Simplified Layer 2 Floor 1 Tutorial | Deepwoken

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all right let's go with y'all saw some of y'all struggling to try and beat layer two four one so I said you know what I'll make a video for y'all so I got you right here whole entire Layer Two floor one tutorial right here everything next you're gonna be making is the candle tutorial for the Gale wax so peep that when it comes out and yeah let's just get straight into it entire layer two four one let's get it all right just in case y'all don't know come over here you say I'm ready you step on the dialogue and hit a little hit a little dance form show her a show all right when you load in you're gonna see this at light hook 20 minutes left all that light Hook is if you get if you die within the 20 minutes you're gonna get safely set up Nothing's Gonna Change but if you die after that 20 minutes you're done and if you want to escape you just click it hold it out and click it again and you escape she respondents facing this way turn around and just run this way bust a quick left come up here and then jump over this area come over to This Little Light right here pick it up and if you have Dash you can just do that but if you don't Dash just come back the way you came and come through that middle path come over to this area to this door and you come up to the door press e on it it's gonna open up you gotta wait for that also keep in mind this is a Hell mode build so I am gonna do a lot of damage to monsters in like one shot not one shot but do a lot more damage than y'all probably do if you're on like a normal build just keep that in mind we're gonna go straight out here this wind then you definitely be careful of so way to be to win see which way it's pushing you back and once you find out which way it's pushing you back just hold W towards that and you can hold another Direction like go with it just hold W and face the win or else you'll get knocked back and fly into the board or something just follow the way I'm going through here and then go straight up this of this ladder glitchy ass ladder this part is kind of tricky just because of the wind so make sure you already go through your win it's like a little cooldown on how like how much wind you can get like a certain amount of time so like rock the win first and then make your jump over slide all the way down here we're gonna go straight take the straight route and then up here we're gonna face our first monster that we have to kill which uh I will admit it's a little difficult just if this is like your first time make sure to go right here go to the corner and climb up so you don't get hit by these traps and don't go in that snow and then this snow that's on me this actually isn't snow with parasites and so we'll get into that after we fight this boss no this [ __ ] is not snow lots of someone right here and then you just want to get to killing it without your sacred field if you have it he has a charge attack a bone throw attack and then a bone spring attack it's a bone spring and he has that dodgeball attack gives you that little audio cue that you roll another one you can Parry it you just have to have a high posture now you can you can carry all of them and roll the second one you can Parry that uh shoulder bash or you can roll it up to you but after you kill this keep going straight through here you don't need to talk to them unless you really want to I'd recommend knocks you don't want to waste time take a right come up here get right here and then just climb up you do want probably put away your weapon and then dash at the top it'll give you a little higher generator impressive unit press one twice turn that [ __ ] on right over here drop back down straight through here remember here be careful thanks for falling you but yeah going over that snow again the next spot we're going to is the lanterns to get rid of these parasites because this is not snow we have about five minutes in Layer Two before the parasites kill you it's around five minutes I don't know if it's exactly that but I'd recommend not risking it so this these parasites they will kill you eventually and like every time this wind's happening you're getting them on you every time you get hit by a monster you're getting them on you it just accelerates it so you come in here press e get all that [ __ ] off you just to recap we went through that middle pass we came up killed to here come in here pressing on it see the pairs I thought you come through here and I'm gonna go straight out to this path slide all the way down there's going to be divers on our left so we're just gonna go here plus to right so you take a quick left through here and then go straight forward up this now here you want to be careful the wind's going to be slowing you down and there's going to be divers and carbuncle chasing you I got lucky this time once you get here take a left and you're just going to go straight down oh [ __ ] okay don't let that happen it's not really a big dildo straight down this generate area there will be a Bounder so be careful if you get it off you can feel straight on the generator should be fine we're saving these tunnels and take a right you know once you're in these tunnels you're gonna take another right be careful the spikes are gonna fall hug the wall take another right in this pit bull you want to fall down this this is what you have to go down you're gonna go straight to this little room right here to come to this left middle area this little snow pit if you will jump over take a right take a left take another left and go down the steps and now you're going to want to jump straight down in here pressing on the sphere press one and get out it looks pretty quick so you don't get hit hey we're literally just gonna go back up the stairs this area is really glitchy for some reason but just get around it come back up the stairs take a right straight out come back to the pit get over it we're gonna take a left take a right next to this gate take a left and go straight down here there's gonna be spikes and the Bounder there so be careful roll the spikes pick up pick up left right when you get to the end of it be careful that bound you just hit us hold on straight up and Travis Scott said and then turn around and go this way take a right to this blue cube another right this is a pitfall so be careful just get across it fast I take a left get to this and turn left and once you see that gate go down take a left Dodge that keep going straight and climb straight up so let's see that pig go straight up reverse jump over you'll see these divers over here you can't kill them if you want but if this is your first time I'd recommend not killing them because you kind of got to be going fast now the thing is if you kill these they drop a chest and from that chest you can get the real blade and that ax that everybody wants see if you really want to get this okay kind of mid Loop probably you're gonna after that you take a right go straight to this blue cube and then on your right there'll be a button press the button door will open Lancer and behind the door so your parasites gonna go straight out take a left climb up here I'm onto this first little snow thing go up to the second up to the third and you're in the city now in the city just want to book it straight forward take a left through on this take a right forward get up to this NPC right here it'll give you a card that'll let you see and after that we're just going to go backwards to the left we're gonna go straight to where we came from up straight down here here's where the gate where the gate that we were at with the lantern I'm just gonna go straight left right left hop over the pit straight then straight to this Blue Area don't talk to that guy now here's the party gotta go kind of fast we're literally just gonna go straight down we're just gonna run through a huge boundary bit so a bunch will spawn I'm telling you if you just keep running you'll be fine I really I usually don't get hit sometimes they like hit Wicked and actually start having insane compost on your ass but most of the time you should be fine if you just run straight through for this next part you'll probably want to put away your weapon just because it gets really glitzy a lot of times it's gonna be running across this and these do disappear after you step on them so take a right yeah these do disappear every time you step on them so you gotta go pretty fast go into this area watch out for this boundary Dodge him again get on this you got to be pretty fast with this or will disappear jump on this and then boom [Music] jump jump and watch out for this Bounder he'll usually throw a spear at you like that but just avoid that go in here go down go up this only reason I'm leaving this in is to tell y'all be careful when you're doing this [ __ ] it is so easy to fall off and you just waste your entire time so I'll read it for y'all and this is the real way how you do it okay after I literally died because the park was like impossible at the time you get in this building and watch out it's gonna be spikes falling jump on that wall look straight up and climb up the hardest part of floor one is literally the parkour I I don't know how I always die like I always die just on this because it's so janky with all these like little clips and [ __ ] I just I don't appreciate it was going to be a boner up here so be careful yep just be careful for that and climb straight up and then you are literally here this is chaser and now a little tip off from Chaser you don't even have to M1 start this hit him once and then run over to one of these corners and jump on this and now here's the boss fight this is literally just stop playing with the board the whole point of the boss fight is to hit these little lamps that are giving him like blood it's like the Ender Dragon from Minecraft this jump three times jump over the Rings wait for them to do something that you want to roll carry three times again jump three times and then break that then he'll go down like that if you want you're going to get a spit or do anything with a bloodless heal up and then he'll push you away after like he gets up like that and now you just get back to doing the land suits usually you want to wait for the first to like a little attack and then you can go one two three just be patient with this you can take your time you hear that sound roll you hear a little violin Something guitar I don't even know whoa this these spikes are the most annoying one you can't really do anything about it because it gets the outside so yeah just make sure you're getting all of these jump over this three times if you mess up one jump on this you have to get hit by one [Music] the hardest part is the violin is like the debris yes like that it always messes me up because I like we go to Perry when I'm supposed to dodge so if you really need a heel just run in here and blood press off do a spit and get back out to the outside [Music] really a lot of waiting just in case this spikes again I think you can really do except to try not to get hit [Music] roll when you hear that little fiddle that is a triple Ferry you have to carry them all if you like hold block they will block you with like all three hits so you can like carry the first one and just block the other two and it'll be fine he's spamming this thing another thing there is a rare encounter you can get where there's bounders in the area so you want to be like if you get that you really gotta lock in it's like six bounders all in this area and they're literally trying to kill you as you're doing all it's it's insane I say it might be impossible to be and getting up these little columns is really annoying spamming all the [ __ ] so you really want to wait for that attack if you want to like go up here but that triple shot if you have ghosts you can ghost the entire thing rapid bloodless spit yourself back it's kind of difficult to do this when I was talking because I cannot hear in game here's the second phase just drops the roof and this is easier now all those attacks are a little bit faster this is easier now because you can't draw the spikes and that's really the hardest move so again you'll get all of these so make sure you're being patient and watching nope you literally don't need to rush this there's no reason to so I'm gonna hit me with a little fiddle right here or the fire foreign last one it's gonna go down bloodless spit the outside and we have two more of these and then it gets into the final fight so as you see I'm literally not fighting him at all like I have an m one to miss single time and I'm already in the second phase again fiddle Dodge honestly you can kind of tank all his moves he doesn't do that much damage so like if you're on a Max Level you should be able to tank but if you're on a lower level like headed on my power 13. I was able to do it you just got to be pretty careful so if you're gonna Max up you have a lot of room for air you throw them like a not Max you've really gotta kind of lock in one thing I would do is if it's your first time make sure you're getting here within your Lighthouse time like I still have 16 minutes left so it's really not that difficult to get units on yeah we have about one more I'm pretty sure yeah this is this is the last one so after this one we'll be heading into the final stages of the boss fight yeah just get rid of all these lanterns it's kind of a all right yeah this is the final form jump right on one of these and just hold a jump on one of these platforms right here in Old F and you're done with the boss as long as you just hold it you'll be fine it'll just kill himself right over there he's good you may do one of these to you and if he does just get on one of these and hold up and yeah that's the boss fight right there you get a chest if you go in the middle that takes you to floor two but go over here get your enchants get all your mythics get your wind gems all your gyms get all your guns and yeah after you beat this if you don't want to go to floor two come right over to This Light big light and that's your light hook do not use this light hook you won't be able to keep anything if you go from a light hook you don't keep anything you got you just live and yeah that's a simple thing for floor one
Channel: Dizzle
Views: 430,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, deepwoken layer 2, deepwoken guide, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken hell mode, deepwoken progression, deepwoken guide for beginners, deepwoken layer 2 guide, deepwoken layer 2 leaks, roblox, rouge lineage, deepwoken lore, agamatsu, nanoprodigy, supaa, arch mage deepwoken, ragoozer deepwoken, dead game, deepwoken pvp guide, deewpoken new boss, deepwoken new update, deepwoken new mantra, deepwoken no attunement build, deepwoken no attunement solo progression
Id: cbzj18SQ2gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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