(UPDATED VIDEO IN DESCRIPTION) How To Green Screen & Record Screen FREE — OBS Studio or ManyCam?

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you might have seen videos like this before and you might have asked yourself how is this guy recording his entire screen and you might also be asking yourself now how is he in the corner of the screen with nothing behind him with just a transparent background so it looks like he's in the corner of his computer desktop magic okay maybe you're not asking yourself that but anyway I'm gonna answer those questions I'm gonna talk about so much more as well before we move on if you're looking for something specific look in the description of the video there should be some timestamps so you can just go and select the exact part of the video that you need to see so today we're talking about OBS studio it's free now I really mean that it's 100% free it's not try before you buy it there's no trial and you don't have to put in your credit card details anywhere okay just your debit card details I'm kidding it's completely free 100% OBS studio has major benefits when compared to many cam and I'll get into that later on I'm gonna talk about the pros and cons of OBS we're going to talk about the pros and cons of many cam and I'm going to kind of do a little nifty comparison between the two just to make things easier for you to decide which one you want to use particularly for teaching English online all right first things first how do we download and install OBS if you just go to your browser go to Google and just type in OBS studio and it should be the first result so you just click that and there's Windows Mac or Linux version Linux Linux Linux right and you can download whichever one is relevant to you so let's download the Windows version there is it downloaded there so you just want to click that once it's ready to install and then go through the installation process alright so once you've downloaded and installed OBS studio why don't you try opening it up I'm gonna open mine now but I'm just gonna warn you because I'm recording with OBS studio right now you're gonna see a bit of Inception going on so I'll open it up and here it is okay so it might look a little bit daunting at first might be a little bit Wow what's going on you know there's so much going on but just relax take it easy we're going to have a brief overview the two most important boxes well there are four important boxes but the the main two are these two on the bottom left scenes and sources scenes are basically your presets sources are what are inside your presets that's it okay so if you want to change change scenes you have to go here and do that there if you want to add things to the scene that you're currently in or the scene that you're currently previewing then you go to sources and you add them there so we are going to go into more detail when talking about recording our screens and doing a green screen effect and all that stuff but it's important that you know scenes are presets sources are what's inside the presets now just that I mentioned at this point if you don't see the program how I see it you can actually click and move things around so if you want to customize it and have it in a way which you prefer then go ahead and do that this I believe is the default how it looks when you just install it if not if you want it to look like mine moving around now the next important thing is these two boxes one say is preview and one says program well they look the same right well what if I click my webcam and make it bigger it changed here but it didn't change here and in the video that you're watching right now it didn't change this is because this is just a preview this is useful because if you want to make any changes especially if you're using this as a virtual webcam you can make these chain before they go live and once you're happy with the changes you can transition over you can do a cut transition which makes it instant just like this or if we shrink me back down we can do a fade transition I think the one that's set up by default is this one the quick fade but I've got a slower fade set up as well and you just click that and it kind of fades you over so those are the four most important boxes the scenes which is the presets the sources it's inside the presets the preview which is the pre live editing station if you want and then program which is what the viewer sees okay now since we're doing a rough overview we should also talk about this audio mixer down here okay it's hard to ignore now in this audio mixer you have what looks like all these confusing levels and sliders and cogs and stuff but it's actually quite simple once you're set up you don't really need to touch it unless you change your audio inputs and outputs frequently that means if you use different headsets a lot you don't really need to change it we'll talk about this in depth but just so you know this is the audio section which shows you what is recorded via audio input which could be for example your desktop audio and also what's recorded via the output which would be your microphone you can see as I'm talking the microphone output is you know the levels moving along and these sliders just the volume will go into detail about that later that's pretty much it you have your controls over here so if you're gonna use OBS to stream which we're not going to talk about in this video that's streaming on things like Facebook streaming on YouTube it's fairly straightforward but we're not gonna go into it if you're gonna use it to record your settings and exit so those are the main panels thus I think that's everything right that's the rough overview remember scenes are your presets sources are what are inside your presets so notice that I have two sources in my current preset I have my webcam and I have my desktop now whichever ones at the top of the list is the one which is at the front so if I click my desktop and drag it over my webcam you'll see my webcam disappears here it hasn't disappeared here and it hasn't disappeared on the video because I haven't transitioned over you if I transition over I disappear then if we bring me back up and then let's cut over I'm back let's talk about how we can record the screen so if we go to our scenes we need to create a new scene we'll call it screen 2 or maybe we'll call it screen recorder and you see in the preview area it's gone black because there's nothing in this preset or in this scene but over in the program area nothing's happened because we didn't transition didn't fade I know I keep reminding you about that but I'm just trying to drill it we're gonna add a new source we want to add the desktop right the full screen now we'll click that and we'll click display capture you can call it desktop you can call it whatever you want and click OK and then it should pop up ok your screen if it doesn't and I had this problem for a long time before I figured out by some I don't even know what kind of look I was just fiddling around and I found it and this is what you've got to do you need to go to your Start menu and search for OBS and right click OBS and click open file location' once you've done that you right-click OBS studio you click run with graphics processor and you want to run it with your integrated graphics what happens is now you can kind of jump over this part I'm about to talk about I'm gonna get a little bit technical for some of you but for me I have a laptop quite a good laptop with a dedicated graphics card or video card it has an nvidia geforce gtx 1050 graphics card and this graphics card helps things run better right it helps with things to do with video and recording and stream in and game in and stuff like that now for some reason when I run OBS studio at least this is the case for me might not be the case for you but when I run OBS studio automatically uses my dedicated graphics card which is the good one and when it does that it doesn't capture my screen don't know why can't tell you why if you know comment below teach me but I figured out if I use my integrated intel graphics card the one that most laptops have already then it works so that's what you have to do I'll show you again if it's not picking up your screen you go to start type in OBS right click OBS click open file location' once you get to this part you want to right click OBS studio and go to run with graphics processor and then choose integrated graphics okay so that's what you need to do and then it should work so actually right now I am running it with my integrated graphics card not my dedicated one so I'm running it with the bad one not the good one anyway we've made the seen screen recording so again we click plus in sources quick display capture let's call it fullscreen if I can spell click okay and it's automatically detected my full screen and it's all done we want it to capture the cursor so we'll leave that checked click OK there we go here you can see it's capturing my full screen a bit of Inception going on there so if I transition over you'll just see my full screen without my webcam cuz this scene doesn't have my webcam added so if we transition there goes my full screen now this has gone to my scene 1 preview so I can just transition back over to this so you can see me again in the corner right now we kind of following this so far kind of making sense that's how you record your screen and obviously once you've done that you want to click start recording here once you're happy with what's in this window now a few things this isn't all that you need to think about you need to think about the audio so a lot of people when recording their screen forget to check the audio and I'm guilty I've done this before I've recorded things that are quite important without checking that it's picking up sound from a laptop or it's picking up my microphone or it's picking up the right microphone so you want to be careful with this you'll see an audio mixer here and you want to go to settings for desktop audio for example you go to settings and let's go to properties and you can choose where the audio is coming from for example for me it's just coming from my sound card so Realtek high-definition audio just straight out of my laptop speakers so that's fine then if I do maybe a little test there we go so I can see that it is recording that cuz I can see the levels go up the same with my microphone right click settings click properties make sure I have the right microphone selected if I had default selected I don't think it would be recording there right now so I make sure I have the right one selected it's just my microphone that I've plugged in which is using my sound card so it's just this one if you have a headset it would probably show you the name of the headset so you want to make sure you select that okay and yeah now if you're you know if you're in a class and you're trying to record everything it's going to record not only what you're saying because you have the right audio properties selected but also what the student is saying because you have both the input and the output selected right making sense if you don't see what I see in this audio mixer here don't panic let's go to file and let's go to settings now this settings screen panel looks quite daunting you have all of these different things but just just relax all right it's gonna be okay it's it's not that difficult so we're gonna go to output and you can see first of all your record in section here so you can see the recording quality the recording format the encoder and all of that stuff and it should be fine as it is in default you can choose where it goes as well so I have it saved to my D Drive so when I record big classes I don't want it saved on to my C Drive because I might run out of space so I've selected the path D Drive because I have a terabyte space on D Drive so I can record 45-minute classes and save them there without worrying about space now one thing that's very important under recording quality if you click that I can't change this because I'm recording right now but if you click this you should see one that says lossless quality that would be the highest possible quality do not choose that if you're going to record a class if you're going to record anything that's longer than 10 seconds don't use lossless quality the file size for lossless quality is absolutely massive and it's totally unnecessary indistinguishable quality large file size is good enough okay maybe even the one below that that's fine so we're gonna go to audio and here you can just select your devices and you see I actually have more channels available so if I had I don't know three microphones plugged in which I don't and I don't think I have a will or need to you can select them but I have them disabled because I don't need them now again if you can't see your your audio inputs and outputs here that's because you have them all disabled so you want to go to your devices just show you how that is again file settings audio devices select your desktop audio first that's so in the recording the recording picks up what you're what you hear yeah what you hear and your mic or auxiliary audio would be your microphone that's the input so just make sure you have those two selected and then you're okay you don't want any decay rate or anything like that just just leave the rest leave the rest as is okay you don't need to touch the rest okay and I think that's pretty much it for for recording if you're having any problems just copy the settings that I have here because this works for me once you've done that just click apply and then you're good to go so that's how to record your screen now if you want to hide certain parts of your screen when you're recording see if you click and drag these little dots here these little nodes you can't really resize but if you hold alt then you can kind of customize what is on your screen at any any time now drag that over then we'll make it as big as we can maybe put it in the middle and then if I transition over to that this is what you'll see okay let's go to my first scene transition back over and then just to fix that we'll make it as small as possible hold I'll drag the corners out until they're all go move it back it kind of snaps into the corner as you move it which is really nice so glad it does that because you can move it out which is annoying I like that snap okay that's screen recording and audio and your scenes and your sources and all that stuff all right so now we're going to talk about how to use OBS studio as a virtual webcam whilst using a green screen as well completely for free which is where it beats many come right so the first thing you need to do is download a plug-in an OBS virtual can plug-in the link for this plug-in for the download is in the description below okay it's completely free so here is what it looks like the website and just click download it'll download it for you and then click it open it and they'll ask you to install it just click yes accept the agreement you can just click number one so it registers for virtual web cameras instead of one click Next click install now okay this is where it stops me because I'm using OBS already and you have to close it for it to install it I already have it installed and then to follow the rest of setting that plug-in up you can just follow the text guide on the on the page but I'll kind of try and walk you through this okay so we'll try and do it together so the first thing you're going to do is go to tools and click virtual camp and here you can click start if start isn't available if you can't click that it's because you don't have a webcam source in your preset in your scene so you actually need to have a webcam a video source in your scene in order for it to be a webcam or I think it could be any source in fact you just need to have something selected okay so we'll start and that's it okay so now that we have virtual cam turned on what should happen if we go to our class is that we should see it as a potential webcam and there it is so let's turn our webcam on and we have OBS webcam selected and now this is our webcam okay you have OBS camera - but I don't have anything in that scene so OBS camera it works if you do have any problems at all with getting virtual cams sorted out there are a few alternative options in how to get it working which you can explore on that page again the link is in the description okay it's gonna get a bit complicated now as I try to explain this green-screen part because I'm recording and using it at the same time as trying to show you how to set it up but bear with me we're gonna create a new scene and I'll call this live teaching so this will be the scene or preset I use when I'm teaching so now I'll click the the plus cuz we want to add a video capture device we have to add the webcam now this is where you type in whatever name you want for your webcam and then select the webcam that you want to use from the list I'm already using it so I'll select Logitech webcam now because mine's already set up with a green screen this is what it looks like right I can my may be short and not just to make myself sit in a bit better do you remember how I did that there hold alt right if you don't it just kind of shrinks the whole thing so I'm gonna pull it up there hold alt you'll be sure on those sides a little okay so this is what my teaching webcams gonna look like looks like there's a little something over there maybe that's one of the pegs on my green screen so I can just hold alt and drag that over get rid of that it's gone obviously it's only transparent so how did I do that why did was in the webcam source you can right click and you can go to filters now you want to click the plus at the bottom and you want to click chroma key so I already have my chroma key filter set up but once it starts I'm just gonna make a notepad of what my settings are at so I don't mess up here let's just write all the numbers 502 17 100 all right so I'm just remembering my settings so as I play with it now I can get it back to how it looks so as you play with it it might kind of look a bit weird and you can't get it to look right the very very first thing that you need to do is make sure that your lighting is correct well I guess the very first thing you need to do is make sure you have a green screen behind you all mine is is just a piece of green fabric that I have hung up and it's kind of pegged onto a background that I use for teaching so that's all my green screen is it's nothing special I didn't buy any of those ones from Amazon so this is all it is for me and then you want to just move these sliders along until you find a sweet spot now for me I find that you kind of need to bring the similarity up kind of high and the smoothness kind of low and then you get like a nice little spot so earlier I was at what was I at 5:02 17 1 100 and there it looks good for me now just a quick little thing these filters are cool you can have other fill as one of the ones that I have on is also a color correction filter so I'm just gonna note down these numbers to not neva yeah so if I kind of set this back to default you'll see that looks terrible okay it looks so bad in comparison so you can kind of play around with some settings and try and get something that looks nice don't go don't go overboard it's really easy to kind of set your saturation and contrast up really high because you think it looks really cool but just my advice keep it really subtle in fact even what I have set right now is a big difference almost too much of a big difference but I mean the difference is night and day so that's just a nice little thing something that you can also do in many cam right is change your saturation and your contrast so it's not lost in OBS studio which we're gonna we're going to talk about that comparison soon okay so I'm kind of transparent with nothing behind me we want we want to add a background right if you teach English online for a specific company you might want to have that logo behind you or you might want to have what I like to have sometimes is like a nice little office saying so I have that as a picture saved on my computer so I'm gonna add a source I'm gonna go to image so I'm gonna add an image and I'll just call it background BG click OK and we'll browse for the image now these are my images I'm gonna find I think it's called office this one here so that's a good one for me I'll click OK we'll click OK there and we're gonna kind of drag it as big as we can and that's good now it's over the top of me right if I transition over you can see it's over the top of me you can't see my webcam so all I need to do is just down here in the sources it's just kind of drag the background under the webcam and there we go and if you want to add a logo you can go ahead and do that so I'll add an eye - to group logo for example let's go to add image we'll call this Phi TG logo click OK click browse let me try and find this now ok so I have it transparent logo here so it's good to have a PNG logo a transparent one so we'll click OK there and there it is and I don't want this at the top I want it kind of in between the two so there we go maybe I can just shrink it a little bit and move that just in that corner no ago and that's it that's my background sorted chroma key free green screen no paying but what am I missing out on if I'm using this instead of many come let's talk about that let's go ahead and compare OBS and many come now the first thing I want to talk about is the RAM usage or the CPU usage this is a big controversial thing with these programs especially with many camp a lot of people say that you know the laptops get hot when they use many car it crash so actually after doing an experiment I found out some interesting results I can't run many come right now and OBS and record and try and show you what's going on because the the results is going to be skewed if I run both programs at the same time so what I'm gonna do or why I've already done is I did a little experiment and I took some screenshots and recorded the results so I'm gonna show you the kind of usage that manycam has when it's minimized not when it's open so when many come is minimized its don't worry about where it says very high here this is just the trend it's not what's actually happening in the screenshot but it uses nought point 6 of the CPU which is fine nor point 6 barely anything right choosing this much memory it's not a big deal and yeah not much at all so let's compare that with the minimum OBS so it's so the minimized OBS so many cam again was not 0.6 CPU OBS when minimized is still using 2.5% of the CPU the RAM so it's actually a little bit higher when minimized ok but the power usage is low in general whereas many come very low now this is where it gets interesting when many come is open on your screen which when you're teaching and using manycam it's usually open right you barely minimize it because you're using the effects and stuff when many come is open on your screen it usually uses around nineteen point six around 20% of your CPU or your RAM which is very high for one single program that's really high and I have 16 gig ram on this machine so for it to be using nineteen point six percent of that that's a lot and I only have like four presets don't have many although there are a few gifts in there I don't have a crazy amount of presets by the way just a general rule of if you're gonna use a program like this the less presets the bar special with many come so uses 19.6% more or less around 20% what about OBS when it's open 3.1 percent okay so battle of the power usage and RAM usage and CPU usage on your machine OBS wins hands down in my opinion OBS will not strain your machine at all another few interesting features that I thought I'd show you about is with manycam you might have seen before in my previous tutorials I like to use this kind of cinema think it kind of looks a bit like this so this is my cinema presa and I figured if you actually just drag and drop a picture there it just uploads it so you can kind of use OBS as a little cinema show-and-tell area when you're teaching just like you can with many come right and to have this many layers going on at once with the chroma key this costs with many cam you have to have the premium or studio version but with OBS it's completely free and you can even add you know it's not easy to add extra things over the top so that's a cool little thing I'll show you what that looks like as well if I'm here now and I want to add maybe a little picture here of let's just scroll down and see what we have cheeseburger I can just make it appear on the screen like that so this is cool and it's kind of making me feel like using this instead of manycam like forever cuz that's really cool okay back over here so all I was doing though is just uh dragging and dropping things over so that's cool that's great Wow I thought that I couldn't do that on OBS but it turns out I can another thing you can do because I was thinking okay well you can do that but can you do text on the screen it turns out you can if you have a text file you could just kind of drag and drop it on and it automatically creates a text layer and I could have that kind of behind my head put it between the middle and just to kind of edit the color let's select black for this and there we go so you can throw in text so if you just want to add it yourself just click the plus and go to text and just create a new text one in character so you can have text on the screen just like you can with many can you can have a cinema a live teaching thing chroma key it performs better I think it's time to go to the full comparison alright I have my little list so what's better many can or obs first of all is it free there is a free version of medicham but to do everything that I've been showing you today you need to buy the premium one whereas OBS is completely free so many cam free no OBS yes what about the program's heaviness is it a light program manycam no it makes your computer string quite a lot whereas OBS yes it is a light program even when it's fully open and running different functions or different presets it's still quite light and it's not going to make your computer quite as hot real-time effects I think many come probably takes the cake on this or manycam has great real-time effects especially for teaching and there's a big community where a lot of people have submitted their own effects and you can submit your own and other people can download them so that's nice and OBS needs a bit more kind of manual input to get the same results so when it comes to real-time effects yeah mini cam wins what about presets do they have presets yep both manycam and OBS have presets okay what about setting it up which one's easier manycam or OBS this one's really tough but I think that OBS is probably a little bit easier to set up especially when it comes to recording your screen because you can record with many cam but it takes a big big process of setting everything up but yeah OBS is just easier I think it's easier to work with now here's something that you can do in many come but you can't do it in OBS and that's timers and stop watches and clocks I love those in many come because I actually have a preset where it counts down to the start of my class but you can't do that in in OBS so I do miss that so when it comes to timers and those things yeah mini cam has it OBS doesn't what about putting text on the screen yep they can both do that which is cool what about drawing on the screen in real time this is a really fun effect and unfortunately as far as I know you can't do that with OBS but you can do that with many come if you can do it on OBS and I've missed something let me know in the comments and the last one is the cinema function the one I showed you where you have like that cinema screen behind you different layers and you can bring in pictures in real time yeah you can do that on both OBS and manycam the only difference is you do need to click that transition button on OBS to show what you have prepared in you know in the actual thing that the viewer sees so that's the only difference it's just one extra quick final thoughts what's bear many come or OBS well it really depends on what you go in for I think that the fact that OBS is 100 percent free with all of these features and it's also less strained for your computer I think it's probably going to be your best bet but many cam does have those real-time effects and it could maybe be seen as especially for online teach and a little bit more user friendly and it makes a bit more sense when you're using it while teaching in real time but you know with that being said there are so many other things that you can do on OBS that I haven't talked about today it would just take way too long to do a complete guide on OBS but you know things like the filters there are so many more filters that you can take a look at such as scrolling yourself you know why would you want to do that who knows but it's something that you can do if you found this content useful at all in any way shape or form I'd really appreciate it if you could just drop a like on the video and if you're not already subscribed then it's just one button doesn't hurt thank you very much I see you next time
Channel: Joe Milne
Views: 186,450
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: itutorjoe, itutorgroup, tutorgroup, itutor, tutorabc, itutorabc, vipabc, tutorming, tutorjr, vipjr, vipkid, dadaabc, teach online, tesl, tefl, toefl, ielts, tesol, teaching english, english teacher, online teaching, teaching english online, online jobs, manycam, tutorial, celta, work online, work from home, tips, tricks, tips and tricks, joe milne, pronunciation, 51talk, demos, working from home, work from home jobs, vocabulary, grammar, OBS STUDIO, OBS, GREEN SCREEN, CHROMAKEY, record screen, how to
Id: mGW-qHI2UtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 44sec (2264 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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