UPDATED 2024 ✅How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge Permanently Or Reinstall Right Way Windows 11/10 -2024

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hello guys welcome to how to fix track in this video guys if you want to remove the Microsoft is this video is for you I will show you how to remove it completely just open the another browser make sure you an task the if any is is opening here like this just right click and end it you need to end task the Microsoft is related all the services as update now on the search bar you need to Tye our wise program uninstaller and just open on the first link here and just click on free download and this is very powerful tool to uninstall any programs just double click on it to run yes yes now installation is done just untick okay and you should be able to see it here just double click on it to run now all the listed programs will be showing here it it is collecting the install program information now we are interested to remove the Microsoft is just take that option and once you tick that option just expand that from here and then click on Force uninstall do not take this option uninstall just click on Force uninstall and yes okay all the tick boxes should be ticked automatically click on select all automatically okay once and then click on remove and it's going to remove permanently now now once I minimize this you can see the Microsoft is program is remove if I go to add and remove program fv. CPL now you can see as is gone now okay so let me minimize this now it's time to create some registry key so that it will not come again so open the registry editor simply and run as administrator click on yes button and we need to double click on HQ local machine double click on software then double click on Microsoft and once you double click on Microsoft we need to create some value here this is the value we need to look for this just copy and paste is update right click new then key and key should be this e should be Capital you should be capital and hit enter once you hit enter it should selected now on the right hand side just right click new d word 32bit value and the value you need to give this do not update to the S with the chronium just copy this and just rename it and the value should be this option you can see starting letter d n u t e w c should be capital and spelling should be correct as well I will give all all the details into my description box you can just copy and paste and set its value to one and click on okay now once you click on okay just restart your system from here okay once you stop the updating it to the next time just restart your system and the changes will be take effect and the Microsoft is browser will not come again but if you want to you know reopen that or reinstall in a future you can do that also simply how to do that go to search bar tabe there Microsoft s download simply go to first website select our operating system English US select accept Okay now just double click on it run click on yes now you can see guys Microsoft is installed and you can see we are not now able to access the as browser see so this is how guys you can complete complely uninstall the Microsoft Ace from your Windows 10 or 11 PC so hope this video useful for you guys if yes then hit like subscribe and share thank you thanks for watching how to fix Ty
Channel: How To Fix Tech
Views: 4,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pizg0GzES-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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