How To EASILY Learn Layer 2 Floor 1 (SOLO) | DEEPWOKEN

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Yo wsg, boys. I'm back with another tutorial video. We're going to talk about how to a solo layer one, especially if you're new. I'm going to be showing the pathway that I learned not too long ago. Actually, I started playing PEAKWOKEN like really a month ago. But it's it's a little unfair, though, because I played Elden Peak and SekiPeak beforehand, like a year ago. So, yeah, let's get into it. So obviously you got to come to the Castle of Light. That's the stop number one. It's this area. If you didn't know there's another Castle apps, it's kind of hidden in the back corner. So it's really difficult to see. But yeah, layer one is actually extremely easy. It's extremely easy. It really took me like two tries to learn it. Well, not the navigation, but how to beat all the enemy. Israel. It's not easy. And you have a light hook, which means you really can't die. So the first thing you want to do is you want to come all the way to this NPC right here called Claris. You can come here when you're level 15. That's it. You have to be above 15 or power 15. You can't be below. And what you're going to do is you're going to obviously click on her stem one, you know, and her dialog is irrelevant and she's come down. It's going to obviously take you in and just give it a second. Make sure you check your ping two as thing is important. You got to make sure that that you're getting the most fair, uh, latency, I guess, whatever you can get to make sure. I got Virginia. That's great. For me. It's the Sarah Brown turnaround around. Look like when you spawn and just take a look around, see how there's a branch out here. Do not go that direction. Go this direction with no branch. I'm not going to be using any mobility abilities either. Take a left and just come up here. I'm not going to be using mobility, so you all can all do this like probably zero agility and zero movement matches. You know, I have Dash. I'm probably not going to be using it, so don't worry. So in this in this high, there's actually two mobs that are useless to kill unless you need XP. But I would recommend avoiding them. And then you just jump around the corner like that and then obviously just keep going. Look, now, look right here. This is the exact place you spawn. So if you look, see how there's branches, you basically just went in a full circle and boom, you come around and here we are. There's the first gate at the only gate actually. So doing on layer one. So put the key in where I usually like to come up to the top to save as much time, because obviously if you're new, you want to save as much time in your life as possible. I sort of 90 minutes left, so I'm making good time for no journey and face the Wind. A great indicator of if you're facing the wind or not is if you. Well, there's no one here right now. I'll show you. Look, if you look from above, you can see how my arm is is perpendicular to the wind. See how my arm is like, really like in front of my characters. It makes like a plus sign with the wind. Here you go. And then look here. You're going to see like this, this whole path. You can just skip that. It's completely useless. You can just jump across to save yourself like 30 seconds of wind and all that extra B.S. Climb the ladder, and now you're here. Also, the reason why it's a lot more clear is because you get this card called the Bronze Gaze, which removes all the fog and mist and shit. So don't worry about that. And if I were you guys, I would take a left. So. Looks. Yeah. There's three paths I'm taking The left go up this middle path. All right. Once you're up the middle path, you're going to see this yellow gateway. I usually don't do this because I can get them done quicker, But there's a lantern right here, and you press e to interact and it gets rid of your parasites. You get parasites in layer one from earlier. It's you. I mean, my body from just getting hit by wind attacks. I'm pretty sure this No might not not positive though. And then look, once you get your letter and come back outside to where you came from and then go to the far this right path, which is the one I'm on right now. So, look, if I look back, that's the path that this came from. I went around up here and over here there's two options. I'll show you guys in a second once this one goes away so you can go through. But look, there's spikes on the ceiling. They'll come down and there's a parasite pit, so it's risky. Or you could go this route and just climb up here and just skip that entire part, which is what I like to do. And then here's where you get to the first mini bar. So be careful. It's called The Bone Keeper. It's got like, let's say, like two main moves and then like a few sudden moves that you don't really got to worry about too much. I'll show you guys how I do it, though. I usually like to keep my distance. That way you can. Especially when I was starting to heal. Jump down on one one of the sides and look from your thighs. So I just dash. It's a long range ability. Sometimes you're just close range. There's this kick and then look watch like how easy it is to hold this role in Dodge again. I took a bit of damage. Who cares? Whatever other showcases moves, you can just back up for that. You're you have to dodge those of your you have to dodge boom dodge back in them again. And then like, see, I just I don't know why this is happening, but boom, Dodge threw it, rolled back, hit him twice. Whatever. I don't know. I can't, you know, I really like you. Even like. Like as long as you just take your time, you'll. You take minimal damage, and then, like, look how long he's done for two and that's that. Then once you do that, this is where you came from. This place I got my mouth on. You're going to come into this area. We'll just walk by this NPC. Let's take a right and then come up these stairs and you can see it this ledge. If you don't have enough agility, you could try climbing up here, which I can't because I've got a very heavy focused health slash damage bill. So I've got like no delays climb up that way, turn on the generator. But be careful though, because look, when you turn it on, a big bounder comes out. So just don't worry about him. Just jump down here. You won't even get boot for killing him, so just ignore him. Come back across the bridge for the sake of this video. You guys know how to go straight. So I'm going to Dashboard Boom. Now we're on the same path we came up on and hold on. We got away from this wind when a super annoying. But look, see how I've got these two parasites on my arm? We got to go back to Atlanta and to clear them. Each parasite is about a minute and you can have a maximum of five on you before you die. So when you get to five, you've got like about 60 seconds before they kill you. But as long as you have your left hook, you'll be fine. And the left hook regenerates in order to. So basically, the way the light works is you've got 20 minutes and every minute you spend down in there, too, if you die, you've got to spend the same amount of time in the overworld regenerating your left hook. So, for example, if I'm down here for 11 minutes and I die, I got to spend 9 minutes in the overall to get back what I lost or 11 minutes in the over of whatever it's like. If I spend 10 minutes down here, I got to spend 10 minutes about to regenerate it before I get my whole 20 minutes back. If I spend 20 minutes down here, I got to spend 20 minutes up there to get it back. You want to kill these guys? Obviously. Whatever. Come around here, you're going to have three NPCs here. So like, look, three. What I like to do is I just use an ability. It's makes it a whole lot simpler. Let's try to whack them as much as you can. The just be careful when you have all three on you at the same time and that's your first chest. If you go this route. A There's a whole bunch of rules that you shouldn't do that until you learn it entirely garbage. So also any chess down here is the chance of dropping all the second tier legendaries like the Grand Souter, to risk base final total rail blade, all that. You can't. I don't know if you can get a crypt down here. I don't think you can. I don't know about a curve blade either. I think you can get a curve blade, but I think that's, like, extremely rare. I mean, it's the rarest of them all to get down in there to, like, I've probably killed at there on and or crapped on it. I've never got it. Currently yet. And then once you get to this area you're going to see this tree. You can use it to reduce fall damage once you wait for this wind, otherwise you're going get blown down. So like you just jump down to this ledge, jump down to the tree and then boom, no damage. Come here. All right. And this work gets tricky. So this is the cave. It's super blinding. So the first NPC is going to be right around this left corner. So just. And there's spikes in the ceiling, too, So watch out like that. So I just dodged. Okay, he's not there, so I'm assuming he moved. All right. He's right here. Same thing. Just take him out. Whatever. Super easy. Grip him and then you get your second chest. Boom. Just like that. See? All right. Oh, all right. So then, once you get to this corner where you have a fence here and a lowered floor, just know this. The lower floor leads to the basement. So this area where my message goes to the basement, this goes to the second floor. And if you've never gone to layer two before and don't have that bronze gaze, this is the first step. You must go to the basement. So like, you go over here, stand right here, the floor is going to fall just 180 and look as a whole dash through it. Now, once you're here, take a left, go through this corridor, and then like you're going to see this, take another left towards this little chunk. And then here's a good sign. There's a parasite pit right here. That means you're on the right track. Just jump across. It's like that. You're going to see this fence go to the right side of the fence. Obviously, the left side is just a corner, so you can't go that way anyway. Then look, there's a bunch of spikes up here, so just be careful of those and you're at the staircase. This is this is like the easiest part. You walk down the staircase and then look. See this spear down here? That's what you need for other runs, guys. So you're going to come down. Three mobs are going to spawn them. So just be careful. Just deal with them however you want. The smack them. Obviously this one down. When you get all three units, it's really hard to pick them all at the same time. There's your third chest, so it's checked trash. All right, look. So you inspect it. It says you pull a forgotten sphere from the dirt. Boom, you got the spear. So now you got to climb all the way back up. And look, just so you know, watch this before it looks. Your head gets stuck right here. You can't jump up. It's like a weird glitch stick a weird, invisible block. So just come up on the right side. So when you're coming up, just come up here. It's way easier because those three mobs, you don't have to kill them. You can just run up real quick, come back the way you started. Back up the stairs, take a right again. You're an inverse of what we just did, just doing the exact opposite. We're back at the parasite pitch. Boom across it. You can touch the parasite before like 2 seconds. Don't really matter. You come. So look, this is where we came from, right? See, But we can't go back up through the ceiling. So now that you're here, back where we came from, go to the left. Go to where this fence is. Just come this way. Take a left. And then when you see these roots on the floor, you know you're on the right path. And look, we still got 10 minutes left. And look, once you get past this guy, run past him, and then just take a hard luck. So this go around. So that's where we came from. Just go around and once we get here, we climb back up and now we're onto the main floor again. We're back to where we started. You know how we drop down that floor? Well, now we're back on to the same model. So once we're here, take another right, take another right, and then look hug the right wall, because, look, I'll show you guys if I stand right here. Look, see, it falls. So make sure you're hugging the right side right where I'm standing and just jump across. And now that we're here, we're back to where we started. Like, I'll show you guys. Remember how I said earlier, this is the basement. This is the second floor. Now, go through this. Now go to the second floor. Once you get the spear. This way, skip this bone keeper. Don't have to worry about him. He does drop. He's pretty easy to kill. So if you are strong enough, I recommend trying it. And then look, once you've made it up here, you climb up the parasite pit. There's a parasite put down there. And so you guys real quick see parasites climb up and then look just 180. That's all you got to do. And then just jump across and this is where your next chest is going to be. I've just absolute three. Like I'm not even using I won't even use abilities on them just to demonstrate is going to way for you guys. You're going to smack them over and over again from both that finish them. You'll have to finish one, but I'd recommend finishing both. So when you come back here, it doesn't stand up and try to attack you and look boom, chest right here. Also, knock it. So look, you came from here. You come to this, the guys are right here. Go take a right. And then once you take a right, take a left and then take another right and then boom, you've got the button right here. And look. See this door? When you press on the button, the door opens. That's that's basically a checkpoint. You come around, take a left, and then behind the door, you've got another lantern to clear your parasite. See, I've got two of my leg lost when I press e they just both come off disintegrate. We're going to keep coming. Climb up this, keep climbing, keep climbing, boom, climb up. And when you look around, you see the NPC Come this way. You do not have to talk to this NPC. You don't have to talk to any of these ambushes except for one specific one which we'll give you after unscathed, which is required to get to chaser. So look, boom, this guy talk to him. He's going to say you have done is a great service fringe walker. I hereby name you big cheese Swallow Hill Fiddlesticks a moment you leave it and boom, he just like names you some random thing. Whatever. So now you head back the exact same way you came past MVC. I like to come this way. Jump onto the tree, jump back down, and then boom, No fall damage. And then we're back at the gate with the lantern. So we keep coming. It's backtrack all the way back to the parasite. And right when we're right here, parasite pit, jump back across and we come straight. And now, once you're here, do not talk to this guy. This guy will push you in and you will probably die. So do exactly what I do. This is the best. No agility way you can beat this part. I won't even use my disability. You just jump across to the second one. Then when you get to the third one, it's going to trigger the event. So hurry. See? See all these bouncers, They do hella damage. Just avoid them. Watch dodge right when you jump so you dodge and then just keep running, keep running, keep running and then climb up this part to the left of this part to the left. Matt Easy, Matt. Easy, guys, Come on. You got this. If I can do it, y'all can do it. Boom! Up, up the wall. Come around. You can see this is the harder path where they all fall. Come this way I jump across and because once again and then boom across. Now we're good. Come across this. There's spikes in the ceiling. Be careful. Jump across another bone keeper. See it Just run past and watch Boom run fast. He doesn't drop move Killing that guy does not drop. So don't worry about it. And then boom, Now we're here. Two ladders. Take this one. Take whichever one you want. It doesn't matter. I prefer left. I take another left. And then you got another bone keeper. This guy actually does drop a chest. So just kill him if you want. But do it. Do is you risk? Because if you're following my guy, I got 6 minutes left. So now once you get here, we're basically a chaser. You climb up of across, come to this thing in the wall. At least how I do it. You can also obtain the union hook card, which I'll cover in another video later about how to escape layer one without our layer two without fighting chaser. And then like you can up just jump across to this tower. Well, this is this isn't necessarily the quickest route. It's probably way faster outs, but this is how I do it or how I used to do it. And now, look, we're at Chaser, so talk to him. So get into the dialog where you can't press and then hit him once and then press parry and then hit him again. Watch. Then, boom. Now the fight started. He's got like he his moves. You can dodge all that. Like, look, dodge boom. Already already. Tell him I'm coming out. I won't even use movement on this fight either. I just use my foot and that's it. Boom! Smash that one, smash this one, and then come round the back where I like. Sometimes I wait for his move. I recommend you guys wait for his move. And then look, now that he doesn't move, you can quickly climb up and not worry about. Yeah. Boom. So you just. The last one of shoots are along side by side, all right? And I look now just use your abilities on him. I used to do this on my life's final tool build. It would take me, like, 20 cycles. So if I can do it, guys, you guys can do it. Trust me, I never, never, never Once I beat Chaser like I learned. You learn every boss in this game so loaded it's going to take you some some good to get them out of your eyes and you can mess up a little bit. Try not to mess up too much. And if you have chain imperfection like I do, you can stack your move. So really not getting hit to make it go away quicker. So boom, it's going to be smacking. And also you could spit on him. Look, if I spit on him, look at my health bar. It just went up. I got a little bit of help from that. Now, already into the second phase, the roof is going to fall and now spikes no longer fall from the ceiling. Dodge, You can dodge every move, I swear. So for the three ways, you only have to dodge for that one, you just walk past it. Boom, Dodge Perry. Chillin, Dodge, dodge, Perry. Boom. Just like that. It's about three jars. I think it's three jars every time to defeat him. And boom, you get hit back. Whatever you can dodge, that doesn't affect your chance. So don't worry about getting hit by that dodge roll. Perry It's like I said, you can dodge that one. And then you got a pair of the other ones. See, look, Perry, the last two Dodge the first in a period of last year, and then just dodge every move. And any movement you see the Dodge, just rescue your finger and keep this whole fight. So easy. Like Duke is like probably five times harder than this guy. Like, when I was running, Duke did so much harder than this. And the spending stamina, you can spit on him again if you need. They speed. Oh, he's already dead. For me, for this part, I usually just if I've got the HP, I'll just take the don't get hit by those three. I was just goofing around. I see you standing on these tall spikes in this tank. The damage like it does nothing to me. 76, 75. It like you just stand on this. He only has two moves. Aside from his smashes down. Boom, boom, boom. And just like that, that's for one. It's so easy. I see what we got. See, We packing. We didn't get anything good, unfortunately. Take those gems, sell them. Maybe I'll take the three star cars leave. I'll take it. Whatever. Check for any good, you know. And then here, this hole on the floor. That means you're going to layer to floor two. So I wouldn't do that unless you're confident and beating at the wrong. And then this is just another like hook. So if you're like, hook runs out, you can use that one the game gives you. And if you use that hook, you get all 20 of your minutes back. So it's actually super rewarding. But anyways, that was pretty quick. Short, nice. A little video I hope you all can follow if you guys have any questions, even in the comments and you're watching. And that's all too. And I'll make a video for you guys on how to escape without being chased. I used to do that when I was a new Isaiah.
Channel: gzkbn
Views: 14,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Updated, Roblox, 2024, Deepwoken, Layer 2, Floor 1, Floor 2, Chaser, Ethiron, Ethirons Gaze, Floor 1 Guide
Id: Ezg6aCYz9bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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