Moodle Tutorial for Teachers and Creating Online Courses

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In this video I'll demonstrate how to access  eLearning the learning management system for   Cairn University you can login with your username  or your email address and your system password so   once you log into eLearning on the top left here  you'll see this little icon next to the logo and   this is where you can control this panel on the  left if you want to see the panel all the time   you click on it and it will display similar to  this and if you want to hide this panel you can   just simply click on that same icon again and  it'll Park it on the left the same functionality   is still available but just a more real estate  for you to do your work the other thing here   on the right hand side we also have these these  blocks and this can be controlled from this icon   right here so I'm going to leave this currently  enabled as well as the panel on the left now the   dashboard can be customized further to your  liking and typically by default you're going   to see the course overview and this is filtering  or giving you a list of all the courses that you   have access in e-learning doesn't mean the prior  course is from prior years plus any future courses   and the current ones and if you scroll down here  you'll see many of them depending on of what you   have access additionally further down here you  have this recently accessed courses and this is   a listing of the courses that you have accessed  just recently just like the word says recently   there now you can control what this place here in  the front page by clicking on the drop down here   under all and you could say I want only those in  progress at this point also it's important to note   that the course is in progress or what shows up  under in progress it's basically related to the   start and end date for the course so and that  is typically controlled by going if I go here   to the actual course click on the gear icon I  choose edits settings and then under the dates   right here for the start date and the end date  it has to be so today's date or what you need   there is for these dates to be in the future so  basically this will expire in June or it will   be ending up in June 2019 and after that it will  be listed under past courses if it shows in the   past courses but you want it to still be listed in  the current courses you need to change the dates   on the course itself the start and end date keep  in mind that when you do this though it's gonna   change it for your students as well so now let's  go back to the dashboard you can change it here   too in progress and notice for specific courses  here you also have these three dots next to the   title of the course that means that you can put  a star to specific courses that you want or you   can hide specific courses as well from your view  now if you hide something you're not going to be   able to see it under the courses in progress so in  that case to view hidden courses then you have to   go here under in progress and then choose to show  hidden courses and then that specific one that we   just hit it's going to be listed in there or if  you choose all courses then it will be listed   again under all the courses and it will show up  in there and if I choose hidden here and I want   to unhide they just go back to these three dots  and choose to show the course and then that will   be listed under the in progress courses so that's  basically the filtering here that you can control   what you want to see whether you want to see the  past courses the future courses are the current   courses and such now if you put a star to many of  the courses that you want then you can also change   the filter so you can see only those courses  that you have put the Stars or you can read   mark to the star and that's another way for you  to customize dashboard to list only those courses   that you want now if you have access to multiple  courses so if it's more than twelve here you can   change how many you can show up in the front page  you can change it up to 48 and then once it goes   beyond that you're gonna have multiple pages here  it's going to be listed on the right hand side for   multiple pages and such now another thing that  you can do to customize the course overview here   is also how you want the courses to be sorted so  you can sort them by last accessed and in that   case the most recently accessed courses will  be listed first or you can just show them by   course name as well an additional feature here is  that the card view and the card view is basically   the view that we currently have here you have a  little picture of that course you have the title   of it and the percent complete for that course and  the percent complete by the way that is connected   to the completion tracking within the course and  it's mostly useful for the students in that course   so for faculty you probably don't have to worry  that much about it's like the percentage that you   have completed or that for the activities in that  course under the card here you can change the view   to just give you a listing of all your courses  and this is a cleaner view in this case or you   can change this to give you the summary list  of the course so in this case it will give you   the title of the course along with a description  for your course now the description here in case   you are wondering you can change that under course  settings if you go to the actual course and choose   edit settings for that course there's going to be  one of the fields in there for course description   so once you set those preferences to what you like  in the view that you like it then the dashboard it   will stay the same personally I'll prefer the card  view in this case now notice also on the right   hand side here under the panels on the right here  are the blocks on the right you'll also see a new   block here the timeline the timeline typically  you can choose here how many items to list but   those would be items from the course is that the  student is taking and activities that they have to   complete now those are related or connected with  due dates within the activities for them to show   up in here so if you choose to set the due dates  but then the activities must also make sure that   they are up to date however the students find the  due dates and such very helpful because it will   show up in here in the timeline for them and also  for you as the faculties will show up for you to   grade those activities as well note you can also  control here how to sort it by dates or to sort   the timeline by courses as well when you assign  dates to various activities in the course those   dates also will trickle down to the calendar  as well finally there is also this option here   on their recently accessed courses and again  this just has a listing of courses that most   recently accessed if you prefer to have this  higher up here in the dashboard you can click   on customize this dashboard and then simply go  down to that block which is recently accessed   courses and then you can simply drag this up  just like you move activities in the course once you drag it up you can click on stop  customizing this page and now the most   recently accessed course list it'll be showing  up on the top and then you have this other stuff   here right below it so it's up to you how  you choose to customize this to your liking in this brief session I'm going to go over the  general components of a course in e-learning or   in Moodle and this is the blank shell of a brand  new course with no content on it related to that   specific course again notice here on the left  hand side you have the various menus for this   particular course so if you wanted to view the  participants in the course you'll just go right   here on their participants and know there's the  various participants here you notice you can also   filter the participants here based on a particular  roles if you want to see just the students or the   teachers in that course and such you can just  simply choose the role and then those will be   filtered automatically to navigate the course  you can use those links right here on the top   and you basically to go to the course homepage  one of the options is to simply click here on   the course name if the course had multiple  sections here which means multiple one of   those topics they would show up here under the  course section so you'd have topic 1 2 3 and   such and once we build it then we are going  to access those modules much simpler as well accessing the grains this is  the grade book for the course and we'll get into the gradebook later and then  to see all your courses and other components that   we saw so in the dashboard those will be here  on the left now we're going to minimize this   menu here on the left hand side by clicking on  these icon here to the left of the logo also   on the right hand side we are going to minimize  those blocks as well as we can get started with   working in the course now typically each course  is blank shell in the course it includes 17 topics   assuming that the course will be between 15 and  16 weeks and you have one extra here now here   on the top right hand side you also have this  gear icon this is where the magic happens for   you to get started with the course so you need  to click on this gear icon and this is where   you can change the course settings so if you go  here under course settings you can modify here   by the way we do not recommend if you modify  on your own the start dates and end dates here   because it messes also with the students but on  your own here you can put in the description for   your course and that's what will show up on  a main course page so here you can copy and   paste this from the syllabus and put it as  the course summary you can even include an   image if you prefer by uploading the image in  here and then we suggest that you do not mess   with the other settings here and just leave  everything else alone and just choose save and   display so that's how you can change the course  settings under the gear icon you have additional   options here for backing up and importing the  course and accessing the gradebook setup and   course completion and such but the most important  component here is the turn editing on this is the   feature or the option that enables you to make  changes to your course now that you're starting   with it now once you click on turn editing  on notice that you have all kinds of a new   buttons that show up everywhere and that's what  we'll go over in the next session so stay tuned in the previous session I covered some of the  general components here are the menus on the   left and on top and also on the bottom but now we  are going to get back into the actual components   of this actual course and how we can modify it  add activities and such now typically as you're   teaching your course the idea is that you can  post all the resources whether it is a syllabus   contact information lecture notes assignments  and assignment details and quizzes and anything   that you can think of about the course post it  on elearning here so now the actual components   of the course at the very top here is where you  had post your course name and such and the contact   information below it you have announcements  and then those is a topic here you have topic   1 through 16 those can be modified so they'll be  like units or it could be a separate weeks or it   could be however you want to divide your course  and organize it for the rest of the semester and   such now here's what the completed course looks  like so the very top you have here the contact   information how they get started the instructor  also has a video here embedded in the course page   we have the announcements course orientation  then we have everything organized by units so   units one and everything related to unit one is  organized in here notice it has a starting point   two so you have the unit one definition then the  major topic that you're going to cover for that   particular unit and then the dates for that unit  and also directions were to get started next and   then you have a listing of all the activities  within this course and we'll go on how to do   this for each individual item as well in just  a moment so these would be various different   activities for example that's a forum that's a  quiz and this is an actual assignment and such   notice also in this case the instructor here  has labeled each activity by a number and those   numbers help in identifying issues whenever there  is an issue the student can refer at 2:00 a.m. 3.1   in the course rather than having to describe it  and such plus it tells them how to proceed with   the course activities so the idea and course in  Moodle or in e-learning here that is to organize   everything in units where all the components are  under a specific unit or that specific week and   then all these units are arranged in a sequential  order now for the student to access them obviously   they can go here under the section numbers and  jump to a specific section as well so let's get   back to our course here the blank course that we  are working on earlier and let's work on this so   the first thing that we need to do and the course  is to make sure that editing is turned on in the   course to modify anything in it if you see all  these different buttons here or the green pencil   and such and add the new activity of such then  editing has been turned on in the course if for   some reason editing has not been turned on in  the course and you don't see those buttons to   modify stuff then you need to click on the gear  icon and then click on the turn editing on option   right here so in this case you have those specific  topics in here so you have up to 17 you can name   them however you want like we mentioned a moment  ago you can call them units and such and it will   show you how to modify those as well if you need  more topics in here you can add them from down   here where it says add topics and you can choose  to add let's say three more or 40 more or whatever   you want and then it's going to add however many  you chose if you want to delete any of those that   you think you don't need you can click on edit  here to add the topic level edit and then choose   to delete a specific topic now let's learn how  to modify the top of the course to give you the   title and put your contact information and such to  modify the top of the course here you can click on   the Edit icon for that specific section so we  want to modify this section here and we click   on edit if we wanted to modify a section - then  you click on edit over here and such so we click   on edit at the top level click on edit section  and then we want to give it a custom name for   this section so we click on custom and then we  say and whatever the course name is in that case   then here under summary that's where you can put  any contact information with your email telephone and you might also want to include in  their directions on how to get started notice here you have also this these tools  very similar to a word processor and if you   hold the mouse on them it will show what they  do and such so you can't technically format   this anyway you want once you have entered the  summary information here then press Save Changes and then the information is at the top of the  course now has been posted now this is live for   the students for them to access it and such now  if you needed to modify any of these other areas   here you click on let's say topic 1 and we want to  modify that to unit 1 or week 1 whatever you want and then hit enter know this if you press escape  or anything else other than enter you're going   to lose whatever you type in there so you need  to hit enter and you can do the same thing for   topic two three four and so on and I rename those  now to add any components to the course here for   each one of those areas or units or blocks you'll  need to click on add an activity or a resource and   these are all the various activities and resources  that you can add to this platform and to this page   or to this course and we'll learn about most of  those shortly here in the rest of the tutorial so   you'd be basically picking any of those and then  clicking on add and I'm going to cover those in   detail just shortly so stay tuned for the next  session for uploading and posting the syllabus in this session we're going to learn how to upload  the syllabus to the course page in eLearning there   are a couple of ways to upload the syllabus and  I'll show you the harder one first but this will   always work with whatever browser you are using  so the first option is going to be to upload it   by using the upload a file option so we are not  click here assuming you have editing turned on   in your course if you don't click on the gear icon  here and choose turn editing on to make sure that   you can edit and modify stuff in the course now  at this point we are going to add the syllabus   manually by clicking on add an activity and then  we're going to scroll down here under the list   of resources and activities and we are going to  choose here the file option so you want to upload   the syllabus as a PDF file then we are going to  click on add and then we can give it a name here a   description there is no need to put a description  however if you want it to have a description in   there and post this on the front page you can  do that by simply typing the content in there and then this option display description it  will present it and posted on the main course   page then under select files you can simply drag  and drop the file in here or you can navigate for   the file by clicking on the Add button here and  then you click on choose we are choosing a file   from our computer and then we are going to browse  for the syllabus file wherever we have it stored   so in this case I have it here under a learning  working files and then we're going to find the   syllabus which is this file right here and then  double click on it we click on upload the file   so the process so far is very similar you're  navigating for the file just like you attach   a file to an email you're navigating you're  selecting it and then you're coming back here   and then you're clicking on save and return to the  course notice there are additional settings here   that you can check and see for yourself but as you  are beginning with this system there is no need to   mess with any of those settings at this point then  we click on save and return to the course and at   this point the syllabus has been posted and also  this is the description right under that item I   would suggest that as you use those descriptions  make sure you use them conservatively and you do   not populate everything on the course to make  it kind of too busy because the idea is as you   post a lot of those resources it'll be concise  and clean for the students as well it's best   actually to post the details within each activity  after you have posted let's say assignment 1 then   you have all the details for that activity within  the assignment one item on the main course page so   that's one way to upload the syllabus now if we  click on it it's going to download it and then   the students will be able to review it and such  the other way to upload syllabus or files and   such is by simply having the e-learning page open  and also having editing to down in the course and   then you can bring up your file manager or file  explorer and then you resize this window to be   slightly smaller than the e-learning page and  then you can simply drag and drop the file that   you want on the course page and this process  works exactly the same for lectures as well so   let's say for unit 1 I needed to post this into  a PowerPoint for that unit I can simply select it   hold the mouse down and then drag it to wherever  you want it on the course page here now once you   have dragged that item and post it on the course  page remember you can also modify the title and   such for it by simply clicking on edit title and  then give it whatever title you want if you want   to modify additional settings and such then you  can click on edit here and then you choose edit   settings and that is the process for any of  the items that you post in the system here if   you wanted to replace this you can replace it in  their settings and such the easiest for you might   be to simply delete it by clicking on edit here  and choosing delete and then simply reuploading   that particular item that is assuming it's just  a lecture or lecture notes but not an assignment   where students have submitted work and such  to upload more than one file in your course   page you can simply do it the same way by going  here to the file explorer wherever you have your   files and resizing this window similar to what I  did earlier and then you're dragging those items   and hold down the mouse you're actually selecting  those items and you can select items multiple ways   by either holding down the shift key or by holding  down the ctrl key and selecting one at a time or   simply using the mouse here to drag but you're  gonna select all the items that you want and   then you're going to drag those to that specific  unit as I mentioned earlier it's probably best to   rename those activities so that they make sense  and they are meaningful for the students also   provide also numbers particularly for example this  would be one point one that will be one point two and so on so that's how you upload the syllabus  and that's how you upload additional lecture   resources and notes and details or documents  for your students in the course the next session   I'm going to cover how to configure the grade  book because it's best to configure the grade   book next at the beginning of the course  based on your syllabus and then start with   the building of the rest of the course  so the grade book is next so stay tuned in this session we are going to learn how to  configure the gradebook in the course it's best to   configure the gradebook early on in the course as  you're starting to build it you can also configure   it later in the semester and such but it's not  advisable because then the grades will not be   calculated correctly for your students so as you  start the course configure the gradebook first   even though you may not find it very relevant at  this stage so the gradebook is typically based   off the score syllabus so if we go here to the  syllabus and download it and open it up and such   one of the sections in the syllabus is going to  be the demonstration of learning so you'll have   most likely very similar to something like this  where you'll have major categories of activities   or work that students have to do for you that  account for a percentage of the course grade   for example in this case we have weekly quizzes  and the weekly quizzes are going to be 30% then   we have two comprehensive exams and they're going  to be 20% each then we have an e-portfolio which   will be 5% homework assignments 15% and blogs 15%  all of those will add up to 100% so this stage we   need to basically tell the system or enter in the  system those categories or those major areas for   your course now to configure this in the course  we go back here to eLearning and then we go to   grades here on the left hand side so that's one  option to get there or if you click on the gear   icon there is also the gradebook setup option in  here as well so we are going to go on the left   because that's where most likely you'll find it  the most common you'll go on the left here on the   grades and notice you have an item here or one of  the tabs is set up so under setup know this right   now it has the course code and then the course  total but there is nothing else for this course   entered yet at this stage the next thing that we  need to do is add a category now before we add   a category I'll just explain as to how it kind of  works so by default the courses are configured to   use the weighted mean of grades what that means  is you'll have various categories in the course   quizzes would be one of those categories that  I was covering earlier the exams it's another   category and such now those quizzes would have  for example 30% of the course grade but the   exams could be 50% of the course grade so there  is a weight to each one of the categories or a   separate weight so we need to add those categories  here like we saw earlier here in the syllabus we   have quizzes than they are 30% then we have exams  there are 20% so we go under the category and we   type in their quizzes and then under aggregation  this is where a lot of individuals get confused   the typical setting for the category level will be  simple weighted mean of grades not weighted mean   of grades because we're not waiting the actual  quizzes we're not giving different weights to   each quiz they're pretty much all equal we just  want the system to simply calculate them and give   us the mean of grades or the average of those  grades so we have the category quizzes simple   weighted mean of grades again not weighted  but just simple weighted and then we leave   that alone if you want it to drop any of the  quizzes and let's say you'll have 10 quizzes   in the course and you want to drop the lowest one  this is where you can specify in the system that   you want to drop the lowest one or two or however  many and the system will figure out who got the   lowest grade across all the quizzes and drop that  particular grade and then we go back down here and   choose Save Changes so right now at this stage we  are simply entering the categories so now we have   the course here we have the quizzes and we have  simple weighted mean of grades again you want to   use simple weighted mean because this is where  a lot of the faculty gets stuck and frustrated   at the same time the next thing we need to do is  we need to enter the next category so here in the   syllabus and the demonstration of learning we had  two comprehensive exams so we'll call that exams   and we choose add category simple weighted mean  leave everything else alone press Save Changes next if we look in the syllabus we have here a  portfolio it's 5% even though it's just one item   it's best in this case to create a new category  for that single item so we call it a portfolio simple and then Save Changes we  go back to the syllabus and then   we have homework assignments that those are 15% again remember simple weighted mean of grades Save  Changes and then another so we have a couple other   things here as well like the weekly technology  blog and the PowerPoint presentation for the   sake of time I'm going to just wrap those  up into one and call it final projects or   research projects might be a more common name so  add category and in your case you want to match   you to the syllabus you'd have that additional  item in my case I'm just speeding up the video   here so you get the idea then we click on simple  weighted mean of grades again and then press Save   Changes so now at this point we just added all  the categories based off our syllabus but we   have not assigned the weights yet so we have  quizzes under and quizzes it was 30% and then   the exams were 20 the e-portfolio was 15 homework  was 15 and such so here we just put 30 in there   not 0.30 but just 30 here on the exams we said  in the syllabus it was 20 so we put 20 in their   e-portfolio was 5% we put 5 homework assignments  was 15 and then research projects would be 30 in   this case so you want these numbers to add up to  100 then we press Save Changes now know this you   have quizzes simple weighted mean of grades I'm  emphasizing that because it's important and this   is again where many faculty get confused and then  you have exams simple weighted mean of grades and   eportfolio as well homework assignments and such  as well now if you have cases like for exams where   you'll have three or four exams and one of the  exams weighs more than the other exams in the   course that's when you can use weighted mean of  grades so you can change the calculation for that   to not be simple weighted but weighted mean of  grades that gives you an opportunity right below   this category to say exam 1 it's 20% exam 2 is  20% an exam three is 60% so there will be some   the activities will show up right below this under  the category here when you have the exams created   in the system now to change it to a different  type of aggregation if you had to do that you'd   need to go here under edit for this specific  category so for example exams category we click   on edit choose edit settings and then change the  aggregation right here to weighted mean of grades   now once you have entered those percentages of  course make sure that you save the changes in   the course page since we are in the gradebook just  one other important thing here as well would be to   look here under the leather stab and make sure  that the letters match with what you have in   the syllabus so for example here anything above  93 percent it will be a letter A for both any of   the activities in the course and for the course  final grade as well anything between 90 and 93   it'll be an a-minus so you want to make sure that  this scale here matches your syllabus if you need   to modify the scale here make sure you're under  the letter s' tab you click here on edit or edit   letter grades or grade letters here and you can  override those defaults by using those percentages   and then once you're done simply press Save  Changes so this is how you set up the gradebook in   the course it's advisable that you do that in the  beginning of the course as you're setting up the   course and such now - typically view the grades  you would click on the View tab and then you'll   be able to see the grades for your students  here in this case we do not really have any   grades because we are simply starting with this  course and nobody has submitted any assignments in this session we are going to learn how to  add links to YouTube and links to articles in   your course and embed them in your course as well  so we're still working on adding resources so as   we get to this point of adding more components  remember here that under add an activity you   can choose to add the various activities and  these are graded things but then you have also   resources so you can add a book or files or a  folder or label or a page and things of that   nature or a URL to something so the resources  are not graded they are just resources for the   students but then the activities are things that  can be graded and the students have to complete   them and such so let's first learn how to add a  URL like a link to an article so let's suppose   we are going here to the library system so it's  a library that can or not edu and we start our   search here let's say competency-based education  and search one of the databases and we'll find   one of the articles by the way try and explore  this we invest quite a bit and those resources   so try to incorporate those resources in your  courses and such now here we have a PDF article   so you're going to browse here you can filter  those resources and such and all that type of   thing but then you find that say the article  that you want then click on the PDF link to   it here and this is going to give us the actual  link to that article so once you have the link   to the article this could be on a webpage and  such then typically you'd copy the URL from up   here now since this is a library database and  such you'll have to do this slightly different   than copying the URL so if it were a regular  website yes you would copy it from the top   it for articles from the library you'd look  for this linking icon here the permalink and then you're gonna copy that by right-clicking  on either choosing copy or however you copy   stuff so PC it'll be control-c and then we're  going to go back to our course here and we're   going to add a link to this article we'll  click on add an activity or a resource we'll   scroll down to URL and then we'll click on  add and then we're going to give it the name   then post the URL in there control V like a  victor for Windows or right-click on it and   choose paste there as well you could put a  description if necessary and then click on   save and return to the course at this point  the link has been posted on the course page   and we might want to rename this to be 1.3 in  this case and now the students will be able to   access and view this by simply clicking on it  it will take them directly to the article and   there is a link the actual PDF and such you know  to add a web page you can also add web pages to   your course here and to do that we go under add  an activity or a resource scroll down under the   resources here and choose page then click on add  and then we want to give a name to this resource now under description this is where you describe  this activity you could choose to post on another   front page but the content of this webpage will  be here under this area content most individuals   they type it up here on the top and then they  get an error and such it's best to simply type   all your components and such they're down in  the content area now in here you can put all   the content that you want for that particular item  and such and then format it accordingly as well so   you can basically type anything that you want in  here and also format this using the Styles here   any way you want and also use any of those tools  that you would prefer from this toolbar so you   can do the lists here the unordered list and such  you can hyperlink to other sites and resources by   simply selecting the text and then clicking on the  link icon here and then just put the link to that   particular website and such or you could even a  link to a document on your computer so let's say   you have a textbook and what you can simply select  the words here and then choose the link option   and browse and then choose the file that is your  textbook let's assume that this is textbook or the   file that you want to have the students click on  and open it and view it and such and format this   any way you want notice you also have here the  accessibility checker so for certain things it's   important that you make sure that there are no  accessibility problems for those with disabilities and then we click on save and return  to the course now when the student   clicks on it or you can go ahead and  preview it you can click on it and   this is what it will look like at this  stage and I'll suggest we rename this in this session I will demonstrate how to  post links to YouTube videos and also how   to embed videos from YouTube on a course page  so the first one will be using the URL option   so first locate the video on YouTube let's say  that this is our video on YouTube you can copy   either the URL up here on the address bar  or you can click here on the share icon   and then copy the URL from here so either  one it'll be just fine so we copy the URL   we go back to our course page we make sure  editing is turned on in a course and then   we click on add an activity scroll down to the  URL option click on add and then give it a name then under the external URL this is where a  little pasted by using control V or however   you paste and then scroll down and then save  and return to the course at this point notice   the link to that video has been posted in the  course page we can rename it if we want it to and if we click on it it will take us on a new  tab here what do you want to do with your life now   we can also embed the same video on an existing  page and we can use the web page option and the   web page option will be basically by clicking here  on add a resource or activity and then scroll down   and choose page here but we also have already a  web page here under item 1.4 and we could embed   it in that particular page currently so we click  on edit settings here and the process by the way   for this is the same for any of the activities  that we'll be doing later in this tutorial as   well so you're just going to the details of that  activity under the content or description of that   activity and then you can embed that anywhere in  your document now to embed it we need to first go   back to YouTube and we go under the share option  here and then we want to go and choose the embed   option here notice that the dimensions are going  to be 560 by 315 that's kind of slightly smaller   than what we see the preview here on the left  but we can change those dimensions if necessary   a typical one would be 640 by 360 that's another  good size to use and in this case we can select   this or and copy it and then we can come back  here to our page in eLearning and then once we   are in edit mode here for the content we can't  simply just paste it anywhere in here we have   to use this HTML code area and we just have to  simply paste it in there so we click here under   HTML first and others you have all these codes  and such so you can either paste the stuff that   we copied from YouTube at the bottom of this  document or find the spot where you want it in   the document here where it makes sense between  those codes and then paste it in there ctrl V   to paste it and such now I know this is a little  bit more advanced here but for those of you that   are adventurous you can try this then you click  here on HTML button again and notice that has   now been embedded as part of our page so this  will be streamed from YouTube but it's part of   the page here in eLearning now if we press here  save and return to the course that will take us   back to the main course and then if we want to  preview it we can click here on item 1.4 because   1.5 was a direct URL to the YouTube but item 1.4  was the embedded video so notice here we have some   content we have the video and then we have also  additional content that we had earlier for that   web page again this works exactly the same way  for assignments and other activities in a course if you have been watching the previous sessions  in this tutorial you will realize that so far   we have been posting resources for the  students but nothing is gradable at this   point yet we also configure the gradebook  so that the course is ready and good to go   in that area now we are going to learn how  to configure assignments in your course one   of the most common types of assignments is  the case where a student has to type a paper   and submit it for grading and you provide  feedback grading it so we'll go here under   add an activity and then we're going to  choose the option for assignment next we   are going to go down here under add and then  we need to give a title to this assignment so you'll give it a title and then you're going  to use the description area where you'll post   the various requirements for this paper now you  can copy those requirements from the syllabus or   from some kind of document that you might have  with the requirements and such in this case I'm   just going to paste a bunch of stuff here it's  best to also post the rubric either as part of   this document right here or you can post it as a  file attachment right below in this area by either   browsing for the file and finding and locating  it or by dragging and dropping the file so let's   say this is my assignment 1 t tails as well I  can simply drag and drop it in here and that   was by having this Explorer window right above  the e-learning page and holding down the mouse   and dragging it over to this box the next thing  here is the availability for this assignment so   the availability is when our students allowed  to start submitting to this assignment so you   can uncheck the starting point if you want or you  can set those but remember any of those dates need   to be accurate there's nothing more frustrating  to the students than inaccurate dates remember   that the due dates and such they also show up on  the dashboard of the students and also in their   calendar so it's very important that those are  kept up to date and such so you're going to pick   when the assignment is due and the time and the  cutoff date if you enable that that will basically   not allow the students to submit it after the  deadline for the assignment my other suggestion   is that you don't set cutoff dates unless you're  going to be really be strict and never accept any   papers from your students when they are late and  such because they'll always have an excuse where   they want to resubmit it and you're going to  make an exception and if you have a cutoff date   then there's no mechanism for them to upload it  at least easily then remind me to grade you can   specify when you want to be reminded to grade  it and such then you have the file submission   types this is where you can specify what are  the students going to submit to you so this   online text that means it's going to be a little  box for the students to type their response for   this paper so you can use that for very simple  types of assignments and such but in most cases   you want them to type it in Microsoft Word or  some kind of word processor and then submit it   electronically now for most assignments I also  suggest that you can keep here the online text   option in some cases students will type their  paper in Google Docs and they need a mechanism   to post the link to that assignment so the online  text will actually help with giving them that   flexibility to post a link to the Google Doc and  such but then further down here to some of those   other settings you don't need to set the types  of accepted files and such you can leave those   alone and then under the submission settings you  don't need to customize those but if you prefer   to you can feedback types I would suggest that  you leave those in place and not change those I   will cover those shortly the submission types if  you want group work and such that can be defined   in here for this specific assignment however  remember it in order to use the group option   you have to have to find the groups in a course  and that's a different tutorial for a different   time under submission settings and notifications  here is where you can set notifications so the   default here is that you'll be notified only  about late submissions so somebody's submitted   it on Wednesday when they are supposed to submit  it on Tuesday you'll get an email notification   for that I'll suggest that you keep that on  and then also notify graders about submissions   that's an option where you could be getting an  email every time a student submits a paper and   it probably that would be too much email so leave  that as no stated there then under grade here is   where we can specify how are we are going to  grade this activity in this case we are going   to grade it by using points and the points are  going to be the maximum number of those points   it's going to be a hundred now my suggestion would  be that if it's small reflection papers one or two   pages maybe grade them against 20 points or 30  points but if it's a research paper then graded   against the hundred points the higher the number  of points the more flexibility obviously you have   in grading that particular assignment there are  also mechanisms here to use additional scales but   for the sake of simplicity we are going to stick  to the points for now then there are additional   grading methods where you can use direct grading  and that's basically you're looking at the paper   and you're going to make up your mind that  this is what grade the student deserves for   that paper and such then there are also options  here to use a rubric and other methods as well   which will cover them in a different tutorial so  for most papers you'll use simple direct grading   and then under grade category this is important  since we configure the gradebook earlier in this   course now we have the various categories that we  defined in the grade book based on the syllabus   so that's why I'd recommend that you go back to  that video to configure the gradebook and how   that is done to understand this better but here  we specify that that's assignment one it belongs   under research projects that's assumed and then  we scroll down here leave everything else alone   you could restrict access here for students  based on conditions and such but if you're   starting with e-learning outline not mess with the  access restrictions and such then under activity   completion this means that the students can mark  this activity as completed after the students   have submitted something to it so basically they  have done their part of their job and it's up to   you to grade it so basically for them they have  completed this activity then we click here under   save and return to the course and then here we  have the paper we can renumber it if we want it to and at this point the students and you can  click on it and these are the details for it   this is what I had copied and pasted this  is that document or it can be a rubric or   additional documentation and such for the  students and such now the students on their   end they will have an upload button right down  here so here is the student view from their   point of view so they will be able to click  on this assignment and read all the various   directions and requirements here and then  right below they'll have an option to upload   the assignment it will also tell them the time  and they are much longer they have to complete   this paper of course they would not have a year  here but they'll click on upload assignment and   then they will scroll down again they'll have  to acknowledge that this is their own work and   then this is the online text option where they  can post a link to their Google Doc if they are   using Google Docs or down here this is where they  can upload the paper submitting it to the system so they'll do something similar to that and then  they'll press the Save Changes and then they will   see that they uploaded the file at this time and  they can preview it and even edit it if necessary   so that's the student view on their end and this  is the Faculty of you here on our end now my   suggestion would also be that you can probably  differentiate the various assignments here by   adding a little label in the course page so if we  go here under add an activity and then you scroll   down under label you can click on add and you  can use one of the styles here if you want maybe   that's slightly too large so you can use the small  heading and then press save and return to the   course now the other thing that you can do here is  you can move these activities around so if I want   to move this assignments option right above I can  simply drag it up and now the word assignments and   then I will be listing my assignments here as well  notice you can also hide a specific assignment if   you don't want to show various activities in the  course to the students or your lecture notes or   whatever until the class is over you can hide  specific activities within the unit and then to   show if you click on edit settings again choose  show and then that will be visible again if you   want to hide the whole unit you can simply click  on edit choose hide topic and that hides all the   activities from the students and then you  can show it by clicking on edit and choose   show topic and of course this was a little extra  for the assignments for configuring assignments   in e-learning that an extra tip here with how you  hide activities and how you show them as well one   other thing in case I forget and such you can also  duplicate activities by choosing the option here   duplicate and it will make a copy of this specific  activity with all the various settings and you can   just change the content or requirements within the  description for that activity if for some reason   you had to modify something within this activity  or this assignment just click on edit here choose   edit settings and then make the modifications that  you want from here and then make sure you save the   changes and go back the other thing that you can  do is click on the assignment click on the gear   icon choose edit settings and that will take  you to the same page to make the modifications   so that's how you create an assignment and how  your customer is it and such this probably will   be but the majority of the items that you'll be  entering in the course page and in eLearning and   the next videos will be on how to grade student  work and provide feedback on students assignments in this session I'm going to demonstrate how  to grade student assignments or student papers   in eLearning so earlier we configured an  assignment and the students are going to   complete it and then they are going to submit the  paper electronically back to us now to grade this   assignment we can click here on the assignment  itself and it will see the description and all   the various requirements and such and if we  scroll further down there's an option here   for view all submissions this will give us a  listing of all the students in the course here   along with the submissions and the papers that  they have submitted for us to grade now in this   case notice it tells us that the student has  submitted it and the time when they submitted   it as well as the document that they posted  as well now to grade it we click here under   grade and then the system is going to give us a  preview of the document that they submitted of   the assignment here on the left and then on the  right hand side we'll have the link where we can   download the original that they uploaded then we  have the option here where to enter the grade and   also the option to put in feedback comments and  simply type our notes in here and such after we   posted our grade now this there are a couple  options here for recording audio feedback and   even video feedback as well for grading the  student paper and further down we have also   here the feedback files that in case where we  downloaded the student original paper and we   wanted to use Microsoft Word for commenting and  such then we could upload that paper back to the   student by dragging and dropping it in this area  or browsing to add it from here now to preview the   student paper in some cases you'll see the front  page will have gone in there but if you don't see   the front page go to the next page and you'll  be able to preview each page of that specific   students paper and this is one of the pages now  notice you have these tools here on the top and   this is inline grading so you're basically  grading and making comments in the document   and what happens is every time the student submits  it even a word document the system is converting   it into a PDF document behind the scenes and  allowing you to make any of these modifications   so in this case you can use any of these tools  the commenting tools so basically you're writing   or dragging a little box here or however big you  want to make that box and you can put in there   let's assume and then notice that they become  these little call-out boxes all over the place   additionally you can use the pen tool here to  circle items and make notes this way so you're   combining or moving from one to the other and  then you can just put in there a little comment those you can also throw up various specific boxes  here as well and go through that paper this way   by the way if you needed to delete one of those  comments or one of those objects and such you'd   have to choose here the little arrow icon and then  go and select that object and then notice there is   a little Delete button in the bottom right some  faculty have trouble deleting stuff so that's   how you do it to remove a component that you're  selected and such now once you have graded the   paper you scroll down here on the right-hand side  and you'd say okay this will be 89 points and you   can put additional comments in here say see it is  best to put constructive comments of course the   students are trying to learn from their mistakes  and that's what would be beneficial for them so   sufficient and impactful feedback and helpful  feedback would be beneficial in this case and   then once you have posted your comments you  can press Save Changes or save and show the   next student in the case where you're grading  the paper and you want to download those papers   in Microsoft Word and such you can simply  click here the link for the assignment and   once it's downloaded then go into the review  tab and then add various comments in there   as well then once you're done with this paper  you're going to save it where you can find it and then to upload it back to the student  then you can go here on their feedback files   and you can upload it by using the Add button  then browsing for it and then choosing upload   file so in this case the students will receive a  graded paper with comments but you don't need to   do both these options so you can either do the  inline commenting here on the left like we did   earlier or you can do the word option and then  attaching the feedback file now that you posted   the comments and such you can navigate to the  next student either from the drop down here or   choose save and show the next and it will show the  next student or you can go back to the course to   the assignment here and view all submissions and  then in this area notice that the grade has been   posted for the specific student and then you can  grade the next student's work now in this case due   to the testing environment here no others have  submitted the paper and such now if you have a   long list of students and you graded papers  on regular paper and such and you just want   to enter the grades there's an option here where  you can enable right below the grade option to   have a little box where you post the grades and  to enable that option you have to go down here   to the very bottom so if you're going under the  assignment so here's the assignment details you   basically click on the assign of your solo details  you scroll down to view all the submissions and   then if you scroll further down you can choose and  enable here quick grading quick grading will allow   you to simply post the grades for the students  in your course let's say he submitted on paper   here and he got 87 and then this one got so viii  and this one got 23 now you can choose to say if   you have to save them otherwise the system is not  going to track them so make sure anytime you're   doing this press save quick grading changes and  now those grades will be posted in the gradebook   notice you can also change how many assignments  to show per page so you can choose to show all   of them in that way you have a listing of all  the students in the course listed in this page   when you're viewing all the assignments in some  cases you might also want to download if you are   using Microsoft Word for the comments and such  you might want to download all the papers for   this assignment instead of doing them one by one  you can go here under grading action and then you   can choose to download all submissions and that  will create a zip file and then you're going to   extract them and work with each file individually  so that's a little bit more advanced and such but   this is the process for grading the assignments  and such then if you go back to the course here   course homepage you can also go to the gradebook  and you will notice that the grades at this point   have been posted in trickling down from that  specific assignments so keep in mind when you're   do the grading do it from the assignment itself  and then they'll take all down to the gradebook   rather than coming and entering them directly on  the gradebook from here because in this case you   are overriding those grades also another tip would  be if a student has not submitted their work give   them a zero right there and that will be posted as  0 in the gradebook and it will cause them to panic   so that they will have to do the other assignments  and such remember that by default when a student   does not have a grade for an assignment they are  not penalized in the system so the best practice   there is even though there are some modifications  you can make to count those as zeros it's best to   always assign a value to the students work  and that's grading in this session I'm going   to demonstrate how to grade papers using video  or audio feedback so let's suppose we have an   assignment here let's say assignment 1 we scroll  down to and we want to grade this paper the paper   will show up here on the left hand side you can  make comments directly on the paper if you want   it by using this tool right here and point out  specific areas or spelling or whatever it is you   want to point out now on the right hand side once  you have reviewed the paper and such on the right   hand side here you can place the grade that they  received in the paper and then here you type your   comments and this was time-consuming particularly  if you were to give very detailed feedback for   your students you can provide feedback either via  audio or by using the video recorder so in this   case if I want to record the video for the student  feedback you just click on the video recording   thing here now it may ask you to allow there will  be a prompt here on the top left depending on what   browser you are using to allow the webcam to be  utilized so you need to click yes of course for   that take place then here once you press start  recording that's when you can start giving your   feedback for your students and at this point you  can just outline as to what the issues of the   paper are and such it's a good thesis statement  however there were a couple areas that need   improvement particularly in the specific steps  for improving public speaking and such so you   just need to outline what they need to improve  and and such when you're ready you press stop   and then you hear you can play this video and at  this point if you don't like it you can rerecord   it again and if you like it you can simply press  attach recording once you're done with your your   video recording here you can simply press save  and show the next if I go here as a student to   this paper they'll go to e-learning they'll click  on that specific assignment and then they'll see   what grade they got in it and then down here  they're going to see the video feedback all   they have to do here is press play and that video  will be playing for this now they can see the same   feedback as well from grades if they click on  grades and they scroll down under that specific   activity they'll see what grade they got and also  they can see the feedback video that you gave to   them so this is very powerful and very effective  particularly in online courses or any courses   to kind of give that personal connection with the  students and provide them sufficient feedback but   in less time so your grading more papers providing  more feedback but in less time overall now if you   wanted to do the audio feedback only you can go  back to the assignment here and that's go back   to let's say the ones I graded earlier I'm going  to delete the video feedback and now I want to   do audio feedback you just click on audio here  plus start recording and then you just provide   the feedback with all the comments that you want  to include for your students when you're ready   to stop the recording just press stop recording  you'll get a preview here that you can play it and   if you want don't like it you can record it then  press attach recording then press submit changes   and then if we go and login here as a student the  student will see this is from the gradebook they   will see what grade they got and also they'll  have an audio recording that they they can play   from the right by the feedback now if they also  go under the course activity and go under that   specific assignment they'll be able to see what  they submitted I think what grade they got and   then also what the feedback they got from you from  the instructor they can also see the annotated PDF   as well with your comments on it and then since  we are here using the recorder this tool is also   available for you to give directions for your  students as to what they have to do or what the   requirements for the paper are so all you have  to do in that case is click on edit settings   and you can use this on any type of activity  wherever you see this icon so you can simply   if you want to insert a quick video here about  this assignment you can simply press the record   video start recording and then just explain what  the assignment is going to be about for example   create a fight or write a five-page research  paper with three references and such and posted   before the end of the unit then once you are done  with it you press attach recording and now the   requirements here for this paper have been posted  so all you have to do is press save and display   and then the students will be able to review the  requirements for this assignment via video explain you in this session I'll demonstrate how to send  announcements to students in the course so   from time to time be it is important that you  communicate with the students whether the class   is cancelled or whether it is an online class  and you want to remind them that the class is   starting or new weekly announcements in the class  so in this case to send the announcement you will   click here under announcements at the very top  of your course and then you'll simply click on   add a new topic and then type the subject of your  email and then type the message for your students   here you can change the format this and such  how you want it notice that you can use any of   those tools on the top here as well and then  if you go under advanced area here you could   simply add attachments and such if necessary  as well and then finally you simply press post   to forum at this point the system will keep  track of this message and you can preview it   and students also also preview it or view it from  the course itself and then within 30 minutes time   or any time between now and 30 minutes the  system will also send an email out to all   the students in the class so there is no need  for you to email them the outlook or webmail or   any order through the participants area here and  such or however else you have been doing it it's   best to send those announcements directly from  the course module here from the announcements   module in the course in this case the system  again keeps track of what was sent out the   students in case they missed anything they can  always go back to the announcements area in the   course now typically also if this panel on it's  not hidden on the right and the students have   not hidden that panel on the right the latest  news will also the latest announcements will be   showing up here on the right-hand side as well  on this block and you can add here a new topic   and you announcement directly from that block  or you can preview what you have sent earlier in this session I'll demonstrate how to configure  forums in a course in Moodle or eLearning so let's   suppose that in our course here we want to create  a forum a weekly forum for our students to discuss   a specific topic and then for them to interact  with one another to do that we could use the   forum module within Moodle we click here and add  an activity or a resource and then we choose the   forum option click on add and then simply give  it a name in this case I'll just try to keep the   numbers in sequence in the course activity I'll  call it 1.7 and then here under the description   area once we put the title we are going to type  in there the content that you want the students   to discuss so we'll press your control V I just  copied this from earlier and then you can put in   their additional details as well as the health  it'll be graded and what you expect them to do   so you the state they need to post their initial  discussion and then respond to at least two other   peers in the class and then how you're gonna grade  this as well now there are different types of   forum discussions that you can use in a course and  the default one here is what we recommend that you   utilize basically what that will do is create  a listing different threads for each student   in the class so once each student responds and  post their response then other students in the   class will be able to go and engage and reply to  that particular student so there will be separate   threads if you want the students to first post  their own and then see other peer responses then   you might want to consider the Q&A forum however  there is a tricky part to it that you need to post   a question initially you need to do that initial  post that I was shown a little bit and how to   but for in most cases we do recommend that you  simply use a standard forum for general use as   far as finding out more details for these you  can always click on this little question mark   and it will explain additional details as well  so then you could go and there are other areas   and other settings here we do not recommend that  you do cut-off dates and starting dates and such   you could if you are gonna stay on top of those  dates however it can frustrate the students if   you don't make clear if you don't have the right  settings in the forum and then if you don't notify   them as to what the parameters are going to be for  that particular forum under attachments and such   you could control how much or what the students  can upload and how many words and all that stuff   to display the word count if you prefer then  subscription and tracking this is basically   what controls the correspondence typically we  recommend that you use a subscription mode here   two optional subscription it allows the students  to get email notifications or it allows them to   unsubscribe and not receive them we have found  that some students want the notification some   others don't and then a reed tracking you can  choose to make this optional as well basically   then the students will see and you'll see how  many forum posts you have not read yet in the   course other areas here that you might want to  consider and look at would be under the grade area   this is where you can specify under which project  this falls under provided you have configured the   grade book then under ratings this is kind of key  this is where you specify whether you are going to   grade each post or not grade it and this is what  tells the system to show this forum activity in   the grade book or not show it so basically in  most cases here you could choose sum of ratings   and this setting or you could use the average of  ratings as well some of ratings would be let's   say you're gonna grade the first post out of 80  points and then each subsequent post up out of   10 points then the system will add let's say 75  that the students scored for the first post then   10 for the second post and 9 for the third post  and that came to 94 out of a hundred and in that   case the system will record an A for example  and asked for that activity in the course if   you choose average of ratings for each post that  means that each post you're gonna graded against   a hundred points and then the system is going to  add however many times the student participated   and in each discussion and each response and  such and then your system is going to post the   average of those ratings now the problem with  the average of ratings is is that sometimes   the student may do poor work on the first post  that requires more effort and then their grade   gets bumped up because on their responses they  haven't bump up their grade however that's why   we suggest that you use the sum of ratings here  now once you go here under some of ratings this is   where you can then specify how many points you're  going to grade against so if you stated up in the   description here 80 points for the first and 10  points for each subsequent response then we'll   use a hundred points so just try to keep in mind  what you said that high ceiling or the standard   there now you can also use here instead of points  you can use a particular scale if you'd prefer   and these would be either system based scales  or customized scales for your institution for   example here at Karen we have a bunch of those  defined here and one of them is for example the   School of Business or I'm grading or you could  have something like this for a novice competent   proficient proficient or exceptional so any of  those basically the eeeh here would be that once   you choose either one of those itself assigning  points you're choosing one of those options listed   in here so for now I'm going to keep this  configured as using points and we're going   to use a hundred points we don't suggest that you  mess with the restricting of ratings putting any   dates in there because then the system will not  allow you to grade any of such stuff after that   deadline that you might set in here then you're  going to wonder what happened and why it's not   working under activity completion you can choose  to utilize it by default it is that students can   mark this activity completed manually however  you can change this to be conditional where the   student would be required to have three posts  or discussions and that's when they will get a   checkmark or the system will mark it as completed  if this doesn't show up on your end that means   that in your course configuration the completion  tracking is not enabled now this stage we click   on save and return to the course and at this point  we have configured the forum for this course the   students will be able to click on it they will  see what the requirements are the additional   details and then they will simply click on add  a new discussion topic they'll put in a subject   the message here and then they'll press post to  the forum and in the next segment I'm going to   demonstrate how to grade one of those forums and  how to post the grades for each students responses in this session I'm going to demonstrate how  to grade or rate the forum posts in e-learning   or Moodle in this case we have a forum that we  created and configured earlier here and we'll   click on it and we have the forum requirements  here and then further down we have the responses   from the students now the response is typically  it will show up as separate threads or similar   to this and that's because we chose a standard  the standard forum format earlier for me as an   instructor to go and grade this forum or rate this  post we can click on each one of the titles here   under the discussion column and notice it shows  who submitted this and then will be able to see   here the content when it was posted and such and  what the student posted as well now right below   here this is where we can rate this post so if  earlier we stated that we are going to rate this   against 80 points for the initial response and  then any subsequent comments and such we're going   to rate them against 10 points so in this case  if he did really well in this case the current   student then they would be awarded 80 points  but in this case that say they didn't do very   well and let's say I want to award 76 points so  you're simply from the drop down here you select   76 and then notice it's going to post it right  here now for each student if you prefer you can   also click here on the reply and then you can  type a short reply to that particular student   provided you also check this private reply option  so this would be explaining as to why they missed   a couple of the points no note obviously this  it's going to be trying to help the student   or steer them in the right direction and such  and you don't want this to be public to other   students make sure again that you the private  reply post otherwise by default that response   is going to be posted for all the students in the  class now to respond to this particular post in   the class and to respond to all students let's  say for all students you simply press reply you   type your reply in here provided the student's  name is John and then you want to steer them   to think a more in-depth as a whole class that  specific topic or point of discussion so the idea   is it's best at least for any of the responses  in the class to target one response per student   per week in that way it demonstrates that you  are involved in the class and that the student   appreciates that feedback that you're providing  for them in their work and such obviously if   you're teaching an online course the regular and  substantive interaction is achieved typically by   participating actively in the forums throughout  the week so here you provide additional feedback   for the student and then you press submit and that  will be public feedback by default now notice if   it's a private reply notice it's over here it's  on the state that it was a private reply to that   particular student if you need to delete a  reply that you accidentally entered or typed   or whatever there you can press here delete and  then it will delete it if there were more than   students interacting and they're engaging in this  threaded discussion and such then it'll look very   similar to this suppose here that the Karen  student here replied to my comment and now of   course you also want to encourage your students  to provide substantive responses and content in   their replies and not just saying good point and  that's it and that would be best to be included   in the requirements for the disco in the forum so  that was the response from the Karen student now   if I go back as the instructor here in the same  discussion thread here notice how it's aligning   them to have like this tiered layout within the  discussion now if I wanted to reply back to the   Karen students it just simply post my response  right there and then press submit okay so that's   how you rate the posts in the course and how you  provide feedback to your students now typically   when you have a lot of those forums and threads  in the course and you want to move from one to   the other and such it might be helpful to also  open these in a new tab for easier grading so   simply right click on each one of those links  here are discussions I open them all up and then   you can simply scroll down rate everything grade  everything here and provide feedback and then go   to the next tab in the next tab or you can use  the controls here next to each forum where it   says go to Hubert's post next and such and that'll  take you to the next forum as well but I find that   using tabs it's the easiest way now to check  the grades for this and by the way to rate or   grade the responses from the aged student you do  them in a similar way so typically the top one   the first one you have to rated against 80 points  and there's those subsequent ones for example the   response here from the students you would want  to rate that against 10 points and you simply   pick the points in here you can press replies  in the private reply to the student and such   and then that grade is going to be posted on the  gradebook to get to the gradebook we click here   on the left hand side on their grades and then we  go under that specific activities and notice here   one point seven and notice that Karen student  here got an 85 now you'd say why did they get   a B and a yet the reason for that is because  the system is configured for three responses   and three interactions and they participated only  twice on it so they got a 76 the first time and   there are nine on the second attempt if they had  responded a third time and also if you graded it   then they probably would have gotten something  in the 90s there and potentially an a-minus or   an A so that's also important to keep in mind  the other thing to keep in mind as well is that   you can always override the grade directly from  here but if you are doing that and let's say you   want to reward them on 90 90 points then make it  enter here make sure that you communicate that to   them so that's how you grade the forum posts in  the course and provide feedback to your students another important component of a course is the  use of quizzes the system will grade automatically   two and false multiple-choice questions and  even matching questions and then for essay   questions you can go back and just grade the  specific essay questions in the course so in   this session I'm going to cover how to create a  quiz using eLearning so we're in the course here   and now for week 1 we want the students also to  take a quiz so in order to take a quiz by the way   if your textbook comes with a test Bank then those  questions can be imported and that'll probably be   another video but for this video here I'm going  to demonstrate how to create a quiz from scratch   including the questions so first it's two stages  for it the first you create their shell for the   quiz we're telling the system there is a quiz  and then the second part of it is to add the   questions to the quiz so now we click on add  an activity here after we have turned editing   on in the course click on add an activity or a  resource and then we scroll down here under quiz   so we locate quiz and then click on add then  in here we're going to call it chapter 1 quiz   and then under the description this is where you  would give them a lot of details through chapter   1 it's going to be a quiz with so many questions  and so on and so on you can also give additional   directions so that the quiz is going to be timed  once they start don't switch to other browsers   with reference here also the academic integrity  policy and things of that nature and so on and   so on but they say there as many directions as  possible the other thing here is there are a   lot of settings for the quiz setup one of the  options here is notice there's an option here   for expand all expand all expands all of these  options so you can set the quiz so that it opens   at a specific day and time and then you can choose  to close the quiz at a specific time as well you   can also space for a time how many minutes the  students have to take the quiz however keep in   mind if if you do not need the time limitation  don't put it in there particularly if it's a   long quiz because it really can frustrate and  put additional pressure on the students however   if you're focusing on it's a key quiz and you're  focusing on academic integrity and all that type   of thing then you specify the time limit as well  then if you scroll down here you have the grade   section and this is typically it'll look like that  but we are we just expanded it above so if you   didn't look just click on the word then we click  here on categorize and we choose which category   this falls under again the grade book has to be  configured first if so we click here on quizzes   and then you can specify grade to pass if you  need to and all that type of thing then attempts   you can also specify how many attempts you want  the students to try how many times do they get   for the quiz you can allow them multiple times  if the quiz my suggestion will be that if the   quiz it's not critical to the course it's just  a practice one it's just to reinforce learning   and so on maybe give them multiple tries but then  under the grading method you can change it so that   either the highest grade of all of those attempts  takes effect or it can be the average grade or it   can be the last attempt and so on and so on so it  just depends on what your preference is now here   under the layout this is where you can choose how  the questions will be presented to the students so   in this case it's every question but yet you can  configure it so it will be every five questions   so you have twenty twenty questions it's gonna be  four pages of the quiz for the whole quiz there's   are basically five questions per page now there's  an option here for show more whether they want the   navigation you can force the students so they  have to go in a sequence or you just let them   go free from question to question that they may  prefer before enhancing academic integrity you   can choose to shuffle within questions and also  that as far as a feedback you can shoes want to   have the feedback whether you want to deferred at  the very end of the quiz or you can have immediate   feedback after they try as well so then as far as  the review options this is where you can choose   or whether to display the correct answer yes or  no during the attempt after the quiz is closed   and so on so you make your own mind make up your  mind basic from there and then you scroll down   you can even require a password for this quiz now  cases where you'd want a password for the quiz or   because you can limit it by the time but let's say  that two students didn't show up for the quiz and   now they have to take it up take the quiz late you  can set a password in the quiz for them to take it   either earlier or later and share the passwords  of the students so that's kind of the key for the   password there you can also reinforce that they  can't draw it unless a certain amount of time   has passed the browser security would suggested  leave it alone if you want to do enhance browser   security that usually tends to cause more issues  then the overall feedback this is basically where   you can give them automated feedback if they  scored between let's say 90 here and a hundred   percent you can say great job you're gonna do well  in the course keep up doing the same thing but if   they scored 60 and and below or whatever then you  could say you're gonna fail the course so you can   give them all that mediate feedback based on the  group score that they get so then you scroll all   the way to the bottom here and then click on save  and display so all that we did so far or we could   do save and return to the course since we have  been doing that for other activities so at this   point we just have told the system that there's  going to be a quiz and there are some parameters   to the quiz but yet we have not really added any  questions to the quiz so now the stage number two   here is do click on and configure the actual quiz  questions or add the quest so we click on the quiz   here chapter 1 quiz and it says well there are no  questions at it yet so we click here on edit quiz   and then this is where we add the actual questions  so we click here on add and we choose add a new   question if we had a test Bank that's where we get  the questions but for now we just have to add them   manually now you can add all kinds of questions  in the quiz as you can see here on the left hand   side multiple-choice it tells you what it does  through and false and so on and so on typically   it's those it's the types of questions that are  used primarily multiple choice true and false   and then essay questions so let's create first  to a multiple-choice question so you give it a   name to the question this is just how it will  be identified in the system so you could say q1   and then so this would be our question we could  formatted to look different and then here it will   be general feedback if you want to specify general  feedback for that specific question whether they   scored it correctly or not this is where you put  general feedback and the answers will be here so   you have basically option ABC and so on so we  say the four functions for a computer will be   input so if they choose that they get no grade if  they choose only output that would be none as well   so they get no no grade for it or they get zero  basically or a failing grade and then choice three   it'll be let's say that's not the right answer  either and then choice five is now remember here   you can't say all of the above because the order  will be scrambled so in this case we'll say all   of the above and it will say a hundred percent  so if they choose all of them all the presented   options then they get a score of a hundred in that  question now we click on Save Changes and that is   a one question already added to the quiz that was  a multiple choice question notice these dots here   now we go and add another question and now we'll  add a two and false question so we click on three   and false add we give it a name in some cases you  can just copy and paste the same question from the   title into the question text and basically over  here it says correct answer you need to tell the   computer which one is the correct answer for this  statement so in this case we want to say that is   correct that's true and then we click on Save  Changes so that was a second type of question   that we are adding to a quiz then we can go here  and add another question and let's say we want to   add this question as an essay keep in mind that  say questions will not be graded automatically by   the computer and then you can say how many points  this question will be and then click on Save   Changes now this is where you specify the points  so let's say this last one instead of counting it   all equal let's say I want this to count more so  I can simply click here on edit maximum mark and I   can say I want that to count as eight points while  the other ones count only as two points and the   whole quiz will count only as against ten points  you can have this against a hundred points let's   say but that what that means is that this question  will be 80% and those will be only 10% each so   once you have determined through the questions  and also the maximum points and also the points   for each question you click on save and basically  a quiz is ready for the students now you can also   preview it if you click here on preview this is  how it will look when the students open it up   and they'll have a timer here because they chose  20 minutes earlier and then go and take this as a   student this is what the students will see so they  will go to the course they will click on chapter   one quiz they'll read the directions they'll  have how many attempts they have minutes they are   allowed how it's going to be graded they'll click  on attempt quiz now it has a timer and that's it so they put the feedback here for the essay  question and then it will give them a grade   it'll give them a grade right away with a correct  answer and not the correct answer but then the   essay is not graded yet so they finish it now you  as the instructor you can go back in here and now   you need to grade the essay questions so notice  it says here attempts one that means that one   student tried to take it and took it notice down  here you have the report here's the attempt this   is the options that they missed and then here is  you can actually click right here and see exactly   which questions how they did in each question  as well now notice for question number three it   says here requires grading so you can either click  over here to requires grading or you can go under   the quiz area here our quiz administration and  there's this option here for manual grading in   manual grading this is where you can grade all  the essay questions for all the students from   one spot so you click on grade all and then it  will display all the students essay questions   one after the other and you can put comments here  and then you can give them a mark 0 out of 8 for   example and then save and go to the next page and  then the grade will be posted for the students so   that's how quizzes work you basically have to  create define the quiz parameters first you add   the questions to it and the students take it once  the students take it the grades will be recorded   in the gradebook if you have essay questions  in the quiz you have to go in and grade them   manually in this video I will demonstrate how to  create a quiz using drag-and-drop into text type   of questions in eLearning or Moodle so basically  you have a bunch of questions with blank areas   where the student can drag and drop the right  answer from a list of provided options so let's   get started so basically we'll need to go here to  the course first and we go to a specific week and   now we are going to first create the quiz click  on add here for the quiz give a name to the quiz   a description fill out also any of these other  options to want to open the quiz when to close   it how long the students have to take the quiz  and so on then under the grade you might want   to post the category where the grades should  show up then as far as the question layout you   can have one question per page or more than one  question per page and so on and then if you want   to shuffle within the questions you can do that  from here as well and then deferred feedback that   means that the students will get a feedback as  to what they got right or wrong at the very end   after they complete the quiz this is where you  can specify when the students whether they can   see the proper answers or not whether right  after the attempt or later after the quiz is   closed so this is pretty much if you under guard  the answers to your quizzes all of these so far   are just general for any quiz in Moodle so now  at this point we click here on the very bottom   and we choose save and return to the course  where we could click on save and display for   now I'll just choose save and return to the  course so we see the item has been created   so far we just have created the shell for this  quiz so now we click on the quiz again and now   here on the right hand side we click on edit  quiz now an edit quiz this is an option for us   to add questions to this quiz so now we can click  here under add and then choose a new question and   this is where this tutorial basically starts with  what I was trying to demonstrate is that we want   to create quiz with questions from drag and drop  into text so notice it's going to be missing words   in the questions and those questions are going  to be filled with the proper answers by student   dragging and dropping in there now we click on add  here and in this case I'm going to create just one   question so you can give here the question name  this is just for you to identify this question so   you could say question 1 and then here under the  question text this is what the student will see so   this is gonna be separate questions and there are  separate areas or it could be one sentence with   multiple missing spots in there and now wherever  you want the student to fill in the blank here   what you need to do is you need to put these  double bracket like that the square ones then   one doesn't mean this is blank number one and then  double bracket again so a computer is the answer   will be there an electronic device which accepts  input so we want to have that is option number two   with double brackets again we put number two  accepts input then we could say it processes   data and in this case I'm basically giving them  a tip here I'm leaving the stores data already   as part of the sentence there but basically as  you can understand so far any of those options   we want them in double brackets and then one two  three those would be the actual answers now here   on the default mark you can leave it as one in  this case or since we have four of those maybe   we could make it four points but you'll have  a chance to change those points as well in the   next screen here now under the general feedback  you can specify here whether they got it right   or wrong what kind of feedback you want to give to  them now in here the next thing that you want to   do is this is where you put the right answers for  these missing to fill in the blanks here so now we   choose shuffle you want to shuffle those answers  and the first choice here would be a computer is   an electronic device so here we put electronic and  then option two it will be which accepts input and   then option three would be processes data and  then stores the data and then produces output   so basically if you have more than than four areas  you just keep on adding other sentences those you   can make them separate or you could have them  all sequential like a story now these options   here add to group one what these are basically  typically you want to leave those all in Group   one it's just saying it's gonna list them all one  after the other just like we listed them here now   if you have cases where some of them would be  nouns and the other ones will be pronouns and   you want them into two separate sections separate  it from either each other then you would say okay   well this one I want it in group two and then  this one I wanted in group two so it's gonna   just bundle them together when the student sees  the options in our case for most of the cases   you're going to just have them list it randomly  there for the students to view them no specific   grouping unlimited that means that do you want  to allow the use of one of those options to be   used more than one time as the student enters the  answers here and then basically you can add more   choices if you need it here combined feedback  if you wanted to provide a specific feedback   when it's partially correct and so on you can try  that for yourself and their multiple choice we're   not going to go into that for now but if they  if you give them multiple tries how much the   penalty will be and so on now you click on Save  Changes and at this point notice it's marking it   against four points for that question and if you  wanted more than that so let's say the quiz is a   hundred points and then you have only one question  for this quiz then you can change the number of   points right here so you could make that 100 or  if you had five questions each of them would be   up to 20 points for each question so it depends  on how your quiz is going to be organized now   to preview this you can simply either click on the  question to actually preview it or you can preview   the whole quiz now to preview this quiz let's  assume it's ready for the students where have only   one question now notice this is how it will look  basically the student will take here a computer is   take electronic drag it over here which accepts  input drag it over here processes data and the   highlighting here it's happening because of my  mouse now the student basically matches these up   and then click on next in this case I have only  one question to the quiz I click on submit and   finish and I should have scored 100 points in this  case and a student can review it and that's it now   in some cases you might want to give the students  more choices then there are actual options here   so if I wanted to edit this question I can go  here under this little gear right here in front   of the question and I can scroll down here and  add additional options basically I just trying   to confuse them with more options than there would  be answers for them then click on save and that's   how busy you can create quiz using drag-and-drop  fill in questions hopefully that is helpful and   feel free to check out the other tutorials on  e-learning or on the YouTube channel thank you the next item that I'm gonna cover here in  using e-learning or Moodle is the use of   lessons how to configure a lesson and how to  use the lesson module in eLearning so before I   go into the details of configuring it I'm going  to go over and show you what an actual lesson   looks like and what you can do with the specific  lessons in Moodle so you get an overall idea as   to what's possible so for example here we have an  online course and by the way we use those lessons   quite a bit in online courses and if we scroll  down here to one of the modules by the way all   of these that have this little icon in front of  them those are usually lessons so I'm going to   go to one of those lessons here let's say multiple  intelligences within learning styles so if I click   on this the lesson would look something similar to  this for the students or you can do something very   similar to this and it has a lot of flexibility  in what you can do with the lesson module so   basically you can present new content and that new  content can be in text format it could be pictures   it could be videos string call videos specific  to a topic and then after the student completes   that video or watches this content the student  can move to the next page and the next page can   be an assessment of some form so in this case we  have a form of assessment where the student will   do some matching of the questions and of course  I'm not choosing the right options here so I'm   just picking and just for the sake of submitting  them and then once they completed that section   you can direct the students to view additional  content so basically you're taking them in a   sequence of pages once they complete the task  and move on to something else and then assess   them on that content then have them watch or  review some additional content for example   here you want them to go to a website and at the  end they have to describe something so then they   move to the next page and then in the next page  we introduce new content as well and then they   end the lesson in some other cases you could have  them take of course we saw an example of a short   quiz to assess them but also you could have true  and false multiple-choice questions which is that   type of quiz that you just saw and also he could  have essay questions so I'm going to demonstrate   at this point as to how do we configure one of  those lessons for our course this is an advanced   feature but yet it's a very powerful one and if  you can get to use it in your courses this will   be very valuable for your teaching experience so  what we do here is we turn editing on first in   the course and then we go to add a new resource  or actually activity in one of the blocks here   so we're going to go ahead and do this in week one  so we go here under add a new activity or resource   and then we are going to go and choose here adding  a lesson so we click on add and at this point we   need to configure their shell or to configure  just tell the system what this lesson is going   to be like and all the different parameters we're  not actually creating contents of the lesson yet   the first step is just to define the tell the  system what the parameters are so we're gonna   call this lesson one you could post a description  as well in here but it's not necessary this is   the content that will be posted on the main page  in the main course page so you could say review   all the pieces of this lesson you'll be assessed  throughout the lesson not all that type of stuff   so then you have here the appearance section of it  and by the way you can expand all those blocks by   using this button here on the top right so under  appearance here you could add additional files if   you wanted to like resource files but instead  of doing it there I'll show you how to attach   in a moment now as far as a progress bar if the  lesson is going to be very complex with multiple   pages and so on you might want to add a progress  bar but it's not necessary display your non going   score this is if you have quizzes throughout the  lesson after they watch or review certain pieces   of material you're quizzing them they can see the  score how they did so far so it's up to you to   choose that but I don't enable it unless you have  those quizzes embedded in it display a lesson menu   this is if you have multiple pages again it's  going to display a menu for the lesson so let's   go back here for a second and in our lesson here  we didn't have a lesson menu displayed this will   be it will have a new section here as to what the  different areas of the lesson are so if I go and   enable them here this is again a lesson that we  have already configured for another course and   if it choose yes to that option and then save and  display now notice it displays sus because this   lesson had only two pages it displays us the menu  for this lesson so that's what that option is in   some cases if you have more than two pages it's  going to be many more pieces to it so that was   just the example there now let's go back to our  course here the next item here so display lesson   menu most of the time you don't want to enable  it unless you have multiple pages minimum grade   to display menu just you can skip that slide show  you can skip that option as well and if you wanted   to look through any of these options it will give  you an explanation here maximum number of answers   this is like if you're creating a multiple-choice  quiz it's going to tell you that the default when   you choose multiple choice question you'll have  four choices for your answers that's what that   option is linking to other activities you could  make it so that it's conditional they have to   complete in the previous activity before they  do the first this one we're not gonna go into   that depth of this point and then availability I  don't suggest that you enable those due dates and   deadlines and all that type of a thing however  it's up to you but if you do you have to keep   up with those dates and times if you choose to use  availability I would suggest that you hide it from   the main course page and then enable from there as  far as the time limit it's an option that you can   enable so they have only certain time to complete  it now under flow control here allow student to   review it would be best to allow them to review  the questions or to review the content because   again this is just a lower-level type of learning  more type of formative questions and so on provide   an option to try a question again that's up to  you whether you want to when you're assessing the   students whether you want them to give them  a second chance to try out the questions as   far as how many times to attempt the questions if  it's a just practice lesson or ease low score you   can give them more than one try so usually I'll  suggest you give them five tries and then in one   of the other options here we're gonna see which  one takes priority basically which attempt takes   the highest priority now as far as grading you  can have those as they are graded you can assign   points to them against 100 points ten points that  we learned for our other activities and then you   can also specify as to where this falls under  under what category that great category dropped   down here it will show up if you have configured  the gradebook so if you have not configured it   you need to go back to the gradebook and take a  look and that part of the video of this tutorial   how's it gonna figure the gradebook so for now I'm  just gonna put it under home assignments practice   lesson yes or no if you say it's a practice  lesson what that does is the students can   tinker with it but nothing will be recorded in  the gradebook usually we do not say yes to this   option we want it to be in the gradebook retakes  allowed you can consider to allow them to retake   it and then the handling the retakes usually  it's best to encourage the students to take it   as many times if it's doesn't count for too much  of the course grade and they usually suggest use   the maximum and then under other options here you  can check those for yourself but you're not going   too deep to mess too much with this the other  option to consider is and this is new in this   release is under activity completion you can  choose to enable this option so you can say it   mark this activity as complete after the student  is required to have spent X number of minutes on   it so if you expect the students to spend 30  minutes in it then it's a 30 minute video or   whatever it is and they are spending only five  minutes on it then there's probably potentially   a problem so you could just say it's gonna be more  completed only after thirty minutes have passed so   now we are done we click here save and return  to the course of course we could click Save and   display well choose save and return to the course  and we are done with all the parameters for the   lesson activity itself we have not added in the  new content just parameters it's very similar   to configuring the quiz or the forum so now we  click on the lesson one and there's not really   much that you'll see at this point it's asking us  now you have a lesson but you have no content for   it so what do you want to do first well we want to  potentially add a content page first so we want to   add some resource it's something for them to view  if you want to assess them first that's where you   would add the questions so typically you want to  content something of content first so we do the   content click on add page content and then we give  it a title so we could say defining computers and   basically you can add all kinds of content in  here basically like building a webpage at this   point now you could add also let's say you could  add an image here now notice if this button is   only one row here you can choose to make it more  than one now you can click here to insert a name   and then you just upload an image to your lesson  by choosing a file going to wherever your lecture   resources are and then choosing to upload the file  of course this is not necessarily the one that   you want but just as an example and then you can  change the parameters of the image here and I just   clicked outside after I chose dimensions I'm gonna  say I want it on the right-hand side and then I'm   gonna click on insert then click OK now it's on  here on the right-hand side you can also include   here and link as you can say review also this  PowerPoint and then you can hyperlink this toward   this PowerPoint by simply selecting the text  clicking on this icon here for inserting links   and then going and locating your PowerPoint for  this lesson so notice it says insert URL you can   either post the URL from a website or wherever you  may have it on Google Drive or wherever or you can   simply upload it to the system by clicking on this  browse button over here now we click on usually   it click on choose upload from your computer  choose the file and then find your lecture and   then upload it then click on insert you can  leave all these other options alone and now   this is hyperlinked you can make it bold that's  suggest that you make it bold and by the way you   can insert PDF files study guides that same way as  well that's what they do in some of the courses we   put a study guide linked in that area now after  you review all of these also watch this video and   you can go into YouTube and get a video and post  the link over here so if we go to YouTube here   and pick one of the videos whichever you want  or whichever applies to your lesson of course   now there are a couple ways to insert the video  the easiest one is to copy the URL here we go to   our lesson here in e-learning or Moodle and then  we simply paste it in here and hit enter and then   the system will actually build the video display  the video right there or the other option is if   you could hyperlink it highlight in the link  click on insert and there is a third option to   actually embed it using a code from Google as well  so I'll try to show that in a moment here so then   you could have additional instructions in there  then the next thing here it's saying content one   in the bottom and this is kind of confusing it's  just going to put a button there in the bottom so   what do you want that button to say you could say  I want students to click on next page or you could   say continue to the next page so basically this  is just a control button that's what this content   one is of course you can link to different pages  and so on you could say that a lecture too and   then students click on it it takes into lecture  - then this item here right below it it's saying   jump it's saying where do you want to jump on the  student clicks on continue to the next page what   do you want the computer to do just say I want  them to move to the next page or you could have   it let me move to a specific page within your  lesson so typically you just choose next page   so these are the two most common options here now  you have also content two three and four this is   pretty much more to confuse you I'll just ignore  those for now they are a little bit more advanced   but it's four more buttons at the bottom of the  page so then we click on save page here and at   this point we have configured the first part of  the lesson or we have configured the lesson with   just one page of content and to review it you can  go here under review and this is how it will show   up so it's the students will click on it it  will bring them up to this page they will not   have these buttons here edit and all that stuff  actually let me demonstrate what it looks from   the real students point of view so the students  will go to the lesson they will see this these   directions they have an image here of course  they don't go together here at this point but   they have access to the PowerPoint they can click  on it and download it and then they can view the   YouTube video by simply clicking on it it'll be  streamed from this page and then the students   will click this is that button the content button  as we looked at the earlier they'll have a button   for continue to the next page and at this point  it's saying that you have reached the end of the   lesson and so on and so on so let's go back here  to our configuration in our course page and now   let's say we want to add edit this page so one  of the options is here on the top right it says   edit page contents where there is also this edit  button here for editing the whole lesson edit page   contents it's going to allow us to edit only this  specific pages we are working on or looking at so   we click on edit page contents and now we can  thinker more with this page if we wanted to so   let's say I don't like that image there anymore  and I want to leave just the PowerPoint and I   want to leave the YouTube video then click on  save page and it's updated and alive and ready   to go now the next thing is you can do is that  you can go into this lesson and add additional   items to it so you can add a short quiz so let's  learn how to add a short assessment quiz to this   lesson it'll be all bundled as part of the lesson  now there's a separate entity like we discussed   earlier in quizzes so to add a short assessment  quiz for this lesson we can click here under edit   the Edit tab here and now it's displaying that we  have already one page for this lesson now we want   to add a new page now at this point it's asking  us well what kind of page do you want to add we   want to choose a question it's going to be some  kind of form of assessment so we click on question   and then it will ask us what type of question we  want to ask or utilize and typically you would   want to use to enforce multiple-choice or and  also you can have these other types as well such   as essay questions as another common one so let's  learn first about multiple-choice we click on add   a question page after we choose multiple-choice  and now it's going to give us the choices or the   entries to create the multiple-choice questions  we say computers we type the title that'll be the   title for the students to see and also for the  computer to record it but then we need to copy   and paste the question this is what the students  will actually see as part of the question then   it's asking us well what's option 1 so we say a  computer is any device that performs the following   functions so we say accepts input you could  give them an automated response and this is   by the way highly recommended that you do when  you're configuring those quizzes you could say   that is correct however no copy this and then  we are saying here if the student chooses this   option a here or this answer what do you want it  to do we are saying okay jump to the next page but   then do we want to give them a grade for it like  a score for it in this case we'd say no that's not   the correct answer because there are more pieces  for it in order to this is only one piece of the   puzzle for a computer so then we said processes  data that's option two so that's again part of   a multiple-choice question and then you could  give them some kind of instant feedback as they   choose this option this is what will show up and  you can customize that now it says here jump to   you always want to make sure that it jumps to the  next page and at this point there is no option to   make that the default but you need to make sure  that as soon as the student chooses this option   you want them to be able to move forward to the  next page in the lesson as far as the score if   this order the right answer would give them a  1 here or some kind of score now this is still   not the right answer now the next option here is  stores data and you give them some feedback and   then you say next page and still they don't get  the this is not correct the correct answer and   then answer number 4 you give them some feedback  and then you say it's next page and this is very   important and there's still no score here but  we need one more option here it's not going to   be just for questions here but we need to add  an additional option so and this is derived   from the lesson configuration so we need another  choice because I my multiple choice is going to   have five choices so I'm going to click on save  page here and we need to tinker with the lesson   configuration for just a second here we're going  to go here under the Edit settings and if you're   not gonna have more than four answers for your  multiple choice you don't need to worry about   this you can skip the next minute here we'll  go here under edit settings for the lesson   and this is by the way how we can change the  settings for your lesson and if we go here under a number of answers we want to change this to  five and go back save and display and then we   want to go and edit that question that we created  earlier so we click here on the edit tab and then   we click here on multiple choice question and  we want to tweak it or change it so we want to   click on this gear icon to configure it and  edit it and then basically we go back to add   answer number five so answer number three it's  this one stores data answer number four and then   option number five is and you could say that is  correct and then we click here on the next page   and then we choose the score here the score can  be anything higher than zero so you could make   it five points depending on how difficult the  question is so one of the questions would be   five points another one could be two points  another one can be 15 points now those will   be calculated against the total for that lesson  so if you just said in the lessons configuration   it's going to be graded against 100 points then  this if this is 10 points that's going to be 10   percent of this lesson if if it worked 5 points  that will be 5 percent so the percentage here   will be against the score for that lesson then we  click on save page and at this point we have two   pages to our lesson to preview it you can click  here on preview and the students will see the   first page here have to watch the video and so  on then they have to continue to the next page   and then they have to take this short quiz and  then press submit as soon as they press submit   they will get the feedback that is correct and  so on and they'll continue let's learn about two   and false questions so we go here and/or add a  new page under the edit tab for the lesson and   then we choose another question here and then we  will say - and false add a question page we give   it a title so here for correct response we put  true and if they choose a to option here that   through response or the correct response this is  what you can put us feedback automated feedback   if they choose the correct answer also this is  how many points you're gonna give them make sure   that this says the next page and then if they  choose the wrong answer which would be false then you can give them feedback when I made it  and then also you can choose the path here so   you always need to make sure that it's the next  page and then if they choose the wrong answer   they will get a zero for this question so then  we click on the safe page and then so far the   lesson has three pages now in essence you can  also do an add a page which will have an essay   question and also you are presenting content  at the same time so the way you do that is by   clicking on adding your page and then choose  question and then you could say here I want to   create an essay question add a new question page  and then at this point we'll be able to give it   a name here and then in here you could put all  kinds of directions so you basically could put   all the content as we presented the first page  you could post it in an essay question provided   you want them to answer an essay question you  put basically the directions in their link to   a PowerPoint like we did earlier you could put  a link to a YouTube video if you want them to   watch the YouTube video and then you could  say before we're proceeding any further and   you could of course make this bold and format it  with different colors and all that type of stuff   and then we are saying here that when we grade  this by the way we have to grade this usually so   let's say we're gonna graded against fifteen  points then we click on save page so that'll   be the score for grading for this part of the  activity now so far we have four pages to our   lesson by the way most faculty they will use only  this last option that I showed here which would   look something like this basically the student  clicks on the lesson you present the directions   for it the student has to respond to it and  so on or look under the preview option here it'll look like this that's the last page actually  that's the first page then they come to the next   page which will be the quiz then they answer  another short quiz here and then this is the   last page where you are presenting the content and  the student has to type an answer here and then   submit it so that's basically how it will work  and this is how it will look for the students so   use the instructor you'd go back into your lesson  into your course and let's say you want to see a   report of what's happening and who viewed the  lesson and who answers the questions and what   the scores are and all that type of thing so you  go into the lesson itself and then I don't want   to go to the last pages so I'll go to the very  beginning and then you go and preview the lesson   you have these options here you can preview  it basically see what the students see edit   the lesson but they hear a couple other options  there is a reports option where you can see a   report of all that the students did tells you how  long they spend on the lesson and what score they   got in that specific lesson and it'll give you  a listing of all the students in this course of   course at this point I have only a couple of  students here and only one of them has taken   it now the other thing is you can do here is you  can view detailed statistics and also you can go   in and grade the essays so to grade the essays  usually this has to be done manually of course   you have a listing of all the students with all  of these responses sometimes students may go more   than once to take the lesson and therefore you  have to grade each one of them as well so in   our case here we want to grade this the easiest  is the right click on each essay and then click   on open link in new tab once you open it in new  tab you will view their response so it says here   my answer and then you have a box here to put  your comments and also you have an option to   grade this if you remember we gave it 15 points  so the highest points it gives you a drop-down   of that number for this specific question so  you give it a score here Save Changes and then   go back to your lesson now after you grade those  you can also email all the students those graded   essay questions and they will get the feedback  that you provided for them so I strongly suggest   you can email individual students directly from  this link next to their item or you can click on   email or essays and it will email it to all of  them and in this case if we go here to reports   if you noticed earlier the score earlier it  was thirty thirty point thirty three because   we had not graded yet the essay question now  notice once we graded the essay question they   have a 50% score and that score was automatically  updated now those grades they trickle down to the   gradebook so if we go here to our test course and  we go to the grades now for this lesson that will   show up also in the gradebook so here it is lesson  1 and that's the grade that the students receive   so that's how lessons work I hope it was clear  enough to potentially make sense of it and try   it and experiment with it but it's a powerful  feature that you can utilize more effectively   for your courses in this video I'll demonstrate  how to configure attendance in noodle or eLearning   in each course you need to create one instance  of the attendance module and the attendance   module is an add-on module to the standard Moodle  installation or the e-learning installation so to   create the attendance module we first need to  turn editing on in the course so we click here   on the gear icon then click on turn editing  on and then typically you put the attendance   somewhere at the very top of the course here we  click on add an activity or a resource and then   we choose the option for attendance then click  on add and you can leave the name the way it is   and for the description you can put a description  if you'd prefer now under the grade area this is   where you would specify whether you're going to  penalize the students who are missing attendance   or not penalizing them so in this case I'm gonna  leave it using points so it's going to use points   and then hundred points then here under the grade  category you could also choose what category you   want to apply the attendance to provided you  have configured the gradebook then scroll down   and then simply click on save and return to the  course so far we just have configured an item   here in the system called attendance however we  have not defined yet as to what weeks and when   the class meets and when to take attendance into  this class so to do that we need to click here   under add session and then we specify the date  when the class starts and date as well so let's   say the class starts on September first now here  you can choose either the drop down here these for   each area so September 1st 2019 or you could have  chosen this calendar option here as well and then   let's say the class starts at 9:00 a.m. you notice  that these times here there'd be the military   time and then let's say that the class ends at  10:00 a.m. in this case and then here under the   description this is what we want to put something  to simply identify each instance for this class   and then under the next option here it says create  calendar event for this session basically that's   going to add it to the student calendar in  e-learning or Moodle here now if we simply   leave it with these options and then come down  here and press add the system is going to create   only one instance for September 1 2019 however you  can also choose here multiple sessions and you can   choose to repeat the configuration that we defined  here above we can repeat it to a particular self   criteria so basically we put a checkmark in here  under repeat this session and we say that the   class for example starts on every Monday or this  class takes place every Monday every Wednesday   and Friday from 9 to 10 o'clock and then you get  the state that you want to repeat this every week   that's provided you of course your class typically  meets weekly or and so basically you'd leave that   there as number one every one week and then  we'd repeat this that say until December 12 2019 and then further down here you can choose to  allow the students to record their own attendance   as well if you prefer if you need help with  this you could simply click on that option   learn more about that function then click on add  and now notice that the sessions have been created   for each time for that sequence of parameters that  we defined earlier so this will be from September   2nd every Monday Wednesday and Friday all the way  till December 12 now if for some reason let's say   it's a Thanksgiving or it's a time that you are  not meeting with your students and such in that   case you can simply go to that particular week  and simply delete that particular instance so   let's say I want to delete this one for 1125 let's  assume that's Thanksgiving here that specific date   your Thanksgiving break we can click here find  a specific date and then simply choose to delete   the session now if for some reason you entered  the wrong dates and all that type of stuff it's   probably easiest and best to simply go to the  main course page delete the activity completely   and then recreate the steps that I simply did so  far now under the attendance here notice also that   you have these additional controls here so you can  see all prior Bast's attendance records although   you can view it by month by week or by specific  days as well if you cannot locate something just   make sure you choose the all option here now one  other thing here is under the standard set this   is where you can specify how you want to mark  the students in the class how do you mark them   and what points you want to assign to them so  for example for them to show up for class they   could get if you can mark them as P for present  or that'll be the definition for it basically and   L for late and that would be one point and then  e will be for excused and a would be for absent   you can change those two to be a different type of  acronym in a different description and different   points as well this comes in handy if you're  grading this activity if you're keeping track   of the attendance and and and then impacting  the students grade that's how you configure   attendance in e-learning or in Moodle next we're  going to learn how to take attendance in a class   in Moodle in this session I'll demonstrate how to  take attendance in e-learning or Moodle the Moodle   learning management system earlier I demonstrated  how to configure the attendance in the course and   if you need help with that please refer to the  previous tutorial on configuring the attendance   now I'm going to demonstrate how to actually take  attendance in class so typically you would go to   the course and then you'll scroll down to and  find the attendance record it's important to   understand that you need only one of those records  on the course page here you don't need to create   one for each week that the class means because  you create that within this attendance record   you click on it and then you find the day that you  want to record the attendance for the students so   let's say we go here under the fourth of October  and you'll find that specific date and then you   click on this blue triangle here which just take  attendance once we click on take attendance here   then simply you can you basically be able to  see a list of students here in your course and   then the easiest would be to simply press P here  for present for all students so you're marking   everybody present then you call everybody's  name in the class and then you mark the ones   that are either not present or excused and such  now here you can also put notes so if I mark this   as excused you could put notes in there see email  from 10:1 so basically these notes these remarks   would be for your own reference and then simply  press save attendance here and now attendance has   been taken for October 4th so if we scroll down  with the record where we have taken attendance   here would be clickable notice the other ones you  couldn't click on them unless you click on the   blue triangle here and you can either click on  the actual record here to open it up and update   something about the attendance in the class or you  could go to this green icon on the right-hand side   of that specific record and you can change the  attendance and update for example somebody who   eventually showed up for class you can go and mark  them as present if necessary and then press Save   Changes now the students of course will be able to  see their own records on their end when they sign   into the system as well as you here being able  to see a report of all the users in this class   so if we go here on the report and this is how  you'll be able to see it click on report you'd   be able to see specifically for each student  when they were present and when they didn't   show up for class notice here that on 10/4 that  I took the attendance here this is how to show   up if everybody is present if somebody is absent  they'll have a score of zero out of two and then   they see the percentage in the very far right  and such so that's how you take attendance in   the course and that's how you update the records  for the attendance in the e-learning system in this brief video will demonstrate how to create  a zoom activity a live web conferencing session   within your course in e-learning or Moodle  now this also assumes that you have already   configured and integrated zoom into Moodle  in our case here at Karen University we have   zoom configured it's available for all courses in  the learning management system so to schedule and   configure a zoom activity we simply need to go to  that particular week or unit in the course then we   click under add an activity or resource and then  simply scroll down and choose zoom meeting then   click on add and then provide a name for this item  I'm going to keep the numbers in sequence there so   I'm going to name it 1.8 live web conference it's  also if you're teaching online it's important that   your state also the time zone and such and then  under the description area you might want to   put the details in there about this particular  activity so here you could state that webcam is   required and also a link for them to test the  system beforehand and this is the valid link   to put in your course and you can also hyperlink  it as well and provide additional directions now   if you want this to show up on the main course  page you simply put a check mark here display   the description in the main course page and that  will be supplemented with those directions now by   default here you technically could simply click  and leave all these other options alone here and   simply click on save and return to the course now  this means that you can start this meeting at any   point and it's not tied to any dates or times  the students will join you based on the title   on the top of your item that you created on the  course if you'd prefer to set a specific date   and time then you need to uncheck this recurring  option and then put the correct date and time and   remember that you cannot test this until half an  hour prior to the scheduled time so make sure that   those dates and times are correct here the other  option here as well is notice that it's going to   enable to join before the host that means that  the students can actually start this meeting   before you are ready to join them and getting and  they're typically the system will also email you   that your students are waiting for you and it  serves as a nice reminder in case you forgot to   join the meeting now once you are set with that  whether you are choosing the recurring option or   the dates here it doesn't matter which one option  you choose and then you press save and return to   the course then in this case the students and you  will start the meeting from here so you'll need to   advise the students that all these meetings will  start from the course and you and the students   will click on it you'll see the details they'll  be able to test the system if necessary and then   you as the owner of this meeting have the option  to start it and the students typically have the   option to join their button here it will be a blue  button it will say join meeting once you press   start meeting it'll prompt you to launch your web  camera and your microphone and you'll be set so   it'll look like this you might need to click on  open zoom meetings and that's in case you didn't   have soom installed in your computer it's gonna  prompt you to install it to download and install   more piece of software and you just install  it just like any other item and your computer   you click on open meeting and then you can choose  here join with computer audio or you can use and   the students as well could join by using a phone  call so in case they have audio issues they can   dial any of these numbers and then put in this  meeting ID and they'll be able to listen to what's   happening in the course using a regular phone if  we wanted to join here using a computer they'll   simply click here join using computer audio and  then you're up and running then you can control   the microphone from here you can start with the  video so make sure you enable to choose to start   with a video from here so you just click on it  once and then under manage participants this   is where you can see who has joined you in your  meeting then when it comes time for you to let's   say you're interacting with the students their  cameras are on and you're interacting with them   and such then if you want to go over the lesson  or something and share something from the course   page you're simply by the way there's toolbar  the notice it disappears at time so you simply   move the mouse to the bottom it'll show up at  this point you can click on share if you want   to share your screen and then you simply click on  share again and then it's going to share whatever   you have on the desktop so whatever at this point  you want to demonstrate to the students on your   PC here or you're on your course they'll be able  to see it from their end now I'm going to go back   and say to the course here and all of this it'll  be projected to their screens keep in mind if you   move the mouse to the very top of the screen here  notice there is also this annotate tool that you   can utilize and you can simply then highlight and  underline things and go over things just like as   if it were a whiteboard or a touch screen on your  computer then move the mouse to the very top and   then those tools will show up again when you're  ready to stop the shirring you can click here   and stop share in the top and that will stop the  screen sharing with your students by the way the   students can share the screens as well so you  can invite them to do their presentation or to   share their screen in a similar way notice  that by default the meeting is going to be   recorded and you can control it from up here  they're recording it's best typically 3-headed   to record and then send and post the link to that  recording the next day once you receive an email   about it in your course for other students that  might have missed this live session keep in mind   also that there is an option here for chat and  this is where you'll see the any students that   have questions they might post the questions  in there and you can respond also to individual   students or to everyone from the same area here  once you're done with the meeting to close it   you simply click here on end and notice it's kind  of hiding behind my screen here but it's in the   bottom right here in the meeting and then it'll  prompt you to enter meeting for all and at this   point after about depending how long your meeting  was of anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour this   time you'll receive an email with a link to the  recording in this session I'll demonstrate how   to link two courses in e-learning and create a  meta course the meta course is when you have two   courses the second course is linked to the first  one and then the students from the second course   they show up on course one and also they show up  in a grade book the benefit for it is the faculty   maintaining only one of the courses instead of  two so here's how it's done you basically go   to the main course that you want to make as a  primary in this case it's TSL 692 or we use the   grad versions typically making them the so we go  to the grad version of the course then we go here   under participants then we go under the gear icon  here and choose enrollment methods then we click   here on add a method and then click on course  method link and then search for the course in   this case the faculty has requested TSL 492 to  be added to e-learning as the secondary course   so you can just simply typed ESL 492 and this  may take a while to come up make sure that it   matches the semester so you have full 18 and  then once you have made sure it's the proper   course and then the proper section as well  in some cases you might have section 0 1 and   section 0 0 and 0 0 needs to be linked with a grad  version of 0 0 and 0 1 may need to be linked to   the 0 1 section of the grad version so just pay  attention to that and then click on add method   and now at this point that's all that you have  to do to link the courses so the students from   the 492 section will have access to the grande  version of it at this point why is the faculty   that they need to post a note on the undergrad  version or on the second course for the students   to use the grad section of the course or the  main course or the meta course in this case you
Channel: Kaceli TechTraining
Views: 205,536
Rating: 4.8332133 out of 5
Keywords: moodle tutorial for teachers, moodle tutorial, using moodle, moodle for beginners, creating a course moodle, online course with moodle, grading assignments moodle, moodle forums, moodle lms tutorial, moodle quiz tutorial, moodle latest version, moodle courses, skaceli, kaceli tutorials, design course moodle, moodle dashboard, getting started with moodle, comprehensive tutorial moodle, learn moodle basics, moodle for teachers, teacher tutorial moodle, moodle, lms moodle
Id: hl74T-31tKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 9sec (10209 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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