UPDATED AYAKA GUIDE! Best Ayaka Build - Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Showcase | Genshin Impact

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by ordinance divine unlimited clubs the birds called delve into destiny hey what's up guys welcome to my complete and updated ayaka guide for her rerun banner in patch 2.6 ayaka is one of the strongest and one of my favorite dps characters in the game being an amazing cryo character who can permanently freeze enemies and dish out crazy damage with many different teams and builds possible and so in today's video i'm gonna go in depth on everything you need to know about aika surrounding how to play and build her efficiently more precisely i'm gonna cover her best artifacts weapons teams play styles constellations and just so much more before we begin though i want you guys to know that i do stream most nights on twitch or as often as i can so link in the description if you're interested with that being said i want to keep the intro short so let's get right into it so starting things off let's talk about aika's talents and play style so that you guys can get the most value out of her kid first of all a lot of her play style is defined with her unique dashes that will actually infuse your normal attacks and charge attacks with cryo in fact when aika pops out of her unique dash not only will you apply cryo onto enemies but you will also infuse your attacks with cryo because of that your aika's attacks will basically all be cryo allowing you to spam your charge shock and do pretty good damage as well as permanently freezing enemies when paired with a hydro support on top of just that though your dash actually does more because through a passive talent that you have it will also restore some stamina for you allowing you to spam charge tax more easily and also give you 18 crowd damage bonus for 10 seconds this buff happens when your eye cup pops out of her dash which is very convenient for dashing around dash cancelling or even just buffing your aika in general which is something you should do as early as possible especially in order to increase your damage before using your powerful burst now while aika's burst is in my opinion the main part of her kit i'd want to talk a bit more about her unique charge attacks that are honestly very good what's nice about ika's charge attacks is that not only are they cryo as we saw but they are also arranged they can even hit in something like fenty's burst and can just be pretty nice overall for the main dps to have to sort of fill in the downtime between your burst your skill and whatever supportive abilities you're using it's a pretty good source of dps that you can easily spam especially with the energy that's refunded from your unique dash and another thing you should know is that you also increase your normal and charge attack damage after using your elemental skill thanks to another passive talent now with that said let's talk about your skill in your burst your elemental skill is a pretty straightforward ability that just does aoe cryo damage around aika this ability is good for the cryoparticles that it generates as well as having a pretty decent scaling it also has a pretty nice passive talent that we've already talked about and so it's an ability that you should use pretty much on cooldown or whenever you can fit it in your rotation moving on your elemental burst is an insane ability that is one of the reasons why ayaka is so good this burst unleashes a snowstorm in front of you with an incredible scaling on every single hit in fact as you can see while the scaling may not look that big this is how much you are doing on every hit and this burst hits a lot of times it is a total of 20 times or 19 times the cutting damage and then one big bloom at the end on a 20 second cooldown the total scaling of this ability is insane as you can see at talent level 10 you'll be over 200 on every single slice and so the total scaling here is just insane over like four thousand percent meaning it just does a lot of damage what's even nicer about this ability though is that it can actually be aoe now while it can be hard to group up enemies to actually do the aoe of this burst if you lure enemies together and then freeze them it will keep them in place for the whole duration of this burst ensuring that all of this damage lands on all of the enemies and a nice property to know about this ability especially if you're not freezing is that it's an ability that will move forward continuously until it hits an enemy and then it will stop and start spinning there basically you can just like launch this forward and it will chase an enemy and then stop when it hits one and if the enemy manages to escape it it will then start going forward again now if you're not freezing enemies the spurs can be a bit wonky at times as some of the hits could miss and against enemies like geo bishops it can like displace them and just be annoying but any of these inconveniences that i'm describing are completely removed when you freeze enemies as you just have to ensure that you freeze them together then use your burst and then just make sure they stay frozen through your hydro supports and so this kind of explains what aika's play style is in the sense that she really shines as a freeze carry as you not only gain a ton of buffs through like the blizzard sprayer set and just a good team comp in general but the freeze reaction allows your enemies to stay put in place ensuring that you not only take no damage and have an easy time damaging the enemies but also that you can get the full potential out of your burst on everyone that you're fighting now with that said i do want to make it clear that there are other ayaka teams that don't just rely on freeze against bosses specifically or enemies that can't be frozen like a moto crowd team or others that i'll cover in the team comp section but in general with this character my recommendation is that if you can freeze enemies and have the characters to do so you probably should as it is really strong on top of that the problem with running another reaction like melts for aika is that your aiko's burst will only be able to melt around six or seven hits of your burst because of an internal cooldown on its cryo application paired with the fact that enemies can walk out of your burst or get displaced away from it making it inconsistent and pretty much worse overall on top of the fact that it needs more valuable supports like bennett and changling if that wasn't enough it's also a lot of small hits back to back that your burst is doing and melting a small hit isn't as significant as melting a big hit as basically your burst is just hitting so fast that it's a lot of small hits that add up to a big one that is just typically less efficient overall and so because of that while i will cover it in more detail in the team comp section i do typically recommend playing a freeze ayaka as that is how you get the most value out of her kit and honestly playing ayaka that way is just insane and the damage you deal is pretty crazy also it is important to note that your burst does have an 80 energy cost which means you will need to fulfill that energy requirement to spam your burst on cooldown by running energy recharge on your icon and also pairing her with like a cryo support or a team that can help you fulfill your energy requirements as your burst is very important on top of that you should know that your burst has a 5 second duration with a 20 second cooldown so it does have some down time during that downtime though is when you're going to be using your iks charge attacks to deal some damage and also and especially using your support characters efficiently to not only deal damage but also give some energy back to your aika and to your entire team basically making sure you can get all of your bursts back now other things to note are that her elemental burst does snapshot which means it'll factor in any buffs you give it before using it for its whole duration because of that you should make sure to buff your ioka with your supports or any buffs you have before using your burst and for more advanced tips i will have a small section on that a bit later in the video after we talk about our builds lastly for your talent priority you want to start by maximizing your burst as it has just an insane scaling and then your normal attacks and then your elemental skill now moving on let's talk about how to actually build your iaca starting things off with aika's artifacts her artifact sets are pretty straightforward for a cryo character like ayaka you already have a 4b set that was designed for someone like you who can permanently freeze enemies and capitalize on the insane bonuses of the 4-piece blizzard sprayer now if you don't already know by now the 4-piece blizzard sprayer is a pretty broken set on any character who can utilize it efficiently this is because the blizzard set will not only give you a fifteen percent crowd damage bonus from the two piece but then the four piece is straight up overpowered giving you a total of 40 critter rate 20 against characters affected by cryo and another 20 against enemies that are frozen because of that for someone like ayaka who is typically played in a freeze team and who can keep enemies frozen for the whole duration of the fight this 4-piece blizzard sprayer is incredibly valuable getting a free 40 crit rate which is the equivalent of 80 crit damage as well as 15 crowd damage bonus is incredibly valuable and what i recommend for ioka generally speaking i do also want to take this time to say that even if you're not freezing enemies against bosses that can't be frozen or if you're playing a non-freeze team like a mono cryo or others that i'll talk about the four piece blizzard is still recommendable as you do gain 20 crit rate just against enemies that are affected by cryo and so as long as you can keep enemies cryo affected this 4-piece set still gets a lot of value from the 20 crit rate while obviously being insane if you freeze and so because of that i pretty much always recommend the set now with that said there are some alternative sets you can sometimes run if for whatever reason you're running aika in a team where enemies aren't affected by cryo or if you just don't have a four piece blizzard server set while i would recommend going and farming the set you can mix and match some two pieces like you know two-piece blizzard or a two piece of an attacker sunset like gladiator reminescence or the new sets we got or even a two piece no bless oblige for 20 burst damage which is pretty significant now moving on let's talk a bit about what artifact stats you want on your iaca now for iaka as with most dpss you are obviously looking to maximize your damage in order to do that for ayaka specifically since you are generally running the blizzard set which gives you a ton of crit rate and you also gain some crit rate from the cryo resonance you will therefore need a lot less on your artifacts and can focus on prioritizing crit damage attack percent and energy recharge with that said obviously getting crit rate on your artifacts is still good as your total crit rate with zero from the artifacts will only start at 60 which is good but obviously higher is still better now before moving on to the main stats you're looking for on every single piece i do want to start by saying that the most important thing you want on your ikea is enough energy recharge to be able to use your burst reliably on cooldown as it is a significant part of your damage for the exact amount of energy recharge you need this really really depends on your teams and rotations with that said generally if you're running another crowd character in a standard team which we'll talk about later you will want around 140 energy recharge do keep in mind though this can be higher or lower for you depending on how many crowd characters you're running and also if you're running the aminoma a very powerful weapon that we'll cover in the weapons section the reason why i have to bring this weapon up though is because it gives you a lot of energy on its effect which greatly reduces how much energy recharge you need and can even at r5 provide you with enough energy in and of itself generally speaking though 140 is a good ballpark but it obviously does vary from player to player now for your main stats you want attack percent on the stands for a ton of damage crowd damage bonus on your goblet and for your circlet it is quite variable with crit damage being the most recommended option with that said there are actually situations where attack percent on the circlet can also be a good option in fact while crit damage is typically the best dps and the more recommendable option attack percent can sometimes be better if you already have a ton of crit damage or if you just have better sub stats do keep in mind though that a lot of buffs from your team are attack percent like a lot of characters on your team can give your ayaka some attack making an attack percent circlet worse and worse the more buffs you have with that said though since artifact farming is random attack percent circlit can be a good option depending on your substance and can also oftentimes just be slightly worse than a crit damage circuit and so i did want to mention attack percent circulate as a viable option as with most blizzard characters since you're gaining so much crit rate on the set like from the set effect having attack percent can be important to help balance your ratio of attack and crit in general though a crit damage circuit is typically the best and what i recommend on aika now with that said let's dive into ayaka's weapons now you should be happy to know that aiga has many different weapons that work well for her both free-to-play options and 5-star options so everyone can get a good weapon for their iaca on top of that i will include an exact weapon ranking in the section to help you find what's best for you with that said the first thing i want to say is that the aminoma kagushi is a really good free-to-play option that anyone can have access to you can both craft and refine this weapon for free at the blacksmith for a weapon that gives you a lot of attack percent and a really good effect restoring your energy what's so nice about this weapon is that not only is attack percent very important on carries like aika but also its effect will just passively give you some energy the way this works every time you use your skill it'll give you a succession seed stacking up to three times and then when you use your burst it consumes the seeds and gives you some energy the exact amount it gives scales on your refinement and it will therefore decrease how much energy recharge you need generally this can lower how much energy recharge you need by around twenty percent at refinement rank one with it saving you somewhere around forty percent at refinement rank five which can greatly decrease how much energy recharge you need on your artifacts and potentially just satisfying your energy needs on its own because of that this weapon is very good and especially good the more you need the energy that it gives you its strength can therefore vary from player to player but i do really like it as a free-to-play option and generally as your best four star now the only other four-star weapon i want to talk about before i move on to five-star weapons is the black left long sword being just a good other option typically a bit worse than the aminoma overall but if you don't need the energy or if you just want a crit damaged weapon or have a blacklift leveled it is also a good option the main inconvenience with this weapon is that the passive can be hard to stack and since your burst snapshots it can be hard to buff your bursts with this passive but in general it is still quite good with that said your best weapons are some of the five stars the misflitter just being straight up your best option as this weapon is pretty much just made for ioka it has an insanely high base attack crit damage on the stat which in and of itself is amazing but then it also has a really good effect giving you elemental damage bonus straight up but also even more every time you stack it which you can do by normal attacking and using your abilities now on top of just the misfitter the summit shaper for the insane amount of attack percent that it gives you even if you're not shielded is another really good five star following that the new hurran sword is very good and lastly two five stars that are usually hated for ayaka are actually pretty viable the aquila favonia and the primordial jade cutter while they both in my opinion are better used on some other characters who can fully utilize them they can also be pretty decent on aika if you have them leveled the reason for this is because the jade cutter is just insane for the stats it gives you but the crit rate is typically wasted on a character who does run blizzard with that said since aika doesn't give you any crit rate inherently and you only gain some from blizzard straighter and the cryo resonance she starts at a base of 60 crit rate while that is a lot if you have none on your artifacts or even if you're over capping on like five to ten percent crit rate the jade cutter can still be good and a viable option obviously it could be better used on someone like xingchu or jean or kaching who could fully utilize all of its crit rate but it is nonetheless still a good option for your aika a similar conclusion can be said with a weapon like aquila favonia where yes the physical damage bonus is wasted and a lot of people think i'm crazy for saying this weapon is viable and while i personally use it on another character like bennett who can fully utilize the high base attack to really make use of this weapon it is still dps wise a good option and similar strength to a r5 aminoma the reason for this is because the high base tack of 674 and the 20 attack it gives you on his passive at refinement rank 1 makes it a viable option if you have it again i don't recommend leveling this weapon for iaca i would rather use it on someone like bennett who scales off a base stack but it is still a good option to show you exactly what i mean with this weapon and just weapons in general i will put a exact weapon ranking on screen now now do keep in mind obviously that this weapon ranking has assumptions as written you know on the weapon ranking and that the exact strength of weapons varies highly from player to player from team to team and depending on your artifacts with that said though this is a good way to get a general idea of how good weapons are as a bonus to my explanation as you can see pretty much all of the five star options are just really good with the aminoma being very good as well and keeping up with most of the five stars that aren't like miss splitter or summit shaper and so it is a really good free-to-play option that anyone can use so i do feel comfortable in saying that pretty much anyone can get a good iaca weapon with that out of the way i want to get into a bit more advanced tips for aika to help elevate your gameplay first thing you should know if you don't already is that since your dash is so important and it gives that crowd damage bonus to your ikea and refund some stamina it is important to weave it in in your rotation because of that things like dash cancels become very important since your char track has a very long animation as you can see here i'm just be doing it like normally this is actually something you should dash cancel to cut down the animation the way you do this is by just doing a charge track and then dash cancelling it immediately as the animation goes out and as you can see you can act faster and also get the passive from your dash on top of that you can also dash out of your elemental skill quite early so do keep that in mind other things to note are that generally your optimal combo is going to be doing two normal attacks into a charge stack uh or doing just a charge attack spam although generally for like stamina management you want to do two normals and then a charge attack a few other pretty simple things to note but i feel like i should reiterate them or that number one you want to make sure you're using all your buffs before your burst as it does snapshot as i mentioned earlier so make sure like dash off the enemies and use like your thrilling tails or whatever to buff your ica and then cast your burst something else you should know is that you can also as with many other characters use your skill and then your burst and during the animation of your burst you're actually going to get the particles as you can see that were flying towards you from your skill moving on for ayaka's constellations there are a few good ones but aika is a character that's so broken at c0 that you really shouldn't feel forced to get any of them with that said her first constellation is not one of the good ones it basically just decreases the cooldown of your elemental skill when you're doing your normal or charge tax but in practice this doesn't really change how many skills you're going to use in a rotation and while it can have some upsides it really isn't that big of a deal through the testing that i've seen with that said your second constellation can be pretty good depending on how you use it basically what this one does is it'll create two mini bursts alongside your initial burst when you do use it that will each deal 20 of your initial burst damage the exact strength of this constellation depends on what you're fighting and how reliably you can hit these bonus uh mini bursts as i've seen them miss quite a bit but i've also seen them be very efficient against like large enemies that you can freeze into place overall it's a pretty decent constellation but not a needed one your c3 increases your burst level by three which is really good and your c4 is honestly your best constellation this constellation adds defense spread to your kit as your elemental burst will now decrease the defense of opponents hit by it by thirty percent for six seconds which is obviously just a pretty huge gps increase this can therefore skyrocket your eika's damage and also buff your other party members damage if you swap into them fast enough while their defense is decreased moving on your fifth constellation increases your skills talent level which isn't that important and lastly your c6 is pretty okay but not like the most life-changing as we'll basically just give you another burst of damage once every 10 seconds when you use your charge attack and while this constellation will increase your damage and so if you have it obviously it's nice it isn't the most crazy c6 and not one i would recommend pulling for if you're just trying to pull for like the best c6 overall ika is someone who has pretty decent constellations especially with their third and fourth one but really is not dependent on any and is really amazing at c0 now with all that said let's get into one of the most important sections of this video talking specifically about ayaka's teams as i've made it clear throughout the video aika is someone who is typically ran on a freeze team as it's really what makes her shine the most while there are a few other teams that i'll talk about let's start with their strongest teams which are ones that can utilize the freeze reaction these teams while the characters vary and can be highly flexible typically follow the same formula of a hydro animo and cryo support paired with ayaka you're running hydro character for the freeze an emo character to buff your crowd character's damage significantly and also group enemies and then another crowd character as a battery for more energy to your ikea and also to deal bonus damage and just have good synergy with the team as a whole and while this team is one of aika's best and my personal favorite for ayaka and i'll explain why shortly ayaka doesn't rely on five star characters while kokomi kazuo and shanghai are five stars there are much more accessible freeze teams like this one right here using only four stars and another one even more like free to play friendly albeit a bit worse now with that said what specific supports you want the most well let's go element by element for your hydro supports kokomi and mona are typically the most uh reliable ones for constant off-field hydro application that will also give you a lot of damage through a powerful catalyst like thrilling tales or fuevonius as like supportive catalysts i guess i should say and artifact sets like milith or no blessed oblige can also be used kokomi also is a healer for your team whereas mona gives you more damage with that said other characters can work too ayato can work and be an on-field auto-attacker although even justice burst is enough to keep enemies perma-frozen so you can use them together sting chu can work as well although he is typically wanted in like your other team if you're doing the abyss as he's such a high value support that i personally don't use thing two with ayaka so i can use him on another team but obviously you can use him with aika and he works very well and lastly barbara is like your last resort hydra option but she she's a free-to-play option that can heal you and can struggle a bit with uptime but generally her elemental skill is enough to keep enemies perma-frozen at least during your burst since it does apply hydro periodically to enemies around you now for your cryoslot shenhua is someone who i really love with aika as your elemental skill on shanghai will buff all your party members damage you can use shenhae's skill to buff your aika's damage up to two times per burst by using it before and during your burst since it buffs you instantly and so overall when you pair that with her burst that decreases the crowd resistance of opponents overall just running shenha and ayaka together is a very strong synergy now obviously there are many other crowd characters that work diona is a very widespread used crowd character for aika if you need a healer slash shielder and also someone who gives you a ton of energy through her skill and a bow like fuevonius or sacrificial more offensive crowd supports include kaia for some nice damage and energy rosaria whom i personally really like for also damage and energy but also a lot of crit rate from her passive lastly someone like ganyu can work in a more i guess ganyu center team where you're using aika and gany's powerful bursts together when paired with someone like venti in a team that looks more like this one where as long as enemies can be frozen and displaced especially if they can get grouped up with venti's burst you can have one of the highest dps's uh through just all of your bursts combined making it a very powerful team comp and lastly for your nemo slot this is very important since all the nemo characters can run the 4-piece verdes and vendor which will skyrocket your elemental damage you can actually use pretty much any anemo character kazoo is typically the best to group up enemies efficiently deal really good damage and buff your team's elemental damage through his passive with that said other nemo supports like venti can be really good for displacing enemies and also giving you some energy thanks to his passive talent sucrose can be a good like four-star causal option as while she'll give you less elemental damage she'll give you access to the thrilling tales of dragon slayers and will also group up enemies lastly you can use an emo healer like jean but this will hinder your ability to group up enemies and lower your overall team's dps when compared to someone like kazua but if you need a healer and a nemo character in one gene can still be good now with that said if you're not running freeze for whatever reason if you just want to play other characters or especially if enemies can't be frozen you're fighting like a boss or something other teams like a mono crowd team can actually be pretty good running a team comp like this one three crowd characters and a nemo support is very good and what you should be doing do keep in mind you don't need shanha for a mono crowd team and can use someone like rosaria or just another crowd character instead of shenha but obviously shanha is the best option generally speaking lastly for reverse mouth teams while i mentioned in the play style section that i don't really recommend these teams for most players this team will obviously still be viable and will still be able to like clear the abyss off because you're pairing aika with just pretty broken characters like shangling and bennett with that said i obviously will recommend using freeze over this team as it is just better overall and typically won't require as high value characters with that said i do believe this team gets a ton of hate so i do want to at least mention it as being a viable option although it obviously still isn't meta as someone who wants to give you the best advice possible i do believe i made it clear that i recommend a free team this is how you should be playing aika with other teams like motocryo still being viable and good but freeze just being a broken reaction overall now with the teams covered we're now going to move into my ayaka showcase where i'm going to be using a freeze team in the floor 12 of the spiral abyss i managed to get a pretty good clear just casually on my live stream using my iaco with a free-to-play weapon the aminoma r3 at constellation zero obviously with talents869 and very good artifacts my artifacts naturally with all my characters are pretty good i'm on four-piece blizzard straighter with a very good crit ratio and so this is gonna show off aika's potential like a high investment aika with a free to play weapon and c0 with that said i hope the guide was helpful and i hope you'll enjoy the showcase let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] take flight and so overall as i'm sure i made it clear aika is an amazing and broken dps who shines exceptionally in freeze teams with her extremely high scaling burst and powerful charge attacks she's a character that i love and one of my favorite dps's and someone who i recommend using and pulling for if you like them and enjoy their playstyle with that said i hope this guide was helpful as always if there's anything you want to add it will be an api comment so be sure to check that apologies for the slight delay on this video as i know it's a bit after the banner but i didn't want to like make sure it was thorough but with that said i want the video to get too long so i'm going to end it right here if you enjoyed feel free to like and sub as it means a lot and as always i'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 973,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, ayaka, ayaka build genshin impact, ayaka guide genshin impact, ayaka showcase, ayaka teams, genshin impact ayaka guide, genshin impact ayaka build, genshin impact ayaka, ayaka banner, ayaka dps, best dps, genshin impact best dps, c0 ayaka, ayaka weapons, zy0x, zyox, freeze, melt, freeze ayaka, genshin impact 2.6, best ayaka build, ayaka guide genshin, kamisato ayaka, genshin ayaka, floor 12, showcase, ayaka rerun, support, dps
Id: FUWG8z4hqEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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