Completely Remove Microsoft Edge From Windows 11

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what you guys today we're take a look at how to completely remove Microsoft Edge in 2023 now Microsoft have made massive changes to the way you use Microsoft Edge and they don't want you uninstalling it the way they used to be able to uninstall Microsoft Edge now a lot of these methods don't work and you're going to have to do something more extreme to remove Microsoft Edge from your computer and I'm going to sh how to do all of that in this video now there's quite a few ways of uninstalling Microsoft Edge from your computer this is just one method but I'll show you it anyway so you know exactly how to remove it but remember you'll need to download another browser before we continue because once Edge has been removed from the computer you're going to have no browser on your computer to use so you're going to want to download a browser of your choice I'm just downloading uh Google Chrome here and installing that onto the system and once that's installed on the computer we'll be able to use this browser but if you want to use another browser that's entirely up to you now I'm going to go ahead and get this installed on the computer now before we continue with this let's have a quick word from today's video sponsor CD key Sals if you're looking for a cheap Windows 10 Pro or cheap Windows 11 Pro OEM key and check out the links in the video description you can use my promo code capital b capital r09 and apply this to your order and get a 30% discount on all your purchases once you've done this you can use PayPal to pay for your purchase they will then send you your product key and you will then be able to activate your version of Windows and remove that annoying Watermark okay so let's get back to uninstalling Microsoft Edge so the first thing you can use is geekon installer now geekon installer is going to remove a lot of registry keys and a lot of other stuff from the computer because you can't use this to completely remove it because it leaves a lot of stuff behind but it's also useful for removing those other registry files and it makes things a lot easier another thing to use is uh Delete on reboot this is another one you can use to remove folders and files from the system on a reboot and this is if they are right protected or whether they are being used and you can use this to basically remove those folders cuz there will be some stuff left behind in fact there'll be quite a lot of stuff left behind because Microsoft have literally embedded this into the operating system quite a bit so just using a simple method like un installing a edge the way I'm showing you and then just basically renaming one folder is not enough there's tons of edge left behind and this is the only method you can use to actually remove it now I will say that this does not go without its risks if you don't know what you're doing and you delete the wrong files because you can end up making your system non- bootable so you have to be super careful in what you're doing so I'm going to unzip all of these files and put them into the folder so we can open these up and start to use them and I'll show you how to do it right away to the end make sure you watch all of the video and don't skip anything because you're going to miss out Key Parts and you're going to end up breaking your system now will mention that this does not come without risk you are removing key components from Windows and it can break your operating system so you do this all at your own risk make sure you make a backup of all your data and make sure that you make a restore point as well so now we've got geek uninstaller uninstalled and what we can do here is Force uninstall uh Microsoft Edge as you can see here it's going to search for some remants that are left behind and this is the stuff that we want to remove from the actual computer so let's go ahead and remove this and we're going to remove all of the edge update as well so let's go ahead right click on this and we're going to basically false remove this as well and you'll see it's was going to search for some other traces left behind and we're going to remove those from the computer click close And now we're also going to do Microsoft Edge I'm going to do this web viewer as well and force remove this as well once we've done that you should see some remnants Left Behind click finish and it's going to remove those from the PC now you may be thinking that's it and you're pretty much good to go but Microsoft in the infinite wisdom have decided that they want to make it as difficult as possible to uninstall any of the products that they have given to you on their operating system and this includes Microsoft Edge if you go into your C drive and then go in to programs files x86 here and then Microsoft you're going to see a lot of files in here and again these are all Left Behind there's loads of stuff here that will be left behind and it's still embedded in the operating system so if you want to go to the next step I'll show you how to do that to remove those files and folders from the computer so first off what we're going to do here is we're going to open up delete on reboot now I've been using this for many many years and it's a really great program it's free to use and you can see this one's called delete on reboot it used to be called move on reboot I think they've named it delete on reboot and basically all you're doing here is highlighting those folders that you want to remove or delete on a reboot and it will basically remove them you don't have to go into task manager and try to kill any sort of tasks that are running so it makes it easier for you to delete those files this will just remove them so hit the plus sign on the top right and you'll see folder delete click on this one and all you need to do here is navigate to C drive program files x86 and then Microsoft and then click on the folder Edge and then just go through and add the other ones in you can only do one at a time here so it's a bit uh time consuming but just go through here and click on the correct folders again it's in Microsoft folder so up there Bright there you go it's a bit further up there you go blinders are bat and then click on that one and then we've got that one added so all we need to do now is click on plus folder delete and then do the other two so let me go ahead and do this one here going to go into Microsoft here you'd think I'd already know where that is but this is the thing with' getting old you forget where things are there we go click on that one we've done it and now we can do plus one more and we're going to do the fourth one here and we should be good to go so let me go ahead and click on C drive program files 86 and then we're going to go into Microsoft and do the temp folder and and click okay and that's now done now with that done all we need to do here now is we just need to click on the restart this PC and what this is going to do is restart your PC and it's going to remove the folders and files that we selected on delete on reboot and what we'll do here is we're going to let this boot back up and there we are we're back at the desktop and that's pretty much taken care of Microsoft Edge and those folders inside the programs files uh X8 86 I'll quickly show you here and you'll see that they have been removed but there is still quite a lot of edge Left Behind unfortunately and this is because Microsoft have really embedded it into the operating system you can still take more steps to remove stuff and I'll show you that in a second if you want to go down the more riskier route and I'll show you that after we've looked here if we go here and go into Microsoft here and it's up the top there Bri there you go and click on that one and you see that's all gone and now we've removed all of that so now that's all gone and some people are quite happy with calling that uninstalled and that is pretty much removed from the PC we'll show you something here by downloading void tools everything and once you do a search here with this program it will show there is tons of files Left Behind which are related to Microsoft Edge so we can use this Search tool here to search uh the operating system to find some of these files let's go ahead and open this up here and we can do a search for either Edge or Microsoft Edge and they're going to show up different results but you can see here there is tons of stuff that is related to Microsoft Edge in folders and other uh files that are left behind on the system now some of these are in the system files and you're not going to be able to delete these because they're right protected they they are literally access denied when you try to delete any inside this area and that's because the operating system is running and you're not going to be able to remove it and this is the problem that a lot of people are going to have so let's go ahead and do a quick search here for Microsoft Edge and once I've done this I'll show you how to remove a lot this stuff so you can see here there is tons of folders with Microsoft EDM and uh this is the more riskier side of things when you're trying to remove this stuff from your computer and some people are quite happy to leave it it as it is the way I showed you to remove it and uninstall it that way but if you want to remove all of this stuff then I'll show you how to do it and I'm going to right click here and show you continue and say Yes here and you'll see you need permission to perform this action and this is because these are uh operating system files that are in use and they're still running now there is no YouTube videos to show you how to remove or uninstall Edge in 2023 anymore there is some ways of removing Edge but this is the complete removal of Edge from uh Windows 11 and I'll show you so what we're going to do is we're going to use a Wim pee which is a a pre-installed environment which you can use you can use any Live CD or pre-installed environment uh ISO that you've got and you can just boot to it I'm booting up to one here I'm not going to leave any of the links in the video description for this stuff guys it will be on my website so my one looks like this uh but yours will look whatever you want it to look like wherever you download it from or create your own you just need a simple basic uh winp or live dis like Linux and stuff like that and boot to it and then once you're there you should see something like this even kasperski rescue disc will be okay to actually load up you can see this is it right here you'll just need to create a boot ball USB flash drive I'm not going to go through and show you how to do that I'm pretty sure you know how to do that right by now if you don't you can check my channel there's tons of videos on that option there on how to do it I'm just going to open up a browser here because I want to uh download that um everything that search everything so I'm going to download this software and get it installed onto our Windows PE it's not installed in on the PC it's actually getting installed on a pre-installed environment now I do want to say that if you are going to continue on and do this part then it's on your own head be it because this is highly risky because you are deleting uh system files and it can cause a lot of problems like a non- booting p PC and things like that so do this at your own risk guys I don't want to hear in the comment section you broke my computer you did it yourself because you continue to follow on with this tutorial you could have left it where it was but if you want to get rid of it all then this is how you do it we're going to do a search for uh Microsoft Edge and Edge as well you can search for but we're going to do Microsoft Edge first and what you want to do is you want to look for the actual uh C drive this is the drive of our computer Compu and we're looking for Microsoft edge here we're not looking for uh teams or anything like that we're just looking for Microsoft Edge uh related folders and content now if you look closely here you'll see there is tons of folders related to Microsoft Edge and this is how much Microsoft Edge is Left Behind there's tons of it and it's all related to uh you know Windows now so you have to be very careful I'm going to highlight a lot of the Microsoft Edge stuff I'm not interested in anything else that's not Microsoft Edge so take your time and go for it and remove it if you want to go this far at removing stuff now remember this is in the windows win sxs folders and programs win apps and a bunch of other areas like system uh 32 and things like that so you have to be super careful and I'm going to highlight this stuff and delete it now you can take more time if you want to and uh remove it or you can leave it now you can see the stuff at the top now has gone straight to the recycle bin on our winpe but don't worry about that I'll empty that out in a second but there is a ton of stuff right here and I'm going to highlight all of this and remove it there is loads of stuff that I want to get rid of here so let's go ahead and do this now don't ask me what sort of effect this is going to have on the system I'm just showing you basically how to remove it and it will be completely removed and also you can install it again as I'll show you a little bit later on in the video so I'm making sure that these are related to Edge and I'm removing them from the computer now again I don't know what sort of effect this will have on the system if you left them there I'm pretty sure that there's some way that these will get reinstalled somehow with these files being installed here now you'll see some that are in the recycle bin and these are the ones that we've already removed so I'm not going to delete those and I'm just deleting the stuff that is related to Edge or Microsoft Edge and I'm making sure they they not key files that we're trying to remove here because I don't want it breaking the operating system because it can uh break the operating system if you uh delete key Windows File so you don't want to be doing any of that stuff now I've noticed also there's not many videos well there is no videos on YouTube that are shown you how to remove edge in 2023 or or at least from this date forward because there is no way of doing it apart from the way I'm showing you and it's not 100% tested on what it actually does to the operating system longterm and I really don't know what sort of effect it's going to have when you do an update or whether it's going to come back because I haven't been testing it long enough but this is also on a virtual machine so what we're doing here now is I'm going to go through and done Microsoft Edge I'm going to do Edge and there is some stuff in here as you can see with Edge so there's two terms Microsoft Edge and Edge and there's still quite a lot of stuff there so I'm just quickly empty in the recycle bin here and that's because we're on a a Windows pre-installed environment and I'm going to do another search here and you can see there's just tons of folders and files that are related to Microsoft Edge I mean there's a big list of them here with edgecore bits and uh these are in a temp area inside app data so I'm pretty sure that edge is going to be using these files for doing certain things and they're probably a lot of these were empty when I looked before so I'm just going to remove them and uh get them removed off of this system I'm going to right click here and delete these and uh they should be uh done so let's go ahead and click yes here and some of them might be a case where you can't delete them in this case so that's okay now there's still some stuff here I can see that is related to Edge HTML dll and these are in the system 32 area here and there's some here to do with Edge AI I could have probably deleted those and I'm just going to tril this out for a second I'm just going to remove these ones here and there's a few more down the bottom here which I'm going to remove now I can see some EDG manager. dll there which are related to IE and I'm not sure I'm going to remove those uh I need to look into that a bit more so I'm going to leave those ones on the system and I can also see Edge ISO there uh there's a few others on here so I don't want to go too mad but I'm pretty much got most of the stuff I can see here so let me quickly empty the recycle bin and and uh we'll go back into uh the search program and I'll quickly do a search for Microsoft Edge and you'll see there's only two files there which are to do with policies and I'm going to leave those on the system they are in system 32 here so I'll do a quick search now there is some stuff here under the edge that I want to take a look at there is some Microsoft teams stuff here which has got Edge on it and I don't want to remove those because they're to do with Microsoft teams and I'm concentrating on edge itself so you could feed through these a little bit more and remove some more of these uh and there's some IE stuff on here as well which I know is deeply embedded in Windows and I really sort of a bit dubious about removing some of this stuff but most of this stuff is Edge D files here as you can see and uh I'll delete those just to see whether there's any issues but you could go through and delete some of these if you wanted to but I'm going to pretty much call this one done and this is where where I left it with these few on here so I think we'll just leave these ones and uh we'll go ahead and we'll reboot the system and what we'll do is we'll go ahead now I should have probably got rid of the AI stuff there which is to do with Edge but I'm going to leave that for now and we'll reboot the system and go back to Windows to see whether the system boots okay and whether we have any issues uh and I'm pretty sure it's going to be okay because it is Edge related which I have removed so let me go ahead and restart system let me un empty this recycle bin out and we'll restart the system now I know this video has been quite a long video but if you want to remove edge properly this is the method you're going to have to do to completely remove it now remember guys I'm in a virtual machine here as well but you can see Edge is now completely removed from the computer and uh we're still uh doing okay booted up okay and uh again let me go ahead and do a quick search up the top here and I'll do a search on the PC now for Edge and you can see there is some stuff here which is to do with Edge AI which I could have probably removed and uh there's not much else left in here and I'm pretty sure I could have removed a lot of this or all of it uh if it's nothing to do with uh any other uh program it's just to do with Edge I could have probably removed it now I'm pretty sure that's going to cut down a lot of system resources uh for Edge because it's all been completely removed and again if you want to try to install ledge again let's go ahead and try to do that to see if we get any sort of errors or any problems during the download and installation process of edge because normally when you're being quite aggressive at removing stuff like that uh it can uh cause an issue when you go to install it again and I want to make sure that this works okay before I release the video so let's go ahead and download Microsoft Edge and we'll go ahead and download and install it and we'll let this come down and install and once that's done we'll see whether it opens and operates okay without any problems and so far so good it looks pretty good that we've managed to remove it cuz I know a lot of people have been pestering me about updating my video on removing Microsoft Edge well some of them have said can you just do an uninstalled Microsoft Edge video but I just don't think that's enough nowadays Edge is becoming so uh heavily system resource hungry that everyone want once it gone off the system and at the moment there is no uh YouTube videos on YouTube uh showing you how to uh completely remove this off the system and again uh if this video has been some sort of help then obviously share it with other people so they get a chance to see it because this is the only way of actually removing it completely uh from the operating system and uh you could probably use this method in Windows 10 and windows 11 as well and you can see the browser is now fully functional and working perfectly fine and it's installed perfectly fine which means all that stuff we deleted was uh pretty much good to go so let's go ahead and do a quick search for Edge again and you can see lo and behold up it comes there's tons of stuff back installed on the system and that's just doing a search for Edge if I did a search for Microsoft Edge you'll probably see a ton of files on there as well and again that is now showing you how to completely remove Microsoft Edge and reinstall Microsoft Edge without a problem there's been no issues on here but remember this is a highly risky uh process so be very careful what you're doing make sure you back up your data create restore points and you do this at your own risk guys okay anyway my name is been Brian from bric computers. it's been a long video but I just want to say a quick shout out to all my YouTube members who joined my YouTube members group I really do appreciate the support I shall catch you on the next video have a lovely weekend and I'll see you real soon bye for now [Music] n
Channel: Britec09
Views: 52,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to uninstall microsoft edge, how to uninstall microsoft edge in windows 11, how to uninstall microsoft edge from windows 11, uninstall microsoft edge, how to remove microsoft edge from windows 11, how to uninstall microsoft edge windows 10, how to uninstall edge, how to uninstall edge in windows 11, uninstall microsoft edge windows 11, how to delete microsoft edge from windows 11, windows 10, windows 11, permanently uninstall microsoft edge, completely uninstall microsoft edge
Id: NdJifrtRdnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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