Uninstall Microsoft Edge Easily With A Simple Trick

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what you guys do you know that you can now uninstall Microsoft Edge and Bing search on Windows 11 Microsoft announced this week that users in the European economic area will soon be allowed to remove Microsoft Edge and Bing from Windows 11 but as you can see here I'm in the UK which isn't in the European Union and you can see here we can't uninstall uh this particular product from our operating system and the same goes for a lot of other countries but with a few registry tweaks you can actually then force it to uninstall Microsoft Edge and Bing search from your computer so we're going to show you how to do that today in today's video but first before we do that let's have a quick word from today's video sponsor CD key cells if you're looking for a cheap Windows 11 Pro or cheap Windows 10 Pro OEM key check out the links in the video description make sure you use my promo code capital b capital r 09 and apply this to your order once you've set up an account with CD key sales they will then uh allow you to purchase your keys using PayPal and they will then send you your key via your accounts and you will then be able to activate your version of Windows just like you see on the screen right now okay so let's get back to the tutorial on how to uninstall Microsoft Edge and Bing so first off you're going to need to open up the registry editor here now we are making changes in the registry so it goes without saying you should be making a backup of your registry now if you do live in the EA you don't need to make these changes to the registry it's only for people that can't uninstall uh Microsoft Edge because they're outside of the EA so first off let's go to hkey local machine and go to software and in Microsoft come all the way down here so what we need to do is come all the way down and we're looking for Windows so let's come all the way down to the W there we go there's Windows click on this this one open it up and then we're going to current version here so click on current version open that up right there and what we need to do here now is come down to where you see uh control panel here so click on control panel and once we click on control panel we're going to open this up and we're going to go into device region now device region is the region of your computer where it's located and as you can see mine is set to uh 242 which is at the United Kingdom so by making a change inside here this will make a change to our region so we're going to basically trick it we're going to put it onto decimal here and you can see the number is 242 now you need to use a number which is located in the EA and this is going to help to be able to uninstall it so let me just show you a table of geographical locations on Microsoft's website here as you can see this tells you exactly what you need to change inside here to be able to uninstall it now you can use uh Sweden or you can use uh France or even Germany something like that because they are in the EA and we can use one of those to remove it so I'm going to go ahead and put Germany in here on mine but you can see England here or United Kingdom is 242 as I've already told you and we will need to change this to one of the countries that are in the EA so I'm going to choose Germany here and we'll use this as our reference to remove or uninstall Microsoft Edge and also Bing search so 94 is what we need to use and I'm going to change this so double click on it and we're going to put this to decimal and we're going to change this to 94 so let's change this to 94 click okay and now that part is now done so let's go back to the Reg stre here so I'm going to close this all off what we've just opened up because we need to make a couple of more changes uh to make this work so let's go to the next location so I'm going to make sure we back out of these by closing these back to default here just like so so we don't end up with a messy registry I'm going to quickly close the rest of these up and the next location is in hkey users so we need to locate this here and what we need to do is navigate to hkey users default and then from default we're going to go to control panel so click on control panel and then go to International and then also Geo which is your go location so what we're going to do here is change the nation here obviously set to Great Britain or United Kingdom and we need to change this to 94 which is Germany so click okay again you can use another country if you want to the name obviously is GB which is Great Britain and we need to change this to D e e which is referenced to Germany so I'm going to go ahead and change this now this tells you all this information on that uh little document there on Microsoft so I've now changed this to De instead of uh GB and what we're going to do next is close this back off and we go to one more location and make some changes there and we should be good to go so let's go to hkey local machine again then go into software here once we go to software go Microsoft and then go to the windows shell host so I need to find this down here so Windows shell host let me just quickly look for that there it is right there and then go to applicability here butchered that name but go into this one here and what we need to do here is we're just going to quickly uh make a enable preview builds here because we're not on a preview build so I'm just going to quickly put enable preview builds here and we're just going to put in uh a value of one here I don't think we have to do this but I'm going to do it anyway just in case and once that's done you can see it's set to zero here we need to put this to one and uh going to double click on it and make this a one not too sure that is what we need to do but we're going to restart and see if that works and once this is done once we've boot it back up we should be able to uninstall Microsoft Edge from the computer let's go ahead I know it's a bit of a palava but this is what Microsoft make you want to do to uninstall some of their products which you don't want on your PC and this is probably the safest way of doing it because obviously you're not using any sort of script or anything like that so now we're going to go into Apps again and come down to apps installed apps and go down to where it says Microsoft Edge and there we go the uninstall is now visible because it thinks we are in the EA so let's go ahead and uninstall this and once it's uninstalled you can make them changes back if you wish back to to your designated country where you live and that's it so that's now done so we can go ahead and now uninstall all the other stuff if you wanted to that you couldn't uninstall before because you're in the EA or it thinks you're in the EA it's going to allow you to then uninstall these uh programs that you couldn't uninstall before because it's to do with some sort of uh court case that they got taken to C for but there you go you can just go ahead and uninstall all of this bloat now and once that's done you should be pretty much good to go so that is how you can now uninstall Bing search and also Microsoft Edge by tricking Windows to think that you're in the EA when you're really in another country anyway I hope this one helps you out let me know in the comments section below whether you will use this method or whether you're just going to leave it on there I know some of the Die Hard fans just want to get it off the system and if that is the case then you can use this method to uninstall it anyway hope this has been some sort of use to you my name has been Brian from bric computers.com quick shout out to all my YouTube members who joined my YouTube members group I appreciate the support have a lovely weekend and I'll catch you in the next one bye for [Music] now
Channel: Britec09
Views: 24,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to remove edge, how to remove bing search, remove bing search, uninstall microsoft edge, remove bing search from windows 11, remove edge from windows 10, uninstall edge from windows 11, uninstall edge from windows 10, remove bing search from windows 11 taskbar, disable bing on startup, windows 11 remove search from taskbar, how to remove bing from microsoft edge, disable bing search windows 11, britec09, windows 11, windows 10, edge, browser, uninstall
Id: W1RUheC4o2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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