OBS Studio Tutorial - PERFECT Green Screen Setup

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hi my name is Ronnie coming at you again with another tutorial in this tutorial I'm gonna go over the trick I use to get a near perfect green screen so that my lion isn't great in this room my green screen behind me isn't lit very well I don't have any backlighting on it or anything like that so I use a little trick to actually kind of hack and tweak the colors of the green screen I'm gonna get into that right now to get you like a near perfect green screen again I'm going to assume you have basic knowledge of OBS I'm not gonna get into adding scenes or sources of cameras like that I'm just gonna go over that very quickly if you need to only that stuff there's tons of tutorial on YouTube to figure out the basics of OBS so go ahead and do that before you come into this tutorial so here you have my screen on what I see right now we have in the scenes we have main screen main and cam one so main is the scene that you just saw before screen is what you see now and cam one is a separate scene that I have with my camera within that and then I add that scene within other scenes I'll explain why I do that later but that is very important for this tutorial I usually have a bunch of other scenes here for my stream but I cut this down to the bare bone so doesn't confuse you guys so why I am gonna do is I am gonna actually turn my camera off for this next bit and I'm gonna go into studio mode to basically click around these scenes so I don't actually change my scene and I could just show you guys what I do so I'm gonna do that now so cam 1 is going off I'm gonna go into studio mode so ignore this right-hand part here you want to be focusing on the left on part I'm using this literally just to show you guys what I'm actually doing within these scenes without actually changing the live scene itself so that's going to cam 1 and see what's going down so in the scene camera 1 I have my camera the a 5100 so we want to be adding a scene first add cam 1 call it camera source call it camera main and weather but this is going to be your main camera scene which you put within other scenes and that's very important and I'm gonna get into why that's important so once we've got a scene setup you want to go into that cam 1 scene right click at the sources and add a video capture device within that scene so whether it be a webcam idea so I'll let you guys use it actually works out better for you people who use low quality webcams because this tutorial actually might be good for you because you can't really get the lighting right I've had it before and low-quality webcams where I just can't get the green-screen correct it's not working properly and what I do is an extra little bonus tip is I've got this green screen which is basically just an image level it's a right-click add image which is just a green screen image which you can pull from Google you can make it yourself in Photoshop but this is gonna help us really now that green screen effect well and I'll show you why later so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna turn all my effects off on my camera on my scenes and I'm gonna just go bare-bones what I do to set up my green screen so here we are this is the raw video feed coming from my camera you can see the green screen here is not well lit you can see it's kind of dark in the corners and you'll really see that when I add the chroma key in a minute so we want to be adding a green-screen right so that's out of green screen so what you're gonna do is you're gonna get your camera you're gonna write your own filters then in your filters you want to be adding first a color correction now right click add color correction then after that you want to be adding the chroma key boom a chroma key so there we go now I've added the chroma key the defaults are okay but as you can see in these corners they're dark and the chroma key isn't bringing out very well remember that green screen background was talking about earlier boom this is why this green screen I just have this to make sure my chroma key is working this actually brings it out a lot more and you can see the areas that I need to really work on my top areas lit quite well the bottom areas where is the darks in the corners are not so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into color correction first and we're gonna change the saturation and the gamma so let's start bumping up the saturation as you can see the chroma key is what we are doing we're making the green screen behind us we're bumping up the saturation to make it more green so that effect the green screen behind us and that affects the way the chromakey works so don't worry about blowing this out right now don't worry about blowing your face out we're gonna adjust later and I'll show you how so we're gonna do this again don't worry about the chroma key is where we're gonna fit that in a minute as you can see it's on my heart from the Oersted we're just gonna get these folks on these corner areas and we're gonna play with a camera as well let's bring the camera right so once you've done that we'll go back to chroma key now good number for me in the similarity part is 380 I know that 350 360 is good number for me so I'm gonna affect the smoothness and I prefer the more jagged edges so I'm gonna put that down the 30 I don't want the smooth that's going up too high I like it rather for me I know a good number 363 so once we've done that let's go back to color correction you need to just keep fiddling with these numbers so as you can see I'm not blaming her anymore I'm just focusing on these corners pushing the saturation don't worry about blowing your face out don't worry about the color of it right now we're gonna correct that in a minute saturated to turn the camera slight a bit more and now we have a good chroma key we're just focusing on the background here beautiful brilliant but the problem is our face is now blown out so we're gonna stick around there I'm gonna probably tweak that saturation we're good so that's close this now so you see that green screen we could turn that off now my face doesn't look great so now what you want to be doing we're gonna go over to a camera scene so camera whatever you've added cameras or scum or whatever we're gonna go over to a camera scene we're gonna right click the camera scene remember don't click the sources right click the scene and add a filter on there so in the minute we've got no filters what you want to be doing is adding a color correction to this scene so what you're doing is you're affecting the scene and not the source so our source is already sorted we saw the green screen that looks good now we're gonna focus on what we actually look like because you can change this and it doesn't affect the green screen behind you this is the beauty of having a camera source within this scene here because now you can affect the camera but not affect your chroma key at all so this is where what I was mentioning before we're gonna scale it back so the saturation we're a little bit blown out so I could now affect the color of myself without affecting the green-screen so we're going to pull the saturation back about there that looks cool we're gonna also mess with the gamma what I like to do is well as mess with the contrast so that's I love like bumping the contrast up a little bit just to get those dark blacks a deeper blacks and then the gamma is good as well about there I like that and maybe turn my situation my face a little bit down so I don't look orange okay I'm pretty happy with that so again we've not affected the green-screen in fact that we turn that back on this layer that we have just to make sure everything's cool we're not clipping through absolutely beautiful so once you've got your background that you want to add your camera into instead of adding a source a video capture device you're actually now going to add a scene which is your cam scene which you just made boom and now you can actually as well bonus tip you can now actually add this scene into any other scene without affecting your camera source so it's all in one place if you want to affect your camera it's all here and you can add that scene within other scenes as a camera now and that's the beauty of doing it and there you have it guys that's how I do my green screen and if you enjoyed the content come over to twitch TV for shots Bonnie say hello ask me any questions you want look at the content you're missing out on right now also I have discord link down below as well as well as my Twitter if you want to ask me any questions feel free to contact me on those and also my stream like I said if you like this video give it a thumbs up gimme subscribe and I'm gonna do more tutorials in the future I'm really enjoying these until then [Music]
Channel: Voorny
Views: 455,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs studio tutorial, obs studio tutorial voorny, obs streamlabs, obs streamlabs tutorial, how to add special effects to obs, voorny twitch, voorny, voorny obs tutorial, obs rave gfx, how to setup obs, OBS Green Screen, slobs green screen, OBS remove webcam background, voorny green screen tutorial, perfect green screen obs, obs perfect green screen, green screen setup, obs green screen setup, obs tutorial for beginners 2020, obs studio black screen fix windows 10
Id: 07Vg6kmFrzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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