch the your stream from the beginning so i know that you're talking about your course and i'm really excited to hear what you're going to share with us tomorrow in the live stream and i also know that you are doing coaching and so tell me more about the coaching that you offer because i know that you can walk because your your knowledge base is so wide so tell us not just me but all of us about what it is that people can uh expect when they get coaching with you uh so yeah it's it's it's hard to know that's part of what i'm covering in my uh regular vlogmas videos is a bit about my background and what i do because i appreciate that when i talk about relate things to work it's probably a bit confusing because i talk about different things so i'm involved in a number of different companies really and one of them is a social media advertising and marketing company so that's building out things like sales funnels and so on um and so we offer that as a service to clients to do all of those sorts of things but obviously through my buy me a coffee where people can book a call then if that's something that people want to talk about then any aspect of uh facebook adverts advertising sales funnels building out those sorts of things is you know something that that i can talk to um another thing that probably people aren't going to be so interested to necessarily talk about on a coaching call um is we i have a um i'm a partner in a company where we do algorithmic stock trading stock and options in the us market and so one of the things that i'm using ecamp for is to build a whole course around how to use the platform that we're building so we've got some developers at the moment working with to build out an app and basically what this does is every day you will get a list of uh stock trades it's not actually stocks it's more specifically uh options trades around particular stock price moves and so we've got a strategy database of all of these strategies that we've back tested we've got a a supercomputer in the uk that's basically doing all the back testing for us and then it basically throws out just a list of these are the trades for today but one of the things that people fall foul of with stock trading is that uh they think that they can get a tip and then they can trade it and then that's the sort of golden ticket to be rich but actually it's uh mindset is the biggest stumbling block that people have so actually share more tell me more yeah so as as humans we are not designed to be stock traders or traders the natural instinct that we have is the complete opposite of what people need to have so you'll have people that think they need to quit while they're ahead uh but you'll also have people that if they're in a losing streak they want to make back what they've lost or they want to try and uh you know re regain their positioning whereas in stock trading you've got to do the exact opposite so if you are winning you want to run with the winners and you want to cut the lot the losers immediately but people get that's your last yeah but people get too attached to the one that they've lost money on because they want to make it back on that trade and you're leaving a you know a a stop loss so they'll come out of it and they'll even have the attachment to that specific company that they want to get back into that company when they see there's a turn up in the uh you know it's maybe the price is bottomed out they want to get back into that exact same company just so that they can feel psychologically like they've made back the money that they lost on that particular company but continue so but really you've got to have a total detachment from any of these sort of human emotions and basically just tr treat every trade signal on its merits uh and decide whether it's a good option or not so just be completely detached from the things that you're actually trading in uh if i'm talking about trading not investments so there's a difference actually sure an investment is you know buying apple for the long term because you know over time it's going to go up or you have a strong belief over time it's going to go up whereas trading the the sort of frequency that we're talking about here is uh some of it is down to the minute so you're trading in and out on a minute basis and then the the ones that we're offering as a service is basically daily triggers so it's looking at stock price moves uh and then offering uh triggers for the next sort of 10 to 14 days so you'd be in in a trade for 10 to 14 days and a lot of them are things to do with um for example that they're all trading strategies that are based around um statistical probabilities of price moves so we look back at all of the history of you know for the past 20 years uh see seen what has happened with particular stocks in particular industries and some of them like the thesis for one of them is for example um they're in a bullish market when the market is going up close to the earnings dates you'll find that stock stocks in tech companies before they release their earnings every quarter and it's a different day for each company but every quarter of the companies have to release their earnings so just before the earnings date in the sort of week running up to it you'll find that there's a lot of excitement in tech companies especially the large tech companies and the prices tend to on average they tend to tick up just before the the earnings date and then they'll fall off slightly just after the earnings date so there is a strategy where we can put on options spreads over the uh i'm going i'm going into technicality an option is basically you're having the option to either buy or sell a stock at a later date and so you can i'm familiar yep right so um so you can you can have a spread where you've you're buying some calls and puts uh on before the earnings and then at earnings you can sell these to make some gains on the differential in price of the option rather than the underlying stock so there's a whole uh a whole whole load of strategies that are based on principles like this basically um and so we have a database of strategies that we've created and then we've done all of the back testing but we also have all of the forward testing as well and back testing is basically looking at all of the times that these strategies would have triggered in the past so it's looking for price moves or again related to dates and things like that it will look at the price then and the options prices in back testing and then it basically traces those for you know the life of the the trade and then it calculates what the return would have been so that's how you do sort of back testing and you have a company that aggregates this information yep really yeah we we've we're just launching the that's what i've been busy with over the past two months i've not had the time for this channel so much um is because we just uh the app is the app during that time when you've been inconsistent as you say you're well inconsistent in that field yeah so it's yeah yeah um so um but so then the the forward testing though is you basically take once you've got all of the statistical probability of what happened in the past then you can do forward testing and what we do with that is you basically imagine if you uh flip a coin 100 times if you did that if you did that sort of run of 100 flips enough times then you could in theory have an instance where you got 100 tails or you could get 100 heads like flipping and so with forward testing what you do is you look at the the probability based on the historical data and then you run simulations so we run a simulation of if we were to run this strategy a hundred times uh what would the outcome be and then we repeat that process a hundred thousand times so we get a hundred thousand simulations of a hundred consecutive trades and from doing that we can then see what is the the maximum drawdown so that is if you did it 100 times what would be the most that you could ever in theory be down because you might you might just lose a hundred times 99 times but then sort of win big on the hundredth one if you see so with forward testing we're looking at what's the uh what's the sort of uh you get a plot basically of the the best possible case in the worst possible case and what's the the maximum sort of drawdown that you could have so and you're building all of that out yeah we've we've done that all yeah and so this is this is a platform that we're uh we're launching and i'm doing all the videos for how to use this so that we can educate people so what we don't want people to come on to the platform and subscribe to it and then get all of these trade signals make a complete mess of it and then blame the platform we want to make sure that they have an understanding of it of uh of how it works the other the other mistake just coming back to the ways that people screw up with trading so there is a an adage that 90 of retail traders will lose 90 of their money within 90 days and it's just it just happens because of these these sorts of things and um so the the the other aspect is then position sizing so if somebody sees a really good uh trade and they might have this sort of uh desire to just say right well this one looks really solid it's got a really good probability of success so i'm going to put like everything into it or half of my money into this one thing because it's definitely going to win it's going to come big and that is that is the just the the surefire way to lose all your money if you can yes of course yeah so okay so let me just ask because because you have all of these things going on because i know you as someone who like dives into tech and figures it all out and then comes up with the hacks right and then and then i also know you as the architectural engineer right and so now you're also telling me that you have this whole other thing right so like what does your day what is a typical day in the life of alec johnson look like uh so i need to know this with with the um the the construction side of stuff and the architectural design that we've done in thailand for years we don't do any construction anymore really uh or we just don't because all of these other things have i've realized are uh far more lucrative you don't lose as much hair as construction construction is a really stressful thing because um it's reliant on so many other different people so many things can go wrong yeah and and also relying on out of your control yeah so i like to be in a little bit more control than that whereas all the stuff that we're doing at the moment is it i can do it all basically on my own uh more or less you know with a few other other people around but it's something that i can be in have that control of and it's not reliant on waiting on material deliveries and stuff like that so we kind of knocked the construction outside of things on the head four or five years ago now we haven't actually done construction but in terms of the day so yeah four till six is my youtube time and then that's when the uh the kids will start getting up although it's usually my my my boy who's two and a half he would always be the first one to get up whereas now he's getting enough so i'm actually getting about you know what it takes him a few years to learn how to learn the art of sleeping in that's it yes yes the oldest is the laziest she's the last one to get up my nine years and how old is she she's nine oh yeah she knows that yeah yeah yeah she's got it nailed now yeah yeah um so then after that it's um have some time with the kids and uh they've not been at school recently because the schools have been open and shut and open and shut so we've been doing homeschooling and stuff like that um but normally it would be uh yeah then up until eight o'clock is getting them all ready for school and taking them to school uh and then sort of eight until uh usually about six o'clock i would guess is then just regular work and it's either it depends what what what is regular work uh yeah so either the um uh the the programming for the the platform for the the trading stuff that's been the main dominant thing really um because there's been a lot of um it's the mathematical side of it as well so although we've got developers that are making the app it's the case of doing all the mathematics behind it in terms of creating all the formulas and things like that and we've got a whole way to sort of rate all of these trades and things like that so uh that that sort of side of stuff has been what my my primary focus has been on but then with the the advertising and marketing stuff that's also just a case of uh yeah building sales funnels and uh you know talking with clients and things like that about that you know the thing about sales funnels and and i want to go there for a moment is kind of dig into that just a little bit with sales funnels there's a lot of this is like this big for me a big flow chart and it's like okay if this then that yeah if that then they go over here correct if not they go here right if they do it here then they go here if they don't they go here right so it's keeping all of these things um organized and i'm hoping that you're going to talk more about this and one of the things that i try to keep my mind on and like creating my sales funnel as i'm working on one right now is how do i get them from here to here and it may it may take them this route to get here or may take them this route to get there but how do i continue to give them an offer or whatever it is to get them to where i can give them the greatest value right so right now i'm working on a funnel building it around a seven day challenge and a seven day yoga challenge but really looking at front loading a lot of value because i really do believe in my membership like i believe that there is a wealth of information in there i believe that that is the greatest place that people can grow in their self-care journey their yoga practice and all of that but it's like how do i best share that with them so that they can know that this is the place to call home for self-care perhaps you can speak a little bit on that because one of the things that i'm really keen on is making sure that my sales funnel is ethical like i really believe in what i'm selling i'm not like a fast talker and just trying to get them to get the thing to get my hundred thousand dollar course or my ten thousand dollar you know what i mean can you speak to that a little bit yeah so that was going to be when i talked tomorrow that was going to be the very first thing i say because when you actually lay out sales funnels i said this last week as well they can sometimes seem a little bit sneaky you know almost i mean like one of them that i talked about in the the week before in office hours as well was the tripwire funnel and how there's a reason why you send them through a process um but it's um you do have to have an ethical approach at the heart of it and like you said you've got to really believe in the product unfortunately there are lots of people who don't uh necessarily they're putting something together and they just know that these systems work and so they're using them to just you know play on emotions and capitalize on things and people are coming out left disappointed so it is important that you know that you are actually going to far over deliver on the value that you are the cost of things so that is that is step one but yeah i don't need to tell you that because i know you're a very ethical person in any case but that is that is the uh that is the you know that is the the thing to bear in mind with it all for for everybody else um yeah you can sort of build it down and break it down into different um sort of building blocks really and i'll i'll talk about the different sorts of funnels because there are all sorts of different uh sort of structures to them um but they are they can be quite modular and i think you mentioned in um one of the it was office hours week before last where i forget who it was who you had gone through one particular funnel but then they asked you a question and then based on that question they took you to a relevant thing and that is a great way to do it where you're just feeding somebody something that is you know that's that's what they want to hear about they've just told you what they want to know and so then you can just literally link straight into these these other components and uh sure if i if i made so that your audience can know what uh you're referring to i was going through looking for some information about something i was looking to develop more to gain some more knowledge in and i filled out the the questionnaire you know name the email basically the lead magnet to get the lead magnet and after i filled it out it said what are you struggling with the most right now yeah and it gave like four or five different options it was a good amount it was more than three it wasn't six so four or five right and it was abcde right and i said b and then it gave me right then and there a piece of valuable information that i no longer needed to give more information it just gave it to me right then and there just for answering the question and i felt like i needed this right now this is great right i didn't have to give my credit card information anything like that but what it also did is that it gave me a sense of reassurance that i'm in the right place right and i thought that was such a smart thing to do and so as i'm building out my funnel i'm like okay as i believe in the subscription membership plan that i have i want to p i want people to go through my process and fill that same level of care and reassurance so i'm looking to like okay well let me build out the four pieces of content let me build out the five pieces of content simply by answering a question they get the information right so it's sort of like the the over deliver thing right sure and not the fast talking because i hate that fast talking yeah yeah the other thing so there's a thing about conversion rates about how um you know the frequency of emails that you send out and things like that but uh i think that some people go way overboard on that as well you get some people where you sign up and then it's like every day there's a new thing that's not linking to something of value but just going over the same thing so i always try and bear that in mind as well um and there was somebody who commented because i've sent out an email shot about my course uh and it just happened to have come for them today then when they were told about three other courses from three other different people and they were getting basically hammered by these people every day telling them about don't forget to sign up don't forget to sign up don't forget to sign up yes same message and people just technically technically you will get a higher conversion rate by bombarding with people people with emails it's just the same way that spam works you know you've thrown off of it out and people will sign up but you're really damaging your your credibility i think by you know people one is damaging their credit credibility by sending out too much just of the same sort of junk so it's it comes back to this ethics again doesn't it of sending out valuable content but you you also said something then about um the the question coming and then immediately serving you with the information that's related to it and that's the that's the key really with the with sales funnels is creating that flow and making sure that you are taking people through on a decision-making process while while they are essentially a hot lead you know somebody who's interested and they're interested in what you're talking about and then it's just sort of going to follow through on that that process and that's that's sort of yeah the way that funnels work i was just going to see if i could get up a um an image from this thing which is what people people don't necessarily understand the difference between a website and sales funnels so i was just going to uh show this because um and while you're looking that up i'll share that you know one of the things that i you know i like i love kajabi but but the thing is is that it's more that i love it because it works for me and i think people miss that part that i love it because it works for me because honestly i really don't care what it is i don't have any allegiance to this i just really want something to work for me and if it's wordpress or squarespace or whatever it is if it works to do what you want to do it's really cool and i know like people who use wordpress as their website but use kajabi on the back end you know for like their marketing and sales stuff you know yeah so yeah i wanted to just put that in there i'm going to be trying kajabi because i spoke to two different people yesterday who are also raving about it and i know that you think it's uh you know great and everyone else in the community has been using it as well so i'm definitely going to try it out um i was thinking of trying out for this course actually but i figured i've got enough on my plate i don't need to be learning another platform but as soon as i got this course out i'll have a good dig into it yeah one thing that i just wanted to share with so this is a book i wrote about uh the five step digital marketing blueprint and uh so this is the system that we uh we employ in our company uh and we call it the clear system and so c-l-e-a-r c is for curating a cohesive cross-platform online presence l is for the lead generation uh e is for engagement and uh a is for analyzing all of the things so engagement being how you engage with people through sales funnels and emails daisy i've just lost your picture off here just let me put it on one second i've got the wrong guest assigned to this hang on a minute let me just correct this where have you gone off this picture one second i want to get make sure we can see you ah there we go here i am there you there you go um so the um uh yeah the ears engagement and and all of all of these steps it's about how you can automate these basically as well um and so then after you've been doing the engagement running your advertising for lead generation and so on and then the a is for analysis so analyzing all of the results so that you can then refine the process so this is sort of like a high level overview of the five steps and then there are different components there in that this forms the basis of the uh the first course that i did where um i'm in the process of remaking this now with ecamp uh so originally when i made the course that goes along with this i did it the the hard way for me which was recording and editing uh so i'm just in the process of remaking all of this with that with e-cam and that sort of updating it for uh for the current time um so let me ask you when you say that you're remaking it at ecamm you're talking about basically a live to dr alive to drive type of filming is that what you're referring to yeah yeah yeah because i i find that uh yeah it just comes across a lot better from my perspective that way um rather than the editing which i always felt i was too sort of uh i don't know what the word is but yeah just didn't come across as natural because i would i'd be my own worst enemy as editing and uh i would retake things and then i'd have to cut it all together and then it doesn't have a natural flow uh although sometimes i'm all over the place with my delivery it is at least a constant stream of words um but the so the point of me bringing this up was that i was going to show you just in one of these pages so this diagram here is kind of like actually a map of what people would think of as being a traditional website so you've got you know your menu at the top maybe a banner you've got some content some products some banners things like this and then if you actually come out from that you've actually got a really big web of pages so you've got and different branches rather a tree of pages so you've got your about page maybe with some different information about different people maybe the products and that's all split off into different sections you might have some if it's a product some specifications a gallery of those those products then you might have some other things going on and if you actually lay out what the structure of the website is it's it's actually quite a mass of uh of different routes that people could take and so what the end result of this is is that people are basically overwhelmed and confused they uh or they might land on the page but they're sort of wandering down a random path and you don't necessarily know which bits they've seen they don't necessarily know where they are and it's very easy for people to actually switch off from there and not take action because they think oh i've got to come back to learn more about that i've got to get that so the difference with a sales funnel is this is the structure of a sales funnel you're basically taking people to a page you're only ever giving them one option or or perhaps two options yes or no actually uh or except in the case that you mentioned where you're linking asking them a question and then giving them an option from that but in terms of the links that they can click you'll basically want to give them you know here's a video here's what i'm going to tell you about do you want to know about it yes or no and so they can opt in um and if they don't then they're not interested it's it's that simple and then take them over to the uh the main offer and then uh you know tell them about that and they can click to opt in and so it's just a much more linear process there is variations on this where you know if they don't take the main offer then you might want to direct them to a different one but the crucial point is that at every stage you're only really giving a sort of yes and no answer and so that is that is that is the way that click funnels engage with people more to basically want them to take action and take the next step and you are leading somebody along a process then sure and you know and the and the brain can process that easier like psychologically the brain enjoys just being able to make simple choices to get to where they want to go right because we've all been to the the the new restaurant and they have a bunch of different things and you're like overloaded with too many options there is a a there's a there's a bar down the way it's called watermen's and it's in hermosa beach a super short menu right the first time i'd gone there i was like wow everything on here looks really good they had like about five things right so i talked to the waitress real real quick and i was like man you know what do you think she says everything is good just start from the bottom or just start from the top and just work your way down every time you come and that's exactly what i did she like put me through a sales funnel on their simple menu right and like i very much enjoyed that instead of having like buyers remorse about not getting the item on page five like a cheesecake factory they got like a 20 page menu right and you know and the brain it seems like it's a good idea at first until you just close it up or click off and just say forget it i i just don't know i'll come back to this when you really never do it because there's going to be someone else who's going to offer it to you in a much more friendly linear way you know yes yeah uh yeah let me just come to this that's uh that sort of leads into this part actually so this is a sort of traditional uh sales cycle uh qualifying a lead uh discovering their needs pitching to them and promo uh proposals handling objections closing the sale repeat business and referrals and so on and then back into the lead generation so if we put that into the context of a sales funnel um and look at it more from actually the rather than the salesman's perspective look at it from the the actual consumer's perspective um there's these different phases so the first phase is awareness so how they become aware of you and it could be organic so through things like a youtube channel or something like that but then also you know the method that we're specifically talking about in this case is a digital advertising so that's how you basically get people to be aware of you and awareness can be obviously you're running ads but people don't necessarily click on the first ad but you may have been seen things before where you're you're scrolling through facebook and you see the same faces come up over and over again maybe different ads for the same people and you sort of become familiar with them even though um you know you might not have interacted with them as such but you're just seeing these faces and you might have this this vision of these people are all over facebook i've had people tell me before that i've seen your ad you're all over facebook for particular in a particular niche i'm not all over facebook it's just i'm in their feed all of the time right right you're just where they are yeah that's the and it's this perception thing so that is raising uh raising awareness through advertising um but then what we're trying to do with sales funnel an automation of the the landing page the website funnels and any direct contact in terms of like email funnels and things like that is basically handling all of the next stages of the the sort of sales cycle or their cycle so you've got their awareness and they've clicked on an ad because they're interested um and so then it's a case of having to take them through this whole process of their interest to then they're evaluating the product and they service and so in the videos or any material that you're giving with them you're positioning all of this allowing them to evaluate it so you know giving client testimonials or things like that or backing up with um you know something that is going to add weight to what it is you're telling um and so that's the sort of evaluation stage and then there's the intent stage and this is where these uh tripwire funnels that i mentioned before uh come in because often people do have uh the intent but then there's something that actually just stops them at the very last hurdle and it might be just that uh oh well i just haven't got everything ready at the moment i've not uh not got my my card near me to make a payment or i'm just uh just heading out or something and so anything that we can do to actually when somebody has genuinely got the intent that they do want to make the purchase to remove any barrier from them being able to do that so that they can go on to then make the purchase and then the last sort of phase is the advocacy where they're going to obviously be shouting and raving about you telling everyone how great everything is yeah and so that's where you know this one's crucial the great service and the affiliate scheme um just coming back to the uh the integrity it's about you know i talked before about um uh you know money back guarantees and things like that and actually standing by them and them genuinely being no questions asked money back guarantees if you are running obviously if it's a a product then there may be other thing a physical product there may be other considerations there but with a digital product if somebody comes and does the course and they're not happy with it then there should be just a no questions asked policy and in fact for some in-person events that we've done we've done a 200 money-back guarantee because if somebody's actually come and sometimes flown somewhere or traveled somewhere to come to an event and then they've they've genuinely not got value out of it uh well they've lost money but they've also potentially lost a hell of a lot of time as well so it's reimbursable the time that they've lost uh and in general you'll find that it's like it's far less that's a good guarantee yeah and it's and that's that comes back to knowing that what you've got is gonna transform somebody's uh you know whatever aspect of it is that you're working on with them right and that they there's there's no question then you've removed the any potential uh objection that they could have it's like well if it doesn't work i'll give you all your money back plus the same again i'll pay you for your time that you've lost from it and it's uh it's a a good thing to remove as i say sort of objections from people and if you're producing good content and a good product that you know people are going to really get value from then why not do that if you're not prepared to do that for a an in-person event then you're probably not not got entire confidence in what it is that you're doing there is a lot of time and effort that you know we as content creators put in the front loading of information whether it's creating our you know front-facing free content on youtube and live streams and things like this a lot of time effort you know sometimes blood sweat and tears that goes into all of that share a little bit more about how do you most efficiently create your lead magnets your trip wires because typically it is already content that you already have right so what is what are what strategies or what suggestions do you have for people who are just looking to create a valuable piece of micro content for lack of a better phrase to you know give people exposure to the work that you can deliver and the value that you can add to their life uh it's a it's about taking something that's obviously totally related to first obvious thing related to what the core product is going to be so that's uh the book that i just showed you that is actually the book that i sell as part of a trick wire funnel so that is a book that i sell but it outlines the whole process and what it does is it does stuff in there that people would be able to go and take away and actually implement it gives people a good overview of you know how sales funnels work and things like that um but then it crucially also tells them the highlights the gaps that they've got in their knowledge as well and why you know the course may be of benefit to them because there's only so much to sort of explain that you don't get when you're you know in a book or a pdf or something like that that you're not going to get in a you know the full-on course you know the full uh you know it's like reading a book as opposed to going to university it's there's a right difference um but having the the the lead magnet or the you know if it's a tripwire product or something like that um that that is that is basically leading into the core content and um it's almost you know think of it like it's almost a high level overview uh so in this case the the book is a high level overview of the whole system and just shows you right well now i'm going to be able to learn about all of those different five core components by going on this course um another way to do it with a lead magnet is to actually say you've got like the seven steps of x y and z or something like that you know as a thinking about a sort of course process you might say that the lead magnet might be right we're going to take a deep dive into step number two or step number four or something like that where you do actually go into a real in-depth view of it because then you're highlighting the level of depth an interest level of depth and information that they're going to get from the the course so we also do stuff with webinars as well and so when you're doing a webinar it's a way to basically um illustrate a little piece of what they're going to get from the rest of the course so people are going to get to know your delivery style and things like that but they're also going to know the sort of level of detail the information that they're going to get and so they get to experience that so that's another way that you can do things or a uh you know what i want to just pause right there because you just said something that was really important i think because what what you're now talking about is that you're giving your audience an opportunity to get a taste and feel of like your soft skills right like is he a fast talker yeah yeah is his information clear can i understand how he delivers it you know it's an opportunity for your audience to be able to assess those intangibles that otherwise they wouldn't be able to and i think that's just a really important thing to kind of point out right now because otherwise you don't know that you know because sometimes you've been to a webinar and you're like i i can't i can't or or sometimes it's like oh wow i didn't think i was going to enjoy it that much right and you don't know those things you know the those x factor that you know that group of things of the x factor that you really would not be able to assess and i also just wanted to point out especially for people who are a little bit newer to the content and look and i'm not positioning myself as an expert i just don't tip toed into to this yesterday um but you know we used a couple phrases lead magnet on the one hand and then tripwire and the other and the lead magnet being you know the free offer that you're giving someone and the tripwire being something that you would offer them for a nominal fee correct correct yes yeah yeah and uh that so that thing about giving them you know a webinar stuff like that that totally fits into this evaluation part you're trying to help allow somebody to evaluate not just you know what you're trying to sell them but yeah the way that it's going to be delivered yeah so a a lead magnet would be you know get this free pdf or this free maybe a free video or whatever it is and all you need to do is enter your name and email so then they're getting into the top of your sales funnel uh where you can then you know cross-promote other things to them um but you've actually given them something and it is always important that it is something valuable that they are going to feel like they've got value and there it is a fair exchange for uh whether they're handing over their details to you um or in the case of a tripwire funnel that is usually something that's sort of sub ten dollars um so the book is like 7.99 or 77. seven converts better by the way yeah everything always used to be 499 599 699 but you'll notice that lots of these funnels now are something 97 and it's just a statistic 97. okay nine that the seven converts better than an eight or a nine or a six or a five so uh uh that's just uh just another little aside there but um i would love to get into the metaphysics of that but not right now um so so yeah that's that's what a tripwire is it's basically to get somebody that they've then actually physically purchased something from you and then from there you take them on to the uh the larger product offer that you're going to offer to them uh having bought and it is a case of taking the action immediately after the um after they've bought the first thing and then that then allows you to then basically add on whatever else it is you're selling afterwards directly into that after they've already added in all of the you know the payment information and stuff like that and that's where this this gap between intent and the purchase really uh sort of kicks in that you're trying to remove any barriers between them taking action and buying the course from you and so that's the sort of purpose of a tripwire funnel but again all with integrity in the background and a money-back offer and all these sorts of things just have to fit into all of that for it to uh for it to be ethical here's something i just thought of this i would love if as you're building out your your master class because you're going to be implementing these strategies in your zoom class course correct yes yeah sure i would love to mirror you mirror you in doing my own thing is that something that you'd be interested in leading a group of people through maybe we could have like a small group that that we buy into or something like how might we do that or is that too much for you right now or is this something that really excites you and you would love to have us on board no pressure i could certainly think about it so i did actually mention at the beginning i was thinking of doing a um like a a master class master class a course masterclass that take takes everyone through all of this stuff but putting it together as a course but i'd not really thought of doing something as a a live thing that's sort of the point of these my live streams between now and the end of the year though is to sort of share all that stuff but i appreciate it's not really uh it's not really structured because i don't go into all the details so uh let me think about it and i'll uh we can talk about it yeah because definitely because go ahead please i know there's a few other people that are you know in the process of talking about courses and uh launching uh courses so uh yeah definitely something that i'll uh i'll i'll give a lot of thought to yeah yeah so i'm just kind of looking through the chat right now i've not looked at it for ages actually so i should probably just yeah yeah let's take a look maybe you might want to bring up some comments and let's see what are these what are your people talking about uh so where was it so aggression yeah she was talking about the ambrosia hour on one of her vlogmas videos yeah so that was uh that was great uh that was related to oh yeah just consistency yeah learn it learn and do yeah we've it's obviously quite a long time since i've looked at these um so uh so you've got oh gretchen you've got someone in the northeast of thailand i wonder where abouts they are i'm in a little town called nankai which is um it's on the mekong river and then it's just opposite the capital of lao which is on the other side so the mekong river where i am is dividing uh thailand from lao and then is this the border between them and so we're just opposite the capital of lao which is the ntn it's a really nice city actually vientiane it's got a lot of uh french influence because of uh french colonial days so there's lots of uh sort of french style architecture and french restaurants as well so it's quite nice quite nice there um let me have another look and we all thought alec was just a pretty face i don't think anybody ever thought that to be honest but there you go oh sure they did yeah sure they did the fireplace the fire's gone out i've got to re-light it in time for my next vlogmas video great questions carly it's funny because he put i thought alec was just a petty face oh so he did i didn't even notice that went straight yeah thank you very much thank you very much oh that's you seven converts better yeah it does it's just just a fact the research has been done uh well i want to thank you so much for having me on your stream i'm gonna get ready to do my vlogmas in the ecam group but i saw that you were on and i was like hold up i gotta wait till alec is done and then i was like double hole up i gotta come through and when you gave out the the link i was like i gotta come in i gotta get in there this is my first time actually i think this is my first time joining someone's yeah oh cool cool this is my very first sign well i'm i'm honored it's oh my so much uh yes i'll be digging into uh sales funnels a lot more tomorrow so i'll i'll get back to you about that thing that you mentioned though as well i will definitely give that some thought because i know there are other people might be interested in that as well yeah i'm i'm so looking forward to tomorrow i'm going to get my exercise my yoga my ride in super early so that i can be fresh and bright and ready to absorb all the information that you and and doc and everyone because i learned so much in the in those office hours like and i learned some everyone who contributes so yeah it's like highlight of my week really you know me too yeah definitely yeah yeah all right now first time being on someone's stream you know i don't even know how to get off so do i just hit done there is a button there yeah that you can just hit hang up so uh okay i think this is it cool see you tomorrow kelly see you tomorrow bye-bye bye-bye oh i don't know there we go have you found it let's see still looking i can do it for you if you want oh there we go it's done um so yeah and now i think it's pretty much time for me to oh hello uh geraldine great to see you here and um yeah it's time for me to uh to head off now as well i've just heard dale up and about so it's time for me to go and do my my fatherly duties and uh yeah i hope that was uh interesting i will be obviously sharing more about my uh my uh course creation process and stuff like that but yeah i'll definitely give thought to uh what carly said about um about my maybe like a sort of ongoing workshop or something like that just trying to figure out how to fit that into my schedule and uh how to actually uh structure that as well um so yeah that is all for me for today and uh hey eileen great to see you here i've put your comment up i'm just remembering that i forgot to actually say hi eileen and i hate to hate to miss things out like that so hi everyone and bye everyone right so it's uh yeah time for me to sign off now i always nearly hit the wrong button because i've got my two pages of my stream deck and ones for my recordings and ones for my lives but i haven't put the end button on my live page so i'll have to get sorted with that in any case it's uh really it's time to go now and i look forward to seeing you all in your vlogmas videos and i will catch you all later so for the time being have an absolutely wonderful day and i'll see you all very soon i've got to take that off the bottom as well there we go it's gone have a great day ron bye
Channel: Take One Tech
Views: 92
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WhRNUnl2cvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 37sec (6517 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.