How to uninstall and block Microsoft Edge Chromium Browser in Windows 10

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[Music] so are you annoyed that they've automatically updated you to microsoft edge chromium in this video i'm going to show you how to remove it as well as block the installation so microsoft edge chromium is the new browser microsoft has put out and they've recently announced that they're going to be automatically updating clients to this new version and honestly it is safer faster version of microsoft edge but there are many use cases you might not want that to happen so what i want to do is show you one how to get rid of it if it's already been installed as well as prevent it from being installed automatically now this will still allow you to install it manually if you choose to do so but it won't be forced on you what i'm going to do is i'm going to go to my start menu and i'm going to go to the settings icon that's that little gear icon right above power if i click on settings in here i'll find a node called apps and let me find it here it's not alphabetical but it's right there you'll see apps uninstall defaults and optional features that's what i want to click on this is going to show me a list of the currently installed applications and give me the ability to remove them so what you can do is you can either type right here and search for edge or if you don't want to do that you can simply scroll down and you will find microsoft edge in this list again you can see that fanciful icon there indicating the new microsoft edge chromium version now if i click on that you'll see that i have two options over here modify and uninstall and if uninstall is available then simply click it and that will remove microsoft edge right pretty straightforward process but what i've heard from many people is that if microsoft edge was installed on their system automatically through windows updates this uninstall is grayed out so some people are finding that they can't come in here and remove it simply by clicking uninstall so i want to show you how you can still get rid of it if uninstall is unavailable through this screen so this is by far the easiest way to do that but let's pretend that that uninstall was grayed out and i couldn't click on it it wouldn't allow me to uninstall it all right now what we're going to have to do there's there's actually several methods we can use to remove edge chromium a couple of one of them is going to involve modifying the registry one of them we can kind of automate that process and then we also have a toolkit that microsoft put out that will allow us to prevent that from being installed again so let's take a look at all of these methods all right first of all to get rid of this we're going to have to open up what's known as a command prompt so i want you to go to your start menu and now where it says type here to start all right i want you to type in the letter c m d charlie mike delta for command prompt one of your options should be to run as an administrator you'll see that right out there because we do need to be an administrator and make sure that our shell or our cmd has administrative access to make these changes i'm going to zoom back out and that's going to require me to go back to my start menu and type cmd again and i'm simply going to click run as administrator i'll click yes to the uac because i know that i'm allowing this application to have administrative access now let's make sure we've opened this as an administrator otherwise this whole process won't work up at the top you'll see where it says administrator colon command prompt that lets me know that this particular program has administrative access which will need to force the removal of edge all right now the next thing we need to do is we need to navigate into the folder where edge is installed so that we can run the setup program and tell it to remove edge instead of installing it now you'll need the path to where the program is installed and i want to show you an easy way to find that open up your file explorer i'm going to click on the little yellow icon down here on my taskbar in here you want to navigate to this pc colon program files x86 double clicking on each one microsoft edge application and then there's going to be a version number you'll see mine says 83.0.47 and some numbers there yours might be slightly different don't worry about it just go ahead and click on whatever version you have inside there you will find an installer folder we're going to double click on that inside there you're going to see setup don't double click on it i just wanted to show you that it's there so what i need is i need this path that's currently up in my address bar there so the easiest way to do that is to click in the address bar and you'll see the whole path turns blue just make sure you select that right click and choose copy so it's going to copy that whole path we're going to go back over to our command prompt and we're going to type in c d that's short for change directory and then we're going to right click and it should paste that path in there for you automatically and then we're going to hit enter so now you'll see that my prompt here says see colon program files and that long path into the folder where setup is located i need to make sure that my command prompt is pointed into that folder so we can run that setup program and remove edge so now that we're in that folder let's look at the command required to remove edge we're going to run setup.exe space dash dash uninstall space dash dash system dash level space dash dash verbose dash logging space dash dash force dash on in stall all right now let's take a look at this command before we run it so we can see what's going on here setup.exe that's the program that we're trying to execute that normally installs edge but since we said dash dash uninstall we're telling setup don't install uninstall edge and then we've got a couple other parameters this dash dash system level dash dash verbose logging that's just going to make sure we remove edge completely log in case there's any problems and then that last switch there dash dash force uninstall is the key right that's the one that's going to remove edge from our system it's going to say i don't care what you say remove it anyway we're going to force the removal of this application all right so i'm going to go ahead and hit enter and it doesn't look like anything happened but did you notice over here that my icon disappeared that fanciful e that represented that microsoft edge chromium that we don't want it disappeared if i go to my start menu now and i type in edge notice it's the old what they call the legacy edge it's that white e on that blue background we have successfully removed microsoft edge chromium all right so not a super straightforward process right i need to know where that folder is i need to go in there and run that command to remove that but not too bad and i'll make sure that command as well as that path location are in the show notes down below the video here also keep in mind that that version number might be slightly different on your system whatever it is just double click on it get in there and find that installer folder that's where you're going to find setup.exe all right so that's only half the battle right we have removed the microsoft edge chromium from our system but we know how windows updates work eventually they're going to push it back out to my system they want us to use this new version of their browser and we might have a very good reason for not wanting to so let me show you how to prevent it from coming back now this can be a little bit tricky it's not a straightforward process but if you just be careful take your time you'll be able to get this done there's two methods i want to show you there's actually several methods we can use one is more appropriate for an enterprise environment where i need to do this to multiple systems i want to show you the methods you can use on your system at home all right so it involves modifying the registry and we've probably heard that editing the registry can be dangerous and it can be but as long as you're careful and you pay attention to what you're doing you shouldn't have any problems here's what we're going to do i'm going to open up a file that i already created and then i'm going to show you how to create it this right here is going to create a new entry in the registry and you can tell what it's going to do right you look right there it says do not update to edge with chromium we're telling the system don't do the updates that d word of one right over here that's a fancy way of saying yes so we're basically telling the system do you want to update to edge chromium i mean do you not want to update edge chromium yes we're making that true all right so this is what you got to type in you need to type this in exactly or it won't work again i'll make sure it's in the notes down below the video here and i also want to point out this blank line right here all right that actually is very important if you do not have a blank line between the windows registry editor version 5.0 and that h key local machine information below that this will not work so make sure you type this in exactly as you see it on the screen here or copy and paste it from what we've provided you below would be the safest option now i did this in notepad so it's not a pro there's not a special program you need or anything like that the trick is to make sure that you change the file extension normally notepad files end in a txt if you open up notepad let me copy this data here let's pretend that you copied it from our youtube video so i'm going to do a right click and copy and then i want you to open up notepad and i want you to paste that data in there just like you saw it in my file if i go file and save and i'm going to put it on my desktop so it's easy to find and i'm going to call this one block 2 and i'm going to click save notice the icon is different from the one i've got above there that's because by default notepad wants to create a text file not a registry file that's not going to work so when you go to save this file say file save i want you to go down to the bottom here and you see where it says save as type text documents i want you to change that all right hit that list and change it to all files when you change it to all files notepad will let you name it whatever you want so i want you to add to the end of whatever you name it and you can name it anything you can name it fred you can name it block ie or i love puppies doesn't matter it doesn't change the functionality but just name it dot r e g so notice i added to the end of the name block two dash r g e i'm gonna click save and now you notice that the icon is different you see it's got those little rubik's cube looking blocks flying away there that's a registry file that's what you need all right once you've created that file and you've saved it somewhere you can find it simply double-click on it say yes to the uac and it's going to warn you hey you're modifying the registry you need to be careful you need to make sure you know what you're doing we're going to say yeah we know what we're doing mike showed us the way we click yes and then it tells me hopefully it says the keys and values contained in and then the name of the file have been added to the registry and we can click ok and that's it you're done that added that entry to your registry so now your system knows if they try to push out edge as an update they're not going to allow it it's going to say nope i do not want that update so now you can be sure that your system will not automatically update to microsoft edge chromium all right now you can still do it manually if you want to open up your edge legacy and browse and download and install microsoft edge chromium when you're ready you can still do that this will not prevent you from installing it it's just going to prevent it from automatically installing it when you aren't ready for it now i do want to show you one more method you can use because some people might not be comfortable modifying the registry or creating that reg file and by the way if you are comfortable with creating a registry entry on your own you can simply go into that hkey local machine follow that path i showed you and just type in the key manually you can create the key manually or you can use this registry file the next method i want to show you involves downloading something from microsoft i'll make sure i put the notes for you or the link to it in the notes below and what you're going to download is something called the microsoft edge chromium blocker toolkit microsoft understands that some people might not be ready for microsoft edge chromium so they made this tool kit to make it a little bit easier for us to block the installation of edge chromium all right so you're going to download that from microsoft i'm also going to make a folder on my c drive so i navigated to this pc c colon and i'm going to make a new folder i just right click new folder and i'm going to name that folder oops let's name that folder something like blocker toolkit again you can name it whatever you want really doesn't matter now i'm going to go back over to where i downloaded that file from microsoft and i'm going to double click on that i will have to agree to the eula so i'll click yes and then it says where do you want to put this toolkit that you just downloaded and i'm going to click the browse button and i'm going to find that folder that i just created it should be on my c drive called blocker toolkit right there and i'm going to click ok and then i'm going to click ok to the little dialog box it goes really quick and it extracts all those files out now if i navigate back to that folder that we just created you're going to see what microsoft made for me four files there should be four files in here the first two all right these are for your it admins if you want to bring this into a group policy that you can apply this to multiple machines on your system these are your two files you'll need maybe we'll do another show about that if you're interested below that i've got this help file if you double click on that it'll open up a browser window and it'll show you how to use this tool so in case you forget what i'm showing you here you can always go back to that help file and go oh yeah that's what he said to do all right the one we're really interested in is this one right here that's the actual script that is going to allow us to block edge all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to zoom out and we're going to go back to that command prompt that we used previously i'm going to type in cmd and i'm going to make sure i choose to run as administrator i'll say yes and then i'm going to change directories into that folder we just created this should be an easy one cd for change directory c colon backslash and then whatever you name that folder right i called mine blocker toolkit so you can see here i'm just changing directories into that blocker toolkit folder and i'm going to hit enter right now if i type in dir i'll see those four files dir short for directory and i'll see those four files all right that we just looked at a minute ago right there's the two group policy files there right there's the help file down there and there's the script that i want to run this is the what microsoft made for me so if i wasn't comfortable making that registry file microsoft said that's fine just run this script we'll make it for you that way you're sure there's no typos and we don't mess up your system all right so let me zoom back out and i'm going to type in the name of that script edge chromium blocker dot cmd so edge chromium blocker dot cmd and i'm going to add a forward slash question mark to the end of it let me zoom in there because this is another way that you can get help if you can't remember how to use this tool type in that that name of that file and do a forward slash question mark if i hit enter it'll show me exactly how to use this tool and look at there right what am i trying to do if you want to block microsoft edge type in edge chromium underscore blocker dot cmd machine name forward slash b if you want to unblock it maybe you've decided you know what i've waited long enough i'm now ready for chromium you can type in edge chromium blocker cmd forward slash u this will allow windows update to then install microsoft edge chromium for you and then the dash h is the same thing as doing the forward slash question mark you'll get to this help file all right so let me zoom back out the reason it asks for machine name is this can actually be used to do remote computers as well if you're doing the local machine the one you're sitting at you just leave the machine name blank don't worry about it and it will automatically apply to the local machine if you had other systems on your network if you're an i.t person you can also use this tool to remotely block or block this on remote systems all right so it's going to be edge blocker oops let me double check my syntax there it is going to be edge chromium slash blocker dot cmd space forward slash b right remember i left the machine name out because i'm doing it to the local system i hit enter and it'll tell me that the operation completed successfully so this is the same thing as doing the registry entry that i showed you just a minute ago except you're using a script that microsoft provided so you can do both of them as you can see i just did both of them it won't hurt anything but you don't need to to block edge chromium choose whatever method you feel most comfortable with and that's going to allow you to prevent edge chromium from being installed automatically through windows update hey make sure you check out the playlist for more windows 10 how to's and don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel thanks for watching
Channel: ITPro
Views: 171,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove edge chromium, uninstall edge chromium, how to uninstall edge chromium, how to remove microsoft edge update, uninstall edge browser windows 10, how to uninstall microsoft edge, how to uninstall edge browser windows 10, how to uninstall edge, how to remove microsoft edge permanently, uninstall microsoft edge windows 10, how to uninstall edge in windows 10, how to remove microsoft edge from windows 10, disable microsoft edge windows 10, uninstall microsoft edge
Id: z_1ikl-MUew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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