Update Proxmox Without Subscription

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like any other computer proxmox v needs to be kept up to date with regular patching but unless you take out a subscription you won't have access to the enterprise patches however proxmox do actually make available some free updates which is their non-subscription updates and although they are intended for non-production environments they do seem to be quite stable so how do you configure proxmox to take advantage of non-production updates well if that's something you're interested in finding out then stick around and watch this video because that's what we'll be going [Music] over now there are two ways that we can configure proxmox to get access to the non-subscription updates one is using the gui and one is using a command line now we'll cover both options in the video but what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a timeline in because i'll start with the gui option then i'll do the command line option but if you want to be able to just do it through the command line that timeline will give you an option to just jump straight ahead now this server that i've got here is running 7.1-4 as it mentions and to update it up through the actual gui is actually really really simple so if i click on the server itself and then i go down to where it says updates at the moment it's not showing any updates are available but if i click on the refresh button it comes up with a pop-up saying i've got no valid subscription which is fine i'll click ok and then what it does it goes off and finds out what updates are available so it's going out to find out what updates are available for debian now those are available for free so there's no problems there but you can see i'm getting messages like unauthorized and failed to fetch you know various information specifically from proxmox actual servers so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to click on the close button there and really that makes sense because i don't have an actual enterprise license i haven't paid for a subscription so i'm not going to get access to the proxmox updates but these are all of the available debian ones i just minimize this you can see that's the only option really but what i can do is i can update the repositories and then that will give me access to the non-subscription updates so i'm going to click on here where it says repositories then i'm going to click on add say okay again this warning that i don't have a subscription then from the drop down menu that i've got here i'm going to select no subscription so it does give you a warning saying that they're really only intended for testing and non-production environments but that's fine by me they tend to be quite stable anyway so i'm going to click on add and basically that's added in an extra repository that the server can use to look for updates but one thing i'm actually going to do is i'm just going to select the one at the bottom which is for the enterprise updates i'm going to click on disable because well i don't have access to them anyway so it doesn't seem any point leaving that active but now that i've done that i'm going to go back to where it says updates i'm going to click on refresh again click ok it already knows about the the possible updates for debian but now it's actually going and checking to see if i've got updates with its new repository which is for the no subscription and it's found some so i'm gonna click on the close button again and once that's finished i'm just gonna minimize the debian one and now you can see i've got this big long list of updates for proxmox itself so to actually then take advantage of these and actually update both debian and proxmox i'm going to click on upgrade and opens up a separate window here in the browser just like any other linux updates i mean this one's using apt-get dist upgrade it's just running that in a console session if you will in a shell and it's opened up in this web browser uh window and it's just asking me to confirm that so i'm just going to type in y to say yes hit return and then off it goes because before all it's done is just updated the actual server about the actual packages that are available to get it up to date and now it's actually downloading those files and it'll start to install them so this is going to take a while so i'm just going to pause the video here now the download and installation is actually finished and it is asking us to actually reboot the actual computer so i'm just going to close the window and just say yes to leave there and then i'm going to reboot this so what we've done is some significant upgrades to debian as well as proxmox itself so it does make sense to reboot it so i'll just click on reboot say yes to reboot then once it's back up and running i'll bring you back well proxmox is now back up and running and as you can see we're on 7.1-12 but i like to make sure we're completely up-to-date so i clicked on the refresh button again uh to see if there's any more updates to apply and there is one here so i'm going to tell it to update using that package that we've found out about it'll install that and then if it needs another reboot then we'll do that otherwise i'll run the refresh again and see if there's anything more to apply so that update is for the time zone and daylight saving time so i'm just going to close that say yes to leave run another refresh again so it's off it's gone and checked the actual layer repositories to see there's any more updates available let's finish that and that's it so we've updated this server through the gui so pretty easy enough to do the only troll is if you've got a lot of computers it's not all that practical and this is something you're probably more likely to want to upgrade through the command line when you've got multiple servers it's much easier to automate it through a command line than you know manually going through the gui now another way that we can reconfigure proxmox to take advantage of the non-subscription updates is through the command line now if you've got a lot of servers it makes sense to probably automate it in which case you'd use ssh to get remote access but in my case there's just one server here to demonstrate this so what i'm going to do is just click on the server and then i'll open up a shell session instead because within this web browser session that i've got i can still do copying and pasting so i need to edit the sources.list file so i'll just paste that line in and i'll just use a simple text editor nano here i'll hit return and then i'm just going to scroll down to the bottom and i'm just going to paste in a few extra lines so that way i can tell it about the non-subscription uh repository or get information about the packages from so i'll then just save that change another thing i'm going to do is actually disable the actual enterprise ones so i'm just going to paste another line in so this is to edit the list list here for the enterprise updates and i'm just going to comment that one out there's no point interrogating that to find out if there's any packages available when we don't have access to it anyway next thing we want to do is to then update the actual system find out if there are new packages to apply so we've got our app update command so i'll hit return and off it goes and checks to see if there are new packages available it's actually come back and says 112 so then i'm going to run another command to actually do that upgrade so that's apt full dash upgrade that'll hit return and it's coming back to say we've got all these upgrades to do make sure you want to continue so i'll say yes and then off it goes it'll start to download and install all of these debian as well as proxmox updates so this is going to take me a while so i'll just pause the video there well the downloading installation has now completed so next thing i'm going to do is to reboot the computer and then once it's back up and running i'll bring you back well proxmox is now back up and running and as you can see we're now on 7.1-12 i'll go back to the shell because i want to see if there's any more updates to apply so we'll do an apt update see if it comes back with anything nope saying all of the packages are now up to date so that's it that's how we upgrade proxmox through the command line well thanks for making it to the end of this video i really do hope you found it useful if so then do click the like button and share because that encourages youtube's algorithm to suggest it to other people who might find it useful as well if you're new to the channel and you'd like to see more content like this then yeah do subscribe just remember to click the little bell icon though that way you'll get notifications when i send new content out if you've got any comments any suggestions if you want to leave any feedback at all please post that in the comment section below and if you'd like to support the channel i've left links to both patreon and paypal in the description below but above all thanks very much for watching i'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Tech Tutorials - David McKone
Views: 21,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: proxmox, how to upgrade proxmox, update proxmox command line, update proxmox server, proxmox update command, update proxmox, upgrade proxmox, how to upgrade proxmox version, update proxmox 7 without subscription, update proxmox without subscription, how to upgrade proxmox without subscription, proxmox upgrade without subscription, proxmox update without subscription
Id: Q0Dh7IeUevw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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