UPDATED Layer 2 Floor 1 Guide | Deepwoken

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updated layer 2 floor 1 Chaser kill guide let's just get straight into the shield we got it what's good with y'all you already know what we're doing so you spawn it facing that way immediately turn around and run this way if you went down with light hook you got a little bit of a time limit 20 minute time limit before it pulls you out and if you win here just normally then you don't have a time limit so you can really just take your time and be safe with it so if you like wiped by jumping in the void or some [ __ ] like that or you had the 15 drowns then you don't have to have a time of it but you were to come around here and get this key right here that I just picked up you press e on it and you can either come around this way and just Dash over or you can walk around the other way I do have four uh 65 agility and Jet Striker but the path I'm gonna take you can only have zero agility and still do it it's gonna go a little slower so this is my PV build and like I said you can still do this with a normal build it's gonna take a little bit more skill press e on this door and we're just gonna keep following the way I go yeah with the light hook this allows you to not if you die with the light hook you'll get sent back up and you will not get wiped but if you die without a light hook you will just straight get wiped so walk straight through here and then after you see it has 19 minutes left so you start with a base 20 minutes every time you use it it goes down to however long was left before you used it so let's say you use it at 10 minutes it's gonna be 10 minutes you go back down again unless you wait another 10 minutes put the charge back up so you come straight through this gate you're gonna jump right onto here right onto there and just climb up this on the gliders if you want they're kind of buggy a lot I usually just climb it up right there and be careful for the wind if you hit if you face the wind you want to face I'm getting push back like this so you go forward go opposite of the way getting pushed back and stare at the winds you do not want to get knocked over by the wins and if you do want to take your time a little bit you know you have the light hook cooldown you do want to take your time and not really rush it or you'll make mistakes go straight through and go up here it's gonna be your first little boss battle if you want to call it that your first little encounter but yeah if you have beesboro the fresher thing you can go under there by natural eye make sure you're watching this video and then if you have yoru obviously you can yuru you'll be able to go through that if you want to save time you can jump okay that's why you don't want to do it I'll just saw if I jumped and the wind got me that would have been bad but yeah the wind is the worst part I'm gonna cut out a lot of the Wind Parts just because it's unnecessarily long spikes fall so be careful holy [ __ ] almost wipes and then as you run along this a boss will spawn so be careful you'll spawn like this and he has two attacks he has that and then he jumps and then he has to move where he goes like that he has like five attacks I lied so he does that and then you just dodge then that you have to dodge you cannot pay that and then you can Parry that or you can dodge it and just get out of the way again Parry that and then move out the way he's pretty easy Once you learn his attack pattern just like every boss in the game when you hear that violin Dodge you can dodge as soon as you hear it and you're chilling and then if he jumps Lily just dodge out the way and then if you hit him you won't be a hit or you can just move out of the way like that and there's another one where he throws his spear this is kind of wonky to Parry so honestly I just let it hit me a lot of times it's really hard to Parry he has another where he Stomps the ground and spikes come up at you when he Stomps the ground you just have to jump over the spikes and you're chewing so take a right here watch that Gap you're gonna come right to this spot and then dash at the top so climb climb up all the way and then dash at the top Dash straight up restart that generator and then come over here I'm gonna go right down to where we started and if you notice my fog is less intense than yours most likely because I've already done layer one and Layer Two so I'll show you how to get the talent to make it so the fog is less dense because you have to get the talent anyway to like do chaser because if you didn't know this is the Chaser path not the Deep Delver ignition Union drill path we're going all the way through we're killing the dude just come down here like we came we're gonna take a right up this so you'll see that little ignition hook right there and we'll skip past that we'll just go straight up I'm not gonna be focusing on any of the talents this video because I just want to get us through obviously I'll get the fog clear talent because you have to but let's go down here and take a left ignore those and take a right and then take a hard left and the wind might blow you just keep going this way and go up there will be a Bounder down here but you should be able to run 30 to the caverns so as you continue up here you'll just fight this win and watch out for these things behind you if you want you can just swing and it should wrap around and hit them she over to this drill once you see this drill you'll literally just fall straight down it will be a little Bounder at the bottom yeah watch out for these dudes they're annoying as [ __ ] so obviously I got pushed right there that's what happens you don't get it off yeah yeah let's go straight into here there will be a Bounder behind so you don't want that dude to hit you go straight in here let's go straight watch out these will fall on you don't want to get hit by that it'll be a little diver right there but I'll skip over that for this video and then if you have not got this is how you get the spear if you have not got the spear fall down here I'm gonna go up here you're gonna go left left left over the little parasite Cave thing go right and then go left down the steps now when you come down the steps there will be a little spear that you want to press e on and some little carbuncles will fall down skip over those dudes and just climb all the way back up this is really buggy a lot of times so be careful you might get flung we're gonna go shut up these steps and so if you've already done that you can only have to do that once after you do that once you never have to go back down there again you just go straight through and so I'll show you the path to go straight through if you want to come right through here go here again do not jump on these parasites so they'll get in your body you don't want that go left and then take a right and then a left and go straight it's gonna be a car or a Bounder right here but it doesn't matter you can just roll scoop over them like that take a left wrap around you can't get you to the while you're chilling you go straight up then we're gonna take a right right here another right just wrap around this will destroy so be careful just run straight through I'm gonna go straight through don't go left now go left so skip that and then go through here with the meshes I'm going to take a left right here it'll be a Bounder or a bone King then we're gonna go through that and go straight up now once we get right here we're gonna turn around go over here there will be some divers over there we don't have to worry about them or they'll be over there they glitch a lot you'll come through here press e on that open the door and then while you're here press the on that Lantern and clear your parasites so now we're here at like the end of the fur fire Cliffs we're gonna go up here this is how you get the talent to let you see this is etheron's gaze this lets you see through the fog easier and like I said I have 65 of Jody and Jet Striker so it's easy for me to get around but you can definitely do this with zero agility I've done it before it's just a little bit slower so you come up to this dude press e to talk to him he has a craziest name and you'll get a talent right here that says ether one's gays and now your screen should look like mine with the fog away I'm gonna come back to where we came so we see the entire run we just go places and go straight back we're gonna jump right down here and then just for example I'll show you what you get when you kill these divers because you're gonna be beating Chaser anyway so you're gonna get the rewards I believe in y'all we're not taking the drill we're better than that unless you're like a power six then you might want to take the thrill but all right so just kill them you only have to kill one for the chest to appear but I'm just gonna kill two because why not so yeah you get a chest that spawns you get a chest when you kill almost anything down here some mid loot there's some opportunities for some good ass loot so you're gonna come across here to this blue cube we're just gonna keep going forward do not talk to this dude right here and now this is kind of the scariest part if you will there's gonna be a bunch of bounders here so just follow me just stay to this right wall and then we're gonna just book it through here this is our little call thing so you just gotta book it through just keep dodging just keep dodging you should be good you see him about to jump on you just roll and you're chilling like I said it's easy as hell it's just you try to fight them you might get killed if you're not on a PVE build but this watch out for this this is the FPS killer right here this [ __ ] destroys your FPS all these rocks fall as you're running across them and the screen rumbles I don't know why it does that so like I said as you cross over them shits they will fall he's just throwing this at me so I'm gonna get that over with so I don't get knocked off but yeah damn hold up chill out I don't know why he's up here with me and then you jump up here be careful that's a little buggy don't worry about those divers and yeah you just gotta be this is the hardest part Chaser is nothing compared to this part dude because this [ __ ] like watch out for that dude throwing the bone go through here to the safer route and you jump down right here just keep following these little poles I don't even know what this [ __ ] is I don't know why they implemented this I feel like it's just not needed she's gonna take a little left when you get up here jump onto this Little Rock jump up and get up here so you get in here go like this to the wall because there's gonna be [ __ ] okay uh I didn't expect to go that high so you go like that on the wall so you don't get hit by those rocks press e on this and look straight up and hold W easiest way to get up here I used to not know how to get up here and I get stuck a lot but yeah just look straight up and hold W and so I only have a little bit more of this dumbass path be careful it does make you fall like they go away after a little bit there will be a bump keeper up here but you should be chilling so just find the best path that works for you because a lot of this [ __ ] bugs a lot then just climb up here then if you have words or spy I recommend using that before you start the Chaser fight but here we are we made it to Chaser this is the final boss fight just so y'all can hear the audio cues because there is some Chaser audio cues that you need to be able to hear so you know what's a Dodge so you just talk to him and then you just swing it'll hit you back this is when the boss fight begins so he laughs and there's the jars you see the jar things it's literally just the Ender Dragon you want to destroy these jars or he'll heal up so old Chaser you didn't have to like you just had to destroy the jars and then he'd like you basically kill him but now you have to destroy the jars and then he'll come down you have to do damage now as you see when you hit that little violin you win a Dodge violin always means Dodge it comes down you just want to go in and do damage you used to not have to do damage to him to win but now you actually have to kill him he scales with HP with the more players you have too so if you're solo he scales down his HP but I'm gonna try to cover all this moves so he has a three tap move like that and then he has a move where he rumbles the sky if you want you can just come to the side and hold F and you should be chilling this one does like the most damage to be honest then he has that little violin move where you just dodge then again he spams his Rumble but his Rumble gets taken away in phase two so you'll know when it's in phase two but yeah if you have ghosts you can just roll that if you want I usually just roll everything and then carry it later because it's just easiest for me but you want to try and stay the most HP possible especially for his end phase because his end phase is annoying as hell and of course he has that you can Parry it or Dodge that if you want and then if you have my blood list you do get healed off bloodless he used to make it so you didn't get healed which was kind of BS but now you can get healed just make sure you use your reinforce a bunch and just get rid of these little Jaws because this [ __ ] does heal them it's literally just think of it at like an off-brand Ender Dragon I'd say almost like more boring as a dragon the hardest part is really just differentiating the uh little violin Dodge [ __ ] between the triple stack stuff you know what I mean and that is a little Annoying I guess it doesn't do that much damage you just Parry it you can eat a lot of hits from Chaser to be honest it's just you gotta make sure you don't eat too much you get too greedy with him yeah come in here just do some damage and then do not get stressed out the more it's like nervous you get the more you'll like mess up and start uh like not rolling its attacks and [ __ ] like that so just don't go too fast there's no time limit you're chilling unless you really think you're gonna die and you need to light hook out but you shouldn't need a light hook out because what's the point of doing chaser I'm trying to shape Layer Two if you're gonna die you shouldn't rely on the light hook you should know you're gonna win see if you're like oh [ __ ] I need to beat it before the light hook goes out you're scared you're gonna die you don't need to do it you gotta know you can actually accomplish this [ __ ] you cannot have that shot in the back of your brain like damn what if I do die what if I do need to lose my light hook just have some confidence don't get nervous and you should be chilling like he spams when I say he spams this little Spike stuff he spams it bro and it's the most annoying move because he does the most damage again roll that [ __ ] he'll come down well he should come down sometimes he just decides to knock him down for a couple more Cycles even though you destroy all the jars like he's doing right now so yeah you can proc spine cutter on him you can crit him all that good [ __ ] she'll be getting in Phase too soon and then if you get brachial spear you could actually use breakout Square to destroy these jars so let's say there's one up there I can actually put me away from the reload okay he's using this again you can actually use brachial spear to throw your spear up there and destroy a jump okay I missed but y'all got the point y'all got the point and I will say if you have a legendary Bell like kamui or TP them shits don't work in here let me just keep it real I don't know why they don't work but it just says it rejects your uh resonance so if you're planning on like using a movie if you get low that's just not going to where he's gonna fling you okay one more then he should be an end phase I hope this fight is really kind of drawn out and boring I'm gonna keep it real I don't really enjoy this fight I mean etheron's not too much better but at least it's like higher Stakes you know what I'm saying because that's like the final boss to be broken right now but yeah he's just off-branding the dragon might work he's low a little scared dude some reason he has like six bells I don't know the lore behind that but that was a little demon all right so this is second phase you'll see because the whole thing calls down you can no longer use the spikes and of course triple jump this okay I got hit at the end that's tough but yeah spikes come down and now we're in second phase we cannot use the spikes anymore so it's basically free from now on mainly thing you just gotta like worry about is that little TV right there and I still see he won't fully fall down to the ground he'll just lower like this I mean it's the same thing you just get your damage in it'll knock you back it's not really a difference and if you're really well you can just step on these pillars or the big ones over there and you completely avoid the three little things coming down and now he won't do any more jars you'll just have to defend off so you just basically sit here and when he turns red that's rage mode so we'll start doing like a bunch of attacks so you see he'll just go faster with his attacks it's like the same [ __ ] it's just a little faster and if you see the little damn I get lucky if you see a little your connection is waning don't worry about that you're chilling you got this [ __ ] I mean if you really are low light hook out and try it again yeah if you want just stand on these you can't get hit by the little ground attack like I said yeah when it gets in red mode that's his berserk mode and he just starts going fast and that's all it is it's nothing too special so this is the entire fight just dodging these four moves this cycle of four moves it's a really fun fight I love this fight so damn much I'm so glad they put a lot of effort into this chasing boss battle but yeah the reason the whole reason I made this updated is literally just because of the Chaser fight they changed the whole thing up and I think it's pretty crucial what they changed so if everybody's watching the old one and they have they don't know like because in that video I said you don't have the damage Chaser so dudes will like sit there forever just destroying his Jaws not damaging him and they just won't Escape so I was like holy [ __ ] I gotta make a new one or dudes are just gonna keep dying yeah just stay calm like that don't do that I can eat these I'm not really like too worried right now but I felt like a normal PVP build I'd be locked in but I'm just chilling making this tutorial I probably should lock in to set a good example but who cares yo y'all get the gist of it I believe in y'all but if you do this like four it's like four cycles for this [ __ ] it's kind of boring but it's in phase is really annoying you'll see about his in Phase when he gets to it when he does that little arm swipe he's trying to do like the spikes above but he can't do it because he's the on the floor that's basically just him bugging you don't have to worry about that it's just a free little cycle like that but yeah if you do your Stormbreaker you can use your crit on him and he'll like get a free double hit and proc on him they used to do a thing with spawn bound us I don't know if it still does anymore but if you have like a lot of people spawn a bunch of boundaries in this room it's annoying to deal with yeah just three shot and if you have a shield you can just use that shield and it'll just help you out or if you have ghosts you can just do that and it'll take the whole thing away yeah this is really like the hardest part it's just the berserk mode and not getting overwhelmed because when you make like one mistake you'll probably start making a couple more which is like the only bad part but as long as you have like bloodless and you're spitting on them you have reinforce you're chilling but if you don't have any blood blisters make sure you're getting your spits in all right this is the funnel phase you just want to run around time your Dodges if you can and don't go down here like I did so if you just dodge and go ghost you'll avoid some of the hits but yeah if you stay out here you'll just keep taking damage you can't block against the Buster broken but if you really want to just try to like Dodge like this you know the Proctor goes if you go in here you can't try to Parry but it's difficult and you'll get Block broken if you don't so this is really the hardest part A lot of people die here because obviously they're just getting hit and they can't do anything about it but if you go down there that is to go to floor two if you go over there that is your light hook of course you saw that we beat it with one minute to spiritually cleared for one in 19 minutes this is the loot pretty ass to be honest you could have definitely got better but there you go beat your first floor one you're escaping today you're living to see another day or you're feeling no ballsy you're gonna go to the floor too your choice to be honest I'm carrying too much I'm too fat that's tough you might get some uh enchant Stones [ __ ] like that but overall loot's kind of mid or it's not mainly thing you want to get is the iron singer heavy plate these can go up to like what 30 HP and if they're drowned some crazy ass stats so this did help you drop a light drop a sub and I'll do a floor two gun maybe let me know if y'all want to force through God and now of course when you walk in there you just spawn over here talk to Claris you give you some [ __ ] dialogue we all hate players nobody likes that and we're chilling
Channel: Dizzle
Views: 192,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, deepwoken layer 2, deepwoken guide, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken hell mode, deepwoken progression, deepwoken guide for beginners, deepwoken layer 2 guide, deepwoken layer 2 leaks, roblox, rouge lineage, deepwoken lore, agamatsu, nanoprodigy, supaa, arch mage deepwoken, ragoozer deepwoken, dead game, deepwoken pvp guide, deewpoken new boss, deepwoken new update, deepwoken new mantra, deepwoken no attunement build, deepwoken no attunement solo progression
Id: 52eLYiQF2FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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