FiveM Clothing 101: THE BASICS

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yo welcome to my series on how to make some 5m clothes uh today's episode one we're gonna be doing some basic um so if you want to know the basics on how to make clothes for 5m that are ready to be put in your server today you've come to the right place so we want to start off with going to a couple websites I'm going to start off at everything will be linked Down Below in the description open IV you want to download this one looks dodgy but download it and then you want to come to dirty cloth tool and you want to download the latest um for free everything is for free everything is really useful alrighty So today we're going to go with a shirt shirts are nice and simple and we're gonna go find it so we want to go to this website here and here's a list of all the GTA items so these are the different sections um they're all quite self-explanatory some are a little bit weird named but today we're going to go to your shirts which is in jbib and let's find a shirt that we like all right today I'm going to select the baggy shirt which is this one here and to find that one we're going to go and copy this except for the last bit where it says jbib better than the number so copy that Ctrl C and we want to open up open IV and select our GTA 5 Gallery here and go to the search button up the top right search that and press this one here already once things have popped up we're going to find our top one here and we're going to note down the number of JV it is so it's jb00 now we're going to scroll down till we find it and open that one up in open IV so this is it here this is our shirt model we've found that I'm going to grab a little folder here we're going to drag it in there and then we're going to find a texture for it so we're going to scroll down to the bottom to the dot YTD files find jbib.00 diff and then anything we want we're going to go with a or there we go and there's our shirt texture so let's put that one in here alrighty we've put our shirt texture in there and now what we're going to do is go ahead and open up our folder here already once we've opened up our folder in openiv let's open up here we can see the two things we've got our shirt and we also have our texture with our texture we want to make sure we're in edit mode so select edit mode at the top right here press yes and open it up and down the bottom we're going to go export selected and Export that to a PNG file save now we want to open up your closest video photo everything editing tool Photoshop and we want to select a file size I'm going to go with 2K resolution here you can choose any of the resolutions you like 2K is nice in the middle and we're going to drag and drop our DOT PNG here alrighty now we've got our shirt texture here we want to you know make it our own so I'm going to I'm going to choose us a font here uh let's go this one [Music] and once you're happy with your shirt design what you want to do is export your picture PNG name it whatever you want and save it to that same folder once you're done you can close up Photoshop or whatever you use here and you want to just open up open IV again you want to go to that ydd YTD file that you open before this one here I want to click replace and then put your new texture on there there we go we've got our 5m clothing done now it's on to dirty cloth tool so we want to open up JD collectible it'll look like this mine is licensed as I'm paying for it whereas you guys have the free version which is perfectly fine you want to go to new then you want to create your little file here I love 5m I love 5m and you want to select a output folder save that one close now you can choose whatever you want so we've got the add unisex add mail and add female so mine was for mail add from file and we want to find the ydd file that we got earlier so that one's this one and now you may see that this one has the texture already there if it doesn't what you do is you press add and you find that YTD file you found you made earlier you click that one put it in there but mine already has it now this is something that I've accessed to but you won't but you can view your little 5m creation here alrighty once your Duty cloth tool loads you'll be able to see your custom shirt and there we go now once you're done with that one you want to press build project select 5m resource add a name to it and then press build open your output folder copy these files and you want to go back into your first little thing make a folder called stream and then paste those files in there alrighty now once you're done there you've got your stream folder you want to copy that one and paste that one into your server resources folder here and it is ready to go now I will see you in my 5m server alrighty now that you've made it into the land of 5m you're going to want to start your resource I hope you've done that before you load into the server because clothing sometimes be a little bit messy when you start them up from your tax admin but once you've done that you want to go to your V menu wherever however you do your clothing go to your appearance and since dirty cloth adds it on as an add-on resource it will always be at the end of the line so we've got our shirt right there let's uh make sure we can see that one loud and proud for my I love 5m shirt so there you go that's how you create firearm clothing obviously you can be a bit more creative out there I will dive into some more creative ways to make clothing in the future so stay tuned for that we'll be looking at embroidery we'll be looking at how to use blender to your advantage you know we'll be going over some cool things there um so please stay tuned um please please stay tuned for the future because we've got some exciting things and you know motorcycle Cuts things like that [Music]
Channel: NiceMeme
Views: 4,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fivem, how to make fivem clothes, fivem clothes, custom clothes fivem, tutorial, fivem tutorial, gta v custom clothes, gta v, gaming, openiv
Id: e4arIFW0hwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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